6.6 - Consequences

View: https://youtu.be/LHTtYkHqJqY?si=VX-eJIjnhtx9P6UD

[X] Command seal to summon Mordred
-[X] Ask Fujimaru what BB's weaknesses are

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

One command seal for Mordred remains.


Time slows, yet your breath quickens all the same. What was the correct course of action here? To save Taiga, there was nothing you wouldn't do, up to and including trading your life for hers. She had also taken care of you after Kiritsugu died, and she was the closest thing you had left to family. To that end, what was Rin? Nothing, she was nothing to you. Someone you used to admire, but now… now that is gone. You would trade her life for Taiga's without a second thought. But, she was apparently ignorant of all of this. That excused nothing, but you weren't going to kill her out of hand, especially not on the orders of a creature like this.

You look at Rin, staring at the girl you used to admire. She was beautiful, that was about the only thing she had left going for her. Then you look at BB, the servant staring back at you from her perch above, a very smug look on her face.

"Not all of them," you reply. 'Mordred, to me.'

The second group of command seals on your wrist lights up, then all but one remaining mark for Mordred remains. The swordswoman appears just in front of you, hunched, bleeding as always, with a blank expression. She turns her head slowly, taking in the scene around her. And I turn my attention to Fujimaru.

"How do we deal with BB?"

Fujimaru begins to speak.

"Oh, just talk about me like I'm not even here, why don't ya!?" but BB shouts before she can, her voice booming across the landscape.

Then a loud crash sounds out as a blur flies by you with enough speed to whip your jacket back. The Sakura lookalike that had 'killed' Sakura just earlier was back, and had slammed spiked-feet first into Mash's shield. The servant's feet drag across the hollow ground, and she twists the weapon, causing the clone to quite literally pirouette away like a ballerina.

"You don't think you have any power here? Do you?"

Mash blocks again, the shield a blur as she snaps it from place to place to block and parry the blows.

"This is my realm!"

Mordred grunts, and you look to the Berserker to see a faint grin starting to form on her face.

"I gave you a simple task, why do you even care if Rin lives?"

"I don't," you reply.

Rin starts, you ignore her.

"But I'm not going to kill anyone just because you tell me to. I just want Taiga back. You have no right to be doing this."

BB arches a brow, looking between you and Mordred. "What exactly do you expect to do then, you can't defeat me."

You close your eyes for a few moments, you let out a breath. Controlled, slow, just like archery. Then you open them once more, glaring at BB. "No, but I can try."

BB is then in front of you, hand on her hips, a mildly annoyed expression on her face. Not a face of challenge, not even a face of anger. Just mild annoyance, like someone had left a door slightly ajar when they left the room. Then she smiles, it isn't exactly much better. "Well, you won't win, but this could at least be vaguely entertaining." Then she looks Mordred up and down clinically, hand on her chin. "The walking corpse won't be much of a challenge howe-"

Mash goes flying past the two of you, the shield nearly clipping BB as she sails off. The alternate Sakura skating after her a split second later. Fujimaru is by your side a moment after that, panting, and glaring at BB.

"So, answer my previous question?" you ask, tilting your head towards Fujimaru but not looking away from BB.

"None." Fujimaru replies solemnly.

"Aren't I just perfect?" BB asks in a singsong voice.

Then Mordred moves, sword moving up in a wide cut right to left. BB smiles.

Then catches it. The blade slaps against her palm then moves no further, her fingers closing around the edge of the blade and squeezing, causing the shriek of metal to fill the air as her thin fingers cause the metal to dent.

"BB, stop this!" Fujimaru shouts.

BB rolls her eyes, then flings the blade, and by extension Mordred over her shoulder. "Oh, is my ex-master giving me orders?"

"Ex-master?" Fujimaru asks.

BB waves her hand dismissively. "Our contract was boring, this is a new grail war, new rules. I voided it and got a new one."

"How is that even possible!?" Fujimaru shouts.

BB smiles, then looks at the still unmoving Rin Tohsaka. "Terms and conditions." She turns her head back, only for the smirk to drop and BB to leap back as a shadowy figure darts out of Fujimaru's hand to take a swipe at BB. The figure is indistinct, but female, and is seemingly fighting with their fists.


BB darts to the side as Mordred's sword goes crashing down against the ground. It bounces against the see-through surface, and the swordswoman spins around, carving towards BB's legs. The Sakura lookalike stops the blade with her heels, then twists and kicks the Berserker away. Another fist flies towards BB's head, and she stabs her wands forward, a blast of magical energy erupting from it and causing the 'servant' to dissipate, only for BB to be forced to take a step to the side as another shadow goes tearing by her, narrowly missing. This one is masculine and tall, with giant… wheels in each hand.

Disantly the clang of metal upon metal sounds out as Mash does her best to keep the other… thing busy. And you are standing there, taking it all in. No longer. The bow forms in your hand with a thought, the arrow appears with another.

BB laughs, grasping the shadowy man's head between her hand and crushing it. Then she leaps over a wide swing from Mordred. "I'm not your daddy, little girl!"

Mordred roars in rage.


The arrow sails towards the back of BB's head. It hits, then… glances off, falling to the ground with a clatter. BB looks back at you, then smiles. "I'm sorry, were you doing something there?"


A bolt of energy slaps against BB's face, and she turns to stare at her 'Master'. Rin was standing just a few feet away, having moved in the chaos. She had her right arm up and her hand was pointed like a gun, and she was glaring at BB.



More bolts of light, each successively larger, all hitting BB but doing nothing. "Should I feign being hurt for your entertainment master?" BB asks, smiling.


The bolt hits, and still… does nothing.


Then BB goes flying as Mordred's sword slams into her side. The servant tumbles, rolling across the landscape before she recovers, one, and only one arm planted against the ground, the other was laying just a foot in front of you, leaking little 'blocks' like those the floor and landscape was made of instead of blood.

Mordred follows, sword dragging along the ground before it swings once more at BB. BB jerks out of the way of another shadowy figure, this one a woman in a veil with an odd, foursided blade. Then her remaining arms snaps up, catching Mordred's blade once more… only now it's a struggle, her arm shaking.

"I'm your Master right!? Even if I don't have command seals, I'm your source of mana!"

BB stares at Rin, then… smiles. "Oh, very good! Ten points to you, but what is it about Magus and always shouting out their plan?" BB then looks at you, "not bad, I think I like you more now… but this game is over."

Rin shouts in alarm, and you jerk your head back to see… a new figure has appeared behind her now. It's Sakura… but not. She was monstrous, standing atop a pair of gargantuan golden claws and with a body shaded like that of an ancient clay goddess. She had the claws around Rin's waist, points digging into her.

You start to move, but by then it's already too late. The points sink, then the claws tear apart, a terrified, pain-filled scream echoing across the alien landscape before Rin falls silent, two halves of her, uneven, bloody, broken fall to the ground… and all the while BB laughs joyously.

"Stupid, stupid Magus! So very egotistical!" BB lets go of Mordred's blade, and it crashes down onto her, cutting her in half from the right shoulder down, but she remains standing, motes of 'data' floating out of her as she grins with half a face at Fujimaru. "Oh, don't look like that master, it's just another Magus."

She then takes an impossible step forward, and her body reforms itself. She pays little attention to the shouting Mordred behind her as she moves.

"BB…" Fujimaru says, but nothing else.

BB rolls her eyes. "Oh please. She may look like Ishtar but she's nowhere near that useful. But regardless, I'm going back now, I got what I wanted, and, frankly…" She looks at the bloody, ruined remains of Rin with a sneer. "I'm not even sure it was worth the effort."

Then she raises her hand, and snaps her fingers.

You are back in the apartment, or, more accurately, what remained of it. Half the walls around you are gone, replaced by sparking wires and running pipes. The smell of acrid smoke and blood filled the air. The first figure you saw was Circe, she was kneeling just a few feet away, bloody, cradling an equally bloody, and barely conscious Ayako, the wand held limply in your girlfriend's hands.

Rider is the next, she's a few rooms over, panting but otherwise seemingly unharmed, with Illya standing behind her, looking at you curiously. Medea… Medea you couldn't see, at least not from the cursory, immediate glance gained when you reappeared. Then a weight hits you, and you shift, grunting as Taiga rolls off of your shoulder and into your arms. You stare down at her, silent, confused. She was breathing softly… and uninjured. Assassin appears a second later, crumpled on the ground, equally asleep or unconscious as Taiga was.

Then you hear the clatter of metal, and you turn your head slightly to see Mordred staring down Rin's servant… the black swordswoman was caked in blood, dust, and drywall. She was also transparent, and rapidly becoming more transparent with each passing second. She turned her head to look at you, but whether your eyes met you can't say. That mask shows nothing, and it was the last thing to go before she was completely gone.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBRxxinuUO4

A loud electronic spark sounds, along with the smell of burnt plastic, and you jerk your head back towards the ground where a familiar phone was sparking and aflame on the ground. You stare at it, saying nothing, feeling less. BB was gone, Rin was gone.

"Master!" Mash calls out. "Communication is back open with Chaldea!"

Excited chatter fills the background, you don't pay any attention to it, still staring down at the phone. There was no body to bury. It's… it's what Rin deserved, she played her part in this war as a Magus, and made her choices. She may have been influenced, but her decisions were her own. You weren't even the one to kill her, she was killed by forces she didn't understand, it was one of the most common ways for a Magus to die. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault Ayako's closest friend was dead. It wasn't your fault. She killed someone, maybe more you didn't see. You couldn't save her, but you can't save everyone. It's not your fault. It's not like you could plan for BB.

It's not your fault. You had to save Taiga.

It's not your fault. You had to protect the people of this city.

It's not your fault, you didn't reach out to her earlier.

Your fist goes through the wall, punching clear through some metal piping. It returns a moment later, smoking, but completely unmarred. You were a Magus. You were a monster. You weren't human like Ayako was, you were something apart, separate. You were alien, you couldn't treat other humans like they treated each other. You couldn't treat Magus like people either. It's not just your fault.

You didn't know how Rin was raised, you didn't know she was a Magus until a few days ago. How could you? You weren't even aware there were other Magus in the city. Sakura, Shinji, now Rin. The blame for the deaths couldn't rest on you, you wanted to be a hero. You wanted to save people just as you yourself were saved. It was your ideal, your purpose. It was the only reason you were alive.



It's entirely your fault, isn't it?

"Master, you okay?" Mordred asks.

You tighten your grip on Taiga, then you turn, and make your way to the stairs, saying nothing. Voices called out to you, some concerned, some confused. You couldn't understand them, not for the screaming of Rin in your ears.

Then, a hand stopped you.

[] [Ayako]

[] [Medea]

Anyone celebrating Rin's death will be thread-banned
. I understand ignoring Rin started as just a meme, but I try to write these characters as real people. Rin isn't exactly a comfort character to me, but regardless, within this story she had her own life and goals. She played a bad hand, and has died for it. However, celebrating the death of a seventeen year old girl in over her head is beyond disgusting and will not be tolerated.
6.7 - Mental Health

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

Caster's hand clamps down onto your shoulder, and then you are gone. In an instant, you disappear from Rin's apartment, and reappear back in the mansion. It's… Raiga's office. The man turned his head to look at you, unsurprised or shocked, though as he saw Taiga in your arms the phone in his hand loosened ever so slightly. You stare at the man for a moment, then kneel down, placing Taiga gently onto the floor. "She's just sleeping," you say slowly, quietly. Then rise. "I… managed to save her." The words ring hollow in your ears, did you? Did you really. "Thank you for everything up to this point, it was…"

Taiga begins to stir on the ground, and the words fade away. For there was nothing you could say, nothing you could really do to make this right. Taiga had been given to you, on a fickle whim, you hadn't saved her. You hadn't saved anybody, not Sakura, not Taiga, not…

Then you're gone again.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSgBEkiKuWs

Gone was Raiga's mansion, gone was Fuyuki. Gone was everything and everyone you had ever known. You were somewhere else now, far away in a place that may not even truly exist. But you knew it well. A temple sat in front of you, rotten and fallen, the statue of Hecate in front crumpled and the pools empty and dry. The roof had collapsed, filling the inside with debris. This wasn't the damage of battle, or desecration, but simple neglect. This place was forgotten and abandoned, whether that was caused by Circe leaving, or the Temple, as you saw it, was simply another illusion you couldn't say.

You couldn't say much of anything these days, little made sense anymore. It had all gone out of control, but then, was it ever? From that first moment you found Medea at the park, were you in control of the situation? Was anyone? It's just madness and chaos. But… that doesn't matter, what you think about it doesn't matter. You turn your head to look at Medea, the witch has her hood down, causing her blue hair to shift in the breeze.

