Winning Vote
[] Respond to Gramps that you'll come along. You're a bit concerned that Gnaw might not come back to the village after this considering his previous words and current attitude.
In the end you decide to turn down Gramps' offer to stay in the village, and instead insist on coming along for the last bout against the Goblimon. Exhausted by the day's events, you don't train and instead focus on simply resting and recovering in preparation for the coming trials.
When the next morning comes, you swallow your fear and join the party on their march towards the primary mineshaft. The scarred rookie leading your group has decided to completely discard stealth this time, instead wanting to just march up there and blast whatever forces that remain into leaving since there shouldn't be any potential reinforcements coming to help them.
Traveling with two companions in the group is a new, interesting if scary experience. The mon Sparks is driving - the *Mechanorimon* - is large, ponderous and heavy. It's every step makes a loud, dull thud on the ground, shaking the nearby land and leaving large footprints. Many a tree is just snapped in half as the inexperienced pilot forces the champion digimon forward. For his part, the Candlemon spends most of the journey talking to Flamemon or Gramps. Gnaw on the other hand keeps his distance from the rest of the group, always keeping just in sight as he moves gracefully through the trees, not bothering to actually interact with anyone else beyond the occasional complaint of your group being too slow.
It's not quite as bad as you initially imagined. The cloying fear you felt over the past week is still there, as it has been your whole life. However, it feels somehow lesser. It's almost as if the recent experiences have left you… Well you're not sure how to describe it. Better able to deal with the emotion, you suppose. Either that or the frequent fighting has just simply left you less frightened than before, as it slowly becomes a somehow more mundane part of your life. In fact you're actually a little happy that you chose to come. It would also allow you to see your best friends triumph. Maybe he'd even be able to defeat that one Goblimon. That, and the fact that you didn't give in to the voice in the back of your head suggesting that you stay behind is… oddly satisfying in its own right. Still, the fear of what is come is more than prevalent.
Maybe it's because of that… that oath I made. Oath. I-I mean... Now that I think about it, have I ever heard anyone use that word in my life? I don't think I have… so how do I know what it means?
It just kind of popped into your head when you got angry. You promptly shiver in discomfort - you'd rather file away that train of thought under the "suppress forever" folder.
Deciding that you probably won't be getting anywhere soon, you quickly change the subject of your thoughts, and make a sharp turn towards Gnaw. The former BlackGabumon who is even now walking a dozen feet away from the rest of the party. Your friend(?) has changed ever since his evolution and you certainly don't think it's for the better. His words from earlier about only carrying you along because it was convenient are stuck in your head even now.
He… did he really mean that?
Then there's his previous statement of wanting to leave after the threat is over... you're concerned he might choose not to come back to the village once things are finished here.
Before you can think on the subject too much more, your party breaks through a set of trees and comes out upon a familiar gravel-filled hill. The same one you'd climbed two weeks ago before the whole *Goblimon* events had started.
Atop the hill and in the hole leading deep into the mountain is not a large quantity of Goblimon milling about like you'd expected, and as you'd seen in every other location. No, what's there up at the top by the entrance is much, much worse.
Not one, but
Two more Mechanorimon loom dangerously up at the top of the hill, standing openly on guard in front of the entrance. A dozen dark skinned rookies stand at attention in between them, each eerily similar to that one strange Goblimon which had promised to delete you. Having spotted your group, they lower their clubs and each begin to ready attacks… Only to stop as a voice calls out.
I was sure
you'd be arriving soon." Their line separates a moment later, letting the digimon who'd threatened to end you walk into sight. Two large SnowGoblimon flank him on either side, though they come to a stop several feet behind their boss. Perhaps the oddest thing you notice as he comes into focus is what looks like an
In-Training digimon resting on his shoulder. "
My tribe of Shamanmon has been waiting for this moment. All of this conflict between
my forces and
your own Elecmon have been an
utter waste.
