Chimairamon, lovely.

If its anything like the one that appeared in 02, then Unimon is probably dead if we don't heal him, because even a missed attack was still enough to take out an Armored Digimon.

So, I got to vote for it, even if I really wan to vote fore one of the other options.

[x] All of the fighting will have been for nothing if Unimon is not saved. Prioritize his healing and safety above defeating this opponent.
Won't Pit be a better healer since his is AOE and need to draw aggro from the rage best away from everyone else?

Also is anyone else in our group that is still here able to face this monster without getting destroyed in a attack or two?
[x] All of the fighting will have been for nothing if Unimon is not saved. Prioritize his healing and safety above defeating this opponent.
....Can we trade that for a Courage?
"Yes! You despicable creatures want nothing more than to-
Wait. They think the Host wants to destroy the world? Either they know something we don't or they have been feed bs. Either one is possible honestly.
Well scrap Dark Evo Chimera....TO BATTLE!
[X] You will match this creature of wrath with anger of your own, an equal contest. Heavy claws become light.
Let's show this beast True Fury and Fight!
Guys, we can't lose sight of the actual mission objective here. Fighting Chimeramon is all well and good, but we need to make sure that Unimon survives. That needs to be our priority.
[x] All of the fighting will have been for nothing if Unimon is not saved. Prioritize his healing and safety above defeating this opponent.

Remember the mission.
Chimeramon are unstable, especially when the Birdramon form was recently impaled. It's riding the post-evolution surge of power. Chimeramon have two abilities, especially in a fresh evolution:
-Claw attacks
-Poisonous heat lasers which explode on impact

So we look at the team:
-Drunky - She's the most fragile and slightly banged up, but also unlikely to be hit by collateral damage blasts since she's in the air and exploding lasers can't explode air. We cannot do anything about this.
-Sparks - Full health, and full energy. He's durable enough to take a few hits.
-Pit - Injured during the battle, but he SHOULD have been able to load his opponent? He's also flying and so we can't tank for him
-Beat - Nowhere to be seen. Wait for ninja interrupt.

Heal up Unimon and get him into the tunnel. Prepare to pull out so that the Chimeramon have to come down to the ground to stop us and then we can bear it.
Its stamina should be crap after a few big attacks
Given a few minutes of uninterrupted attacks, the Vortex Isle soldier could cause some major damage, even through your attempts at defense. So it's a good thing Sparks finishes his preparations in seventeen seconds. He lets out a final shout of "Magic Game" and pokes your rear-paw with and throws a *thin* black cord over your shoulder.

"Tis done. Grip this and throw thine bone. 'Twill bring that craven creature down!"

Trusting his plan, you clap down the cord with your jaws and sweep the bone up with a forepaw. Another line of fresh pain lashes across your side, but is ignored as you heft the construct up and throw.

Just as before Pteranomon sways aside, preemptively dodging the attack as it gears up a counter. But as it passes by, Sparks let's out a victorious chuckle.

The entire bone goes up in smoke as each of the cards he'd plastered on morphs. Each of the dozen pieces of paper plastered on erupt into series of weighted thick metallic nets. Your agile foe is caught completely unaware as the thick mesh streaks toward it, compelled by some unknown force.

A fierce mechanical shriek of distress rips out across the sky as Sparks's magically created mesh latches onto the armored mon's chasis, trapping it alongside your Crusher Bone. The cord in your mouth snaps taut and the Wizardmon's plan comes together perfectly.

Amazing. How did he make-Focus.
Incidentally Magic Game is one of those fiddly trick things you rarely see done well. Its done great here.
"Indeed." you agree with a smile, letting the enemy's remains drift away.

What the… Spirit's above what is this?

What almost looks like a silver winged digi-egg forms within Spark's combined net. It takes a second for your memory to match the object with what you'd seen in Magnamon's store.

That's a digimental! And the sign… it's a *love model* if we can store it then maybe-
While selling it is valuable, if that Armadimon is still around we might need it for an emergency powerup too.
"Mach Impulse!" Sharp constructs of energy expand out of the metal wings, but your friend is wholly undeterred. No, rather he leans forward to meet it head on even as the holy flame travels down to cover his arm.

