Right so! That marks the last major dream Verge will have in the prologue. Heh, sometimes it's hard to believe things have come this far.


Anyway thanks to everyone for the 15 votes this time. Agility training is winning along with the name thresh. (Beating Chompy 8-5 I believe)

Update may not be until later tonight depending on how things go. With worst case scenario having it take place tomorrow.
[X] Chompy, after his habit of biting others. You think Lunamon might using enjoy this one on him.
[X] Agility Focus (3 Agility, 1 Strength, 1 Endurance)
So, after reading all four dream posts back to back I have a theory!

But first, let's start with the facts.

This is the comforting presence, from dream #2. And it is totally Malkimon. In fact, if you check this pic

You can see that they are pretty much identical. Which fits, as Dream#2 stated that the owner of that Silhouette had red eyes as she does.

Dream #1 was Seraphimon, Dream #4 Daemon and Malkimon, which pretty much solidifies the presence in Dream #3 as the Gladiator.

Now, we know that Sorcerymon is on the Side of the Angels no? And that he is most likely not old enough to have seen the whole Seraphimon vs Daemon vs Gladiator fight firsthand. So his story is likely a propaganda version, which is why Seraphimon is the most awesome-est of heroes trying to save everybody yet tragically arriving too late to save the Gladiator or Malkimon. (totally not suspicions)

Whereas our dreams tell us this.
  1. The POV got murdered by Seraphimon, and someone with purple text (who we now can pretty confirm is Malkimon) screams in protest. POV is almost certainly the Gladiator
  2. Malkimon is watching random digimon fight and kill eachother, with a scared POV character small enough for the mega to hold in one hand. POV is most likely Verge somehow.
  3. Gladiator is disapproving Asian father and wonders why we are not doctor yet. :V
  4. Malkimon made a bargain with Daemon and the POV (Verge) is the result, both are a bit disappointed but Malkimon has hopes of improvement. Daemon is shown to have some level of honor, visibly angered by someone doubting his word.

My theory is thus, Daemon was not attacking the city. If anything I'd imagine he was recruiting. Seraphimon saw whatever he was doing and decided to NOPE the fuck out of that, and ganked the Gladiator when he objected to Seraphimon dropping the fist of God on his city. Malkimon saves something of the Gladiator (getting horribly injured in the process) and manages to make a deal with Daemon to "revive" her Gladiator. So she locked herself in her tower to make it happen.

Maybe Daemon offers to help? Perhaps the Gladiator takes a hit for him or distracts Seraphimon long enough to turn the tide?


After several attempts (including the two digimon killing eachother in dream #2) the most promising result is Verge, a proto Gladiator. Hence Gladimon being an evolution path. It could also explain him picking up High Programming Language faster than normal. (if he was the result of spellcraft why wouldn't he have an affinity for it)

The only hole in my theory is that Verge apparently hatched in the Village... but if Malkimon had the ability to make an egg why would she be able to regress a digimon to an egg?

The only hole in my theory is that Verge apparently hatched in the Village... but if Malkimon had the ability to make an egg why would she be able to regress a digimon to an egg?

Something to remember is that Verge is very much uncomfortable with hugs and that in precious parts (near the begenning) one of his panicky anger points was worrying about getting crushed to death.

Edit: I really like your theory Knight-Radiant.

But I cannot confirm or deny anything you've said. 2nd Edit: Being super careful about this particular thing.
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29nth Day Of Darkness: Money Troubles
Winning Votes:

[] Agility Focus (3 Agility, 1 Strength, 1 Endurance)
[] Thresh, because of how you've seen the little digimon tear his food apart.
Been listening to GOTG soundtrack recently Sue me :p


The next day arrives after yet another strange dream, but thankfully Gramps puts additional chores on hold for a day of rest. That allows you and by extension everyone else some breathing room that was sorely needed after the recent events. You spend the first few hours of wakefulness digging before visiting Sorcerymon to procure breakfast for your *Family*. Handing over one hundred and fifty bits for the meals nearly makes you wince, but nonetheless you did make a commitment.

Besides, Lunamons happy smile and Thresh's happy barks more than make up for the monetary cost.

You end up interacting with newly named In-Training mon during the later portion of the morning and learn a few new thing about him. While it's true you'd already known about his enthusiasm, wild energy and rather hostile method of playing, you soon discover that this is only for short periods of time. The small digimon scraps, eats, and *fights* whatever he can until his stamina is depleted then gets right to napping in order to recoup his power. In fact he sleeps almost as much as Auger. Almost.

Beyond that fact, the feral-like digimon is very gullible and easily tricked. You actually manage to convince him (on accident) that covering his eyes would make him invisible. Which leads to Thresh getting soaked with water after he tries to use his *new power* to sneak up on Lunamon and attempt to bite her robe.

As the morning draws to a close and he wakes up from a micro-nap you attempt to try and teach him a few words. Through this you manage to find out that Thresh has a bit of trouble speaking. "Verge" comes out as "vreg" somehow while "Lunamon" is butchered into "Umon". You don't want to know what might happen if he tried to say more complicated words. For now he chooses to mainly stick to barks and growls as he doesn't seem quite ready for actual speech.

