Also, this "FOR SHAME THREAD, WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG" faux-hysterics is a real tiresome method to stonewall people from voicing negative opinions rather than just saying so. If you're so twisted up in knots over what other threads elsewhere think of this one, let alone fucking 4chan as some kind of arbiter for discussion quality, maybe you should take some time off in the Exalted Questions thread instead? That one gets plenty of the traffic you're looking for.
Yes, that's right. I'm trying to suppress people from expressing negative opinions, you caught my game Dif. You got me. I love Third Edition and I love Holden, every day I pray at his altar and kiss my copy of Exalted Third Edition Deluxe Gold in the hope that it will be blessed.
Or maybe.
Just maybe.
I don't consider a naked personal attack like the one you posted against Holden, and then in demonstration of your beautiful skills at argumentation, extended to me exactly sterling argumentation. You're not raising interesting discourse, you're not "expressing negative opinions", we just
had a discussion where
@Zero Gravitas and
@DayDreamer expressed negative opinions of something in 3e and it was fine. It was cool, it was interesting; we got some nice discussion out of it. Likely those don't agree entirely with my argument and I don't agree with theirs, but not a single personal attack was fired. I'm not trying to shut critique and negative opinions down, Dif. I'm not the one calling people hysterics, I'm not the one resorting to at minimum one
ad hominem per post, I'm not the one trying to chase people out of the thread. You are Dif. You know well you are. You're not a saint, Dif, you're not being martyred here. You can tell Holden that his systems are bad without being an asshole, you didn't even bother to pull up any of his systems or give critique, your own posts and posting history very clearly shows you're not interested in giving critique. You're interested in being validated that Holden is bad, you're interested in telling people that he's bad. On the White Wolf's World of Darkness thread,
@MJ12 Commando just had a long discussion with Holden, giving him constructive feedback that was listened to and interesting.
EDIT: Like I don't think it's any coincidence that in the 3e game I actually
played a year ago with
@Maugan Ra, I was the one telling him every other session to homebrew half the system away lol. Maugan can confirm.
Yeah, that one is a real black mark on my record, I'm sure, being disrespectful here to a guy who by turns holds this thread and the folks in it in contempt but is also totally game to slum down here when it helps shill his work. When no one can point at a habitual shit-stirrer and call them on it to their face, you might as well tag this thread with a [+] tag, because we're going full on refusing to call a spade a spade for the sake of not ruffling feathers.
And ulterior motives nothing, I may well be the asshole here but at least that's an actionable position one can hold, rather getting up in arms about Civility Discourse and hand-wringing endlessly about how disagreements mean people make might fun of us on the internet, oh no!
Don't be coy. He's not here to shill his work, he didn't even mention Exalted Third Edition. Making fun of Second Edition would be a national pastime if Exalted was a nation, it was a bad game and we all recognize it. You can be aggressive and harsh in your critique if you
actually give critique. You don't though. You're not interested in that. You once gave critique, such as your analysis of how he handled Autochthonia badly. That was good and interesting, you're free to throw more of that at the thread, at least it's something rather than empty-headed spite. But that's all you have left, isn't it?
And lol, maybe if you read the rules and values of this forum you might be little less quick to talk about us going "full". Again, one of my best friends on this forum is
@EarthScorpion, who can deal it out with the best of them. I'm not cutting you down for incivility here. I'm cutting down for your contribution, if that's what we pretend that it is, being useless and
nothing but incivility. Maybe if you actually bothered putting anything
inside that tasty dish of venomous spring rolls you're making, you would find people had more respect for what you were saying.
Mate, you're yelling at a moderator right now. Anchor your temper and edit quick.
He's free to shout at me all he wants. This is a fair forum and I'm not going to infract him for exercising his rights to post as he will, that's out of my hands and not my prerogative. I apologize to
@Dif deeply if any implications that I'm going to infract him or something have come across. This is not how we want SV to work.