Gestalt, A Worm x PMMM Faux-quest

[X] It was spite. The moment she saw you, she'd immediately assumed you were a Nazi. She tried to make you walk into her fist because it would've been funny. Fuck her.

Rachel did nothing wrong. Splendor Slut can take a nice long waltz off a cliff, whenever she's done warding off the local brothels gunning for her head after she stole all their clientele lmao
[X] It was spite. The moment she saw you, she'd immediately assumed you were a Nazi. She tried to make you walk into her fist because it would've been funny. Fuck her.

Edit: It's been so long since I've seem this, I forgot it was a faux quest, despite it being right in the title, else I woud'nt have given it a vote when I have nothing to say (since everyone else already said what I was thinking). If you want you can take it as my opinion on what reason came clearer through the text, which everyone else seem to agree on, Glory Girl's not exactly easy to like when you're on the other side of her hostility.
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In which Rachel [ERROR]


Why did you do that?

Why did you do that?

[X] It was reflex. You've been taught your whole life not to snitch; it's gonna take time for you to unlearn that impulse.

Oh, really? Do you really believe that you can blame your family for this? That you can hide from responsibility by crying that you had no choice, because all you did was do what you'd been taught to do?

Why did you do that?

[X] It was family. If you'd helped Glory Girl, it wouldn't have ended with just your aunt behind bars; your brother would've been next, then your mother, if she didn't slit her wrists before that happened. You would've had no one.

Your family are antisemites at best, Neo-Nazis on average, and Evangeline at worst. You carry everything you need to bring down big pieces of Kaiser's little club inside your head, and the first time you had the chance to use it... you kept quiet. For what? Your own comfort?

Why did you-

You're interrupted from your meltdown by an embrace. It's Evangeline, hugging you from one side and snapping you back into the present. You are in the back seat of a sleek, black sedan, with your aunt seated next to you. Her bodyguards are seated in the front, separated from the two of you by a partition. The machine is rolling over the pavement, the sounds of the outside distant and muted.

"You did well," Eva tells you, "I'll admit that, when the feelers I have told me you might be having trouble in your new school, my first reaction was to panic. I was under the impression that I would be swooping in to save from that subhuman filth."

She chuckles. "Ah, I ought to have remembered what my own niece is like; you're not someone who needs to be saved from anything." A pause. A sheepish admission, "You must've had everything well in hand before I came along, hm?"

Answer her. Push everything into the corner of your soul, and answer. Her.

"Yes," you tell her. For a moment, that's all that comes out of your mouth, but the stress of the past few weeks suddenly hits you.

"That all started because Madison bat her pretty little freaking eyes at their neanderthal of a leader," you blurt out, and the dam bursts, "And, thinking that she might let him stick his dick in her if he kicks the oh-so-scary Nazi girl around, he gets a bunch of his dumbass friends together to do just that. It didn't end well for him, but his friends don't seem to get the fucking message, so it keeps happening! And now-"

You clench your jaw shut, and force yourself to stop. Breathe deeply.

She sighs. "I'm sorry."

The worst part is that you know Evangeline means it, when she tells you that.

"I'll stay out of your way from now on," she promises you. "But if there's anything I can do, just ask."

The words from her are gentle. Caring. Warm. There is an undercurrent of contrition to them, of someone who knows they made a mistake, and wishes to offset it.

It's genuine, and that's the worst part.

[] "I will."
- [] There must be something your aunt can do for you. I mean, there's a lot she can do for you, but there must be something in that list that you won't lose sleep over the consequences of.
- [] You have no intention of taking any help from your aunt, but that doesn't mean she has to know.
[] Say nothing.

Evangeline accepts your response without even a pause, and you can almost see her mentally slotting it into place in her mind. Your eyes are drawn towards the window, looking out at everything passing by. For a minute or so, there is silence, although all it does is allow your swirling thoughts to come to the fore again.

Why did you do that?

[X] It was pride. This is something you have to figure out for yourself, without someone with a cape and a tiara swooping in to save the day for you.

Another excuse. If the only thing keeping you from bringing evil to justice was pride, you had plenty of chances to do so before, on your own. Or are you not a Magical Girl?

Why did you do that?

[X] It was self-preservation. Or do you really believe you wouldn't be painted by the same brush when it all came crashing down?


Why did you do that?

[X] It was spite. The moment she saw you, she'd immediately assumed you were a Nazi. She tried to make you walk into her fist because it would've been funny. Fuck her.

And what, exactly, were you doing that was meant to let her know you weren't a Nazi? Look around you.


Evangeline's voice startles you. Again, you swallow, and force the maelstorm down below the surface, so that when you turn to face her, nothing is there to be seen.


"What did you show Glory Girl?" Your aunt asks. "It certainly seemed to change her mind." A smile. "Much to her misfortune."

There is the briefest, briefest moment of hesitation from you. Your aunt looks at you expectantly; curious, rather than accusing.

If you'd had a clearer mind, you could've made an excuse not to show. You could've just lied about what it is --some cheezy self-indulgent fiction, or a report you'd done on Glory Girl herself and capes like her. Or anything. Anything at all. But at that moment, all that's in your mind is guilt, and so you open your bag, pull out The Report, and hand it over.

Evangeline holds it with care. Her eyes --a pale gray, the same you see every time you look into a mirror-- scan over the home-made book. Noting the care you put into it. Reading the cover you chose.

