Gestalt, A Worm x PMMM Faux-quest

- [X] Pull Sarah along; you're not stupid. Plus, it's her turn to be pulled around.

Really happy to see a new chapter of this story, I will probably need to do a re-read since it's been a while from last time I read it but I remember to have enjoyed it quite a lot.
[X] ... approach. This person clearly wants something from you and you want to know what and why.
-[X] Pull Sarah along; you're not stupid. Plus, it's her turn to be pulled around.


Your words are blunt. «She told Shadow Stalker, the Cape, that if they kept escalating with us, she'd kill them.»

Sarah doesn't even blink at that. «… Yeah, that sounds like something she'd do. To be honest, I'm kinda shocked she didn't slip up like that until now.»

«Slip up? How is threatening a Cape with murder a "slip up"?»

Sarah glances back at you. «Because Rachel forgot Sophia's not a Magical Girl and treated her like one. »

Oh yeah, immediately reminding me that being Sophia sucks in this situation. Extremely out of her depth threatening people, extremely out of her depth stalking people...she's just all around in a bad place and unfortunately doesn't and probably won't ever know by how much.

«Still, never thought Sophia would stir up memories of the bad old days,» Sarah muses.

The statement gives you pause. «'Bad old days'?»

«Yep. Sneaking around, ducking into alleys, hiding behind dumpsters, trying to avoid a murderous psychopath whose territory you're trespassing on…» She shrugs over telepathy (brrrrr!). «The exciting bits of being a nomad. Miss 'em sometimes.»

You try very hard not to look in her direction. In fact, you're trying very hard not to make a sound at all. «Nomad?»

«Fancy way for Magical Girls to say they're homeless without saying that they're homeless,» Sarah cheerfully explains. «Imagine doing all this without having a nice, warm bed to come back to. That was me about… two? Three years ago?» A pause. «Huh. Three years. Remind me to have a good think about that, 'kay?»

So we know from before that Sarah takes her relationship with her parents pretty seriously, at least to the point of being pretty uncomfortable with "Kyuubey Truths" directed at them. I'd guess she has at least a decent relationship with them, from that. Which make the revelation that three years ago she was homeless for what is, by implication, a protracted amount of time pretty interesting. Is she currently adopted? Did she run away and then later on go back? She didn't use a Wish to fix anything, since she was a Magical Girl while homeless...

Sarah finishes the question for you. «Killed anyone?» A snort. «Not that I know of; but I do know there's at least one girl who had to regrow an arm after Ray-Ray shot it off.» A pause. «Oh, pro tip: never ask a Magical Girl what her body count is. Heh~.»

"Hey Sarah-"

She's sure giving an implication, though since it's Sarah there's reasonable odds she's fucking with Taylor with said implication.

Emma Barnes's smile is too wide. "It's so obvious when you know what to look for," she tells you, "Why else would you stick around someone that pathetic? I bet she told you everything the moment you so much as smiled at her; Taylor's been starved for attention ever since her mommy drove the car into a lamppost. Although, if you ask me, I'd say she just woke up and realized she didn't want to be Taylor's mom anymore."


You know, that explains-


Okay let's be fair, Rachel paying attention to Taylor was a significant part of what led to this, and Taylor was/is starved for positive peer relationships. There was also Kyuubey and Sarah that played a pretty big part, but it definitely started with Rachel looking at Taylor, going "Im gonna interact with her", and not taking no for an answer.

Also I think this is when Rachel finds out...anything about Taylor's family situation? She knows her dad exists and was asleep when they went Witch-hunting, but that doesn't necessarily extrapolate to "mom dead", especially when Taylor's trauma is very frontloaded from Emma's nonsense.

«School's out, so we're gonna be seeing a lot more people than when Ray-Ray brought you. Which means you're gonna see the sort of people who keep Brockton Bay safe without any sponsorship deals. Just smile and nod and try not to stare. Or start fights. Or look like you might start fights. Or look like… actually if someone's staring a little too hard in your direction just point them out.»

Oh Sarah's looking for problems, isn't she. Also looking out for Taylor, but looking for 'fun' in the process.

You push past her to get in first. There's darkness and discontinuity that completely messes with your sense of direction, and then you're inside. Missy Biron is right where you last saw her, and you briefly stare at her before looking away, face carefully neutral.

