Resources (R): 9,630,525 (-64,465 per turn)
Sith Support (SS): 68
Exposure (E): 11 (-1 per turn)
Free Dice: 3
Current Capabilities
Facilities: Overwhelming Surpluses (+24)
Production: Utterly Overwhelming Surpluses (+52)
Logistics: Major Surpluses (+12) (+7 per turn)
Trainers: Marginal Surpluses (+2) (+2 per turn)
Grand Army of the Republic
Clones: 39,830,000 (+3,983) (+1,024 per turn)
Troopers: 50,000 (+5)
-Commandos: 50,000 (+5) (+1 per turn)
Blasters: Concordian Crescent Technologies
-Quantity: +3,410 (+530 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Armour: Duraplast Medium Mandalorian Armour
-Quantity: +28,772 (+4,064 per turn)
-Quality: +8
Scout Walker: All Terrain Recon Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +812 (+140 per turn)
-Quality: +2
Light Walker: All Terrain Personal Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +64 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Medium Speeder: TX-130 Sabre-class Fighter Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +698 (+262 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Speeder: RX-200
Falchion-class Assault Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +64 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Walker: All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +764 (+134 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Walker: Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +100 (+14 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Light Starfighter: A-7 Hunter Interceptor (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +28
-Quality: -1
Medium Starfighter: Z-95 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +54
-Quality: +3
Medium Starfighter: Z-96 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +440 (+72 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Starfighter: Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +64 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Medium Interceptor:
Fang-class Starfighter (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +1,080 (+258 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Interceptor:
Aurek-class Starfighter (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +182 (+30 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Heavy Bomber: NTB-630 Naval Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +124 (+20 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Bomber: PTB-625 Planetary Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +64 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Gunship: LR-20B Troop Transport (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +64 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +64 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +64 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Gunship:
Defender-class Light Corvette (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +48 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Escort:
Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Escort:
Harbinger-class Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +77 (+9 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Escort:
Hammerhead-class Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +48 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Light Capital:
Acclamator-class Assault Ship (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Light Capital:
Dreadnought-class Heavy Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +48 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Capital:
Warrior-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +544 (+126 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital:
Venator-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +72 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Capital:
Valour-class Cruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +48 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital:
Centurion-class Battlecruiser (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +48 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Heavy Capital:
Republic-class Star Destroyer (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +48 (+16 per turn)
-Quality: +9
Original Goals (Q1 28 BBY to Q4 26 BBY)
Clones: 0 Points Remaining (+8 SS)
Blasters: 0 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Armour: 0 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Light Speeders/Tanks/Walkers: 0 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Medium Speeders/Tanks/Walkers: 0 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Heavy Speeders/Tanks/Walkers: 0 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Interceptors: 0 Points Remaining (+3 SS)
Starfighters: 44 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Bombers: 12 Points Remaining (+1 SS)
Escorts: 3 Points Remaining (+1 SS)
Capitals: 0 Points Remaining (+3 SS)
Increase Rothana Heavy Engineering contracts by 0 Resources per turn. (+1 SS)
Increase Kuat Drive Yards contracts by 0 Resources per turn. (+1 SS)
Keep Exposure below 25. (+1 SS)
Additional Goals (Q1 26 BBY to Q4 26 BBY)
Complete Phase 10 of Cloning Operations. (+2 SS)
Complete Phase 11 of Cloning Operations. (+5 SS)
Complete Phase 10 of Expand Blaster Contracts (+1 SS)
Complete Phase 11 of Expand Blaster Contracts (+2 SS)
Complete Phase 12 of Expand Blaster Contracts (+3 SS)
The lawsuit between the New Mandalorians, MandalMotors and Concordian Crescent Technologies comes to an abrupt end this year. With other corporate entities such as the Trade Federation, Techno Union, the Commerce Guild and Corporate Alliance weighing in, the courts swiftly decided in favour of MandalMotors and Concordian Crescent Technologies, citing that the New Mandalorian had overstepped its local authority by trying to get involved in galactic dealings, which was the domain the of the Senate.
Public opinion was more mixed between those who felt the government shouldn't have the right to interfere with business deals like that and those that felt the corporations should be held accountable to the governments and needed to be reined in. This debate quickly expanded into the increasing intentions between the Core and the Rim despite Chancellor Palpatine's best efforts to stay neutral and mediate the matter in the Senate Dome.