"Why did you bring me here? We… we have things we need to be doing." You sigh. "We need to check on Sakura, we need to see if BB is truly gone. We… we have to find a place to sta-"

The hand on your shoulder grips tighter, almost painful, but not quite. "Shirou, speak to me."

You stare at her. "A master is dead, that leaves… at most two? One? We have to figure out what we're going to d-"

Her other hand clamps down on your other shoulder, and her face moves to be a bare inch from your own.

"Don't hide your pain, don't hide from me. I am the witch of betrayal, there is nothing you are feeling that I haven't."

It was a simple statement on her part, an affirmation. Not even a strong one. But it hit you like a sledgehammer regardless. "Why?" you ask quietly. "Why did all of this have to happen?" tears began to emerge. "Why? Why all of this? Why here? Why Fuyuki? Why do we have to destroy this city again? When I was a child… this whole city burned to the ground, now it's happening again for what, greed? A wish? If a wish can only be granted by all these deaths then it's worthless."

"Men and women have fought their entire lives for something as simple as a wish," Medea replies quietly. "In my time, heroes were granted many, and they changed the world."

"Heroes?" you smile bitterly. "I always wanted to be a hero, my father… my adoptive father saved me from the fire, he pulled me out of it. I had been wandering alone, looking for my family, my home, anyone I knew. But he saved me. He didn't have to, but he saved me." You look away from her, towards the temple. "I had never seen someone as happy as he was, and I never saw him that happy again. So many people died that day, I wanted to pay it back, I have tried to pay it back, to protect people." You try to smile as Kiritsugu did, but you can barely move the muscles in your face. "And I've failed, again, and again, and again. Whether it's the monster, whether it's Brihanalla, whether it's BB. People keep getting caught up in the madness of Magus."

You then look back at Medea, tears flowing freely now. "I just want to protect people. I just… want my life to have meaning, I survived when so many others died, so I want to pay that back. But I haven't been able to save anyone, even when I tried to save Rin… I was powerless. I don't want a wish, I never did. I just want to help… is… is that truly a bad thing? Is there a reason I can't?"

Medea's arms clamp around your back and pull you against her. Her hands shoot to your head, pressing you against her shoulder as she hugs you. "No, Shirou. No it isn't."

You blink in surprise from Medea of all people hugging you, then, unbidden, you wrap your arms around her in return and sob into her robes. It isn't a noble thing, it isn't manly, it isn't heroic. But her arms wrapped around your back are the only thing keeping you standing as you cry your grief on the deserted isle.

You remove yourself an indeterminate time later, but don't pull away. Medea looks you over, then smiles, producing a small piece of cloth to wipe at your face. "You are foolish, incredibly foolish.

"You rescued a witch in the park, gave her the run of your home, and are attempting to do naught but save lives in a war. You are an idiot, and your dream, as you have put it, is foolish as well." She smiles, it's a sweet, gentle smile. "You are a far better man than the heroes of my time. They were foolish, but of a different sort. Greedy, egotistical." She then moves her hands to cup your cheeks. "I understand your grief regarding Rin, I do not understand what she meant to you, but I know you would not kill her. It isn't who you are."


"Shinji was actively harming people and was unrepentant about it." Medea replies. "I could hear everything going on master, we all could. BB was gloating and Rin was… Rin wasn't innocent, but she made her choices."

"No," you reply. "Someone made them for her."

"Master, she had a wicked advisor, but she remained in the war of her own volition, you still attempted to save her." Medea straightens up a bit, her hands moving off of your face. "Shirou, you're kind, too kind for all of this. You didn't deserve to be caught up in this war."

"Nobody did, and I'm a Magus. I should be able to do something. But I just lose, again and again."

"Shirou, if knowing magic could solve all the ills of the world I would not be as you see me now, my story wouldn't have ended as it did. You are still alive, you still have your future, and I will fight to protect it. Even if you are foolish."


"Because I love you."

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKCCs9DNEJs

Her words are quiet, gentle, as if afraid to disturb the still air of the island. But they hit you like a hammerblow regardless. Medea is smiling again, it's a sweet smile, colored by tears of her own. "I adore you Shirou, I truly do. You have been so very kind to me, and I just want to get you through this. But you cannot blame this on yourself, you cannot take this war upon your shoulders. It isn't your fault, it isn't your burden to bear."

You say nothing, simply staring at her.

Medea continues. "If not me, then Circe, if not Circe, then Ayako. You aren't alone, this war isn't just you, if you attempt to take it all upon yourself I will hex you and believe me this witch knows a nasty hex or two." She leans forward, pressing her forehead against your own. "But do not lose your kindness Shirou, don't let this war break you. You saved me, I would have died. Please do not forget that. If nothing else, you saved me."

"Thank you, Medea." For many things, you… you loved her as well, as much as you did Ayako and Circe.

Medea smiles. "I know." As if reading your thoughts. Then she leans forward, placing her lips against your own once more. She cups the side of your face, and as the world faded away, as she teleported the two of you once more.

… You felt at peace.

For a few seconds.

Then someone crashes into you.. You fall back to the ground, pain shooting through you as you crash onto the snow-covered cobblestone that leads up to Illya's Castle. Why, or how Caster teleported you there you have no idea, but you'll just go ahead and blame Circe. At the moment however, you couldn't really focus on that. You could really only focus on the pain, and the view of Ayako, in a magical girl outfit, hovering above you, looking absolutely furious and panicked. "Where the fuck did you go!?"

"Ar…thur?" Mordred's voice groans out, and you glance to the side to see Berserker wandering over.

You shake your head, "It's fine, Mordred."

Berserker blinks, then turns to look at the castle instead.

You turn your head back to Ayako. "I delivered Taiga to Raiga. She's fine, he's fine. I wasn't going to take any chances." It was a lie, but then, it was also something you would have wanted to begin with.

"Good, glad she's okay. We're leaving, alright? We're leaving Fuyuki."

"... Why?" you ask.

"Why!?" Ayako shrieks. "Rin is dead, Shinji is dead. And you ask why!? I don't want any more of that."

You close your eyes, calming yourself. One conversation to the next. "No. I can't, not while I can still help people here."

"Bullshit, let the servants and the other magic people handle it. I don't want to see any of my other friends die. You're just a teenager Shirou, we both are, what are we even doing here?!"

"Our best! That's all we can do!" You shout back, losing yourself. "You think I want this either!?"

"Enough!" a voice breaks between the two of you, and you both turn your heads to see Sakura. "Ayako, if we don't stop this… everyone in Fuyuki will die. This isn't what I was told about either. We can run, but whoever remains here, whoever wins… they'll have a wish granted. Would you let whoever is still fighting us have that?"

Sakura is one octave below shrieking and is so close your ears are ringing. She's furious, far more furious than you've ever seen her before. "Run, run if you want. I'm helping Shirou. He's the… he's the only one left I can."

Tears begin to pour down her face, and Ayako stares at her for a moment before she shuffles off of you and stomps off. Sakura stares after her, then moves to sit next to you on the cold ground. "Shirou, are you?"

You nod your head. "I'm fine, just processing."

Sakura says nothing for several long moments, then looks at the castle. "Illya… Illya has agreed to let us stay here. Which is good, there's nowhere else. Rin how… how did she… die?"

Sakura knew Rin, though you would hardly call them friends. But Sakura worried about everyone, she always did. "Quickly," you lie. "Painlessly, BB simply… got rid of her."

Sakura stares at you for several seconds, then nods and stands. She walks off to the castle, a stumble to her step that she quickly rights before she disappears inside. You roll your head, staring into the sky for a few moments, then push yourself up and move inside yourself. Sella blocked your way almost immediately, dragging you off to a 'prepared' room Illya had set aside for you. Medea and Circe you note were both missing, though the command seals were still there. And you had seen no sign of Fujimaru or Shielder either. You were admittedly having trouble focusing regardless. Too much was happening all at once.

The room was much like Illya's, only white instead of pink. And you found yourself staring at a mirror for a good long while. You had lost weight, and… stress you suppose. Stress was turning the tips of your hair slightly white. You stare at your own reflection, looking at the man within. You wonder if Kiritsugu would have been proud of you. You didn't honestly know, you had at least saved Medea if no-one else.

That counted for something, right?

Then there was a knock at the door.

[] [It's Archer]
Weapon training. Reality Marble. A different future.

[] [It's Circe and Medea]
Magic training. The Age of Gods. The Sixth Magic.

[] [It's Fujimaru]
Servant training. The Shadows. A Holy Grail.

I'm sorry for the shorter length on this one, I'm in the middle of a hurricane and just discovered a hole in my roof today. Been a mite distracted and panicked.
6.8 - Confirmation of Many Things

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHlDyBYH9NY

[It's Circe and Medea]
Magic training. The Age of Gods. The Sixth Magic.

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

"It's open." You say.

You hear the nob jiggle, and you glance towards the door to see… no, you had accidentally locked it. You begin to move towards it, only for a little wisp of shadow to go through the keyhole, snake up to the lock, and turn it. The shadow retreats, and the door opens slowly a moment later. A head pokes through it, orange of hair and with an impish expression. Circe, the witch, your teacher… amongst other things you frankly weren't entirely sure of.

Her eyes flitted around the space, the majority of her body still hidden behind the door. "All settled?"

"No, I only just got here."

"I wasn't talking about the room." Circe continues, then steps inside. Her heels click against the wooden flooring as she enters, the door remaining open behind her as she does so. Her wings were gone, revealing her normally partially-hidden skinny frame. A far cry from the Circe you had first met, this Circe, the one you had been getting to truly know, was by far one of the most lithe people you had ever met. That wasn't to say she wasn't attractive, she was merely different, and that was far from a bad thing.

… You had certainly shown that you were attracted to her regardless, in a manner she was too quick to brag about. Uncomfortably so, it was one of many reasons you were fairly sure Ayako was plotting to kill you. She situates herself in the center of it, the evening light through the window playing with her hair. "I was talking about you, of course. Your mood, your mentality."

"I'm fine."

"Yes, so you told Medea, and you are feeling better." Circe smiles. "A woman has ways to tell, but if simple words could perform as a poultice for all of humanity's various maladies then many tales would not exist."

"... I'll be fine." You say quietly. "I don't really have a choice in the matter."

"Oh, you can always simply snap and allow insanity to take over your actions. But I doubt you are much the type." Circe places a hand against your chest, and gently, slowly guides you over to the bed. You sit down upon it at her press, and she slides up onto it, her arms wrapping around your shoulders. "As Medea said, you aren't alone."

"You know what she said?"

"No," Circe says with a smile. "But she is very predictable." Her other hand moves to your chin, tilting it towards herself. "Did she finally take the extra step to say what she thought about you?"


Her eyes become lidded. "Did she rip off your robes and embrace you in passion? Did she cry out her eternal love and how she would use her wish on the grail to give you a passionate eternity together?"

Her face closes nearer to your own, her lips inches away, her breath hot and heavy. "Or perhaps she spoke about how she would be in your room? Watching invisibly to make sure you were alright, stricken and somewhat annoyed as her beautiful teacher seduced you?"

You blink, then become immediately aware of another figure standing in the room. It was Medea, and she looked less than pleased. Circe pulled back, smiling at Medea. "If you had not appeared I would have started to get undressed, what would you have done then I wonder?"


"Yes, that is my name. Are you forgetting it in your senility?"

"You are older than I am."

Circe tilts her head. "Perhaps, but what is age to a witch? What is age to a dream? Am I real? Or merely a figment?"

"... Why are you here?"

"Well, Helios the Titan grew quite fond of my mother Perse an-"

"In this room."

Circe rolls her eyes. "To seduce Shirou and distract him from his problems. Why are you here?"

"To keep him safe from any danger." Medea hisses.

"Ah, yes. Danger. Perhaps that Sakura girl will come in here with a xiphos and seek to slay him? Or-"

"He is in the home of another master."

"Yes, and he is smiling." Circe teases.

Both witches look at you, and you realize… yes, you are. Circe smiles as well, "you should do it more, you have been far too serious lately." Circe sits back up, and her hands clasp either side of your face. Her eyes bore into your own, but she doesn't lose her smile. "I did not grow fond of you for your dour attitude. I did it for your kindness and the puppy-like eagerness you took to learning magic."

"I am a poor Magus." You reply.

"So is the rest of humanity, few remain that can truly perform anything noteworthy, and they are all a useless lot more concerned with their own power, or…" Circe rolls her eyes. "Separating themselves from humanity for they can no longer consider themselves part of it. I am a demigod, and I situate myself just fine thank you."

"On anything other than his cock?"