Does she live here? Is she the only bouncer Alice has, or is she just one of several and they work in shifts?

-checks Missy's backstory- You know what, yeah she probably does. She gets to beat up people causing problems here, compared to where her parents are/were.

One booth's occupied by a group of girls with an Asian look to them, the most prominent of which has midnight black hair, a witch's hat, and what feels like way too little cloth on her outfit…

Oh no it's the Pleiades Saints.

Another thing you note that they're all still girls. You… wonder why that is; is there some unspoken rule against bringing boys in here?

I dunno, probably? It's probably not forbidden actually but it'd be really weird.

Anna and Andrea are just as Rachel described them; Anna's outfit is midnight blue with a few silver and red accents, but the hooded half-cloak that she wears over pants and boots, and the mask over the lower half of her face scream "assassin", while Andrea's can best be described as an armoured dress, white steel over blue. You can't see Anna's hair, but Andrea's is a coppery red tied up in a ponytail. They quickly realize that you've noticed them staring in your direction, and pretend to look elsewhere, in between throwing each other the nastiest looks you've ever seen.

-nature documentary voice- "And here we see what science calls a 'mutual tsundere coexistence'-"

The other girl staring at you is one you've never seen before. She looks vaguely Asian, and is blonde, with her hair in a pair of curls that look almost like drills. White shirt adorned with a yellow ribbon tie with short, puffy sleeves and arm warmers. A beige skirt with a black edge, thigh-length socks, tall hunting boots, a little plumed hat and a corset that emphasizes her…

… you feel like the protagonist of a terrible romance novel just thinking about it, but the first word that comes to mind is "her curves". She's curvy in a way that immediately makes you self-conscious. Especially since she's sitting down with her legs crossed, teacup in one hand, radiating an aura of utter confidence. Unlike Anna and Andrea, her reaction to you looking back at her is to just smile… and beckon you towards her.

Oh hey Mami what's up. We don't yet know who hired you and why investigating Rachel is part of it. Or if Taylor's a separate element or a way to get to Rachel, I guess.

[] ... approach. This person clearly wants something from you and you want to know what and why.

- [] Pull Sarah along; you're not stupid. Plus, it's her turn to be pulled around.

[] ... stay away. This person clearly wants something from you, and whatever it is it cannot be good.

Not a lot of character difference in these options, I think. It's mainly a difference in how comfortable Taylor feels about someone brand new (and good-looking) expressing interest in her, in a situation that's at least somewhat new and uncertain to her. Is she comfortable enough for a direct confrontation, does she want someone to share the load/shield her, or is she still avoidant enough to not want to? She was comfortable enough to unload feelings at Susan, but that was a more personal one-on-one thing and Rachel was only a couple of feet away. She doesn't trust Sarah anywhere near as much, so that's going to play into things a bit.

Also whether or not she listens to Sarah's proffered advice.
Thanks for the chapter! Good to see this back

Hmm. I think it's kind of a toss-up between Taylor ignoring Mami or dragging Susan with her - hard for me to judge since I already know Mami is important, while to Taylor she's just a random person staring at her ... ah, no, wait, she beckoned her closer, she wasn't just looking. In that case:

[X] ... approach. This person clearly wants something from you and you want to know what and why.
- [X] Pull Sarah along; you're not stupid. Plus, it's her turn to be pulled around.
Is that supposed to say Missy?

Yes, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sarah gave her that nickname.

If I am not wrong that is Mami Tomoe.

Right you are

I'm very happy to see this back man!

Thanks! And thank everyone here commenting; you're the ones keeping this fic alive.

Really happy to see a new chapter of this story, I will probably need to do a re-read since it's been a while from last time I read it but I remember to have enjoyed it quite a lot.

Just know that the first couple or so chapters desperately need to be redone, but I'm not gonna do that or else I'll never finish this thing.

... I should probably leave a warning on the first post to skip ahead.

Oh yeah, immediately reminding me that being Sophia sucks in this situation. Extremely out of her depth threatening people, extremely out of her depth stalking people...she's just all around in a bad place and unfortunately doesn't and probably won't ever know by how much.