She chuckles.

The cover is flipped open. The contents pursued at speed and thoroughly, her smile only widening with each paragraph. And then she says the words that chill your soul.

"'The Holocaust was not only evil by any standard of ethics you can choose... but deeply destructive to the German economy and counter-productive to the war effort, to the point that it could be argued that the camps hastened the end through the resources they consumed, with little if any practical benefit... And yet, their hatred for Jews, Romani, the Slavic peoples, and so on was such, and the terror of going against the party line so extreme, that they went along with that horror anyways. In the end, the NSDAP lost through their own fanaticism as much as the efforts of the Allied powers,'" Evangeline read out, translating the english text you'd written into german with only a couple of pauses.

She leans back, pressing her head against the headrest. "Ah... I remember when I told you that." she says, wistfully.

You do. You certainly do, now.

"Sure, the wording is a little different, but... Well, we both must pretend to be something we're not, hmm?" Eva laughs, like someone who got The Joke. The one that's there for everyone to see, but only she can understand. She hands you The Report back. You're barely aware of taking it, and slipping it back into your bag.

"Oh, if half of the degenerates I am forced to call equals had half your brains, we'd be so much closer to our goals..." She bemoans. "But what else can you expect from watered-down Anglos and Half-Breeds --people who are content with only the most shallow of understanding? From people who never look further than skin-deep --literally-- and think that they know everything already? Who choose to be blind to the lessons of our past, when they're all there for them to see?"

Your aunt sighs. "One day..."

There is something in her pale, gray eyes that speaks of death, far away in the future. Violent, horrible death, delivered with glee.

A knock on the partition makes her glance forward. "Oh! Looks like we're here."

She turns, and those same eyes are kind, as she leans to give you an embrace, kissing your forehead.

"Take care, meine Sonnenblümchen," whispers the monster who loves you with all her black heart.


Why did you do that?

The door opens. You undo the seatbelt and hurry away with a wave.

You're confessing what you just learned to the one person who might understand you.​

Why did you do that?

You're walking into Winslow. Your soul hurts.

You're hugging her, still fresh from a revelation that nearly killed you. She is warm. Comforting.​

Why did you do that?

You're stumbling into a bathroom. You can't remember how you got here. You don't know if the halls were empty or filled with students.

Your aunt speaks to you. Your face is buried into her shoulder. She can't see your horror, growing with each word from her mouth.

Why did you do that?

[X] You... you don't know.

You're leaning on the sink. The mirror is cracked and filthy. It cannot hide you from your reflection. Oh, there are differences there, but everyone who's seen the two of you together has remarked that your aunt looks very much like you do. The same eyes, the same shape to the face, the same shade of blonde, the same dimples on your cheeks when you smile...

You feel the chasm. You feel the cold.

[X] You do. It's because, deep down, you haven't changed at all.

And something inside you rebels.


The last light of your soul ignites. And it hurts. It hurts so much. It hurts in ways that you can barely describe; a white-hot flame burning inside, at a level deeper than the physical. It fills you with an idea that sears into every single synapse of your brain, into every fiber and sinew of your body.

You are a Magical Girl. One day, you will die, like every Magical Girl to come before you, and like every Magical Girl that will come after you.

But not today. You are not dying to this. You refuse.

You summon your Gem. Your soul was only a fifth full this morning, and the spiral of despair has quadrupled the inky blackness, leaving it bone-achingly cold in your hand. But that tiny sliver of light left glows as bright as the mid-day sun.

Your other hand plunges into your jacket's left pocket. Fingers find a single Grief Seed, and close around it tightly enough for the edges to cut, but the pain and blood are as distant as the moon as you pull it out. With a wordless snarl tearing out from your throat, you press the Seed against your Soul.

Your legs collapse from underneath you. You feel your arms shake, your heart beats like a rabbit's and hot tears pour from your eyes. Everything about your burns as despair leaves your soul, and you clench your teeth and you what you've always done; power on through and out the other side.

It feels like an age. It might've lasted only a handful of minutes. But in the end, as you flick the eye-watering Grief Seed away for Kyuubey to take, as you're curled up on the filthy floor, in a disgusting bathroom, in a school that feels cursed to never be anything more than a breeding ground for misery, and as you feel like waking up today was a mistake, you reach for the hope that keeps you alive, and grab it with both hands.

The sink cracks audibly when you try to use it to pull yourself back up. Flex your hands. Try again, more gently. Carefully. Pull yourself up, onto your feet. Steady.

You lean forward, pressing your forehead against the glass of the mirror. You're alive. Remember to breathe. So long as you're alive, you can still change. So long as you can change, you can try to be better. It'll take long. It'll be hard. It'll hurt. But you can do it.

Why did you do that?

Does it really matter?

You did what you did. It'll take time and some soul-searching for you to figure out if it was the right choice or the wrong one, the good one or the bad, but that'll be something to chip away at later.

You dust yourself off, and use water from the tap to wash some of the grime from your face. You straighten out your hair, breathe out, and check the time.

Stare at the numbers. You're five minutes early for World Issues, the first class of the day. Somehow. Then again, your aunt did drive you part of the way here...

Now, what to do?

