Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

By the time they started to get legitimately insane rather than just eccentric Sol was well and truly hooked on the Games of Divinity. Now one might ask how a being of perfect virtue become addicted, but the Games were older than he was, older and stronger than the concept of virtue. After virtue only existed because the Ebon Dragon wanted to be born as the Shadow of All Things, requiring perfect virtue to embody its opposite
Pretty sure the game of divinity was more of a very, very addictive drug than a gameboy as far as how much stuck with it the guy was is concerned.

Which means that his lack of response would have less to say about his virtue and care, and more about how addicted he got.
Seems like he should have known before trying and that wisdom is a virtue, but I suppose this is another way Solars are godlike.

I went to look into this more, and the most complete source I saw had this to say:


In the early history of Exalted, the Primordialsruled Creation from the celestial city of Yu-Shanand stayed in Heaven to play the Games of Divinity. The Gods were in turn delegated to the maintenance of Creation, administering reality from the Blessed Isle. In this era, the Celestial Incarna grew envious of their creators and desired to have the Games of Divinity for themselves. The also felt burdened by servitude that felt like slavery to them. However, the Primordials had bound the Gods by powerful oaths during their creation, and the Gods could not attack or otherwise harm their makers directly.

Presuming that the wiki is reasonably accurate, the celestial incarnaes' war goal was always to acquire divine heroin and break free of their enslavement. Compassion didn't factor into it, and Sol's mercy was reserved for species willing to be useful since everyone else ate a deliberate genocide immediately after the war.

That isn't to say he didn't feel it, but virtue as a concept is driven by culture context, and it seems like Sol's was driven by the thoughts of Theion and the Ebon Dragon and it doesn't look like it was a significant value in that paradigm.

This is EvWod not creation social was nerfed into the ground. That is the limit of social prowess. And again if that fails kill the guy, and try with the next one. We cannot fail if we bother to try.
So social is just powerful enough to be able to trivially solve our problems?

When I say social build I mean stuff like this:
sagaCious reading oF intent (••)
The Solar's keen insight cuts through all attempts at dissembling, allowing her to easily decipher the in- tentions of others.
System: By taking a few moments to concentrate on another character or a piece of writing, the Solar may roll Wits + Subterfuge against a difficulty of (3 + the target or author's Subterfuge). Success reveals what the subject wants to get out of the current interaction, or any agendas present in a written work. Spending 1 Essence after a successful roll will also let the Solar read the target's surface thoughts for a few moments.
Supernal Effect: The Solar may continue reading a target's thoughts for as long as he remains in her line of sight, rather than for only a few moments.
Wise-eyed Courtier method (••)
The Solar can quickly unravel the dynamics of any social situation she finds herself in by observing little more than word choice and body language.
System: The Solar can analyze the relationship between any two characters by spending a moment observing them, then spending 1 Essence and rolling Perception + Subterfuge against difficulty 8. Even so much as one success not only reveals whether the two characters know one another, but also the depth and nature of that relationship ("They're business part- ners, but they don't advertise that relationship, and they don't trust one another")
inverted ego masK (•)
The Solar builds up a wall of masks around the innermost truths of her heart, ensuring that none can discover who she really is unless she permits it.
System: Any ordinary or supernatural attempt to dis- cern the Solar's Nature automatically fails, revealing her De- meanor in its place. This Charm's effects are permanent.
Supernal Effect: The Solar is an absolute cipher. Unless she willingly reveals information about herself, it is impossible to learn anything about the Solar's identity, past, or innermost motives through mundane research or magical means of any sort. Another charac- ter can still attempt to speak to the Solar to convince her to open up, of course
enemy-Castigating solar Judgment (••)
The Solar's words burn and sear with righteous truth, laying bare the souls of the enemies of Creation before her sermons.
System: Creatures of darkness suffer a –3 penal- ty to all dice pools to resist the Solar's social rolls and mind-affecting Charms. If they spend Willpower to re- sist or oppose her in any way, they must double the usual Willpower cost to get any benefit from doing so. If one of the Solar's social rolls uses a creature of darkness's Willpower as its difficulty, reduce the difficulty by –3.
listener-sWaying argument (••)
The Solar's words burn with conviction, striking through the cynicism and doubt of any who listen.
System: By spending 1 Willpower, the Solar's words become impossible to ignore, and she reduces the difficulty of all social rolls by –2 (to a minimum of 3) for the rest of the scene.
Supernal Effect: Select a social Attribute (Charis- ma, Manipulation, or Appearance). The Solar is a liv- ing exemplar of beauty, or of being larger-than-life, or of finding exactly the right thing to say at exactly the right time. All rolls using the selected Attribute perma- nently reduce their difficulty by –2.

