Gestalt, A Worm x PMMM Faux-quest

"What do you mean, the person whose bullies I'm going to war with might have an opinion on what I'm doing?"

Supremely awkward silence.

"... I mean... um..."

[+100 Grief Seed corruption]

Sarah: "I'd make a joke about asking her brother to provide free helicopter rides but that's just too easy."


That being said, weaponizing Witches is a thing that some girls will do. It's a risky maneuver, since Witches are at their most powerfull when hatched and not picky about who they attack, but it can be quite effective if you can pull it off.

Flairina-Sempai has noticed me!

Thanks for dropping in! I'm glad you're enjoying this.

To be fair, considering my usual pacing is "we're an entire novel's worth of words in and we're still in the introduction", me stepping things up isn't exactly a bad thing in my book. Plus, Emma and Co. aren't exactly gonna be sitting on their thumbs; Rachel defying Emma so blatantly has put her just underneath Taylor herself in her shit-list.

Shadow Stalker, on the other hand, has beef with Rachel for entirely different reasons.

That being said, I do want to have some time between "now" and stuff like Lung and the Undersiders (to say nothing the other Worm baddies and some meguca ones). No reason to be losing heads.


And, since I've been getting complaints about the text coloring on two sites...

On one hand, as Flairina noted, there is a specific reason why I've gone for that shade of blue (#003152, to be specific, also known as Prussian Blue), so I'm hesitant to part with it. On the other hand, if the symbolism is preventing the reader from actually reading what I'm writing, then the symbolism is being a detriment to the rest of the work.

Which means I'll be changing the blue text to a shade which should be easier to read. This one, specifically.

Either way, next part will be quite complicated to write, so feel free to continue speculation and stuff!

That second colour is much easier on the eyes, legible and still a darkish purple if that helps?
Hmm... Wouldn't Oriko try to target Eidolon and/or Scion? The Endbringers are going to cause complete extinction, and Scion could effortlessly switch into "murder everything" mode. If she could predict Walpurgis, then there's probably no such thing as "Unpathable" for her. Though there's also a good chance she invaded Cauldron, Oriko... Is the kind of stupid that thinks "the ends justify the means". Though Eidolon being on the run because the rest of Cauldron want to take away his powers sounds interesting, especially since "just kill him and harvest High Priest's permission keys" would probably be their top idea.

Oriko is more likely to see the events that would result in Golden Morning and trip off Cauldron to seek an alliance with them to either manage the events with the less collateral damage as possible or, if she was to see the follow-up of Scion's Demise (Ward), try to find also a solution to the problem.

In Oriko Magica Oriko resorted to the murder of Kaname Madoka because the pinkette was the key to the emergence of Planet-Nomming Witch Kriemhild Gretchen, plus a side help of 'remove Homura Akemi because otherwise she will never stop to "loop" and thus make the Final Witch even stronger'.

The spin-offs or her own spin-off show that, with no Kriemhild Gretchen looming on the future, she and Kirika have no problem getting into the Walpurgisnacht Fight to fight the Queen of Witches.

Remember, Oriko's precognitive abilities are non-Shard based, meaning that theoretically they should also be immune to the anti-Thinker protections the Endbringers and Scion possess.

Oriko can't Path like Contessa, but with her being able to have unobstructed visions she would be an asset for the cabal.
Oriko is more likely to see the events that would result in Golden Morning and trip off Cauldron to seek an alliance with them to either manage the events with the less collateral damage as possible or, if she was to see the follow-up of Scion's Demise (Ward), try to find also a solution to the problem.

In Oriko Magica Oriko resorted to the murder of Kaname Madoka because the pinkette was the key to the emergence of Planet-Nomming Witch Kriemhild Gretchen, plus a side help of 'remove Homura Akemi because otherwise she will never stop to "loop" and thus make the Final Witch even stronger'.

The spin-offs or her own spin-off show that, with no Kriemhild Gretchen looming on the future, she and Kirika have no problem getting into the Walpurgisnacht Fight to fight the Queen of Witches.

Remember, Oriko's precognitive abilities are non-Shard based, meaning that theoretically they should also be immune to the anti-Thinker protections the Endbringers and Scion possess.

Oriko can't Path like Contessa, but with her being able to have unobstructed visions she would be an asset for the cabal.

