[X] Draw the fight out, wear him down with smaller strikes until you can weaken him enough to land a deciding strike.
-[X] Use his aggression against him. Fake an opening, then counter at full power when he tries to take advantage of your "weakness"
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Erm, I'm curious about the sudden shift the other way. It's only parts of the optional section that won't really work.
Because I really didn't have a better plan, and just trying to do a death of a thousand cuts seems like it'll open us up to getting creamed. And no one else wants to actually try and come up with a plan I guess.
Because I really didn't have a better plan, and just trying to do a death of a thousand cuts seems like it'll open us up to getting creamed. And no one else wants to actually try and come up with a plan I guess.
But... it's not death of a thousand cuts?

It's wearing the other mon down until Verge can land a *deciding strike*. I.e. hitting with a bunch of smaller ones until he can hit with a big one.
[X] Draw the fight out, wear him down with smaller strikes until you can weaken him enough to land a deciding strike.
[X] Draw the fight out, wear him down with smaller strikes until you can weaken him enough to land a deciding strike.

I mean we are focusing more on techniques than raw beatdown

And MadLeomon is a fucking berserk viral zombie that truck ain't gonna stop cuz of pain or broken hands

Skill evens this out and MadLeomon is like only faster than Verge, the trade of blows went pretty well
[x] Try to end it quickly, attempt to trade hits and land a lethal blow. It's risky, but you're confident that your mutations will win out.
[X] Draw the fight out, wear him down with smaller strikes until you can weaken him enough to land a deciding strike.

Size does mean he has a lot more bear to go through than we have lion
[X] Draw the fight out, wear him down with smaller strikes until you can weaken him enough to land a deciding strike.
-[X] Use his agression against him. Fake an opening, then counter at full power when he tries to take advantage of your "weakness"

Edit: Knight-Radiant had a good idea is risky but also interesting as Verge is more than a ball of wrath.
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[X] Draw the fight out, wear him down with smaller strikes until you can weaken him enough to land a deciding strike.

Back to this vote again.
[X] Use his agression against him. Fake an opening, then counter at full power when he tries to take advantage of your "weakness"

Madleomon has shown enough skill/instinct to read some of Verge's moves, but Verge has demonstrated that he can think more moves ahead. I think we can pull an Emiya and trick him into leaving himself wide open.

Greater speed doesn't matter if we know where/when the attack is coming
[X] Use his agression against him. Fake an opening, then counter at full power when he tries to take advantage of your "weakness"
[X] Draw the fight out, wear him down with smaller strikes until you can weaken
-[X] Use his aggression against him. Fake an opening, then counter at full power when he tries to take advantage of your "weakness"

Why not MadLeomon is nothing but a pile of Wrath and Combat instincts so he will probably fall for this everytime, and seeing as see also lacks a concious mind probably won't learn from his mistakes.
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[X] Use his aggression against him. Fake an opening, then counter at full power when he tries to take advantage of your "weakness"

Considering Verge has a safety net in the form of the Mayor, and is pretty well suited to healing himself after the fight- I think discarding the intent to drag it out in favor of doubling down on his reliance on instincts over martial skill. Worst case, Verge can almost certainly force a hit trade and can capitalize on one better than MadLeomon likely could. I'm pretty sure the Mayor would allow for us to heal before we take on Ice Devimon if he doesn't just decide to crush him himself.
[X] Draw the fight out, wear him down with smaller strikes until you can weaken him enough to land a deciding strike.
-[X] Use his agression against him. Fake an opening, then counter at full power when he tries to take advantage of your "weakness"
Guys I'm decently sure using his aggression against him and drawing the fight out are not conductive to each other, one deliberatlu leaves us open to his (Poisoned) attacks to an extent in exchange for the chance hit him as hard as possible while the other seems to be minimizing risk to ourselves by mostly going for shallow blows.
Guys I'm decently sure using his aggression against him and drawing the fight out are not conductive to each other, one deliberatlu leaves us open to his (Poisoned) attacks to an extent in exchange for the chance hit him as hard as possible while the other seems to be minimizing risk to ourselves by mostly going for shallow blows.
Uh... I do not see how faking an opening would leave Verge open. Not to mention that this requires a bit of time to set up, so supporting the strategy with a more defensive style sounds just fine.
Uh... I do not see how faking an opening would leave Verge open. Not to mention that this requires a bit of time to set up, so supporting the strategy with a more defensive style sounds just fine.
In a fight like this even trying to fake an opening is going to leave us much more open than focusing defensive otherwise we would be doing it as a matter of course.