[] Lie in ambush. You will get your morning hug from Taylor, and any comments from Sarah are to be ignored.
[] Scout out the place. The Winslow alumni are not known for being studious, so you'll be alone until they start to trickle in. You could use that time to do... something, maybe? Jam all of The Trio's lockers? Fill Blackwell's drawers with spiders? Break the roof access lock like you should've done, ages ago?
[] Find an empty classroom you can stretch your legs in, and relax. You need it.
[] If this is how today started, maybe you ought to quit while you're ahead and find someplace else. Grab Taylor and bring her along because leaving her alone is out of the question.
-[] Go to The Clinic. You're not an alcoholic, but being drunk off your tits sounds like something that needs to happen, and it might as well be now.
-[] Brockton Bay, shockingly, still has malls. There might be some Normal Girl who is Skipping School things you can do, and you'll do all of them as soon as you can think of any.
That was a very intense chapter. Life would be so much easier if monsters had the decency to not also be people, no?

[] Lie in ambush. You will get your morning hug from Taylor, and any comments from Sarah are to be ignored.
give me hugs or give me death.
[ ] Hug Taylor, ignore Sarah, grab Taylor to fill Blackwell's drawers with spiders, keep dragging her to the mall to hang out, go to a bar with her, and get both you and Taylor totally smashed.
From people who never look further than skin-deep --literally-- and think that they know everything already? Who choose to be blind to the lessons of our past, when they're all there for them to see?"

.....there's a lot of blind hypocrisy going on right here, in a sadly ironic twist.

"Yes," you tell her. For a moment, that's all that comes out of your mouth, but the stress of the past few weeks suddenly hits you.

"That all started because Madison bat her pretty little freaking eyes at their neanderthal of a leader," you blurt out, and the dam bursts, "And, thinking that she might let him stick his dick in her if he kicks the oh-so-scary Nazi girl around, he gets a bunch of his dumbass friends together to do just that. It didn't end well for him, but his friends don't seem to get the fucking message, so it keeps happening! And now-"

You clench your jaw shut, and force yourself to stop. Breathe deeply.

She sighs. "I'm sorry."

The worst part is that you know Evangeline means it, when she tells you that.

"I'll stay out of your way from now on," she promises you. "But if there's anything I can do, just ask."

The words from her are gentle. Caring. Warm. There is an undercurrent of contrition to them, of someone who knows they made a mistake, and wishes to offset it.

It's genuine, and that's the worst part.

For all that she's the big dangerous Magical Girl, Rachel is still a young girl dealing with a lot of emotional things in her life. She wants a lot of things in her life that her family doesn't provide in the way she would want. I suppose that could be one reason why she's befriending Taylor so hard, as well as how hard she goes into being independent.

You're confessing what you just learned to the one person who might understand you.​
You're hugging her, still fresh from a revelation that nearly killed you. She is warm. Comforting.​
Your aunt speaks to you. Your face is buried into her shoulder. She can't see your horror, growing with each word from her mouth.

I can't help but think these lines are related to either her dad, or to her discovering that her brother was one of the Baddies.

You feel the chasm. You feel the cold.

[X] You do. It's because, deep down, you haven't changed at all.
And something inside you rebels.

The last light of your soul ignites. And it hurts. It hurts so much. It hurts in ways that you can barely describe; a white-hot flame burning inside, at a level deeper than the physical. It fills you with an idea that sears into every single synapse of your brain, into every fiber and sinew of your body.

You are a Magical Girl. One day, you will die, like every Magical Girl to come before you, and like every Magical Girl that will come after you.

But not today. You are not dying to this. You refuse.

More wackiness about the subconscious voices in Rachel's head, it would seem. I'm not entirely sure how to parse this as the previous understanding I had on them was more about the differences in a kinda Disco Elysium-esque "all part of her brain" way they see the world Rachel inhabits, but now they're seeming to directly interact and countermand each other.

Regardless, the direct anger of RED is clearly a general thing, as here it's turned onto Rachel herself instead of applied to an external source as we've seen before, with very unpretty results. BLUE once again looks like the most obviously magic-associated one, though for reasons that are significantly more straightforward than usual.
[X] It was self-preservation. Or do you really believe you wouldn't be painted by the same brush when it all came crashing down?

I mean, Glory Girl was literal inches away from punching us in the face.

I'm not positively inclined towards Rachel as a character, but this is the kind of thing you don't really need to blame yourself for.

Staying alive, out of jail, and not having a super-cop breathing down your neck is the ideal situation for all organisms with a basic self-preservation instinct.

In Mazlow's hierarchy of needs, not being dead is pretty close to the bottom layer.

It's not that GG was gonna punch Rachel that pissed her off --Rachel can be shockingly blase about her meat puppet getting damaged; it's that GG was gonna do it in such a way that would've been humiliating for Rachel.

Also, may I ask why that is? Just curious.

Fuck off, bad thoughts!

"Fuck off. Then keep fucking off. Keep fucking off until you get to a gate with a sign saying "you can't fuck off past here". Climb over the gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep fucking off forever."

That line of thought is a cheat, though. Sure, that might all be true, maybe. It's a good rationalization in retrospect. But was it really why we did what we just did?

Really, it's all three and then some. It is a compound problem and the fact that one is a pseudo-master (while her aura persisting is argued, awe and fear cloud judgement and so, manipulate people) and the other hunts monsters for living makes it even more complex. While Victoria is actually smart, she chooses to not think, simply throwing labels on all to fit her warped view of reality and having actual biokinetic at short notice makes her very irresponsible about casualties. Really, there are only two ways for her to learn: either she kills someone, or got beaten to such a state that she is forced to think.
Also, Hate Crime! Glory Girl can't just accuse someone in being a nazi just because they are blond and blue-eyed!

