Right so I have the first 1400words of the update done, but I think the other half is going to be that large at least. I may not be able to get the entire update done tonight, so by any would you guys like me to post that first part now?
Right so I have the first 1400words of the update done, but I think the other half is going to be that large at least. I may not be able to get the entire update done tonight, so by any would you guys like me to post that first part now?
Your updates aren't that long. Just post the whole thing when it's finished. Plus I haven't been able to beta read it because normally I beta read the update after it's done.
And who knows? The way something comes out later in the update might want you to go back and change something earlier in it for the sake of better pacing.
[] You have something here that these rookies don't - the ability to dig. You've never tried this before but... Maybe you could do something with it here?
Thank Ironforge for this
Alternate courtesy of no.
Even though you've committed yourself to fighting here, for just a brief moment you feel an urge to dig down in an attempt to survive the incoming onslaught. However, you buckle down and try not to listen to that part of your mind, refusing to run away. Not now, not from this. You almost admonish yourself for wanting to run again, but then suddenly, something deep within your core clicks and you realize that there's another way you can go about this.
You're not entirely sure if it's some ancient, hard-coded instinct deep within your body, or some sudden realization brought on by your rather healthy amount of of fear of being deleted. Either way, you feel a bit ridiculous for not even considering to so much as try this until now.
To you, digging was always a hobby, a talent - something you enjoyed and which came naturally to you. It wasn't something you did so much as just part of your day which you could use to relax and simply let go of your worries. Nothing like fighting or training. Those aren't fun so much as ordeals, something that you very much have to force yourself to do. Perhaps that is the main reason why it never clicked, because in a way you'd always held digging as somewhat sacred, as something completely split off from the fear and conflict, a comforting constant in a dangerous world from before everything bad started happening. Or perhaps it's just something more mundane - maybe it's because tiny part of your mind recognizes there are six of them coming towards you and the current terrain is supremely suited for this method of combat.
Either way, you're finally able realize something that's been staring you in the face since before the last week began.
I-I can dig and fight!
A flush of somehow familiar excitement rushes down your body as your drills begin to rotate, quickly coming to top speed, and after a moment of looking through the gravel for the best spot you dive forward and manage to vanish underneath the ground in just a few seconds. Several fireballs crash over the area you'd just been inhabiting, but you pay them no mind, hurriedly pushing through the gravel and dirt as you carefully estimate where the six Goblimon will be moving based on their previous trajectories.
Yes, that's it. Thirteen steps forward slightly left, if I time it right. They won't stand a chance!
Pushing aside the masses of gravel and dirt is somehow easier than ever before, all the speed and power you've gained along with the ground's loose composition allowing you to move faster through the world than ever before. With a burst of small rocks you drag yourself out of the ground behind behind the rearmost Goblimon and lunge forward, one clawed hand awkwardly closing into a fist so you can unleash a *Mach Jab*. Over the past weeks you'd grown to be far more skilled in the subject of fighting and thus what would have been a clumsy off balance punch instead drives straight forward with a good portion of your body weight behind it. While your body shape isn't quite suited for the same movements as Flamemon, when on your hind legs it's just similar enough to work.
Your strike lands square on the side of the green rookies face, hitting said mon mid rotation and actually managing to send the smaller mon tumbling away. The five remaining members round on you with clubs raises and fireballs ready to be thrown but by now you're actually faster than them and manage to not only turn around but dive back towards the tunnel before they can so much as scratch you. One of the Goblimon attempts to dive in after you, but regrets it almost immediately as your digging launches a consist shower of small pointy rocks directly into his face. Though that's not the worst of it - the shifting bits of rock and dirt close in after your passage, effectively trapping him under the surface.
That's two! They'll be so proud of-... They?
The foreign thought nearly makes you stop digging entirely, but a followup surge of anger and adrenaline pushes the nervous fear aside directing you to focus on the situation on hand.
R-right...There should be uh-umm... Five left. They-they'll move back so I need to dig...
Repeating the previous feat, you burrow underneath the group of rookies, actually coming back towards the position you initially started at, and then climb out. When emerging this time, you can't shake a strangely familiar feeling, and are perplexed at how easy this is for you. It's almost like you're simply going through motions you've practiced hundreds of times already.
