It was fine writing and I enjoyed reading it, but yeah, I don't really have any significant comments about it. I noticed that the fact that it's a PMMM crossover doesn't really seem relevant right now- replace Rachel with some generic Worm OC with a shard power that wants to care for Taylor, and the last two chapters only need a few details changed to fit.
I feel like the story is lacking in big narrative stakes that aren't shared between half the Worm fanfics out there. Sure Rachel might die at any time, but I don't really feel that and that's true in most Worm fics. It's also in the personal side: Rachel cares about so few people and things, even this current argument feels like it came from both sides caring for each other so it'll all be sunshine and roses once they talk to each other a bit more. Like there's no overarching conflict driving the story, it's just characters interacting.
Evangeline's segment was full of ominous foreshadowing, but little actual direct information. Overall the fic feels like it's moving slowly- which is good for a character exploration piece, but combine that with a moderately slow update rate and it means I've forgotten a bunch of details by the time I read the part the foreshadowing was leading up to which defeats the entire purpose. Perhaps if I were to do a full re-read it'd work out better, but since I haven't done one that's a problem.
Overall, it's just a bunch of little things that are making the story feel like it's going nowhere and not very fast at that. I can tell there's important developments happening, but none of them feel like it. Sorry I can't be more helpful here. I hope you continue writing as I do enjoy reading it and I suspect that a full re-read would resolve most of my issues with it.
I definitely agree with @notgreat about the crossover elements not really playing into the story either. We had a brief interlude or maybe an Omake with the canon characters in Brockton Bay, a Magical Girl bazaar, and a Witch hunt, but not much else.
Considering I spent a
substantial amount of time establishing how Rachel is a Magical Girl and how this affects her, I'll have to disagree with you on that point. I also think that constantly reminding the reader that "Oh yeah, Rachel's a magical girl, remember?" can get repetitive.
do agree that I haven't been establishing what the stakes are. I blame the lack of planning on my part ---I have a terrible habit of writing by the seat of my pants, when I'm the sort of person who really ought to have some outline for what ought to be happening next. That will be adressed moving forward.
And as for the pacing... Well, most of that is my writing style; while throwing the plot down a cliff is basically Wormfic Tradition at this point ---and who am I to argue with that?--- I prefer to not do it
(That being said, I'll be the first to admit that a tendency to write 10-20-30k words and not get anywhere at all is
a rather large problem I've been known to have.)
Still, thanks for the criticism.
I'm not particularly engaged with this story right now.
There's little actual fighting or conflict in the story. There is a fair amount of posturing and threatening exchanges, but the only actual fights were the generic witch fight and generic ABB Winslow schoolyard fight.
The biggest problem is a lack of plot and narrative depth. The story uses a lot of familiar emotional key points that appeal to a broad audience; The gay Taylor-OC Romance Arc, standing up to the Trio, Rachel not caring about being targeted by ABB thugs, Rachel's dark backstory, so on, but not much in the way of actual, intriguing plot.
That's perfectly fine, but it doesn't provoke much discussion other than "OH YEAH" and "GO RACHEL, KICK THEIR ASSES!".
Let's see...
Regarding the lack of fights: First, would you rather I detail every single time Rachel got into a fight with ABB thugs? Because that would've gotten very boring,
very quickly. Second: Even Rachel needs a reason to get into a fight with someone; they don't happen out of nowhere. Third, the lack of people punching each other in the face doesn't mean there's a lack of conflict.
Fourth: Rachel is a
Magical Girl. For her, fighting means spending magic. Magic she might need later; be it when hunting a Witch, when fighting a more serious threat, or when waiting out a dry spell. PMMM-style Magical Girls simply cannot
afford to get into constant fights like Capes (or, hell, like Magical Girls from
other series).
So they don't. They intimidate. They posture. They try, using as little magic as possible, to show the other party ought to
back the fuck off. It's only when
all of that fails that they escalate ---and if the stakes are high enough, they'll escalate right up to murder. It'll be something that will be expanded upon in the next chapter.
Could I still have displayed the conflict better? Are there scenes I could've included in full rather than imply they happened? Yes, absolutely. There's days where I have to resist the urge to re-write whole chunks of the story, but if I started doing that I'd never get
anything else done.
And I'm not even gonna bother with you calling the fight against Katarina "generic".
Regarding the lack of narrative depth and plot: I won't discard the possibility that that might be a problem this fic has. Although, if it
is, I would've loved to have known about it about... thirty thousand words ago?
And as for the romance... Well, that's a UXO big enough that I'll have to address it separately.
There's going to be some sort of big throwdown with the Empire and ABB with Evangeline involved, but that's ground that's been tread over in Wormfic pretty thoroughly.
Mostly in the sense that Wormfics have Taylor's new OP powerset stomping all over both, yes.