Every option other than the last is a convenient excuse to not take responsibility. "I had to to protect myself" "I had to to protect my family" "It's their fault for raising me this way" "It's her fault for being such a bitch" are all nice, clean justifications, and all at least a degree or two off from the truth - that we made a mistake. We instinctively viewed a superhero stepping in between the Nazis and the Yakuza as "an enemy" and acted accordingly. That's fucked up. We fucked up. Perhaps a bad thought or two is warranted.

Can I just say that I love these sorts of discussions?

(And yes, I know that the following chapter didn't really answer the question of why Rachel did what she did, but I think I can leave that open to interpretation :V)

.....there's a lot of blind hypocrisy going on right here, in a sadly ironic twist.

There's several layers of irony to Evangeline.

She's monstrous and kind. A loving, doting aunt who's life's work is built around hatred. The family member who is most accepting of Rachel's desire to be her own person, and also the most viciously prejudiced.

Eva can list out every reason the Holocaust was a mistake and completely miss the idea that it was wrong.

For all that she's the big dangerous Magical Girl, Rachel is still a young girl dealing with a lot of emotional things in her life. She wants a lot of things in her life that her family doesn't provide in the way she would want. I suppose that could be one reason why she's befriending Taylor so hard, as well as how hard she goes into being independent.

One of the things I want to do with Eva is to play around with a certain trope. Namely, 'Even Evil has Loved ones'.

Usually, writers use a villain's family members, spouses or lovers to humanize or soften them. To give them something that'll make them more sympathetic or 'human'.

In the case of Evangeline, her genuine love and care for Rachel only makes her even more unsettling, because it raises uncomfortable questions.

I can't help but think these lines are related to either her dad, or to her discovering that her brother was one of the Baddies.

The latter, actually.

More wackiness about the subconscious voices in Rachel's head, it would seem. I'm not entirely sure how to parse this as the previous understanding I had on them was more about the differences in a kinda Disco Elysium-esque "all part of her brain" way they see the world Rachel inhabits, but now they're seeming to directly interact and countermand each other.

Regardless, the direct anger of RED is clearly a general thing, as here it's turned onto Rachel herself instead of applied to an external source as we've seen before, with very unpretty results. BLUE once again looks like the most obviously magic-associated one, though for reasons that are significantly more straightforward than usual.

Disco Elysium was my inspiration for Rachel's subconscious, actually. I also borrowed a little from the style of narration, which is more obvious in some places than others. And there are parts of Disco Elysium where the Detective's voices countermand each other, actually :D.

You're also entirely spot-on on your interpretation of what those voices mean.

Since readers have been making some very excellent (and accurate) speculation, and I kinda do want people to correct me when I make a mistake, here's some mild spoilers:

Yellow is the remnants of "Old Rachel", hiding within her more rational mind. Logical, observant, subtle, and socially aware, but also manipulative and exploitative.

Blue is "Rachel as a Puella Magi" (or, as Sarah would put it, "Puella Magi Rachel Magicka"). It's a representation of her skills, insticts and general nature as a Puella Magi and is blunt, direct, and honest. On the other hand, it's also prone to applying Magical Girl solutions to Normal Girl problems, even when it's the worst possible choice.

Red is the easiest on the surface; hate, anger and disgust. Either at external targets (Emma Barnes, The Locker) or turned inwards.

In other news, first, some self-criticism. I'm still holding back on the urge to edit the first few segments of the story to better fit Rachel's personality. More relevant is that I really regret the narration spoiling Evangeline's nature, rather than having it be revealed more naturally.

And speaking of mistakes, here's another.
The latter, actually.

Yeah that's a real oof for Rachel then. Find out one member of her family is a Bad Person, run for comfort into the arms of another member, and immediately discover that person is worse?

Disco Elysium was my inspiration for Rachel's subconscious, actually. I also borrowed a little from the style of narration, which is more obvious in some places than others. And there are parts of Disco Elysium where the Detective's voices countermand each other, actually :D.

You're also entirely spot-on on your interpretation of what those voices mean.

Me: "I'm going to put a lot of time and effort into untangling the mystery of these colors and what they mean"
Also me: "oh yeah the writer literally told us :V"

Also I've only got an hour of experience with Disco Elysium so I can safely claim ignorance!

In the case of Evangeline, her genuine love and care for Rachel only makes her even more unsettling, because it raises uncomfortable questions.

Despite everything, everyone's still human.

Except Kyubey.
"Puella Magi Rachel Magicka"
This is how title names shape expectations. I always thought that "Puella Magi Madoka Magicka" had omitted colon (I. e. "Puella Magi: Madoka Magicka", making single magical girl "Puella Maga" or "Magus Puella"). It is because what you know warp what you see or not see.
Also, while Madoka is, indeed, Magicka (or Magica), Rachel is more like Polibola.

If you want more uninteresting and non-contributing facts, ask me.
In which Taylor gets a Magical Hug

You have five minutes.

You could spend that time cooling down. Find a classroom, head straight for the teacher's desk, sit down, and kick back. Relax.

