Resources (R): 6,710 (-535 per turn)
Sith Support (SS): 43
Exposure (E): 11
Free Dice: 2
Current Capabilities
Facilities: Major Surplus (+11)
Production: Minor Surpluses (+3)
Logistics: Moderate Surpluses (+5)
Trainers: Overwhelming Surpluses (+20)
Grand Army of the Republic
Clones: 190,000 (+19) (+8 per turn)
Blasters: Concordian Crescent Technologies
-Quantity: +46 (+26 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Armour: Duraplast Medium Mandalorian Armour
-Quantity: +46 (+26 per turn)
-Quality: +8
Original Goals (Q1 31 BBY to Q4 29 BBY)
Clones: 171 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Blasters: 154 Points Remaining (+3 SS)
Armour: 154 Points Remaining (+3 SS)
Speeders/Tanks/Walkers: 50 Points Remaining (+4 SS)
Starfighters: 50 Points Remaining (+4 SS)
Training: 2 Points Remaining (+2 SS)
[-] Expand into Tidema City (Stage 2)
Tidema City is a secondary major settlement located in the southern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Tidema City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(214/200, 15 Resources per Die) (14/300) (++++ Facilities)
Despite the setbacks from last quarter, work continues apace in Tidema City. The contaminated areas are quickly cleaned up, allowing work to continue as the longnecks continue to clear out more space for you. As the year reaches the halfway point, you have made significantly more room for your operations on Kamino.
[-] Expand into Tibara City (Stage 2)
Tibara City is a secondary major settlement located in the eastern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Tibara City, but there is still plenty of space that you can (182/200, 15 Resources per Die) (++++ Facilities)
While Tidema City has brought you a lot of space to use, you have an idea of just how quickly that space can be used up so you renew your expansion into Tibara City. While the longnecks don't finish the job, they do get most of the work done this quarter. They just need some more time and credits to finish the job.
[-] Local Blaster Production (Phase 2)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some blasters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(75/30, 5 Resources per Die) (45/35) (-- Production) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Blasters per turn)
Continuing your work from last quarter, you start up the second factory to begin producing more blasters for your clones to use when they are grown up. Just like the first factory earlier in the year, the second factory swiftly comes online and begins to produce blasters to go into storage. Unfortunately, that is all you can do right now as no other blaster factories on Kamino have been finished yet.
[-] Develop Kaminoan Armour Factories (Phase 3)
You have already completed the construction of a second local personal armour factory and if you want to increase the local production, you will need to build additional personal armour factories on Kamino.
(246/300, 20 Resources per Die) (---Facilities, ++++ Production)
In order to expand local production, you order the construction of additional armour factories. While the longnecks and their droids work long and hard with plenty of progress being made, the additional factories just don't get finished this quarter. Another influx of credits and manpower will still be required to get the factories done.
[-] Expand Clone Production (Phase 4)
You have completed the initial batch of clones, but the army is still going to need plenty more soldiers. Now you need to work on expanding the current cloning operations to allow for more clones to be produced at once.
(244/250, 15 Resources per Die) (- Facilities, --Logistics, -- Trainers, +++ Clones)
You might have made a mistake here. You were so focused on getting the longnecks to take over the long term cloning operations that you forgot to focus on the cloning operations themselves. The longnecks try their best, but with the majority of the credits along with their best and brightest being devoted to other projects, there is only so much they can do and little progress on expanding the clone production is made this quarter..
[-] Cloning Operations (Phase 3)
As you get more cloning operations online and running smoothly, you just need to set things up so the longnecks are producing more as required without requiring your direct input.
(323/100, 10 Resources per Die) (223/100) (-15 Resources per turn) (+++ Clones per turn)
You've gotten ahead of yourself here. Quite literally as you organising the longnecks to take over the cloning operations from you has gotten ahead of the cloning operations. Right now, you have a bunch of longnecks waiting around for the clone production to expand enough for them to take over the long term running of it.
