You shall all burn beneath my light!!!
I swear to god if someone stats up a Kamui I will lose it.Ohgod. Her peronelle-alikes must be very popular in Hell. Probably Appearance 6+ too.
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I swear to god if someone stats up a Kamui I will lose it.Ohgod. Her peronelle-alikes must be very popular in Hell. Probably Appearance 6+ too.
Does he also ask for a shrubbery and sick a vicious bunny rabbit on them? I'm sorry, there is no way any player will be able to take this encounter seriously.
personally what jumped to my mind was psychopomp who stuffs people into bags... shit, I didn't even think of that. I was just going for a mythological devil figure to approach scholars at crossroads and "test" them - and if he doesn't like their answers, he drags them off to hell.
Five questions it is then!
I forget who it is, but I believe the western Deathlord did it, the one with the doom fleet. The Solar was a Zenith caste.
Exalted and promptly got himself captured and Monstrace'd, even.
Moray and the turned Solar (the Fallen Wolf of the Cutting Sea) are in Bodhisattva territory. Bishop's the one up north trying to end Creation with theological arguments. And Moray's working for the guy, not ignored. After the voyage where he was Exalted he went straight for the Bodhisattva and said, "Hail your Silver Princeness, I started glowing gold and heard a dude say something about bringing his light to dark places and now I can tank swords to the face. Wat do?" So now he's got some Backgrounds from the Abyssal book and the Bodhisattva keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn't become a threat to his ghostly master.Well, he tried to go up against a Deathlord fresh off his Exaltation. You kinda deserve what you get in that case.
Noteably Moray Darktide also Exalted as a Solar in the Bishop's territory but the Bishop left him alone because he didn't try to fight a deathlord immediately.
Yeah. That idiot totally deserved it for having the temerity to Exalt in the heart of a Deathlord's power. Even worse, he rudely attempted to immediately escape. You just do not do that sort of thing.Well, he tried to go up against a Deathlord fresh off his Exaltation. You kinda deserve what you get in that case.
Noteably Moray Darktide also Exalted as a Solar in the Bishop's territory but the Bishop left him alone because he didn't try to fight a deathlord immediately.
To build on ES's answer a bit (I was doing research into this at one point) Earth's population for about the equivalent time (1400-1500s was what I used if i recall right) period tech level was around 500 mill. So my personal answer is 500 million low, 1 billion high- Creation has better medical tech then equivalent time period Earth, more surface area, and crazy agriculture stuff in places, but is also hilariously more dangerous then Earth.
See, this just sounds like a challenge.
A long time ago on the White Wolf Exalted forum there was a thread discussing a scenario where The Culture encountered The Exalted. Stephen Lea Shepard, one of the writers, wrote an elegant post about how Exaltation allows the people they endow with the second breath to excel at whatever they do and that they would naturally evolve charms based on whatever is around them. Meaning that any technological advantage you think you might have over The Chosen will evaporate very quickly as they take your tech and throw back at you with magic. Creation has no guns because the writers applied a very firm Fantasy Gun Control on conventional fire arms because they did not want them in the setting. You have to assume however that if guns and modern technology were introduced to Creation, The Exalted would be more than capable of duplicating foreign technology and the rules found in Shards of Exalted Dreams come into play.
So here is how I see the scenario happening.
The Realm sends through Dragon Blooded scouts and though when cornered they unleash terrible violence killing hundreds of people before being brought down by overwhelming force. The US sends a military expedition through the portal to secure the other side ala GATE. However the US forces would quickly be destroyed as hundreds, perhaps thousands of exalts descend upon them, unleashing demons and sorceries that defy scientific explanation and are taken prisoner. This crisis unites the Realm and the squabble for the Throne is put aside as Cathak Cainan is given the title of Regent to deal with the crisis instead of Fokuf (Cainan is the logical choice because of his military experience, strong political connections, and his senior age makes his likelihood of attempting to retain power after the crisis is over a problem that can take care of itself within a few decades. His biography can be found in Dragonblooded Aspect Book Fire.) Prisoners are interrogated and Dragonblooded linguists quickly master English and probably Spanish as well which makes interrogating soldiers about their hardware go much faster. The soldiers will be unable to help but give their full co-operation to their dragonblooded interrogators who wield the persuasive power of their essence. The Realm will learn everything about our world, our politics, our values, our history, and above all our weaknesses. While craftsmen work on the first prototype shellcasters (see Shards of Exalted Dreams page 144 for more details) Realm envoys pass through the portal and with perfect English announce their intentions to negotiate peaceful relations between the people of Earth and Creation. Exalted negotiators would gain incredibly lucrative deals, experts would be brought through the portal and the Realm goes through a Meiji Restoration turned up to 11. By the time the solar exalted return The Realm will be building railroads, arming their soldiers with assault rifles and their officers with shellcasters. Realm military bases will be all over America and her allies after the dragonblooded use Syria as a testbed for their new modernized military and the whole world gets to see just how terrifying the Dragonblooded are on the battlefield. Immaculate Priests will be preaching on the streets of Chicago, DC, LA, and millions of people will begin to slavishly worship the dragonblooded.
Eventually a conflict will arise, an Immaculate temple is attacked in a riot and the dragonblooded slaughter the mob, A boy in Pakistan is discovered to be an Anathema of The Blasphemous Caste (Zenith Caste solar) and the Realm demands the US military take action to assassinate the boy, anything really. Eventually the dragonblooded will force the US government to bow to their demands and once that happens America is just one more satrap of the Realm. From there it is only a short while before boys and girls from Georgia, New York, and California find themselves on the auction block being sold as slaves to the highest bidding dragonblood.
They do respire essence in the Underworld as of 3rd Ed. They just do not do it very well because they are plagued by nightmares. Exalted respire essence anywhere they go.
Terrestrial exalted in 40k.Okay.. so who wants to play in this campaign? Where the disappearance of Ms. Scarlet as some whackjob experiment at one of the schools of sorcery or in a House of the guys known for dangerous sorcery experiments makes A Gate and this ends up in the making. A little *too* fast and simple and clean so on for the whole Realm but an interesting deviation. Strong regent dealing with new superhuge and socially revolutionary satrap that while not able to directly militarily knock them out WAS ableto resist them and whose influx is enormously changing them leading to enormous social upheaval. Worse lets say Bull of the North still happens but Anathema are appearing on Earth. And the US or wherever isn't an official satrap and even with the massive MASSIVE influence of DB celebs all is not well (at the very least you run into the peion to Prince issue of the many ambassadors and layabouts getting comfy with their status in the US) And then there is the social clashes as slavery starts up and other things.
Interested? Thoughts? Experiences?
yeah i'm pretty sure a kamui is already pushing it, making a transparent one will probably get you banned.The tough part of making a Kamui reference, is making sure it's not a transparent one. That's always the issue with any kind of 'Inspired By' riff.
yeah i'm pretty sure a kamui is already pushing it, making a transparent one will probably get you banned.![]()
As long as it's not being worn by a minor, and there is nothing especially prurient?yeah i'm pretty sure a kamui is already pushing it, making a transparent one will probably get you banned.![]()
Since we're apparently making a joke serious.As long as it's not being worn by a minor, and there is nothing especially prurient?
Speaking of inspirations, Shadow Warrior 2 is a pretty reasonable inspiration for any sort of Exalted Modern stuff. Lo Wang is clearly an Exalt of some sort.
I mean, he is a big dick and that's exactly what Exaltation means amirite?
Volfer seems the obvious choice.
I just hope someone new to the thread doesn't miss out on this.