It has come to my attention I'm on the cusp of losing my rank in the most prevalent posters in the thread, this is unacceptable.

Have some mildly-spooky homebrew. Made for 2.5e, but not very hard to adapt to 3e.
Not as pleased with the demesne or the ghoststone's name as the ghoststone's mechanics, but

The Bleakstone Mine
Demesne 3: Necrotic 2, Earth 1

In the southeast, there is a lake. In the hills nearby, an old mining town. The hills are rocky, unsuited to farming. Nobody lives in the mining town anymore. The mine failed a long time ago, when a tunnel under the lake collapsed, killing most of the miners and leaving their bodies beyond the reach of the townsfolk. Years passed, the few veins of iron left worth following ran out, and the population of the town shrank, generation after generation. Life left the hills, as the rot from the mass grave under the lake crept into the earth and water around it.

That's not to say the town is empty. The living left, but as the essence of death crept into the soil a necromancer, who clawed its way out of the Underworld decades ago, noticed and investigated. It was delighted to find a mine rich in what it dubbed "ghoststone", a crystal that wormed its way into the flesh of the living and slowly sapped their strength to empower itself.

It called up the miners lost in the collapse, and used them to drag the townsfolk from a different mining town back, shackling them in the mine, pressing carefully-cut ghoststone into their flesh, and working them to death for a harvest. The corpses of the dead serve to delve further in tunnels where the fragility of the living, such as the need for air, is an obstacle.

Artifact 1-3
Ghoststone is a dark crystal that seems to be half-full of light-eating smoke. In truth, this is the remains of the victim who was harvested to produce the ghoststone. There is no consciousness left in these maddened souls, as the process by which ghoststone consumes their life seems to destroy all thought and memory.

Each ghoststone has an Essence rating which increases by 1 for every season it spends consuming the lifeforce of its host (maximum 5); once it's removed, it can't grow any further. For this reason, it's usually removed as close to death as possible.

The artifact rating of a ghoststone is its Essence rating/2; upon attunement, it grants a number of Excellencies equal to its Artifact rating, allows its owner to learn a set of spirit charms equal to its Essence rating, and gives them a mote pool of its Essence rating x 10. Attuning a ghoststone requires a socket forged of soulsteel, equivalent to a hearthstone socket, and committing a number of temporary Willpower equal to its Essence. It can be attuned through a hearthstone socket, but this increases the attunement cost by 1 temporary Willpower; if it is attuned without a socket of any kind, it increases the attunement cost by 2 temporary Willpower. While attuned, a character uses the larger of the ghoststone or their personal mote pool; the other is inaccessible. While attuned, for the purpose of charms a character uses the higher of their own or the ghoststone's Essence rating for calculations; they cannot use this to learn charms they can't qualify for normally.

The excellencies granted by a ghoststone can grant up to (Essence) dice or (Essence)/2 successes. The charms typically granted are (in order) Sheathing the Material Form, Meat of Broken Flesh, Paralyze, and Spirit-Cutting.

Raw ghoststone is a dark, quartz-like crystal. When pressed against living flesh, it attempts to embed itself; resisting this is a Difficulty 2 check which is automatically succeeded by creatures with the ability to become immaterial. Removing an embedded piece of raw ghoststone from a living subject required a Difficulty 6 surgery. Once a piece of raw ghoststone has been removed from a living subject it was embedded in, it loses its bloodthirst and can be safely handled by the living and the dead alike.

While raw ghoststone is embedded in a victim, the slow drag on their hun soul prevents them from regaining temporary Willpower through sleep. In addition, they lose one point of temporary Willpower each week; if they have no temporary Willpower, they lose one dot of permanent Willpower. If a victim has enlightened essence, they may choose to regenerate either willpower or motes each day, but not both. When the victim dies, their hun soul is fully dragged into the crystal.

The po souls of ghoststone victims are especially likely to rise as hungry ghosts, and if the victim reaches 0 permanent Willpower while the crystal is still embedded they die as their hun soul is consumed, and the po soul immediately takes control of their rapidly-mutating body (treat as an erymanthoi without Hurry Home or Materialize which is always material and cannot dematerialize). This state can be induced early through specific rites. Particularly strong-willed or powerful victims will sometimes be transformed in unique ways by their raging hungry ghost.