[-] Recruit Mandalorian Trainers (Phase 4)
You have recruited some fellow Mandalorians to join you as trainers for the clones, but there are still plenty more out there that you can recruit. Each out to more Mandalorians to see if they would be willing to sign up with your project.
(540/300, 15 Resources per Die) (240/350) (++++ Trainers)
You continue to bring in more of your people to Kamino and you are bringing them in increasingly greater numbers. It seems that word has gotten out that Jango Fett, the former Mand'alor, is up to something and that has interested Mandalorians coming to see what you are up to.
The downside is that you have to deal with a few Deathwatch infiltrators coming to see what you are doing, but that is nothing you and your more capable subordinates are unable to handle.
[-] Slowed Ageing
While the accelerated ageing is desirable for getting the clones to a fighting age in a timely manner, it stops being desirable at that point as the clones will become too old to fight much sooner. Look into a way of slowing down how fast the clones age after a certain point.
(604/600, 30 Resources per Die) (4/1,000)
With all of the longneck eggheads helping her out, Doctor Tanasi Desnos quickly gets to work on figuring out how to slow the ageing of the clones. While the Arkanian prodigy might be a genius, this project is an especially difficult task and Doctor Desnos almost doesn't finish this quarter. But she does get it done if just barely and by the end of the quarter, you have a treatment that will reduce the accelerated ageing of the clones to regular ageing rates when applied.
The treatment works by introducing a retrovirus that targets the genes that induce the accelerated ageing the clones. Once it has located the right genes, the retrovirus will replace them with a set of regular ageing genes, reducing their rate of ageing to a normal level.
[-] Import Supplies (Phase 1)
As you get more and more clones, you are going to need basic supplies for them like food, clothing and other necessities. While you could try producing these locally, it would be more efficient if more costly to purchase them from foreign suppliers.
(9/40, 5 Resources per Die,) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Logistic per turn)
Kriffing little di'kuts. You attempted to reach out to the agriworlds of the Abrion Sector, but none of the people you spoke to believed that Kamino existed. It seems someone has decided to hide Kamino's existence from all official records. You can work around that by being more creative with the truth in future attempts at setting up trade routes, but it will take more time to do that
[-] Expand Blaster Contracts (Phase 2)
While you have contracted Concordian Crescent Technologies to purchase large quantities of their blasters for your clones to use, the current order will not be sufficient in the long term. It will cost more credits, but you need those additional blasters and it isn't like you are spending your own money.
(102/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (62/40) (22/40) (-30 Resources per turn) (+++ Blasters per turn)
You contact Concordian Crescent Technologies to expand your order again and they are more than happy to oblige you. Your credit is good and you are spending plenty of it on their products so all is well as far as they are concerned. Which is good because they are happy enough with your business that they agree to be discreet about it.
[-] Expand Armour Contracts (Phase 1)
While you have contracted various armoursmiths to purchase large quantities of Mandalorian armour for your clones to use, the current order will not be sufficient in the long term. It will cost more credits, but you need those extra sets of armour and it isn't like you are spending your own money.
(139/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (99/40) (59/40) (19/40) (-25 Resources per turn) (++ Armour per turn)
Once again, you have gone around contacting independent armoursmith businesses. Offering them credits in exchange for producing your Mandalorian designs, it costs a great deal of credits, but the end result will be worth it. Especially when the new products begin to arrive throughout the quarter.
You never like getting calls from that shabuir Dooku, but in this case, what he had to say to you was quite helpful. The Sith wanted you to get some starfighter and vehicle support for the clones and you couldn't deny you were falling behind on that front. You weren't so far behind that you would have been unable to complete it on your own, but Dooku offering you some choices from Sith-approved suppliers would be helpful.
A bipedal walker meant to be piloted by a single individual and used for reconnaissance and patrolling, the All Terrain Recon Transports or AT-RT is a decent vehicle for its intended purpose and price. It has some decent speed combined with good mobility and a repeating blaster cannon for anti-infantry work or taking down a heavier vehicle via teamwork. While it wouldn't do as well in the frontlines of a pitched battle, the AT-RT is an excellent scout with a strong sensor package.
