Gestalt, A Worm x PMMM Faux-quest

Quick reminder that votes don't do much of anything in this thread. If you have a reason for a vote you want to talk about that's fine, otherwise it's basically flavor text.
and? flavor text is fun :V

[-] Taylor god-damned Hebert is the subject of your ire. You've played around with The Bitches Three more than long enough; they won't back down unless you force them to, and the best way to do that is to sit them down and explain what they'll be finding out if they continue to fuck around. How the hell can she not see that!?
I meant to post this yesterday, but connection issues got in the way. Either way, have a teaser:

«I'm talking about your insinuations about me,» Sarah says. «And, well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not a hero. I'm not even a good person!» She throws the old man a wink, a finger on her lips, and a little roll of cash, wrapped in a rubber band. «But calling me a monster's a little uncalled for.»

He catches it. Blinks. Nods in understanding and sits back down, grumbling.

«Also… well, if I said I wasn't the only one you thought of in that way, how wrong would I be?» Sarah continues.

You stare at her. «Is this really the time for that?»

Sarah smiles.

«Oh, Tay-Tay~,» she coos, suddenly pulling you out the front of the empty store, and back the way the two of you came from. «You think this is hard?»
Honestly, witchbombing Taylor is probably a pretty good idea. She's not a magical girl, so it's not a bomb for her; as long as Sarah makes it clear that she should think very carefully before telling anyone else (like Rachel) there aren't really any downsides. Plus if there was ever someone to make an over-the-top system-breaking wish, it would be Taylor.

By the by, do we know how much potential Taylor actually has? I don't remember it ever having come up, and a brief search doesn't find anything; with the number of worlds that end up depending on her in canon, it could be almost infinite, but the presence of magical girls might well mean that the particular chain of events that result in the Rise of Khepri (or an equivalent that also centers around Taylor) don't happen this time around. (Edit: Actually, that chain of events is already scuppered by Taylor not triggering in the Locker. She could get the same powers later, but honestly it seems more likely that she'd get something different at this point.)

Anyway. Thanks for the chapter, and ...

You're welcome! Thank you for sticking with me.

And, as I've said in SB; Taylor's knack for finding terrible choices to make means that knowing about the Witchbomb doesn't necessarily mean that she won't be making a wish. If anything, she'll find even more reason to make it after that.

And as for Taylor's potential; that has been discussed in this thread, although only in the context of how she compares against Madoka. And while it's very big even with Khepi being butterflied away (after all, she's still Taylor), the number you'd end up with if there was a way to measure it is still something that can be counted.

Madoka's potential is... not.

In-character, I feel like Rachel, after having spent >an hour arguing with Taylor, is probably annoyed at her. Plus, she already feels like she hates Sophia and Emma, whereas for Taylor it's more like a betrayal (not actually, but Rachel might feel like it on some level). Out of character, being angry at Taylor is likely to result in self-reflection and reconciliation, whereas being angry at Sophia or Emma has a non-trivial chance of resulting in Rachel doing something stupid.

Though then again, the fact that these votes are there means that Rachel is annoyed at all three of them, the question is only who she's most annoyed at. Still, a focus on Taylor is probably better than on either of the other two.

Rachel is certainly angry at all of them, but I think she still sees Taylor as a victim and a friend. My guess is that she'd focus her ire on the one who is most responsible for the initial escalation and the one who is nearly untouchable due to the whole cape thing:

One thing I've discovered about the format is that the votes give a peek into a characters mind, since that's something that they're considering doing.

So I may have forgotten some of the nuances of Sarah's character but I'm fairly sure that "talk honestly, unfiltered, and bluntly" is pretty much how you get her to like you (outside of being a wacky woo-hoo funlover) so on the whole Taylor's doing a pretty bad job of avoiding the whole "friend" thing.

Sarah's a massive troll (well, she's other things, but the troll bit is what you get first) so the only thing better than someone she can reliably agree with is someone she can reliably drive up the wall.

Although that might just be the impression she wants to give :V.

That's....interesting. Really interesting. Did she have a Shard poking around in her brainmeats trying to get it's tendrils into her? Or is this magical? Or is the perception entirely on Taylor's end? So many questions, and little in the way of things to work off of for answers.

I blame that on a sudden case of artiste on my behalf.

Basically, I wanted Taylor to get the impression that what she told Sarah should've hit a nerve for her... but, for some reason, it didn't. It should've lit a spark somewhere in her, but there was nothing to burn.

I get the feeling that Sarah's semi-intentionally cultivated social image is at least in part because she can get away with being underestimated and considered a worse person than she actually is. Which isn't to say that she's great, Taylor validly points out that she did and would have done nothing at all to alleviate the Stalker/Emma bullying campaign, but there's little bits we see of her that indicate that somewhere deep down is a considerate and thoughtful person. Which is then filtered through the adrenaline junky party girl.

And you'd be right!

All I can say is that Sarah is a lot more complicated than she lets on. And a little more complicated than she'd like.

And I finished binging this fic. Ugh...

Love it.

Thank you!

and? flavor text is fun :V

Delicious, delicious, tasy flavor text!

Sarah seems like she's attempting to give Taylor life advice.

We'll see how well that goes.

"I can fix her!" -Girl who is Worse.

In related news, I'll be trying to put up teasers for the chapter I'm currently working on from now on, in order to keep the thread alive. Here's another one:

"Who do you think you are," she says. Her eyes are wide and staring. Completely still, and focused on the back of your skull.

Keep calm. Keep cool. Pretend that every single instinct you have isn't screaming at you.

"… I'm Rachel," you say, slowly, "Rachel Zoranski." Your mouth is dry. "Is there a point to this-"

Emma's laugh makes your blood curdle.

"No," she giggles. "Wrong."
"Who do you think you are," she says. Her eyes are wide and staring. Completely still, and focused on the back of your skull.

Keep calm. Keep cool. Pretend that every single instinct you have isn't screaming at you.

"… I'm Rachel," you say, slowly, "Rachel Zoranski." Your mouth is dry. "Is there a point to this-"

Emma's laugh makes your blood curdle.

