People Yes is still winning. It's just that 12 people voted for a differently formatted [Yes] instead of simply Yes.

Edit: Also there is one more No vote on top of all the [No] votes.
Well, after logging out, clicking away from the site, clearing my browser cache, and logging back into the site, for me personally the tally has been automatically (?) consolidated into three categories--"Yes", "[No]", and "Faint"--so I don't see any more problems on my end. :V
That was me messing around with I think although I didn't post it, but the name is still actually repeated regardless for some reason.
As long as rin is not a romantic choice i do not care. Heck Shirou can end up with rider, sakura, ayako and medea(Would be interesting). So hope Shirou learns things besides stuff in canon and uses archery more.
I am saying berserker because it would defy typical wars to have them be the first removed or heck saber can die first. Kill a servant/master while their monologuing.
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Difficult to say, seeing that we only know of Caster Medea, Rider Medusa, most likely Baber, and Moon Cancer BB. And already for BB, It shouldn't be posible to summon her with the Fuyuki System...
[X] [No]

It saddens me that some rando is going to win, sigh a few more chapters to see if we can recover from this if not dropping. it has been fun
And clearly fgo started the fate franchise oh wait fate stay night not waifu collection simulator the app. Ayako deserves something after always being ignored (not as bad as issei though)
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