These are just the simple and cheap ones. You couldn't get them all at chargen easily, but it wouldn't take long to fill the set out.

A social build could walk into the room with peer excellency, reduce all our social dice pools by 3, reduce their own difficulty by 2-5 at minimum, unerringly hide their true nature, and pick out our exact intent/the party's full social context at a glance.

All willpower costs are doubled and things are only down hill from here. None of the above is UMI either, so it's not something we can shrug off with mental defenses. If they're zenith we subtract successes on 1s and 2s for opposed rolls when their anima is up, which Holden lists in the FAQ as a condition that negates the key ability anti-botch protection.

It's not hopeless, but I'm unconvinced by the idea that Molly's kit actually leans in this direction or that we can trivially overcome people with serious social powers.
It's not hopeless, but I'm unconvinced by the idea that Molly's kit actually leans in this direction or that we can trivially overcome people with serious social powers.
That is pretty nasty.
We aren't helpless, since we still have our Intimacy-protection and the Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment is more directed at a target than coming from the Solar permanently, so we might resist it with our Shaping-defence, but otherwise it can screw us over.

Though to play Tiffany's advocate, no Solar can buy both the social suite here and full combat-readiness from the chargen and the first few XP.
So logically we still have the option to spend WP and roll initiative if we are loosing social combat.

In my view, the worst kind of enemy we could have, would be a Night Caste with the Supernal Effect of Inverted Ego Mask blocking any supernatural means to find him. Because that kind of Exalt could take the time to become stronger than us in combat and social alike, with a bit of luck.

I'd rather have faith and see what kind of Hero gets picked, instead of just assume the worst or try to control it.

But that's because I've liked the OCs that have been introduced so far. And it's rarely been a mistake to trust Free Will in this game.
I see it less as gaming the system and forcing then issue, and more as presenting a candidate for consideration. Is it nepotism? Maybe. But personal connections matter, and Daniel presents an interesting story potential as our brother and Lydia's boyfriend.

Pretty sure the game of divinity was more of a very, very addictive drug than a gameboy as far as how much stuck with it the guy was is concerned.

Which means that his lack of response would have less to say about his virtue and care, and more about how addicted he got.
Pretty sure it's described as transcendental addictive. As in "bypass perfect mental defences, and if you work out a way to defend, it'll adapt to bypass that automatically ", whichnis why only Luna can sometimes resist by evolving new defenses.
Seems like he should have known before trying
Why? The games, as I understand it, are not addictive tk Primordials. My personal opinion is that their addictive effect is Great Curse analog.

When I say social build I mean stuff like this:
In order for those to be relevant, it'll require for the first solar exaltation to be picked to be minmaxed at charges, and hostile to us, but not hostile enough to just get killed. I feel that's a pretty artificial scenario.
Seems like he should have known before trying and that wisdom is a virtue, but I suppose this is another way Solars are godlike.

I went to look into this more, and the most complete source I saw had this to say:


Presuming that the wiki is reasonably accurate, the celestial incarnaes' war goal was always to acquire divine heroin and break free of their enslavement. Compassion didn't factor into it, and Sol's mercy was reserved for species willing to be useful since everyone else ate a deliberate genocide immediately after the war.

That isn't to say he didn't feel it, but virtue as a concept is driven by culture context, and it seems like Sol's was driven by the thoughts of Theion and the Ebon Dragon and it doesn't look like it was a significant value in that paradigm.

So social is just powerful enough to be able to trivially solve our problems?

When I say social build I mean stuff like this:

These are just the simple and cheap ones. You couldn't get them all at chargen easily, but it wouldn't take long to fill the set out.

A social build could walk into the room with peer excellency, reduce all our social dice pools by 3, reduce their own difficulty by 2-5 at minimum, unerringly hide their true nature, and pick out our exact intent/the party's full social context at a glance.

All willpower costs are doubled and things are only down hill from here. None of the above is UMI either, so it's not something we can shrug off with mental defenses. If they're zenith we subtract successes on 1s and 2s for opposed rolls when their anima is up, which Holden lists in the FAQ as a condition that negates the key ability anti-botch protection.

