[] Lunamon, Auger & Sparks are in danger. Who knows what that champion might be doing with them in its nefarious clutches. You can't waste any more time. Continue ahead by yourself and trust that Flamemon will get out of his bindings soon.
You pause for a few seconds, worrying and contemplating the two choices laid out... Then you grit your teeth, let out a snarl and begin sprinting forward down the left edge of the tunnel. Sparks, Auger and most important of all Lunamon are trapped in the Dokugamon's clutches. There's no way that you'll leave them there for even a second longer than what's required, even if it means leaving your best friend behind.
I... I have to trust that Flamemon will be fine. He will follow with the others later!
Being careful to avoid the mass of webbing down the center of the underpass, you charge down the left side, ripping apart the faint strings of webbing along the way. Bits and pieces of the tough substance sticks at your fur, but you ignore them in favour of just continuing forward at maximum speed.
Half a minute later you burst out the other end of the tunnel, arriving in a big and roughly circular chamber, perhaps twenty feet,in both height and radius. Numerous stalactites line the roof, though only the edges of the room bear their opposite. The stalagmites that would have been in the center look to have all been cleared out, likely by the Dokugamon itself. Despite the pitch blackness, your eyes are easily able to make out the outline of what looks like another small chamber on the right side of the room. However, that isn't what draws your ire. More importantly, you're also able to make the the two figures directly in the cave's center.
It's hard not to whimper as the enemy digimon comes into focus.
Tha-that doesn't look g-good. Please come soon Flamemon.
You seem to have arrived just in time to see the spider digimon try to bite down on the struggling body of a large cocooned figure. However, Auger's claws manage to burst free from the webbing just in time to push off against the ground, rolling him away from the champion's massive jaws and barely managing to avoid the probable fate of deletion. This act also manages to damage the integrity of his wrappings, and soon your friend breaks free completely.
Not that the Dokugamon seems worried, quite to the contrary. It just casually begins to scurry towards the newly freed rookie, its eight legs allowing the mon to move its heavy bulk at quite a brisk speed even when the mon itself isn't in a particular hurry. Seeing its very clear intentions sends a surge of wrath pumping out of your core, so biting back a growl, you begin to scurry after it, being careful not to let your claws strike the stone ground. But half a dozen steps into the chase, pain suddenly erupts from your head.
Making unnecessary noise only gives your position away. Stealth is paramount when conducting unseen strikes.
A low whimper leaks out from your throat, but thankfully it's overshadowed as Auger lets out a shout.
"Rolling Stone!" The Armadillimon crashes headfirst into the spider-digimon... Then just kind of bounces off, not even putting a crack in the older mon's carapace. He lands a few feet away and wobbily gets back to this feet, clearly shaken from the impact.
"Tekekeke" It's low rumbling laugh echoes through the chamber. "Submit, you have no hope of escape." it takes another flurry of steps forward, hands reaching out to grasp at the still recovering mon.
"Drill Spin!"
You push off of the ground with every fiber of strength available and plunge your nose directly into the enemy's black shell. A roar of pain erupts through the air as your *weapon* pierces through the back of the champions body, through the exoskeleton and into its innards, then continues on, the momentum pushing you up against its armored backside.
good news is that you manage to distract it from Auger. Unfortunately the
bad news is that now you're completely and utterly stuck hanging from the champions body. Letting out a shrill screech, your *opponent* wheels around an entire one hundred and eighty degrees to try and look for what just assaulted it, but all this does is carry you along with the movement, as you remain stuck in its lower body, almost literally a 'thorn in its side. Your friend takes this moment to rush towards the rightmost cave entrance, but the Dokugamon spots him before he can take more than a dozen steps.
With a burst of sudden speed that leaves you nauseated, the Dokugamon crosses the distance and bats at the Aramadillomon with a hand, actually breaking portions of his carapace and sending him crashing into the nearby cavern wall with a mighty Crack.
Your friend twitches in place, clearly knocked out, but it's not enough for the champion. It opens its mouth and lets loose a torrent of webbing aimed directly for the rookie.
"Poison Thread!"
Four seconds pass before the enemy decides the blob of pink webbing is thick enough.
Letting out an angry bellow at his treatment, you use this moment of relative stillness to regain your bearings and begin tearing into the champion with your spinning claws, boring through the hard shell and ripping into the soft flesh underneath. This continues for maybe a half dozen seconds before the screaming digimon rushes back and slams you into a wall. Pain blossoms across and inside your body as the impact squishes you against the caverns stone wall. Stars lance out across your vision and even breathing becomes difficult as your nose and claws are finally wrenched free from the champion's hide accompanied by a spray of data, and you limply fall to the ground.
