So, had a brainwave. Scratch might have known Gramps. Hell, they might have served together.
I'll note that it's a BIG digital world. Not everyone knows/knew each other.
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Oct 18, 2018 at 2:17 PM, finished with 19 posts and 14 votes.
[X] Accept the Gorimon's offer. Finding out what you potential champions forms might be is an interesting idea.
Woot! 16 votes this time! :)

Vote will close in two hours.

Edit: Sorrt everyone no update tonight
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Oct 18, 2018 at 5:30 PM, finished with 22 posts and 16 votes.
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28th Day Of Light: Evolution Scanner Problems
[] Accept the Gorimon's offer. Finding out what you potential champions forms might be is an interesting idea.


"What do you say?" Gorimon grins, eagerly pointing a thumb over his shoulder "Want to take a look at your future, kid?"

Hmm, that... I mean I am curious about it and uh, I guess missing one night of studying can't hurt? It'll mean missing tonight with my wards but. Well, I think it's a good idea to find out what I can can become. Maybe... Maybe there'll be something like Agnimon? Probably not but I-well I have to keep my promi-

The powerful beast champion in front of you lets out an impatient cough, bringing you out of your deep thoughts.

"Oh! Yeah, I-I want to do it Gorimon." You give the furred mon a tentative nod and scramble to follow as he turns and starts walking towards the stairs. While you're considered enormous for a rookie the gym's owner is still almost twice your own height when reared up on your hind legs. Even a brisk walk on his part means you have to start jogging at the least in order to keep up.

"You've improved a lot, kiddo!" Gorimon exclaims as the two of you climb up the stairway. "You're the second strongest rookie I've ever met, and believe me; I've met some tough customers in my time in the ring! Oh yeah!"

"Umm... thanks?" You mumble, suddenly glad that thick fur is hiding your burning cheeks from view.

"No problem, kid. Hehe, don't worry about not being a champ yet. Any problem can be overcome through enough training! Oh Yeah!"


"Ah. Erm, hah hah ha-" You try to force out a jovial laugh, but end up cutting the fake-sounding noise off after a moment. Gorimon winks at you once in seeming understanding.


The two of you make your way up to the third floor in silence after that, only stopping to wave at Kangarumon as she shoos the rest of the customers out. You're more than a little curious as to why Gorimon is so willing, eager even, to let you stay and use the machine, but you figure asking him about his motives might come off as bit rude, especially considering the chance he's giving you.

Half a minute later both you and the Gorimon find yourselves on the third floor near the right wall overlooking the stairway. The champion points his cannon arm towards a large rotund machine made of smooth, light grey metal. A large ovoid opening easily big enough for the average rookie to stand up within (meaning you'll have to crawl) provides access to the cavernous insides. It takes a second for your eye to make out the internal details, but the surfaces look strangely similar to those of the table Frigimon had you lay on when you first arrived in town.

A thick cord extends out from the other end, snaking across the smooth black floor and up to a large screen set on the wall. Gorimon confidently strides up to the screen and raises his huge hand to tap on the surface. You blink in surprise as the contact actually lights the dark surface up, revealing a series of Digimoji symbols seemingly projected right onto the glass by what you can only guess to be some form of witchcraft.

You nervously eye the opening, wondering if you can even fit given your (relatively) immense size, but the nearby champion lets out a rowdy laugh of amusement.

"Don't worry about your fears and doubts! Just go inside, just do it!" He snaps his fingers for emphasis, and flashes you a confident grin. Despite the relatively darkness of the room you'd swear that light flashed off his pearly white teeth.

Umm. Alright then, I'll just…

You crouch before the entrance, put one paw inside, then begin crawling forward, stopping briefly when you're startled by the panels inside beginning to glow red. Your fur scrapes the edges, but thankfully there's just barely enough room for you to squeeze inside. Fortunately it's also long enough that your nose isn't quite hitting the back. Going by what Gorimon had said earlier, this process is supposed to take a while, and your first instinct is to try reading something to pass the time as the scanners try to figure your body out.

Unfortunately the space is too tight for you to really maneuver your arms enough to open your satchel. Perhaps you should have thought that through before you got in there.

Curses, I-I can't back out now! That would be rude! Umm, I. Just maybe I could count? That, well it isn't a bad idea I think.

You hold back a sigh of disappointment, as the machine begins to steadily beep, and close your eyes.

One, two, three, four, fi-


-nine thousand and ninety eight, nine thousand and ninety nine, nine thousand and… hold up. Wait. What's after that again? T-ten... thousand?... How high do numbers go? If I just keep on counting will it go on forever? Is it truly Infinite or-? Wait, Infinite? When did I learn that word? How did I learn that?! Why is that that-

"What in the name of the Legendary Warriors is-" You hear the faint voice of Gorimon exclaim before a blaring sound rips through your ears as the scanning machine begins to shake.