During Lunamon's practice he takes her movements for an invitation to fight and once again gets sprayed for the result. In turn prompts your *Little Sister* to start her routine over entirely, this time with you strictly holding on Thresh to avoid another incident.

Lunch is called shortly thereafter and you're left behind as the other two mon rush over to try and get the first bowls of stew. Naturally you move to follow along, only to stop mid-stride while counting out the bits to pay for the food as a thought bursts into your head. With a small, but rapidly growing sense of horror you're finally able to realize something. Because of your decision to buy the healing disc earlier, you don't actually have the necessary number of bits required to buy Lunamon her Tiara for the festival!

Right now you only actually have just below five thousand bits. That's less than half the wealth required to obtain it, and after doing a bit of math you factor in how much more currency is going to go away from that when considering your decision to buy both *Siblings*and yourself breakfast for the foreseeable future.

Think Verge think! one hundred and fifty like seven times is.. One thousand and fifty. Take that away from four thousand, eight hundred and fifty I get... Three thousand? Yes. Three thousand, eight hundred bits. I-I think that's it.

Having only six days or so to acquire that much currency is a very worrying prospect and initially you panic a bit, wondering if it's even possible. Thankfully math comes to your aid once again, and going by your latest haul from heading there with Auger (fifteen hundred bits) if you did visit a mine shaft every day and always got that level of payout then you would very well be able to gather the necessary funds. However the problem with that is that it would require you actually leaving the village and walking hours every day for it, maybe by yourself. Considering what happened last time time you left the village, i.e. the Gazimon's attack, you're wary of heading out alone. Flamemon could get away with it because he's so powerful, but you really doubt that you could make it like him.

Plus, there's also the fact that it would eat up a lot of your time. Time that could be spent studying under Sorcerymon before he leaves or playing with the other rookies in the village.

The potential solution to your problem comes in the form of another realization. So far as you know Auger has a lot of bits, since he's been digging for crystals before you were even a rookie. If anyone would be able to lend you the bits for Lunamon's Tiara it would be him.

So when you arrive for a lunch a minute or so later, it's with a purpose other than stuffing your face. After eating, you seek out the Armadillomon and begin to explain your situation to him. The talk of bits and crystals gets him to perk right up, his normally passive personality flipping to become focused as the subject of wealth is brought to light.

He listens to your request for the six thousand-two hundred bits with an almost scary seriousness and after a couple minutes of tense silence finally offers a proposal. The rookie says that he's fully willing to give you enough treasure out of his stash to cover the hole in your finances. But this goes with the caveat that you must wait for at least two weeks after the festival before paying it back... and that the debt would grow by ten percent every week until it's returned. It takes you a minute to calculate what the total amount would be after those two weeks and find that it's a whopping seventy-five hundred bits! And if you can't pay it all back by then, it'll just grow more and more!

After a few seconds of thinking on his offer, you:

=== Choose One:

[] Accept his offer, you'll pay him back in a few weeks as that should give you plenty of time to get the required bits (Creates Repaying Auger minor Goal)
[] Reject his offer, you'll gather it the old fashioned way (Locks Verge's evening actions to getting crystals until the ten thousands mark is reached, or certain events transpire)
[] Something Else (Write in is subject to GM veto)

=== That afternoon you: (Pick One)

[] Train:
-[] Strength Focus (3 Strength, 1 Endurance, 1 Fortitude)
-[] Fortitude Focus (3 Fortitude, 1 Endurance, 1 Strength)
-[] Endurance Focus (3 Endurance, 1 Agility, 1 strength)
-[] Agility Focus (3 Agility, 1 Strength, 1 Endurance)
-[] Sparring (Balanced Gains + Fighting Skill)

[] Don't Train, Focus on the first spell. (No stat increase, but increases High Programming skill, and puts progress towards learning the first spell.)

=== Stat Increases: (Agility Training + Breakfast)

Strength: 93.50->95.25->97.00
Fortitude: 99.50
Endurance: 87.25->89.00->90.75
Agility: 70.25->74.75


Authors Note: Funny thing, this is only half the size of the planned update. But the first bit expanded a bit more than I thought, so I figured splitting it would be best, Sorry if this one is a bit disappointing in terms of length.

Beta'd by @no.
[X] Accept his offer, you'll pay him back in a few weeks as that should give you plenty of time to get the required bits (Creates Repaying Auger minor Goal)

I just think it would be funny. :V

[X] Don't Train, Focus on the first spell. (No stat increase, but increases High Programming skill, and puts progress towards learning the first spell.)

We should keep going until we get that spell, because it will not only let us put bonus points into the last two stats sooner, but we also are getting a greater skill benefit than normal due to having Sorcerymon around to tutor us.
[X] Accept his offer, you'll pay him back in a few weeks as that should give you plenty of time to get the required bits (Creates Repaying Auger minor Goal)
[X] Don't Train, Focus on the first spell. (No stat increase, but increases High Programming skill, and puts progress towards learning the first spell.)