"Heaven's", Pit's fist pistons forward to intercept the blade, his limb wreathed in an almost solid cloak of power. "Knuckle!"

There's no clash, no struggle as both powers struggle against each other. Your friend's blow shatters the energy-clad blade and continues on to drill straight through Holsmon's body.

His opponent goes wholly still, eye wide with disbelief as the smell of burning flesh wafts through the nest. A beat passes with only the distant sound of combat to disturb the silence, then the entire mon detonates in a burst of heat and light.


"By the Ten!"

-yeah that.
Pit's got his own deep reserves powerup huh? This whole team is freaks
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The air in your chest throbs, gorging itself not only on a thread of wrath, but traces of an unfamiliar instinctive yet instinctive power.
You repeated instinctive here, but traces of an unfamiliar yet instinctive power, would work.
Instead the blast only manages to lightly score it's metal shell, leaving a blackened scorched trail and minor hull damage.
A Crusher Bone soars upwards one nanosecond later, but just as your predicted, the Pteranomon easily shifts aside to let the projectile pass
What do they beleive the Host is doing?
His opponent goes wholly still, eye wide with disbelief as the smell of burning flesh wafts through the nest
Didn't Holsmon have two eyes, or did it get damaged during the fight?
Even nw the Stingmon is fulfilling his order of bringing the wounded equine to safety.
Your friend is fiercely injured, his back, chest and shoulders a mass of eighteen separate tails of claw-marks.
Trails makes more sense.
Beat is already bringing Unimon to safety he got us covered on that front.

Also Chimairamon had locked on us as a target, so attempting to heal Unimon now would only bring attention to him, so lets shelve that later and focus on the fight now.
[X] So much as you want to give in, this is a situation where you should defer to Pit and Darcmon. Get ready to block it's assault and weather the incoming storm.

In that case, Frame Reinforce and brace. Wrath and Desire are missing that the opponent is in the friggin sky. Dammit Gryzmon Instincts.
Alright, fine. I will be highly upset if Unimon ends up dieing because of this.

[X] So much as you want to give in, this is a situation where you should defer to Pit and Darcmon. Get ready to block it's assault and weather the incoming storm.

Here's hoping Avalon triggers again.
Theoretical Ultimate Evolutions: By UndreadFrog
Just some speculation I've done with regards to potential Ultimate forms, because to some extent just speculating and theory crafting is fun, as an aside I also include varients in this so please don't bug me about which variation would be better or not.

Likely Ultimate's: Ultimate mon that I think Verge is likley to become for one reason or another.

Why: It's both a natural evolution of Gryzmon and fits with Verge's current personality.
Powers: Good usage of wind abilities, good fighting skills.
Others: Unfortunately and like many of Verge's potential Ultimates it is not fluffy.

Mach Gaogamon
Why: Much like GrapLeomon it is a good fighter, in addition Verge has just shown off a sonic attack adding points in it's favor.
Powers: Good fighting abilities and some sound based powers.

Were Garurumon
Why: Like many of the likley options it appears to be a fighting focused Mammal Ultimate and it is described as being loyal something I feel pits Verge's devoted nature very well.
Powers: Third verse same as the first.

Why: It's X version is a natural evolution and seems to have a fitting personality for a hero.
Powers: Flight, the same fighting abilities as the above three.

Why: A combat focused deva this guy has many of the benefits the above mon two but is also good with magic to match Verge's own proficiency in the area, in addition among the mentioned mon this one is explicitly mentioned as having an honorable personality, though it's supposed 'detachment' is a big mark against it I don't seen it as enough to bump it down with everything else going for it.
Powers: Strong and a deva giving it good magic as well.
Other: Actually looking at the detamchment it mentions that as an aim and not as a personality trait in of itself making this seem more likley, if any mon where to become more likley due to the Dark Purple text I think this one could be it.
Confused: As a Centaur like digimon Verge's bipedal mutation may make this guy less likely.

Why: A natural evolution.
Powers: Fairly strong and apparently adds very good sight and hearing to Verge's list.... we'd basically be a detector character in this form if we kept our sense of smell.

