Laughing Monster style is an alien martial art occasionally used by the Fair Folk, who ride into Creation from the Wyld. Perhaps the style is just a 'natural' imitation of some of the rakshas' behaviors and narratives, developed by some lost savant. Or perhaps, even the bizarre denizens of the lands beyond Creation found it in themselves to learn the discipline of martial arts and for whatever reason created their own; the truth of the matter is unknown, and probably beyond the boundaries of this world.
The Laughing Monster is a demonic child ruled by impetuosity and wicked humor, a merry prankster who takes inordinate joy in the humiliation of his rivals. The Laughing Monster mocks the idea of society, and those who follow this path abandon all pretense of diplomatic solutions. A martial artist who plays the role of the Laughing Monster adopts the persona of a childish and rude trickster. Many, however, take pleasure in using this style to mock cruel dictators and humble the proud and haughty.
Laughing Monster Weapons: Laughing Monster style utilizes unarmed attacks, staffs, swords and spears. Laughing Monster utilizes elegant, sweeping movements meant to draw the opponent's attention and cut through stalwart defenses. Any unarmed strike or staff attack enhanced by a Laughing Monster charm can be always stunted to deal lethal damage.
Armor: Laughing Monster Style is compatible with light armor.
Complementary abilities: All Laughing Monster stylists have some expertise with at least one social Ability. True masters, however, benefit from all three of Presence, Socialize and Performance.
Furiously Stalling Destiny
Cost: 5m; Mins: Laughing Monster Style 2, Essence 1
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Counterattack, Uniform, Stackable
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Laughing Monster turns every attack back against his attackers, mocking their every effort. This charm may be used either after the stylist has been targeted by a decisive attack, or after someone has attempted to influence him socially in combat. In the former case, the martial artist may attempt a normal decisive counterattack. In the latter case, the martial artist may roll (Charisma + [a social Ability]) to instill or inspire her target with an emotion related to anger, frustration, or distraction. Either way, if successful, the opponent faces a -1 penalty to attempting to attack or socially influence the stylist for the rest of the fight. The penalty imposed by this charm is cumulative, up to a rating of the user's Essence.
Using Furiously Stalling Destiny while Laughing Monster Form is active allows the stylist to respond to an attack with a withering counterattack.
Deeper into Trouble Technique
Cost: 3m; Mins: Laughing Monster Style 3, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Uniform
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Furiously Stalling Destiny
The Laughing Monster's tomfoolery drives her enemies to distraction and rage. Deeper into Trouble Technique supplements a physical attack or an attempt at inspiring an emotion related to anger or distraction. If successful, the Laughing Monster's mien is so infuriating that, those affected must pay 1 wp and 2i to target anyone other than her with their attacks or attempts at social influence for the rest of the fight. Enemies who pay this cost become immune to the effect for the rest of the scene. Affected enemies may still choose to attack other targets if the stylist is considerably out of reach, nowhere within sight, or incapacitated.
Laughing Monster Form
Cost: 6m; Mins: Laughing Monster 4, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form, Mastery
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charm: Deeper Into Trouble Technique
The martial artist infuses her body with the essence of the dweller in the between, the laughing monster that twists oaths and intentions against their holders. While this Form is active, enemies suffer a penalty of (the stylist's Charisma) to read her intentions, and the stylist automatically knows when someone fails to read them. Additionally, opponents with a negative Tie towards the stylist along the lines of anger, frustration or distraction within short range of her lose (Essence/2) extra points of Initiative upon attempting to use the Disengage, Withdraw, Full Defense, or Delay actions. People with a positive Tie along the lines of love, friendship or protectiveness towards the stylist ignore all the effects of this Form; the Laughing Monster's narrative is broken through by those who genuinely like her. Those with Ties of obedience or loyalty, be they positive or negative, are affected only by the penalty to read her intentions.
Special activation: The stylist may activate Laughing Monster Form as a Reflexive charm if she intentionally makes an enemy out of someone who bore no hostility towards her, or if she manages to sway a hostile enemy to be her ally.
Mastery: Opponents within short range of the stylist with a negative Tie towards her instead lose (Essence/2)+1 extra points of initiative when attempting the aforementioned defensive actions.
Inauspicious Moment for Attack
Cost: 2m per target; Mins: Laughing Monster 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Mastery
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Laughing Monster Form
With the arts of distraction and omen, the laughing monster slows the enemy's advance. This charm may only be used at the beginning of a battle; the martial artist spends two motes per target to be affected, and then rolls (Charisma+Presence). Each opponent whose Resolve is beaten by the result of this roll is rendered unable to target her with an attack for (Essence/2) turns, or until they have been attacked by her. Battle groups count as a single target, and the stylist cannot target enemies she is not aware of, or that are not aware of her.
Mastery: Opponents are instead unable to target the stylist for (Essence) turns.
Thieves Fall Out
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Laughing Monster 5, Essence 2
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Perilous, Terrestrial
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Inauspicious Moment for Attack
Before the Laughing Monster's trickery, alliances fail and bonds of friendship shatter. Upon successfully defending against a physical attack or an attempt at socially influencing the martial artist in combat, the stylist may attempt to redirect the attack or social influence to a viable target. The attacker rerolls his attack or influence against the new target's Defense or Resolve, applying the same Charms in effect. An appropriate stunt or explanation is necessary to explain how the stylist redirects certain attacks (particularly ranged ones) or attempts at social influence that do not target an appropriate Intimacy of the new victim's, or else the attempt automatically fails. In the latter case, some raksha stylists recommend making sly allusions towards Intimacies she knows the new victim to have and passing it off as something the original attacker would say; i.e. saying uncouth things about someone's heritage.