Circe's head turns to look at Medea lazily. "Medea, dear. While I'm sure the boy would lay with you out of pity, jealousy will get you nowhere. And in any case, he did it to save my life." Circe's head turns back to you, a sweet smile on her face. "It was very sweet, even if he clearly had some things to get out of his system."

"And I'm sure you got many things out of his system." Medea growls.

"And into mine yes, please do keep up even if you cannot get him up."

"I will kill you."

"Dear, an ego does not work for you. Do not flatter yourself with such base overestimations of your own ability as a witch."

"Is there… something you two need?" you ask.

Circe grins. "Oh, perhaps Medea does. But as for myself. I am here for you as stated, both to check on your mental wellbeing and to work on the next phase of your training."

"Do we have the time? Medea repaired my circuits, and you taught me the basics. But we don't have-" Circe's long fingers snake out and clamp your lips shut.

"Boy, when a witch from the Age of Gods states she would like to help teach you how to properly perform as a Magus. You simply nod your head."

You nod your head.

Circe releases her clamp with a smile. "See? Isn't that simple?" she then pushes forward, her chest brushing against your own, her face an inch away. You lean away instinctively onto the bed, and she follows you down, her body molding against your own. She then props herself up on an arm, grinning down at you all the while. "You have several unique properties about yourself, none of which you are aware of I'm certain." Circe's eyes darted to look at Medea. "Have you noticed?"

"The sheath?" Medea asks.

"Indeed, a quite impressive healing effect, though now diminishing. I was curious if it could be used on that berserker."

"It wouldn't remove the madness."

"No, but it would make her a more effective fighter."

"I do not believe that would be a worthy tradeoff for the increased threat to his life. Not that he does anything to assist with that in any case."

You clear your throat, causing both witches to look at you. "I'm sorry… what are you talking about?"

Circe smiles down at you. "The magical artifact planted just next door to your soul boy, do keep up. It's nearly useless now, but it is interesting nevertheless."

"The… the what?"

Circe places her hand against your chest, and you feel… something, something alien, something moving inside you as a golden light forms over your heart. A moment later something is poking out, a metal object of brilliant gold and blue sapphire. Then she presses it back down again, the light fading. "That." Circe replies simply. "Were you not aware of that resting inside yourself?"


Circe blinks. "Fascinating, but not important, we'll get back to that later. For now, are you aware of your other gifts?"

"... I'm afraid to say no."

"What my dear teacher is attempting to say is that there is more to you than even I first expected, and we shall need some time to draw out your ability. But it can be done."

"He already has." Circe replies.

"What do you mean?" Medea asks, her tone quizzical.

Circe lays all the way down on top of you, then flips herself over, her pointed ears poking your cheek as she lounges atop you not unlike a cat. "His gift has already taken effect, even if you have failed to realize it my dear pupil."

Medea stares down at Circe, saying nothing for several moments. Then her eyes widen. "A dream, you cannot mean-"

"Indeed," Circe says quietly. "A figment."

"But that would mean-"


"And you ar-"


… They're doing it again. "I did what… exactly?"

"To explain it now would merely confuse you I'm afraid, but let's simply say you have talent for magecraft that anyone in this age would happily throw away their entire families to catch but a glimpse of."

"Will it… help here? At least?"

"In this room? It has already, with this war?" Circe moves a hand to your chest, rubbing it. "It has already." She then leans over and presses her lips against your cheek.

Your eyes flit to Medea, but she says nothing, does, nothing. She simply stares at you, her eyes still wide. Not with panic, but with… honest astonishment. "I… refuse to believe this."

Circe rolls her eyes. "My dear pupil, of everything that has occurred since you were summoned here, why is it this that shocks you?"

"Because it is impossible."

"Exactly yes, which is why he was able to do it, it's his entire schtick."

You have no idea what they are talking about, this is unfortunately a fairly common occurrence at this point. So you simply lay your head back and stare at the ceiling as Circe taunts Medea. This continues for several minutes, possibly hours, you mostly tune it out. But you are forced to pay attention once more as Caster fills your vision, standing over the bed, blocking the view of the ceiling behind Circe.

"You are a fool," Medea mutters.

"Good evening to you as well Caster."

"Do you understand what you have done?"

"No, because neither of you will tell me."

"That is for the better."

You close your eyes, letting out a slow breath. "I have done something unimaginable, which is fitting because I can't imagine what I've done. But it makes me a fool, but it also would make other Magus jealous. You dislike that I've done it, but you won't tell me what I've done either."

"Oh, that last one is just true for women my dear piglet." Circe teases. "But yes, it is best you don't know all the details for now," you open your eyes to see Circe still perched on your chest, a catlike smile on her face. "And you did a good thing, believe me."

"He will not be able to deal with the consequences."

"That's why we'll help him with many things. The second of which being his magecraft."

"What's the first?" you ask.

"Advice for the people around you." Circe says with a smile. "Ayako is duly stressed about a great many things, and Sakura is teetering on the edge of sanity."

You let out a breath. "I know, Ayako wasn't… wrong, and I don't blame her for wanting to leave. But I can't. As for Sakura, I know she's been taking all this hard."

"I know you know and she knows you know." Circe replies in a singsong voice, her head tilting side to side with every word. "But she needs more than just thoughts. You are her lifeline boy, you need to be with her. Ayako as well, she's fraying."

"And I'm not?"

"You are," Medea replies. Then moves to sit on the bed herself. "But they look to you for guidance. And you stated you would protect both of them."

You move a hand to your forehead. "I know… I know…"

"Tonight we shall start a new regimen of training on the island. Medea shall assist. Then we shall have a pleasant second dinner and bath. For now, I would like you to check on your companions." Circe says.

"Appreciated," you reply. "I just want everyone, everyone to be safe. You, Medea, Ayako, Sakura… everyone. I got you all involved in this, I should be the one getting you out of it."

"I was on the brink of death in a park when you rescued me, you didn't have to do that." Medea replies.

Your eyes narrow. "Of course I did. What else was there to do?"

"Not get involved?"

You close your eyes and lay back on the bed, enjoying, somewhat guilty, the warmth provided by Circe. "Remind me if we meet someone who would do that, I'd beat the crap out of him myself."

Silence is the response, at least for a moment. Then you hear Circe snicker. "Ooh look at that blush~"

You open your eyes to see Medea has her hood back on and is looking away. "Training, 8pm, this room. Do not be late." Then she's gone.

You stare at the space she vacated, then look at Circe. "Did I anger her?"

Circe extricates herself from you, smiling all the while. She sits on the bed now instead of on you, her hands sinking into the mattress. "Oh, no, I'd say she's happier than she's ever been. But for now boy, you have some people to check up on. We'll continue our discussion this evening… I would suggest not bringing up anything you saw or heard here to anyone else though."

You arch a brow. "That would require me to understand what I saw or heard."

"Your belief that mankind needs to understand something to speak of it is adorable in its naivety." Circe teases. Her hand moves to your stomach, then drifts a bit further to the edge of your pants before pulling away. "Tonight Medea might snap, just keep that in mind."

"She'll finally try to kill me?"

"Perhaps, but in a way that's at least pleasurable. But off with you, you have places to be." Circe says, grabbing you by the arm and hauling you up. Her lips press against your forehead, then she guides you up and off of the bed before disappearing with little more than a feather falling to the ground.

… It must be for dramatic effect, as she wasn't wearing her wings. Witches.

They, along with everything else, tended to confuse you. But you turn your attention towards the door. You had people to find.

Choose one, you'll have the one you don't pick afterwards, however the context of the scene shall change. So this is more what you believe to be higher priority.

[] [Sakura]
She was doing her best to recall what little she knew of magecraft, and was having a breakdown all the way. Something called to her, something she could not contain.

[] [Ayako]
She was in a gym/combat training hall destroying a sandbag. Ruby was only narrowly keeping her from detonating, in multiple ways. She was losing control.

I apologize for the shorter length and this being entirely dialogue. Long story short, I had massive car issues that have saddled me with an equally massive bill. Been dealing with that, emotionally and otherwise so I've been rather distracted.
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6.9 - Breaking
She was doing her best to recall what little she knew of magecraft, and was having a breakdown all the way. Something called to her, something she could not contain.

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

You have company from the very moment you opened the door to your room, Leysritt is standing just outside it. The maid expressionless as she bows deeply. She rises a moment later, red eyes fixed on you. "Hello again, do I need to replace the sheets?"

"Why would… you need to do that?"

Leysritt tilts her head. "To cleanse them of your debauchery."

… No, not even worth engaging. "Where's Sakura?"

Leysritt tilts her head the other way. "Were the two servants not enough? You require even more?"

"Where's Sakura?"

Leysritt points a finger down the hall. "Take two left turns, first door on your right."

You nod, and step past her. Leysritt watches you leave, then, clutching her nose she enters your room.

View: https://youtu.be/ZW7heWDx38A


The door to her room was partially open, and you didn't bother to knock. Instead you open the door the rest of the way slow-


Sakura was standing in the middle of the room, her right hand outstretched with a pointed finger. From it a bolt of light launched, firing against the wall where an ornamental shield rested. The bolt of magic slammed into the shield, causing it to bulge inward before it fell off the wall, skidding across the floor to rest at Sakura's feet. The girl… woman stood there panting, sweat pouring down her face. Then she tipped over, falling to the side and landing on the carpet. Archer, in the corner of the room, begins to move towards her, but stops and disappears from sight as you enter the room yourself. You run to her side, sliding down on your knees and lifting her by the back of the head to look her face to face.

Her hair clung to her forehead, and every breath came out in a harsh pant. Her chest rose and fell with abandon as she fought for every breath, her face a rictus of pain. You move a hand to the side of her face, saying nothing, letting her breathe. Her gaze was unfocused, shifting from point to point. With time, her breathing calmed however, though the sweat and general exhaustion remained as she turned her focus to you with none of the usual exuberance you had grown accustomed to.

"Are you alright Sakura?"

She stares at you, saying nothing. Then, she slowly extricates herself from you, sitting up. She's still panting, her clothes sticking to her in places. She hadn't bothered to take off the heavier winter clothing she had been wearing when you arrived here. "No." Sakura says quietly, so quietly you aren't sure she said anything at all.

"No, I'm not."

It wasn't much, but from Sakura it was a lot. The girl was never honest with how she was feeling, at least with negative emotions. Whenever she was in poor moods, she was usually obvious about it. She tended to avoid you. Now though, it was different. Sakura seemed tired, and more than just physically.

"I'm not a magus. I wasn't ever taught." Sakura says quietly. "Nothing beyond the absolute basics and what I could teach myself. I wasn't taught anything useful, it wasn't my role. I can't help you."

"Sakura, I care more about you being safe than you helping me." You say quietly. "The whole reason I involved myself in this war was so that people wouldn't get hurt. Something I've…" you close your eyes. "Something I've been less than successful at. I understand you want to he-"

"Don't pretend you understand! Nobody ever understood! Nobody ever cared! Not you, not Rin, not my father! Nobody ever cared because I wasn't worth caring about!" Sakura screams, jerking around to face you. "I'm weak! I've always been…" Sakura slumps. "Weak. I've never been strong enough, and now my sister is dead."

Your hands had been moving to steady her, but they still. "Your sister?" you… weren't even aware she had one. But then, when did Sakura ever talk about her home life?

Sakura looks away. "Rin… Rin was my sister."

Your heart skips a beat, and a chill fills you. "Ri… how?"

Sakura turns her head slowly towards you, her eyes vacant of emotion. "I was a Magus. Rin was a Magus. A family can only have one magical heir. I was given to the Matou. They found a use for me. Rin never cared." Her lip twitches, like she wants to smile but can't. "I don't know what to do now that she's dead. Be happy? Sad?" She looks away once more. "Nobody ever cared, so I don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling." Sakura hangs her head. " "I'm… I'm… I'm not even supposed to be alive."

Your arms wrap around her, a million questions running through your mind. None of them are any more important than the overriding desire to hold her until everything is alright again. "I'm sorry, Sakura. I know that isn't enough, but I'm sorry."

Sakura hesitates for a moment, then her hands gently move to hold your arms there. She says nothing, but as she begins to cry silently, you simply hold her tighter. You don't say anything, you are simply there for her. A rock, just as you are for Ayako, just as you are for everyone else you could be. It could have lasted half an hour, hell, it could have lasted the entire rest of the day and you would be there for her. But eventually the tears stop falling, she doesn't move however, her hands still on your arms as if afraid you'll disappear the moment she lets go. You refuse to let go yourself, she could stay there as long as she needed to, she had been through much lately, too much. It wasn't the first time the two of you had sat in simple silence, but it was the first time it had been filled with as much emotion.

"I still remember meeting you for the first time," you say quietly. "Back when I was still friends with Shinji years ago. You were so quiet then, I don't think you even said a word to me."