Monzaemon (Panda and evil versions included for convience sake)
Why: It's a natural evolution of Verge's current form and could fit with the kind side of his personality.
Powers: It's adorable and that's all it needs, one of the few Sublimates the retains Verge's huggability.

Why: It's a powerful fighting focused mammal Ultimate whose emphasis on heroic deeds reference Flamemons ideals and whose potential membership in the Olympus 12 references our sibling relationship with Luna.
Powers: It's an action anime protagonist basically.

Why: Though it's data type is off and so far is the only one in this teir that's not a normal Gryzmon evolution it is both a physical fighter and a magic user much like Vjramon above it. However due to it's description as having a 'kind' personality I feel like these aspects would line up with Verge more.
Powers: Apparently pretty darn brutal when angered, otherwise it's got the deva package.

Reasonable: Mon I feel like we can reasonable assume that Verge is capible of becoming but aren't quite as likley as the others.

Why: Natural evoluton with a Justice focus, however it is ugly with Verge's painjob and is relegated to this tier because of it.
Powers: It's a deva what do you think?

Loader Leomon
Why: It's a mammal digimon with a talen for digging and spinning attacks in reference to Verge's Rookie form.
Powers: Its pretty much an digging machine weather that be through stone or other mon.
Other: Getting this would likley either involve Verge's Rookie form or regaining his love for digging.

Why: A duel Vaccine/Virus mon like Verge himself.
Powers: Very strong close claws that are likley to be further enhanced by Verge's nature, also a Gate user which is always scary.

Why: Mammel evolution.
Powers: Basically a Leomon with ice powers.

Why: A mammal based Ulimate, though one that's also machine based,
Powers: Missiles!
Notes: We can become kaiju eventually if we do this right... letz dooo eeeet!

Why: It's a mammal based humaniod Ultimate.
Powers: It has a hammer!.... and that's all anything really needs so far as power is concerned.

Why: It's fits the requirements of being a mammal Ulimate and like Verge it really hates senseless killing.... the only reason it isn't higher because Verge's current form is a bit of a blood knight and because it a bit on the op side.
Powers: Very powerful for an Ultimate.

Why: It is a large digimon, has powerful magic, has good support opportunities, sleeps much like Verge's bear form, is swoll like Verge, has a gentle personality, and while the profile might not indicate it Boars are freaking savage when you make them angry which I feel fits Verge perfectly.
Powers: Very powerful physically and has MAAAAGIC!.... like most deva actually.
Other: Hey.... if we become the turtle sovergn at some point in the quest would that make us digimon Gamora?
Notes: Can you tell I want this guy yet, because I do.

Why: Apparently replaces Centuramon in our currently evolution tree and as a result probably gets all of the traits that would have put in this teir if it wasn't so ugly. However it's personality leaves me skeptical.
Powers: Deva also it can fly!

Kaiser Leomon
Why: It's a mammal Ultimate.
Powers: It's an Ultimate level LW with all that entails.

Why: Another mammal Ulimate this one has the additional bonus of a just peronsality.
Powers: Ultimate Legendary Warrior, thats really all that needs to be said.

Why It's a fighting focused humaniod mammal digimon.
Powers: Good fighting, thunder powers, and flight a pretty good package all things considered.

Theories: Mon that I can see Verge becoming for a variety of reasons, but either are reliant on unconfirmed rumors, are extremely unlikely, or are mon we flat out don't want to be for one reason or another.

Why: Because it's a natural evolution of Gryzmon, however it not being a mammal based digimon knocks it down a few tiers in my books with Drex's statements.
Power: Actually very strong and has a potential instant kill attack in Erase Claw.
Other: This guys seem fairly unstable which when combined with their unlikely nature makes me put down in this category.

Why: It's a mammal based Ultimate and in Digimon is often seen as a caretaker for a village... in all honestly I think I
Powers: It's actually pretty darn strong and seems to have a Heaven's Gate lit attack with a built in IFF with its 'Hang on Death' attac.

Why: Mammal ultimate with powerful magic, it's so low because of it's $%@$! personality which ironically puts it at odds with one of my top choices for possible evolution.
Powers: Standard deva package plus sonic attack.