... Yeah. Right. Just the thought of 'relaxing' makes your skin crawl, and your fingers itch. Your body begs for movement. Your soul demands action. There are things out there in the vast space of the immaterial; schemes and plans and ideas which are waiting for you to carry them out, to bring them into reality.

You nod to yourself, and slip out of the bathroom, your backpack slung over one shoulder. Five minutes is not a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, but it's something you can use. And there's one thing in particular that you're feeling petty enough to do...

Smiling, you head for your targets.


"Leave. And tell the others what I've told you."

The boys --old enough to have delusions of manhood, but all the more boys for it-- who call themselves ABB can't nod eagerly enough. Two heave up the unconscious form on the floor between them, and they leave the grimy warehouse office with haste.

They'll do as you asked them to. And those who do not... well, it won't be the first time you must set an example. A shame, though, that you must do so as often as you do.

You lean back. Your office is small. Unpleasant. Stark. It is, one might say, as much a carefully crafted insult as your 'position'; babysitting stupid, half-wild boys.

Not recruitment --there is dignity in picking and choosing who shall be part of the next generation. Not training, either. You are a liason, between the 'proper' ABB and the boys who think that spraying tags and wearing the colors means they have both feet through the door already.

The one saving grace to your 'position' is that Lung was so pleased with the cleverness of the cage he'd made for you that he considers you beneath his notice, for the most part. You'd taken advantage of your lack to supervision to run a few personal ventures. The boys under your nominal care get into all sorts of places they aren't supposed to, are eager to prove themselves, and can be impressed by (comparatively) modest rewards from the man they call 'Uncle'. And thus, every so often, an opportunity presents itself.

Such as this.

You tap the open folder on your desk. Consider the papers inside. Fan them out across the desk. Copies of the documentation Winslow has on Rachel Zoranski. You already know what they say --you'd asked for them days ago-- but you have new information from what you've seen today. Your finger glides across one section. Next of kin. A 'Helena' is listed as her mother. 'Mark' as her brother. No father --either deceased, divorced, or otherwise unavailable. Emergency contacts. 'Mark' is listed, with a home number, an office number, and a cellphone. 'Helena' isn't present here, but an 'Evangeline Zoranski' is; along with a cellphone. On the line that asks what her relationship with the student is, the one filling out the form scrawled 'Aunt, paternal'.

The narrative implied comes easily enough. A missing father. An incapable mother. An older brother putting himself as the head of the family. An aunt who keeps some distance, but is always available, when aid is needed.

You frown. You've met the aunt this morning. Evangeline, or 'Eva', is the woman who so unexpectedly interrupted what had been a reasonable conversation until then. She's Empire, through and through. The sort who believes in it. Those are either deluded, or dangerous.

Mark, you've yet to meet. A responsible young man, from what little you can see. He also works at the Medhall building; not damning evidence of his allegiance --not everyone who works in there is a Nazi. Enough do, however, that you must edge towards caution when and if you must deal with him.

And then there's Rachel herself.

You hadn't learned of her immediately; it had taken a while for those boys to swallow their pride and come to you for help. And now you'd seen her in action. Aggressive. Assertive. And skilled enough to cash the checks her mouth writes, as they say, but it was the details that intrigued you all the more. Things that only your eyes --which had spent years watching every flavor of street brawler and professional killer you could think of-- could see.

Every self-defence instructor worth their salt underlines that the best way to win a fight is to deny it; put your attacker out of balance and run. Rachel did the exact opposite; making the first move by attacking, and then holding the initiative until everyone else was on the floor. Her moves weren't of any one style, but were also simple and straight forward. Not picked from flashy, choreographed movie fight scenes but rather chosen because she knows they work.

Rachel Zoranski did not move like a girl who had been sensible enough to take self-defence lessons. She moved like one who had taught herself how to fight, with the pragmatism that implied that those fights had stakes, and the confidence that told that she did so regularly.

And there's more. You'd taken note of the way Rachel had eyed you; she'd immediately pegged you as the biggest threat and made you her focus, but she'd also listened. Then her aunt's arrival had scrapped what you'd had in mind and nearly escalated everything to violence. Glory Girl dropping in had, irony of ironies, forced everyone --yourself included, you admit-- to cool their heads. The Cape had also been an unexpected help in another way; the way Rachel handled her providing a wealth of information. Enough to make a decision.

Rachel, you believe, is unlikely to be a Nazi. Oh, her aunt is, and her brother might be, but from the visceral way she snapped at being called such, and her willingness to resolve things sensibly with you (before Evangeline almost ruined everything) you're inclined to believe otherwise.

Neither is she much of a fan of the law and the spandex-clad cunts who enforce it, from the way she handled Glory Girl. Family ties might've stopped her from giving up her aunt, but there was nothing of the sort stopping her from pointing the cape in your direction. And for all that Glory Girl's victims tend to walk free more often than not... well. Let's say that Brockton Bay's underworld has a very different view on New Wave's little star.

So, you'd instructed the Azn Bad Boyz of Winslow High to leave Rachel alone. Because, unlike Lung, you knew the value of reward.

And you'd also told them to observe her. Because, while Rachel is unlikely to be a Nazi, she's clearly something. And only a fool discards a tool he doesn't yet know how to use.


People don't really start to arrive at Winslow until three minutes before classes begin. These are the ones who actually give a shit, or who are forced to pretend that they do. More will trickle in as the clock ticks on, with the bulk arriving somewhen between oh-eight-hundred and oh-eight-thirty. Sarah's arrival is preceded by her circle of friends, all of them chattering away, oblivious to anything else. The Bitches Three arrive a group, and a couple minutes past the start of class. Taylor, you know, arrives on the dot.