To be frank even if we anticipate his attack it's going to have to look like it's something he can use against us, which is going to carry the risk of him pulling off a crit weather we know it's coming or not.

This is at odds with taking a conservative approach to the fight. Every time we fake an opening we by necessity have to leave ourselves somewhat open, trying to do both of these things at once almost feels like an everything vote.

Or he'll just be too bloodlust even awknowledge it in the first place, but thats only a problem with the baseline plan of faking an opening.
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This is at odds with taking a conservative approach to the fight. Every time we fake an opening we by necessity have to leave ourselves somewhat open, trying to do both of these things at once almost feels like an everything vote.
Point on the risk, but I disagree with this, mainly because I remain with the fact this fake opening needs to be set up to work properly, and so adding it as a subvote to a general combat plan feels more fitting than just turning it into the entire plan.
Point on the risk, but I disagree with this, mainly because I remain with the fact this fake opening needs to be set up to work properly, and so adding it as a subvote to a general combat plan feels more fitting than just turning it into the entire plan.

It just feels odd to me it may just be personal preference though so eh.
[X] Draw the fight out, wear him down with smaller strikes until you can weaken him enough to land a deciding strike.
-[X] Use his agression against him. Fake an opening, then counter at full power when he tries to take advantage of your "weakness"
Next up on the discussion list is the other Three groups, the Three Gods of Destruction, The Three Head Officers, and the Three Musketeers.

First the Three Gods of Destruction - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki
  • Gaioumon
  • Titamon
  • Kuzuhamon
If you read my previous discussions on potential Megas then you know Kuzuhamon is right out for being female, which leaves Titamon and Gaioumon.

Out of these two, the Titamon is also right out for the following reasons, one the fact that Verge cannot digivolve into any of its prior Ultimates except maybe Cyberdramon. Another reason is the fact that Titamon's reason for existence doesn't exist yet, as the Olympos XII as a group has yet to exist, though if we disregard that then maybe Titamon's vengeance seeking personality might fit Verge. Also although Verge cannot evolve into any of Titamon's Ultimates, Titamon does seem to fit Verge's stat distribution, with high Strength due to his SkullGreymon Greatsword and high special due to his undead army ability.

Finally the last of the Three Gods of Destruction Gaioumon, of these three Gaioumon fits Verge the best. First of the three Gaioumon has the most potential digivolution routes that Verge can access
  • Vajramon
  • MetalGreymon
  • Doruguremon
Though the MetalGreymon part is only due to technicality, as in Verge can technically evolve into MetalGreymon, but on the plus side Vajramon is one of our more likelier Deva evolution or maybe our likeliest Deva Ultimate.

Since Gaioumon doesn't have any personality written in its profile, aside from the fact that it grows stronger as it wins battles, I will use BlackWarGreymon's personality as a basis for Gaioumon's "it exists for the sake of its own peculiar "Justice". It detests cowardice and foul play, and it doesn't consider itself a fellow of vulgar Digimon, even if they are of the same Virus-species." which establishes a Honorable personality which fits Gaioumon's samurai motif and so fits Verge's own.

Another part is Gaioumon's moveset which is have both physical and energy based attacks, which indicates both high Strength and Special like Verge.

So out of the Three Gods of Destruction both Kuzuhamon and Titamon are non-contenders leaving Gaioumon as the most likely Mega can digivolve into. Also Verge has the necessary Greymon data loaded from Chimairamon, so Verge has completed that requirement.

Next the Three Head Officers - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki who's members are
  • Tactimon
  • Lilithmon
  • Blastmon
Of the three Lilithmon have already been discussed in a previous Mega post about the Seven Great Demon Lords, so I will discuss only Blastmon and Tactimon.

For Blastmon while he does not have any official prior Ultimates, it is evidently clear that current Verge cannot digivolve into anyone of them as Verge is not a Mineral type digimon, furthermore is the personality mismatch as Blastmon is described as Vain with its profile describing its personality as " Because of its glittering body and power, it calls itself the "most beautiful, sublime creature."" so not Verge. But similarly to Titamon, it's stat distribution seems to fits Verge, with high Strength evident from all of its melee attacks, high Fortitude as a digimon made out of hard crystals, and high Special due to its Solar Beam like technique " Although its "Crystal Breath", a technique in which it absorbs sunlight into its body, then spews it out as an extremely high-temperature, high-pressure laser, has the weakness of only being usable in daytime, the destructive power it displays more than makes up for its faults."

Lastly Tactimon, this digimon like Craniummon receive confirmation from Drexal as a possible Mega for Verge and is described as Verge's strongest possible Mega form. Tactimon's prior Ultimates haven't been revealed by Drexal, but it has been revealed to be the only Mega that can be reached by first fulfilling side conditions, or side quests before it can be evolved into.