Sakura lets out a quiet breath. "Shinji had never brought anyone home… I didn't know what was going on."

You smile, "then we started talking at the archery club."

"I thought you were going to quit a few months ago. Ayako was… grumbling about it, saying you were running away."

"I had been thinking about it," you admit. "But… Taiga told me I actually needed a hobby that would cause me to interact with people instead of practicing magic in the shed all day… not that she knew about what I was actually doing there."

Sakura nods. "I saw you there once… a year ago. I knew you were a magus."

"Then why were you so surprised when you found me with Medea in my house?"

Sakura stirs slightly, adjusting herself against you. But doesn't remove herself. "I didn't want you to be involved in the war…" she says quietly. "I knew you were a Magus, but I was hoping I was wrong… or that you wouldn't get involved."

"I wish I didn't have to be," you say honestly. "I really wish I didn't. But too many lives are at risk."

"Why does it have to be you?"

"It has to be someone… and nobody else is doing anything. Not Ruler, not the other masters… whoever they are. Shinji certainly didn't, neither did…" you pause.

"Rin." Sakura finishes for you.

You say nothing for a few moments, then. "I knew you were a Magus too."

Sakura's head jerks, her red eyes looking up at you in confusion in alarm. "H-how? Not even Rin did."

"By lying." You reply with a smile.

Sakura stares at you wide eyed. Then her glares, her hand slapping yours lightly. "Shirou…" But she has a small smile on her face as well now, a far, far better expression than she had been wearing.

"Well I'm sorry, now I know I'll have to ask Medea to guard that shed to protect myself from peepers…" You shake your head. "Not that it matters, I'm going to have to go house hunting as soon as this is all over."

Sakura giggles, it's a quiet thing, but far better than how she was feeling just a few minutes prior. "There isn't much left of mine." Her head then looks up, scanning the room. It was nearly identical to yours in every way, barring the inclusion of a standing mirror in the corner. "This is… too much."

"I thought the same about Raiga's," you admit. "But I didn't have much of a choice there either. It's better than being homeless, and Illya is friendly."

"How do you know that?" Sakura asks, sounding more curious than accusatory. "You've only just met her."

You frown, wondering how to say this properly. "She's…" you sigh. "She's different, but she's helped me. Without getting anything in return really. She could have easily killed me whenever she wanted, on multiple occasions. If she was truly an enemy master, I wouldn't still be here right now."

"That… seems…"

"Don't worry about it," you say tiredly. "I get enough about my failings from Me- Caster. She's quicker than Mister Kuzuki is at pointing out mistakes."

… Speaking of which he was in that building, you aren't sure why and frankly you are afraid to find out. You hadn't been to school in so long that for all you know it had turned into a madhouse. Or, at least, as mad as the rest of Fuyuki was at this point.

"She's teaching you magic, right?"

"A bit… it's mostly Circe however. I can ask her to help you if you want." You say.

Sakura nods her head, then leans it back against you. She squirms a bit, pushing herself closer to you. "You're all I have left Shirou… I want to help."

You open your mouth to respond, but any response you have dies in your throat as she turns herself slowly around. Her eyes were… lidded slightly, and she was panting again. A fierce blush had overtaken her now as her hands press against your knees.

"Sakura, are you alr-"

She darts forward, her mouth capturing your own. You grunt in surprise, then fall back to the floor. Sakura goes with you, her lips never leaving your own. She molds herself against you, her legs tangling around yours, her hands now pressing against your shoulder. She removes herself a good twenty seconds later, her blush brighter than ever, her breath hot and heavy. "I'm sorry Shirou… I'm sorry… but I can't hold it back anymore."

And… you smelled something… something strange as she began to lean down again. Ever since Sakura had been staying with you outside her own house you had been starting to smell her magic more. A light scent, like… iron flowers. It wasn't a scent per se, most magic didn't rely on the 'senses'. But it was the detection of things unusual, anything different than normal. And now you smelled… you didn't know what it was. But it was rotting.

But Sakura pressed against you, still babbling apologies, tears flowing freely from her eyes as she held you against her. "I love you Shirou, you don't deserve someone as filthy as me…" She leans back, hands moving to her jacket. She grinds herself against you, crotch rubbing against crotch. "I'm sorry."

[] [You aren't filthy Sakura]
You never would be, this was moving too quickly, but if she needed the comfort, you weren't going to argue.

[] [Push her off]
This was going quickly, far too quickly.

[] [Call Medea]
Something was odd about this, she turned around too quickly. You tried to improve her mood, but this?

[] [Write-in]
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7.0 - Horrible Pasts

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-wNNKXN0Hc

[Call Medea]
Something is odd about this, she turned around too quickly. You tried to improve her mood, but this?

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

His favorite character is Spishtar!

"I love you Shirou, you don't deserve someone as filthy as me…" She leans back, hands moving to her jacket. She grinds herself against you, crotch rubbing against crotch. "I'm sorry."

The first thing that crossed your mind, to your shame, is that you weren't exactly against this. You had never looked at Sakura in a romantic light -to be honest, until a week prior you hadn't looked at anyone in a romantic light. You didn't frankly deserve that kind of attention- but Sakura is genuinely attractive, and her rubbing herself against you is proving to be a suitable distraction for the higher brain functions. In another time, in another place, you probably would have simply gone along with it. But the scent of iron remained, and this is happening far too quickly.

Your hands move to her shoulders and push her back. Sakura's eyes widen in alarm, panic, and then shame in that order. She opens her mouth to speak, to apologize likely. But you were shouting before she could. "Medea!"

Then your Caster is there, and her sudden appearance is likely the only thing that saves your life at that moment. Sakura stumbles back, her face covering her hands, then-


Spheres of black… nothing filled the room, spikes of liquid shadow erupting from them and detonating. The floor erupts into shattered masonry with each hit, and the scent is stronger than ever. Medea's hand is outstretched, a shimmering shield of purple separating the two of you from the rest of the room. The lights in the room dim unnaturally, and the shadows grow larger and begin to twist and writhe impossibly around you. Sakura meanwhile, is screaming, her head shaking from side to side as she continues to stumble back.

Then another figure is there. Archer is beside Sakura, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest. Then Caster is moving, clearing the space between you and Sakura in an instant, her hand pressing against Sakura's temple, and in the blink of an eye Sakura becomes a limp puppet in Archer's arms.

And then… it is over. No more exploding spheres, the shadows were normal, and the only oddity left is a strong scent of iron and ozone in the air. You stood up slowly, staring at the scene in front of you, then jerk as a hand lands on your shoulder. Your head shoots to the side, to see Circe standing there, a frown on her face.

"Shirou," Medea says, turning your attention back. "What happened here?"

You don't get the chance, as another voice speaks up. A voice you hadn't heard much the past few days, and one now filled with grief and anger. "It's the worms."

"... Pardon?" Medea says, slowly, carefully. Staring at Archer.

Archer gently lowers Sakura onto the ground, and he stares at her in mute silence for several moments, standing a silent vigil as the girl breathes easily. Then he looks up at your servant, his expression carefully neutral.

"My master…" Archer begins, then pauses. He looks down at Sakura again, then slowly lowers himself into a crouch. "A gift from her grandfather… to prepare her to be a vessel for himself. She is infested with his familiars, they leech her magical energy, using her, molding her. When she doesn't have enough, or when he desires it to be so… she…"

He shakes his head. "I thought I had gotten him, I thought I had done enough."

"What are you talking about?! What's wrong with Sakura!?" you shout, you had crossed the room without even thinking about it.

Circe brushes past you without a word, crouching over the girl.

"Zouken." Archer says simply, turning his attention to you. "He is a… vile bastard. He has been preparing Sakura to be a host for his soul."

"You knew this and didn't do anything about it?" you ask in disbelief.

"I tried, I killed Zouken's physical body, and I thought Shinji is going to bleed to death, but he made it to Kirei first."

"Kirei? That priest? What does he have to do with any of this?"

Archer opens his mouth like he wants to say something, pauses for a few moments. "He gave Shinji a servant so that he could fight in the grail war." He finally says.

"Oh my…" Circe says quietly. "I'm quite impressed," she continues, her hand hovering over Sakura's prone form. "Skill, but absolutely no morality."

Medea gives Archer one more look of curiosity, and annoyance, before making her way over to Sakura herself, mimicking Circe's action. Her eyes widen, then narrow, a look of anger on her face.

"Can you help her?" you ask.

"There are familiars coursing through ninety percent of her body, and she is so magically starved it's a miracle she's alive." Medea says clinically. "That's not counting the organ damage."

"Can you help her?" You ask again, more forcefully.

"Yes," Medea says after another moment. "But it would take time, and it would strengthen another master, even if it is one you are fond of." Medea then turns her head towards you, smiling thinly. "But I also know you wish to save her… and I would not let this stand regardless, I shall resolv-"

"We, shall resolve this issue. And then have a chat with her servant, my dear pupil." Circe says. The witch's' orange eyes narrow onto Archer. "I know you as you should be, but not as you are now. You are not who you are meant to be, are you? A man, then a puppet, now a guardian. But not, perhaps, the one this war expected."

Archer says nothing, he simply meets her gaze.

"Shirou, leave. This will be unpleasant." Medea says.

"I'd rather stay."

"Shirou," this time it's Circe. "We'll take care of this, but please. I would suggest you check on Ayako while we work." She smiles sweetly. "We shall take care of your friend. I swear upon my honor as a witch."

"She'll be fine, Shirou," Medea says, a deep frown on her face as she continues to look over Sakura. "This is… personal." She then looks to you, and gives you a gentle, calming, and… pleading smile.

"... Alright."

You linger for a moment longer, then step back out of the room, closing the door behind you and letting out a long, lingering breath. Your mind is racing, flitting from one thought to the next. Zouken? Shinji? Archer? There is something wrong with Sakura and you didn't even know, you couldn't even help. But your servants could, that is something at least. It is… something.

Your hand moves to your head, to rub at it or… something, but it misses, you stare at it, watching it shake. No… no. Ayako, where's Ayako. Something to distract you, someone who needs you. Too many people need you, but you would help them all.

You begin to walk, you stumble at first, but then you walk.

Finding Ayako isn't particularly difficult, mostly because of all the shouting.

The hallway shook around you as the sound of a magical detonation echoed, followed closely by the cry of "Motherfucker!". You pause before a door, a few seconds after the shaking has stopped, and then open it slowly. It reveals a large expansive room that in any other context would be a ballroom. With a large expansive domed ceiling, right red carpet, and plenty of decorations around the edges. But where one might expect tables, chairs, or a place for a band. There instead were numerous training dummies out and about and racks full of weapons filling the space. Also holes. Fresh, smoking holes in the carpet, revealing expensive, damaged marble.

Ayako is just a few feet away, laying on the carpet in her magical girl… cat… outfit… thing. She is panting, Ruby held loosely in her right hand as she stared unblinking and unfocused at the ceiling above her. The room around her is demolished, training dummies in pieces, the floor partially on fire, and Ayako herself looked to be sweating enough that you might need to take her to the hospital. Distantly, a door across the room opened, and you glanced up to see Leysritt walking in with a mop… and a hammer.

You aren't sure if Leysritt is planning to use the hammer on Ayako, and you don't particularly care to find out either. Bending down, you scoop up Ayako into your arms, she was skinny, but fairly toned all around, but then, so where you. Her eyes flit to you, narrowing slightly, but she seems too tired to speak, and without a word between the two of you you carry her out of the room and towards your own.

It's only as you close the door to your room that you realize what this looks like. But also you don't particularly care. You are also doing your best not to notice that Ruby has slowly slid itself out of Ayako's grip and has been climbing up your shirt to rest on your shoulder. You also choose to not notice the fact that it was nuzzling you.

You deposit Ayako onto the recliner just next to the overly-fancy bed, and then sit on the bed in question, staring at your girlfriend. "Are you alright?"

Ayako lazily moves her eyes to you, then she glares. You are seeing that a lot these days. "No, I'm far from fucking alright. I'm trying to learn magic from a talking plastic sti-"

"Birch." Ruby interrupts

"Dog park." Ayako says, shifting her glare to it for a moment. Then she sighs, "and I'm trying to survive all this shit. I just want to leave town and take my parents and brother… and you before you get yourself killed."

You sigh. "I can't leave, but if you want to protect your family I wouldn't object."

"Yeah, you can't fucking leave." Ayako says, raising her hands to the heavens before letting them fall lazily down to her sides across the arms of the recliner. "Because you have to save everyone else. Why? The fuck do you even owe them?"

"... Everything Ayako, I owe them everything." You reply quietly.

The glare fades, replaced instead by a look of confusion and concern. "What?"

