Cult Creator - The Pilgrims Journey
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The Pilgrims.

Idealists, Dreamers, Inventors. They find a home within the Pilgrims for their ideas, and their drive to create a better world through hard work and ingenuity.

The Broken, Scarred, Unwanted, and Mutated. Driven from society by the actions of others, or through birth, forced to eke out an existence barely above starving. Welcomed with open arms, hearths, and hearts. Many of them find their first true home by our side, as we fight for their rights, their dignity, and future.

We know what it means to be faced with insurmountable odds, to fight for things that we will never see come to pass, and to be declared childish dreamers, striving for the unobtainable.

And we agree, our goals are impossible. But we do not see it as a reason to give up. The path we chose may be eternal, but we do not walk it alone.

And maybe, you will walk with us?
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The Beginning


Unverified Monstergirl

You have four resources: Material, Faithful, Goodwill, and Piety.

is your wealth in a tangible sense. It is things like steel, wood, food, and other things. Anything that can be traded and is wanted. Your people will generate 0.02 material per turn per person. 50 people = 1 material. Buildings or programs can increase it.

-Faithful are followers who have dedicated themself fully to your cause. Followers are people who subscribe to your ideas but won't die for it without reason. Every unocupied follower raises your chance to get one faithful by 1%, one faithful occupies 25 followers, but there can be more faithful than followers due to events killing/dissuading followers. A new faithful isn't created until enough followers are recruited again. They run all your operations and keep things functioning without your oversight or give a +1 if assigned to an action (max. 6).

-Goodwill(GW) is very intangible and incredibly useful. With it, you can negate a failure with a 5 to 1 point exchange (specific tenents could reduce this), exchange it for materials, construct suspicious buildings (like compounds, armories, and individual shops), reduce the time spent doing something, recruit a faithful immediately, be used to better your relationships with a faction and any unique uses you like to perform.

-Piety indicates how devoted your followers are to your cause. You start at 50%, and every 5%, you gain either +5 or -5 to personal actions. At 5%, you roll one 1d2 to determine whether your cult disbands or you gain another turn. At 25%, you roll with a disadvantage on one random task. 50% has no mali or Boni. 75% grants you one 1d6 to add to either roll or result. 95% gives you a free action of any kind (must be one turn long). Piety decays by one 1d6-4 per turn.

Every four turns, there is a disaster roll if the previous one is solved. 1d100 is rolled for what, another 1d100 for how severe. There are two types of threats; passive and active. Passive ones run out after four turns and are things like plagues or famine. Active ones take 1d4 turns to activate. During that time, you can disrupt or eliminate them. They are things like a rampant machine factory, amassing mutants, or religious cleansings.

Factions will have opinions on you, that will shape how they treat and react to you. Enemies - Rivals - Unfriendly - Neutral - Friendly - Friends - Allies

Be aware that certain combinations of actions and tenents can evolve to make things better or worse for you.

But, let's start the story;

The world of Calynth is not an excellent place to live. After the Collapse, an event almost nothing is known about, most of the planet is shrouded in the dust- and sandstorms, deserts of all kinds stretch for weeks in all directions, and the hollow shells of ancient crumbling towers sprout like forests amid the rusting husks of war machines of personal or titanic size. Mutants crawl amidst these monuments to man's folly, mad beyond hope by chemicals and pain.

All is not lost; however, for man is tenacious if nothing else. New civilizations have arisen from the ashes of the ones before, clinging to life, struggling to survive, fighting against all the odds to thrive. Yet, people live in them, laughing, crying, loving, hating, despairing, hoping.

You are one of them. Tell me, what is your homeland like?

[ ] The Slatnan Empire
Amidst mountains and caves, between cliffs and in fertile valleys, are the cities of your home. Your people are hardy by nature, distrustful of change, and foreigners. The Imperial family rules by an iron fist and dictates and enforces the law by the nobles and the military, presenting a united front. The truth is different, however. The nobles bicker and feud for power, wealth, and land. Maybe you can exploit that?
(Shadow War - All threats are delayed by additional 1d4-2 turns, passive and active due to stockpiling and paranoia of the nobles.)