So out of the Three Head Officers group, only Tactimon is available for Verge as an evolution, and it is locked behind special conditions.

Lastly the Three Musketeers - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki whose members include
  • MagnaKidmon
  • Gundramon
  • BeelStarmon
Truthfully of these group none of them are Digimons Verge can evolve into as Verge lacks the necessary data for all of them, and even without that obstacle, of the three the closest to Verge in personality is BeelStarmon who is female with her friendliness but even that is a stretch.

To discuss this in further detail, Gundramon is a bitter cynic described as "The 100% full metal comprising its body is ingrained with the burning smell of cartridges, so it is a bitter, hard-boiled Digimon." and MagnaKidmon is described as self centered and indifferent to its surroundings, and is also described as trigger happy. So both are unlike Verge, especially MagnaKidmon who lacks Verge's self control.

At this point discussing stat distribution is pointless so I won't, so for the Three Musketeers the number of its members Verge could digivolve into are precisely Zero.

So to summarize for this discussion the potential Megas Verge could digivolve into are Gaioumon from the Three Gods of Destruction and Tactimon from the Three Head Officers.
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11nth Of Fire: MadLeomon's End
[] Draw the fight out, wear him down with smaller strikes until you can weaken him enough to land a deciding strike.
-[] Use his agression against him. Fake an opening, then counter at full power when he tries to take advantage of your "weakness"


Overpowering him here isn't possible, simply struggling against MadLeomon's frantic push will only waste your strength. So instead you choose to redirect the force, bending your legs while pulling both forelimbs up to brings his torso in line with your own. Actions which when combined with your spin, send the maddened Ultimate tumbling over your side before slamming right into the rubble-strewn ground.

Sharp Fangs!

It's then that your jaws snap out, teeth ripping into the muscle of his upraised wrist. However the crazed feline ignores your bite entirely, only using the sudden anchor to spring back out of his newly formed crater and send both feet flying towards your face.

At this distance and with his speed, all you can do is try to minimize the damage, leaning away as the tips of his dark claws rip across the side of your head.

Ignoring the horrible shrieking sound of metal being scored, you step back and levy a sharp counter at the enemy, leaving three parallel gashes across the square of his back. MadLeomon's response is nearly instantaneous, spinning mid-air to unleash a devastatingly powerful downwards blow.

You only barely resist being dragged to the ground and are thus left still in recovery as he kicks off the ground and swings his injured arm into your side. The clothesline smacks right into your ribs at full force, bending the metal inwards and imparting enough force to send you sliding away, wrecking another home in the process.

Fortunately you manage to correctly predict his next move, pivoting around to slide parry his lunging swipe and snapping teeth with your right before retaliating with another Winning Straight into his shoulder, shattering the protruding bony spike. Following that, you step after the reeling zombie and begin throwing a wide swipe only to stop halfway through.

He reacts just as you expected, ducking under the assumed arc and pulling back his arm for a stomach blow. In other words, he falls right for the offered feint. Your arms move in concert, rebuffing his stabbing limb with a backhand whilst rending three more lines into his skull. However your small victory is cut short as the roaring lion pushes through and buries his elbow into your gut.

Rgh… this-


-will not end quickly.


This duel has not been an easy one, your wounded body can fiercely attest to that fact. The exhausting fight has left your form a patchwork of missing fur, bruises and gaping wounds. Indeed, it would be easier to list bones of yours that aren't bent out of shape.

And yet MadLeomon is still in worse shape yet. The Undead digimon has been rendered a broken wreck, covered in myriad punctures and cuts from where your Kuma Tsume left their deadly work. Between even that, his shattered face, broken leg and torn off arm most digimon would be left unable to do more than lay screaming in agony.

But your opponent is a berserker, one containing seemingly endless stamina at that. Even now he ignores the uncountable injuries inflicted upon his being and rallies his eighty-ninth charge of the fight.

You spit out the Ultimate's right arm and carefully examine his bestial rush, looking for the perfect opportunity to end things.

Lowered speed due to injuries, offensive and defensive options halved and a single avenue of attack left. The time to finish this has come.

As he closes in the final meters you drop to a knee, letting both forearms fall slack in a bid to seem exhausted.

"Yes! Ohehehe, now finish him Beast!" IceDevimon's voice cackles in the air above you, sounding more than a little relieved at your *collapse*. Shutting him up will be… nice.

MadLeomon thrusts his remaining arm towards your head, another Jūoudaken forming around his fist. Unexpected, but nothing you can't deal with considering how telegraphed the move is.