It's not hopeless, but I'm unconvinced by the idea that Molly's kit actually leans in this direction or that we can trivially overcome people with serious social powers.
Ignis Divine form of virtuousness takes on small scale rather than transcendental virtue which is why he is vulnerable to the games of divinity. In exalted 2nd edition there were these things called Cosmic Transcendence of <Virtue>s he very specifically didn't have those and that meant every time he saw Isidiros trample over a village full of people his Valor his conviction his compassion and his Temperance would all align he would be Invincible, Unstoppable and still unable to strike the Great boar for his awful Act, this holds true for every awful act he would witness under the primordials made to be a king of slaves.

Every time a new layer of creation was put on over everything that was before it, every time a significant portion of the living beings on creation got enslaved because She Who Lives In Her Name said her name across it. Thousands and thousands of other Deeds all gone by someone who has the power to act against them but not the ability to do so due to a magical binding forged in him during his creation.

on the dragon Kings and their heart sacrifice. The dragon King's and the humans worshiped him. Willing sacrifices do not trigger any of his virtues his compassion says if they want to do that that is their prerogative, his convictions says the same thing his Temperance says maybe don't do that but it's kind of a question On how Temperance would involved and is Valor says do what you need to do. This is because as far as humanity is concerned the Unconquered Sun is the first God to show Humanity any Humanity to say. In what is implied to be well before even the ideas of the Divine Rebellion we see him get tribute from mankind and he be so moved by it that he makes and forges a human form that he takes on forever whenever in the presence of humans.

On the lack of wisdom as virtue. Wisdom is not a virtue. Wisdom is something you possess a knowledge a skill not a guiding principle of action. That is why wisdom isn't stat or anything like that it is an ephemeral knowledge learned from life experience and the life experience of the eternal Slave King is very different than that of the average man or even exalt.

On the genocide of the other prehuman races. I would have to go back but I think all of the non puppet races survive. Their numbers are drastically reduce make no doubt but they do survive which means it wasn't a systemic elimination rather war that was to the hilt. The lintha survived the the race of fish people survive, I know there's like a race of snake men that also survived, but I know there was a race of bird things that lived and breathed praying for the primordials and they did not survive. Essentially it seemed to be the case that not fighting the exalted host as a whole was enough for you to not be killed which kind of disqualifies it as genocide at least in the violent sense. I should clarify what I mean by non puppet race there were deliberate life forms that exist purely as servitors and slaves to the primordials kind of like flesh and blood first Circle demons. I mentioned that bird race because they're technically free willed but they lived and breathed for the primordials.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jan 19, 2024 at 8:51 PM, finished with 77 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan On the Clock
    -[X] Activate EIPP to boost healing
    -[X] Use one of the two Sandra-related foci you have to check what time table your enemies are working with.
    --[X] If you have time, Question the Pallbearers
    ---[X] Try your luck with the spirits
    ----[X] Lydia
    ---[X] Approach Oliver Adkin directly, you did kill a vampire in front of him and while his 'god' did stab you it said sorry afterwards
    ----[X] Harry
    ---[X] Converse with the idol in The Language
    ----[X] Molly
    ---[X] Talk to Fischer, she was called out as resulctant, maybe she will let more slip than the others
    ----[X] Tiffany
[X] Yog

@DragonParadox as this will be the first activation of EIPP I hope you can write a cool scene, even without it being a combat scene, a 5 point modeling defense deserves no less.
That is pretty nasty.
We aren't helpless, since we still have our Intimacy-protection and the Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgment is more directed at a target than coming from the Solar permanently, so we might resist it with our Shaping-defence, but otherwise it can screw us over.

Though to play Tiffany's advocate, no Solar can buy both the social suite here and full combat-readiness from the chargen and the first few XP.
So logically we still have the option to spend WP and roll initiative if we are loosing social combat.

In my view, the worst kind of enemy we could have, would be a Night Caste with the Supernal Effect of Inverted Ego Mask blocking any supernatural means to find him. Because that kind of Exalt could take the time to become stronger than us in combat and social alike, with a bit of luck.
I wasn't suggesting that they'd roll us in everything, just trying to refute the idea that we can trust Molly's social build on the offensive against actual social specs.

We basically have just enough to reliably avoid getting made someone's bitch in casual conversation with a real manipulator.