[ ] The Sacred Lands of the Everliving Sun
This land is the birthplace of another cult, now turned state religion. The people are pious, peaceful, and kept docile by a lack of education and religious fervor. Flagellants seek atonement for perceived sins by killing and subsequently dying to mutants. The lands are coastal and swampy, the cities on the shore, or in interconnected and repurposed Walkers or Landcrawlers. The will of the clergy is carried out by the Inquisition, by brutally intimidating, re-educating, or simply publicly killing dissenters. Should you be able to survive long enough, there will be a treasure trove of people waiting to join, hoping that you are better than the Disciples of the Evertorch.
(Anybody but them - 25% bonus to all successful recruitment drives, faithful occupy only 15 followers.)

[ ] The United Mercantile Cities of Dul
Situated amidst wide-ranging canals and old roads, this collection of cities dance to the beat of trade. Due to the channels only having saltwater, extensive desalination-plants were set up, supplying the citizens who remain cheerful, free, and thrifty in the face of sparse water and annual mutant attacks. Due to their different and everchanging fortunes, the merchants rely on mercenaries to enforce the law and protect them. Yet they do not care for the ordinary people beyond their money and leave them alone to pray to who- or whatever they wish. Expect many rivals and conflicts.
(We have the means - Materials are collected by a rate of 0.04 per follower and merchants may sponsor you, should you support them.)

[ ] The Wastes
Despite the name, the wastes are full of life, as long as you know where to look for it. The people here are diverse and hardy. They are, however, in a constant struggle for resources and have no qualms in taking what they want or need. Expect many challenges and opportunities here.
(Sands of Fortune - roll 1d100 for a chance and 1d100 for how grand it is.)

[ ] Write-in

Ah, that explains some of your philosophies and the tenets you made. But what was your bedrock? The foundation of Your belief?

[ ] Christianity
The Son, The Father, and The Holy Ghost. Are they the same, or are they different? If the same, what does that mean, if not, what does that mean? So many ways, so many interpretations from just this tiny part alone.
(Charismatic - +5% to all diplomatic rolls and Faithful give +3 per assignment.)

[ ] Islam
Much has been lost of the ancient scriptures; many holy sites are destroyed and desecrated. Yet, this Faith is still alive and thriving, new traditions replacing the old and many seeking guidance among their many sects.
(Widespread - all recruitment actions have an additional 2d6 and produce +1 Goodwill)

[ ] Judaism
An incredibly ancient collection of holy men, priests, and texts have carried this belief trough the worst and best of times. Now is just another test that they will endure.
(Ancient Knowledge - Pool of 20 Points to distribute to rolls before rolling.)

[ ] Humanism
They say that a human is mired in sin, that you are wrong, and need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree. In every human is good, in every person exists the capacity to create greatness. You just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? - 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)

[ ] The Bizare and Rare
There are many religions, cults, and beliefs that are too small, numerous, or unknown in these parts to be adequately documented. Maybe you should tell me what yours is like?
(Unkown - Write your own belief.)

Fantastic. So we have the foundation, what about the walls? The FIRST TENET? Choose wisely; you will only unlock three in the story; this one included.

[ ] Plows to swords
Peace is not our way, for the world is full of horrors. To raise a weapon is to build a light of hope for a brighter tomorrow for us.
(All Military Units start at Level 2; Militia(-5) instead of Level 1; Untrained(roll with disadvantage +-10). Military upkeep is halved.)

[ ] What was will be
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, size depending on the site.)

[ ] Holy Ground
Some places are sacred by virtue of their beauty, significance, or performed rites.
(Can consecrate places/buildings with a personal action to eliminate Piety/Goodwill upkeep.)

[ ] Monuments of Glory
Be it a grand hospital or a church chiseled into a mountain; these places create awe in all who visit.
(Can construct costly monuments to create Piety/Goodwill and passively recruit people(Depends on their scale).)