"No," she giggles. "Wrong."

Is Emma about to suffer a bad case of *angering a magical girl*?

Because that seems like she's going to, and the results won't be pretty.
In which Taylor and Sarah get some snacks, and Rachel and Emma team up against Rachel.

[X] Taylor god-damned Hebert is the subject of your ire. You've played around with The Bitches Three more than long enough; they won't back down unless you force them to, and the best way to do that is to sit them down and explain what they'll be finding out if they continue to fuck around. How the hell can she not see that!?

You'd think she'd be the one to understand. In fact you thought that she'd be the one most on board with the whole thing; she's been dealing with their bullshit for longer than you are. Is she really gonna come out and say that there wasn't a moment she didn't wish she could punch the smug off of their faces?

Isn't she more worried about how you've basically confessed to criminal intent to a Cape?

Shadow Stalker would sooner slit her own goddamned throat than run up to the PRT for help. You know that! Taylor knows that! Anyone who spends five minutes in a room with her knows that!

Also, it's a known fucking fact that all those people clutching pearls and crying that, "Buh-but punching a bully only makes YOU a bully!" are sheltered morons so high up in the ivory tower they don't have enough fucking oxygen to speak and think at the same time. Bullies WANT you to be passive. Bullies WANT you to stand there and fucking take it. Bullies WANT you to be a perfect little victim that they can torment at their leisure! YOU WOULD KNOW!

And, hey, wait a minute, but isn't that just a PERFECT way to describe Taylor Hebert?!

Hold the phone-.

SHUT. Even discounting how amazingly USELESS the Winslow staff is, to the point that you're certain that there's several someones paying them good money to turn a blind FUCKING eye to all the shenanigans going on, what's stopping her from firing back? What's stopping her from… I don't know, using Emma's own tactics against her? Doesn't Taylor have a fucking cheat-sheet to Emma Barnes's dirty secrets gathering dust in her skull?

You know why-.

SHUT UP. SHUT THE FUCK UP. You are NOT dealing with any of you! So what if Emma Barnes was Taylor's friend? Note the past tense in that sentence! Emma cunting Barnes is not worth holding on to warm fuzzy memories! Emma Barnes is worth exactly fuck all!

Fuck, why hasn't Taylor just… you don't know, recorded her bullshit and then sent it to Emma's dear old dad?

Why haven't you?


Why. Haven't. You. Rachel?

You… You-…!

Your internal struggles are, sadly, interrupted. Footsteps, one pair, right behind you. For a moment, you think that it might be one of the ABB goons, but you turn to look and find the person you least expected to be there.

Although, thinking on it, maybe you ought to have expected Emma to follow you home at one point. Or tried to.

She's a few yards away from you. Bag on one shoulder, and a jacket shielding her from the winter chill, and making her stick out like a fashionably-dressed sore thumb in the rundown alley you'd gone into so you could be angry in peace.

Staring at her, you hold back from telepathically screaming with frustration. You cross your arms. "What do you want?" you call out to her.

Emma says… nothing. Now that you're looking at her, you see that, past the smug bitch face she's got, there's something wrong with her.

You're not impressed. "Well?"

"Who do you think you are."

The outburst catches you off-guard. You blink.

"… What?"

She comes closer. Her lips are turned up into her usual sneer, but her eyes

Emma Barnes repeats herself, and each word from her lips is stamped with pure, absolute, hatred.

"Who do you think you are," she says. Her eyes are wide and staring. Completely still, and focused on the back of your skull.

Keep calm. Keep cool. Pretend that every single instinct you have isn't screaming at you.

"… I'm Rachel," you say, slowly, "Rachel Zoranski." Your mouth is dry. "Is there a point to this-"

Emma's laugh makes your blood curdle.

"No," she giggles. "Wrong."

You are Taylor Hebert and, unfortunately, this is the best choice you can make.

You sigh. Step back closer to Sarah, and say,

[X] You're going.

"Fine. I'm coming with you. But I want answers," you immediately add, "Actual answers, not whatever you think would be funny."

Over telepathy, you ask, «And the first thing I want to know is; who's following us?»

Sarah pouts dramatically. "Awww… But those are my favorite!" she whines.

Her voice over telepathy is still, well, Sarah, but there's an edge to her. An edge which, you realize, you last heard during the Witch hunt.

(How the hell can they call something like that a Witch?)

«Caught me looking, eh~?» A giggle that makes you shudder. «The answer to that is Sophia; part-time nominal hero, part-time stereotypical jock chick, full-time local brooding edgelord.»

Her eyes track something on the rooftops behind you. «First tip of the day Tay-Tay: us Skirts got better senses than you by default. If you want better awareness, watch us really carefully.»


Sarah takes your hand. There's an easygoing smile when she chirps, "Well, time's a-wasting~!", but her grip is iron hard as she pulls you along. She power-walks back to the corner you'd just come from and then turns right, weaving through the scarce crowd crossing the street.

You do your best to follow, instead of being dragged. You're not quite as successful as you'd like to be.

«Second tip of the day, Tay-Tay,» Sarah muses, ducking into an alley. «Just because someone didn't put themselves between The Terrible Trio and you doesn't mean they're some sort of monster.»

She says that, casually, while suddenly pulling you into the backdoor of one of the shops in a sudden burst of speed. You're so busy trying not to lose your footing that that telepathic statement almost goes completely past your head.

«… What're you-?» You're going through the storage room of a shop. The owner, an old man resting on a folding chair, rises to his feet and opens his mouth to shout.

«I'm talking about your insinuations about me,» Sarah says. «And, well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not a hero. I'm not even a good person!» She throws the old man a wink, a finger on her lips, and a little roll of cash, wrapped in a rubber band. «But calling me a monster's a little uncalled for.»

He catches it. Blinks. Nods in understanding and sits back down, grumbling.

«Also… well, if I said I wasn't the only one you thought of in that way, how wrong would I be?» Sarah continues.

You stare at her. «Shadow Stalker's following us. Is this really the time for that?»

Sarah smiles.

«Oh, Tay-Tay~,» she coos, suddenly pulling you out the front of the empty store, and back the way the two of you came from. «You think this is hard?»


