[] Hesitantly accept that sentiment. You may not like the label but… it's not as if it means much.
"Hah! Callin' him yer *Dad*? That's too friggen' far, right Verge?... Verge?"
Your mind and heart wrench in turmoil, split between surging wrath, nausea and a bone-deep sense of sorrow. Controlling the whirlwind of emotions isn't as easy as it used to be, your whirling turbines are proof of that. However while your mind may be less peaceful now, the experience you've accrued in managing it all is still present.
Peace Verge. Clear your mind, calm your heart. Emotions are to be channeled. That word… it is… just a label Verge. Accept the title, control yourself and move on.
"Very well Xia, I am your… dad." You swear that actual pain blossoms out from your chest at that. With that you scoop up the rookie with one hand and deposit her on your pauldron.
"Whoah, ya really sure about this?" Sparks asks giving you a worried look.
"Cause ya don't look alright to me."
Because I'm not.
"Yay! Xia is daughter!..." The Vorvomon proclaims, flaring both wings out in triumph. Though it's short lived as she notices you flinch. "Is dadmon okay?"
Dad-erk… mon. Rgh… hurts.
"I'm fine. And aye Sparks, I am… sure."
Remember, Clear mind, Calm heart… the mantra was easier as a Gryzmon.
"See Xia! I told you it would work!"
"Yes! Your plans bestest Minervamon!"
"I'm bored." Thresh grumbles stepping towards the lowered blastdoor.
"Let's go already."
In your mind's attempt to stay clear of the… *subject*, it instead hooks onto the weapon-filled marble halls. Even being a Mega you doubt Vulcanusmon could have built all of this on his own, and so far you'd only seen one mechanical *servant* around. Either he has an army's worth of mechanical digimon in storage somewhere, or another group helped him hollow the Volcano out.
Mayhaps… more of the *Olympus XII* helped? It cannot be a coincidence that Vulcanusmon is here in the only stable pocket of the server….
still so much that you don't know about… well
everything and the mounting ignorance is starting to get aggravating. Sure you
could ask Minervamon, but even if she
could explain it all (which you doubt), you simply don't
want to interact with Xia's friend any more than you have to. Her attitude, that power… it all reminds you far too much of Drop.
Your mood does momentarily improve upon realizing that the hallway you're traveling down is the same one Vulcanusmon knocked
Repulsa through. However that's replaced with trepidation as you reach the exit. The possibility of seeing Repulsa again so soon after her mockery is… infuriating. Being able to at least fight her would be one thing, but that option is lost to you, for now at least.
So it is with great relief that the final door lowers to reveal not the Legendary Warrior but a heavy blizzard. In fact you can't even
sense the womon… which is good. Hopefully she's left the zone entirely by now.
"Your full range should have returned Wisemon. Prepare for transport."
"Yeah, sure thing. Just gimme a moment to…" Sparks flips open his book, but after a second's grunting shakes his head.
"We got a problem, I can't get'em all." He grumbles, thrusting a finger at your brother.
"The dumb dino's too much."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?..." Your sibling shouts as if offended, before tilting his head in confusion.
"What does it mean?" Sadly before you can explain the complicated matter of transporting power over distances, PileVolcamon ends the discussion.
"That you will be traveling back with me."
"Oh, okay, makes sense… can we go hunting on the way?"
"No, you may not."
"Grah! Then it'll be boring!"
While your brother continues to protest, Minervamon flashes up to your shoulder in order to give Xia a final hug.
"I'll miss you, and stuff'll be dull again…"
"And Xia miss you bestest friend." The Vorvomon chirps, trying to wrap her rigid wings around the Mega(?) to return the hug. You stay silent throughout, and give Sparks a warning glare not to bother them. He shrugs, then leans back against your neck.
"And you! Kitty!"
GrappLeomon. Spirits above why?!
"Keep her safe okay? If she gets hurt I'll smash you good okay?" She continues, floating back towards the entrance.
