Operating under the assumption that we get a Servant later if we pick Caren or Bazett (no they're the servant

) ........but at the same time the main picture is intriguing, but again shirou freakin' all ranks down emiya (and if our servant doesn't experience rank downs upon contracting then it's a
serious no holds barred clusterfuck).
Love me that eggplant but I think I have to pass. Mash interests me for wondering how she'd work with true Name shenanigans (probably similar to EMIYA), but I can't put my vote on a servant knowing that if we get the shirou emiya downranks Mash's stats become abysmally bad. Also we need to get her back to Ritsuka, who is totally here and this isn't actually some bizarre alt timeline singularity wackiness!
Medea is intriguing, but strikes me as problematic for obvious RUUUULE BREAKAH! reasons. It's probably unwise to assume her and Mash's parameters but whatever. The problem here is her parameters in FGO are the same as in F/SN and for the life of me I can't figure out whether or not that's due to having Ka/Ku-zuki the non-mage as her Master. It makes sense, looking at the general Cs and Ds she has, but then why would they stay the same and not go back up given Ritsuka is far more capable at magecraft....Also again, the Hero vs Villain aspect is nice, very UBW, but I really don't like having Damocles' Noble Phantasm hanging above my head.
I don't know a
whole lot about hollow attaraxia, but I'm thinking Bazett's the way to go here. She's cool, incredibly strong and it not only connects us to Kirei, but also distances us from Cu (theoretically) while keeping us close with everybody's favorite love-to-hate jerk Angra Mainyu (theoretically).
[X] [A woman in a suit with red hair, she's missing an arm]