Google docs version
Unfortunately, the main thing I can think of in response to this is the idea of a sort of... inverse ghoststone? Something that siphons away living Essence, which means that when embedded in a living being it causes them to sicken and die, then draws in their souls and traps them.
That does sound reasonable, though on the other hand it might at some point escalate things into the ludicrous? It is not as though modern warfare consists of formations eclipsing Roman Legions. Obviously the scaling of social and infrastructure based charms must be scaled up significantly, and modified for differing means of communication, but destructive effects?

It obviously depends on the particular sub-genre you are trying to emulate. There is a scale between having the Exalted be John Wick, to Jedi/Sith equivalents, to them being Primarchs, God-Emperors and Demon Princes, to flat out late-stage Dragon Ball casual planet-busting and beyond.

I feel there is a point at which the tools should out-scale the Exalted. Cutting TIE-fighter equivalents in half feels appropriate, but doing the same to 40k style capital ships feels like potentially too much, no matter how much higher population numbers are.

I worry that at some level of scale places and characters would start losing their meaning? At which point does one have to regard all mortals as pure numbers and only care about other Exalts, because Abyssal Frieza keeps destroying planets as a rhetoric device? At what point does a modern setting break down because every single Exalt is narratively no longer person- but rather Kaiju-shaped? To me it feels like population numbers and societal resilience do not scale proportionally.

And is that actually a problem? I genuinely don't know. Only game I played set in a semi-modern setting is Shadowrun, which is rather low player-power, and i was also like, 14.
So, I sort of agree with you and disagree with you at the same time?

Basically my logic goes like this:
  1. Glorious Solar Bullshit is the ability to elevate mundane skills to the realm of the supernatural. A solar swordsman is so skilled with a sword that they can cut through steel, strike you from across the room, and make a stick as sharp as a sword.
  2. As the limits mundane skills/technologies improve, so too do the limits of the Solar, because their Solar Bullshit is additive. Two examples:
    1. The world record for deadlift has gradually increased overtime, thanks to better training techniques, better nutritional science, and an increased ability to devote time exclusively to weightlifting. The limits of human strength have, in a very real way, improved since the dawn of humanity. Those improvements benefit a normal person, but they would also benefit a Solar, who now has those advantages + the advantages of Glorious Solar Bullshit.
    2. Guns. A gun is better than a bow, full stop. Technology has improved to the point that we simply have better tools. This means that Glorious Solar Bullshit is working with better tools. Instead of doubling the range of a bow, they can double the range of a sniper rifle. And a sniper rifle shoots a lot farther.
  3. This means that a hypothetical WWII Solar isn't going to be cutting battleships in half. Instead she would be flying a fighter plane with all the skill, grace, and power of a modern 5th generation fighter jet, the bullets from its gone empowered to the point that it can sink a destoyer.
    1. This applies to any setting. In Star Wars, the Solar would be able to apply their Glorious Solar Bullshit to using the force better, and to wielding their lightsaber. In Marvel, Glorious Solar Bullshit might let them replicate the super soldier serum, or build suits rivaling Tony Stark's.
  4. The other exalt types are meant to be peer opponents to the Solars. So even though I don't have an explanation for why, they get upgraded to similar levels.
azoicennead's Homebrew Hub
Unfortunately, the main thing I can think of in response to this is the idea of a sort of... inverse ghoststone? Something that siphons away living Essence, which means that when embedded in a living being it causes them to sicken and die, then draws in their souls and traps them.
I'm not actually sure how that's different, aside from describing the process as "siphoning living Essence" instead of slowly tearing out their hun soul (living essence is actually closer to my original conception, but while writing I kinda latched onto the hun soul thing), but I'm 100% on board with that idea!

My homebrew hub.
The Google doc pages are the ones I actually change.

SV posts:
Ghoststone and the Bleakstone Mine
Greensprig Spear and Firelance
Blueglass Altar
Viridian Radiance
Machine of Cryptic Spite

@Aleph Could you threadmark this and remove the Greensprig Spear threadmark?
Last edited:
I'm not actually sure how that's different, aside from describing the process as "siphoning living Essence" instead of slowly tearing out their hun soul (living essence is actually closer to my original conception, but while writing I kinda latched onto the hun soul thing), but I'm 100% on board with that idea!

My homebrew hub.
The Google doc pages are the ones I actually change.