Emma Barnes is human. She is, 100%, a standard-issue, completely normal human. You could, in fact, fold her in half if you wanted to.

You feel great comfort in reminding yourself of this, because what the fuck is this?

"You're wrong," Emma repeats. Still smirking. Still filling each word with an alarming amount of hate. "That's what you are. Wrongness."

… Uh.

Okay, now, this is… Um. Familiar. Yes.

Almost familiar. Pay attention.

"… You know, as ironic as saying that to me is-."

"Sophia thinks you understand," Emma interrupts. "The way the world works."

Oh. Yes. That. 'Strong prey on the weak' and so on. Also, rude.

… Wait, Emma's also into that? What?

"She thinks you're just… lost, you know," She continues. "Or stubborn. That you're doing this out of some sort of… misplaced sense of heroism," Emma spits out the word. "But I know better."

"I used to be weak," she says, almost wistfully. "Weak, and helpless, and ignorant. Like Taylor." Emma pauses. "I bet she told you we used to be friends. She got quieter after her mom died-"

You are not having this. You head towards her. "Wait hold on-"

"- but once you're under her shell, it's hard to get her to stop spilling the beans." Emma kept fucking talking, as if she hadn't heard you. She giggles. "Another way she's weak."

"So what?" you snap, "Let me guess; then you met Sophia, she gave you a recruitment speech to her brand of crazy-."

"I'M NOT CRAZY!!" Emma shrieks, loud enough that you take a step back. Her eyes are huge and wild.

"I'm not," she insists. She visibly gathers herself. "I'm not. And you're wrong. Again. Sophia didn't have to tell me anything. She showed me. Showed me how wrong I was. Taught me how much stronger I could be."

"But, every time I see that pathetic, miserable scarecrow…"

Emma's face is transformed by the sort of loathing you're sadly familiar with. She looks about to go on a rant, but then she stops. "Although… Maybe I ought to thank her," she mused, "After all, if she wasn't there to remind me of when I was weak, I wouldn't have been able to see what Sophia can't. I know why you're doing this. I know who you are."

She smiles.

"You're an evil little monster," she says, with a level of conviction that borders on religious, "And you're doing this because you want to make me suffer."

You stare.

"… what."


You are Taylor Hebert, you have no idea how Sarah can giggle telepathically, and you're not sure you want to know.

"This way!" she chirps as she pulls you along, glancing back in your- no, in Shadow Stalker's direction. Over telepathy, she tells you, «I've gotten really good at losing people who are way, way better at stalking than Shadow Stalker. Pun absolutely intended.»

«Why am I not surprised…» you manage to force out. Even with your slightly longer stride, you're struggling a little to keep up. Especially since she keeps changing direction; ducking into alleys, backtracking, weaving in and out of crowds.

«Anyways, my question.»

Oh for the love of-

«What do you want me to say?» you snap, «You and every single fucking person in that school could've done something about it. Instead, you all just watched

«Yeah,» Sarah says, mildly, «we could've stood up to them, like Rachel.» She paused for effect. «And then Madison would've done her thang, and sicced the ABB kids or the Little Nazis on us. Like she did with Rachel.»


«That's-!» you shake yourself, trying to keep your emotions off your face as Sarah pulls you into a corner store. «First of all, fuck you. That was a cheap shot and you know it.»

Sarah, who was pretending to be examining a bag of potato chips, shrugs. Mentally. Over telepathy. It makes you go cross-eyed a little. «Cheap shots still count if they hit. And?»

You rub the bridge of your nose. «And… Okay. Fine. But what's your excuse?»

«My excuse…» she says, almost to herself. «I'll give you a reason; I'm not a hero.» She suddenly loses interest in the chips and skips to another aisle, and you're forced to follow. «I've tried giving the 'selfless savior' routine a go, and it's a whole lot of boring, painful work for not a lot of prize. Really not my thing. I'd rather enjoy the time I've got left, you know?»

That last statement gives you pause. «…The time you have left?»

«I'm a Magical Girl. Unless you figure out what you're gonna ask Cubes for your birthday, I'm gonna die looong before you do,» Sarah told you, with all the casualness of someone talking about what they had for lunch, «Same thing with Alice, Susan, Anna and Andrea, and Missy.»

Sarah didn't add Rachel to the list. She didn't need to.

You remember Rachel telling you this. Only a few weeks ago, and yet it felt like years had passed.

"I'll be a Magical Girl until the day I die."

You remember the tone of her voice. How soft it was.

"And when I do it won't be pretty. It'll be a violent, bloody death, and I'll be lucky to leave a corpse behind."

You remember the way her eyes stared right into your own.

"Or one day my despair will fill up my soul until it breaks."

Since then, you'd learned a few things about Rachel. She was impulsive. She was often violent. She wore her emotions on her sleeves for others to deal with and absolutely refused to give up.

"I've accepted that."

It's only made the calm, subdued, dull-eyed way she spoke all the more chilling.

«… You're helping me now,» you point out, trying to hide how much that reminder hit you.

«Like I said: I have the feeling that you're gonna make things interesting around here,» Sarah says, turning around to grin at you, «Can't really do that if ol'Stalky Girl puts you in a coma or something, hm?»

… Wait, hold on-.

She tilts her head. «Okay, according to Cubes, she's she's given up on trying to find us again.»

"Snacks, get~!" she chirps, holding a big bag of chips, above her head, "Come on, we've got a party to get to!"

«You'd think someone who chose the name 'Shadow Stalker' would be better at. You know. Stalking,» she says over telepathy, skipping towards the register to pay for the snacks and leaving you to try to catch up to her. «Gonna have to complain about management about that…»

Hold on a fucking second.

[] You have questions.

-[] Shadow Stalker. Sophia's always had it out for you, but she's always done her bullying in her civilian persona… that you know of. Why is she suddenly out to get you as a Cape?

-[] Rachel and you weren't quiet over telepathy, but you don't remember what Rachel actually did being mentioned. How does Sarah know what happened? When did Sarah figure out what happened? Does she actually know?

