Gestalt, A Worm x PMMM Faux-quest

So… when do we get Alice's Monster, the surprising beautiful Eve? I'm pretty sure Frankenstein's Monster was actually supposed to be surprisingly handsome and named Adam, but always gets adapted as a bumbling fool.
No, physically repulsive (not necessarily hideous in the way he's usually portrayed, possibly more of an uncanny valley effect) but extremely smart. It was the main reason his creator rejected him. "Oh no, I meant to make something beautiful and that part of the plan didn't work out, welp, guess the whole project's no good."
To be fair to Alice, she's not your typical "Hurrr durrrr being good is baaaaaad" randbot meme in that she actually did read what Ayn Rand wrote down (although I can't imagine reading all of Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead did her sanity any good). It should also be noted that some of the things about Objectivism that most people assume to be true aren't quite --for example, the "Altruism" that Rand goes against is not the same "Altruism" that most people would think of when they hear of it. For most people, altruism means "don't be a jerk to other people", while the altruism that Rand was attacking was the original term coined by Auguste Comte, who said that to be "good", the ultimate end of their actions must be to benefit others.
In my experience, most people who use the word 'altruism' mean 'doing things to help others for no reward' not merely 'don't be a jerk'. However, they usually don't tie it to Comte's philosophy of what makes a person good.
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Eh, Victor was just a mad scientist, Alice is a mad scientist with biokinetic powers. I'm almost expecting something like Fran from the Nasuverse, I'd be very uncomfortable if Alice was more like Franken Fran. We really don't need body horror from the local version of Mitama.
In which Rachel introduces Taylor to some friends.

[X] Enter The Clinic.

You take a step into the darkness-

-and out into a well-lit room, fashioned from the inside of an old boxcar. To your right, you see that the wall has had a doorway cut out of it, leading into the next railway car in the train. A pair of mismatched outdoor lamps frame that opening on each of the uppermost corners, and standing there, guarding the entrance, is the one Magical Girl shorter than you are. Which isn't surprising, considering she's twelve.

"Hey Missy," you greet her, giving her what you hope is a casual wave. Missy Biron looks up from her cellphone; her costume's more "classic Magical Girl" than yours is; knee-high boots and a sleeveless dress that ends just above her knees, all in green and teal. There's a few quirks to it, though; a green chestpiece protecting most of her torso, armguards doing the same for her forearms, a headband holding back her hair, and long, thin triangles of fabric that extend past the hemline of her dress, adorned with waving patterns of green and brown. A black choker holds her forest green soul gem.

Her weapon of choice, a tall spear-axe-hammer thing you don't know the name of, is propped up against the wall right next to her, in easy reach.

"... Rachel?" The girl blinks, looking you over a few times. "... Huh. You actually managed to change your costume."

"Yep!" you chirp, smiling, hands on your hip. You brief pride quickly collapses. "Still have a lot of work to do," you say, picking at the silver trim.

Missy gives you a look. You've seen it from her on a few occasions, and haven't quite managed to puzzle out what it means.

Taylor chooses this moment to stumble into the room right next to you. She's unsteady on her feet, and grabs onto your shoulder for support. You don't mind; the experience can be somewhat disorienting for someone crossing the threshold for the first time.

"New friend?" Missy asks. Taylor looks at the source of the voice, and does what everyone who sees Missy in costume for the first time does; stare at the armed and armoured child.

"Yeah," you tell her, giving Taylor's ribs a subtle poke to get her to stop staring before moving to introduce her. "Missy, this is Taylor. Taylor, this is Missy." You turn more fully towards the guard. "She's got the potential, but she's not one of us yet."

Missy gives Taylor a look over. Chews her lip.

<<Bit on the thin and bony side,>> she muses, her telepathic voice blunt. <<Got your wish yet, Taylor?>>

Taylor blinks somewhat put-off by Missy being... well, herself. You'd say more, but that would be pretty hypocritical.

<<... I've got several,>> Taylor shoots back, standing up straight, <<But since I'm only ever gonna get one granted, I ...>> A pause. <<I want to make it count.>>

"Smart move." Missy nods in approval, "Take your time thinking it over; Kyuubey ain't going anywhere, and that fluffball's patient." She jerks her head towards the entrance. "Go right in --crowd's a bit thin today," she adds, mostly for your benefit.

You pretend not to be relieved, and step past Missy and into the Lounge, Taylor hot on your heels.