We need not be enemies.
I am willing to forgive
your transgressions should
you be willing to just leave these operations alone. "
Shamanmon? O-oh that's... That's what they're called.
The newly identified Shamanmon raises his club up and the small mon on his shoulder gives a small cheer.
"However, if
you choose to stay aggressive,
I promise there will be repercussions for
your actions. Both for
you, Elecmon, and those under your care.
I will guarantee that as
my employer will
not accept further setbacks,"
"Dibs on the blue ones." Flamemon whispers, clearly itching to make up for his previous fight.
"Shut up!" Gramps whispers harshly before moving on to address the enemy leader. "I have a counter-offer. By The Warriors Ten I swear this! Leave now or be forced out!"
"We will not accept the demands of a villain!" Flamemon shouts in agreement.
"Then it seems that I will have to fight." The large mon sighs, before turning over towards the baby digital monster on his shoulder. After whispering a few words it gives a brief *Aaaw* then leaps off. "Very well then we may-"
"Enough!" Gnaw shouts fed up with the chatter. "I still have to rip you apart! Howling Wolf!" A shockwave erupts from his mouth, directly targeting the Shamanmon who dives away, his empty hand swiping low to grab the baby digimon and bring it out of the line of fire. Several of the rookies behind him however are not so lucky. Gnaw's attack rips two of the blue-skinned digimon apart, breaking them into small peices of data. Three more of the Shamanmon suffer the same fate before the sonic boom finally disperses.
On cue, both enemy Mechanorimon charge down the hill, both firing their ranged attacks at Gnaw, who barely manages to dart out of the way. From there, he charges forth at dizzying speed, vanishing from your gaze entirely for a brief moment before slamming shoulder first into the rightmost Mechanorimon's leg. He then catches the champion mid-step in its run down hill and tips the large digimon over entirely.
On the other side, Gramps jumps atop the champion Sparks is piloting and then yells for the Candlemon to brace. Metal clashes against metal with a horrendous grinding sound as the charging digimon slams against its stationary counterpart, and surprisingly Sparks manages to raise the arms of his own Mechanorimon in time to catch his opponent's strike. Both vehicles slide about ten feet from the first's momentum, digging deep furrows into the ground and plunging both of them into the forest with a mighty crash that knocks over dozens of trees. Even as this happens Gramps is acting, sending a bolt of electricity shooting straight into the opposing mech's single eye.
Flamemon sprints up the hill at top speed, a fiery corona trailing behind his blurry form.
"Beware my fire villains! Today you face a true hero!"
G-go Flamemon! You... You can do it!
Just as it looks like there won't actually be anything left for you to fight a half dozen standard Goblimon run into sight from where they'd been hiding on the left side of the hill and charge towards you.
I told
you fools to leave!" The Shamanmon leader snarls. "
You'll just get
yourselves deleted!"
"Heh, No can do boss!" the leading greenskin replies, his voice somehow sounding slightly familiar to your ears. "C'mon, get that Drimogemon!"
S-six of them?! That's way too many! C-can I... can I really beat them? No Verge! I have to do this!
=== Choose One:
[] Charge straight at them! You're tougher, faster and stronger than ever, and they're just Goblimon, not exactly the most impressive type of rookie. They're the same things you've been fighting and beating for the past week! So long as you don't get surrounded you can do this!
[] There's six of them, you don't want to do this but… That anger. The violence and inexorable deadly focus. You need to try and find it even if there's consequences, because after this... the fighting will be over right? You probably won't have to deal with it again!.
[] You have something here that these rookies don't - the ability to dig. You've never tried this before but... Maybe you could do something with it here?
[] Write in (subject to GM Veto)
=== Stat Changes:
- Strength: 70.75
- Fortitude: 75.00
- Endurance: 66.5->68.25
- Agility: 56.0->57.5
Authors Note: Okay, next update should finish this off I think.
Beta'd by @no.