Actually, it is very strange that Assassin didn't kill Rin. Would've been easy, and it's not like there's a pre existing relationship doing so would've interfered with. The way she phrased it makes it sound like a dig at Shirou stopping her from poking at Ritsuka's mind to tell her whatever she wanted to know, but that feels petty and out of place. The not killing that is, the verbal slight is perfectly in line.
Her Master is Taiga, y'know one of Rin's teachers, and someone that for all she's a Yakuza princess is very likely to be opposed to the killing of minors that she sees as being under her aegis if not in general.
Her Master is Taiga, y'know one of Rin's teachers, and someone that for all she's a Yakuza princess is very likely to be opposed to the killing of minors that she sees as being under her aegis if not in general.
Rin already got someone killed this very update. Taiga might not like it, but but I doubt she'd really try to stop Assassin after that. And Assassin doesn't strike me as the type who'd care too much about that under current circumstances.
Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Dec 17, 2023 at 6:51 AM, finished with 69 posts and 38 votes.

Locking in 24.
Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Dec 18, 2023 at 7:12 AM, finished with 75 posts and 39 votes.

Votes locked.

Hopefully y'all are still enjoying this nonsense.
Hey y'all, I'm on break for the holidays. Hope everyone has enjoyed my writing this year, I only hope I can give you all some form of happiness with my work.

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No full chapters, but have omakes as I try to relax.


Thanks to @Armoury for the beta!

This isn't canon, not yet anyways.

Commissioned by @Dragontrapper

It had come as a surprise to Shirou when Medea told him she wanted to help him cook. The fact that she knew how wasn't a surprise, he knew the woman's story, and, given Jasons… well, by the way she had described the man, he rather expected she did the majority of the housework. So no, that was in no way a surprise, what was however, was that she was willing to do so again. Taiga joked from time to time that he never allowed anyone else in his kitchen, and that was, admittedly, partially true. Sakura and him tended to take turns, the majority of the dishes they prepared being too simple to require more than one person.

While Taiga was banned from his kitchen entirely. That wasn't to say the woman wasn't a good cook however, she was surprisingly excellent at it. However, Taiga, with food much like with life, did not believe in proper portion control.

"In my time, we would not be making anything this… exuberant outside of feasts, nor would someone be capable of eating this with their hands." Medea observes, looking over at the pot Shirou was preparing. Her own hands were busy, chopping vegetables just beside him.

Shirou, for his part, simply smiles. "Well, I've never made anything like this, I thought it would be worth trying. Though finding the lamb was… tricky."

Medea paused for a moment, then smiled. It was not a friendly smile, it was the wicked smile of a witch. "I could always ask Circe?"

Shirou paused in his stirring, the loud pops of the sauce on the pan filling the air. Then he turned to look at his servant, a deep frown on his face. "Inform her that she's still banned from turning people into livestock."

Medea snorts, returning to her cutting. "Inform her yourself. That woman does not listen to me."

"Does she listen to anybody?"

"Hekate, sometimes."

Shirou sighs, then focuses on the cooking, minutes of silence passing between the two of them. Medea being pointed through the kitchen with little more than points and gestures, a subtle, silent communication between the servant and master born of battle and mutual understanding. It wasn't until the meal was almost finished that she finally spoke again. "So, why the urge to cook grecian food Shirou?" Medea asks, almost sounding innocent, almost.

"I thought you would enjoy it," Shirou answers, reaching over to turn off the stove.

"And you believe you would need to cook, simply for my enjoyment, why?" the witch asks, managing to sound both annoyed and genuinely curious at the same time. "You have eight others vying for your attention, three of which are fine cooks in their own right. I am bound to you regardless, so why this?"

Shirou stares at the pan for a moment, visibly thinking. Then he ever so slowly turns his head towards Medea, the plotting witch of Colchis. "You know why, so are you just fishing for validation?"

Medea smiles. "Well, I certainly wouldn't say no."

Shirou rolls his eyes. "Witch."

"Guilty~" Medea replies with a grin.


Been going through a rough patch with this story recently, ya'll still enjoying it?
Shirou paused in his stirring, the loud pops of the sauce on the pan filling the air. Then he turned to look at his servant, a deep frown on his face. "Inform her that she's still banned from turning people into livestock."

But what about turning non-people into livestock? You know, like animals, bugs, magi, etc.

"Hekate, sometimes."

Only when convenient.

Been going through a rough patch with this story recently, ya'll still enjoying it?

Yes, it continues to be great fun!
Been going through a rough patch with this story recently, ya'll still enjoying it?
Yeyeye, I'm always excited for your updates on this. It makes me happy seeing Caster and Shirou trying to juggle each other.
Also, Shirou's mindset is only getting sadly darker.
Makes sense considering his servant actually. She was going to rub off on him in some way so it's nice that he softens her, she sharpens him.
Results so far, thoughts on Rin?
Her position here makes a lot of sense imo. I've always seen Rin as someone who wants to do good, but has a tendency of falling into the expectations of being an ideal magus. She needs someone to push her to do good. In F/SN, Shirou did that consistently. Here, when she doesn't have his pushback, she's just genuinely trying to do the HGW.

Her reaction to Shirou saying he'd kill her if he had to also felt right. Like her idealized version of him kinda shattered. Felt a lil like she might've been hoping for him to pull her out of it, but he just treated her like an enemy magus, and so she responded by switching fully into that persona. I'm expecting only sisterly love could pull her out of where she's headed now.

Hoping the holiday helps with the rough patch. Looking forward for how this gets continued in the new year!
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While I wouldn't say I'm enjoying the rough patch directly, it's fundamental for a story to have exciting yet dangerous moments. Plus ot feels on brand for a Fate story to have times like this. I'm optimistic enough to believe we can pull off a better ending then canon even with how off the rails everything has gone, but I do believe stories need moments like this to remind us of the stakes.
But what about turning non-people into livestock? You know, like animals, bugs, magi, etc.
I wouldn't want any of those pests in the kitchen anyway. They steal food and are oddly smug about it.

Been going through a rough patch with this story recently, ya'll still enjoying it?
Very much so! If the rough patch is making the story hard for you to work on, I say take a break until after the new year. You earned it!
Next Sidestory - 12/23


Next Sidestory POV


[] [Taiga]

[] [Rin]

[] [Illya]

[] [Mordred]


Still on break.

Also for those who like my work, one of my stories is up for vote for best completed quest! Sadly not this one, this isn't quite finished yet.

User Choice Awards Voting: Best Completed Quest

This is the voting phase for the 2023 User Choice Awards. Look at the thread titles below to select Award categories to vote in, and help your favourite threads be crowned as UCA champions!