I didn't put it in the same way, but I didn't really deny any of that? The only things you left out was how Oriko might react to Eidolon and how Kirika accidentally Wish'd herself into being Oriko's mind slave. Kirika and Mami actually got along, until Kirika's unwitting mental programming kicked in. Kirika is, like, genuinely a good girl who obliviously made herself Oriko's meat puppet. Even Oriko is a good person when she's not going full "ends justify the means". Though Oriko probably isn't all that stable, given how she's willing to potentially let herself and Kirika die and/or Witchout to stop whatever she views as the biggest problem. Sure, she didn't go all psychopath regarding Walpurgis, but once Madoka became the bigger threat that also meant people being unwilling to let it happen. Though by the time of the anime, Oriko might of just shrugged since Madoka was gonna solve everything.

Oriko would be one of the harder characters to work with, precisely because she isn't an actual villain. A well intentioned extremist willing to do bad things if she feels like they're needed, but ultimately not an actual villain. At most she might scheme with Cauldron to make something like Doppels, and possibly insist Eidolon needs to die, but she probably wouldn't threaten the Brockton girls much. Though she might be invested in making sure Taylor doesn't do anything stupid, if she can see a good outcome to letting Taylor live.

Well, there's an idea- have Oriko oddly enough be the sanest member of Cauldron, being offended if they tied blatantly ignoring her. Maybe she tried insisting Taylor needs to stay in Brockton, but instead the others decide to kidnap her. I just really don't like how people treat Oriko & Kirika like they're basic bad guys, when at their worst they're well intentioned extremists.
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Oh right, some mad speculation for the far off endgame. Ahem… I imagined that Taylor would finally make her Wish by going "I Wish for my soul to takeover Scion's body, so I can take control of all Parahumans, Magical Girls, and Witches". Basically, I see this ending with Taylor usurping the Shard Network and adding Magical Girls & Witches to it. So she'd probably paradox herself into godhood by subduing her own Witch. Seriously, I feel like this'll end a lot like the anime did, with Doppels being introduced and Taylor also taking away Contracting rights from the Incubators.
Most of the Meguca baddies were other Meguca, who usually had some kind of reason. Like Hiiji being full on "I'm not people? F you!", "Yuuri" being convinced her best friend was murdered, and Kagiri being super worked up about Suzune "killing" her mother-figure. Oriko's core motivation was always to stop the biggest threat, and Kirika accidentally made herself Oriko's mind slave. Those last two really only became problems when Madoka became the biggest threat instead of Walpurgisnacht. The Soujus are the only ones I would say are outright villains, and not just girls being consumed by their trauma. One has to be pretty crazy to think collecting Soul Gems "cause they're pretty" is at all reasonable.
There's also one you have missed. The biggest one of all. Plushie Satan himself...Yep. QB . And of course the other Luciferian figure of the franchise

Also @Dalek Ix , are you planning to Xpost this to SB ?
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There's also one you have missed. The biggest one of all. Plushie Satan himself...Yep. QB .

It is kind of impossible not to notice Kyubey. I really do think people do the character grave injustice, constantly saying that he's totally a liar when the Incubators are established not to be. The Incubators aren't evil, nor good in any traditional sense. They value the most efficient means of preventing the heat death, and just don't really care what other species think. To the Incubators, they know all the answers and are willing to make the "hard choices" that no one else will help them with. Being upfront about the Meguca System would get them significantly less Contractees. Hmm… maybe in this setting part of the reason Incubators are unemotional is to prevent themselves from being subverted by the Entities? The Incubators are a nuisance, but even they would reject the Entities for being so selfish in their goal.
In which Sarah saves a life, and Rachel goes to the bathroom.

[X] Follow her. Immediately. Forget about appearances. Act now.
= A great number of emotions are raging in your crystal soul, but one sentiment stands out, as something that has to happen today.
-[X] Traitors should get their due. This is unacceptable, and unforgivable.

--[X] No. The time for High School plotting is over. You saw The Locker. Do you really think they were planning to do a mere prank with something like that? No, it's time to escalate, damn the Wards and the PRT.
-[FORCED] [Sarah Interrupt]

A calm comes over you. A serenity. This is not because you actually are calm, but rather because what Taylor just told you has pushed everything inside into such a frenzy that all you can really do is... sit there.

You don't like... traitors. People who betray your trust. Who turn their back on you. You really, really, don't like them.

<<... Rachel?>>

You thought Emma was just ordinary scum. But now... Now.

You remember The Locker. Emma did that. And you know, know, that she wasn't planning on Taylor merely seeing that disgusting, vomitous mess. No. Oh, no. You know she wasn't just planning that!


