but that makes you the arrogant rival who has rejected the wisdom of the master. Which gets the shit kicked out of you by the hero, so it's not really worth the effort.

Or it makes you Nolanverse batman who turned the lessons granted to him by the League of Shadows to purge and destroy that order for their hypocrisies and crimes
Its a deep well to draw from, and would have enriched the "What If" sides of the setting with a whole lot more potential than simply handing off "okay but what if Lunars were nanobot swarms?"

Oh, but what if the Lunars were nanobot swarms.

...context man, read the context.

If you just learn the skills but fail at the philosophy you become the villain in a Bruce Lee movie. Then the hero of the story who knows the true spirit of Kung Fu comes along and kicks your ass.
Huh, Armstrong actually fits as a lunar concept, he even has the barbaric motivations canon tends to overemphasise.
Metal Gear Rising is the exact kind of thing I meant a while ago when I said that Exalted makes the most sense as a fantasy-themed Metal Gear title (which is to say none at all, but Radical in the process).

The whole plot is a Soulsteel Caste Alchemical losing and regaining his sanity as he tears through a miniboss squad of Clockwork-Prosthetic'd gimmick Gunzosha DBs in the attempt to stop a child-fueled supersoldier program with the help of a torqued up heroic mortal wielding an Artifact 5, a couple strange racial caricatures and his dog-shaped robot buddy, only to find out his final target was no mere politician pulling the strings but a Full Moon Lunar in disguise, and for all the pretenses paid towards nefarious intrigues and philosophical arguments about the nature of man and deciding one's own fate, ends with a shirtless fistfight atop a broken-down superweapon while electrical guitars wail.

It is ridiculous, puffed-up and melodramatic in every way and still manages to make more coherent sense than most campaigns I've been in. Its incredible Exalted material.
Is there, like a general martial arts thread in sufficient velocity?

It was mentioned earlier, but I can't find it.
I'm considering statting up a Fiend-cast Infernal PC, here are some general situational questions mostly involving Loom-Snarling Deception:

Let's say that the Infernal grew up as a Dynast, and wanted to use Loom-Snarling Deception to impersonate themselves as if they had instead Exalted as a Dragon-Blood (perhaps to subvert their House). If they did this, and someone went to try and see through the illusion, how does that roll-off work?
The Chrysalis changes you in various ways, so assuming they're using some sort of magical assistance to the roll, it goes into Essence roll-off.
1) Does All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight reveal the type of essence someone has? In the above situation, would a Solar using it on that LSD-disguised Infernal realize they have Yozi-tainted essence? If so, would having Eldritch Secrets Mastery negate that recognition by allowing the Infernal to make their essence look like standard DB essence?
In order; yes, yes, yes.
Genre convention, mate. In a martial arts story, the guy who cares nothing for the philosophy of the martial art, only the ability to stomp faces in, is the douchebag antagonist who will inevitably be defeated by the nobler and wiser protagonist.
Unless you're a Solar/Infernal*, in which case Fate's schema crumble before the force of your Exalt Bullshit, and the "wiser protagonist" is probably going to end up either smeared across the landscape or doing your laundry.

More seriously, I see the wuxia thing, but it always felt like an influence on the combat system's flavor rather than something affecting the plot. However, I'm 100% behind playing as expies of Baron Mordo or that blonde kid from Cobra Kai*.

* Or Jagi from Fist of the North Star as a Mardukth-favored Scourge. I'd possibly respec him as the failed student of an Immaculate Order elder who zealously guards the secrets to the Hokuto Shinken CMA, determined to erase his former teacher's legacy and replace it with his own.
In order; yes, yes, yes.

AESS does not automatically ID the flavour of essence used by the target. Implicitly, it's probably something that the "analyse what you see" feature can do, but I'm not sure what the Difficulty of the roll would be because it's not one of the examples. Probably 4-5, on the same scale as "Identify an unknown Charm and what it does".
* Or Jagi from Fist of the North Star as a Mardukth-favored Scourge. I'd possibly respec him as the failed student of an Immaculate Order elder who zealously guards the secrets to the Hokuto Shinken CMA, determined to erase his former teacher's legacy and replace it with his own.

...does that make Raoh a dawn caste solar? I mean I know you said immaculate order but Raoh's whole stick as wanting to conquer the world to claim the throne of heavens and his prodigal skill in HSK(before Ken ramps up a bit anyway) would kind of fit him.
AESS does not automatically ID the flavour of essence used by the target. Implicitly, it's probably something that the "analyse what you see" feature can do, but I'm not sure what the Difficulty of the roll would be because it's not one of the examples. Probably 4-5, on the same scale as "Identify an unknown Charm and what it does".

AESS renders all magical effects Obvious to your sight. This means you can tell that they are magical effects and generally what they do. This includes Permanent Charms, which Infernals are often going to have because of how their Charm tree work. So they may not immediately get "Infernal" but they'll certainly get "has some magic which makes it impossible for them to starve to death and gives them various bonuses in Places of Desolation" or "doesn't need to sleep and instead has rage fueled hallucinations" which if you have any Occult is probably going to be all the clue you need to go "something ain't right."

Edited to Note: Measure the Wind, a pretty much universal spirit Charm, will immediately identify your 'type' of Essence and whether you know an Spirit Killers. So you need Eldritch Secrets Mastery not to fool the very rare Solar, but the incredibly common God-blooded and spirits.
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In 3E at least, Measure the Wind has some limitations on whom it can be used on, depending on the type of god who uses it. This can be "on someone in their territory", "anyone who prays to them", "anyone wearing armor" and other things like that. Granted, this is not a huge restriction, but it's certainly more flavorful.

More importantly, in 3E, it auto-fails when opposed by any magical effect. Which is frankly preferable than having a basic spirit charm be that good at overcoming Exalted disguises and deceptions.
I thought Measure the Wind in 2e had the same restriction on who it can be used in the stat blocks of all the published spirits. My impression of the charm write-up was that it was the blue-print of the charm and it had the fit the "flavor" of the god or spirit learning it.
Well 2e core has this
Measure the Wind—This simple Charm allows a spirit to assess its surroundings and measure the amount of Essence near it. When a spirit spends one mote to activate this Charm, it can see the natural fl ow of Essence around it and immediately knows the Essence trait of all visible living things within a number of yards equal to its Willpower. The Storyteller must still make a successful refl exive (Wits + Perception) roll for the spirit to fi nd any hidden beings, but the diffi culty to fi nd hidden creatures decreases by two when used with this Charm. Any being noticed through the use of this power is also instantly recognized as whatever type of being it is—whether it is a mortal, Exalt, god, ghost or some other thing

No restrictions
That I can see. Though I don't have errata on my tablet so..
I thought Measure the Wind in 2e had the same restriction on who it can be used in the stat blocks of all the published spirits. My impression of the charm write-up was that it was the blue-print of the charm and it had the fit the "flavor" of the god or spirit learning it.

All Spirit charms work like that. They have to be properly flavored before application.