Okay. I read this and my mind immediately jumped to Gollum. And then I looked at the intro fiction bit and saw Smeagol and Deagol. Was that intended?

No, really, the fluff was the inspiration.

Namely, "Hah, I bet she'd throw a meal to one starving person and a knife to another one, and then sit back and watch while eating peeled grapes". And so she needed a Charm to ensure that there would be amusing homeless people fights over the hamburger she tosses them, rather than them cheating and deciding to share the food or something boring like that.

I think Hegra has quite an intimate relationship with Resources - but she's also encouraged to be profuse with it. I wonder if she should be encouraged to "commit" Resources dots to maintaining effects, so Hegran Infernals are encouraged to a) be fabulously wealthy, but b) not actually have much day to day money because they've got all their Resources locked up in maintaining elaborately decadent effects.

(I may have suddenly realised that the way to model Hegra is to ask yourself "What Would Ragyo Kiryuin Do?")
No, really, the fluff was the inspiration.

Namely, "Hah, I bet she'd throw a meal to one starving person and a knife to another one, and then sit back and watch while eating peeled grapes". And so she needed a Charm to ensure that there would be amusing homeless people fights over the hamburger she tosses them, rather than them cheating and deciding to share the food or something boring like that.

I think Hegra has quite an intimate relationship with Resources - but she's also encouraged to be profuse with it. I wonder if she should be encouraged to "commit" Resources dots to maintaining effects, so Hegran Infernals are encouraged to a) be fabulously wealthy, but b) not actually have much day to day money because they've got all their Resources locked up in maintaining elaborately decadent effects.

(I may have suddenly realised that the way to model Hegra is to ask yourself "What Would Ragyo Kiryuin Do?")
What kind of absolute monster peels their grapes.
In real life, it seems almost like this is how it'd turn out.

"I use my magic powers to try to convince a supporter of an orange politician who shall be unnamed. I make perfect arguments with a thousand reasons."

"Buddy, you're probably just a liberal plant."

*Attempt failed.* :V
This happens even in 2nd edition: you spend some willpower and it doesn't matter how good the opposing side's argument is, you ignore it. The trick would be to hit their supporting intimacies first, plus wear them down over time. Ie, slowly convincing them. Alternatively, use the magic that means that they can't just ignoring it once, but have to keep ignoring it, which wears down their willpower really quickly.

The difficult part, going by second edition mechanics, would be beating their mental defense values: for non-exalted that can be really hard, especially with dodge mental defense since it's based off willpower.
"I use my magic powers to try to convince a supporter of an orange politician who shall be unnamed. I make perfect arguments with a thousand reasons."

"Buddy, you're probably just a liberal plant."

Eh, most social charms aren't about making perfect arguments.* They help make you arguments that actually work.

(So, you will probably sound like a demented demagogue most of the time).

*(Well, ok, SWLIHN social charms probably do. When she just doesn't use brain hacks).
Also as of Ex3 all these numbers have "about" in front of them except the Sidereals, and the Lunars are up to ~400 :V
He wanders through the land, here and there, and when he finds an individual who greatly pleases or amuses him he asks them three questions.

Does he also ask for a shrubbery and sick a vicious bunny rabbit on them? I'm sorry, there is no way any player will be able to take this encounter seriously.

Despite the joy he takes in learning his wit is not the sharpest and his eyes are not too sharp, but for that reason an eagle stolen from a great hero of House Peleps follows him, chained with a silver collar. This eagle knows the tongue of men and serves to see things he cannot.

Peleps Deled must have been pissed you stole his eagle.
Does he also ask for a shrubbery and sick a vicious bunny rabbit on them? I'm sorry, there is no way any player will be able to take this encounter seriously.

... shit, I didn't even think of that. I was just going for a mythological devil figure to approach scholars at crossroads and "test" them - and if he doesn't like their answers, he drags them off to hell.

Five questions it is then!
... shit, I didn't even think of that. I was just going for a mythological devil figure to approach scholars at crossroads and "test" them - and if he doesn't like their answers, he drags them off to hell.

Five questions it is then!
Have him say he'll ask them three questions, then have him just keep asking questions well past three until somebody actually notices and calls him on it.