The Lounge is the part of The Clinic most girls would be familiar with. Two long freight cars side-by-side, the walls separating their interiors mostly knocked down and used to make the whole thing watertight, furnished into a place where a Magical Girl could relax. The furniture is either salvaged from the trash, donated, or "donated"; there's a loveseat against the left wall, a collection of lounge chairs, school desks, office chairs and more clustered around half a dozen different tables, a full-sized bed in one corner, a collection of beanbag chairs in another, and a patchwork of rugs on the floor. The roof is a spider's web of electric cables and lights; bare bulbs, christmas lights, and a single chandelier hanging from the center.

Just like Missy said, there's not a lot of people around; one redhead laid down on the loveseat, fast asleep and untransformed, and two more girls resting on the beanbags. You get stares from the last two as you walk in, but you can mostly ignore them, instead focusing on making your way towards the "bar" at the end of the room.

The "bar" is a collection of crates stacked up to the right height, topped by what you're guessing is wooden floorboards; joined, sanded laquered and polished smooth. Behind the bar are a collection of shelves heavy with pilfered alcohol and more escoteric things; vials and bottles filled with something that glowed red, boxes of humming syringes, jars of softly pulsating pills, and more than a few things that you simply don't recognize. There's also a fridge, right next to another doorway, leading further into The Clinic.

Much to your disappointment, Susan's not manning the bar, and the only sign of her is her hat; a tall, black magician's tophat sat on the far side of the countertop. Not really expecting this, you hop onto one of the handfull of stools; as mismatched and heterogenous as everything else. Even the heights aren't the same.

Taylor sits on the stool next to you, casting wary glances towards the two girls who haven't stopped staring. She looks around the Lounge, no small amount of surprise on her face.

"It's not the fancy PRT building," you pipe up, "but it's a lot cozier. Plus, it's got a few tricks up it's sleeve."

"... Is 'being bigger on the inside' one of them?" she asks.

"Pretty much, yeah," you tell her, "One of Susan's tricks." You hunch down, resting your chin on the counter. "... Who is probably asleep or something." You sigh. "Dangit."

Taylor gives you a pat on the back. You feel her shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"... Question," she starts, and you roll your head towards her, "That girl at the door, Missy..." She pauses for a moment. "Just... how old is she?"

"Twelve, I think," you tell her. "She contracted when she was nine." You snort. "In Magical Girl terms, she's my elder, actually."

While Taylor digests this new revelation, you go back to mulling over what to do now. Your eyes come to rest on Susan's hat.

[-] What do I have to do to get some service around here?
- - [-] Give Susan a shout. Or Alice, even. You've got some lungs on you; surely they'll hear something if you yell for them loud and long enough.
- - [-] Susan's hat is right there. You're familiar with the thing. Maybe if you do something (non-destructive) she'll notice?
- - [-] Jump over the counter. Storm into the clinic. Demand to see the manager.

[-] You're kinda getting sick of being stared at.
- - [-] "You lookin' at me? You lookin' at me? You lookin' at me? Then who the hell else are you looking at me? Well, I'm the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you're looking at? Oh yeah? OK."
- - [-] "Hallo~! Mind if I sit with you for a while, bitte~?"
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Reread the story and wonder what's the issue with Rachel's dad




I am becoming further convinced they're the Madoka and Homura of this story, but not sure who is which. I still find it mega-suspicious that Rachel's Wish is unknown, as Wording/Intention/Associations are the three things their magic develops off. Like, are the colored voices an actual product of Rachel's magic or something more mundane?

To be fair, no Magical Girl who's lasted as long as Rachel has would be going around saying what their Wish was. The thing you sold your soul to is generally something very, very private.

In my experience, most people who use the word 'altruism' mean 'doing things to help others for no reward' not merely 'don't be a jerk'. However, they usually don't tie it to Comte's philosophy of what makes a person good.

I stand corrected (although it could --and has been-- be argued that bettering society through your actions is not entirely selfless, since you live in the society you just improved). But yeah.

In other news; what does everyone here think of the rather snappy update schedule I've been maintaining so far? Something I've noticed, especially on SB, is that people tend to not comment or discuss what I've posted as much as in other story threads I've made, and I'm wondering if that has something to do with that.
Holy fucking shit Missy has been a Puella Magi for three years?! I Knew she'd be badass when she came up but holy fuck that's way more hardcore than I thought she'd be.
"Twelve, I think," you tell her. "She contracted when she was nine." You snort. "In Magical Girl terms, she's my elder, actually."