08:00 comes and goes. Then 08:05 ticks past. And then 08:10. You're about storm out of the building to look for her when Taylor staggers through the front doors.

You wait.



[X] Lie in ambush. You will get your morning hug from Taylor, and any comments from Sarah are to be ignored.


You spring into action. Burst out of your hiding spot like a missile, eyes locked onto your target. She sees movement out of the corner of her eye. There's just enough time for them to go wide.

Impact! Taylor staggers, and you wrap your hands around her torso, digging your heels into the grimy linoleum to arrest your momentum and pull her back. Taylor makes this noise; a shriek that's strangled while still in her throat, and her heart goes a steady beat to pounding in an instant. It makes you hug her even tighter.

Your friend gasps for breath. It takes her a lot longer than usual for her to realize that it's you. And a little longer after that for her body to relax.

"Rachel..." She tries to wriggle out of your grip. "Rachel."


"Rachel." Her voice is more firm. "Let go."

You bury your face into her side. <<No,>> you say, switching to telepathy.

"Rachel, please."

You pull away just enough to look up. Taylor, you realize, looks like shit. The circles under her eyes are prominent enough that even her glasses can't hide them, and her shoulders have a sag to them. You...

[] Let go. You've given Taylor her daily Magical Hug, and the last thing she needs is a magical limpet.
[] Don't let go. Clearly, what Taylor needs right now is more hugs.
[] Taylor's clearly exhausted. The solution to that is obvious; Carry her.

You have to tell Taylor what happened this morning. Because friends don't hide that sort of thing from each other. And because if you don't tell someone, you have the sinking feeling that you'll end up doing something rash and stupid by your standards.
[] Tell her everything. Everything. And now, before you can talk yourself out of it.
[] Tell her everything, but leave out your flirting with a grief spiral. Taylor really, really doesn't need to know that.
[] Tell her enough. You were fighting some ABB douches. Some E88 douches showed up. Then Glory Girl showed up and made a mess of everything. But everything turned out okay, see?
[] Tell her you had a horrible morning. Don't elaborate until later; this is something that needs a little more thought put into it before you're ready to tell anyone about.

You have plans for today. Great plans. Wonderful plans.
[] Go to The Clinic. You're not an alcoholic, but being drunk off your tits sounds like something that needs to happen, and it might as well be now.
[] Brockton Bay, shockingly, still has malls. There might be some Normal Girl who is Skipping School things you can do, and you'll do all of them as soon as you can think of any.
[] You have the sneaking suspicion that Taylor would rather not be pulled halfway across Brockton Bay. Maybe it's how she looks like death warmed over. Put a pin on possible delinquent activities for later.
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[x] Taylor's clearly exhausted. The solution to that is obvious; Carry her.

[x] Tell her everything, but leave out your flirting with a grief spiral. Taylor really, really doesn't need to know that.

[x] You have the sneaking suspicion that Taylor would rather not be pulled halfway across Brockton Bay. Maybe it's how she looks like death warmed over. Put a pin on possible delinquent activities for later.
[X] Tell her everything. Everything. And now, before you can talk yourself out of it.
[X] You have the sneaking suspicion that Taylor would rather not be pulled halfway across Brockton Bay. Maybe it's how she looks like death warmed over. Put a pin on possible delinquent activities for later.

These options.
[x] Taylor's clearly exhausted. The solution to that is obvious; Carry her.

[x] Tell her everything, but leave out your flirting with a grief spiral. Taylor really, really doesn't need to know that.

[x] You have the sneaking suspicion that Taylor would rather not be pulled halfway across Brockton Bay. Maybe it's how she looks like death warmed over. Put a pin on possible delinquent activities for later.
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[X] Let go. You've given Taylor her daily Magical Hug, and the last thing she needs is a magical limpet.

Alright Taylor, we can respect boundaries.
... Yeah. Right. Just the thought of 'relaxing' makes your skin crawl, and your fingers itch. Your body begs for movement. Your soul demands action. There are things out there in the vast space of the immaterial; schemes and plans and ideas which are waiting for you to carry them out, to bring them into reality.

You know Rachel, doing all that stuff definitely seems to make you calmer. Get you out of the funk you're in. Put your brain in a better place.

It really does sound like it, you know...

...relaxes you. Like you're relaxing when you do it.

Just saying.

Not recruitment --there is dignity in picking and choosing who shall be part of the next generation. Not training, either. You are a liason, between the 'proper' ABB and the boys who think that spraying tags and wearing the colors means they have both feet through the door already.

Dealing with teenagers all day every day? Oh yeah that sounds awful, those kids are pieces of work. Why, it seems like more than half of them these days are some kind of gang...ster....

No father --either deceased, divorced, or otherwise unavailable.

Intrigued noises

Though I suppose this doesn't really tell us anything that we didn't already know. If her father was present enough for his name to be put on school paperwork, Rachel likely wouldn't be reacting as she has been every time she thinks about him.

Rachel Zoranski did not move like a girl who had been sensible enough to take self-defence lessons. She moved like one who had taught herself how to fight, with the pragmatism that implied that those fights had stakes, and the confidence that told that she did so regularly.