[ ]Unyielding
This is your belief, your people, your home. If someone wants to take you away, they better be ready to kill you.
(Other Cults and Churches will be unable to infiltrate your Faithful and will find it harder to sway your followers.)

Yet, not all create a cult, or lead one just because they can. There are always hidden motivations to consider, what is yours?

[ ] Blood
Your family had always led this cult, but you were driven and hunted almost to extinction by another actor. And you will see them burn and die for their crimes against you and yours.
(Unlocks The Ancient War storyline.)

[ ] Power
There is something about people looking up to you, listening to you, idealizing you, that feels addictive to you. You want, no, need, more of that.
(Unlocks All Mine, ALL MINE storyline.)

[ ] Faith
You genuinely believe that what you are doing is right and just.
(Unlocks True Grace storyline.)

[ ] ???
(????? - ????/???%&?)

Interesting. But now. Now we talk about you. You created a cult, after all, tell me; was it intentional?

[ ] Yes
You needed your message out there, and you were fighting to make sure it was heard.
(start with 2 Faithful, 50 followers, 10 Materials, 5 Goodwill. Unkown to all factions = no actions against you. For now. Start Organized and with a threat-roll)

[ ] No
Look, I just woke up one morning and realized I had people following me, listening to my mad rambles. Shit was wild; I tell you that.
( start with: 1d20 Faithful, 2d100 Followers, 2d12 Materials, 2d6 Goodwill. Factions aware and confused by you = they will act if you are perceived as a threat. You start disorganized, but you have four turns before a threat is rolled.)

Huh, so people like you exist. But I can't just keep calling you "that person," so, what is your name, and what did you do for your trade before all this?


[ ] Write-In


[ ] Printer

[ ] Laborer

[ ] Merchant

[ ] Soldier

[ ] Cultist

[ ] Scavenger

[ ] Write-In

Well then. That would be all I think. So let us begin this tale of yours!
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Turn 1: Year 0; Month 0; Your New Life
[X] Plan: We are the Pilgrims

Oil, blood, screams. The rhythmic thumping of a Walker wading through the corpses of your family, your friends, your World, seeing your brother being cleaved in two by its sword. Those are your earliest memories, preserved by trauma and fear. The weeks after that are more akin to a haze than the crystal-clear pictures of death and carnage. You have no idea how you ended up at the tent in the middle of nowhere, only that an old woman asked you if you were okay. You were not, half-starved, half-mad from grief, and an infection. Yet, she took you in. Making you a bowl of soup and tending to your injuries. Giving you food when you were hungry and medicine when you were sick, work to occupy your mind, and a place to sleep. But she did more than that.

You spent the following months being nothing more than an automaton, devoid of higher thought, refusing to believe that what had happened was real. But Ms.Dall was there, giving you something to do, to occupy your mind. You remember screaming until you could no longer, crying until it hurt. Cursing the World, the Gods and Ms.Dall, not for a specific reason, but simply because you had no one else to scream at. And throughout it all, she held you tight, stopping you from losing yourself in rage. You deluded yourself, thinking that this was all just a horrible dream, a nightmare, and not reality. She had none of that, merely forcing you to acknowledge fact with the strength of will only the elderly could posses after a life of hardship. And the terrible day when you could no longer deny reality, and when you were unable to rage on against fate, she was there, seeing you through.

The years after that were hard. But day after day, the wound healed. Week after week, you built anew atop the old and alongside the way you fell in love with machines. Surprising giving your past, but there was something about them that fascinated you. The thrum of ancient motors, the clear lines of old buildings, the genius that went into their creation intoxicated your young mind. You could spend days disassembling destroyed machines, solely for the joy of figuring out what they were used for, even if you seldom succeeded. This hobby of yours turned out to be very profitable too! Enough to justify fending off the mutants, machines, and wildlife that had nested in the sites you scavenged. But while you dreamt of what the World would be if you could bring all this ancient knowledge back, time did not stop for Ms.Dall. Somehow she sensed that she would die and talked with you about your life, the World, and your place in it. After a tearful conversation you went to leave the tent, but stopped. A question was coming to mind that had remained unanswered for all the time you spent with her—a question whose answer you feared more than anything.