If we want to contest someone like that most of the time the answer is going to be in abusing secrets and cutting people, cause that's where our relative advantage is.
Why? The games, as I understand it, are not addictive tk Primordials. My personal opinion is that their addictive effect is Great Curse analog.
Even with the addiction we still get fluff about him being aware of stuff around creation. If he couldn't leave himself he had plenty of ways to interfere if he really wanted to.

From the wiki it seems like the goal was always divine drugs and sympathy with humans never even rated a line item though, so it doesn't really matter.
I wasn't suggesting that they'd roll us in everything, just trying to refute the idea that we can trust Molly's social build on the offensive against actual social specs.

We basically have just enough to reliably avoid getting made someone's bitch in casual conversation with a real manipulator.

If we want to contest someone like that most of the time the answer is going to be in abusing secrets and cutting people, cause that's where our relative advantage is.

Even with the addiction we still get fluff about him being aware of stuff around creation. If he couldn't leave himself he had plenty of ways to interfere if he really wanted to.

From the wiki it seems like the goal was always divine drugs and sympathy with humans never even rated a line item though, so it doesn't really matter.
Well the wiki is incorrect. The games of divinity were a reward that they were given for doing their slave jobs endlessly. The war was about hey maybe we can stop being slaves and I can stop being witness to endless atrocities that I can do nothing about. Because for the unconquered sun suppressing his virtues is not pleasant. Watching his makers/bosses do horrific, cruel and damaging shit on the daily constantly meant he had to suppress his Valor his compassion his Temperance and his conviction to stop them every time even though he has no ability to harm them through his magical binding. And this goes on for Untold Aeons before we get to humanity showing up without their own magical binding.

The fact of the matter is the sun's existence is torturous extremely so being given infinite virtue means any action he takes requires suppressing one of them at minimum he has no Transcendent or Cosmic virtue so every individual case needs to be weighed by his for hands and some of them need to be suppressed to take action in those cases. That is why he is okay with the creation ruling mandate. Being the head bureaucrat of a free Society with no real scarcity means that he can rule justly with compassion and temperance without needing to constantly suppress his Valor and his conviction.

It is also why he eventually turns his face because the solars were doing things that disgusted him but he's also intelligent enough to realize by that point the solars are definitely strong enough to just kill him if he's suppresses any of his virtues. Because he's only invulnerable when his Temperance isn't suppressed and he can only have his Temperance non-suppressed when his actions wouldn't be out of scope with anything else. His perfect attack requires his Valor to remain unsuppressed. So on and so on.

The lack of cosmic or Transcendent virtue that all of the yozi possess means that the games of divinity are extremely addictive to beings without them because without Transcendent or Cosmic virtue you cannot pull yourself away. Hell the only beings in creation that can pull themselves away from the games of divinity are the exalted and the Yozi.

Edit found the quote
Each of his fulcrums have the power to fix the Unconquered Sun into his present form. Without them he is a magnanimous blaze of roiling obsidian and Molten Orichalcum arms and Varicolored Solar corona too extreme to look upon. From this Legend comes the fifth arm of the Unconquered Sun - the arm of eclipse.
" in Four Hands he grasps the objects of his divinity; the fifth hand is inside his heart pulls the others taut, to complete his Calibration"
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Well the wiki is incorrect. The games of divinity were a reward that they were given for doing their slave jobs endlessly. The war was about hey maybe we can stop being slaves and I can stop being witness to endless atrocities that I can do nothing about. Because for the unconquered sun suppressing his virtues is not pleasant. Watching his makers/bosses do horrific, cruel and damaging shit on the daily constantly meant he had to suppress his Valor his compassion his Temperance and his conviction to stop them every time even though he has no ability to harm them through his magical binding. And this goes on for Untold Aeons before we get to humanity showing up without their own magical binding.

The fact of the matter is the sun's existence is torturous extremely so being given infinite virtue means any action he takes requires suppressing one of them at minimum he has no Transcendent or Cosmic virtue so every individual case needs to be weighed by his for hands and some of them need to be suppressed to take action in those cases. That is why he is okay with the creation ruling mandate. Being the head bureaucrat of a free Society with no real scarcity means that he can rule justly with compassion and temperance without needing to constantly suppress his Valor and his conviction.