So while obviously she has her Meguca instincts and experience that's backing her up by now, I'm wondering if it's all built off of that or if she had some experience beforehand. We know that having her image of her brother broken didn't happen until after she contracted, but we don't really have a timeline for when she contracted relative to when she had her bullying ways punched into her face, which is presumably when she started fighting other people. I'd be curious to know what order that happened in, not only because it'd help confirm or deny if Rachel's Wish was used to try and change herself into more of a person she wanted to be or not.

Or maybe section off the bits of herself that she didn't like? The only things we've seen that could be hints at her wish-granted magic are the voices in her head, after all.

And you'd also told them to observe her. Because, while Rachel is unlikely to be a Nazi, she's clearly something. And only a fool discards a tool he doesn't yet know how to use.

Rachel: "I don't want to start a gang war"
Also Rachel: "okay so I know why the E88 would want me but why are the ABB after me as well"

08:00 comes and goes. Then 08:05 ticks past. And then 08:10. You're about storm out of the building to look for her when Taylor staggers through the front doors.

Oh right she's wiped from the Witch Hunt last night. And also talking with her dad. Oh boy, an introvert about to meet an extrovert.

[] Let go. You've given Taylor her daily Magical Hug, and the last thing she needs is a magical limpet.
[] Don't let go. Clearly, what Taylor needs right now is more hugs.
[] Taylor's clearly exhausted. The solution to that is obvious; Carry her.

Okay so the first option vs. the second option is basically Rachel approaching whatever happens next from how Taylor wants to deal with things vs. how Rachel does.

The third option is maximum embarrassment for Taylor, though that might make her forget what her morning has been so far.

You have to tell Taylor what happened this morning. Because friends don't hide that sort of thing from each other. And because if you don't tell someone, you have the sinking feeling that you'll end up doing something rash and stupid by your standards.
[] Tell her everything. Everything. And now, before you can talk yourself out of it.
[] Tell her everything, but leave out your flirting with a grief spiral. Taylor really, really doesn't need to know that.
[] Tell her enough. You were fighting some ABB douches. Some E88 douches showed up. Then Glory Girl showed up and made a mess of everything. But everything turned out okay, see?
[] Tell her you had a horrible morning. Don't elaborate until later; this is something that needs a little more thought put into it before you're ready to tell anyone about.

So BLUE is straightforwardly dump everything, for better or worse, while the next option is just withholding the whole "yeah I almost died from sadness" to try and make things seem less bad. Also not freak Taylor out that her only friend right now could have a bad morning and straight up die because of it without any warning.

YELLOW is blatantly manipulative, in a way that doesn't actually feel like it addresses Rachel's need to unload her feelings for the sake of spinning her troubles as small as possible for Taylor's sake. It also goes pretty counter to her stated motivation behind telling Taylor these things, as "friends don't hide that sort of thing from each other" followed by avoiding telling over half of the actual content of the morning is wildly hypocritical. It's also looking down on Taylor to some extent, since it's treating her as if she can't handle the details - which, to be fair, this is not the best time for Taylor to be having this dropped on her, but she's a tough girl.

The final option is the coward's way out, kicking the can down the road a little without actually addressing the problem. And possibly leaving the door option for a much more serious outburst later on.

You have plans for today. Great plans. Wonderful plans.
[] Go to The Clinic. You're not an alcoholic, but being drunk off your tits sounds like something that needs to happen, and it might as well be now.
[] Brockton Bay, shockingly, still has malls. There might be some Normal Girl who is Skipping School things you can do, and you'll do all of them as soon as you can think of any.
[] You have the sneaking suspicion that Taylor would rather not be pulled halfway across Brockton Bay. Maybe it's how she looks like death warmed over. Put a pin on possible delinquent activities for later.

Bad Decisions Time Magical Edition vs. Immersing Yourself In Normality To Forget vs. Focusing On What Your Friend Needs

Rachel doesn't need to learn drunkeness via negative emotions, and I'm not quite sure how Normal Girl Things would be more than a temporary balm on anything - especially as Rachel manifestly doesn't know how to do that anymore.
Announcement (19/05/2022)
So. Last update was almost three months now. Jesus.

I've had a rather rough time in between then and now, but I've (hopefully) worked my way back to where I can start writing this again. Expect a new chapter either today or tomorrow.

In the meantime, I can share a deleted chapter; this was going to be Ch 41, but then I looked at it real hard and realized it was mostly repeating 36-37. Still, I think it serves as a good teaser for what's coming next.

Also, feed me questions.
What might have been CH41
This was going to be the next chapter, before being significantly reworked to be less... well, repetitive. Some of the things did make it to the proper verison, but I think this is a good teaser.

Thankfully, being a magical girl hasn't made you socially blind. Yet.

[X] Let go. You've given Taylor her daily Magical Hug, and the last thing she needs is a magical limpet.

You let go, and Taylor staggers back, out of immediate grabbing range. She squints at you, bleary-eyed.

"... We both spent last night outside, and you hun-"

<<Ahem.>> You immediately interrupt her; amazingly, it seems Taylor's even more exhausted than she looks.

Your friend briefly pales, glancing around. Seeing that it's safe, she continues, her mental voice gaining a faint grumbling tone to it. <<Fine. We both spent last night outside, and you hunted two more witches I wasn't there for. How the hell are you so chipper...?>>

She trails off. You can almost see the gears in her brain turning. Abruptly, she sighs, squeezes her eyes shut and pinches the bridge of her nose, briefly pushing her glasses up to her forehead.