"Why did you save me?" you asked. "There was nothing you could have gained from saving me."

She only looked at you like you were an idiot and said: "Because I am human."

Ms.Dall died that night at 92 Years old. You buried her in all the honors you were able to.

The next years you traveled the breadth and span of the empire, looking at all that the World held, new places, and old ruins. You saw the Capital, the Green Dunes, and the Forest of Rust. And through it all, four words rang true; Because I am human. However, they seemed to only ring true for you. The churches and temple you visited, the priests and monks you asked and discussed with, all said the same, like actors with different masks playing the same performance.

They said that humans are full of sin, incapable of good without their God. They said that Good comes from God, not man. That the Collapse was the result of rampant immorality and disrespect to their God. You politely, but firmly, told them to go fuck themself. Humanity did not need the gods to be good; you were not unable to care without some omnipresent deity standing behind you with promises of eternal damnation. Humanity had an innate need to care about each other, your very souls calling out to work together for a brighter future.

Humanity was not an animal in the guise of people, to be brought to heel at gods whip, but a being of beauty, shining eternal in the light of kindness and curiosity inherent in all of you. Every time you shared your food, your campfire, songs and stories, dreams, and hopes, sorrows, and woes, grief and pain, it was there—that glimmer of inexpressible greatness resting inside all, just waiting for a moment to shine, beneath the layers of self-lamentation, self-hatred, and lies of the churches. You could not quietly stand by when someone chained themself to sins they never committed. So, you told people what you thought. You helped who could be helped and all who cried out for a chance to escape the nightmares that society forced them to build. You could not help everyone, some did not want your help, some were beyond your ability to heal, and some left before you could try.

But you noticed something a few weeks ago. That on your quest to help humanity, some had followed you, through the good and bad. That these people looked at you, not as a mad rambler, but something akin to a leader. And you realized; you were the leader of these people. Those disparate souls wandering the World had searched for something to believe in and had found it in your philosophy, your words. They had taken what you gave and had stoked the sparks of hope that they thought extinguished. This revelation awakened something inside you, something that recalled an old dream of yours; to build a better world. And if these people had shown you one thing, it was that you could do so. So, you asked them: "Will you help me build a better world for all?". They agreed, and now as you watch the dawn of a new day, you cannot help but feel that this is the start of something bigger than yourself.

Pick 2:

[ ] Survey your people
If you are doing this, you need to know who follows you why and for what.
(Reward: 1d20 Faithful, 2d100 Followers, more information about your follower's motivations and hopes.
Unlocks Faith Action (1/3))

[ ] Organize your people
No organization can prosper in chaos; you need to set up some structure and responsibilities among your people, as well as see what odds and ends they are willing to give to your cause.
(Chance: 90%
Reward: 2d12 Materials
Unlocks Faith Action (2/3), Unlocks Base Action (1/2))

[ ] Choose a home
You will need to set up shop in one region to concentrate your efforts. This has the bonus of profiting off the local resources and landmarks. Don't worry; you will be able to expand with outposts in the future.
(What was will be + Scavenger = Forest of Rust
Unlocks Base Action (2/2), Unlocks Learning Action (1/2)
Note: Your Base will not be built immediately, you will need to vote on the specific place, all with advantages and disadvantages.)

-[ ] The Capital
The Home of the Imperial family and most populated city in the empire, located inside an extensive cave system.

-[ ] The Green Dunes
It is named due to the weird grass that seems to grow from the sands itself. Filling but bland. No Mutants nearby.

-[ ] Slatnans Womb
The center of food production, guarded by Knights, shoddier, and overall worse, versions of pre Collapse Walkers.

-[ ] Bone Valley
Bunch of dead animals, minerals, and plenty of desperate people here.

-[ ] Forest of Rust
The Tessen Trade Route connects dozens of cities and hundreds of villages, all situated near a crater that borders the wastes. Inside that crater sits the "Forest of Rust." A gargantuan metropolis that takes weeks to traverse the edge off, even by sand-lizard, filled with towers and buildings, virtually untouched by scavengers. Unfortunately, it is also home to mutants. Expect to fight for precious sites. But it will be worth it, should you survive the struggle.