You know girls like Emma Barnes. You speak their language. You've thought their thoughts. She wanted this little surprise to be special.

You don't know why. You don't get why. You don't care why. This ends today. Judgement is long overdue!

You stand up-


You stop. Some people are looking at you strangely.

<<Rachel, hands.>>

You blink. Look down. Your hands are clenched, knuckles white from the effort, and trembling. Your nails are buried in your palms, and you smell iron. You stare at them with some fascination, and then sit back down and shove them under your desk. Your heart re-starts, beating furiously as if to make up for lost time. Your breaths are shaky, laborious. They slowly grow stronger. You lick your lips; they're dry, and your mouth feels like it's full of sand.

Under your desk, you slowly force open your hands. The smell of iron grows more intense, and you thank your enhanced body that you stop bleeding quickly.


<<Just... Breathe, Rachel.>> Sarah's voice sounds alien in it's seriousness.

You swallow. <<You heard that.>>

<<... Yeah.>>

<<... Did you know?>>

<<No.>> Sarah sounds uncomfortable. <<Taylor's been Emma's personal punching bag since they came here. I always just... assumed she was just continuing where she left off.>> Out of the corner of your eye, you see her stand up. Her circle of friends are talking, and she looks lost in thought. <<Keep breathing.>>

[X] Stop. Breathe. Gather your thoughts. There's only a few places she might be. Give her some space, and then follow her.

You concentrate very hard on breathing like a normal person. Moving deliberately, you snap your notebook shut, and slide it into your backpack. Zip it closed. Tuck your pens into the little pocket in the front. Zip that closed. Strap on your right shoulder, and stand.

You have now calmed down enough to know how incredibly angry you were. Still are, really. You take care to look away from Emma and her clique and ignore them, otherwise you're pretty certain that you'll... well... You have a few ideas on what might happen, and they're all gratuitously violent. A small part of you insists that it would be worth it, but the rest of you knows that you'll just be exchanging a high school bully with the undivided attention of The Protectorate.

Plus, you know. Murder is bad. Yeah. Remember that?

<<Not about to murder people?>> Sarah pipes up.

<<Depends,>> You reply, <<If I see Emma's face I might turn it into a smear.>>

<<Ah. Sounds like a job for Super Sarah!>>

You hear a yelp, and what is clearly someone tripping over something and falling onto the floor. You hurry outside, and catch some of Sarah's most sincere-sounding apologies, and Emma snapping at her. Taking advantage of the fact that you're shorter than most of the people now filling the hall, you lose yourself in the crowd.

It's lunch time. There's only a few places where Taylor would be hiding, and you're a Magical Girl who's been hunting here every night. If nothing else, you can just ask Kyuubey where she is; it might not actually show up, but it'll hear you over the psychic network.

Still... It might be a good idea to take your time. Taylor does not need you crowding her. You'll give her space.

... You're still gonna track her down and gently drag her out of wherever she's holed herself into, because you're that sort of person. You decide to start with the bathroom on this floor, heading towards there at a pace that's just this side of 'casual'; you might be taking your time, but you have the sneaking suspicion that it would be for the best if you reached Taylor before anyone else did. You're mostly ignored, although you catch sight of a few people in ABB colours giving you the stink-eye. More worryingly, you also see a handfull of people who are totally not Neo-Nazis look at you with... interest.

Wonderful. Exactly what you needed. You briefly wonder if this is your brother's attempt at being helpful, or related to whatever Madison did to get the ABB to decide that they didn't like your face. Either way, it's another thing you now have to deal with. Who know transferring schools could be so stressful?

You reach the bathroom and... pause outside. You listen, and hear the faint sounds of someone sniffling.

Jackpot, possibly. You step inside, and you're about to speak up when you pause. It occurs to you that you don't really have a plan to get Emma to stop, besides punching her into the ocean, which doesn't really count as far as plans go.

You sigh, rubbing your temples. You weigh your options; the quickest and most obvious solution would be to leverage the fact that Emma Barnes is a standard-issue human being and you're a Puella Magi. Showing up at her house in the middle of the night in full costume would be one hell of a way of telling her to fuck off, and maybe one of the few times in which your outfit actually works in your favour. On the other hand... well, it would all hinge on Emma not ratting you out, either out of spite or to call your bluff.

Alternatively, you could look for something that you can use against her socially. Someone like her doesn't get to hold a school like Winslow without being the target of a few grudges along the way; all you have to do is keep an eye out and your ear to the ground. Who knows, maybe Sarah could help?

