Winning Vote:
-[] Auger needs help with some digging, and Gramps has decided that you're the best digimon for the job.
G-Gramps needs me to go with A-auger? A-alright I'll, I'll do it then. Flamemon took care of the Goblimon, and Augers strong, h-he can handle it. I hope.
You hesitantly give the scarred Elecmon a nod of acquiescence, and then turn away towers the gate...only to freeze as the older rookies front paw lands on your fur.
"He really is fluffy" Gramps quietly mutters to himself. "I talked with with Sorcerymon ten above he's a weird mon." Gramps grumbles, "Bah, anyways he gave me the thousand bits for you, here." Something vaguely squarish lands on your back. "I'd been saving this for when you digivolved, but with everything that's happening...." He trails off into a second of silence before shrugging. "I think the ten would want me to hand it over now."
A-a bag for me?....
"Thanks Gramps"
"Mhmm, Auger's in his hut, go wake him up. Oh yeah, good work on the stuttering."
Is that what it's c-called?
"He'll get over it one day" Elecmon murmurs before shakes his head. "Aah, one last thing Verge. Don't let Auger split up the wealth, Greedy Armadillomon will take everything if you let him"
Would Auger r-really do that? He seemed...nice I think? But Gramps doesn't lie so.....I-I should listen to him.
"O-okay Gramps. I'll try."
With that the scarred Elecmon hops away, leaving you alone in front of your hurt. Since Lunamons still sleeping for now, you're free from her trying to get you to play again. Though you have little doubt that she'll be up by the time you get back.
Honestly, you're still more than a little uncomfortable about her new form, but there are only so many shelters available in the village. Gramps hadn't sought fit to tell her to move in with someone else, meaning that the...odd digimon would be sleeping beside you for the foreseeable future.
"Alright. N-next up. Auger." You shuffle around until your drill is pointed at his shelter then pause.
Right the bag!
Quickly you reach up with your left front paw and move to grasp it off of your back. Upon examination, the large square bag proves to be quite sturdy easily able to withstand your claws moving it, and even has a couple holes fitted in for your drills to go in. This proves to be the release for the top, which pops open to reveal more space than the size should allow. There's a small cyclinder thing inside, tucked into a pouch near the top.
By my estimations this can allow me to store four point six-five times as much matter as should be feasibly Wh-where did that come from?
You shudder in concern, then close the bag, using the large strap to hang it over your neck. The last thing you notice about the bag is it's colour.
=== Choose One:
[] Grey: Somehow it, protective even.
[] Black: For some reason the color makes you feel comfortable.
[] Red: Like Flamemon! Your favourite colour!
Waking up Auger proves to be a far more difficult task than you initially imagined. Shouting proves useless against the heavily snoring Armadillomon, even when you manage to find the courage to do it right by his head. Since you're not comfortable with hitting him, that doesn't leave you with many more ideas to actually try.
In the end you simply decide to dig underneath the bigger rookie before collapsing the tunnel to make him fall a couple feet down. Unlike you he hadn't bothered to use makeshift bedding, and because of that there was nothing to cushion his fall.
The formerly deep sleeping mon is not angry at your actions, far from it. He actually thanks you (albeit sleepily) for waking him up. The rookie proves excited to head out for 'that thing' and waddles our of his hut, heading for the villages gate.
On the way over you spot Sorcerymon energetically speaking with Gramps about sale thing, and find it hard to not start quivering. Seeing him reminded you about the story from last night.
Arena City, The Gladiator, Malkimon....
Your head twitches to the side as pain strikes you for a second time. Something about that sad story was hurting you. Those familiar names, what happened, to the place itself. It made you uncomfortable, frightened, and left not wanting to hear the tale ever again.
Still, even with those thoughts fresh in your mind there's no time to stay still. You leave the village with Auger and start heading towards the more mountainous area south of the village. Auger mumbles to himself throughout most of the journey, more or less ignoring you as he focuses on whatever it was that he'd found.
Just as the two of you are about to exit the forest, someone shouts something out from behind you.
=== Choose One:
[] "Pepper Breathe!"
[] "Bunny Blast!"
[] "Super Shocker!"
Instinctively You: (Choose One)
[] Freeze in place
[] Start digging downwards.
[] Jump Towards Auger