It is also why he eventually turns his face because the solars were doing things that disgusted him but he's also intelligent enough to realize by that point the solars are definitely strong enough to just kill him if he's suppresses any of his virtues. Because he's only invulnerable when his Temperance isn't suppressed and he can only have his Temperance non-suppressed when his actions wouldn't be out of scope with anything else. His perfect attack requires his Valor to remain unsuppressed. So on and so on.

The lack of cosmic or Transcendent virtue that all of the yozi possess means that the games of divinity are extremely addictive to beings without them because without Transcendent or Cosmic virtue you cannot pull yourself away. Hell the only beings in creation that can pull themselves away from the games of divinity are the exalted and the Yozi.
Have a cite for any of that? Cause that wiki is pretty much it in terms of what I've found, and it doesn't line up in places like the exalted ever seeing precisely what the games are.

Wouldn't be the first misleading wiki, but still.
Have a cite for any of that? Cause that wiki is pretty much it in terms of what I've found, and it doesn't line up in places like the exalted ever seeing precisely what the games are.

Wouldn't be the first misleading wiki, but still.
Okay so there was this book called Glories of the Most High. Where we see his motivations
Motivation: Defend Creation from all threats to its natural order. Notable intimacies: Creation (Protective Love), Games of Divinity ( Covetous Obsession), Solar Exalted (Wary Respect) Creatures of Darkness (Contemptuous Hate), Other Incarna (Affection), Gaia (Kindness), Autocthon (Pity), weaker deities (Arrogant Magnanimity), Dragon Kings (Regret), humanity (Hope)
Which show mankind as a whole are held in greater respect or wanting then the games of divinity it is something that has a hold on his mind not something he loves or likes. Covetous obsession is how it is stated this is not something he put over creation his fellow deities Gaia mankind the chosen that have hurt him so much it is something that is taken over him.
Perfection and Addiction
Only the games of divinity ignore the Unconquered Sun's infallible perfection. They are older than time, reach beyond space and bind the principles more foundational than Virtue. Neither the will of the primordials nor the fate of gods can compel them. Only the skill of the players the vagaries that pass for chance matter to the imperishable pieces of that board until the last move is played.
The novelty of anything that does not immediately yield to the Unconquered Sun is part of his addiction to the Games. In each move he takes, he knows he has solved them perfectly because he can conceive nothing else. In each move that this is not so, he must try again to validate his perfection. As for how it being a perfect Temperance becomes addicted to anything, it is similar to how it being a perfect Valor can be geased not to attack his makers. It is the nature of all Minds to become addicted in the moment they choose to play the games of divinity, and neither the Unconquered Sun's Virtues nor the Perfection of his Charms trumps this intrinsic limitation. Only the Primordials are inherently immune, though Exalted may free themselves with Charms that break all unnatural mental influence affecting them.
The second any being without the inherent ability to just shrug off unnatural mental influence plays the games of divinity it roots itself into their mind. While he resists it for a time he only begins to play the games in earnest after turning his back on the deliberative.
By his wisdom, the Bureau of heaven was created, and new order given to the Celestial hierarchy. But when his Solars grew corrupt, took his name in vain and sullied his blessings, the Unconquered Sun turned his back on Creation. He lost interest in his rulership of Heaven, allowing the Celestial Bureaucracy to deteriorate into various states of malfunction and corruption while he devoted all his time to the Games of Divinity.
Functionally in this moment of heartbreak he turns to the games of divinity and they suck him in completely. If the war was for the games of divinity he never would have become king or restructured the celestial bureaucracy or otherwise help in any way. Hell the end of that paragraph ends like this
5 years ago, the Solar's return to creation, Zenith castes bearing word of the Unconquered Sun had ended his estrangement with the world of men. Now The Eyes Of Heaven are on the Jade pleasure dome, and the air Yu Shan carries a taste of new Thunder and the certainty of something great or terrible coming on the winds. The righteous are jubilant and the corrupt are nervous at the prospect of facing the renewed vigilance of the Unconquered Sun... if it ever happens. Does the Unconquered Sun have the strength to pull himself away from the Games of Divinity, or has his name transferred it's worth to that which has become his addiction? And if he cannot save himself from the Games, Who will?
So if the war was fought for the games he's sure waited like a couple thousand years because this was late deliberative era that this happens. These also like have the games conquered him can someone help him like all of these on top of the being multi-dimensional casually mind controlling games kind of sells the image of this is not something that you if you value anything that isn't these games should be partaking in. Because if you are taking them you will you will quickly learn that you do not value anything but the games. Luna is capable of emerging on occasion because she's constantly evolving new defenses. The maidens of Destiny are capable of breaking away from the games occasionally because they have essentially fated ability to leave. The sun cannot change fate cannot constantly evolve he is perfection and the games beat that.
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Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 20, 2024 at 3:10 AM, finished with 85 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan On the Clock
    -[X] Activate EIPP to boost healing
    -[X] Use one of the two Sandra-related foci you have to check what time table your enemies are working with.
    --[X] If you have time, Question the Pallbearers
    ---[X] Try your luck with the spirits
    ----[X] Lydia
    ---[X] Approach Oliver Adkin directly, you did kill a vampire in front of him and while his 'god' did stab you it said sorry afterwards
    ----[X] Harry
    ---[X] Converse with the idol in The Language
    ----[X] Molly
    ---[X] Talk to Fischer, she was called out as resulctant, maybe she will let more slip than the others
    ----[X] Tiffany
Have a cite for any of that? Cause that wiki is pretty much it in terms of what I've found, and it doesn't line up in places like the exalted ever seeing precisely what the games are.