When your consciousness returns a moment later, it's the rather horrifying sight. Namely the Dokugamon's jaws streaking towards your face. There's a slight *Tink* as its teeth bounce off your nose, then a pair of voice roar from tunnels exit.
Flame Toss!"/"Badaboom!"
Flamemon's here!
A pair of fireballs slam into the champions side, causing it to let out another screech before scurrying back in retreat. A second later, Monodramon dashes in front of you, his punch hitting thin air.
"I can't see it!" The purple digimon shouts, whirling his head from side to side in a vain attempt to see anything. "The fire didn't last!"
"Dis will." The Impmon shouts back. "
Pillar Of Fire!" A massive wall of flame bursts into life at the center of the cavern, brightening the area and revealing the burnt champion now scuttling across the far wall. Flamemon and Impmon open fire (literally) on the nimble champion, blasting away at it with reckless abandon but not having much success. Their accuracy only worsens as the Dokugamon starts shooting webs back, forcing them to dodge out of the way or be trapped again. This lasts until the Monodramon charges forwards and leaps into its path. It easily swats him out of the air, but that allows your best friend and Impmon the necessary second required to adjust their aim.
You try to climb back up in an attempt to reach Auger, but end up only falling on your face. For some reason your left leg is now refusing to move.
C-come on Verge. Auger's trapped. H-he might be poisoned. You have to... Have to get there...
With no other option at your disposal, you simply begin limping over, using only your front paws and good leg to slowly move across the ground.
The Dokugamon meanwhile, realizing that it's outclassed in terms of ranged attacks, rushes into melee, bowling over the Monodramon and Impmon both while your best friend manages to nimbly dodge aside. It's fast, clearly faster than any of its opponents, and would clearly outclass any of the trio by themselves.
However, Flamemon is just powerful enough to put up a fight in melee combat, dancing out of the way of its follow up bite before countering with fire-enhanced punch directly to its many-eyed face. he manages to tie it up long enough for the other rookies to recover, letting the Impmon summon more fire while Monodramon once again charge into melee.
You keep an eye on the ongoing fight while crawling over, silently wishing that your non-responsive limb would function again, however the trio don't look like they actually need any help. If anything as the seconds go by your best friend and the others seem to start actually beating it. The Impmons attacks hit brutally hard, charring the champion's hard shell to an even darker hue and forcing several of its legs to actually shrivel up. Even your best friend's attacks only cause minimal damage in comparison. Meanwhile, the almost unbelievably tough Monodramon uses an odd tactic, targeting the Dokugamon's many uninjured legs with its strikes in a clear effort to lower its mobility.
After finally managing to make it to the web-entombed Auger, you tear your eyes away from the combat and get to freeing him from the trap. Balancing on only the limbs on one side is tricky business, but you manage it and use your right hand's claw to begin ripping away at the tough webbing keeping him secured. It takes a minute of desperate clawing, but eventually you manage to tear your way through the stick material and reach him.
He's... Not doing very well. Between the hit he'd taken the impact against the wall and subsequent poisoning your friend looks like he's on the verge of deletion. Indeed, little shards of his broken carapace are already flaking away as the toxic substance destroys him from the inside.
No! Not again!
Scrambling with a paw to undo the straps, you open your grey satchel and then hastily retrieve one of the half-dozen containers Gramps gave you earlier. From there you tear the lid off with your teeth then shove the entire thing in Auger large open mouth letting the green paste disperse directly into his body.
Come on, come on! It-it starts with a Zero right?! Yes, it does!
With Auger's life on the line, you begin hurriedly chanting the minor healing spell. A stutter forces you to start over, the second casting just doesn't seem to work, and the third is interrupted by a sharp whimper of pain as you accidentally put some weight on your broken leg. Thankfully the fourth time proves to be the charm here and a soothing white light begins to glow around his body. The Armadillomon's wounds aren't fully healed, and his carapace doesn't regrow, but at the very least his bruising seems to heal up and the internal damage is mostly undone. Or at least that's what you hope
I-I did it! Auger he's going to be okay!
Your sense of elation lasts perhaps half a moment before being cut off as the form of Monodramon smashes into the nearby wall. Only this time, he doesn't get up.
Despite his earlier attack on your person, you can help but feel a shred of sympathy for the rookie. Even if you don't actually like him, seeing another mon hurt like that isn't something you could ever enjoy. Still, you don't let it distract you from your mission and quickly get back to cutting Auger completely free. From there you begin to drag him away towards the tunnel, keeping clear of the fighting and still bright pillar of flame.