<<You're literally superhuman.>> She sounds as upset at herself for forgetting that fact as she sounds jealous of it.

You shrug. <<My body is superhuman,>> you correct her, <<I've made enough stupid choices to know my mind isn't. And being superhuman is less a bonus and more a requirement for being a magical girl.>>

You pause. Speaking of stupid choices... well. This morning certainly counts.

You consider yourself Taylor's friend. You've punched a lot of people defending that claim. Thus, it would be very odd if you started hiding things from her. Especially things like that.

However... you're a lot less sanguine about revealing that you nearly Spiraled. In fact, you're not very comfortable thinking about it; that way, you know, lies danger. Best to wrap everything up and throw it into the deepest corner of your psyche. And the less said about what that would do to Taylor, the better.


[X] Tell her everything, but leave out your flirting with a grief spiral. Taylor really, really doesn't need to know that.

"... I had a really interesting morning. In the chinese sense."

A part of you is disgusted with yourself. A part of you frets at exposing even this much.

The rest knows that this is as best as you can do.

Taylor frowns. Sighs. Both her hands slide up her face, pushing her glasses to her forehead. "Did you get into a fight again?" She asks, voice muffled.

"Ah...Yes." You sense the argument and immediately add, "But that's not the interesting part!"

... An idea occurs to you. And, because you're a coward, you immediately take it.

"Now, before I start, how about we-"

"No." Taylor's voice has a certain finality to it, even muffled by both hands. "Rachel, what did you do."

... alright then.

You glance around. Listen. You take Taylor's shoulder and lead her into a less transited corner of the school. One of the unused classrooms. There, you whisper.

"I got into a small fight with Glory Girl."

Your friend freezes. Her hands sliiiide down her face. Adjust her glasses. She's looking at you without a hint of exhaustion, eyes wide and face blank.

You immediately start to explain.

"It started with the ABB guys trying to see if this would be the day they avenge their honor or whatever. But this time, they bring someone else. Old guy. Had this OG gangster feel to him. We start talking and he's sounding a lot smarter than those ass-hats, and I'm thinking, hey, maybe I can talk with this guy? Maybe this is what gets them to piss off? But then --fick mich-- my fucking aunt shows up with bodyguards-"

Taylor interrupts. "Your aunt? What was she even doing there?"

"Playing hero for me," you tell Taylor, voice deadpan.

Taylor blinks. Frowns. "Is she like..." She gestures vaguely. "Uh..."

"A turbo-racist like the rest of my family?" A nervous giggle sneaks out of your throat. "Yep! Except she's even worse than everyone else put together!"

You swallow.

"So now you have ABB on one side, Empire on the other, me in the middle, and oh boy is there gonna be a nice gang fight! And, because of course they do, things immediately get worse because then Glory Girl just... drops down between them."

You have to take a moment to gather yourself. Hands away from your hair. Palms open.

"The good news is that seeing a Cape there makes everyone suddenly realize that they have better things to do than fight a gang war in some nothing alley. No Nazis here, ma'am! Azn Bad Boys? Never heard of them!"

You massage your temples. "The bad news is that Glory Girl can see straight through the smokescreen of bullshit we're putting up --which isn't that hard, but whatever. She shouldn't be able to do anything about it, because no one's actually done anything that she can see. But she knows something's up, and she's not gonna just let everyone go, because fuck consequences, she's doing hero shit."

"Sounds familiar," Taylor mutters, looking at you pointedly.

There's a pause at that.

"... Yeah, pretty much," you concede, sighing.

"And... Let me guess," Taylor says, butting in before you can keep talking. "She made some comment about you being a Nazi, and you went off?"

"... That's almost what happened." You squirm. "One of the ABB morons did that, and... well... yeah. I snapped, went to punch his stupid face in, and she does this."

You step back. Snap a clenched fist up, to one side, just like Glory Girl did.

"She doesn't actually try to hit me, technically," you explain, "More like... make is so that I'm literally walking into her fist. It doesn't work because I manage to grab it in time to stop myself, and I spend a bit holding on to her arm..." You frown. "Actually, there was also this... barrier separating be from her, just shy of her skin. Maybe it's part of her invulnerability? But anyway. She tells me to let go, I don't want to because fuck her..."

Breathe in. Out.

"...then I do let go because I'm not entirely an idiot, and picking fights with Capes is an especially stupid idea for me," you finish, arms crossed under your chest.

"Es-..." Taylor pauses. Starts again, over telepathy, <<Especially since you've already got Shadow Stalker gunning for you.>>

<<Technically, she's gunning for us both,>> you remind her, <<She just gets to wear her dumb costume when she goes after me.>>

The reminder makes your hands tighten enough that your nails cut into your palms. <<And every time she does, she gets a little closer to seeing the wrong end of a machinegun,>> you add --the telepathic equivalent of a snarl.

<<Please don't shoot the local Ward to death, Rachel.>> Taylor's warning sounds almost reluctant. "So, how did you get Glory Girl to let you go?"

You smile. "Remember the report Blackwell told me to write?"
I definitely didn't expect to see good news from an alert like that. Glad to know this isn't dead!
Glad to see you back and hopefully doing better. I always look forward to seeing this story in my updates folder, hopefully will see it again soon!