It's right that Sophia is kinda pathetic as far as actual threats go, once you sit down and see how her powers work and how she uses them (remember what canon Skitter got up to with "just" bug control, and that Mami's magical weapon is ribbons).

Another thing, one which my some friends mentioned off-site, is that she makes more sense being one of Coil's minions than being part of the Wards; she serves more as an example of just how corrupt the "system" is (and how desperate the PRT and the Protectorate are) that someone like her is allowed to be a "hero", despite being a lot closer to (and nastier than in some cases) some of the villains in the setting.

So we know from before that Sarah takes her relationship with her parents pretty seriously, at least to the point of being pretty uncomfortable with "Kyuubey Truths" directed at them. I'd guess she has at least a decent relationship with them, from that. Which make the revelation that three years ago she was homeless for what is, by implication, a protracted amount of time pretty interesting. Is she currently adopted? Did she run away and then later on go back? She didn't use a Wish to fix anything, since she was a Magical Girl while homeless...


"Hey Sarah-"

She's sure giving an implication, though since it's Sarah there's reasonable odds she's fucking with Taylor with said implication.

That's a pretty safe bet, yes. Plus a little innuendo because Sarah.

Okay let's be fair, Rachel paying attention to Taylor was a significant part of what led to this, and Taylor was/is starved for positive peer relationships. There was also Kyuubey and Sarah that played a pretty big part, but it definitely started with Rachel looking at Taylor, going "Im gonna interact with her", and not taking no for an answer.

Also I think this is when Rachel finds out...anything about Taylor's family situation? She knows her dad exists and was asleep when they went Witch-hunting, but that doesn't necessarily extrapolate to "mom dead", especially when Taylor's trauma is very frontloaded from Emma's nonsense.

Despite how much both girls have opened up to each other, neither has really tried to pry into each other's lives all that much. Ironically enough, for the same reason: they fear pushing the other away.

Oh Sarah's looking for problems, isn't she. Also looking out for Taylor, but looking for 'fun' in the process.

Whoever said that you can't mix business with pleasure? :V

-checks Missy's backstory- You know what, yeah she probably does. She gets to beat up people causing problems here, compared to where her parents are/were.

Canon Missy Biron identified more with "Vista" than her own civvie identity, and spent as much time as she could with the Wards rather than at home. Give her a chance to just walk away from that envoriment and you can bet she'll take it. With her presonality, she actually makes a very good Magical Girl candidate.

Oh no it's the Pleiades Saints.

Probably but you never know, it could be Maiko Sue from Puella Magi Imperatrix Mundi. Or some other magical girl with a witch theme, it can't be that rare.

I had the funny idea of putting in a few expies of other magical girls (the first three mentioned) in the Clinic, and then I decided to have other canon meguca in there as well.

Then my brain caught up with me. "Hey, Dalek, isn't that a really big Chekov's Gun to be waving around?"

Hence what might be the Pleiades Saints. Maybe.

I dunno, probably? It's probably not forbidden actually but it'd be really weird.

It's not forbidden, indeed, and it would be really, really wierd to do so. It's a the gender-inverted equivalent to a guy taking a girl somewhere which is typically filled entirely with guys (and liable to get just as much unwanted attention).

Something I've been chewing on: There's always a bit of a risk when you bring friends into the Clinic. After all, remember that even if your neighors are nice, the Cinic hosts magical girls from all across Brockton Bay, and there's always gonna be someone out there crazy, desperate, or mean enough to think taking your normie friends hostage is a good idea. If you do, though, girl friends (and girlfriends) are that little bit safer to bring, since there's the possibility of them contracting.

Boy friends (and boyfriends) on the other hand? Well...

-nature documentary voice- "And here we see what science calls a 'mutual tsundere coexistence'-"

There's a reason why my notes have them being effectively a single character.

Oh hey Mami what's up. We don't yet know who hired you and why investigating Rachel is part of it. Or if Taylor's a separate element or a way to get to Rachel, I guess.