--[] Speaking of Rachel, what the hell?! Why the hell did she think that was a good idea!?
Thanks for the chapter!

Also, I was right! Let's see if I can keep up the streak ...

Hmm. Second option just feels weird, to the point that I'm a little surprised it's even there. As far as I can tell, Sarah hasn't said anything that would imply she knows what happened. The "Does she actually know?" bit makes sense, but unless I'm missing something (which I probably am) Taylor has no reason to think Sarah knows what happened. I don't think I have any reason to believe Sarah knows what happened, though there are many ways she could (Kyubey, or just logic from hearing the shape of what they were arguing about).

Between first and third ... third feels wrong. Taylor might be angry right now, but my read on her character is that she wouldn't focus on her anger at Rachel, especially since she seemed more worried about losing Rachel than angry at her, and even if she were inclined to do that I don't think she'd choose to vent to Sarah, though availability might win out there. First, on the other hand, represents a direct threat to Taylor's wellbeing, which seems much more like the kind of thing she'd focus on. Thus ...

-[] Shadow Stalker. Sophia's always had it out for you, but she's always done her bullying in her civilian persona… that you know of. Why is she suddenly out to get you as a Cape?
"… I'm Rachel," you say, slowly, "Rachel Zoranski." Your mouth is dry. "Is there a point to this-"

Emma's laugh makes your blood curdle.

"No," she giggles. "Wrong."

Fuck, with context I am now wondering if someone is mastering Emma and know something about *Rachel*'s wish.

"You're wrong," Emma repeats. Still smirking. Still filling each word with an alarming amount of hate. "That's what you are. Wrongness."

… Uh.

Ah, it's actually Emma's madness coming to fore, her few remaining neurons dying in agony.

"I'M NOT CRAZY!!" Emma shrieks, loud enough that you take a step back. Her eyes are huge and wild.

Yes Emma, we all believe you, now, could you please follow the nice doctors people who think you're strong? Don't worry about the straight jacket, it's to make sure everyone knows how strong you are just with a glance.

"You're an evil little monster," she says, with a level of conviction that borders on religious, "And you're doing this because you want to make me suffer."

You stare.

"… what."

Emma, are you off your meds again?

We told you, not everything is a conspiracy against you.

Man, I can absolutely see her triggering at this rate, but she'll probably break first.
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Fuck, with context I am now wondering if someone is mastering Emma and know something about *Rachel*'s wish.

Ah, it's actually Emma's madness coming to fore, her few remaining neurons dying in agony.

Yes Emma, we all believe you, now, could you please follow the nice doctors people who think you're strong? Don't worry about the straight jacket, it's to make sure everyone knows how strong you are just with a glance.

Emma, are you off your meds again?

We told you, not everything is a conspiracy against you.

Man, I can absolutely see her triggering at this rate, but she'll probably break first.

She probably won't unless this goes AU(more than it already has) she won't have the the dormant correlia pollentia (I don't think I spelled that right so just know its the shard brain tumor thing) necessary to trigger which is also why I think Taylor is seen to have potential to be a magical girl in the first place because she does have one.
Whether it's because she has potential directly because she has one or its indirectly because of the implications having one means I'm not sure although seeing Missy I'm guessing its the latter.
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she won't have the the dormant correlia pollentia (I don't think I spelled that right so just know its the shard brain tumor thing) necessary to trigger

It's important to remember that the pollentia is not from birth, and if you didn't have it but got one later, you will still need a trigger event.

Taylor's worst day of her life is the day her mother died, but since her father had the pollentia at the time, she didn't trigger, then QA moved from Danny to her and she got the locker as the second worst day of her life.

Emma spend a lot of time close to Shadow Stalker, so she can get a second gen trigger if Sophia's shard decide to bud.

And it's the Corrona Gemma for those that triggered, and just pollentia for those that didn't.

Also, contrary to what lots of fanfics tells, even Bonesaw has problems finding these things, and her she's a trump tinker specialized in manipulating them, there is no formal *you get a scan and we can tell if you are a parahuman*.
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SHUT UP. SHUT THE FUCK UP. You are NOT dealing with any of you! So what if Emma Barnes was Taylor's friend? Note the past tense in that sentence! Emma cunting Barnes is not worth holding on to warm fuzzy memories! Emma Barnes is worth exactly fuck all!

Fuck, why hasn't Taylor just… you don't know, recorded her bullshit and then sent it to Emma's dear old dad?

Why haven't you?


Why. Haven't. You. Rachel?

You… You-…!

I want to say what Rachel's struggling with here is trying to reconcile that other people aren't as confrontational with their problem solving or so quick to chuck away emotional bonds as she would like to think she is. But that doesn't quite feel right here. She's definitely having a problem of "why isn't Taylor doing what I would have", which says...interesting things about how Rachel, on some level, thinks about people? I guess?

Emma Barnes repeats herself, and each word from her lips is stamped with pure, absolute, hatred.

"Who do you think you are," she says. Her eyes are wide and staring. Completely still, and focused on the back of your skull.

Keep calm. Keep cool. Pretend that every single instinct you have isn't screaming at you.

Okay....something pushed Emma over the edge here. Which is a very dangerous position to be in, because of how crazy she is. And Rachel's about to realize that....

(How the hell can they call something like that a Witch?)

Yes please explain Bunnycat we'd all like to know.

«Second tip of the day, Tay-Tay,» Sarah muses, ducking into an alley. «Just because someone didn't put themselves between The Terrible Trio and you doesn't mean they're some sort of monster.»

Every person is a person, good life advice to keep in mind. Maybe Sarah isn't the best person to be giving it, but really you're not going to get that kind of truth from someone who you agree with.

«Oh, Tay-Tay~,» she coos, suddenly pulling you out the front of the empty store, and back the way the two of you came from. «You think this is hard?»
"This way!" she chirps as she pulls you along, glancing back in your- no, in Shadow Stalker's direction. Over telepathy, she tells you, «I've gotten really good at losing people who are way, way better at stalking than Shadow Stalker. Pun absolutely intended.»