Ow, what's going o-

"-Oh no! Get outta there kid!"

That's more than enough to motivate you. You struggle to scramble backwards out of the hole, claws scraping across the ground as you shove your rear end free. The rest of your body follows a moment later even as the area begins to fill up with smoke.

"What's going on?!" Whirling about, you look towards the powerful champion- who's just staring at the screen with furrowed brow. Your eye follows his gaze towards the display where a single message is flashing across the large glassy surface

Error? That uh, can't be good.

Gorimon blinks once, tries to tap it a few more times, then growls in frustration. His cannon arm begins to glow as energy concentrates inside- then cuts off suddenly as the gym's owner takes a deep breath.

"Must be defective, friggin' Datamon and their stupid guarantees-" He grumbles, before turning back towards you.

"Um, what ah... What happened?"

The retired wrestler lets out a snort of forced amusement, and shrugs.

"Hunk of junk glitched up is all." He responds, "It gave me a bunch of nonsense then just started flashing error."


Then I guess this was just... just a waste of time.

The champion stares at you for a few seconds, then begins laughing again.

"Funny thing, want to know what it said?"

"That is-I. Yes"

"Got it. Funny thing, it's database didn't have a template for rookie Drimogemon. The closest thing it could bring up of was a Bearmon, figured it should have been close enough but..." Gorimon starts. "Normally it just gives me a list, but this time the screen tried to show off four at once! And oh yeah! Most were pretty darn silly!"

"They were?"

"You better believe it kid! Whoever heard of a Drimgoemon becoming a BlackGatomon or Witchmon? Pfft! Something must have been screwy with the sensors."

For a moment you try to imagine yourself as Ardat... then are caught between shuddering and trying not the laugh. What comes out of your mouth is more of a squeak than anything else.

"Exactly, pfft. No way you'd become either of those, don't have the right configuration or programming for it. Or the equipment..." he mumbles the last part under his breath. Gorimon narrows his eyes at you for a second, looking you up and down then shakes his head. "I know the other two; Gladimon and Gryzmon, are because of the template, so don't get your hopes up about them."

Gryzmon like that bear from class and... wait, Gladimon? Like Scratch!?

You blink a few times wondering just how in the heck that would work. It's not like you've ever used swords before, and the evolution might actually make you shrink. Which would be all kinds of weird.

Having actual thumbs would be... Interesting? Maybe?

"Don't worry about it kid, I've met a Drimogemon or two back when I was still in the ring. One even evolved into a Digmon. I bet that's what you're gonna be, oh yeah!"

Digmon? What's that? Hmm, it sounds like it would be good at digging! That, it wouldn't be bad bad. But it's not what I need. I-I need to be strong. Strong enough to delete Count and Repulsa, to rescue Lunamon. Strong enough to keep my oath.

Despite the revelations, you still can't help but feel somewhat disappointed by the turnout. At best you'd hoped it would be something strong, maybe even something that could match up with Flamemon's evolved form, but in the end Gorimon's machine hadn't actually told you much of anything.

...wait a second. Frigimon said my body was half virus and half vaccine so does that means what happened was my-oh. Umm. Erm, I uh don't think it would be a good idea to tell him.

Gorimon gives the scanning machine a small kick with his foot, finally shutting off the infernal beeping.

"I should, uh go..." You murmur, trying not to look directly at the beast digimons face.

"It is late" He muses. "Sorry about what happened, friggin' scanner. I'll make it up to you sometime."

I should be the one apologizing...

"Oh Yeah! Good luck on your next mission kid. I'll be rooting for you!"

"...thanks, Gorimon. I-uh appreciate it."

Just go, go now before he gets suspicious Verge!

=== In the morning Verge will have one time slot before heading out to meet Sergeant Scratch for the next mission. Choose One:

[] Spend the morning with your wards, but this time make sure Ardat doesn't interfere.

[] Do some more Training:

[] Strength Focus: 4 Strength, 1 Fortitude, 1/2 Endurance
[] Agility Focus: 4 Agility, 1 Strength, 1/2 Endurance
[] Fortitude Focus: 4 Fortitude, 1/2 Endurance 1 Strength
[] Endurance Focus: 4 Endurance, 1 Agility, 1 Strength


Authors Note: Hehe, I've been waiting for this moment with the scanner since the idea was first introduced! If it ever came up I was just waiting for place this stuff in. Beta'd by @TempestK and @no.
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[] Spend the morning with your wards, but this time make sure Ardat doesn't interfere.

I'd vote for training if we hadn't already ignored them to do the scanner thing.

And yeah, so much for "using the scanner will give Verge peace of mind and knowledge that he definitely won't blow up". I'm not really sure what the thought behind the second part was.

