Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Am I the only one not terribly enthused on our kingdom? The hook for this quest is a Dresden Files canon character exalting. The more we spend on the kingdom, the less we interact with the Dresden Files world. Which would be a shame.
The kingdom is a huge draw for me personally, and I don't think it will take away from the DF stuff.

If anything it lets us engage with a broader portion of the setting. Dresden and his level of player have an interesting level of access to the setting, but in many ways a limited one.

Getting everyone on the power train and replacing everything with exalted actors in masks would ruin it, but not Molly herself getting big enough to loosely sit at the big kid's table.
. I wondered if Molly might get in on the ground floor of forming the Paranet.
We really do need to establish a Paranet equivalent ASAP. I feel like people are going to forget all about it unfortunately. Since Harry is responsible for its creation in canon after events which he didnt participate in this time around(aside from protecting Cauldron) there may never be one unless we set it off.
*Disappointed sigh*
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Arc 8 Post 35: Shards of Memory
Shards of Memory

13th of November 2006 A.D.

"That would please me greatly Your Majesty." the words come easily. They say teenagers are prone of impulse shopping, all the boring daytime television hosts agree. You wonder where on that scale accepting an impulse gift goes? Sure you've never ran a movie studio, but then you have never ran a shell company that hides magical diamond production or a supernatural gang under the streets of Chicago and you still do not, you have people for that. You would provide the... vision, that's right the artistic vision for the studio.

Dismissing daydreams about sitting in a big office somewhere picking out scripts from a big stack for the next Red Star Production you turn your mind back to the present, bending thought and purpose once more to the scene of the knight's death. Essence burns and eyes swim though it peering at secrets far and wide.

Lost 2 Essence (Occult Excellency and ATB) -> Now at 11/15

As the body of Athanasius Skavis is taken away, you whisper inward-sure: Who is the Empyreal Chaos spoken of by the being summoned through this sacrifice?

The City of shifting brass and snaking roads, of crowds inhuman, never-human moving though the streets in endless dance flashes before your mind's eye, but this time you fly as a bird among the towers born aloft gusts of hot wind. Grand it is in its decrepitude, like a stately palace wrapped in the green of a garden grown wild with neglect. In a a hundred eyes, a thousand, ten thousand you see reflected pain and loss. Scholars go quiet with it, smiths are gripped with a mad desire to create, to fill the void of what once was and hurl themselves into their work. Darker spirits, darker passions cast the wretched into the flames instead, but it will not be enough, it will never be enough

That is when you realize it, the wind that carries you isn't wind at all, it is the labored breath of the city. At first you think that it's dying, failing somehow, but as you listen to it swift and labored you realize that it is trapped in a nightmare It... he...


If he could wake, could have woken, that One would have been and ever be rightly-called the Empyreal Chaos

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 10/15
Recovered 2 Essence from the secret discovered in the new scene -> Now at 12/15

"What is your will my lady?" the guard you had... Saved? Agreed not to fight at least, says.

"Don't call me that," you answer automatically. It is weird enough to hear it from Usum, worse still to hear it in the light of day from someone whose only using it because he is concerned you will cut off his head. "What's your name?"

"Augustus FitzClarance my lady." When he does not say anything more you wonder if you had offended him... before you realize that he's concerned that saying more will offend you.

"Do you have some place do go?" You do your best to sound sympathetic without straining credulity, for one who has likely heard very little of such. "What is to be the fate of those sworn to House Skavis?"

"Those not involved with the plot have been granted grace by the King, but all the properties and titles of the House are forfeit to be passed on to a more leal cadet branch. It seems unlikely they will wish to be burdened by ones who raised their swords in defense of the traitor."

"I have a place you could go, it is probably not what you are used to but it is sanctuary." So committed you give him a short account of the Jade Dogs, how you are willing to accept all those in need, vampire, ghoul, mortal and more, the perks of the job, including control of unearthly hungers, though something about his expression makes you think Augustus made his peace with his demon a long time ago.

"I am without lord and without honor, I would petition to join your company my lady."

There is only one answer you can give without being a hypocrite, sanctuary is sanctuary, no matter if one is running from guilt at past misdeeds, abuse from superiors, or the threat of political isolation in this most perilous of courts. "Granted freely."

As he stands there, back straight as an iron rod you consider another question: What were the plans of the being that possessed their master's body?

That the answer is short does not make it any less meaningful: To Slay you or be Slain in turn ending his service to the Walker Beside either way

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 11/15

Looks like you had spooked Nemesis, enough that it is sending its lesser kin after you and apparently they don't... like it all that much? At least this one does not seem to have, though you remind yourself of the dangers of drawing conclusions from a sample size of one.

"...House Syliga has always been proponents of peace and stability and no lovers of the leeches." You catch the words at the other end of the table like a bird in flight, from the other end of the table. They are talking about who might replace House Skavis. Isabela's family, Isabela's father? Careful not to show your feelings on your face you look to Lara.

