So tired.....
A magic, martial artist bear to be precise.
Also now that we have reached Champion, clearly it is time to start hypothesizing on Ultimate forms. Because unless was on discord, I don't think they've been stated.
GrapLeomon think can be safely assumed. It's a possible Digivolution for Gryzmon in most cases where Gryzmon pops up, a Beast Man form makes sense with Verge's mutant trait making him slightly more humanoid than others, and it gives spin attacks back after we've lost our drills (clearly most important thing lost). Other similar options would be WereGarurumon and MachGaogamon (normal or black variants for either), but feel this one is more likely.
Looking at wiki have both Monzaemon and Pandamon are listed as possible Digivolutions. But I'm guessing there is going to only be one giant teddy bear form as an option. And over those technically more canon two, I think we'd end up WaruMonzaemon. Reason is the left arm which is a grizzly bear rather than a stuffed animal.
Going off wikis, there are two Deva options which have already been discussed. Based off drex's dislike of the form, I expect will see Vajramon instead of Caturamon. Other option would be seeing is Mihiramon keeping the claws and fangs.
I'm expecting one more traditionally humanoid and knightly Digivolution and I think that will be Mistymon. Verge inherited some of his spells and fighting styles and I expect will probably swear some oath in his memory when combat and wrath wears off.
MadLeomon I see gets listed as an Ultimate and that's kind of what think makes sense for a dark Digivolution where lose self to wrath.
Mammothmon and Hippogriffmon are both options I see for remaining on all fours. Both also might work for continuing light magic use even if they are mythical beasts not holy beasts.
And finally Breakdramon because we must regain the drills. We need all the drills.
I'd say that WereGarurumon and MachGaogamon would be mutants as well
Sure it has more speed but is still Hugefuck Swolelord as well so ya know less speed than the average of those species but all other stats are high. With STR being sky-high at that
Heck I can even see it as MachGaogamon without the mecha-speedy parts and in a extreme case Verge evolves into MadLeomon but stays sane
Also playing Smash in preparation for Ultimate and now I want Warlock Punch Verge someway
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