[ ] Feel out the Locals
While the locals seem somewhat amenable to your presence, the biggest smiles can hide the sharpest daggers. Find out if any local factions have any plans for dealing with your people.
(Chance: 70%
Reward: 2d6 Goodwill, Details about local organizations/cults, and potential future moves+goals.
Unlocks Diplomacy Action (1/2))

[ ] Feel out the Elites
The Lords and Churches are unlikely to have any opinion on you beyond you as a pawn, but what moves do they plan for you to take?
(Chance: 70%
Reward: Details about local Noble Houses and Churches and potential future moves+goals.
Unlocks Diplomacy Action (2/2))

[ ] Pick a Symbol
Not everybody can read, and a symbol is something powerful in its own right. It gives an identity, describes your purpose, and lets you identify your (future) operations at a glance.
(Supply a Symbol
Reward: Unlocks Personal Action (1/2), Unlocks Faith Action (3/3))

[ ] Write that Good Book
Not everybody will be able to learn your teachings in one sitting, and you will soon grow beyond your ability to do so anyway. Write down the Core and basic principles of your belief. Shouldn't be too hard, right?
(Chance: 40%
Reward: Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1 (Passive recruitment depending on quality),
Unlocks Personal Action (2/2), Unlocks Learning Action (2/2))

Voting will be closed on the 23.03.20 at 0:00 o'clock CET.
Turn 2: Year 0; Month 3; Humbled But Proud
The Pilgrims
Structure & Tenents

Origin: Humanism
They say that a human is mired in sin, that you are wrong, and need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree. In every human is good, in every person exists the capacity to create greatness. You just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? - 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)

First Tenet: What was will be
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, size depending on the site.)
Member/Ressource Statistics
Members: 85
-Faithful: 1/1
-Followers: 84 (59 unoccupied)

Materials: ? (+1.68 per turn)

Goodwill: ?

Piety: 48% (No effects)
The Common People: Friendly
Unique/Notable Assets

During the last three months, you felt many things.

Excitement; for taking the first step to a better world.
Confusion; when your people decided things without you.
Anger; when they spent a large amount of money in a circus.
Shock; when you realized that you thought yourself above them, that they should follow your commands without question or doubt.
Shame; as you realized that you had begun to treat them as something beneath you, instead of the equals that they were.
Humbled, when you reflected on your behavior, your outlook on what should be done, and when you discussed this with Nexa Lurun.
Determined; to strive to be better than you had been before, for yourself, for the Pilgrims, for everyone.

But you not only experienced emotions, but you also experience the glimpses of 84 lives and the tale of one in particular—the story of Nexa Lurun, first of the Pilgrims and a friend to you.

Nexa was born to a protestant priest of the Christian faith. Her early life revolved around bible studies and the proper rituals to honor God. She never had a reason to question His will or His methods. Until seven years ago, that is, for that was the day her family died in a fire she caused. As she told you, an accident while cooking with grease had set both the kitchen and her ablaze, leading to the left side of her face being permanently scarred and her left arm amputated. While on fire, she ran out of the house in a panic, knocking over a large shelf, blocking the exit. Once outside, she was put out by bystanders and watched as a sea of flames hungrily devoured her Home, her parents, and siblings, the door blocked by the shelf. The fire spread rapidly due to the dry wood, not giving any rescuers any chance to help those trapped inside. The weeks after that were worse than hell. She blamed herself for their deaths, thinking that she was entirely at fault and looked for guidance in God and His priests. They gave only scorn, blame, and hate. Refused by the only faith she had known, being told that she was a murderer and deserved to burn in hell for her sins by those she trusted, it broke her completely.