She nods ever so slightly.

That is going to be trouble you are sure of it, but it's future Molly's problem. Present Molly still has one more question to ask... and you ask it looking down at random among the quests. Where can I find the largest currently unclaimed collection of records in the language primarily spoken by a Walker heard by this person during the fight?

In the Places Between
In the Wounds dug deep
In the Breaks Between the Broken
Where the Thousand now Weep

Yomi Wan, that much is clear at once, places like the Scar... places there is more than one and all are in the borderlands of the Hells the places where the Yama Kings have not yet gotten the chance to rebuild the place in their image.

You do not spend much longer at the party, much as you might wish to spy more on the White Court it is clear Lara is not going to be so gauche as to announce all the leadership changes with the blood of traitors barely washed from her hands. Thus you and Lydia depart having made new allies, new enemies and especially new watchers.

Once ensconced in Black Rider's decadent leather throne you ask Clippy to play back the recording of the meeting and ask aloud: "What is a Prince of the Earth referred to in this audio recording"

You lose 1 Essence -> Now at 10/15

You/Chosen/Mortals more than Gods/...reation Ruling Mand...

A buzzing like a thousand wasps fills your thoughts. "Ow!"

Seeing Lydia's alarmed look you shake your head. "Tried something to figure out what the Walker said. Don't suppose the words Chosen or Princes of the Earth mean anything to you?"

After a moment she shakes her head. "No, sounds like it could be a lot of things."

"What about something... Ruling Mandate?" you try, saying the last word even as you guess it.

"Sounds kind of Chinese, you know Mandate of Heaven, maybe you could start looking there," she hazards.

"That does sound nice. The other option is literally hell, or hells..." You are reminded of the exiled shen of Chicago. They are probably pretty well disposed towards you.

Before you can deal with any of that Black Rider pulls up the driveway home and you have to decide what you had been trying not to think of the whole way here, how much to tell your parents.

What part of the night's events do you share?

[] Talking to and killing the Walker

[] Being the proud new owner of the studio that belongs to one of your favorite directors and also a man you killed tonight

[] Just the bare bones about how Lara crushed the rebelion

[] Write in

OOC: I thought about some more chances to talk to other vampires, but this action has already taken quite a lot and we are not even halfway though the month. You guys can talk to Leinth and the like later.
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[X] Just the bare bones about how Lara crushed the rebellion
-[X] Oh, and she gave us a studio as a reward.

I don't know if it's a good idea or not to tell the parents about Walkers so this is my tentative votes.
Well I don't feel like anything we did is something we should be ashamed about or need to keep secret. I think that our parents on average should be better informed about what we do than the white court.

When we debrief
"It had been a long time since it had gotten a chance to fight a prince of earth -that's what it called me- it figured that either it would kill me and get a pep in it's step or I would kill it and give it final death. It was right. I wonder if I am going to be attacked by a lot of things looking to suicide by prince of earth."
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[X] All of the above.

Whelp, Malfeas is alive. Trapped in an endless nightmare from which he cannot wake, buried somewhere deep in unreality, but alive. ... At some point we are going to end up there and be given an option of waking it, aren't we? Victory for the Reclamation and all that. And no, despite Ligier being cool (and very, very hot), I am not stupid enough to just advocate doing this. Not unless Elder Essence and we can present as a young primordial, ie someone to be treated with as, if not an equal, then a lesser peer or a potential heir, instead of a tool.

The second question - if Malfeas survives, who else does? I am betting Luna at least is somewhere out there, and probably Gaia. Autochton is alive even in WoD.

Also, we need to talk to Harry and we probably are going to need Mouse for introductions when we visit his home country. Start with mundane historical foci to learn what a Mandate of Heaven is, I guess, and move from there. And yes, the Mandate of Creation is important, because old backend mechanisms of Creation might still recognize us as holding it. I mean, I doubt that Realm Defense Grid survives in any way, shape or form, but something might, and Oaths of Surrender might still matter.

And we have one more reason to organize an expedition to the Scar. After we get our kingdom probably.

A very good haul all-in-all, I think. Lots of ancient lore. We should probably talk to Harry.

Also, it's a shame we have expression 0. Making a painting of Malfeas seems like a fun idea.
I mean, we have just got a horror-oriented movie studio. Making Hellraiser but with Malfeas's glory instead just seems reasonable.
We would have to put health warnings on all our videos, however I suspect that would make them even more popular.

Warning: Scenes in this movie are dangerous for your sanity and may crush your tiny mind with things you were not meant to know.
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Imagine how expensive, or terrible-looking, it would be to portray Malfeas in a movie.
To capture even a fraction of the vastness and otherness of Malfeas would require a lot of practical set and stages, backround-paintings and CGI-touches.

Like, putting a green filter over the sun is easy, but editing out all the shadows is propably a long and expensive task in itself.