You smile. It isn't a happy smile. "I have to help them Ayako, everyone. In this city, my servant, Circe, you. Everyone. They are all worth saving."

"Yeah, I get wanting to help people. But why you Shirou?"

Time for Ayako to learn the backstory.

[] ["Because my life is worth nothing."]
I should have died in the fire, but I didn't by a quirk of luck. The boy I was, the family I had. They are all gone. My parents survived, but I'm not that person anymore, I'm not even a person at all. My life has no meaning, only in what I can do for others. Don't pity me, it's something I accepted a long time ago. As long as I can help others, even a third-rate magus like myself… well, even my life has meaning. To make up for those who lost their lives. I'll save everyone.

[] ["Because someone has to."]
This war is chaos, the previous one was as well. Nobody helps, nobody seemingly wants to help. The servant summoned to do so seems powerless and distant. If nobody else will, I will. I will protect my loved ones. I can't save everyone, but I can save enough. I will always prioritize you all over the masses, but I won't abandon them either.

[] ["Because I simply want to."]
I don't need a reason to be a hero, a hero simply is. Perhaps that's crazy, perhaps that's foolish. It will certainly destroy me someday. But everyone I can help… it's worth it, it's always worth it. I don't need a reason. I will save those dear to me, and I will kill anyone who threatens them.
7.1 - Shirou's Story

View: https://youtu.be/oHndSpVFvFo?si=nt9trZN4FfwiHTdd

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

Shorter chapter for Thanksgiving.

… No point in hiding it, not anymore. Not after all of this. It wasn't like it was something you were ashamed of regardless.

"Ayako, if I were to die in the next minute, the next second. If I had to choose, right now, between the sacrifice of my life or yours, or anyone's, or everyone's... It isn't a choice at all. I would choose it now, I would choose it tomorrow. I would choose it until the day I die. Because it is you that matters, your life, yours dreams, your moments. This is my ideal." You smile thinly. "My life isn't worth very much Ayako, not worthless, but little. That's why I want to help others… I was helped a long time ago, and I'm more than willing to trade my life for others."

Ayako's eyes widen, that isn't particularly a surprise. "W-what the hell are you talking about? Why? The hell Shirou? Why would your life be worthless?!"

You open your mouth to respond, then stop. It occurs to you that you had told… no one this. The only one who knew fully was Kiritsugu. Taiga had an inkling, but you had never given her the full details. No matter how much she had tried to weasel her way into getting them when you were younger. She had been doing it out of caring, a desire to be your older sister. But even as a child… you knew there were some things that were meant to be kept quiet, somethings that made you different, long before you became a Magus.

Ayako… Ayako deserved to know, if nothing else.

"I died ten years ago."

Her eyes widen somehow further, and your girlfriend lurches back. "Shirou… what are you saying?"

"Do you remember the Fuyuki Fire?" you ask quietly.

Ayako nods hesitantly.

"My home was right in the middle of it. My mother and father… " you shake your head. "All my neighbors, friends. I was seven years old, walking in the middle of it, people screaming for help, dying, burning. But I was only seven, what could I even do?" you look towards the window, the smell of smoke tickling your nose. "I wandered, and… died, or nearly so. I moved from place to place, watched helplessly as everyone and everything I ever knew died, and in the end." You look back at Ayako with a bitter smile. "I didn't. I was the miracle child of Fuyuki, found in the midst of all the carnage, surrounded by flaming corpses." You shake your head. "I would have died as well, but my adoptive father found me amidst the rubble and saved my life. I only vaguely remember it but…"

The smile drops from your face. "The look on his face, the joy. It stuck with me. So I grew up, the only survivor of that entire neighborhood. Over a hundred deaths, just myself surviving. I wondered why for the longest time, why Kiritsugu found me? Why did I make it but my parents…" You shake your head again. "I was supposed to die that day. But Kiritsugu changed that, but at the same time, I couldn't save anyone else. I'm not supposed to be here, so I'll try to save as many others as I can to make it up for everyone else who died that day." When you were younger, to be honest, until you had really grown to know Medea you had wanted to be a 'hero of justice'. Now… you just didn't want to see anymore corpses.

It was, like many things in life, something you wanted but didn't get.

Ayako… no longer looked angry, or even confused. She instead looks horrified, the exact reason you didn't want to tell her, or anyone else this. "I've known you for over five years and you've never mentioned this? I thought we were friends!"

You tilt your head. "What would being friends have to do with it, Ayako? I never told Sakura this, or Issei, Shinji or Gai. There was no reason to. What could I gain from it, pity? Remorse?"

"Sympathy, you dumb bastard," Ayako growls. "Why do you think you can just… bottle something up like that?!"

… "Why can't I?" you ask honestly. "Would you knowing this change anything? Would it bring people back?"

"No, but maybe if you had bothered to tell people your little… fucked up worldview wouldn't have come about. Your life isn't a fucking token at an arcade to be spent! And I'm your girlfriend, if you can tell anyone you could tell me!"

"And until a week ago we were only clubmates, and since then things have been rather hectic. What do you honestly know about me besides the fact that I'm a Magus and a member of the Archery Club?" you smile thinly once more. "Ayako… I do not seek sympathy, nor do I seek to make myself…" You pause, thinking of the right word. "Stand out. I don't feel the need to tell anyone much of anything. So I fear… there is little you know about m-"

"You always start with your meat at meals."

"... Pardon?"

"For how much people talk about your cooking skills, which I'm still waiting to try by the way. You're kind of picky. Meat first, then vegetables, and they can never touch while they are on your plate."

You blink slowly, process-

"You have this weird thing where when you try to figure something out, you insist on grabbing at it and staring at it from multiple angles. I always thought it was fucking weird, but you were always right so I dealt with it. Magic?"

"Yes bu-"

"And dear god were you easy to use." She reaches up to pinch at her nose, her voice, when she speaks again, sounds vaguely like Kaede. "Oooh, Shirou! Can you run by the corner store and pick up some milk for the club stall! We're out, I'll pay you back later~" She drops the hand, glaring at you. "You were always running about trying to help people, I would have had more pity for you if I hadn't known you would have never stopped, besides you pissed me the fuck off."

"How… h-howso?"

"Your never missing the target bullshit, used to drive Shinji and myself crazy. Every single fucking time, dead center, and you always looked so fucking bored about it. And you're a terrible liar too, always acting like you weren't bored."

"I… don't li-"

"Oh don't you fucking lie about lying, you have like five different tells depending on how innocent it is. And what really pisses me off is that your posture is all fucked up when you try and achieve zanshin, your pose is all wrong and you stick your ass out."

"You… were looking at my as-"

"Girls can like asses too dipshit!" she reaches up then to clamp your lips shut. "Shirou, I've seen you every fucking day of my life for five years. You don't get to act like I don't know you. So what I didn't know your fucking past, what does that have to do with the man standing in front of me? That whole… shit about you being worth nothing, bullshit. You're worth something to me so keep that in mind. And if you have the balls to die anyway, I'm sure the fucking twig can bring you back." She then releases your lips.

"I'm… also a Magus." You say after several moments. "Our worlds… they aren't meant to mix, it's too dangerous. It's the reason I never wanted you involved, or told anyone. It wouldn't help them, or you, or… really anyone by knowing. My father taught me, and he… made that very clear."

Ayako nods. "Neat, would have liked to meet him. Also I don't give a fuck."

You stare at her.

Ayako rolls her eyes. "You're Shirou before you are a wizard, or Magus, or whatever fucking made up word you want to use. And we've been friends for years. So, as a friend, not even as a girlfriend." She reaches up to grab you by the collar and yank you down to eye level. "If I ever hear you say that again, or if I sense you are thinking it. I'm going to kill you. Got it?"

"You'll kill me if I think about dying?"

Ayako shrugs again. "The stick will fix it." Then her other hand moves to grab Ruby, the stick in question having been nuzzling your neck just a moment prior. Ayako stares at the magical implement for a moment, then looks at you again. Without another word she pulls you down further, pressing her lips against your own. She separates less than a second later, her forehead pressed against yours. "I'm still fucking pissed by the way." Then she leans in again.

To even your own surprise, you meet her there first, pushing her down against the bed as your lips find her own. You each hold the kiss, neither wanting to end it, her hand moves to your back, yours to her hand wherein Ruby is wiggling like mad. You separate a short eternity later, for breath if nothing else, and the hand that had been on your back moves to cup your face.



Ayako swallows, suddenly looking rather nervous. "If… if this happens, it isn't out of fucking pity. It's because we're likely going to be both dead within a week."

"... Probably." You admit.

"So, if we do this," Ayako continues. "I want a nice fucking date, and we're basically bonded for life."

"You're proposing before our first date?" You point out.

"Oh like that is what's weird about this," you catgirl magical girlfriend asks.

You stare at each other for a moment longer, then you lean down at the same time she leans up. A second later Ruby is pitched out of the room screaming, the door slamming shut behind it.

No I'm not skipping the Tomboy Loving, that's next chapter. I owe you quite a bit of heartwarming lewds.

But for now, a POV vote. As other things are going on.

[] [Ophelia]
A princess escaped from a tower.

[] [Kirei]
A betrayal.

[] [Ritsuka]
A new plan. Help.
7.2 - Princesses and Tomboys
A princess escaped from a tower.

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

(Ophelia POV)

Like many mages, you didn't much enjoy plane travel. You understood the theorems behind it, the science. At least… to a basic extent. But being around this much technology… it always made you feel rather powerless, like your life was outside of your control. Something could go wrong at any moment, and you'd be as powerless to stop it as just about any ordinary human. But then… you had made it onto the plane, which was something of a miracle regardless. You had expected to be chased, to be hounded out of the tower. But nothing had followed you, at least, nothing you or your servant could detect. Indeed, you had been the only thing to leave the tower now for a week, and…

That was seemingly all there was to it. But to pretend that would remain the case was beyond foolhardy. The being there, the being playing at being a fae, whatever it was. It wanted the grail, it wanted more power. And it was in a very good position to get it. But you were just one mage, and not an amazingly powerful one at that. The steward came by and you waved her on, you were too lost in your thoughts.

You had been lost in your thoughts for the past day of flying, the plane slowly inching ever closer to Japan and the ongoing grail war. There… there you would need to do something, you weren't sure what. But something. You've studied the grail wars, you knew what they were like. If any mages were still alive down there… it would be a surprise. If they were willing to work with you, that would be a miracle. Mages… so very rarely worked together, truly worked together.

You feel an invisible hand press against your shoulder, strong and comforting, and you close your eyes. No. No matter what you had to try. Even if it meant fighting alone. The Grail War had been going on now for a week, you'd be surprised if anyone was left. But you had a servant, and you had your abilities.

… That would have to be enough.

'Are you nervous?'

'... Yes'

'That is good, if you weren't I would have had to reprimand you. Trust in the Lord, and all will be well.'

'I am not Christian.'

'That can be fixed.'

You roll your eyes, turning your attention back to the window. From up here, Japan looked peaceful. You can only imagine the chaos below.

(Shirou POV)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpNACxownMQ

"Shirou," Ayako groans beneath you, wriggling slightly as you press your weight against her. You pull back slightly, your eyes meeting. Her eyes were unfocused, her mouth was hanging open, every breath a pant. But a second later those same golden eyes look at you, slightly… accusatory. "Did you… learn that from the skinny one?"

Skinny o- "Circe?"

Ayako lets out a long breath, still panting, her chest rising and falling underneath the frilly magical-girl outfit. "She's dropped enough hints, did you fuck her?"

"... Would you believe me if I told you I did it to save her life?"

Ayako stares at you, saying nothing for a good few moments, then. "Annoyingly, yes."


Ayako rolls her eyes, "not much point getting pissed about it, not like we had promise rings or some shit. I'm just annoyed we still haven't gone on a date."

You shift, still above Ayako on the bed. "Sorry."

"Stop saying sorry and get back to kissing me, dumbass." Her arms snake up around the back of your neck, and pull you back down once more, your lips meeting hers. You wouldn't begin to compare the two of them, that whole encounter with Circe was hazy to begin with. But Ayako was warm, no, burning hot, and you let out a gasp of surprise as she grabbed you by the shoulders and flipped you over onto the bed. She raised herself up, her crotch pressed against yours, her eyes boring into your own.

Then her gaze goes lower, hesitating for a moment, her eyes fixated on your shirt. Biting her lip she reaches down, pulling it up and over your head with enough force that her hand slaps against your nose. You let out a brief grunt of annoyance, but she doesn't apologize, or say… much of anything really. She's still sitting on your crotch, wide-eyed, taking in the sight of your chest. Her mouth was hanging ever-so-slightly open, and her hands hover over it for a moment before she places her hand directly onto your pecs.