Oh yeah isn't one of the quabbling duo in a ninja-themed outfit of some variety? Though I suppose given the implied number of magical girls in the city, it's more likely to be a reference to someone we haven't heard of yet. Still, point on Sarah about the senses thing, it's not as focused on sometimes.

"You're wrong," Emma repeats. Still smirking. Still filling each word with an alarming amount of hate. "That's what you are. Wrongness."

Emma, this feels racist. Phrasing?

"I'M NOT CRAZY!!" Emma shrieks, loud enough that you take a step back. Her eyes are huge and wild.

That's uh. That's definitely how a sane person reacts yes. Everyone having a moment here. Emma with the crazy train and Rachel realizing that there is a crazy train.

Emma's face is transformed by the sort of loathing you're sadly familiar with. She looks about to go on a rant, but then she stops. "Although… Maybe I ought to thank her," she mused, "After all, if she wasn't there to remind me of when I was weak, I wouldn't have been able to see what Sophia can't. I know why you're doing this. I know who you are."

She smiles.

"You're an evil little monster," she says, with a level of conviction that borders on religious, "And you're doing this because you want to make me suffer."

You stare.

"… what."

You know what? I have the same reaction that Rachel has here, because this is so far out of left field that I'm going to have to do some real hard thinking to try and make sense for how Emma got here. Unfortunately that can't happen right now, but maybe later. Thoughts tabled.

«I'm a Magical Girl. Unless you figure out what you're gonna ask Cubes for your birthday, I'm gonna die looong before you do,» Sarah told you, with all the casualness of someone talking about what they had for lunch, «Same thing with Alice, Susan, Anna and Andrea, and Missy.»

I note that Anna and Andrea are phrased as a paired duo here rather than two separate individuals. For all that we've seen them arguing with each other literally every time they've had dialogue, they do seem joined at the hip.

It's only made the calm, subdued, dull-eyed way she spoke all the more chilling.

Good on Taylor to notice that fully accepting your death like this isn't very healthy.

Hold on a fucking second.

[] You have questions.

-[] Shadow Stalker. Sophia's always had it out for you, but she's always done her bullying in her civilian persona… that you know of. Why is she suddenly out to get you as a Cape?

-[] Rachel and you weren't quiet over telepathy, but you don't remember what Rachel actually did being mentioned. How does Sarah know what happened? When did Sarah figure out what happened? Does she actually know?

--[] Speaking of Rachel, what the hell?! Why the hell did she think that was a good idea!?

Probably have thoughts on the first option here, but again not things I can put into words right now. Second is something I've been wondering about as well, third is Taylor trying to level up Rachel's Social Link more.

Murgh, I want to dissect things here but brain no work. Good shit, can't wait to see how things crash out.
Gib Tropes

Emma, are you off your meds again?

We told you, not everything is a conspiracy against you.

Man, I can absolutely see her triggering at this rate, but she'll probably break first.

You know what? I have the same reaction that Rachel has here, because this is so far out of left field that I'm going to have to do some real hard thinking to try and make sense for how Emma got here. Unfortunately that can't happen right now, but maybe later. Thoughts tabled.

One thing to note about Emma Barnes's canonical sanity deficiency is that (AFAIK) Taylor never gets to see it in full. By the time Taylor's confident enough to push Emma into letting her mask slip, Taylor... doesn't really care about her enough to do it.

Of course, things are a little different now.

She probably won't unless this goes AU(more than it already has) she won't have the the dormant correlia pollentia (I don't think I spelled that right so just know its the shard brain tumor thing) necessary to trigger which is also why I think Taylor is seen to have potential to be a magical girl in the first place because she does have one.
Whether it's because she has potential directly because she has one or its indirectly because of the implications having one means I'm not sure although seeing Missy I'm guessing its the latter.

It's important to remember that the pollentia is not from birth, and if you didn't have it but got one later, you will still need a trigger event.

Taylor's worst day of her life is the day her mother died, but since her father had the pollentia at the time, she didn't trigger, then QA moved from Danny to her and she got the locker as the second worst day of her life.

Emma spend a lot of time close to Shadow Stalker, so she can get a second gen trigger if Sophia's shard decide to bud.

And it's the Corrona Gemma for those that triggered, and just pollentia for those that didn't.

Also, contrary to what lots of fanfics tells, even Bonesaw has problems finding these things, and her she's a trump tinker specialized in manipulating them, there is no formal *you get a scan and we can tell if you are a parahuman*.

One should also note that, while being host to a Shard does usually give someone enough potential for a wish, there's usually other factors at play.

There's an age requirment, for starters. Kyuubey also has to get rid of the shard to prevent a security breach (which it can't do too often), which can also affect potential. And even if it could get around those, contracting too many magical girls will result in things spiraling out of control, Earth Bet becoming terminally worse, and Kyuubey being fired (which is the relevant bit as far as it is concerned).

(Also, "things that most people think are canon but aren't" is something I really have to look out for.)

I want to say what Rachel's struggling with here is trying to reconcile that other people aren't as confrontational with their problem solving or so quick to chuck away emotional bonds as she would like to think she is. But that doesn't quite feel right here. She's definitely having a problem of "why isn't Taylor doing what I would have", which says...interesting things about how Rachel, on some level, thinks about people? I guess?

Just because Rachel learned "Nazis are Bad", doesn't mean that she's dropped all the other baggage one gets when raised in that environment.

Okay....something pushed Emma over the edge here. Which is a very dangerous position to be in, because of how crazy she is. And Rachel's about to realize that....

It might be the death threats from someone who, as far as she and Sophia are concerned, is a possible Cape with some sort of E88 connections. Just sayin' :V

Unfortunately for Rachel, parading the Nuclear Option only works if both parties are rational. I mean, not that she knew that Emma was a few marbles short, but still.

Yes please explain Bunnycat we'd all like to know.

/人 ‿‿ 人\


Every person is a person, good life advice to keep in mind. Maybe Sarah isn't the best person to be giving it, but really you're not going to get that kind of truth from someone who you agree with.

Considering the friends she's got here and in canon, Taylor is shockingly lacking in people who'd give her life advice. Well, good life advice, at any rate.