On one hand, three years is shockingly unlikely. On the other, I'm not at all surprised given that it's Missy.

I'm still hoping Yuma managed to Trigger, girl absolutely would have and if Parahumans are rewritten as Meguca then the reverse must be true. Cue Yuma promptly being the badass adorable of Brockton Bay. That's the law of Equivalent Exchange.
"Hey Missy," you greet her, giving her what you hope is a casual wave. Missy Biron looks up from her cellphone; her costume's more "classic Magical Girl" than yours is; knee-high boots and a sleeveless dress that ends just above her knees, all in green and teal. There's a few quirks to it, though; a green chestpiece protecting most of her torso, armguards doing the same for her forearms, a headband holding back her hair, and long, thin triangles of fabric that extend past the hemline of her dress, adorned with waving patterns of green and brown. A black choker holds her forest green soul gem.

That's a fucking change from canon. WELP, time to wonder about what else could be different. sounds like Missy made her wish about a year before she would have Triggered normally. Given that the issues that caused her to Trigger were extensively ongoing things, I wonder if they somehow motivated her to Wish or if there was something that pushed her into doing it.




To be perfectly honest I caught that back at the start but there's also like...nothing to start speculating on so I didn't really feel like it was worth it. We know there's bad feelings there, but that could extend from "Rachel loved him a bunch and then he died" to "he was an abusive bastard" to "actually Jack Slash".
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In other news; what does everyone here think of the rather snappy update schedule I've been maintaining so far? Something I've noticed, especially on SB, is that people tend to not comment or discuss what I've posted as much as in other story threads I've made, and I'm wondering if that has something to do with that.
Honestly? I'd say it varies way too much to be a key point. Unless you're either updating multiple times a day and people get overwhelmed and can't catch up, or you're slow to the point of monthly or longer times between shorter updates (it does work for some stories that drop 10k+ every month or two, in my experience) meaning people just forget the details, there's not really an exact sweet spot that generates fans and discussions. Hell, look at Worm fics like Implacable or Nemesis - you've got stories with like, 10 chapters spread across several years of updates and long hiatuses, but they still generate ridiculous amounts of discussion. If there's anything keeping people from discussing compared to whatever other stories you have (which I admittedly am not familiar with), I doubt it's because of the update rate.

Personally, as just a casual reader of this fic, the update rate has been just fine, and I'm consistently left interested enough to stick around waiting for the next update.
Posting Schedule change, some responses to the readers, and attempting to puzzle out posting statistics.
No new chapter today. In fact, I've decided that I'll be taking the weekends off from now on; as much as I enjoy writing Gestalt, I do want to do some other things as well.

Holy fucking shit Missy has been a Puella Magi for three years?! I Knew she'd be badass when she came up but holy fuck that's way more hardcore than I thought she'd be.

On one hand, three years is shockingly unlikely. On the other, I'm not at all surprised given that it's Missy.

This is the girl who, after being cut out of Echidna's guts, escaped Coil's base, evaded all the clones there, plus Echidna herself, and killed Shatterbird on the way out. The moment I got the idea for her being a Magical Girl, it was hard to have her as anything besides a veteran.

That's a fucking change from canon. WELP, time to wonder about what else could be different. sounds like Missy made her wish about a year before she would have Triggered normally. Given that the issues that caused her to Trigger were extensively ongoing things, I wonder if they somehow motivated her to Wish or if there was something that pushed her into doing it.

Frak! And Taylor did not call her 'Vista'. Ergo Missy is not a Parahuman.

Well, the rails of the canon had been even more bombed than before!

To quote myself on the SB thread:

There area a few things about Missy that made her an ideal candidate for this particular twist; her family situation makes it easy for Kyuubey to tempt her into a contract via a wish, and her emotional resilience means she's more likely to survive the Puella Magi lifestyle. In canon, she came to see herself as "Vista" first and "Missy" second, and it's not hard to see her taking a similar route as a Puella Magi.

I'll admit that turning Missy into an In-Name-Only is something I want to actively avoid. Puella Magi Missy Biron should be different from Vista, yes, but not so much that they're completely unrecognizable from each other. It's no small challenge, but I decided to take the gamble. And given that she's one of Brockton Bay's veteran magical girls, it would be strange if she didn't have an impact on the plot.