And then all the demon-statists to make the city feel lived-in. Again a huge work for the mask and costume design, or a task that CGI propably can't adequatly fullfill in 2007.

I think we should wait to make a movie about Malfeas until we can either combine our Hell's workforce and technology with human filmmaking, or until we have ressources 6 and some people we really trust with our vision in a filmstudio. Preferably both.
Imagine how expensive, or terrible-looking, it would be to portray Malfeas in a movie.
To capture even a fraction of the vastness and otherness of Malfeas would require a lot of practical set and stages, backround-paintings and CGI-touches.

Like, putting a green filter over the sun is easy, but editing out all the shadows is propably a long and expensive task in itself.

And then all the demon-statists to make the city feel lived-in. Again a huge work for the mask and costume design, or a task that CGI propably can't adequatly fullfill in 2007.

I think we should wait to make a movie about Malfeas until we can either combine our Hell's workforce and technology with human filmmaking, or until we have ressources 6 and some people we really trust with our vision in a filmstudio. Preferably both.
I mean, yeah,realistically you'd probably want expression 5 + excellency for script writing and decoration making, you'll be making physical decorations with TTC, and post-production will be handled via cyberdevils running world's best supercomputers. And it will be shot in our kingdom.

Animated series is much more doable.
[X] All of the above.

I gotta say, laying claim to the Mandate of Heaven (China Edition!) is certainly a move typical of the hubris and pride of the Exalted. Technically the Creation Ruling Mandate just divides the jurisdiction of Gods and Exalted when it comes to Creation, while the MoH is straight-up your excuse for why you deserve to rule China, after you've conquered China. Little different in meaning :whistle:
On the practicals end, I hope we can abstract away most of the business stuff.

If we can't, then what I assume should happen is the court handles the cover up and executes Madrigal's will. His inheritor is told where to transfer the property, keeping us out to our level of desired directness.

Looking at it, selling to a C-Corp which is owned by a private trust in a state like Nevada would be ideal. Taxes on that happen at the corporate level for both, so the beneficiaries only report on income from it when they make it.

At that level we have options.

Biggest fire break is to use someone we control by other means as the beneficiary and simply give them orders. Our new vamp probably has a good background to look like the usual idle rock for this purpose.

If we need cash or something we have him buy virtual products and services from our other stuff and report it as income that way.

If we sell him a diamond and he says he got it, along with records or whatever no one cares unless he raises a fuss.

For completeness we should also furnish the trust with other stock, just to look more normal.

Other option is to set up a similar trust for Molly once we have the lottery win and assign someone to invest broadly. Then we hide our proper properties as investments that we don't formally need a reason for. Our fiduciary picked them, that's why an 18 year old owns part of X.

If he could wake, could have woken, that One would have been and ever be rightly-called the Empyreal Chaos
Interesting twist; sounds like Malfeas isn't just an asshole because of what happened, Theion is literally trapped in an irrational fever dream of him. A spiritual paroxysm that he can't control as much as a personality.
In the Places Between
In the Wounds dug deep
In the Breaks Between the Broken
Where the Thousand now Weep

Yomi Wan, that much is clear at once, places like the Scar... places there is more than one and all are in the borderlands of the Hells the places where the Yama Kings have not yet gotten the chance to rebuild the place in their image.
Zero interest in this just yet; tugging on the exalted takes us completely away from the game we're already playing in a way that we can't walk back.
Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 10/15
Recovered 2 Essence from the secret discovered in the new scene -> Now at 12/15
Other thing I hadn't thought of, but we just use the crown in front of a ballroom full of elders set to maximum paranoia. We got warned about trying that in front of Mab, this might have given something away. Spilled milk and all that, but we should still be mindful of the potential complication.

What part of the night's events do you share?
We should probably get into the political bits here too. Not talking about we just directly contributed to the reformation of the court and the leverage games we're going to have to monitor with Lara.
Also Malfeas is alive but in a coma being fu**ed over by NIGHTMARE FUGUE VIGILANCE.
We asked for an identity, that doesn't mean the guy who owned it was alive.

If he was Molly couldn't be what she is; we have OOC and IC confirmation that she's free of all control. She's even more immortal than she should be at this stage because of it.

If Malfeas lived, even dreaming, that wouldn't be true.
We need to talk about creating the Paranet aswell. Those talents and normies need it.
[X] All of the above.
This is a measure twice cut once thing in my mind.

If we screw up it will not only kill people in large numbers, it will poison the well for future efforts.

The paranet couldn't start out until it had a strong backer and seed funds from this arc which didn't fit how the AU worked.

We're close, but we need an actual financial stronghold to passively fund things and greater integration with the supernatural community to actually make it work.

The hell is a huge leap forwards, but this isn't a simple check box item that will easily work just because it did in canon.


Also, could we get a general idea of the build for our new minion @DragonParadox ? Don't know if you have a full block since he was used in combat, but I'm curious about his disciplines.
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