SV posts:
Ghoststone and the Bleakstone Mine
Greensprig Spear and Firelance
Blueglass Altar
Viridian Radiance

@Aleph Could you threadmark this and remove the Greensprig Spear threadmark?
It's more that the un-ghoststone would act to directly render hauntings impossible. Hun and po both get sucked into the crystal before they can even properly die, likely shredding them down into inchoate Essence in the process. Smash the stone and you might have trouble (if the spirits aren't too damaged to function), but otherwise the potential ghosts are contained inside it indefinitely.

Also, I'm interested that it specifically targets the hun-soul; what's your rationale for that? I have a couple of guesses, but just asking seems more efficient.
It's more that the un-ghoststone would act to directly render hauntings impossible. Hun and po both get sucked into the crystal before they can even properly die, likely shredding them down into inchoate Essence in the process. Smash the stone and you might have trouble (if the spirits aren't too damaged to function), but otherwise the potential ghosts are contained inside it indefinitely.

Also, I'm interested that it specifically targets the hun-soul; what's your rationale for that? I have a couple of guesses, but just asking seems more efficient.
Targetting the hun isn't really an important aspect, I just kinda went "huh, this is a convenient match for the other mechanics I want to use".
My design goals:
  • Enable forced-labor camps without having to regularly beat down or otherwise cow the workers
  • Make strapping tortured souls to minions a potential easy power-boost (without doing mass-enlightenment stuff), and also allow a heroic mortal to wield the power of their friend's tortured soul to avenge them
  • If the victims aren't culled properly, they turn into monsters that can potentially be fought off by mortals
  • Forcing some kind of concern about deaths on the part of the people running a forced-labor camp with them (not preventing them, just dealing with the corpses/ghosts)
The intended use-case is for a necromancer to have his core forces and strap these on the elites, while simultaneously producing either semi-normal hungry ghosts or the monstrous transformation. The clause about the non-Excellency spirit charms is meant to be read as them staying after they're learned.
... They're exspheres. They're literally exspheres. It's a Tales of Symphonia reference.
I worry that at some level of scale places and characters would start losing their meaning? At which point does one have to regard all mortals as pure numbers and only care about other Exalts, because Abyssal Frieza keeps destroying planets as a rhetoric device? At what point does a modern setting break down because every single Exalt is narratively no longer person- but rather Kaiju-shaped? To me it feels like population numbers and societal resilience do not scale proportionally.

Speaking only from my very limited personal experience, this sort of thing already tends to happen even in bog-standard Creation. Mundane/Mortal power structures; be they governments, armies, or something else; have very little resilience against Exalted prowess. Especially if the players do things like hyperspecialize in combat as a Dawn, they can reach a point where the enemy army is incidental compared with the enemy Exalted leading it or the nobility is going to agree to anything they want either due to pointing out the incidental-army capability or by throwing out a specialist social combo.
Speaking only from my very limited personal experience, this sort of thing already tends to happen even in bog-standard Creation. Mundane/Mortal power structures; be they governments, armies, or something else; have very little resilience against Exalted prowess. Especially if the players do things like hyperspecialize in combat as a Dawn, they can reach a point where the enemy army is incidental compared with the enemy Exalted leading it or the nobility is going to agree to anything they want either due to pointing out the incidental-army capability or by throwing out a specialist social combo.
A fully-mortal army is generally doesn't pose a credible combat threat to a combat-specced Exalt, in my experience, but even if Dr. Murderblender has a static DV equal to the typical soldier's attack pool, can throw out 20-dice attacks without spending charms, and doesn't need to worry about losing her DV when she flurries because of scene-long charms, she's still just killing everyone within arms-reach. Unless she's standing in a choke-point, the army can just kinda flow around her. She'll win eventually, but the unit breaking due to mass casualties is the biggest concern when it's 500-to-1 odds.

I don't think that any sweeping statement about scaling Magnitude based on the size of the setting is really gonna feel right, though. Like, scaling social charms up in some way because a city has gone from probably having a population in the tens of thousands to the millions makes sense, depending on the charm and how the effect is transmitted, but cutting a ship in half seems like the kind of thing where equipment should be the thing that's providing the scaling rather than inherent magic. A regular sword would feel weird (unless they have a specific "cut huge things all the way through" charm, which I guess is valid designspace) but a warstrider swinging it's appropriately-sized blade feels more right.
Anyway, here's a thing.