Wouldn't be the first misleading wiki, but still.
Sorry for pinging you twice over the same post the first one's already really long but I've got a quote directly for why he started the war as well as my point about him not liking being witness to countless atrocities and not being able to do anything about it.
Yet, Ignis Divine was not content to remain a slave to the Primordials, especially not the Dragon's Shadow, whom he empowered by his very existence - - - a fait accompli that grated against his heart every time he witnessed one of the Shadow's depravities. Raising up a conspiracy of gods and the Celestial Incarnae, the Unconquered Sun devised plan to bless the best and brightest in mankind with the Divine Touch of the Incarnae, so that they could ride forth at the head of a Celestial Army and do what the gods were geased never to be able to do: fight and even slay the Primordials.
So it boils down to he got sick of being a Slave and got sick of the Endless atrocities he was forced to Bear witness to but could do nothing about and so he got together a posse with some Mortals on it bless them with power overwhelming and then they won their Collective freedom. That is not to say other gods Maybe join the Rebellion for the games but it's not the incarna or his main goal.
Arc 11 Post 64: Of the Dark Above
Of Dark Above

12th of January 2007 A.D.

As you and Lydia head back to the inner chambers of the temple you consider the wounds the idol had already dealt you, not perhaps with as much concern as Tiffany would prefer, indeed not as she would do at all. You are no healer after all, but you do know what it feels like to be Molly Carpenter and not in pain, all ribs in their proper place. Willing myself to be... to Be... Whole. Essence shifts and flows under the skin, through muscle and bone, through rushing rivers and cold stone.

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 4/15 (EIPP)

"What was that?" Lydia frowns as she looks you over. "Felt like an earthquake, but not in the Earth."

"Healing," you consider your dwindling reserves against the fact that you do not know when the thing under the city will break loose. It is all too easy to imagine soaking in a bath when the stars start going out. So you flip open Clippy to an image of a smiling dark haired woman you had once called friend, gone to the moves with and confided fears and secrets in, someone you hadn't known at all.

When does she think her plans will come to fruition?

The answer rings like iron upon stone, like war drums calling: Two nights hence at the stroke of midnight.

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 3/15 (Crown of Eyes)
Regained 2 Essence -> Now at 5/15 (Urge of the Forbidden)

"Worst fairy godmother ever," you mutter under your breath, pushing down the fear. "Midnight on the fourteenth, that is when Sandra's planning to move. Not sure how yet, but t least we have some time."

Your friend nods as the two of you walk in to... rapt attention, awe and fear in every gaze, the proportions varying wildly. Truth be told you are struck at just how normal everyone looks, young and old men and women wearing what you would think of as Sunday best, a little rumpled maybe like they had been up pate and running off coffee and snacks, not what one would imagine waiting for revelation to be. Lydia speaks to the spirit, her words clear and resonant, beseeching but not commanding, questioning but not begging, her language definitely not English. First one head answers, then the others, hissing sibilant tones filled with heavy pauses, until at last Lydia seems content with what she had learned.