I-I don't understand… I've never done this before, so why--No, Verge! F-focus! There are four left so now they'll... Bunch up and I-I think they'll go...
Sadly, this time your guess isn't wholly accurate, as when you pop out of the ground it's not in in their midst, but rather right underneath one of the remaining rookies. Of course, both of you end up screaming as he falls down into your tunnel, but this is your territory. After some wild flailing (On both your parts) you manage to use the rookie as a stepping stone, climbing up his body and pushing him down further into the ground where he's summarily entombed by the gravel.
Of course. that means when you get up onto the surface it's to the sight of three angry Goblimon with their clubs raised. A painful rain of hard, heavy club strikes land across your head and torso. While each of them hurts, you manage to struggle through the barrage of blows and unleash another *Mach Jab* on the nearest rookie. Since he's ready for it, the attack doesn't land straight on, instead just blowing away his defense and sending him wildly staggering back, struggling to stay on his feet. You do your best to defend and block against the constant flurry of club strikes but in the end you're simply forced to take hits when going on the offensive. Thankfully though, you've grown a lot over these past two weeks, so your mass allows you to struggle through the bruising blows to land strikes of your own.
Half a dozen punches and a very painful strike to your left eye later, two of the remaining enemies are down, leaving you facing off against their largest member. The one whose voice seemed slightly familiar for some odd reason. Leaping back to avoid an angry swipe, the humanoid suddenly stops his furious tempo of attacks and raises his hands up into the air.
"Time out! Time out!"
...T-time out?
You pause after your next step and blink in confusion, wondering just what he's trying to do. *That* proves to be suddenly reaching low to the ground and scooping up a handful of gravel. The rocks fly towards your face a moment later and hurriedly you close your eyes to keep the debris out of them. When you open your eyes back up a few moments later, he's gone.
Wh-what? Where did he go?
"Gobli Bomb!"
You let out a loud cry of pain as something painful and hot slams into your back, making you lose your balance and fall to the ground. A moment later the same mon jumps atop you and starts landing punch after punch on the back of your head.
"Hah! Tricked you~!"
The next several seconds are spent in painful fervor as you desperately attempt to buck the last remaining enemy off your back, but all that accomplishes is forcing him to painfully grab onto your fur and hold tight. It takes feigning an attempt to dig back into the ground to force him off.
After you pull your head out of the gravel a few seconds later, you're swiftly met with the sight of him reclaiming his club and trying to wake up one of his defeated allies. Having already taken enough hits and wanting to end the fighting as soon as possible, you do your best to shout a challenge, then lumber forward with your front paws raised up to fight.
In a surprising move, (well, surprising to you at least) the last Goblimon decides to go for a leaping attack, taking his club in both hands and bringing it up over head head even as he jumps towards you. *Something* inside you reacts to this and as he comes down you've already moved to counter it. In a single movement your left paw bats the attack aside mid-swing even as your curled right *fist* arcs towards his grinning face.
In the end you stand dazed, bruised, lightly burned and slightly angry for some reason, but victorious nonetheless.
With your battle against the half-dozen opposing rookies finally decided, you take a moment to bask in the feeling of having actually won, utterly and completely. The damage to your body is, relatively speaking, minimal as aside from a bit of swelling near your eye, the rest is just minor injuries; nothing that actually hurts *deeply* like the wounds you'd suffered yesterday. Said *Basking* only lasts a few moments before something very urgent rips your attention back up the hill.
Flamemon! He-he's fighting a bunch of those Shamnamon, I have to see how he's-
Almost as if on cue the screaming, burning form of a rookie comes rolling down the hill. By the time he's reached you at the bottom the Goblimon variant is out cold. Eyes trailing up, you spot the massive brawls occurring at the very top of the hill just before the mine's entrance. Your best friend is surrounded, outnumbered and covered in minor injuries but despite all that he's laughing. Laughing!
Of the massive number of enemy rookies that had been fighting them, only seven of them actually remain standing and none of them look like they're in the best shape, not even That one Shamanmon. The rest have either been either been burned or bludgeoned into submission and aside from the one he sent screaming down the hill, the rest are laying up at the atop unconsciousness. Even as you look on in wonder Flamemon acts a living fiery whirlwind of punches and fire blasts as he engages with the surrounding digital monsters all the while dodging club swings and projectiles.