Oh yeah isn't one of the quabbling duo in a ninja-themed outfit of some variety? Though I suppose given the implied number of magical girls in the city, it's more likely to be a reference to someone we haven't heard of yet. Still, point on Sarah about the senses thing, it's not as focused on sometimes.

Anna's the "Magical Ninja Girl", yes. Amusingly, this isn't the first time she's come up with regards to Stalker being hilariously out of her depth.

Also, it's Sarah. She's probably lost count of how many people have tried to hunt her down after she pissed them off.

I note that Anna and Andrea are phrased as a paired duo here rather than two separate individuals. For all that we've seen them arguing with each other literally every time they've had dialogue, they do seem joined at the hip.

It says something that even my notes on Anna and Andrea refer to them as a unit. You'll be seeing more of them shortly :V.

Good on Taylor to notice that fully accepting your death like this isn't very healthy.

Yeah, no shit.

I'm actually surprised at how little people commented on that tidbit.

Probably have thoughts on the first option here, but again not things I can put into words right now. Second is something I've been wondering about as well, third is Taylor trying to level up Rachel's Social Link more.

Murgh, I want to dissect things here but brain no work. Good shit, can't wait to see how things crash out.

Thank you! I always welcome analysis and commentary, even if the brain doing so is a bit kaput :V.
Of course, things are a little different now.

A question: would Kyubey consider Emma the equivalent of a potential "smash and grab" to make a quick gain and perhaps spurn certain other parties to Contract (like, for example, Taylor having to Contract to save herself from a nearly-Witching/recently Witch'ed Puella Magi Emma Magica)?
(Also, "things that most people think are canon but aren't" is something I really have to look out for.)

Yeah, Worm and the Nasuverse are the two most prominent examples of fandoms full of this that I know.

And it was worse before, the *Amy is an innocent lamb instead of a bitch (but not a full on sociopath, fuck you ward)* is not as frequent nowadays and people seems to be writing Piggot more to her characterization, you still see some *Purity is redeemable* plots though, despite the fact she's a die hard Nazi, left for other reasons, and became the head of the most racist of the two Empire's splinters post leviathan.

Then again, there has been some new fanon that appeared recently, like this head of the Fallen, Mama Mathers, people says she is from Ward even and that Wildbow say she totally existed all along, honest! (She is incompatible with Worm, for two big reasons: The lack of retaliation from her against Taylor during the two years timeskip despite Valefor being her *very speciul* son, and her lack of doing anything during Golden Morning, despite her, one, being the head of a doom cult, so interested in having Scion win, and two, probably not being ok with Khepri taking her under control, not only because mind control but also, you know, the aforementioned grudge.)
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Then again, there has been some new fanon that appeared recently, like this head of the Fallen, Mama Mathers, people says she is from Ward even and that Wildbow say she totally existed all along, honest!
I really didn't remember the Fallen being nearly as big of a deal in Worm as the fanfics make them out to be. Shoot, I don't even remember Valefor from Worm. So this makes sense.

But did Ward introduce 'Mama Mathers' as a character or did the fandom make her up whole-cloth? I'm actually not sure.
But did Ward introduce 'Mama Mathers' as a character or did the fandom make her up whole-cloth? I'm actually not sure.

'Mama Mathers' has been introduced solely in Ward as a "She's the reason the Fallen has not been shot as a whole after the whole 'let's make sure as many Cape stays alive no matter how EVUL they are for EB fights and possibly for when ZION will go on the destructive rampage' policy fell down with ZION's demise and why Cauldron did not do anything to remove the Enbringer-worshippers".

With a power so broken that she smells of Evil Mary Sue.
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With a power so broken that she smells of Evil Mary Sue.

Not only her power is broken alone, but she also made Valefor into a *super speciul boy* via his *revealed* (retconned in) backstory of having his power since birth and being the son of the head of the fallen and being *so powerful look at him he's not the pathetic loser the fandom wrote him as*.

There are lots of parts of Wards that don't make sense, or where blatants retcons that really feel as if they were directed at contradicting the fandom, she is but one of them, the Simurgh *getting serious*… by using her telekinesis on clothes, and pretending that it totally makes sense for her to not be able to do more is another.
Ward's more sketchy moments and ideas aside, planning the next chapter has been a doozy. Have a teaser/preview:

«Never thought Sophia would stir up memories of the bad old days,» Sarah muses.

The statement gives you pause. «Bad old days?»

«Yep. Sneaking around, ducking into alleys, hiding behind dumpsters, trying to avoid a murderous psychopath whose territory you're trespassing…» She shrugs over telepathy (brrrrr!). «The exciting bits of being a nomad. Miss 'em sometimes.»

You try very hard not to look in her direction. In fact, you're trying very hard not to make a sound at all. «... What's a nomad?»

«Fancy way for Magical Girls to say they're homeless without saying that they're homeless,» Sarah cheerfully explains. «Imagine doing this without having a nice, warm bed to come back to. That was me about… two? Three years ago?» A pause. «Huh. Three years. Remind me to have a good think about that, 'kay?»
In which Taylor learns the Meguca Fight Club Rules and meets another magically empowered blonde, and Rachel learns what hell must be like.

[X] You have questions.

«Still, never thought Sophia would stir up memories of the bad old days,» Sarah muses.

The statement gives you pause. «'Bad old days'?»

«Yep. Sneaking around, ducking into alleys, hiding behind dumpsters, trying to avoid a murderous psychopath whose territory you're trespassing on…» She shrugs over telepathy (brrrrr!). «The exciting bits of being a nomad. Miss 'em sometimes.»

You try very hard not to look in her direction. In fact, you're trying very hard not to make a sound at all. «Nomad?»

«Fancy way for Magical Girls to say they're homeless without saying that they're homeless,» Sarah cheerfully explains. «Imagine doing all this without having a nice, warm bed to come back to. That was me about… two? Three years ago?» A pause. «Huh. Three years. Remind me to have a good think about that, 'kay?»

«… Sure.»

