Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Imagine if you buy the maximum loyalty and Fruits of Hell. That would've been interesting.
Then your hell is the size of a vacation home. Buying both is both expensive and unnecessary.
Edit: Personally if I was the person writing the rules I would have made it so as soon as you buy your hell it becomes a new favored hell with most the unbought options being starting charms in it. But I am not. Of course it might be better this way we have so many other things we want to spend XP on.
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[X] Take her to your Palace, maybe you can make a day of it, visit some of the cities

There's a whole procession of things to discuss here since the last time we saw Lydia.
  • Odin's personal offer for Molly to move to Boston and how it relates to the Vampire War and Kattrin's associates
  • Broken Seeker's attentions and the "brief" kidnapping of her friends
  • The advent of the Brass Courts,
  • The White Council showing up and personally meeting the Merlin
  • The late and unlamented Arianna Ortega getting the finding out part after fucking around,
  • The Fellowship of St Giles encounter
  • Uriel making a personal housecall
  • Molly's current houseguests in her Hell

Each of these is in itself a major subject.
In detail? Its gonna take a couple hours to get through all of it.

This is the sort of thing you want to talk about in details somewhere you cant be scryed on.
That means the Carpenter house or the Brass Courts, as the only two places we know are apparently protected against high-level surveillance. And since Molly can talk more freely in the Courts than at home, the Courts it is.

Just send a couple text messages/make a phone call home telling them where you'll be, then bounce.
You guys could do this yeah, though Lydia would need a suit to breathe and stay warm.
Given TLoF actions that would normally be implausible because easy when protecting her from the environment so Lord of the Land should allow us to make air bubbles and the like even if it normally couldn't.

Or using MHM in a fine-tuning way.
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1) The myths unspoken truth was that Daddy(or Mommy) god was around, would sometimes intervene on the behalf of their kid, and the godblood ran around in a world of mortals much more fragile than he was.
None of which apply here.

Lydia is not buff enough to be unreasonable in the Dresden Files.
Dragonbloods werent in canon ExWoD either as written, and they kept an institutional low profile as a consequence.

2)Bounce off againts ToO? That doesnt sound right *checks*
Thoughts of Oak defends against mind-affecting and emotion-affecting magic. It doesnt, as far as I can tell from searching the pdf, protect against possession, which was what Corpsetaker did.

Non-Celestials (other than Alchemicals) have no native immunity to possession by banes or Wraiths.
They need shaping defenses for that, else they are just banking on basic countermagic and Willpower.
And the ability to Call A Friend.

All Exalts do have immunity to specifically demonic possession(ExWoD pg 261, with regards to Demon The Fallen) which presumably covers the Fallen,Yomi Wan spirits, Outsiders and the like.

Molly's Hell is secure against casual eavesdropping. Earth, outside of specific spots, isnt.
If you want to talk about stuff you'd prefer to avoid getting around too much, doing it in the Brass Courts gives you the freedom to do so in detail.
  1. Demigods whose parents were assholes or just hated their guts generally acted very similarly to those who were on good terms with one or more divine parent
  2. While technically true, trying to get into her head without first influencing her emotions would be a fool's errand akin to running head first into the walls of a castle with no breach
But we consider 18 year olds on the average to be biologically and temporally mature enough to vote, sign binding contracts, get married and go to war.
18 is a mostly arbitrary legal line, not something based in science. Brains finish development in mid-20s. Physical development for girls ends at ~ 15-16. For boys it's an average of 17, but can be as early as 15 or as late as 20.
As Lydia has painful reason to remember, Library 5 has limits.
I genuinely cant see a situation in which someone who almost got eaten by a bodyjumping wizard/necromancer by following the instructions in her books is going to go fuck around in almost the exact same fashion less than six months later.

There's monofocus, there's teenage dumb, and then there's stupid.
And Lydia hasnt been characterized as stupid.
Unlike when she fucked up, she has her father advising her now.
1) The myths unspoken truth was that Daddy(or Mommy) god was around, would sometimes intervene on the behalf of their kid, and the godblood ran around in a world of mortals much more fragile than he was.
You are inventing this wholecloth.
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Arc 9 Post 36: Odd Notions
Odd Notions

25nd of November 2006 A.D.