Machine of Cryptic Spite
Artifact 2

This machine was conceived shortly before the Usurpation but was never built until late in the Shogunate era, when some particularly paranoid Dragon-blooded dug up the design. A complex array of starmetal gears and soulsteel springs fills the black jade casing, which is a hand-length tall and about twice the size of a typical letter. When operated with an Intelligence + Larceny roll, which gains bonus successes equal to the character's Essence, this device prepares a key with which to encrypt a message while using delicate application of vitriol and the traces of Oblivion in soulsteel to ensure this key does not have any mystical links that can be taken advantage of with magic to learn its secrets. Each key is exactly as long as the message they send, which is the only way to distinguish between two different keys.

Messages encrypted using cannot be read without the matching key. This cannot be contested without magic, which allows an opposed roll of Intelligence + Larceny. This roll has a -3 external penalty if only the message is available. If both the message and the machine are available, it's a -1 external penalty. If multiple messages made using the same code are available, each additional message negates one point of the external penalty.

Determining the process to decrypt a message when in possession of both the message and the key is a difficulty 3 Intelligence + Occult roll that takes five hours. Matching a key to a message is a difficulty 2 Perception + Occult roll that takes ten minutes. Decrypting a message with the key typically takes ten minutes, though this varies by message length.

Each message encoded with this device requires a small quantity of vitriol and an hour's preparation with an Intelligence + Occult roll; the reagents used cost Resources 3 in major trading hubs, but vitriol is rarely sold without strings.

In the Age of Sorrows, these machines are mostly a novelty. The combination of their rarity, requirement to operate, and the relative economics of just hiding or guarding important messages has made most of the people who would use them uninterested in their use.
Eyyy ya boi putting in some work, firmly positioned on page 8. Nice.

Also, Hundred Devils Night Parade was neat, but the Third Circle Demon contained within left me out in the cold. Sibri is cool, she's clearly designed to be a fighty-blocky-castle-wall-demon first and foremost, but combat charms eat up like 3/4ths of her total wordcount. The ability to grant people snek familiars, and the unique ways those familiars facilitate her regeneration is awesome, but I suppose stuff like venom-derived sorcery, transformations into face-snaked monsters of pain and liberation, blessings that grant you venomous power or dominion over snakes, and other multitudes of Ars Goetia-esque reasons for summoning her are left to be improvised by Storytellers on the spot.

At any rate, here's Ligier for Exalted Essence.
Under thread tools
"Who replied?"
At the top of any given thread, open "thread tools", then "who replied?"

Goddamn, I remember Accelerator spamming up the thread, but I wouldn't have guessed it was 'has been booted for a year and is still literally the #3 thread poster' level spam.

Anyway, I thought Sibri executed well enough on her central conceit of 'Is a giant wall of snakes'. Is she one of the third circles that got a writeup in previous editions?
No, Sibri's new here. I quite like her! The thing about how not biting someone who passes through her if she hasn't bitten them at least before being unacceptable influence, even if she's specifically opened a gate for them, is pretty great. As is her self image as a teacher and how that interacts with her "can end up on Creation" loophole.
The @EarthScorpion/Chehrazad reign of dread has lasted for like two years now it's kinda crazy. Does kinda say something about how little people post in this thread compared to how active it used to be. Guess we just have less stupid shit to argue over now than what we once had. :V

I'M SORRY :cry:
I straight up didn't post here for 3 years and only noticed the rankings because of idle curiosity while catching up on the last 2 years of posts (which was about 250 pages). So, yeah, the thread has slowed down a lot.

Guess we'll just need to have horrible ten page arguments more often if we want to change the rankings up.
Yeah, but who's gonna start them. Obviously nothing I've posted on this page could ever bring to mind old arguments.

Hm, how do people typically decide on the aesthetics of yidaks? Trying to put together descriptions for a ghost-pair of a woman who was hung and her yidak she uses as a hunting beast.
The @EarthScorpion/Chehrazad reign of dread has lasted for like two years now it's kinda crazy. Does kinda say something about how little people post in this thread compared to how active it used to be. Guess we just have less stupid shit to argue over now than what we once had. :V
Personally, I'm here noting that the person just below Chehrazad was conveniently banned forever less than a hundred posts before they overtook you. :p