By the time they started to get legitimately insane rather than just eccentric Sol was well and truly hooked on the Games of Divinity. Now one might ask how a being of perfect virtue become addicted, but the Games were older than he was, older and stronger than the concept of virtue. After virtue only existed because the Ebon Dragon wanted to be born as the Shadow of All Things, requiring perfect virtue to embody its opposite
Seems like he should have known before trying and that wisdom is a virtue, but I suppose this is another way Solars are godlike.Pretty sure the game of divinity was more of a very, very addictive drug than a gameboy as far as how much stuck with it the guy was is concerned.
Which means that his lack of response would have less to say about his virtue and care, and more about how addicted he got.
I went to look into this more, and the most complete source I saw had this to say:
In the early history of Exalted, the Primordialsruled Creation from the celestial city of Yu-Shanand stayed in Heaven to play the Games of Divinity. The Gods were in turn delegated to the maintenance of Creation, administering reality from the Blessed Isle. In this era, the Celestial Incarna grew envious of their creators and desired to have the Games of Divinity for themselves. The also felt burdened by servitude that felt like slavery to them. However, the Primordials had bound the Gods by powerful oaths during their creation, and the Gods could not attack or otherwise harm their makers directly.
Presuming that the wiki is reasonably accurate, the celestial incarnaes' war goal was always to acquire divine heroin and break free of their enslavement. Compassion didn't factor into it, and Sol's mercy was reserved for species willing to be useful since everyone else ate a deliberate genocide immediately after the war.
That isn't to say he didn't feel it, but virtue as a concept is driven by culture context, and it seems like Sol's was driven by the thoughts of Theion and the Ebon Dragon and it doesn't look like it was a significant value in that paradigm.
So social is just powerful enough to be able to trivially solve our problems?This is EvWod not creation social was nerfed into the ground. That is the limit of social prowess. And again if that fails kill the guy, and try with the next one. We cannot fail if we bother to try.
When I say social build I mean stuff like this:
sagaCious reading oF intent (••)
The Solar's keen insight cuts through all attempts at dissembling, allowing her to easily decipher the in- tentions of others.
System: By taking a few moments to concentrate on another character or a piece of writing, the Solar may roll Wits + Subterfuge against a difficulty of (3 + the target or author's Subterfuge). Success reveals what the subject wants to get out of the current interaction, or any agendas present in a written work. Spending 1 Essence after a successful roll will also let the Solar read the target's surface thoughts for a few moments.
Supernal Effect: The Solar may continue reading a target's thoughts for as long as he remains in her line of sight, rather than for only a few moments.
Wise-eyed Courtier method (••)
The Solar can quickly unravel the dynamics of any social situation she finds herself in by observing little more than word choice and body language.
System: The Solar can analyze the relationship between any two characters by spending a moment observing them, then spending 1 Essence and rolling Perception + Subterfuge against difficulty 8. Even so much as one success not only reveals whether the two characters know one another, but also the depth and nature of that relationship ("They're business part- ners, but they don't advertise that relationship, and they don't trust one another")
inverted ego masK (•)
The Solar builds up a wall of masks around the innermost truths of her heart, ensuring that none can discover who she really is unless she permits it.
System: Any ordinary or supernatural attempt to dis- cern the Solar's Nature automatically fails, revealing her De- meanor in its place. This Charm's effects are permanent.
Supernal Effect: The Solar is an absolute cipher. Unless she willingly reveals information about herself, it is impossible to learn anything about the Solar's identity, past, or innermost motives through mundane research or magical means of any sort. Another charac- ter can still attempt to speak to the Solar to convince her to open up, of course
enemy-Castigating solar Judgment (••)
The Solar's words burn and sear with righteous truth, laying bare the souls of the enemies of Creation before her sermons.
System: Creatures of darkness suffer a –3 penal- ty to all dice pools to resist the Solar's social rolls and mind-affecting Charms. If they spend Willpower to re- sist or oppose her in any way, they must double the usual Willpower cost to get any benefit from doing so. If one of the Solar's social rolls uses a creature of darkness's Willpower as its difficulty, reduce the difficulty by –3.
listener-sWaying argument (••)
The Solar's words burn with conviction, striking through the cynicism and doubt of any who listen.
System: By spending 1 Willpower, the Solar's words become impossible to ignore, and she reduces the difficulty of all social rolls by –2 (to a minimum of 3) for the rest of the scene.
Supernal Effect: Select a social Attribute (Charis- ma, Manipulation, or Appearance). The Solar is a liv- ing exemplar of beauty, or of being larger-than-life, or of finding exactly the right thing to say at exactly the right time. All rolls using the selected Attribute perma- nently reduce their difficulty by –2.
These are just the simple and cheap ones. You couldn't get them all at chargen easily, but it wouldn't take long to fill the set out.
A social build could walk into the room with peer excellency, reduce all our social dice pools by 3, reduce their own difficulty by 2-5 at minimum, unerringly hide their true nature, and pick out our exact intent/the party's full social context at a glance.
All willpower costs are doubled and things are only down hill from here. None of the above is UMI either, so it's not something we can shrug off with mental defenses. If they're zenith we subtract successes on 1s and 2s for opposed rolls when their anima is up, which Holden lists in the FAQ as a condition that negates the key ability anti-botch protection.
It's not hopeless, but I'm unconvinced by the idea that Molly's kit actually leans in this direction or that we can trivially overcome people with serious social powers.