*Smash you good?* What is she, a Goblimon? Rgh... Peace.
"I will." You reply careful not to let any derision seep into your tone.
"Oh! Oh! And if you guys see my little brother out there tell him I said hi! And that he should stop being so silly about the family stuff, got it?"
Her brother?!
Naturally the door shuts before you can inquire about her last words. For a long moment all you can do is stare at the chrome digizoid barrier in annoyance.
"A *brother*? I wonder if he too possesses such overwhelming strength."
By the Great Tree, she left off saying that?! Accursed-daemon-damned…. Ragh!
Having finally had enough, you
roar slamming a fist into the barrier and denting the Chrome Digizoid inwards.
"Alright, I'm about sick'a this place."
Bulwark's newest training facility proves to be… little different from any of their other constructs. The only meaningful difference being an ever-growing mound of rock and dirt that the various
Kenkimon are excavating. Its internals are likewise consistent with the floor plans you've experienced so far, albeit somewhat scaled down.
Indeed, even the Flux Field's higher gravity isn't even that bad in comparison to some of the other areas you've traversed.
BlueMeramon and Pandamon are already using the facilities when you arrive, however the third member of their trio is mysteriously missing. Trying to ask after said digimon's disappearance proves pointless, the two remaining Ultimates clam up, refusing to speak on the matter. And Sparks...
"Yeah, we ain't talkin' about… that." The Wisemon shudders.
"Just be glad ya didn't see what went down. Blegh, wish I didn't"
"Er… then Dame Fonte, mayhaps you'd be willing to discuss it?"
"I-I will not Ser Verge. The matter was most… unpleasant."
Their dancing around the subject only makes you
more curious about what happened to the Ultimate, clearly something
horrifying, going by their reactions. While they have their reason for keeping what happened unspoken… not knowing is still highly aggravating.
After everything that's happened in the last two days you could use some relaxation. Losing yourself in a training trance is appealing… but that ambition is ultimately crushed when PileVolcamon arrives and reminds you that Bulwark requires written reports of all your activities.
Which means three hours of sitting down, pouring over your memories, and describing every detail of your journey after the SaberLeomon incident.
Then the Mega makes you read a missive from Leopardmon about the missions you passed up.
According to him, the Hazard Coast front is still ramping up in intensity as more ferals are unnaturally pulled into the fray, which is only made worse by the fact that their forces have been kept from completing their normal *cullings*. Even a freshly evolved Mega showed up, meaning he had to step in personally in order to limit casualties. It's been dealt with, but something is riling up the zone more than normal.
Information on the missing villages and towns is more scarce, with Leopardmon only mentioning that "They've been found, but were unrecoverable." while leaving out any details. The sentence might be innocuous to some, but to you it was chilling.
Thousands, if not
tens of thousands of non-combatants had perished.
And there's a chance you could have done something to help them.
Agnimon… am I truly living up to your ideals?
There's no answer to be had.
You try to dismiss the frankly depressive thoughts and instead focus back on the training plan. Through the fugue state you'd managed to settle on a relatively simple schedule, but now that Sparks is here that could change.
While Sir Scratch's spells has been extremely helpful during your time as a rookie and champion, becoming GrappLeomon had somewhat dampened your effectiveness. Given that your closest friend is a
Wisemon, he can certainly construct more powerful versions. But…
should you ask him to try?
===Choose One:
[] Yes, you'll split your focus if it means having greater versions of Sir Scratch's spell arsenal. (Halves The Gains of Slide Evolution & Spirit Manipulation, flight left uncompleted, ??? effects on slide evolution)
[] No, you'll spend your time meditating on other matters.(Full Slide Evolution & Spirit Manipulation gains. Flight *Mastered*, ??? effects on slide evolution)
AN: Another small update. This training portion will probably be split into two or three more updates, as I don't want to gloss over the important bits like Xia's evolution or [REDACTED]'s arrival. As a side note... Verge as of this update isn't in a great headspace.