Getting Lydia though the veil is harder than you expect. For just a moment it feels like the girl whose hand you are pulling along has infinite weight, a thought you will never be sharing but then with a short sharp jerk around where your heart is you are though into the bright bland entrance room where the pair of you are greeted by a very wary Guardian of the Brass Flower. Apparently Lydia while Lydia might look like a girl in a dark blue sundress, silver rimmed glasses to go with her silver pendant she feels... a lot more out of this world than either Harry or Dad. Also not sharing that pun.

"Woah, that felt weird!" Lydia herself leans on the wall a little. "You know how I can open a door to the Otherworld? Well it's just it, a door that takes you to whatever is on the other side, mostly Faerie. When someone uses the Ways to get someplace fast they are just taking advantage of the local topography and the way the worlds overlap. There is no speed there. This was like being pulled though one of those express mail tubes."

"I have pneumatic tubes in my soul, noted," you say wryly, but Lydia isn't paying attention, instead she wanders over to the door, down corridors emblazoned scenes of a history wholly alien. Here scores of toactli scamper up vertical farms wrapped in broad leafed vines heavy with what look like golden gourds, though you know they are the fungal bodies of symbiotic mushrooms grown far larger than in the plants wild cousins. There a scene of battle from centuries past, a troupe of soldiers from the City of Laws hefting mag-winches, ancestors of the modern bold casters face off against jungle-folk armed with 'icy' spears, white marble against the dark grey of the twilight battle so shown. The next panel is an aged Seta, grown so vast they can barely move, threads of lichen growing from their cap to show that they had long rested in place and only with great difficulty risen from their place that they may mediate the conflict.

"When you said palace I had imagined... well I'm not sure what I imagined, but you weren't kidding about this being a whole world were you..."

The wide-eyed shock does not stop her from picking up a small SUTRA relay like a black bglass watch without any dials or buttons and talking to the various people who greet you once it becomes clear that this time you are not here for business or to deliver prisoners and bodies for cold storage. In fact Lydia gets along really well with Ameli whom she finds just the right blend of informative and friendly to chat about the local culture, history and metaphysics.

When talk of the wheel comes up with you explaining some of the less obvious particulars she snaps her fingers. "That is what it was!" she turns to you as you are walking along and waves her joch-kab, literally 'sweet-drill', at you. "This is an afterlife!"

"What?" You had been briefly zoned out, wondering how it would look if you got a third of those. How the chefs had managed to create something like ice cream with the texture of a cloud and a little kick of alcohol without the last bit of aftertaste you do not know. Maybe they are actual wizards.

"This world is an afterlife, that is why souls linger beyond Lethe's touch why everything is so awake and aware, guardians, they should... could be guardians. Though it is kind of strange how..." she taps her foot on the marble. "Solid everything is not just subjectively, objectively. As manifest as matter. Not to mention the people. You realize you are a goddess now right? To these people?"

"They think I am..." you start and cut yourself off before Usum can even offer up the many, many arguments on the tip of his nonexistent tongue. "Yeah, I guess I am."

You are not expecting the next question. "So are you planning to take more souls in, from the world out there I mean?"

Reflexively you shake your head. It was bad enough when those Infected started treating you like their old bosses, you are not going to go looking for more of that.

Seeing your reaction she lets it go all though the little presentation of each of the Five Cities which Ameli and her team had helped create for Earth people, taking into account the data they had on Earth, though once the presentation is over she works herself up to explaining: "The reason I asked before about taking in more souls is that a lot of the unquiet dead, ghosts desire above all other things to live again, not caring where or how, they want the taste of food, the smell of summer in the air, the touch of sunlight on their faces, those are the most vulnerable to the blandishments of necromancers. An afterlife that is just life, but a little stranger..."

A four-armed street performer who had been entertaining passers by with light sculptures stumbles mid-spell and shoots out a gout of many colored radiance that strikes the done high above casting the plaza into unearthly radiance.