Not a lot of character difference in these options, I think. It's mainly a difference in how comfortable Taylor feels about someone brand new (and good-looking) expressing interest in her, in a situation that's at least somewhat new and uncertain to her. Is she comfortable enough for a direct confrontation, does she want someone to share the load/shield her, or is she still avoidant enough to not want to? She was comfortable enough to unload feelings at Susan, but that was a more personal one-on-one thing and Rachel was only a couple of feet away. She doesn't trust Sarah anywhere near as much, so that's going to play into things a bit.

Also whether or not she listens to Sarah's proffered advice.

Thanks for the chapter! Good to see this back

Hmm. I think it's kind of a toss-up between Taylor ignoring Mami or dragging Susan with her - hard for me to judge since I already know Mami is important, while to Taylor she's just a random person staring at her ... ah, no, wait, she beckoned her closer, she wasn't just looking. In that case:

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy introducing Mami Tomoe to the plot, and especially introducing her to Taylor. I think I mentioned previously that Mami is a lot like Taylor in many ways; family tragedy clouding everything they do, a very weak powerset (make ribbons/control bugs) which they mixed with ingenuity to become FAR more powerful than anyone expected, extreme loneliness...

... except that Mami's an exceptionally attractive mentor figure who is dedicated to heroism in a system where that's not rewarded and is skilled enough to actually pull it off, while Taylor's a tall, thin, gawky person who dresses plainly to hide and blend in, is intensely distrustful of authority (for good reason, to be fair) and became a villain when pushed enough.

(For the record: Canon Skitter vs Mami Tomoe ends with a slightly stung Mami and a very dead Skitter).
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Just know that the first couple or so chapters desperately need to be redone, but I'm not gonna do that or else I'll never finish this thing.

... I should probably leave a warning on the first post to skip ahead.
If it helps you feel better, i literally just finished a reread and i think they're alrigt.
(For the record: Canon Skitter vs Mami Tomoe ends with a slightly stung Mami and a very dead Skitter).
I mean, similar things can be said about most of Average Cape vs Average Meguca simply because all the megucas have Brute/Mover package and superpower, while most of capes have only one of these.

Though now I wonder, if Homura enters timestop while having a Skitter's bug on herself, will Skitter (and all her swarm) enter timestop too?
(For the record: Canon Skitter vs Mami Tomoe ends with a slightly stung Mami and a very dead Skitter).
I'm not sure this is necessarily true? Certainly Skitter is very unlikely to win, but not losing might be less difficult. AFAIK, Mami has no special sensory abilities; she almost certainly wins if she can get eyes on Skitter, but if they don't start with the other visible then I think Skitter might well be able to just hide in a building somewhere and harass Mami with bugs until she decides she's spending too much magic to be worth it. Depends on whether Mami can effectively search large areas with ribbons or not.

I think Skitter does also have a couple of possible win conditions. First, Mami's soul gem is still vulnerable to bullets, and Skitter can probably keep track of its exact location with bugs; if she can gather a swarm dense enough to cut off vision she might be able to shoot it without Mami noticing her, though I think realistically this is unlikely since Mami would likely use ribbons to sweep away a swarm that dense rather than ignoring it.

Second, if the Mami we're talking about is not yet lichbombed, Skitter might be able to win the same way she won against Alexandria. Mami doesn't need to breathe, of course, but if Skitter doesn't know that and tries to choke her anyway, Mami realizing she can burn magic to avoid breathing might well cause her to figure out the lichbomb, at which point she probably no longer particularly cares about fighting Skitter and may well just witch out on the spot.

Actually, thinking about it, if Skitter is willing to ditch her costume and Mami doesn't know what she looks like then Mami has no way of locating her at all, unless meguca-senses work to detect parahumans. She still can't win, because unless one of the scenarios above plays out she has nothing that can meaningfully hurt Mami, but neither can Mami (because as soon as Mami starts trying something clever like looking for her by finding the centre of her range Skitter can just stop attacking).
If it helps you feel better, i literally just finished a reread and i think they're alrigt.

I guess but-

[Frustrated author noises.]

I mean, similar things can be said about most of Average Cape vs Average Meguca simply because all the megucas have Brute/Mover package and superpower, while most of capes have only one of these.

Though now I wonder, if Homura enters timestop while having a Skitter's bug on herself, will Skitter (and all her swarm) enter timestop too?

No; otherwise Homura would've been able to bring other Puella Magi into her timestop just by communicating with them telepathically. It has to be a physical connection.