Your legs extend abruptly, launching you towards the incoming Leomon. A simple tilt of your neck sees the ball of dark energy simply scraping past your scarred face, while his fist is met with a shoulder-check.

MadLeomon has always been lighter than you, but now that he's missing large chunks of his body including a missing arm and is moving at a lower speed? The sudden tackle led by your pauldron effortlessly overwhelms his punch, bringing you to point blank range. Just. As. Planned.

"Atemigaeshi!" One forearm snakes between the smaller mon's legs, lifting whilst your other forelimb wheels across his side. His lunge is forcibly turned into a face-first slam into the ruins of what was once a disc shop. But that isn't where things end. "Spinal Tap!" Within the space of a millisecond your glowing claws plunge down into the small of his back, injecting a hefty dose of power directly into the undead digimon's spine. MadLeomon will only be paralyzed for a few seconds at most, but that's more than enough time to finish things. "Crescent!-" You raise one war-gauntlet high for the wind up then whirl around, building up as much kinetic force as possible.

"Daemon's fire, no!"

"-Dawn!" Tough as he may be, there's nothing the berserk digimon can do to defend himself against what comes next. Your silver claws rend directly through his neck, separating the mon's head from his shoulders and giving him a final mercy.

Whatever path you tread on, it has ended. May your next life be one of peace.

Several jagged pieces of a spiraled collar drop down from the defeated foe's bisected mane, but you pay it no mind. The data of a worthy opponent awaits and you will not let his strength go to waste.

Pulling his corrupted data in brings an immediate sense of mindless anger, a sense of purposeless fury beget by helpless despair and shame. The flame of Wrath within you greedily devours it all, surging outwards in a bid to take control. However you've dealt with this feeling before, with Chimairamon. This time you manage to prevent it from bursting outwards, slowly wrestling the feeling into control. But that effort takes all your concentration and the IceDevimon doesn't pass it up.

"Death Claw!" Five tiny pinpricks sink into the back of your skull. You have one moment to feel some sort of pressure on your mind before-


IceDevimon was furious. That mutated Gryzmon should have been deleted ten times over from his minion's poison, but the Daemon-cursed mutant had done the impossible in just ignoring it.

And now his prized minion, the Leomon he'd spent so long tormenting was dead. It had taken weeks and tens of thousands of bits to engineers the guardian's fall. But now that was all gone, stolen from him by *Verge*.

It was no wonder High Lord Astamon wanted him deleted.

Now the least he could do was carry out his master's wish and see this champion squashed. The Gryzmon may have been ludicrously strong for a champion, but he was a novice in the field of mental combat.

He was going to destroy this *Verge* from the inside. Slowly and painfully-

-what? How did a Knightmon get in-



-the IceDevimon flinches back from your head, his mouth open and screaming in pain. You reel from the sudden loss of mental pressure, wholly unsure of what just happened.

Your master barges in front of the demon a moment later, swatting him down with a single claw. This knocks your enemy free from his stupor, but that avails him little. MasterTyrannomon simply steps on the frosty digimon, pinning him in place.

"Are you well student?"

Am I… well? Am I?

"Aye. I am… what did he attempt?"

"He tried attacking your mind." The dinosaur snarls, spitting down at your futilely struggling enemy. "A cowardly tactic, from a despicable mon."

My mind can be attacked!... By the Ten, I must find a way to defend myself from that.

Your tutor raises a hand, intent on deleting the demon pinned beneath his foot.

"Wait! Don't delete me! I have information on the Gloaming's operations here!" The pleading has your master pause for a second, before swinging his colossal head over to look at you and scratching his neck.

"Hrm… I'm not technically part of the Host anymore so... What do you think student?"

===Choose One:

[] Tell your master to let him up, you're going to Rip IceDevimon Apart for what he's done.

[] Ask your master to Hold him until the *Subjugation Force* arrives. You'll turn him over as a prisoner just in case he does have useful information.

===Authors Note: Thanks for all the discussion guys! I'm proud to have all of you along on this quest! Also Stats will be updated tonight. So I hope ya'll are ready for some... impressive growth. As for this fight in particular, If Verge didn't have metallic bones and yggy armaments, he'd be a lot worse off. Think shattered instead of bent. Mutations and special gear FTW.

===MadLeomon's Rough Stats:
  • Strength: 6000
  • Fortitude: 5000
  • Endurance: 7000
  • Agility: 6500
  • Special: 5000
  • Spirit: 5500
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[X] Ask your master to Hold him until the *Subjugation Force* arrives. You'll turn him over as a prisoner just in case he does have useful information.