However it's... not your favorite tactic. In fact you'd prefer not to go for that route, ever but...

Another thing you could do would be to pry the other two girls away from her. The fact that Shadow Stalker is content to be #2 in that relationship strikes you as more than a little strage, to say the least. Plus, there's Madison, who seems to just... be there.

You bite your lip. Madison looks like the logical weak link; she doesn't have Emma's unfathomable personal vendetta, nor is she a freaking Ward, unlike Shadow Stalker. Seeing what's up with her first would be the smart choice.

But... you want to go for Shadow Stalker first. Something deep-seated and instinctual is demanding that you show that these are your hunting grounds. You also have a sneaking suspicion that she suspects something about you, from your little "display" before class. She might even-


You start.

-[X] You could also. You know. Talk to Taylor about this?

... Yeah, you might want to see if the girl who is the primary target of The Bitches Three has an opinion on this. You blush, and try not to kick yourself. Stupid, stupid...
You cannot fuck this up, Rachel.
"I'm-," you start to speak, and then cough, clearing your throat a few times. "I'm here," You tell Taylor.

An awkward silence falls over you both. You step towards the stalls, and lean against the one beside Taylor's. "I'm sorry," you finally settle on saying.

"...W-what?" Taylor asks, "What are you..." A bitter laugh. "What do you have to be sorry for?"

"I pushed you into telling me something you weren't ready to say," you told her.

"... And what if I wanted to say it?" Taylor shoots back, "It was... horrible, having to admit that. Having to remember how things used to be. But at the same time..." A sigh. "Well. Now you know."

"I do." Yes, you do. You frown. "Emma shared her secrets with you, didn't she?" you ask. Maybe...?

"Yeah." Taylor pauses. "I've... considered it, you know. Returning the favour." She lets the statement hang in the air, like potential. "Maybe early on, there would've been someone to take me seriously, but..." A ruffle of cloth; she shrugged.

"It could still happen," You muse, "I don't think Emma climbed her way to getting everyone to pretend you don't exist without stepping on a few toes." A smile tugs at your lips. "And I know Sarah would spread them around. She'd find the fallout hilarious."

"... She's a terrible person," Taylor mutters.

Your smile drops. "Yeah..."

Another pause. A thought occurs to you.

"You didn't want to hurt her," you realise. Taylor's silent, but she might just as well confirmed what you said.
She's a much better person than you would've been.
You sigh, dragging your fingers through your hair.

You make a decision.

[-] Tit for tat.
- [-] Truth.
- [-] Confession.
- [-] Secrets.
[-] Let's go. There must be someplace you can have lunch in peace.

[-] You are interrupted.
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I still can't help but feel like the colored text is more than a stylistic choice.

Regardless, basically nothing happens this chapter so there's not much to comment on.

It sucks when brutal violence isn't the answer.
[-] Tit for tat.
- [-] Truth.
- [-] Confession.
- [-] Secrets.

Please tell us literally anything about yourself Rachel. Sure, admitting a Wish is never the first move, but please tell us more about yourself. The only thing I've put together is that people like Emma aren't new for you, and that you were probably a more oblivious version of her once.
Well. Thank author for Sarah. Did not think I'd be saying that about this fic any time soon. That could have gone REAL BAD.

Cautiously optimistic now, though that [-] You are interrupted. looks ominous. Sophia interrupt?
[X] You are interrupted.

I'm in favor of this option, as it seems the most likely one to end in immediate violence.
In which Rachel makes a friend.

[X] Tit for tat.
- [X] Confession.


Say it. Tell her. She was brave enough to tell you.
Or desperate enough to tell someone, anyone.
Just say it.

"... You're a better person than I would've been," you tell her. Taylor stays quiet, prompting you to continue speaking. You do.

The moment the first word comes out of your mouth, the rest follows more easily.

"There was this... well, guy, but I knew him since we were kids," you tell her, "It started with me being a little mean to him. I'm not really sure why I began; maybe I was trying to hide a crush. Whatever. I'd push him during recess, he'd push me back. I learned that if I went to the teachers, nine times out of ten he'd be the one getting punished instead of me." Keep going. "It was... fun. Watching him squirm. It made me laugh. It made other people laugh too, and those people became my friends. We had one hell of a time, tormenting this one kid. If you have one kid saying he got shoved into the rose bushes and four saying they were on the other side of the playground, who do you think the teacher's gonna believe?" Keep going. "The best part was when he hit back, especially when we got older."