"Shirts… shirts are banned in archery now."

"I think the principal would complain."

"... Only for you then, we'd get so many new members. Sakura would like it too." Ayako says, sounding rather distracted.

"I didn't join the Archery Club to be ogled."

Ayako says nothing, she's idly poking at your musculature, transfixed as she prods and moves it. Her eyes shimmer with delight and interest, and she leans down further, her ass rubbing against your growing erection as she does so. She leans down an inch away from your chest, still poking and prodding at it like a child with a new toy.


"Quiet, studying."

She plants kisses down your neck to your chest, her hands roaming over your chest, your arms, your back. She traces the lines that make up your body with an increasing tempo and desperation, transfixed.

You stop holding back yourself, reaching for her dress you begin to… try and pull it off her. But there's roughly a thousand buttons. Ayako looks up, just briefly enough to realize what you are trying to do… and blushes. She draws in a breath, looking away… though her hands do not leave your chest all the while. She closes her eyes, then, with a shimmering golden light the dress is gone, replaced by… absolutely nothing. Ayako was toned, you had seen that just a few days prior when you had 'saved' her from Ruby. You had known that besides, glimpses you had gotten while doing clubwork, something you had never really thought about until recently. After all, you, of all people, didn't really… thoughts such as 'deserving it' or 'desiring it' go out the window, as Ayako turns her head back to look at you, her expression forced in such a state of neutrality in comparison to the blush on her face it is almost comical.

She wasn't anything like Sakura, or Rin, or Circe or Medea. Or any other girl or woman you had glimpsed in the past. She was muscled, not excessively so, but she had very little fat to her. Small breasts, a little less than a handful resting on her chest, jiggling with every breath. Her stomach was toned, with next to no fat of any kind, and you trail your eyes down to her crotch, she had shaved sin-

Her hands move down to cover her crotch, her cheeks a burning scarlet. Your eyes shot back up to her face, and found her glaring at you. "Why don't you get undressed then!?"

"I… can't with you sitting on my lap?" you offer.

Ayako blinks, then looks down to the fact she was indeed sitting on your crotch. She was indeed sitting on your crotch and was completely naked. She was indeed sitting on your crotch, completely naked, and you were making a tent in your pants.

She scoots to the side, still covering herself. Any embarrassment however is washed away by intrigue as she watches you pull down your own pants, underwear too, and slide them off and onto the floor. She stares at your revealed crotch, her cheeks somehow becoming redder, she doesn't move, she doesn't even seem to be breathing.

"Ayako, if this is going too fas-"

"N-no." Ayako says slowly. "I've just… never… seen one before…" She says quietly, staring at it. "You're the only boy I ever kissed too."


Her eyes flick to your face, but only for a moment. "I mean… I…" She closes her eyes. "Shirou, come on."

"Come on… what?"

"I'm not… Rin. Or Kane. I'm not exactly girly."

"You aren't?"


"Is this the part where I stop talking?"

Ayako leans down again, pressing herself against you. Then, gently, she presses her lips against your own. It's a nervous thing at first, chaste. Then she comes alive once more, her tongue sliding into your mouth, her hands moving to your chest. Your own hands move to her shoulders, then gingerly move down her sid-

You squeak involuntarily as her hands sneak down to grope your ass. Ayako pulls back a moment later, grinning. "Think I could ban pants too?"

"I do-"

"Rhetorical." Ayako says, then leans down to kiss you again.

You begin your own explorations, a moan coming down out Ayako's throat as your hand finds her breasts, and she leans back, staring at you while biting her lip. She wiggles in your lap, your cock rubbing against her ass as-

… "Ayako, I don't… have a condom."

Ayako blinks slowly, processing that, then scoots back so that your cock is pressed against her crotch. Her eyes flutter for a moment, and she lets out a breath, idly grinding herself against you before she regains her focus. "You…" she grinds herself again. "You think I had one in that fucking dress? We're probably gonna be dead tomorrow, so… just jam that fucking thing of yours in me."

You blink, staring up at her. "Are yo-"

"Just get on with it!" Ayako growls.

You grasp her by the hips, lift her up, and, 'get on with it'.

You lay there on the bed, panting. Your chest rises and falls rapidly, your muscles felt… pleasantly sore, far more sore than they had with Circe. But then, Circe had a good deal of magic 'aiding' the process. You were also fairly sure comparing one to the other was rather rude, and you were going to stop that now because you were fairly certain despite her claims to the contrary that Circe, could, in fact, read minds. Ayako fell against you, groaning, twitching slightly. She, like you, was covered in sweat and… other fluids, and, like you, was absolutely exhausted. The first time was a rushed, hurried thing, filled with awkwardness, the next… eight, and frankly you didn't know how she got the stamina, was far more intense. It had been a good two hours since you entered her room, and now… now you were both far too spent to go again.

"Get it out of your system?" you ask.

"I got a lot of yours into mine," Ayako says, groaning as she lays against your chest. She squirms there for a moment, not unlike a cat, before flipping over so that she's on her back, her head resting against your chest. Then, she lets out a groan. "We're going to die, you know that?"

"That's something I'm trying to avoid."

"No, you're trying to keep the rest of us from dying, it's your dumbass I'm worried about."

"Is this really what you want to be talking about right now Ayako?"

"The fuck else am I going to talk about, the weather?"

You sigh, staring up at the ceiling. "This is why nobody joins the archery club."

"... I'd kick your ass for that statement if I could move my arms."

You smile, slightly. "It's good to have aspirations."

"Are you saying I couldn't?"

"No, I'm saying you wouldn't want to. You apparently like my ass."

"Fair, but you're still an asshole." Then she places a hand on your chest. "...But you're my asshole."

You smile a touch wider, and open your mouth to spea-


Only for the door to open with all the force of a battering ram. Both you and Ayako jerk your heads to see… Leysritt entering the room with a mop and what appeared to be several cans of air freshener.

"The fuck are you doing in here!?" Ayako shrieks.

Leysritt, who had just put the mop to the floor, blinks and stares at Ayako. She tilts her head, ever so slowly. "Cleaning."

"Can't it wait!?"

"Not when the hallway smells like sex." Leysritt replies dully, then begins to wet the mop.

You, for your part, flee. Hurriedly dressing before scampering out of the room, though not before you have to endure glares from both Leysritt… and as you step out into the hallway, Sella. Red eyes bore into you, glaring. All the while you hear Ayako shouting about the sheets behind you. Briefly you look warily for Ruby… but see no immediate sign of her. You make your way down the hall, embarrassed… more than embarrassed. But enter your room, determined to at least take a bath before you have to meet with Circe and Medea… had you missed dinner? Probably. But Circe would happily fix tha-


A chipper voice calls out,

Your eyes dart to the bed, where, sitting on the edge of it is Illya. Her legs kicking happily in the air as she grins at you. "Sella said you were busy so you had to skip the dinner, but now you have time to play!" she then frowns. "We're going to play right? You've been ignoring me in my own house!"

Your eyes shift to the clock where… you have half an hour before your training with Medea and Circe. You also rather desperately wanted to check up on Sakura before that, but…

You had, admittedly, been rather transfixed by your girlfri-

"Shirou!" Illya snaps.

You look back to her, to see your sister frowning. "You're not ignoring me right?"

[] [Family is more important]

[] [You have to check up on Sakura, then get to your training]
7.3 - Trauma-Tic Bonding

View: https://youtu.be/50Jovdxu-kg?si=XSGibEDxdJB_I9X_

[Family is more important]

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

You stare at your sister for a few moments, saying nothing. Such a thing was still… very strange to you. Having a family you knew nothing about, a sister, a… well. You weren't sure what her mother would be to you. The closest thing you had to family was Taiga, and you just lost her. Your 'father' was dead, your grandfather now wanted nothing to do with you. Where did that leave you? Homeless, and without family. You had nothing for yourself but the kindness of others, a little girl who turned out to be your sister. You couldn't help but wonder if Kiritsugu would be proud of you…

No, you were a practicing Magus now. Of course he wouldn't be.

You shake your head. "I'm not… I've just been busy, sorry Illya."

Illya tilts her head, her silverine hair shifting behind her to drape across the bed in entrancing patterns. There was a fairytale-like quality about the girl, something otherworldly and fae, perhaps it was her eyes, perhaps it was her hair. Or perhaps it was the faint scent of flowers that seemingly followed her around like a shadow. She smiles, then pats the spot on the bed next to her. You stare at her for a few moments confused, then, as her pats increase in both speed and loudness and her cheeks begin to puff out, you get the idea and sit down beside her.

Illya kicks her legs in the air happily as you do so, ghostly pale flesh flashing in the warm light cast by the electrics above. "You're too busy, I don't like it very much."

"If it helps," you reply with a small smile. "I don't either."

"I could kill them all?" Illya offers. "It'd be really easy."

"I would rather you didn't," you reply quickly.

Illya hums, casting her gaze towards the ceiling as she does so. "Kiritsugu was always busy too, until he left anyway. Running all over, never had time for me or mom."

You close your eyes, letting out a long and slow breath. "I never knew him that well. He never talked about… much of anything really. He was always very distant, secretive." You wonder if Caster would have liked him. Probably. "And tired. Always… tired." You finish, opening your eyes again. "He only died a short few years ago, and I'm already starting to forget him."

You feel a tap against your leg, and you look down to see Illya staring at you curiously. "How can you forget him?"

You shrug your shoulders. "He raised me, but he died when I was young. Some days I find it hard to recall his face, some days I find it hard to recall what he sounded like. But I always remember the lessons he tried to teach me."


You frown, and look away from Illya toward the floor. "He always said magic couldn't help people. He didn't want me to learn it to begin with."

"That's stupid."

You shrug your shoulders again. "Maybe, but I haven't had much luck with it lately. Too many people are dying, too many innocent people."

Illya says nothing for a short while, still staring at you. "You look like… you're about to cry Shirou."

You blink, and move a hand to your face, there was a hint of moisture there, something you hadn't even noticed. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize, Momma always said to never apologize for crying. Only bad people never cry."

"I'm fin-"

Illya places her hand on your shoulder, and you turn to find yourself face to face with her red eyes. "Shirou? What's wrong?"

"I wish I could actually help people," you say quietly. "People are dying in this war for no reason, and I've…" What are you even doing right now? Illya was twelv-

The hand on your shoulder squeezed, and as you stared at Illya, something was different about her. She seemed… older than you had ever noticed, though her shape hadn't changed. Her face was more serious, any childlike quality to it gone as she begged you to continue with her expression.

"I've been unable to help them." You say quietly. "I'm worried about you, about Ayako, about Sakura and everyone else. If I can't help the people out there… how can I protect the people in here? I couldn't protect Taiga, I couldn't save Rin, and Raiga has abandoned me."

"I'm killing Raiga."

Your head snaps to Illya so fast it threatens to break, only to find that your sister was sticking her tongue out. She draws it back in, then smiles impishly. "What? He's part of the reason you're upset right. He was funny, but nothing special for a human."

"Please… don't kill Raiga."

"I'll think about it." Illya says with a giggle that is far from innocent or comforting. "And worrying well, what's the point of that anyway? I can take care of myself, and my servant is the strongest in this war." Her smile then changes to something… far more like what you had gotten used to. Innocent. "So… let's get this sorted so that we can focus on what's important!"

"And… that would be?"

Illya reaches a hand forward, then slaps you on the chest with enough force to send you back onto the bed. "Tag! You're it!"

Then she runs off, laughing like a very tiny maniac. No, she was a little tiny maniac. Of that you were absolutely certain. You hadn't had very many conversations with the girl, but of one thing you were certain. She wasn't particularly right in the head. And as you got off the bed to chase after her.


You knew you weren't right in the head either.

By the time you reentered your room it was ten in the evening, a good two hours later. You were now… extremely tired, sweaty, and past that period of exhaustion where your body even knew it was tired. It simply was. Ayako had done a good job of… draining you, likely the stick helping her out in some way. Then Illya took care of the rest leading you in a merry chase across the castle. The… entire castle.

But… you can't say you regretted it either. The sheer joy on your face made you honestly forget what had briefly made you upset. And now, now you were well ready to shower, rest, sleep… and hope Sakura is better come the mornin-

"Shirou." Says a curt voice, a familiar curt voice. A familiar, angry, curt voice.

You stand there, the door open, staring at the window at the far end of the bedroom. The voice came from your left, just out of sight, and you wonder, briefly, if you purposely ignore it Medea will go away like a particularly bad figment of your imaginatio-

"Look at me."

Yes ma'am.