(As in: if she poofs from the plot, it's because I made a mistake. Please yell at me for it if it happens.)

And yes; not having a Shaker 9 with her experience in the team is gonna have some consequences for the Wards ENE.

Just keep in mind that, like with any other Puella Magi, she's not gonna be telling people what she wished for. Although it's not hard to have a good guess at what it was, in her case.

(I also just realized that being a Puella Magi has made Missy have a healthier home life than canon. What the fuck.)

Obviously Rachel's dad is completely irrelevant and not in any way interesting.
That's definitely the impression I'm getting.

To be perfectly honest I caught that back at the start but there's also like...nothing to start speculating on so I didn't really feel like it was worth it. We know there's bad feelings there, but that could extend from "Rachel loved him a bunch and then he died" to "he was an abusive bastard" to "actually Jack Slash".

"We have unconfirmed reports of the notorious Samuel Hyde having been present for the birth of Rachel Zoranski. Hospital staff unable to be reached for comment."


More seriously: There are moments where, as a writer, you put out a hint of something and then spend wayyyy too much time waiting for someone to see the thread you laid out, wondering if you were being too obvious, not obvious enough, or if the readers did notice and decided that your sneaky foreshadowing was just a red herring.

Honestly? I'd say it varies way too much to be a key point. Unless you're either updating multiple times a day and people get overwhelmed and can't catch up, or you're slow to the point of monthly or longer times between shorter updates (it does work for some stories that drop 10k+ every month or two, in my experience) meaning people just forget the details, there's not really an exact sweet spot that generates fans and discussions. Hell, look at Worm fics like Implacable or Nemesis - you've got stories with like, 10 chapters spread across several years of updates and long hiatuses, but they still generate ridiculous amounts of discussion. If there's anything keeping people from discussing compared to whatever other stories you have (which I admittedly am not familiar with), I doubt it's because of the update rate.

Personally, as just a casual reader of this fic, the update rate has been just fine, and I'm consistently left interested enough to stick around waiting for the next update.


Let's see if some of the data I have on hand can help solve this problem.

# of Watchers139160
Recent readers (21/08/21 @18:42 CDT)127140
# of people who've replied.2443
# of replies, excluding story updates.69263
Likes recieved on the first post (21/08/21 @18:42 CDT)3337

Few things to note:
  • The SB thread has 21 less people watching it than the SV one, and 13 less recent readers.
  • SV has more people replying, and the ratio of posters to replies is much higher (6.11 replies per poster vs 2.8)
  • Likes seem to be close to equal.
Well, I don't know what factors into it, but when somethings on SV or SB I reply based on the well-thought out basis of "whichever version of the thread I followed first"which is reached via the calculated process of "whatever website I saw the thread on first."

I'll admit that turning Missy into an In-Name-Only is something I want to actively avoid. Puella Magi Missy Biron should be different from Vista, yes, but not so much that they're completely unrecognizable from each other. It's no small challenge, but I decided to take the gamble. And given that she's one of Brockton Bay's veteran magical girls, it would be strange if she didn't have an impact on the plot.
It helps that Missy is one of the characters that would change the least from having been a a magical girl for years, because 'poorly supervised child-soldier of several years who still has the option to live at home but doesn't want to' is her canon characterization.
Just keep in mind that, like with any other Puella Magi, she's not gonna be telling people what she wished for. Although it's not hard to have a good guess at what it was, in her case.

(I also just realized that being a Puella Magi has made Missy have a healthier home life than canon. What the fuck.)
Well to be fair to wishes, they aren't generally monkey's paws. The Puella Magi making the wish can be fucked over by it because they're a young teenager at best making a reality-warping wish, but it's not really intentional as far as I know. Meanwhile, Worm powers are basically programmed to go "here's a direct solution to your issues that doesn't really solve them in the long run." Taylor's friendless and alone? Now she has all the friends in the world under her control! Vista's parents are always fighting? Yaaaaay she can get some distance! Dennis' dad is dying of cancer? Postpone it forever without fixing the issue! And so on and so forth. I believe Wildbow has also said that they tend to come with a reminder of that original trigger event - like in the back of Taylor's head, when she's controlling insects, some small part of her is always going to be thinking about that tiny, cramped locker space surrounded by disgust and bugs and everything else.