Terrestrial: The attacker of the redirected attack or influence instead uses his failed roll's result.
Subtle Hammer
Cost: 2m; Mins: Laughing Monster 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Mute
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Laughing Monster Form
Those who carefully observe the Laughing Monster's intentions must take care to realize whether they themselves are being carefully observed. When someone fails to read his intentions, he may roll (Charisma+Socialize) against that person's Guile. If successful, the martial artist may cause the attempt to instead 'reveal' any other motivation he desires. It costs 1 wp to see through this deception.
Poisoned Whispers
Cost: 8m, 1 wp; Mins: Laughing Monster 5, Essence 3
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Psyche, Terrestrial, Mastery
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Thieves Fall Out
Lies and dissimulation permit the Laughing Monster to turn his enemies against one another. Like a demented child, he exults in their discord. This Charm supplements an instill attempt to weaken one of the target's Intimacies. If successful, the martial artist is able to immediately invert a positive Intimacy into a negative one with a connotation of her choice, or viceversa. This change of heart lasts only for the rest of the scene, but can be immediately rejected by spending 2 wp.
Terrestrial: This effect instead requires 1 wp to resist.
Mastery: If the target does not immediately resist the effect, they are so taken in with the stylist's deception that their change of heart is indefinite, until they remember the original context of their Intimacy, at which point they may pay (the stylist's Essence) wp to shake off the effect. Said cost may be paid in different installments.
Unitary Being Forge
Cost: 5m; Mins: Laughing Monster 4, Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Mute
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Laughing Monster Form
The Laughing Monster is ever ready for awkward silences and social faux pas and can seize upon such moments to humiliate his rivals and heap scorn upon them. The stylist attempts to inspire ill will and aggression to an audience within short range through a mix of short words and subtle body language, rolling (Charisma + Performance). As with all inspire actions, how the affected target wishes to express their ill will or aggression is up to them, ranging from petty gossiping to outright violence. For the rest of the scene, the stylist may treat anyone whose Resolve was beaten by his roll as though they possessed a negative Minor Tie along the lines of distrust, hate, or antipathy (target's choice) towards another individual or party within short range (stylist's choice). If one whose Resolve has been beaten possessed a Minor Tie with a negative context towards the chosen target, the stylist may instead choose to treat them as though said Tie was Major.
Some raksha use this Charm to map unfamiliar social environments in which they find themselves; others find it an amusing way to pass a slow afternoon.
Shuffling the Pieces
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Laughing Monster 5, Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Psyche, Terrestrial
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charm: Unitary Being Forge
The Laughing Monster's works revise the world, rendering the pounding march of armies into simply another opportunity to expand the ranks of her retinue. After successfully incapacitating or killing an opponent, the martial artist communicates a simple idea: "Follow me." She may roll (Charisma+Martial Arts) to attempt to persuade or threaten an enemy target to not just abandon the fight, but to switch sides to the stylist's. The target must have seen both her and the opponent she disabled, and they must already be participants in the battle. Battle groups count as a single target. The stylist also gains two non-Charm successes on this attempt if the target is under the effects of Inauspicious Moment for Attack, Poisoned Whispers, or Unitary Being Forge. Any character whose Resolve is overcome by this roll fight along or for the stylist against her enemies for the rest of the scene. Characters must enter a Decision Point to resist the influence, calling upon an Intimacy that represents loyalty, valor, or their stake in the fight, to resist. A character that resists this influence is immune to successive uses of this charm for the rest of the scene.
The stylist's new retinue, if any, will almost always need further motivation to remain loyal to her after the scene concludes.
Terrestrial: A Dragon-Blooded stylist may only activate Shuffling the Pieces to attempt to convince a battle group to switch to her side.
Dancing Wind Monster Transformation
Cost: 10m, 2wp; Mins: Laughing Monster 5, Essence 4
Type: Simple
Keywords: Perilous, Mastery
Duration: One turn
Prerequisite Charm: Shuffling the Pieces, Subtle Hammer, Poisoned Whisper
The Laughing Monster is a creature of divisions, who enters or leaves the story at his own pace. By concentrating until his next turn, he fades away, leaving only the sound of his mocking laughter and the enraged bellows of his beaten foes, or he appears unexpected, astonishing his impromptu hosts.
This charm may be used to escape any confined space in which the martial artist finds himself in, depositing him just outside such boundaries, but only if such a space poses danger to the martial artist (such as a large prison full of angry inmates looking to tear the martial artist apart, a clock tower full of monsters, or even a sealed coffin underneath the earth in which the martial artist has been buried alive). This charm may alternately be used to enter inside one such nearby confined space, but only as long as there is something within that poses danger to the martial artist (such as a Solar tomb full of automatons, a sealed city which a government has declared a quarantined area, or even the inside of the Imperial Manse1.
In either case, the charm will never immediately kill or injure the martial artist for using it - if the nearest exist to a high tower is an open window on the seventh floor of a tower, he will appear outside of the front door on the bottom floor. If he is entering the secret volcano lair of a local god, he will not suddenly appear in a pit of lava. However, the Charm does not account for any guards or traps nearby that might feel hostile towards him. The narrative of the Laughing Monster leaves the rest of the stylist's escape or infiltration up to his own cleverness and skill.
This Charm may only be used once per story, but may be reset when the martial artist goes out of his way to get himself into or out of trouble, after spending a considerable amount of time trying to do the opposite.
Mastery: The martial artist may take along (Essence) other consenting characters in short range with him into or out of trouble.
1 It would be worth noting that such an attempt at entering such highly-protected locations is likely to backfire somehow, but if a stylist has progressed enough in this style to achieve this technique, they probably don't care about common sense or their own self-preservation that much.