Several simultaneous strikes from the surrounding mon cut Flamemon off from dodging anywhere on the ground, so he simply flips backwards into the air. A gasp of horror tears itself from your throat as the two remaining SnowGoblimon ready very large and very sharp pieces of ice, then chuck them at your airborne companion who has no way to avoid the attacks. However the worry vanishes entirely as your best friend's fiery aura flares up much harder and melts the icicles thrown towards him in mid-air, which then continue on to evaporate into steam. Twin coronas of fire erupt from the humanoid rookie's hands and then as he lands Flamemon thrusts his arms out and blasts the two remaining snow Goblimon. Both crispy rookies fall limply to the earth a moment later. Not wasting even a moment, your best friend bursts back into motion, charging at the mass of seven remaining enemies straight on.
Then as the remaining six Shamanmon meet him, Flamemon pulls both of his arms back and takes a deep breath.
"Mach Jab Combo!"
A flurry of punches explode out at the gathered enemies, forcing the front rank of three to halt their charge and just try to block the dozens of attacks being sent their way. This proves to be exactly what Flamemon wanted as his normally vestigal fiery tail suddenly quintuples both in size and heat. Your best friend lets out a jubilant "Ha! Ha!" and spins.
"Flame Tail!"
His attack roasts three of the Shamanmon who are too close to dodge, though the rest drop to the ground, barely managing to avoid getting hit by the powerful attack.
H-he's really doing it! He's really going to beat all of them! That's amazing! Go Flamemon!
"Mad Twist!"
Several dark rings crash into Flamemon's chest, sending him flying back. It has taken merely one of such attacks to bring Gnaw to the brink of defeat and it had taken him nearly half a minute to recover enough to fight again. Flamemon on the other paw is merely winded and bruised, and catches himself before he hits the ground, performs a back handspring and dives head-first back into combat with only a new bruise of a quickly-growing collection to show for it. Zig-zagging back and forth like crazy, the tall rookie easily avoids the various ranged attacks being thrown at him, ducking boulders, sliding under rings and even juking to avoid thrown bones of all things.
The Shamanmon, who had tried to delete you back then(it is at this moment you realize how useful nick-names are) raises his club once again, dark energy gathering around the surface for an even more powerful version of his previous attack. A moment later as Flamemon charges towards him, the green rookie grins madly and lets loose a roar.
"Mad Twist!"
A dozen thick dark rings erupts from the studded wood and soar right towards your best friend... Who only grins wider as his fiery cloak explodes.
"Noble Heart!"
Your best friend's burning tackle clashes with darkness-
-And then rips straight through the projectiles one after another, much to the Shamanmon's surprise and horror
"Impossib!-" before he can even finish his words Flamemon crashes into him shoulder-first.
"-Gwaaaaaaa!" The enemy leader is sent flying away down the hill, much like that unfortunate mon that first drew your attention to the battle. Only this time, when he finally comes to a stop near the base, this one gets up.
All thoughts of watching Flamemon's fight vanish as the mon which had nearly killed Auger struggles to his feet and glares directly at you.
N-No. I-I can't beat him!
"None of this, urgh, none of this would have happened if..." The blackened digimon lets out a single cough. "If you had listened to me!" He limps forward step by ponderous step, fueled seemingly purely by spite and desperation, and struggles to point his darkness-covered club at you. But when the rings of dark energy are finally loosed you're not there anymore, having burrowed down to avoid being hit entirely. Not wanting anything to do with fighting that particular mon head-on, even when in such an injured state, you dig away at full speed.
Once your mind has managed to wrest itself away from fear a few moments later you
=== Choose One:
[] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance? A
[] Just stay below and wait for Flamemon to beat the rest and come defeat this mon. His victory is inevitable, so what's the point in taking a risk for no reason?
[] Try and burrow closer to the hill, maybe you can join up with Flamemon and maybe... Maybe take this mon on together? Surely it'll work; when that guy's by your side, you feel like you can do anything!
===Stat/Skill Changes
Digging: 10/100->12/100
General Fighting: 17/100->18/100
Strength: 70.75->72.50
Fortitude: 75.00->76.75
Endurance: 66.25->68.00
Agility: 57.5->59.0
Authors Note: Had to split the update here. Otherwise it would not have gotten done tonight. I kinda wish I'd been able to finish things off here, but hopefully I can do it tomorrow instead.
