The Garden of Briaerus


Ylagra, the Darkness That Swallows Cities - Part I, Part II (old AF; caveat emptor)
Demons of Qaf
Aemeris, the Pyroclasm Forge
- Malensinado, the Plover Imperiate

Démons sans Frontiers
Aptocimexi, the Utility Crabs
Penjaga, the Sennits-Sentinel
Tiramničar, the Threefold Sky-Shackle (3CD of Cecelyne)

Death and the Underworld
Deathlord Headcanon Infodump (old AF; caveat emptor)

The Neverborn, Part 1: Only Mostly Dead
The Neverborn, Part 2: Chewing Gum Isn't Very Tragic
The Neverborn, Part 3: Screaming Into the Void
The Neverborn, Part 4: Pareidolia of the Soul

Shogunate Ghost Story Idea

The Village of Mournful Farmers

Ctonians: That which is Dead yet has never died (0/2)
Chasing Ghosts: A Discussion on Deliberately Inducing/"Creating" Unquiet Dead (1/2)
Sometimes, Dead is Better - But Not Always: Expanding on the Nature of the Unquiet Dead, the Nature of Necrotic Essence, and Ghostly Psychology (2/2)

The Sunken Realm

Items of Power
Thousandfold Trinkets (Artifact 1-2)
Ore-Hunting Beetle (Artifact 4)

Faeblood Cultivation Hypothesis (old AF; caveat emptor)

Why the Incarnae Won't Solve Your Problems
In Which I Advocate For Campaigns Set During the Shogunate
War Never Changes: Scattered Ideas For Shogunate Aftershocks in the Second Age
The Mantra of Dissolute Existence, Shogunate Occult Research, and Arts
A Treatise on the High and Low First Ages
The Era, Nature, and Eventual Fate of the Silver Pact

Out on Our Island, In the Sun; a Proposed Western Continent (old AF; caveat emptor)

Soul Eater and Noragami Were Pretty Cool: A Brief Discussion of 3E Artifacts (Part 1)
Soul Eater and Noragami Were Pretty Cool: A Brief Discussion of 3E Artifacts (Part 2)

Two Thaumaturges

Thoughts About Soulsteel

In Defense of the Althing as a Concept (and also me talking about my Infernal PC)
An Idea For Incorporating Sacheverell into the Demon City

Warstrider Concept: The Indomitable Stellar Emissary

A Pitch for a Cyberpunk Heaven's Reach Setting

The Ideal Clerks of Equitable Dispensation

Wyld Beast Speculation
The Allure of the Shaped

Possible Raksha Ideas (old AF; caveat emptor)

It-Who-Knows (Creature of Fire, Aberration of the Fifth Severity)

The Burblings (My various art/improv writeups)
The Fourteen Prominences
Chijiri N'hi, the Fearsome Visage of Luna Unveiled
The Far Shore
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azoicennead's Homebrew Hub
Unfortunately, the main thing I can think of in response to this is the idea of a sort of... inverse ghoststone? Something that siphons away living Essence, which means that when embedded in a living being it causes them to sicken and die, then draws in their souls and traps them.
I'm not actually sure how that's different, aside from describing the process as "siphoning living Essence" instead of slowly tearing out their hun soul (living essence is actually closer to my original conception, but while writing I kinda latched onto the hun soul thing), but I'm 100% on board with that idea!

My homebrew hub.
The Google doc pages are the ones I actually change.

SV posts:
Ghoststone and the Bleakstone Mine
Greensprig Spear and Firelance
Blueglass Altar
Viridian Radiance
Machine of Cryptic Spite

@Aleph Could you threadmark this and remove the Greensprig Spear threadmark?
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Maudova's Exalted Essence Homebrew Google Document
Hi Folks. I've created this Exalted Essence Homebrew Google Document. I can't possible trawl this whole mega thread to find any linked Exalted Essence Homebrew. If you have some Essence homebrew added to this, or any setting based lore content divorced from game mechanics, I can add it to the document as well. Hit me up via Discord on the FanCord, OPPCord, or Bonus Experience, if you're not on any of those an email to maudova at gmail dot com will do, I am not going to be able to monitor this megathread. Hope this makes someones game better.

I just read the rule about Threadmarks. This post can take my Threadmark if a mod+ is paying attention to this.
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Omicron's Homebrew: 3E Index
@Leetsepeak: You asked for my Ex3 homebrew collected in one place, well, here it is.

Obligatory disclaimer: uuuurgh I haven't been writing nearly as much as I intended to and some of this stuff is baaaaad

But well, here it is.

Omicron's Ex3 Homebrew & Actual Play


Ashigure, Goddess of Reefs and Safe Harbors (Goddess)
Mandragore, the Hangman's Daughter (Greater Dead)
Skarbimir Rignys, Wolf-Prince of the White Barrows (Hungry Ghost)
The Whisperers (Ghostly Race)
The First Quarry (Undead Monsters)

The Mourning Queen's Regalia (Soulsteel Armor, Daiklave and Shield)
Star-Shrouded Heart (Orichalcum and Red Jade Direlance)
The Tatters of the King (Corrupted Silken Armor)
Last Thunder (Orichalcum Direlance)
Slay-the-Storm (Orichalcum Direlance; compare/contrast Last Thunder)
The Broken Tower (White Jade Armor)
Moon-Chained-in-Ink (Moonsilver Tattoo Armor)

Sidereal Martial Arts

Osseous Hour of Misfortune ("you're gonna have a bad time")
Gilded Blossoms of Determination ("In this world, it's kill or be killed.")
Obsidian Shards of Infinity

The Broken Fire (Sorcerous Initiation)
The Question (Necromancy Initiation)

Actual Play: Gloam City Nights
Intro - Dramatis Personae
Session One - Meet Gloam
Session Two - Lighthouse Fight
Session Three - Meet White Raven | Ein's Story
Session Four - Meet Black Dove
Session Five - Return To The Slums
Session Six - The Silence She Speaks
Session Seven - The Ghost and the Child

The above list does not include my 2e homebrew, a lot of which is pure fluff and thus likely still compatible with Ex3, and which can be found here.

I think that's all of it.
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