Loan Shark Auger is now reality, pity to all who come to him in financial desperation. for they will find none with him.
He listens to your request for the six thousand-two hundred bits with an almost scary seriousness and after a couple minutes of tense silence finally offers a proposal. The rookie says that he's fully willing to give you enough treasure out of his stash to cover the hole in your finances. But this goes with the caveat that you must wait for at least two weeks after the festival before paying it back... and that the debt would grow by ten percent every week until it's returned. It takes you a minute to calculate what the total amount would be after those two weeks and find that it's a whopping seventy-five hundred bits! And if you can't pay it all back by then, it'll just grow more and more!

Did this ruthless little shit just intuit his way into compound interest? Is this a result of us convincing him to keep getting more money? Because I'm regretting that decision deeply now.

[X] Something Else: Offer to sell him the recovery disc in return for the money.
-[X] Because he's our friend, he gets a 10% discount and we'll sell it to him for the low, low price of 9000 bits.
--[X] If he rejects the offer, then accept the loan.
[X] Don't Train, Focus on the first spell. (No stat increase, but increases High Programming skill, and puts progress towards learning the first spell.)

See below.

If there's anyone who knows just how important having some kind of health insurance is, it would be Augur. After all, you can't make more money if you're dead. Plus, I don't think he's enough of a sociopath to actually withhold it if someone is seriously injured.

I don't think that last bit is necessarily in character for Verge but it would be a pretty funny comeuppance for us to scam him after he tried to loanshark us.
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[X] Reject his offer, you'll gather it the old fashioned way (Locks Verge's evening actions to getting crystals until the ten thousands mark is reached, or certain events transpire)

I don't like having debts even if it's to a friend.

[X] Don't Train, Focus on the first spell. (No stat increase, but increases High Programming skill, and puts progress towards learning the first spell.)

I really want this done so we can lay off of Magic for awhile.
Did this ruthless little shit just intuit his way into compound interest? Is this a result of us convincing him to keep getting more money? Because I'm regretting that decision deeply now.

[X] Something Else: Offer to sell him the recovery disc in return for the money.
-[X] Because he's our friend, he gets a 10% discount and we'll sell it to him for the low, low price of 9000 bits.
[X] Don't Train, Focus on the first spell. (No stat increase, but increases High Programming skill, and puts progress towards learning the first spell.)

If there's anyone who knows just how important having some kind of health insurance is, it would be Augur. After all, you can't make more money if you're dead. Plus, I don't think he's enough of a sociopath to actually withhold it if someone is seriously injured.

I don't think that last bit is necessarily in character for Verge but it would be a pretty funny comeuppance for us to scam him after he tried to loanshark us.
You should probably include a mention of what Verge should do if Auger rejects the offer.
Did this ruthless little shit just intuit his way into compound interest? Is this a result of us convincing him to keep getting more money? Because I'm regretting that decision deeply now.
Yes he did, and heh. Yeah that certainly didn't help things regarding his primary sin.
I don't think that last bit is necessarily in character for Verge but it would be a pretty funny comeuppance for us to scam him after he tried to loanshark us.
Verge would be more likely to go for a trade theoretically. Though his recent decisions have made that untenable. He's keeping the healing disc on hand in case someone else gets hurt.

While I do enjoy the write in, (and as a side note you've totally earned a bonus stat point) I'll have to veto it. Sorry.
While I do enjoy the write in, (and as a side note you've totally earned a bonus stat point) I'll have to veto it. Sorry.

No problem, I appreciate that you keep Verge in character instead of allowing the hive mind complete free reign. The former leads to a better story. Looks like I'll be switching to:

[X] Accept his offer, you'll pay him back in a few weeks as that should give you plenty of time to get the required bits (Creates Repaying Auger minor Goal)
[X] Don't Train, Focus on the first spell. (No stat increase, but increases High Programming skill, and puts progress towards learning the first spell.)

Ideally, we take Sorcerymon's place as a healer with our High Programming skills. Even if we don't, I'm very happy to have an excuse to keep leveling our digging. I'll have to think about the bonus point for a while though.
Out of curiosity what happens when we digivolve into something that doesn't have drills or can't really dig well?

Does the Digging skill get reduced or becomes flat out useless?
[X] Something Else: Offer to sell him the recovery disc in return for the money.
-[X] Because he's our friend, he gets a 10% discount and we'll sell it to him for the low, low price of 9000 bits.
[X] Don't Train, Focus on the first spell. (No stat increase, but increases High Programming skill, and puts progress towards learning the first spell.)
Drexal vetoed that vote.
Out of curiosity what happens when we digivolve into something that doesn't have drills or can't really dig well?

Does the Digging skill get reduced or becomes flat out useless?
It wouldn't become useless. Just take a temporary penalty until Verge gets used to digging with his new form and gets the right equipment for it.
It wouldn't become useless. Just take a temporary penalty until Verge gets used to digging with his new form and gets the right equipment for it.

Does the penalty become stronger and/or last longer depending on the form?

Like hypothetically speaking if he became a serpent or bird like form would the Penalty be worse?