After he's moved to relative safety you turn back towards the fight and check to see how the battle is going. Which... isn't well.
Even despite all their injuries, the enemy champion is still very strong, probably even more so than that Woodmon Gramps deleted the previous week. The Monodramon is down, the Impmon is covered in webs and even as you watch the Dokugamon rushes forward, feints a charge and then punches Flamemon mid-air with one if its front legs, crushing him against the wall.
Oh That... That isn't good!
Now having a brief moment of peace and with victory seeming all but confirmed, the large figure lets out another laugh.
"Yes. You three will do fine. The children will have strong sustenance."
Ch-children? Sustenance?! Wha-what is it talking about?! No! Verge! YOU have to help Flamemon!
Swallowing nervously, you use your concern for Flamemon to push back against the fear and start limping forward, aiming to sneak attack the virus-attribute digimon once again. Only this time, with your leg broken sneaking is much more difficult and your claws end up scraping across the stone floor. You don't even see what hits you, one moment your several feet away and the next something hard impacts your chest, batting you away and once again making it hard to so much as breathe.
Ow. I-I think I'll just... Lay here for a few seconds.
"Verge!" You hear Flamemon's angry cry. "Why you... Petit Prominence!" Another pillar of flame bursts into life within the cavern, frying the Dokugamon's entire front half and forcing it to let go of your best friend entirely lest its hands be turned to cinder. "You'll regret that villain!" Flamemon snarls, summoning a massive ball of fire between his hands. "Flame Toss!" You watch through slightly blurred vision as the champion leaps to the side, barely managing to avoid the massive fireball blazing through the air. It doesn't however dodge what comes next.
"Bonfire!" Sparks voice adds in, as a second much smaller blast of fire strikes the landing mons rear, delving deep into the wounds you'd previously inflicted. Looking over, you manage to spot the Candlemon near the entrance of the other chamber. In the next second an immense sense of relief floods out from your core as a frightened looking Lunamon peaks out from behind him.
She.. Lunamon's safe! Thank the Ten… Whoever they are.
The Dokugamon goes on the run but with its mobility hampered from having half of its eight legs crippled, the champion is unable to get away as your best friend chases after it. It lasts perhaps a half dozen seconds before your best friend tackles it with a cry of "Noble Heart" and brings it to the ground.
A moment later the Impmon rips free of his restraints in a burst of fire, takes one look at the downed mon, rushes over and then begins kicking the larger crispy digimon while its down.
"Yeah how do yuh like dat!" he shouts, laughing at the thoroughly beaten digimon. The rookie lowers one hand, pointing it at the Dokugamon's head, and grins. "Bye bye Leggy. Just be glad dat it's me who's punchin' your ticket" he goes to finish the other digimon off... Only for Flamemon to grab his arm and force it up.
"No!" he bellows. "Not this time! It's beaten! We don't have to delete it!"
The smaller bandanna wearing champion turns to blink dumbly at your best friend.
"That's just stupid, are yuh crazy, or what?"
"Please" The charred digimon weakly says. "I was just... Just trying to let the children grow strong." The champion lets out a pair of seemingly pained coughs. "I've learned my lesson. I promise, just spare me and I'll never cause any trouble again"
"What did you mean about children, villain?" Flamemon question, puffing his chest up.
"I know!" Sparks shouts from the sidelines.
"We were attacked by a few smaller er-villains!" he explains.
"Bit me a few times but. *Ahem* I defeated them and saved Lunamon without any trouble!" The Candlemon pauses for a second then looks back.
"Still some eggs that haven't hatched. Yet. But I think they will soon!"
O-oh. Is…Is it a caretaker, like Gramps? But then why would it kidnap Lunamon and the others?
Flamemon turns back to the defeated digimon and opens his mouth.
"Okay then you can go-"
"The heck it can!" Impmon shouts angrily. "I'm not letting dat thing go free!"
You look between the two conflicting digimon and-
=== Choose One:
[] Side with Flamemon. You don't like letting this thing go, but… You're not going to side against your best friend here. Plus it may actually keep its word and change its way.
[] Side with Impmon. That enemy champion is a threat, pure and simple. There's no telling if it (she?) will keep to her word. Say that Impmon should delete it.
Stat Gains, Strength & Fortitude
- Strength: 104.00->105.75
- Fortitude: 110.00->111.75
- Endurance: 99.50
- Agility: 86.50
- Special: 31.00
- Spirit: 27.50
Authors Note: In the original draft, Auger was supposed to die here if Verge didn't have the healing disc. But thanks to him learning the healing spell...
Beta'd by @no.