"The vampire who was here, the one who called himself Nathanael Cobbler, the spirits knew him, he was among those who unearthed the idol back in the Eighteenth Century and part of the cabal of sorcerers who awoke the spirits, who awoke Sekmet. Most of them died, though it was not the intention of the spirits for them to perish and so onto the survivors a boon was promised for the loss of their companions and for bringing the disk of Red Dawn back into the light. Cobbler never cashed his in, said he had 'a cat's lives and a rat's luck'. They are... unsettled that he ended the way he did because they are not sure where the debt went. Maybe it's just gone with him beyond the Heart's Judgement and out of sight or maybe it got inherited by the Thing that twisted him, the Old One. That would be bad, they don't want to encounter the Old One and I don't blame them," Lydia chews on her lip nervously. "The other option is that the debt is now owed to you since you consumed him."

"What do you mean they are not sure? Don't they know their own nature?" Self-knowledge after all is one of the things deathless spirits take for granted the way mortals take free will.

"They say that above all debts they are beholden to 'the king', the word they are using is really a suffix so it could also means the line of kings, all who have borne and will bear the title. They were bound long ago, shaped long ago but as old as these stones are they are as young as reeds upon the banks of the Nile compared to the disk and the spear, these they say were not made, but dredged from the depths pieces of the world before the Flood. The word choice is odd 'hai kekewey', descending darkness or formlessness. Floods are not that bleak in Kemetic, even when they are ill timed and kill people, manifestations of cosmic chaos they are not associated with empty darkness."

Empty darkness... empty night... "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters," you quote softly Genesis 1:2. "That kind of water?"

She translates back, obviously choosing her words carefully. "Yeah I think we are getting somewhere, dredged from the dark above, I think the black ocean may be..." she waves her hand above her head. "Outer space and the dredging was done by star people... star sowers, someone who had to to with stars called the disk and the spear down, they are the ones who bound them."

Starborn, you conclude, though not aloud. "We need to get Harry to talk to this thing, not me." Fortunately you can arrange for him to speak the tongue this idol seems most comfortable in conversing.

Thus Harry Dresden, wizard, warden, starborn is faced with the stone idol Adkin not half a step behind looking like nothing so much as a man dying of thirst suddenly faced with an oasis. Fortunately you manage to convince him to clear out the others as you reach out and grand the gift of tongues... and the gift of not bleeding from the ears while thus conversing.

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 4/15

"[State your Purpose]," words cruelly resonant emerge from Harry's mouth. Not the most diplomatic way he could have started this, but being fair to him this is not a language meant for diplomacy

"[To Guard the Way, to Elucidate/Rekindle/Restore the old light when all other light has failed]," comes the reply. "[To Keep Back the Dark/the Maw/the Void]"

"[How do you know when the Dark comes,]" Harry presses. [Possession of Prophecy thread/understanding?]

"[Darkness follows light/Night follows Day]"

Well that is clear as mud, you think annoyed. Maybe this thing just isn't very clever, not every voice out of the deep past can be Usum.

Harry's eyes narrow in sudden suspicion: "[Clarification, Dark is kept back by rekindled Light?]"

"[Negative, Old Dark follows Old Light, Reason for containment. Yet when the Pattern/Circle/Walls fail necessity impels. Night follows Day]"

Now alas you are starting to see the shape of things. If this thing gets loose, something else does too and Shadow-Ra sounds like something the Elders of the Black Court would have affinity to. Maybe Cobler wasn't just here to stop this Exaltation, but to use its connection to find another, the shadow to its light.

What do you do?

[] Ask if there can be light without shadow

[] Ask where or into what the shadow is bound

[] Write in

OOC: So yeah... ever wondered why someone would bind a solar exaltation behind 'only in case of Major Incursion break glass?'.
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OOC: Normally I would just write through this, but you have a grand total of 5 Essence and this can cost up to 3. This is is some risky spending.
Point of correction:
Source Code said:
The Infernal connects herself to the underlying structure which precedes all communication, and then networks those around her into that understanding as well.

System: The Infernal's player rolls Willpower against difficulty 7. Success allows her to speak the language at the heart of all languages for a scene. Anyone who hears her words comprehends them, and finds that any attempt they make to speak in her presence comes out in the same ancient tongue. This enforced comprehension ravages the mind and body, and who hear the Infernal and respond to her suffer one level of bashing damage in the form of bleeding eyes and terrible headaches. The Infernal may spend 1 Essence to spare those she converses with this harm and the associated pain, should she feel magnanimous.
Its not 1m of Essence per person, its 1m of Essence for the scene.