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
This is for Auger you son of a glitch!
Its been a long time since Verge ran from Shamamon... he's gotten way stronger since then
[X] Try and burrow closer to the hill, maybe you can join up with Flamemon and maybe... Maybe take this mon on together? Surely it'll work; when that guy's by your side, you feel like you can do anything!
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance? A
Like with the last vote, my primary motivation here is that it's the choice that I feel Verge needs to make. Even if he gets hurt here, this is probably the last chance he has to truly face this guy. If he hides behind Flamemon or depends on his support, it just won't be the same. Verge needs this closure.
Edit: And yeah, as I've stated before, Drexal is really great at writing well-paced, flashy and coherent fight scenes.
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
I can't help but wonder if that Shammamon is truly bad.
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Jul 19, 2018 at 2:53 AM, finished with 9 posts and 5 votes.
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
[X] Try and burrow closer to the hill, maybe you can join up with Flamemon and maybe... Maybe take this mon on together? Surely it'll work; when that guy's by your side, you feel like you can do anything!
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance? A
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
-[x] Still no reason you have to fight him on his terms, fight him like the digger you are and did against those gobis.
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Jul 19, 2018 at 3:39 PM, finished with 18 posts and 13 votes.
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
[X] Try and burrow closer to the hill, maybe you can join up with Flamemon and maybe... Maybe take this mon on together? Surely it'll work; when that guy's by your side, you feel like you can do anything!
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
-[x] Still no reason you have to fight him on his terms, fight him like the digger you are and did against those gobis.
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance? A
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Jul 19, 2018 at 1:40 PM, finished with 17 posts and 12 votes.
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
[X] Try and burrow closer to the hill, maybe you can join up with Flamemon and maybe... Maybe take this mon on together? Surely it'll work; when that guy's by your side, you feel like you can do anything!
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
-[x] Still no reason you have to fight him on his terms, fight him like the digger you are and did against those gobis.
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance? A
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
-[x] Still no reason you have to fight him on his terms, fight him like the digger you are and did against those gobis.
As no reason we shouldn't stack the deck in our favor here if we are going to fight this guy.
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
-[X] Still no reason you have to fight him on his terms, fight him like the digger you are and did against those gobis.
Verge Fight! Protect your friends! Conquer your fears! Beat his ass!
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
Let's solve this problem with the heroic power of MURDER!
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
-[x] Still no reason you have to fight him on his terms, fight him like the digger you are and did against those gobis.
[X] Try and burrow closer to the hill, maybe you can join up with Flamemon and maybe... Maybe take this mon on together? Surely it'll work; when that guy's by your side, you feel like you can do anything!
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
-[X] Still no reason you have to fight him on his terms, fight him like the digger you are and did against those Gobi's.
[X] Try and burrow closer to the hill, maybe you can join up with Flamemon and maybe... Maybe take this mon on together? Surely it'll work; when that guy's by your side, you feel like you can do anything!
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance? A
One thing that I find really interesting and want to bring up is the detail of the soil composition here making it really easy for Verge to dig through. That's some shit that normally you'd never think about, but for a digging animal like Verge it's vital. I really like how Drexal uses every part of the environment in his scenes when it's appropriate. It shows a level of thought and skill that's just really phenomenal.
That and it's important to keep in mind for the future, since the effectiveness of Verge's digging ability could vary wildly depending on the location he finds himself in.
[X] Try and burrow closer to the hill, maybe you can join up with Flamemon and maybe... Maybe take this mon on together? Surely it'll work; when that guy's by your side, you feel like you can do anything!
Currently going up to fight the Shamanmon is winning 9-4 with three votes having the addition of Verge going all mole on him.
Edit: I'll be locking things in just over three hours.
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Jul 19, 2018 at 3:39 PM, finished with 18 posts and 13 votes.
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
[X] Try and burrow closer to the hill, maybe you can join up with Flamemon and maybe... Maybe take this mon on together? Surely it'll work; when that guy's by your side, you feel like you can do anything!
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance?
-[x] Still no reason you have to fight him on his terms, fight him like the digger you are and did against those gobis.
[X] Go back up there and force yourself to go fight him! You're scared yes but... Just as Flamemon said you have the power to overcome your fear. He's wounded so... maybe you really do have a chance? A