"It's funny," you say, quietly, "I could do all sorts of things to him, but the moment he had enough of me... well, all people would see is a boy punching a girl that's obviously smaller and weaker than him, and come to the conclusion that he was bullying me."

You laugh, bitterly, bitterly.

"Oh, I loved that. And sure, me and my buddies found more targets, but this guy? He was my favorite." You spit out the word. "I learned which buttons to push. I learned what words made him the angriest. I started rumours that made everyone treat him like he was radioactive. I glued every single page of his schoolbooks together. I stole stuff from other people and put it in his bag, poking out juuust enough for someone else to see, and watched him take the blame. I made him fail a subject by printing out a sheet of paper with the answers to an exam and planting it under his desk, and the only reason I didn't try that trick again was because it might take him away from me. I could go on. I could write a book about all the petty, stupid fucking things I did to him. I made every single second he spent near me hell, for years, because I. Found. It. Fun."

You're panting. You hold out your hand, and make your gem appear. You watch, the self-loathing materializing as a dark, oily clould, gathering along the bottom, and resist the urge to close your hand and squeeze.

"What happened?" Taylor asks, speaking for the first time.

"... Did you know that nobody actually thinks of themselves as the bad guy?" You laugh. "Yeah. You could be a little fucking monster who gets her kicks out of making someone live throuh the worst time of their lives and you'll still twist yourself up in knots to keep believing that you're not in the wrong. 'He had it coming'. 'He deserves it'. 'It's just some fun'. 'He's just a freak'..."

"What happened was that I learned what sort of person I am in the absolute worst way possible," you tell Taylor, tonelessly. "But by the time I tried to turn around..."
"Why can't you just leave me alone!?"
"Well," You say, "It was too late for me to do anything but make things worse." You slide down, sitting on the scuffed and chipped linoleum floor, your back resting on the divider between the stalls, and your knees up against your chest. Your Gem glints darkly in your hands. "One day he just... didn't come to school. We found out a few days later. Hit and run accident. Guy had the BAC of a distillery."
You know it wasn't an accident. You know he saw an out and took it. You did this. You.
You close your eyes. Feel the Gem in your hands. Feel yourself. The little decorations and flairs of the frame. The smooth, warm crystal. The cold spot at the bottom. One heartbeat. Another.

(Faintly, you hear the stall door open.)

You dig a Grief Seed out of your pocket and press it against your Gem. You feel something cold and clammy drift away from you, and your chest feels lighter. You breathe, and the air seems to fill you a little more fully. Warmth spreads across your body, starting at your core and then out towards your limbs. You open your eyes, and glance up and left; Taylor is there, looking down at you. Her eyes are red, and when you reach up to touch your face with the back of your hand, you feel dampness there.

You snort, holding up the Grief Seed in the hand not holding your Gem, the spike pinched between thumb and forefinger. Give it a shake, to show the motes of deepest black inside. You toss it up, grab it as it falls, and stuff it back inside your pocket, dismissing your Gem at the same time.

"Grief Seed; Never leave without one," you say. You sigh. "I learned that the hard way. After I... Well, after I stopped feeling sorry for myself, I decided that some things needed to change." You tilt your head back, staring at the ceiling. "I marched straight to the Principal's office and told him everything. Everything me and my friends had done. Everything that I could remember. Everything."

"... And?"

"Some got expelled. Some got suspended." Your fists tighten. "Some were smart enough not to leave evidence where I could get it." A pause. "I got a termporary suspension, 'In recognition of my honesty'. None of them were my friends after that."

That's not quite what happened, though. You wanted all of you to go there, together, and share the guilt and punishment. But they didn't want to do that. You overheard them planning to pin everything on you, and decided to move first.

"So yeah," you tell Taylor, climbing up to your full height. You wipe away what's left of your tears, and don't look up at her, "I'm a fucked-up, horrible person trying to be less fucked-up and horrible. I'm kinda terrible at it, but..." You laugh. Short, and more out of irony than any joy. You shrug helplessly. "I'm... trying."

You look up. Taylor's expression is... complicated. She's biting her lip, eyes looking down at her hands, fiddling with the sleeves of her zip-up sweatshirt. You stick your hand out at her, and her eyes follow it like it was some vaguely threatening spider. You look at her own; they've stopped moving, frozen.

For a moment, you feel as if you've made a mistake. As if you've said too much. As if you've fucked up, again. Just like you always do-

Taylor takes your hand.

"I..." She stops, pausing, trying to pick out the right words to use. "You're trying to help me. As far as I'm concerned... That's enough."