[-] Expand into Tibara City (Phase 4)
Tibara City is a secondary major settlement located in the eastern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Tibara City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(497/400, 15 Resources per Die) (97/500) (+++++ Facilities)
Another influx of funding to clearing out space in Tibara sees the next breakpoint in the project reached. The freed up space is swiftly put to use almost as soon as it becomes available, a result of the greatly expanded clone production that has taken place over the start of the year.
[-] Expand into Titala City (Phase 4)
Titala City is a secondary major settlement located in the western regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Titala City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(522/400, 15 Resources per Die) (122/500) (+++++ Facilities)
As operations in Titala City also receive additional budget to reach the next breakpoint in the project, things go extremely well in western region of Kamino. A decade or two ago, a few bureaucratic errors saw a significant amount of space get marked as still being in use even after their project had finished. When the longnecks actually inspected the supposedly in use areas of the city, they found a great amount of space that your project could make use of.
And good thing too because if you are going to meet the Sith demands, you are going to need that space. Unfortunately, any further expansion into Titala City or Tibara City will be scraping the bottom of the barrel.
[-] Expand into Timira City (Phase 2)
Timira City is a secondary major settlement located in the northern regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Timira City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(335/200, 15 Resources per Die) (135/300) (++++ Facilities)
Due to your ever-increasing demands for more space, you renew expansion into Timira City, switching away from Titala City and Tibara City as you begin to reach the limits of what you can find in those two settlements. With more untapped space to work with, it doesn't take long before the longnecks have cleared out a significant amount of room in the city for you to use and a noteworthy amount of progress being made towards the next phase of expansion into Timira City.
[-] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 7)
While Kamino now has constructed some substantial orbital shipbuilding capability, there is still room for it to grow. Expand the local shipyards by either putting up new docks or adding to what is already there.
(1,118/700, 30 Resources per Die) (418/800) (+++++ Production)
Continuing the trend from last year, you continue to expand Kamino's orbital shipyard capability. A pair of small shipyards go up this year, bringing the total number of shipyards around Kamino to six. Smaller than most of the current ones, these shipyards are primarily for servicing or constructing smaller warships.
Meanwhile work starts on a seventh shipyard, this facility being one of the larger shipyards. While the project reaches the halfway mark, it is still only partially constructed by the end of the quarter and additional funding will be required to see it finished and available to be used.
[-] Expand Clone Production (Phase 10)
You have completed the initial batch of clones, but the army is still going to need plenty more soldiers. Now you need to work on expanding the current cloning operations to allow for more clones to be produced at once.
(639/400, 15 Resources per Die) (239/425) (------ Facilities, ------ Logistics, ----- Trainers, +256 Clones)
As per the demands of the Sith, you expand your cloning operations. While this latest expansion pushes your current reserves to their limits, you don't go into the negatives in any areas. That said, you will need to look into getting more space, supplies and training before you can expand the clone production any further with additional trainers being the biggest priority as you currently only have a small surplus of trainers with free time right now.
[-] Cloning Operations (Phase 10)
As you get more cloning operations online and running smoothly, you just need to set things up so the longnecks are producing more as required without requiring your direct input.
(157/100, 10 Resources per Die) (57/100) (60 Resources per turn) (+512 Clones per turn)
Thanks to your work during the previous year, you don't need to do much before the longnecks take over the long term management of the latest clone production expansion. Almost as soon as the initial expansion is done, the day to day running is taken out of your hands.
[-] Expand Commando Training (Phase 3)
With the completion of the commando courses, you will have a small batch of clone commandos once the trainees are old enough. They are a marginal amount compared to the rest of the army however and further expansions are required to increase the number of clone commandos that will be trained.
(327/300, 25 Resources per Die) (27/400) (+ Commandos per turn, -Trainers)
While the new need to reserve your trainers means that you won't be able to invest too much in training up additional clone command, you are able to finish the current phase of the clone commando training. It isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but you organise a steady if small flow of commando classes that will result in you receiving a steady if small flow clone commando
[-] Clone Trainers (Phase 1)
As the clone cadets begin to come of age and finish their training, it is possible to start them to work assisting your Mandalorian trainers. While it would take some time to give them the proper instruction on how to train others, it could be done and help supplement your reserves of available teachers and trainers.