[X] Strength Focus: 4 Strength, 1 Fortitude, 1/2 Endurance

Actually, screw it. The kids are fine. Time to actually act power-hungry like we're supposed to be.
"You better believe it kid! Whoever heard of a Drimgoemon becoming a BlackGatomon or Witchmon? Pfft! Something must have been screwy with the sensors."

Oh god Ardat gave Verge digital aids. Bleh nasty Proto-Nazar Nail! Godamn Succubus!

[X] Do some more Training:
[X] Strength Focus: 4 Strength, 1 Fortitude, 1/2 Endurance
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I just want to digivolve into something that doesnt have magic as its main theme. I mean Sparks Ardat and Scratch kinda cover that gig
Oh god Ardat gave Verge digital aids. Bleh nasty Proto-Nazar Nail! Godamn Succubus!
Either that or her she subconsciously really wants a big sister.

Lets not raise our special until we become champ just to be safe though, we already were half virus to begin with so whatever that is it probably has more data to work with then we'd like.

But no really looking back at the update in the immediate aftermath when apologizing her first reaction is to say that 'She' first which might mean her other half for all it's potential isn't quite a superpowered evil side and might even have been bluffing when it threatened us.

It's just that bluffing against the Berserkermole ends up badly for everyone.
"Don't worry about it kid, I've met a Drimogemon or two back when I was still in the ring. One even evolved into a Digmon. I bet that's what you're gonna be, oh yeah!"
He's met Rookie Drimogemon before? Or were these Champions who evolved into other Champions?
Authors Note: Hehe, I've been waiting for this moment with the scanner since the idea was first introduced! If it ever came up I was just waiting for place this stuff in. Beta'd by @TempestK and @no.
How would it have changed if we did it before getting data from Ardat inside us? Or was that caused by Repulsa's curse?
I just want to digivolve into something that doesnt have magic as its main theme. I mean Sparks Ardat and Scratch kinda cover that gig
We know OOC what our Champion possibilities are. None of them are magic focused.
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"Ah. Erm, hah hah ha-" You try to force out a jovial laugh, but end up cutting the fake-sounding noise off after a moment. Gorimon winks at you once in seeming understanding.

Is..Is he implying he knows how Verge feels?

"What in the name of the Legendary Warriors is-"

Eeyyy He's a believer in the Ten!

"You better believe it kid! Whoever heard of a Drimgoemon becoming a BlackGatomon or Witchmon?

I'm sorry but Wtf? BlackGato I can kinda understand, but why the Dark is Witchmon a possibility?!

"I know the other two; Gladimon and Gryzmon, are because of the template, so don't get your hopes up about them."

Wonder why these two?

Digmon? What's that? Hmm, it sounds like it would be good at digging! That, it wouldn't be bad bad. But it's not what I need. I-I need to be strong. Strong enough to delete Count and Repulsa, to rescue Lunamon. Strong enough to keep my oath.

Oh. That's why.

[X] Do some more Training:
[X] Strength Focus: 4 Strength, 1 Fortitude, 1/2 Endurance

I'm leaning on training for right now, although I will say it's super temping to be with our spidybois without the Witch near.
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...BlackGatomon? Witchmon?! I, uh, what? :confused:
>ThatOtherSatori.EXE Has Encountered an Error and Needs to Restart<
I think that the BlackGatomon data is due to Repulsa's curse. Witchmon... I'm not sure if that's an effect due to Ardat's attack, or something else.

[X] Spend the morning with your wards, but this time make sure Ardat doesn't interfere.

Frankly I think we need to be a bit more impactful on the boys' development here. Maybe tell them not to antagonize Bearmon too much, and maybe try to make friends.
I just want to digivolve into something that doesnt have magic as its main theme. I mean Sparks Ardat and Scratch kinda cover that gig
I'm pretty sure the scanner was being thrown off due to Verge having viral data from Ardat and Repulsa in his system. It's unlikely that he can actually become BlackGatomon or Witchmon.

We know OOC what our Champion possibilities are. None of them are magic focused.
And this kind of thing is why I think it was a mistake to give out information to the players about Verge's options.
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I'm pretty sure the scanner was being thrown off due to Verge having viral data from Ardat and Repulsa in his system. It's unlikely that he can actually become BlackGatomon or Witchmon.
We did end up discovering all our champion forms in threat before getting those bits of data inserted though....dun dun dun!

I kid your probably right on that front.

Still no matter our champion form... I will be sad that one day we may end up having to leave our drills behind.

So nice for hurting people we don't like and digging.
[X] Spend the morning with your wards, but this time make sure Ardat doesn't interfere.

Because spending time with our kids before we leave is pretty much standard now and I want to keep up the tradition.

As hugs and happy memories can conquer all. :D
So guys, I've had a brainwave. Verge is Kenichi Shimihara. Not in the sense that he's got a ton of different masters teaching him, but in the sense that he started out as an absolute coward that's forcing himself to become a powerful fighter for the sake of those close to him.