You turn your head left to see… Medea, standing just by your bed. Her hood was drawn down over her eyes so that you could only see her perfect flat, expressionless mouth. Yet somehow she had an air of 'furious' about her. Separate from her voice, the woman seemed to exude it like a palpable aura. It was a small wonder she wasn't levitating at the moment, as she seemed to be doing a rather good job of being menacing otherwise. Even the lights in the room were faintly dimmer than you recall them being just a few hours ago.

"Explain yourself." Medea demands.

"How's Sakura?" you ask instead.

The lights get slightly brighter, the mood shifts slightly, but noticeably. "Alive." Medea says after a few moments, apparently rather caught off guard by the question. "The corruption has been removed, but she has yet to wake up. We have yet to discern why. But she is alive."

You let out a slow breath. "Thank you."

"Her servant also gave us rather… interesting information."

"Interesting how?"

"That is not for you to know." Caster responds.

"Then why bring it up at all?"

Medea says nothing for a few moments. Then. "Why are you late?"

"I was playing with my little sister."

"You believe that to be more important than training?"

"No." You reply.

"Then why would you do it?"

"I believe they are equally important, especially when she is the one giving us shelter. I'm sorry for being late, it wasn't in my control. But I don't regret it either."

Medea stares at you, it was a patented look at this point, and you didn't particularly care either way. Finally however she turns her body and points to the bed. "Sit."

"Can I take a shower first?"


You sit on your bed again, denied from taking that damn shower, again. And you turn to look at your servant with some annoyance. Only to come face to face with her gloved hand placing itself over your face. You barely have time to let out a noise of surprise before it shoves you back, and you fall into, then through the bed. The feeling of warm water envelops you, but your eyes see nothing, you have no sense of direction, but you feel everything. Hands pulling at you, clawing and tugging, tugging you further down, or up, into an abyss of nothing.

Then you were sitting on the beach of Circe's island like nothing had ever happened. The witch in question was standing just by the water, the waves coming inches away from her bare feet before receding back to the wider ocean… sea… whatever it was. You had never asked 'where' this was, if it even was somewhere at all. Her wings were drawn about her like a protective coat, and… there was a reason for that. It was cold here, far colder than you had ever felt it before. Gone was the golden light of summer or the orange hues of fall that had previously. Now it was a dark, dreary gray. Both the sky… and most of the landscape. The cliffs that surrounded the beach were eroded and vine covered. The trees were missing or dead, and what had once been fields leading away from it were now all barren and empty, reclaimed by nature. All that remained of what this place once was was Circe, who stood at the water's edge like a sentry. And as you returned your gaze to her, she turned around.

"So, fashionably late?" Circe asks, a teasing smile on her face.

"Sorry…" You reply, standing up.

"Don't apologize, you were performing a service for another… multiple anothers actually, though one needed it more than the other."

You walk over to her, looking out over the waters in silence for several seconds, before. "Is this a dream… or am I somewhere else?"

Circe smiles. "Why don't you become a better Magus and find out?"

"What do you have in mind?"

Circe smiles. Her smile rather reminds you of Illya's when she was suggesting murdering Raiga.

… You weren't sure which was more terrifying to be honest.

[] [You'll be battling Medea, repeatedly.]
"Do you truly not care about my past, Shirou?"

"Do you care about mine, Medea?"

[] [Lessons with Circe, extensive lessons.]
"Magic? What are you talking about?"

"No Shirou, not magic, not the kind that Magus practice. Magic."
7.4 - Witch's Walk

View: https://youtu.be/GHlDyBYH9NY

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

*Ritsuka POV*

"Is everything ready Mash?"

Shielder nods, placing the shield down gently against the ground. "Master, the connection between us and Chaldea is still faulty… you'll need to summon a new servant entirely."

Fujimaru frowns, but only slightly. "Not a surprise, did they handle BB?"

Mash nods. "Martha says she has her… but we're only going to have the energy to summon one servant."

Fujimaru stares at the circle on the ground, then shrugs her shoulders. Her arm ached, it always did in the cold, the metal plating in there acting up in the weather. "Wouldn't be the first time." It wasn't just her arm; her leg ached, her back ached. She was a mishmash series of flesh stitched together by the hopes and prayers of humanity. Which was darkly amusing to her, seeing as she had already killed millions of humans. No, not killed. 'Erased', that was the proper, pleasant parlance that Da Vinci always insisted on using. Erased. At least this one wouldn't have to be. This wasn't a lostbelt.

Not yet, anyway. But it had the potential to be one. The first such 'almost' she had encountered, and she was still getting her bearings. Seeing the basis for Muramasa was a surprise, finding out he was a bit more rash… even more so. And that was far from the only strange thing here. But she tried not to dwell on it. Not more than she needed to tactically. After all, It wouldn't last. It never did. She stared down at the circle for a moment, then lifted her hand, a moment later, the room filled with the familiar golden light. Then… it was gone, Fujimaru had long since stopped being impressed by the summoning system, not after the first dozen… but as the magic faded away, and the man in the center of the circle stood there. She froze, then slowly, ever so slowly. She smiled.

"Fuck yeah."

"Master?" Mash asks, looking between the man and her master.

Her smiled became wider, becoming a grin. "The greatest hero that ever was."

The man in black shook his head slowly. "I merely do what is right."

Mash blinked, looking at the records. She has, up to this point, never heard of this servant… but he… rather reminded her of MHX Alter. Though his hair was awful.

"You shall be training with my dear Medea for now," Circe says, her wings stretching out beside her. "She made it rather clear she wished to instruct you in the ways of magical combat, as she found your skills… let us say, she found them less than what she wished they would be at this point."

"I'm far from being a good Magus."

Circe smiles. "More, and less. But then, you never really had a chance, and so far away from your specialty as well." Reaching forward, she taps you on the nose. "But that's just one of many things that makes you interesting. Now boy, go find her, she's in the temple. It shall be a particularly busy day tomorrow and you still have dinner and a bath to look forward to."

"Is she goi-"

"To kill you? No, but she might get rather close. Now go boy, I have my own task to perform."

"Dare I ask what that is?"

Circe smiles impishly. "You may dare all you wish."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Preparing dinner."

The path leading up to the temple is just as 'dead' as the rest of the island. The grainfields have been overtaken by weeds and trees. The buildings have collapsed or disappeared entirely, and a heavy air of… decay laid over everything. Not burnt, not destroyed. But left to nature. The fences were gone, the statuary was missing or ruined beyond recognition. Nature was taking the island back over, and there was something rather depressing about that. The temple was hardly better, overgrown in moss and vine, the statues and frescos colorless and sunbleached white. The statue of Hekate remained unmarred, though knowing Circe that was likely due to direct intervention. That did little for the fountain out front however, now little more than a broken, moss-covered bowl more alike to a series of boulders than anything decorative. You stare at it for several moments, recalling the memory of a far smaller Medea praying in front of it, then turn your head to see the far older Medea pointing her staff at you and firing a laser directly at your che-

You dive to the side, yelping as beams of piercing purple light slam into the stone. Carving a rivet deep into them and setting moss and fallen leaves aflame. The fire catches quickly, spearing all over the 'plateau' that makes up the front entra-

"Crap!" you shout, ducking as more beams erupt from the tip of her staff, carving through trees, what remains of the statuary, and the air just above your head as you duck and weave around the beams of light that are so close they seem to be deliberately narrowly missing you. Whether that made the situation better or worse you weren't entirely sure, either way. "Caster!?"

"You must be ready for combat at any point!" Medea barks.

"I noticed, thank you!" you shout back. Diving again as more beams of lance carve through the 'cover' you have chosen to hide behind.

"Fight me!"

"Why would I fight my own servan-"

You pause, glancing down at the glowing circle you had stepped into without realizing. At once snapping chains wrap around your body, then slam you against the ground. A flash of light, and a flash of pain. And then you settle on the ground, letting out a single groan. The chains squeeze you, threatening to crush you, but not quite. Just enough that the threat is there without actually committing to any form of master-murder. You shift your eyes to your servant as she begins to walk towards you, her staff held lazily in her hands. "Finally, you betray me." you grouse.

"If I were to betray you, master," Medea says, coming to a stop just beside me, the butt of her staff hitting the ground with a light tap. "You would be dead already. As it is now you merely disappoint me."

You attempt to wiggle in the chains, but even that is impossible. So you settle for petulantly staring up at your 'servant'. "My apologies for being a disappointment Caster, but I'm hardly a Magus to begin wi-"

The chains dissipate. "Save the excuses for the day you die. Rise." Medea says firmly.

You stand unsteadily.

Medea looks you up and down for a moment, then lets out a slow, controlled breath. "You must be ready."

You stretch your limbs, "I thought you didn't want me fighting."

"There are many things in this world I don't want, and I have rarely been granted that desire. Now, we shall begin again, I shall give you a ten second headstart."

You blink, "cast-"

"Eight seconds."

You begin to run.

You turn the staff over in your hands. It was a complete and perfect replica of the one Medea held in every way. Indeed, to an untrained eye, you suspect nobody would even be able to tell that it wasn't the original. But it was weaker… it was more fragile, you could tell just from holding it. And holding it was less than pleasant besides. Calling it forth had caused an awful ache to pass through you, something that was only now dissipating a few seconds later.

Medea was staring down at the staff, her eyes wide. Then, without a word she takes it from you, hoisting it up and placing it next to the real one. Her eyes shift from one to the other, back and forth, and she bounces the new one in her hand a few times, the gold catching in what little light is cast upon the island. "Your abilities have changed." Medea says quietly.

"In what way?" you ask.

Medea shifts the staff in her hand, looking it over. "I would explain, if I understood them myself." She hands it back to me slowly, and I take it into my hands. It is a heavy thing, despite how easily she swung it around. But then, you suppose that simply came with practice. "I suspect Circe knows," Medea continues.

You set the staff gently against the wall of the temple, then turn to look at it. It was full of holes now, far more than there had been just a half hour prior. A sheen of sweat stuck to you, but it was quickly fading away with the cool wind that blew over the island. You turn your head towards the beach, where Circe had been just some time ago. You haven't seen her since.

"Master, a question."

"Ask." You say simply, turning your head back to Caster.

Caster looks to you for a moment, then to the landscape beyond. Her breath misting in the cold air. She, unlike you, didn't smell of sweat. She smelled of lavender, lavender mixed with the scent of her magic you had yet to identify fully. "If we acquire the grail, will you use it to wish people bac-"

"No." you answer bluntly and quickly.


You shake your head. "I already told you I didn't get into this war for the grail, and if using it requires so many people to die… I wouldn't even want to use it. Let the Magus keep it."

"Then what do you plan on doing with it?"

You turn your head to the starless sky. "Assuming we win? Let you do with it as you wish, I don't want it." You then look at Medea. "Is there anything you want from it?"

Medea opens her mouth to speak, then closes it. Silence passing between the two of you for nearly a minute, then. "I did, when this all started. But no longer. I no longer desire a wish from that thing." Medea sidles closer, then places her hand gently against your shoulder. She shakes her head slowly, her eyes meeting your own. "When this all started, I wished… for another try, of the life I had once lived. Now…" Medea lets out a wistful sigh, and you watch her silently as the wind plays with her hair. She reaches up to stop it, pushing it back behind her back, then she smiles. Very gently. "I have seen the efforts that Magus of this time go to claim something so simple as a wish… I would have no part of it."

"I'm surprised you would have wanted to go back to begin with," you reply. "Nothing I saw there was pleasant."

"It wasn't," Medea admits. "But it was still my life, and I wanted to try and fix it, to do it again. A fool's wish."

You shake your head. "I don't know if I'd call it foolish…" you say quietly. "I wanted to go back, more than once. To see if I could save anyone there, or prevent it from happening entirely." You smile, a small, bitter thing. "But that was impossible, and by the time such a thing became possible… with that grail, I wouldn't."


"Because it has already happened, if I change it. Then what? Would I cease to exist?" You reply. "I am who I am because of that fire," you look up again. "I won't pretend that I'm…" You close your eyes. "I know I'm not healthy, but I am who I am. I wouldn't change that, and that leaves what… being a hero? I don't need a wish for that either. That's something I'll earn for myself. But if you still want a wish, I'll help you get it."

A hand gently cups your cheek, and you turn just in time to see Medea closing the distance between the two of you. Her lips meet your own, impossibly soft and gentle. She tilts her head slightly, her ears twitching. A moment later you let your eyes close, letting out a soft breath as she pushes you back against the temple wall. She separates a short eternity later, and you open your eyes just in time to see her close again, her hands pressing against your shoulders now, her lips meeting yours again, and again, and again. She molds herself against you, all decorum and dignity, all that she usually carries, lost as she tries to make it so not even a gap of air exists between your bodies. She finally separates a minute later, her forehead pressed against your own, her breath hot and heavy.