Why: Though it is a mega it is something that a Gryzmon can directly become though I feel it unlikely.... though the data from beyond 'The Gate' could be Arkadiamons I don't think it's likley and even if it is I doubt it's going to fire off while Verge is still a Champion.
Powers: It's a freaking mega of course it's scary strong!

Why: Another mammal Ultimate this one is lower because of stat differences, but it does have wind attacks which Verge has recently used.
Powers: The power of wind!

Why: Natural evolution but otherwise doesn't fit Verge in the least.
Powers: Why is this thing even on this list?

Why: Influence from Yiggy for the former and all that data from scratch for the later I don't really want either of these personality.
Powers: Melee focused fighters one of which is better at

Mad Leomon
Why: Possible Dark

Skull Baluchimon
Why: Possible Dark Digivolution.... really do not want.
Powers: Appears to have a lot of creepy fear based powers, and is creepy.

Why: Mammal Ulimate though Dex has mentioned personality conflicts.
Powers: Fairly strong.

Why: Yiggies influence, Verge's metallic parts, as well as the fact the that that Royal Knight whose skill Verge used is Craniumon.... surprisingly enough Adromons evolution tree ends in Craniumon. Also Andromon is just cool, I don't normally like getting more human with digimon protagonists but this guy is cool enough that I don't care.
Powers: Apparently just under da hax vampires physically.... at night! Also have lots of weapons on it!
Other: Hey given our power we should totally get a trenchcoat and neat hat if we go this route... and then we can give to em!

Why: Natural evolution.
Powers: It exists.

Why: It's a horrible mutant like Verge... I don't think it'll come about from anything good though.
Powers: A lot of stuff relating to manipulation of it's surroundings, pretty weird looking at it.

Anyway may or may not update this as things go... really tired now.
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Were Garurumon
Why: Like many of the likley options it appears to be a fighting focused Mammal Ultimate and it is described as being loyal something I feel pits Verge's devoted nature very well.
Powers: Third verse same as the first... also it has guns.
Other: A really angry guy with guns, an excessive power for it's supposed species, hatred of a demonic enemy, and good close combat skills... would this make Verge this worlds version of Doomguy?
Just one nitpick about this, WereGarurumon doesn't have guns, I think you're thinking of Metal Garurumon X-Antibody - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Also Drexal said he was replacing Caturamon with Mihiramon because of how ugly Caturamon looks.
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Why: A combat focused deva this guy has many of the benefits the above mon two but is also good with magic to match Verge's own proficiency in the area, in addition among the mention mon this one is explicitly mentioned as having an honorable personality, though it's supposed 'detachment' is a big mark against it I don't seen it as enough to bump it down with everything else going for it.
Powers: Strong and a deva giving it good magic as well.
Other: Actually looking at the detamchment it mentions that as an aim and not as a personality trait in of itself making this seem more likley, if any mon where to become more likley due to the Dark Purple text I think this one could be it.
One major mark against this one.

There is no fucking way to mutate a centaur into being bipedal.
Just one nitpick about this, WereGarurumon doesn't have guns, I think you're thinking of Metal Garurumon X-Antibody - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

Also Drexal said he was replacing Caturamon with Mihiramon because of how ugly Caturamon looks.
Got it, those changes have been added.

One major mark against this one.

There is no fucking way to mutate a centaur into being bipedal.
Also true, but then again it's top half is already humaniod so it might cancel out as it would with an already bipedal mon, we'd half to ask Drex how that would happen... but all add it as a note.
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[X] You will match this creature of wrath with anger of your own, an equal contest. Heavy claws become light.

We are a tank, and getting angry in turn seems like the best chance to keep him focused on us.
Were Garurumon
Why: Like many of the likley options it appears to be a fighting focused Mammal Ultimate and it is described as being loyal something I feel pits Verge's devoted nature very well.
Powers: Third verse same as the first... also X version has guns.
Other: A really angry guy with guns, an excessive power for it's supposed species, hatred of a demonic enemy, and good close combat skills... would the X version of this make Verge this worlds version of Doomguy?
Undead frog, it's Metal Garurumon X that has Guns, look Metal Garurumon X-Antibody - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki.

Were Garurumon X-Antibody - Wikimon - The #1 Digimon wiki

See the differences, MetalGarurumon is a Mega.