Still, even though I don't particularly like what you had to say, I'm thankful that you took the time to come out and say it.
If I had to guess? Taylor not being the only point of view right from the beginning, this is something that I find annoying at this point, but most worm fics that don't have Taylor as the main or only protagonist, even when it's a TINO who is so *in name only* the story would be better off with an OC (And good god is it annoying when it happens), tends to have way less comments for some reason.
It is also a sort of slice of life story, at least compared to the insane rhythm of quite a lot of fics, and some worm fans tends to reclaim *mah escalation* constantly, I have no problem with it, but some people will scoff if you so much as take time to introduce your plot points and characters, or worse, make your romance realistic by not having the two instantly know they're in love and ask each other if they want to date because the other is their chosen one, excuse me for a moment, *vomits*, I do prefer romance grown organically and absolutely hate pairing so it's not a problem for me.
I'll admit that I knew that there would be a few risks involved by not having Taylor be the main POV from the start, and that it might be the main sticking point for a lot of people who would've otherwise read it. I stuck to it partly due to creative reasons, and partly to skirt around a certain problem.
Creatively speaking: First, Rachel's concept as a character (Could-Have-Been-A-NeoNazi MG) meant that I had to spend a substantial amount of time with her at the start, since otherwise getting readers to find her sympathetic would've been an uphill fight the whole way. Second, since this is a cross with PMMM, I felt it prudent to start by showing, well, the PMMM side of the crossover.
And the problem I skirted around was that, at the start, I was frankly more than a little unsure on how I'd write Taylor. Again, this was due to me going into this with no plan at all (as I am wont to do) and figuring things out as they came. I knew that the way I approached her would make or break the fic, especially with how... well,
mythologized she is on this site and on SB. Queen of Escalation, anyone?
Looking back, there were plenty of ways I could've avoided that. It's another reason I really,
really want to re-do the start of Gestalt but, again, I think it would be a better idea to finish first, before going back and re-writing that.
As a little example of this particular phenomenon: the fic *The magus in training* on SB, pretty good writing, interesting and novel premise, almost no comments, guess who the protagonist isn't?
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "not Taylor Hebert".
And thank you for your your insight.
I like Gestalt. I haven't been commenting on it because I don't comment on most things that I read; ditto with reactions, actually. I'm in the habit of defaulting to "total secrecy" when online. So, to a significant extent, the fact that I personally haven't been engaging with Gestalt is a fact about me, not about Gestalt.
That said, there are some ways in which Gestalt is ... difficult to engage with, and I think the biggest one is how sporadic the updates are. I re-read the fic just now in preparation for writing this comment, and as a whole, the fic is actually great. Everything is well-written, the characters are interestingly developed and have compelling plotlines, there are hooks for future events here and there ... it's really fun to read. About the only complaint I have is that Rachel's blue text early on is one step away from being invisitext.
The problem is that when updates are as spread out as they are, we (the readers) tend to forget all but the broad outlines of things. For example, when I read the most recent Gestalt chapter, I remembered that Rachel, Sarah and Taylor had fought a television-related witch recently, and I remembered approximately who Sarah was, but I'd completely forgotten about the Clinic, about Mami showing up and ominously saying she'd like to talk to Rachel, about Kyubey contacting Dinah ... you get the idea.
To some extent, this isn't something that you can do anything about - I know from my own experience that you can't just say "write faster" and expect that to work. What I do to compensate, though, and what might (conceivably) be useful for you, is as follows; instead of posting chapters as you finish them, be in hiatus and build up a reserve of chapters. Then, post those chapters at regular intervals (in my case, weekly) until you run out - or, ideally, until you reach a plot-appropriate stopping point. That way, people still have to remind themselves of the plot, but they only have to do it once each cycle instead of pretty much every update. Plus, that lets you have a regular schedule, which means people can think "Ah, today is Gestalt update day!" and be looking forward to it instead of getting a notification out of the blue.
Anyway, I have no idea if that's actually helpful, but I thought I'd at least suggest the idea.
Second-last thing; what I find interesting about the faux-quest structure is the way the faux-votes give us insight into Rachel's character, showing us what options she considers, what she wants; it really helps flesh her out as a character, for me, but I don't feel any particular urge to vote. I don't think the structure is alienating, just that people not voting is not an indication that it's not enjoyable to see.
Last thing; I enjoy reading Gestalt. Even as spread-out as it is right now, it's still fun to read. I think the most important question to ask, though, and one which wasn't quite addressed in your post, is; do you enjoy writing Gestalt?
If you do, then rest assured that there are a lot of people out here who enjoy reading it and want it to continue. If you don't, though, then don't feel that you have to continue. We are not paying you for this; you are providing excellent writing to us for free, and you are under no obligation to carry on doing it if it's no longer fun for you.