All Terrain Recon Transports from Rothana Heavy Engineering (Quality ++)
[] [ATRT] None. (-5 SS)
[] [ATRT] Small production. (-25 R) (-5 R per turn) (+++ Scout Walkers per turn)
[] [ATRT] Medium production. (-25 R) (-10 R per turn) (++++ Scout Walkers per turn)
[] [ATRT] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 R per turn) (+++++ Scout Walkers per turn)
The All Terrain Tactical Enforcer or AT-TE is a six-legged walker tank made to be a heavy armoured asset on the battlefield. With a squat, low-built body, the AT-TE is heavily armed and armoured. Armed with a heavy mass driver cannon on the top of it with four forward-facing heavy laser cannons and two rearward-facing heavy laser cannons, the AT-TE packs a lot of firepower and is able to outfight most other tanks out there. It can carry a score of soldiers within its hull alongside forty tons of supplies while it can climb any surface and it can be pressurised to survive the vacuum of space.
All Terrain Tactical Enforcers from Rothana Heavy Engineering (Quality +++)
[] [ATTE] None. (-5 SS)
[] [ATTE] Small production. (-50 R) (-10 per turn) (++ Heavy Walkers per turn)
[] [ATTE] Medium production. (-50 R) (-20 per turn) (+++ Heavy Walkers per turn)
[] [ATTE] Large production. (-50 R) (-40 per turn) (++++ Heavy Walkers per turn)
The TX-130
Sabre-class Fighter Tank or just the Sabre Tank is a repulsor tank that balances speed, armour and firepower. It is a fast and nimble vehicle for its size, able to go over most terrains with great manoeuvrability. Yet despite this mobility, it also has good enough armour to take a few hits from infantry-carried missiles or go head to head with another tank. The Sabre Tank also carries plenty of firepower with a pair of heavy laser cannons alongside dual missile launchers and can be outfitted with a turret containing another weapon if further firepower is desired.
TX-130 Sabre-class Fighter Tanks from Rothana Heavy Engineering (Quality +++)
[] [Sabre] None. (-5 SS)
[] [Sabre] Small production. (-50 R) (-10 per turn) (++ Medium Speeders per turn)
[] [Sabre] Medium production. (-50 R) (-20 per turn) (+++ Medium Speeders per turn)
[] [Sabre] Large production. (-50 R) (-40 per turn) (++++ Medium Speeders per turn)
Unlike the other options, the A-7 Hunter Interceptor wasn't produced by Rothana Heavy Engineering, but by its parent company, Kuat Drive Yards. Also unlike the other options, it was a piece of osik . It was reasonably cheap with a good amount of speed along with decent agility and targeting capabilities. On the other hand, it had no hyperdrive, no deflector shielding, poor armour and minimal life support with only a pair of laser cannons for firepower.
It was a cheap deathtrap that is meant to be mass produced and you would never fly one of these things given the choice. And you wouldn't wish it upon your clones though not doing so risks upsetting your bosses.
A-7 Hunter Interceptor from Kuat Drive Yards (Quality -)
[] [A7] Kriff no to these deathtraps. (-5 SS)
[] [A7] Small production. (-25 R) (-5 per turn) (++ Light Starfighters per turn)
[] [A7] Medium production. (-25 R) (-10 per turn) (+++ Light Starfighters per turn)
[] [A7] Large production. (-25 R) (-20 per turn) (++++ Light Starfighters per turn)
Bad luck with the cloning, but overall, I feel you had a good turn. You got the slowed ageing done along with getting enough armour per turn and blasters per turn that you will meet your plan targets. Beyond that, Dooku has come to you with a variety of options for you to choose from. Most of these are canon designs though only three of them were canon for the Grand Army of the Republic. The A-7 is a canon design, but it is a post Clone Wars design that was a competitor with the TIE Fighter to be used by the Empire and ultimately lost. It is effectively a TIE Fighter, but with slightly better armour at significantly more cost though still very lightly armoured and still quite cheap.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.