She's bouncing on the balls of her feet, every bit a vapid bundle of giggling, joyful, oblivious energy. But you can also see that she's watching everything. The door, the cracked windows, the cashier, the two or so people in the store with you…

You're getting distracted. As much as you want to inquire further about what Sarah just revealed about herself (she was homeless?), there are other, more pertinent things you need to know.

The most immediate question, "Why is Sophia trying to get me as a cape?" has an… obvious answer. A very painfully, obvious, answer, rooted in the actions a certain someone took.

Fucking hell, Rachel!

The next-most immediate question concerns the magical girl paying at the register.

-[X] Rachel and you weren't quiet over telepathy, but you don't remember what Rachel actually did being mentioned. How does Sarah know what happened? When did Sarah figure out what happened? Does she actually know?

«Okay. How much did Rachel tell you about what happened?» you ask.

Sarah pauses while paying for her snacks. «Not much,» she admits, «By which I mean she didn't tell me anything. All I know is that something put Emma's panties in a bunch, the world's least effective stalker was awfully quiet all day, and Madison almost made me feel sorry for her.»

She pays and leads you out the back entrance of the store. «Oh, and that you two had a fight over something and were being really loud about it over telepathy. Rude, by the way.»

You ignore that. «And that was enough to tell you that Shadow Stalker was going to…»

You trail off. What had Sophia been hoping to do?

«… do something to me?»

Sarah telepathically waves you off, still leading you down back alleys and side streets you've never been in. «Nah; way back when Cubes told me who Sophia was, I asked him to keep an eye on her for me, » she tells you, «He told me something was up, and here I am! So, now that I've saved your skinny butt, mind telling me what Rachel did, that got Emma all murder-ish?»


She's exaggerating. She's being hyperbolic. She's fucking with you.

Your words are blunt. «She told Shadow Stalker, the Cape, that if they kept escalating with us, she'd kill them.»

Sarah doesn't even blink at that. «… Yeah, that sounds like something she'd do. To be honest, I'm kinda shocked she didn't slip up like that until now.»

«Slip up? How is threatening a Cape with murder a "slip up"?»

Sarah glances back at you. «Because Rachel forgot Sophia's not a Magical Girl and treated her like one. »

Something about your shock must've shown on your face, because she then keeps talking. «When Capes fight one another, they're usually not fighting for their lives; villains are trying to do villainy, heroes are trying to do heroics, rouges are trying to do whatever, and so we get conflict! and drama! and so on! But, at the end of the day, killing one another's not the end goal. There's exceptions, like the people with a kill order on their head, but… well, they're exceptions

The two of you stop at a bus station. There's some old movie posters on the sides, and the roof's sagging in the middle. Sarah sits down on the bench, and you follow suit after a moment's hesitation.

«When Magical Girls fight, though?» Sarah continues, «First thing any two reasonable magical girls will try to do is… not fight at all. Our powers can't be used for free, remember? So you negotiate, and bargain. Passing through? Just pay a toll. You'll give me half your hunts if I let you hunt in my turf? Sure thing, I'll shake on that.»

Sarah checks her phone. «But sometimes that's not an option. Sometimes the other girl's a bitch. Sometimes she's insane, or desperate enough she might as well be. That's what threats are for; show the other girl that you can and will tear her head off if she keeps pushing her luck. Wave guns or swords around, break bricks with your teeth, tell them that you'll choke them with their own spine, whatever works. I knew this one girl whose wish gave her actual wings and she met everyone by dropping down from above and just hovering over them with a big spear. Real BE NOT AFRAID stuff. »

You interject. «So this is all because Rachel had a brain fart and decided to do magical girl posturing at Shadow Stalker?»

Sarah laughs and it sounds like a hyena cackling. «Oh, no. I mean, yes on the brain fart, but no on the posturing; if she's telling Sophia that she's gonna kill her and her friends if they don't stop, it's because she intends to kill them if they don't stop. She's pretty straightforward like that. »

A shrug over telepathy. «Or, at least, she intended to do that, before she remembered that Sophia wears a cape and not a skirt. Awkward.»

… You need to know. «Has Rachel…?»

Sarah finishes the question for you. «Killed anyone?» A snort. «Not that I know of; but I do know there's at least one girl who had to regrow an arm after Ray-Ray shot it off.» A pause. «Oh, pro tip: never ask a Magical Girl what her body count is. Heh~.»

The bus slows down to a stop with a hiss of air breaks and a metallic screech. Sarah stands.

"And this is our ride~!" A grin. "Come on, Tay-Tay; we've got a party to get to."

You sigh and stand up to follow her out of the bus. "What party?"

"The one I'm bringing, duh!"

Sarah steps into the bus, and then you do. "Did you tell anyone you're bringing a 'party'?" You ask, sounding almost as exhausted as you feel.

"Ah, that's the neat part; I didn't."

You are Rachel Zoranski.

"… what."

And what the fuck is this.

Emma Barnes's smile is too wide. "It's so obvious when you know what to look for," she tells you, "Why else would you stick around someone that pathetic? I bet she told you everything the moment you so much as smiled at her; Taylor's been starved for attention ever since her mommy drove the car into a lamppost. Although, if you ask me, I'd say she just woke up and realized she didn't want to be Taylor's mom anymore."


You know, that explains-


Emma giggles, and then gives a casual shrug. "Whatever. Although… I gotta ask, how much have you told Taylor about yourself?"

Your voice is utterly, deathly calm. "How much has Shadow Stalker told you about me?" You bluntly counter. "Don't answer that; I'm giving you five seconds to get to the point."

Emma's smile widens.

The bus comes to a stop with a squeal of bad breaks and a hiss of compressed air. Sarah and you get off, she with a hop and you with… much less energy. Nobody else gets off, and there's a certain indecent haste in how quickly the driver puts it back into gear and pulls away.

Not that you can really blame him.

The rest of the trip to The Clinic is done in… not silence. Sarah seems to be pathologically incapable of shutting up; an airheaded prattle in public…

"Ohmygosh we're gonna have sooo much fun~!"

…and a more focused stream of anecdotes in private, over telepathy.

