Dragonblooded are also a pretty good choice due to slightly less power. Hell, all Alchemicals can work well, as the smaller setting of Autobot can be helpful at times.
Alchemicals are honestly my splat of choice for new players in 2e- yes, their a little book keeping heavy, but their not broken three ways to Sunday. DBs on the other hand... I've played in a DB game. I've had an absolute blast, and I am sad Omi never got us further.
I would never recommend mixed splat DB play, and
for gods sake use the errata. A lot of what DB's can do is small and stunt fodder, but mixing it with other splats- who will tend to do the same thing as the DB in half as many charms- is a recipe for disaster.
Mind, I have had a DB player in a mixed Sidereals/Lunars game I ST'd, and she was potent to the point Padma was the groups best fighter, but that game was high XP as hell, and
@Crumplepunch, the player, did an insane amount of homebrew- as in rewrote the Immaculate Styles to be on par with other CMA's, lots of custom charm work, and Crumple probably knows DBs the best out of any player I know. So it's possible, but I can't recommend it for most players.
Also, I echo what the others have said: mixed splat parties are tricky to run. And I say this having run one for something like three years. Its a lot of work on the GM side keeping track of what players can do and might want, and balancing out combat gets... interesting. Actually, balancing out differing splat approaches is tricky, as they all approach problems in different ways, which means a lot of problems you toss their way will get sidestepped- or the one Lunar will jump on the enemy ship that is evacuating and leave the rest of the non-shape shifting party behind.
Bloody Lunars. Also bloody Sidereals, in particular Chosen of Secrets. Can't hide nothing from them (why did I run a conspiracy setting. Whyyyyyyyy).