As for Missy's wish and you saying it made things healthier, I'm willing to bet it was a simple one considering her age: just something along the lines of "I wish my parents would stop fighting/never fight again".

Let's see if some of the data I have on hand can help solve this problem.
I'm actually surprised to see SB is lower in terms of watchers and commentary; I'm used to cross-posted stories getting a lot more out of SB because it's just generally a bigger website with more readers. There's even stories I only bother following on SV because the discussion will span dozens of pages between updates if its on SB.
I'm actually surprised to see SB is lower in terms of watchers and commentary; I'm used to cross-posted stories getting a lot more out of SB because it's just generally a bigger website with more readers. There's even stories I only bother following on SV because the discussion will span dozens of pages between updates if its on SB.
It's probably because SV has more Madoka Magica content, and Puella Magi Adfligo Systema inclining people to be more interested in PMMM stuff that appears on this site.
I'm actually surprised to see SB is lower in terms of watchers and commentary; I'm used to cross-posted stories getting a lot more out of SB because it's just generally a bigger website with more readers. There's even stories I only bother following on SV because the discussion will span dozens of pages between updates if its on SB.
I will also say that when stories are crossposted, that stories I particularly enjoy, like this one, I follow on SV, because I'm following fewer stories here and so the favorites stand out more.

More seriously: There are moments where, as a writer, you put out a hint of something and then spend wayyyy too much time waiting for someone to see the thread you laid out, wondering if you were being too obvious, not obvious enough, or if the readers did notice and decided that your sneaky foreshadowing was just a red herring.

I definitely caught the suspicious lack of detail, but because my main form of media consumption these days is interactive (roleplaying games and quest stories), I also try and let tropes play out rather than poke too hard at everything when the story is on a different track.

On an unrelated note, I'm really enjoying your characterization of Taylor. You've done a good job showing how prickly she can be from an outsider point of view, without condemning her for refusing suspicious help (like an old OC trump story on SB did).
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This is the girl who, after being cut out of Echidna's guts, escaped Coil's base, evaded all the clones there, plus Echidna herself, and killed Shatterbird on the way out. The moment I got the idea for her being a Magical Girl, it was hard to have her as anything besides a veteran.
Holy shit, you just keep making Missy more badass every time I look away from the thread. What's next? She kills Simurgh and no one even knows she did it XD?
Holy shit, you just keep making Missy more badass every time I look away from the thread. What's next? She kills Simurgh and no one even knows she did it XD?
That's not Dalek's doing, it's canon (to Ward at least, I don't remember it explicitly being Missy that offed Shatterbird {I thought she got offed when Coil's base was collapsed on top of Echidna} when I read Worm, and when I went looking for a source on where that happened I found an excerpt from Ward)
The Winslow Three: How to piss off a Magical Girl - Militant Bird
AN: Crossposting some semi-serious crack I wrote from SB, BECAUSE LITERALLY NO ONE HAS RESPONDED TO IT FOR A FULL DAY.

It was a black and stormy night. Gale-force winds roared overhead, explosions of lightning lashing through the skies, nature's displeasure made manifest at the dark heresies Mankind swore against her.

A hailing outpour of white water rained down from above in colossal waves, cleansing the streets of their filth in a merciless deluge. Frothing white rapids and abyssal foam formed in the currents washing over the black tarmac and stark gray concrete sidewalks.

In a cheaply-made brick alcove, shielded from the cataclysmic storm by layers of yellow plaster painted over red bricks and mortar, a shadowy figure dwelled amongst the shadowy shadows of the shadowy alcove.

Streetlights flickered, occasionally casting a dull, dimmed light over the shadow's cowled hood.

A teenager in a rain-slicked green poncho sidled up to the shadowy figure.

She side-eyed her shadowy companion from beneath the poncho hoodie. "You got the stuff?"

Sophia dragged the industrial-sized garbage bag over and opened it up.

Emma took her hood down, leaning over the bag and inhaling deeply. "Oh yeah. That's the stuff."

"You scare me sometimes, but that's one of the things I love about you." Sophia said.

"Aw, thanks!" Emma exclaimed. "Now, let's get inside already, this damp season is killing my hair."

The two ne-er do wells departed from that place, flipping their hoods back on and running around the side of the building with shoulders hunched against the pouring rain. They reached the bolted side-door of the gymnasium bathroom.

Emma jangled the gym door handle. "It's locked! Sophia, do we have the key?"