«First time I came here, Misty had to carry me out. Fun times! Oh, another Pro Tip: Susan never leaves the place. Do not do anything that'll force her to get involved; ever seen someone weaponize stage magic, except the stage magic is real? Yeah, not so fun times. Girl would be prime supervillain material if she wasn't so nice. Then again, she does have Alice for a boss…»

«Speaking of which: I've only been to Alice's Mad Scientist Wonderland once. Once was enough for me. Three stars, terrible service but surprisingly entertaining!»

«School's out, so we're gonna be seeing a lot more people than when Ray-Ray brought you. Which means you're gonna see the sort of people who keep Brockton Bay safe without any sponsorship deals. Just smile and nod and try not to stare. Or start fights. Or look like you might start fights. Or look like… actually if someone's staring a little too hard in your direction just point them out.»

«By the way, "hanging out with friends" is the most popular parental excuse for doing magical girl stuff before the sun's down. From a certain point of view, it's not even a lie!»

You reach the converted rail car. Sarah transforms with a twirl, turning her casual, preppy outfit into one that's armoured and fantastical, and a sudden, powerful surge of jealousy washes over you when she does.

You push past her to get in first. There's darkness and discontinuity that completely messes with your sense of direction, and then you're inside. Missy Biron is right where you last saw her, and you briefly stare at her before looking away, face carefully neutral.

Does she live here? Is she the only bouncer Alice has, or is she just one of several and they work in shifts?

The younger girl is briefly surprised at your arrival. Then Sarah stumbles inside, and Missy's focus sharpens.

"Hey Taylor. Sarah, where's Rachel?"

Sarah gasps, right hand pressed against her chest; grievously, dramatically offended. "Is this how you say hi to Auntie Sarah? After all these years?"

Missy's glare could've curdled milk. "Sarah."

A puff from the older girl. "I forget you're no fun," she grouses, "well, Rachel got into a fight with Tay-Tay here…"

Sarah begins to tell Missy about what's happened so far. Your focus, however, is on what lies inside the clinic itself; just as Sarah predicted, the place is much more crowded than the last time you visited. The tables are full, the bar is packed, and just about every seat has someone on it. It's a riot of bright colours and outfits that go from the sensible to the extravagant. It's hard to focus on any one of the people inside; here there's a brunette in a frilly red and white dress speaking animatedly with two others, one in pigtails with a long, white and blue dress, and another a blonde in pigtails wearing black with a cape. There's one table filled with girls wearing different sorts of knightly armour that are having a very animated argument. One booth's occupied by a group of girls with an Asian look to them, the most prominent of which has midnight black hair, a witch's hat, and what feels like way too little cloth on her outfit…

You quickly look away. Surprisingly, you're not the only person in civilian clothes; there's a few scattered here and there, sticking close to who you have to assume to be their magical girl friends, and you're only slightly surprised to see that most of those are armed –baseball bats mostly, but there's also one with a hammer and one girl in the uniform of a private school has a holster with a pistol.

Another thing you note that they're all still girls. You… wonder why that is; is there some unspoken rule against bringing boys in here?

Sarah has finished telling Missy what's happened. The older girl pulls you into the Clinic, with the younger pushing past; you only get a brief glance at her face as she moves past, and she looks disturbed.

Only three people give you more than a casual glance when you come in. Two of them are sat together, and it takes a while for you to realize that you'd heard of them before.

Anna and Andrea are just as Rachel described them; Anna's outfit is midnight blue with a few silver and red accents, but the hooded half-cloak that she wears over pants and boots, and the mask over the lower half of her face scream "assassin", while Andrea's can best be described as an armoured dress, white steel over blue. You can't see Anna's hair, but Andrea's is a coppery red tied up in a ponytail. They quickly realize that you've noticed them staring in your direction, and pretend to look elsewhere, in between throwing each other the nastiest looks you've ever seen.

The other girl staring at you is one you've never seen before. She looks vaguely Asian, and is blonde, with her hair in a pair of curls that look almost like drills. White shirt adorned with a yellow ribbon tie with short, puffy sleeves and arm warmers. A beige skirt with a black edge, thigh-length socks, tall hunting boots, a little plumed hat and a corset that emphasizes her…

… you feel like the protagonist of a terrible romance novel just thinking about it, but the first word that comes to mind is "her curves". She's curvy in a way that immediately makes you self-conscious. Especially since she's sitting down with her legs crossed, teacup in one hand, radiating an aura of utter confidence. Unlike Anna and Andrea, her reaction to you looking back at her is to just smile… and beckon you towards her.


[] ... approach. This person clearly wants something from you and you want to know what and why.

- [] Pull Sarah along; you're not stupid. Plus, it's her turn to be pulled around.

[] ... stay away. This person clearly wants something from you, and whatever it is it cannot be good.
So glad to see this get updated. I hope more chapters are coming soon.
«First time I came here, Misty had to carry me out. Fun times!

Is that supposed to say Missy?

The other girl staring at you is one you've never seen before. She looks vaguely Asian, and is blonde, with her hair in a pair of curls that look almost like drills. White shirt adorned with a yellow ribbon tie with short, puffy sleeves and arm warmers. A beige skirt with a black edge, thigh-length socks, tall hunting boots, a little plumed hat and a corset that emphasizes her…

If I am not wrong that is Mami Tomoe.
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The Author Returns
It took me a year and three months to get back, but I finally, finally have.

To be perfectly honest, I struggled a lot with getting enough motivation to keep going, which only really got worse the longer I let this sit; especially since I very rarely post here or on SB (not to mention my... issues with SV). I was tempted to just quietly abandon this for good, especially since I've never gotten the impression that Gestalt had been especially popular.

... And then Rooster Teeth got axed, and RWBY's future began to look rather shaky.

For those of you who don't know I have a RWBY fanfic over on SB (no I'm not importing it here), and that bit of news got me in the mood for continuing that. But then I told myself that, well, it wouldn't be exactly fair to leave this in limbo as well, then, wouldn't it.

If none of that made sense, welcome to How My Brain Works. Yes, it's terrible. I know.

And so, here I am. Expect... maybe not quick updates, but at least semi-regular ones.

(And yes, I'm working on the next bit of Red Ruin. Stay tuned on that!)
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