(481/100, 15 Resources per Die) (381/200) (181/300) (+Trainers)
Having exhausted your external sources of Mandalorian trainers, you look inwards instead. The first batch of clones have finished their training and are in a position to help teach their younger brethren. Of course, you need to give them proper training on how to teach the younger clones in addition to integrating them into the teaching system.
That takes some time and resources, but in the end, you get both the oldest batch and second oldest batch involved in teaching the classes. Unfortunately, that is it for now as you need to wait some time for the next batch of clone cadets to finish their training before they can receive further training to become instructors.
[-] Slowed Ageing
While the accelerated ageing is desirable for getting the clones to a fighting age in a timely manner, it stops being desirable at that point as the clones will become too old to fight much sooner. You have figured out how to reduce their accelerated ageing to regular ageing so now look for a way to give the clones truly slowed ageing.
(584/1,000, 30 Resources per Die)
You told Doctor Desnos to work on further mental enhancement. Doctor Desnos told her team of longneck eggheads that they were working on the second phase of the slowed ageing project. By the time you found out what had happened, it was too late in the quarter to change tracks.
To her credit, Doctor Desnos does make a significant amount of progress on the project and by her own estimate, she is about halfway done with it. Nonetheless, she went behind your back and disobeyed your orders. When asked for her reasoning, the Arkanian prodigy states that this is the last chance to give the clones a proper lifespan and if it is left any later, then the oldest clones will miss out on the full benefits of it.
In the end, you are left with a choice. You could discipline Doctor Desnos with a lesser punishment, but given her strong principles, it wouldn't deter her from taking similar moral stands in the future. The only way to stop such stunts is to take a more extreme option, either firing her or just disposing of her. Or call it what it is, killing her.
You could fire her, but Doctor Desnos knows a lot of your secrets from the project in general to things you would really not like to get back to the Sith such as what you have done to render the inhibitor chips. On the other hand, you could take the safe option of simply killing her, but can you do that to a friend you have spent the last five years working closely with? Yes, you could, but you would do so with a heavy heart.
[] Let it go. (Until Slowed Ageing is complete, all other Research projects are locked, ???)
[] Fire her. (Doctor Tanasi Desnos is fired, ???)
[] Kill her. (Doctor Tanasi Desnos is killed, Jango Fett gains Depressed, ???)
[-] Investigate Force Resistance
There are a few species out there that have a higher than average resistance to the Force being used upon them. Hutts are the most common example, but Toydarians and Yinchorri are two other examples. Doctor Desnos wants to investigate the possibility of applying this trait of Force resistance to our clones.
(643/550, 35 Resources per Die)
While she was disobedient in regards to the majority of her work this quarter, Doctor Desnos did finish off the initial investigation into giving some form of Force resistance to the clone troopers. Once all of the documation and notes are compiled and some preliminary research into the subject is done, Doctor Desnos reports while a more general Force resistance appears to be off the table, the Arkanian prodigy believes it possible to make the clones resistant to mind-affecting applications of the Force.
[-] Hiring Paper Pushers (Phase 2)
Paper works need doing, but that doesn't mean that you have to do it. You've already hired some papers to help you out, but look around for some more bureaucrats that have a good appreciation for discretion and secrecy.
(484/250, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (234/250) (+5 to Administration Dice)
Continuing your work from last year, you snatch up all of the various paper pushers you began to recruit now that they are free of their obligations. With Taid Tog helping you, you even make great progress recruiting another batch of various accountants and bureaucrats as regardless of if the Duroes is truly corrupt or not, he is a very capable administrator.
[-] Burying Secrets
The clone army is supposed to be a secret which means this whole affair is supposed to be secret. When too many things begin to start pointing in your direction, you need to bury them before people come poking out.
(176) (DC 60/80/100/120/140) (-1E/-2E/-3E/-4E/-5E)
Taking advantage of the ongoing confusion from the lawsuit's outcome, Taid Tog engages in further work to muddle the paper trail of the contracts and the productions you receive from them. As the Mandalorian lawsuit gets overtaken as a flashpoint between the brewing tensions between the Core faction and the Rim faction, the Duros has a lot of latitude to work with as people stop paying attention to the business of smaller corporations like MandalMotors and Concordian Crescent Technologies and the renewed business allows the Mandalorian companies to shake up their administrative records.
So most of the discussion has already been covered in the thread around Doctor Desnos. Just be aware that if you fire or kill her, you will lose all of the benefits that she gives. Beyond that, the lawsuit had a favourable outcome to you so your contracts are safe.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.