"Shirou I-"

"Am very horny, yes," Circe says gleefully.

You and Medea both turn your heads to see Circe staring down at you both from up the stairs, she's sitting on her haunches, hands on her cheeks, a bright smile on your face. "Not that I particularly mind my dear pupil, but dinner will be ready soon. Plus the boy needs a bath."


"That is my name, yes."

"Wasn't… dinner meant to be first?" you ask.

Circe's eyes flit to you. "Time is… merely a concept here, and in any case, I do believe you need the bath more, for multiple reasons."

Incense and lilac. Along with the sound of gently running water. That was what I had walked into. A vibrant, golden light washes over everything from an unknown source near the ceiling. It played off of smooth and well carved white stone that made up the interior bath of the temple. It was a place you hadn't even seen, and unlike the rest of the place it was seemingly in… perfect condition. The bath itself went for many yards, and was feet deep. More a pool than anything else.

Then your nose twisted, as the scent of flowers was now far stronger. Not unpleasant, but so sudden and powerful that it nearly made you want to sneeze. It was mixed with other things now, other flowers, and what distinctly smelled like grapes. The water was crystal clear, and steaming with heat. Flowers floated across the top of it, along with several bottles of…

… That was soap from your house.

You stare down at the bottles for a moment, then disrobe and slip into the bath. Letting out a soft sigh as you allow yourself to relax. Too many quick showers lately, too many thoughts clouding your mind. You lean back against the stone, letting out a soft breath. You wonder what time it is back at the castle, there were no clocks here…

"I did mean it when I said it was a concept boy, relax as you wish. Time moves as I will it."

You nod minutely, relaxing furth-

You open your eyes to see a grinning Circe step into the bath. Her wings were gone, as was everything else. And you watch her lithe figure disappear into the water, the witch letting out a sigh before leaning back against the wall of the 'bath'. Her leg stretched above the water, perfect peach flesh glinting in the golden light. To think, she had tried to make herself more attractive, she already is.

Circe smiles, as if reading your thoughts, then her eyes shift past you to something else. The sound of soft feet draws your attention, and your breath halts as you see Medea enter the bath. Far more slowly, far more awkwardly than Circe did. She wasn't covering herself, but there was pink to her cheeks, and she was making a definite effort not to meet your eyes as she sat down in the water a few feet away.

Circe, for her part, giggles. "You attempted to seduce him in the most blunt fashion possible just a short time after meeting him. And now you play the bashful lady of Artemis?"

Medea snaps her head to look at Circe, her eyes narrow. Then, she turns her gaze to you. There is something different to her look now, something… far more human, you would almost say. Her hair drags along in the water as she moves closer to you, and your breath hitches as she hesitates for only a moment, then presses herself against you once more, her hands grabbing at your sides before shifting south as-

[To be Continued]

At least… the witch lewds will be. Let me know what you think of the chapter. For now, however. We have a bit more side content.

[] [Illya]

[] [Sakura]

[] [Taiga]

[] [Ruby]
Last edited:
7.5 - Witch's Talk

Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

*Third Person Perspective*

Taiga Fujimura was a woman of multitudes, though few, very few, knew that. To most she was a clutz, she was a teacher, she was an ex-kendo ace and a skilled swordswoman besides. She was, in truth, all of these things. But she was also a woman unto herself, she had her own goals, she had her own ideals. They weren't Shirou's ideals, in truth, she hardly understood his ideals herself, even after living with the young man for over a decade. How could she? He was an alien, out of sorts. She had done her best for him, acting the nurturing older sister as needed, the clown when required. She had worried about Shirou, fretted about him, thought about him and above all cared about him when it seemed that nothing else in the world did, or for that matter even could. She knew something was wrong with him, how could she not? She wasn't blind, she knew she was far from wise, she knew she wasn't a Magus or… whatever it was called either. She isn't, wasn't, and won't be any of those things. She had accepted that, she had understood that. Taiga Fujimura knew her limitations, weaknesses, and what she could be expected to accomplish in life, and what other people expected of her. This was, in truth, nothing exceptional. In a realm of warring demigods it was far from impressive. But it was a strength, and it was one she could use.

Taiga places a single hand down against her grandfather's desk, it was a gift from her, four years ago. She doesn't pay attention to it, nor to the men staring at her in shock and alarm. She is instead fully focused on the man sitting at the desk, staring back up at her. "You're going to help him, Raiga."

Raiga says nothing for several moments, instead gently tapping the end of his pipe into an ashtray. With a click he sets it aside, the sweet scent of his tobacco wafting by for a moment before dissipating as if itself nervous of the tension. "He has made his decision, I am grateful he brought you back, but it is he who put you in danger to begin wit-"

His words halt as Taiga reaches across the desk to grab the mob boss by the collar. The old man barely lets out a grunt as he is yanked forward, his face brought within an inch of Taiga's. Fury, raw, unrepentant fury was on her face now, but her voice was barely above a whisper.

"I made a promise to his father, and now it's your turn to decide, Grandfather, if you are going to help me complete that promise. It's entirely optional on your part, if you don't help, then I'm going alone to help him. If I die doing it, then I die. But I'm not going to let him suffer alone."

"And if I don't let you?" Raiga asks calmly.

"Do you believe you can stop me?" Taiga asks.

The men had drawn their guns, for most it was instinct, for the rest it was simply doing what everyone else did. All were pointed at Taiga, fingers on the triggers.

"Stomping your feet and raising your voice worked when you were a child dear, not now. Not in this situation." Raiga says, still calmly, his gaze unwavering.

Taiga raises her free hand, and a sweet scent fills the room.

Raiga's expression doesn't change as every gun shifts to point at him instead, he doesn't flinch, he barely breathes. Then, after a short eternity. He smiles.

*Second Person Perspective*

*TW: Sexual Content*

View: https://youtu.be/6J0HYlcDNk0?si=shIbLWMbuPzVV-Hq

Medea's hair drags along in the water as she moves closer to you, and your breath hitches as she hesitates for only a moment, then presses herself against you once more, her hands grabbing at your sides before shifting south to run along your stomach. She pauses there for a moment, her eyes shifting down, glancing at your musculature. Her hand trails water across your abdomen, the golden liquid catching every ridge there. She watched it for a moment, still saying nothing, then, ever so gently. She places her lips against your shoulder, her touch is electrifying, in a different way than Ayako was… though you know you shouldn't compare. Ayako was… nervous yet overeager. Medea, as she kisses her way down your chest to your stomach, seems… far more in contro-

Your thoughts disappear as Medea grabs you by the ass, hoists you up onto the side of the pool. Then, without missing a step she plants her lips against the tip of your cock before, using hand to brush her hair to the side, slides her lips all the way down to the base. You see stars, your body jerks forward, your hands clamp onto the back of her head more instinctively than anything else, and your hips spasm. All the while, Medea lets out a little hum, her tongue tickling the bottom of your cock. Then she shifts her head back to the very tip. Her eyes shifted up, meeting yours, her cheeks dimpling in a smile even if her mouth couldn't, then she descended back down again slowly. Her motions smooth, her dancing dancing all over your organ. You watch, transfixed, as one hand of her moves to a breast, palming it and playing with it, all the while her head moved at increasing tempo, and not once did her eyes leave you.

"Me-Medea-" you groan. Unable to move, barely able to think.

Her pointed ears perk, and your hands snap down, grabbing onto the side of the pool as she pumps her head, again, and again, and again. Gaining in speed, your whole body tingled, jerked, and finally-

She drew her head back fully, her tongue playing over the tip. "Master?" Medea asks, then pushes her head all the way down, her nose squashing against your groin, the tip of your cock brushing the back of her throat. You peak, grunting and bending forward as you release into Medea's throat. Medea lets out another pleased hum, her throat massaging you as she swallows. She holds herself there for several moments, minutes, hours, hard to say. Before gently sliding her head back and free of you. You sit there, panting, foggy headed, watching as Medea tilts her head back, still swallowing. Before reaching beside you and producing a small jug. Still keeping her eyes on you, she places it against her lips and tilts it back, a dribble of purple liquid going past her lips to run down her chest and into the water. Setting it aside a moment later, she runs the back of her hand against her lips, then, placing her hands on either side of you, hoists herself up and into your lap.

She places her hands on your cheeks, tilts your head up ever so slightly, then plants her lips directly against your own. They taste sweet, and different now, like fresh grapes. Of course, any thought of comparison or… any thoughts entirely are lost as her tongue darts into your mouth, coaxing out your own into the air between the two of you, before she tilts her head, wraps her arms around the back of your head, and pushes forward, causing the both of you to fall to the ground. She continues to kiss you there, her hands dancing along your sides, your hands moving to her back, until, almost regretfully, she sits up, one hand planted still against your chest. Her own chest heaving with rapid breaths. Her blue hair sticks to her, caught on bits of her skin. Her breasts, modest bounce and jiggle with every little movement, her lithe stomach, taut and prepared, her groin… rubbing against your rapidly re-hardening crotch.

Then, a question that you realize may be stupid comes to the forefront. "Medea… isn't this… fast?"

Medea arches a brow, but doesn't stop her rubbing. "Only you would ask that Shirou," she closes her eyes, letting out a grunt as she finds a particular spot she likes, moving her hips in small circles against you. Her eyes open again slowly, partially lidded. "Tomorrow it may not be possible, I will take this while I still can."

"Oh be honest!" Circe's voice calls out.

You glance around Medea, to see the other witch lounging in the pool, hand between her legs, grin on her fac-

Medea's hand grabs you by the chin and turns your head to face her again. "Shirou, do you love me?"

"Yes." You answer without a moment's hesitation.

Medea pauses at that, her movements stopping. Then she smiles, it's a small smile. It's a faint blush to her cheeks, a genuine joy that seemed to radiate out from her. Then, reaching down, she takes your length and places it gently against her lower lips, then lowers herself.

You suppose before she simply wished to have sex with you in order to secure her position, but now… she was making love. And as you held her against you, as she danced atop you, as she cried your name to the ceiling and the both of you reached a release together, you felt it. You felt it as strong as you did for Ayako, and when Circe joined in a moment later, bodily throwing Medea into the pool so she could claim her stake.


You loved her as well.

The island was crumbling now, it was 'dead' before, a shell of its former self. Now as you stood by the cliffside overlooking the beach. You could only watch in mute fascination as bits of sand are pulled out to sea, never to return. More and more of the beach, of the rock, of the plantlife retreating into the blue abyss with every passing minute. A foot had disappeared since you had first walked out, within a day, there may be nothing left of the island at all. There is a tragedy to it, a sadness that you can't quite describe. History being lost, but then, did this island ever truly exist to begin with? You certainly couldn't say. How many Magus would kill just to be here for a moment? An island from the Age of Gods?

You suppose you didn't need an answer for that, and neither did Medea. You turn your head, watching as she approaches, her staff presses against the ground with every step, the grass fading away with its touch.

Medea stands beside you, watching the island die. Silence passes between the two of you, minutes perhaps. Then. "And history reclaims it, we shall not return here again. It will be lost and will not return."

"I would say the past should remain as such…" You say quietly. "But I'm a poor example of that."

"Indeed," Medea says, her voice drifting off into the waves. Then she turns her head minutely. "Shirou, what you spoke of earlier. Do you truly not care about my past?"

You shake your head. "If I did, would it change anything? It was a long time ago, and you can change it about as much as I can mine."

"I could have, once, and I wished to, once. But there are too many things I would have to sacrifice for it now. Things I wouldn't give up on." Medea lets out a sigh, turning her head towards the sky. "Two thousand years, in return for a week. Cronos would laugh."

You look up with her, staring up at the night sky. The island died, it remained. "I never would. Sacrificing these people, the people who have died, the innocents and the magus alike. To save others? Would that give my life purpose? It wouldn't. Sacrificing several, or even… even just one for many. It's not a trade I'm ever willing to make. So no, I don't care about your past, or mine. I'm more worried about tomorrow."

"... I suppose that is a fine enough answer." Medea says, a small smile on her face. Then, without another word she takes your hand. Circe appears by your other side, gently taking your other hand, and together, the three of you watch the island fade away.

It is in your own bed you awaken, the sound of morning birds audible through the window. You feel… rested, in more ways than one. Today… today you would hunt down that monster, today you would get answers from the Church, today you would end this war. But first… before any of that, you had people you had to check up on.

But one, far more important than any others at the moment. Sakura.

You went to her-

[] [And found her drained, barely alive, but… hopeful]
She couldn't help you, and you wouldn't have her servant leave her side. But she was recovering.

[] [Surprisingly energetic, ready to fight, and… manic]
Sakura was as you had never seen her before, she was going with you, she was insistent about that. But… she… she reminded you of yourself.