Sophia stepped forward and phased her hand through the doorjamb, unlocking the bolt from the other side.

Emma smacked her forehead. "Right."

They slipped inside, passing by the already-emptied restroom garbage bins and the broken interior bathroom door, the bathroom door-lock long-since been stolen by some enterprising junkie.

The duo slunk through the darkness of midnight high-school hallways, having memorized the path to Taylor's Locker via countless repetitions.

Emma slung the garbage bag off her back. "Alright, let's get to work!" She exclaimed, slipping a pair of bright-yellow dishwashing gloves over her hands.

Sophia passed her a black rubber rebreather mask, before fitting hers on over her ears, and shoving her hand into The Locker handle, undoing the latch and opening the thin slab of metal door gingerly.

Emma opened the bag up and began shoveling various detritus objects into The Locker with her gloved hands.

"Oh man, this is going to be great! It's gonna be sohumiliating for her!"

Lightning cracked, casting harsh white incandescence over the room. Lightning illuminated the window as a backdrop, for a girl in a red-and-black trenchcoat clambering through.

She froze as she caught sight of the Terrible Two, pausing in mid-climb with one leg lifted over the windowsill.

She stared wide-mouthed. The duo stared back.

Slowly, her gaze fell to the bag of industrial-size waste products. Her eyes went back up to the two.

She looked back at the bag. She looked back at the two girls standing by The Locker.

She scrunched up her face slowly, before clambering back out through the window.

Emma blinked, a pole-axed expression affixed firmly onto her face. "Uh. Ehmmmm. ERM!"

Sophia pulled a crossbow out of her locker, hefting it with one arm. "Do you want me to go kill the girl for you?"

Emma snapped out of it, before nodding enthusiastically. "Yeah, go for it!"

Shadow Stalker reached into her pants pocket and flicked a domino mask across her face. "Let's do this."

She backed up and took a running leap, shadow-phasing through the wall.

Sophia saw the girl in the red-and-black trenchcoat in the far distance, hopping along the rooftops through the streaks of rain falling from the sky. She lined up her crossbow sights, tracking her target's flight.

Sophia fired, the bolt's whistling through the air merrily concealed by the treasonous pitter-patter of raindrops.

The tranq bolt landed cleanly, sinking into the girl's leg and discharging its tinkertech payload.

The girl stumbled for a few steps, before losing her footing and collapsing onto the rooftop.

Sophia turned into shadow and took another leap, soaring over to the roof where her downed quarry lay.

She ran over and crouched down next to her head.

"No witnesses." Sophia lifted the red-and-black girl's face up out of the rain puddle and used an arrowhead to slit her throat. The girl gurgled slightly before passing out.


Sophia heaved the girl into the dumpster with a loud metal clang, slamming the lid shut.

Emma grinned at Sophia. "Well, that's taken care of. Nice work, by the way!"

Sophia smiled briefly, the expression quickly passing from her face. "Thank you."

"Are you sure this won't come back to bite us in the tushies later though?" Emma asked.

Sophia folded her arms, bloodstains coating her sleeves. "Trust me. The janitor doesn't care. I've seen him walk by dead bodies before. Honestly, I'm fairly sure he's a part-time gangster."

Emma nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense. Still though, won't the dead body be found at the dump?"

Sophia shrugged. "I wore gloves. She died of a slit throat. Case open, case closed."

"To be frank, I used to feel like these tranq bolts struck me as being just for pansies, but I think they're growing on me. You just have to murger them afterwards, and you can generally be sure that it'll be one-and-done, unlike most arrowheads." She said.

Emma's eyes sparkled. "Coooool."

"It also works pretty well on trash-tier brutes." Emma high-fived Sophia.

"We should probably burn our clothes though, just to be safe."


10 Minutes Later:

A black-gloved, red-sleeved, and very angry fist punched up through the lid of the dumpster.

-To Be Continued~


Are the Winslow Three

And we'll hurt you cause we're gay

And if you think we can't

We'll always find a way!

"That's why the people of this school~"

"Loo-oov-ve and fear me." Emma sang.

"Sophia, Madison!"

Kyubey took a running start, before leaping and twisting around in mid-air to face the camera screen with his adorable face upside down.

"And Kyubey!" He transmitted telepathically.
This was cancer. I don't know why I wrote this. I hate that I actually managed to complete this in 3 days when all my other writing projects have stalled indefinitely.