If I had to guess, Skitter would either experience a brief information overload as everything that happened to the bug(s) on Homura would hit her all at once when it ended from their perspective, or they'd revert to being uncontroled bugs during the timestop.

I'm not sure this is necessarily true? Certainly Skitter is very unlikely to win, but not losing might be less difficult. AFAIK, Mami has no special sensory abilities; she almost certainly wins if she can get eyes on Skitter, but if they don't start with the other visible then I think Skitter might well be able to just hide in a building somewhere and harass Mami with bugs until she decides she's spending too much magic to be worth it. Depends on whether Mami can effectively search large areas with ribbons or not.

While I don't think Mami can search a wide enough area with ribbons to target Skitter that way, it doesn't really matter since realistically she can just ask Kyuubey where the cape is, and let the invsible catrabbit panopticon tell her where to shoot.

I think Skitter does also have a couple of possible win conditions. First, Mami's soul gem is still vulnerable to bullets, and Skitter can probably keep track of its exact location with bugs; if she can gather a swarm dense enough to cut off vision she might be able to shoot it without Mami noticing her, though I think realistically this is unlikely since Mami would likely use ribbons to sweep away a swarm that dense rather than ignoring it.

The question here is, "How did Skitter figure out that that specific part of Mami's outfit is her soul?".

And keep in mind that we're talking about someone who did this:


There's a reason I made that claim.

Second, if the Mami we're talking about is not yet lichbombed, Skitter might be able to win the same way she won against Alexandria. Mami doesn't need to breathe, of course, but if Skitter doesn't know that and tries to choke her anyway, Mami realizing she can burn magic to avoid breathing might well cause her to figure out the lichbomb, at which point she probably no longer particularly cares about fighting Skitter and may well just witch out on the spot.

To be honest, the way Skitter won vs Alexandria always bothered me. Alexandria was consistently described as acting less like something biological and more like a living statue; she survived several minutes inside what was essentially a miniature sun courtesy of Sundancer, for instance. She's also stopped aging entirely some time after Triggering, with her body being essentially in stasis. And with how strong she is... well, it would be disgusting, but she should've been able to cough out any amount of bugs that Skitter could fit in her.

Either way, "not needing to breathe" isn't necesarily a stepping stone towards "I am a lich", and considering Mami's wish of "I want to Live" it would make more sense for her to assume that it's related to that. Even if she takes that logical leap (and reacts as badly to it as Sayaka Miki did), in canon she held herself together --after the much more traumatic Witchbomb-- long enough to fight Oktavia von Seckendorff.

This is all assuming that Mami doesn't, for instance, create a mask out of ribbons, which she might do anyways upon realizing that she's fighting a Cape.

Actually, thinking about it, if Skitter is willing to ditch her costume and Mami doesn't know what she looks like then Mami has no way of locating her at all, unless meguca-senses work to detect parahumans. She still can't win, because unless one of the scenarios above plays out she has nothing that can meaningfully hurt Mami, but neither can Mami (because as soon as Mami starts trying something clever like looking for her by finding the centre of her range Skitter can just stop attacking).

Again: Kyuubey Exists (unfortunately). The Ribbon Clone Mami made in Rebellion would also be useful for misdirection and triangulating where Skitter is (especially if Mami can make several).
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Kyuubey is the trump card, but he's only necessary for an elimination in certain scenarios. In most, Mami just wins. And without someone specifically telling Skitter that the gem (on a highly mobile, rapidly evading target, I remind you) is an instant kill, Skitter cannot win save some extreme instance of good fortune.
This is all assuming that Mami doesn't, for instance, create a mask out of ribbons, which she might do anyways upon realizing that she's fighting a Cape.

For a moment I didn't read this as "Oh I'm fighting someone where personal identities matter" but instead as "Oh, I'm fighting a cape? I didn't realize! Wait hold on I need to wear a mask or I'm being impolite!"
For a moment I didn't read this as "Oh I'm fighting someone where personal identities matter" but instead as "Oh, I'm fighting a cape? I didn't realize! Wait hold on I need to wear a mask or I'm being impolite!"

To be fair, I can see her saying something along those lines if Mami's feeling especially cheeky.