You almost sag in relief. You hold her hand just a little longer than it's strictly necessary (mostly because if you didn't, you'd be giving Taylor a Puella Magi bearhug). "Thanks," you tell her, and blush a little at the obvious relief in your voice.

The two of you walk out of the bathroom. "Er, so, unless we've got something else to confess to each other, I think we should-"


Your hands snap up and grab an incoming fist a few inches from your face. You stare at the knuckles (dark skin, calloused from use) for a moment, and then past them at the owner.

Shadow Stalker stares back. She doesn't lose her balance when you shove her hand, merely taking a small step back. You feel Taylor freeze still behind you, but you keep your focus on the cape.

"... Sophia," you grind out, flexing your hands, "do you greet everyone by trying to crack their skulls open, or is that just for me?"

"Just trying to keep you on your toes, midget," she shoots back at you, smirking. She tries to punctuate that last part by stepping closer, emphasizing the height difference. Maybe if you were self-conscious about your height, this would've worked. Instead, you just stare at her, arms crossed in front of you.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm short and adorable," you drawl, "Oh woe is me. How will I ever recover." You scoff. "Just say whatever you're here to say, and go back to being Barnes's flunkie."

Shadow Stalker shoots you the mother of all glares. "Emma is my friend, Rachel," she says, voice level and brimming with threat, "I'm nobody's flunkie, got that?"

She seemed genuinely offended by that. You raise an eyebrow.

Shadow Stalker backs away minutely. "Randall didn't appreciate you manhandling him like that," She tells you, casually. "He's gonna be bringing a few friends with him to your little date."

Who the fuck is- oh. Wait. You have telepathy.

<<Hey, Taylor?>> you ask her, <<Who the heck is Randall?>>

It takes a moment for her to reply. <<... the guy you told to meet you in an alley after school for a fight.>>

<<... Ah.>>

Oh. Oh. Yeah, you did do that. Huh.

"Oh?" you say to Shadow Stalker, arms crossed and using your most disinterested tone. Which isn't hard; a couple of people playing at being ABB weren't exactly something you were gonna be worried about. "Yeah, I told him to bring friends, if he's too much of a coward to face me by himself. Why are you telling me this?"

Shadow Stalker doesn't respond immediately. When she does, she smiles.

"Just wanted to make sure," she tells you, turning to leave. "Hope you don't mind an audience, though!"

She walks away, leaving for... wherever. You don't care.

[-] Lunch. Lunch is good. Let's go get lunch. Taylor, where can we go to eat lunch in peace?
[-] Look for Sarah. Corner her. Ask her some goddamned questions. It is not fair that she's the only one who gets to keep her secrets today.
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For a moment, you feel as if you've made a mistake. As if you've said too much. As if you've fucked up, again. Just like you always do-
Huh. "Fucked up" is in a different shade, (255, 77, 77) now. I wonder what's up with all these shades of red.

"Just wanted to make sure," she tells you, turning to leave. "Hope you don't mind an audience, though!"
Huh. Is someone trying to arrange witnesses?
Ah, Sophia thought she was being creepy and threatening. Little does she know Rachel would be wrecking those wannabes, what with being a superhuman lich. She probably would turn off her pain receptors, purely to deny them any pleasure in seeing her "squirm". Probably wouldn't be mad enough to challenge Sophia to a 1v1.
Sophia trying to make Rachel out herself as a cape or get beat up because she's unwilling to? Assuming she's going to be there watching as Shadow Stalker.
Huh. Is someone trying to arrange witnesses?

I'm pretty sure Sophia is going to show up and watch in some capacity purely on the basis that somebody is going to get their ass kicked - either she gets to enjoy Rachel not being able to cash the checks she's writing and getting beat up by the Junior ABB or Rachel backs up her words with action and Sophia gets to watch a bunch of wannabe gangers get their ass kicked. It's a win/win for her, really.
"Oh?" you say, arms crossed and using your most disinterested tone. Which isn't hard; a couple of people playing at being ABB weren't exactly something you were gonna be worried about. "Yeah, I told him to bring friends, if he's too much of a coward to face me by himself. Why are you telling me this?"

A question: how much Randall and his buddies will find themselves screaming "MY SPINE DOES NOT BEND THAT WAY!!!"?
It would be kinda funny if Shadow Stalker starts nursing this "Rachel is a Cape" theory, but can't quite get it to come together because Rachel doesn't actually match the descriptions of any Capes she can find.