I hope at least some of this is useful/supportive/not-massively-presumptuous; I just ... thought it ought to be said, I suppose. Thank you for writing Gestalt; whether you choose to continue it or not, it has been great, and I have confidence that if you do continue it it will continue to be.
The long waits between updates are partly because of my IRL schedule, and partly, to be honest, due to me wasting a
massive amount of time doing other things. The first I have no control over, but the
...Let's just say that the bolded section made me almost headdesk. Because it's the sort of solution that's so obvious only I couldn't see it from miles away. I'll definitely be doing that from now on.
I've also discovered that about the Quest-like format; the choices
not taken say almost as much as the ones that
were, in the sense that they're the things that one
wanted to do, but didn't.
And yeah; I
do enjoy writing Gestalt. I do have some low spots from time to time, but writing it really gets me in a good mood!
Thank you very much for that.
Everyone else already said the most salient points, I can only add my take: the problem is that the Worm fandom (as others have said) is mildly toxic for anything that is not non-stop escalation and firmly Taylor-centred narrative, so slice-of-life that take the FRAKKING TIME to develop things instead of fast-paced neck-breaker timing tend to get... let's say overlooked unless the writer manages to firmly take front and centre of the readership's attention span.
Second, on the PMMM side... Rebellion, Wraith Arc and Magia Record messed with the fans. The first by shitting on the ending of the main serie, the second by being a "You expected worldbuilding, but instead it was I, the Rebellion Prequel no one asked for, all along!" declaration, and the third by railroading the Main Series Status Quo (at least in game terms).
Those hits IMO caused a general apathy among the fans. The news of a new movie do not help, because it will either a mild success or it will tank the rest of the fandom at this point in time.
On the other hand, you put the new chapter as I was reading myself for bed (not your fault), and I tend to do quick replies at that hour because I lack the energy to do more.
And I will not lie by saying that your work was among the reading material that rekindled my interest into the PMMM fandom (see my signature), even if I cannot honestly said that it had helped inspire my newest work.
I wonder just how much of the E S C A L A T I O N meme is down to... well, this board's character.
And as for PMMM, Rebellion
nearly did in my interest for PMMM as a whole, not gonna lie. First, undoing the very
satisfying ending and message of the anime. Then the fact that, in order to do so, the midly assasinated Homura's character (IMO).
then going for a cycle of prequels and AU and a
god-damned Gacha game and-... Yeah. Let's just say I've been out of that fandom for
a while.
Still, thanks for your insight.
The fact that we have had almost no news about said movie for years really doesn't help, it feels like vaporware at this point (actually, do you have any news about it?), I personally had absolutely no problem with rebellion, howewer, and am against Magireco mostly because it's a fucking gatcha waifu mobile game, which I think should all burn in hell, I don't even know its story, except that's it's an AU of canon that Madokami is not erasing because *Doppels could be interesting*.
did manage to get an anime based on it after the game went kaput, at least. And as for the movie, it keeps threatening to happen, and if it doesn't involve Madoka doing the Living Concept equivalent of slapping Homura upside the head, I'll pretend it doesn't exist.
I hope you don't take my lack of comments as lack of interest. I'm usually not very active in the threads, even those I'm particularly absorbed in. I just let others who can articulate better than me comment and then drop a like. That being said, this is one of the threads I check often for updates and I do hope you'll continue writing.
Thank you!
I've just been watching silently.
Actually, I've been meaning to reread. I lost what was going on a little bit, so my plan was to go back to the beginning and catch up- it's not happening immediately only because I have like 30 tabs of fanfiction open. I'll get around to it.
If you do, just... remember that the first few chapters are especially weak. But thanks, nonetheless.
I usually just lurk and read without interacting much because, normally, I can't really add to the discussion with anything besides "Hey I liked your last chapter, please keep going" which, well, I think would get old after a while.
But to say what I like about this fic, well, I like the slow pace of it, I like reading the inner monologues of every main character, I enjoy the way you describe things in a way that feels in-character for the POV we're currently reading.
So yeah, I liked your last chapter and would continue reading for as long as you feel like writing.
I think one of my strengths is being able to get in someone's headspace and give each character a unique "mental voice", so to speak, and I'm happy you like that! Thank you.
I personally have been loving the story, I just don't know what to say most of the time because a it develops in an organic way that shows the growth which is amazing to see, I just have problems with finding words that would work towards a meaningful discussion
Well, I'm glad that you've been liking the way it's been developing, messy start and all. Thank you.
And thank you, all of you. For being here. I'm... I won't get into it, but I occasionally have significant issues in my personal life. Knowing that people enjoy what I write has gotten me through more than I'm confortable with mentioning here.
Thank you.
And now, the romance. And for that, I think I'll need a whole other post...