"A lot stranger even," Lydia laughs as she helps the very embarrassed and maybe a little awestruck fellow dust himself off. "It would be really appealing to the more vulnerable among the dead."

"This one is wise beyond her tender years Majesty Mighty and Merciful." Now Usum chines in. "White it would be difficult for you to carry the dead into thine kingdom she is a shepherd of the dead, by blood and by power, though study, art and artifice she may learn to do this thing and thereby save souls uncounted."

"Since when did you care about saving souls?" You snip back, not wanting to think about the enormity of what he had just said

"I care for the things you care about my Queen,"
he answers for once simply, without artifice.

How does Molly react to Lydia's idea?

[] It is a worthy goal

[] Nope, you are not about to start claiming souls postmortem, let them go to where they are supposed to, even if it takes a while

[] Write in

OOC: I did not expect this to happen so soon, but yeah Lydia has ideas about how this could help the dead she was charged with protecting.
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[] Write In - We are interested in if it is possible, but not something to be done save with great care and much planning, and perhaps only for a select few who choose this open eyed. But yes you would very much like to ensure any of your people from this place who die on Earth return home.

Why yes I want to be able to revive our dead followers as easily as traveling to our realm and picking them back up again.
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[X] It is a worthy goal
-[X] The details of such a venture, the scope and mechanisms of it would require careful handling and thought, on your part and on the part of your subjects. You'll introduce the idea and Lydia to the people responsible. Both the dead she is set to protect, and people under your aegis could benefit from this if done correctly. You won't harm one for the sake of the other.

We do have a whole city dedicated to care and spiritual healing, and even at the largest assumed thoroughput, it's going to be thousands per year, which is less than nothing. And, I mean, if they are ghosts and strong enough to linger, then they have a non-vanishing chance of getting strong enough to eventually escape your hell, meaning that this wouldn't be a permanent population increase, and we'll get a steady stream of non-evil Wan Kuei.

EDIT: Also, I wonder - Lydia is supposed to have a kingdom of her own, inherited from her father. It's not a world soul, obviously, but I still wonder... Maybe that's the reason she felt so heavy - we were essentially moving a whole potential world into our world. We should help her reclaim it at some point.
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[X] It is a worthy goal
-[X] The details of such a venture, the scope and mechanisms of it would require careful handling and thought, on your part and on the part of your subjects. You'll introduce the idea and Lydia to the people responsible. Both the dead she is set to protect, and people under your aegis could benefit from this if done correctly. You won't harm one for the sake of the other.
EDIT: Also, I wonder - Lydia is supposed to have a kingdom of her own, inherited from her father. It's not a world soul, obviously, but I still wonder... Maybe that's the reason she felt so heavy - we were essentially moving a whole potential world into our world. We should help her reclaim it at some point.

Arwan's kingdom was claimed by Winter long ago and he could not take it with him when he defected.
And, I mean, if they are ghosts and strong enough to linger, then they have a non-vanishing chance of getting strong enough to eventually escape your hell, meaning that this wouldn't be a permanent population increase, and we'll get a steady stream of non-evil Wan Kuei.
That's the wrong way to look at it in my opinion.

Plenty of these people are going to just want to live, not become vampire bruisers. Some might do that, but banking on them leaving again to manage the potential population issues is a mistake.

On top of that breaking out of our hell isn't something we know IC gives power, if someone wants out they're probably going to come to us. We'll need an answer for that because resurrecting people in the mortal world is almost certainly something that'd cause serious problems, but locking people up isn't a smart plan either.
[X] It is a worthy goal
-[X] The details of such a venture, the scope and mechanisms of it would require careful handling and thought, on your part and on the part of your subjects. You'll introduce the idea and Lydia to the people responsible. Both the dead she is set to protect, and people under your aegis could benefit from this if done correctly. You won't harm one for the sake of the other.
Do we know how the Earth afterlife is supposed to work? Like would we be stealing these souls from heaven or the White God?

Edit: also what happens if a ghost immigrates to our hell, goes to Earth and dies again?
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