Broken, broke, and with no one to turn to, she ended up on the streets. She barely made enough money to survive, having to eat rotten food and sleep in alleys or under bridges, at the mercy of nature and those who prey upon the desperate. Over time she lost her faith, and her mental health deteriorated to the point where she had lost her will to live, believing that she should die for what she had done, that she was not deserving of her life. So, she walked out of the city into the desert, to a ruin that was rumored to have dangerous beasts living in it. She reached it two days later, almost dead from exhaustion and dehydration, and went into the collapsed tower to meet her death. Three hours later, she was running from a mutant dog, cursing herself for not having the courage to face her death, only for her to bump against you, too light to do anything other than forcing you to take a step back. Confused, you went to help her up, before you saw the dog and killed it in one smooth motion with your spear. This was not a situation you had encountered too often, but you had presumed to know the gist of it; someone desperately needed money fast and was willing to risk their life for it. Disregarding the warnings of the scavengers who had given them the location of a ruin or place, or simply being too foolish or arrogant to heed them.

That was until you heard her cry and berate herself that she could not even die properly, that even after what she had done, she could not bring herself to earn the forgiveness of her family with this act of redemption. This, understandably, shocked you. Talking to people who were depressed was nothing new, but seeing someone who wanted to die actively was. When asked, Nexa told you everything; how she had caused the fire, blocked the exit, and left her family to die. She said to you that she was a monster that deserved to die. You told her that it was an accident and that she should learn to process her grief healthily.

"No! I don't deserve forgiveness! I have not earned it!" she cried back.

You could only look at her in sadness, seeing a piece of yourself in her, someone who had lost everything, but unlike you, had had no one to turn to.

So you told her:

"Forgiveness is not earned.
It is given.
Give it to yourself.
If penance is what you seek, then find it in your kindness to others.
But do not search for it here.
This is a place of horrors."

Years of self-hate would not vanish with words, but you were determined to be there for the years it would take. She accompanied you on your travels, slowly becoming infected by your enthusiasm of the old and ancient, helping you more and more active when you shared kind words, food, and blankets with those that needed them. And over time, she took what you had said to heart, first only for her perceived penance, but more and more to help those she could. She began to discuss human nature with you, how she felt when she helped others and the thrill of searching ancient ruins. While she still grieves for her family, she is on the road to recovery and has decided to continue helping the world. One person at a time, if necessary. This, according to her, also involves a large number of puns. Whether that is a good sign or not is something you haven't decided yet.

And while her life was more on the extreme side of things, there were variations of it all around. The Pilgrims had not attracted the high and mighty, the proud and wealthy, but the desperate and destitute, bright-eyed scholars and bleeding hearts, those who abused drugs to escape reality and those who were simply sick of the way that the world worked, wanted it to change and found kinship in the Pilgrims cause. They all hoped for a life in which they would not hate themselves, in which they could say with pride that they were worth something and enable others to do so too. They wanted to do good. They wanted to help.

But as more joined, Nexa pointed out that you did not have a symbol to declare who you were. Nothing that would give unity to the Pilgrims. The discussion that kicked loose would last over a month, slowly driving you insane, until you finally agreed upon a single design.

A deep blue flag with the ancient delta symbol in the middle, representing change and knowledge. A deep meaning behind a simple shape. Fitting.

Faith Action (2/3) Unlocked
Personal Action (1/2) Unlocked

Pick 2:

[ ] Organize your people
No organization can prosper in chaos; you need to set up some structure and responsibilities among your people, as well as see what odds and ends they are willing to give to your cause.
(Chance: 90%
Reward: 2d12 Materials
Unlocks Faith Action (2/3), Unlocks Base Action (1/2))

[ ] Choose a home
You will need to set up shop in one region to concentrate your efforts. This has the bonus of profiting off the local resources and landmarks. Don't worry; you will be able to expand with outposts in the future.
(What was will be + Scavenger = Forest of Rust
Unlocks Base Action (2/2), Unlocks Learning Action (1/2)
Note: Your Base will not be built immediately, you will need to vote on the specific place, all with advantages and disadvantages.)

-[ ] The Capital
The Home of the Imperial family and most populated city in the empire, located inside an extensive cave system.

-[ ] The Green Dunes
It is named due to the weird grass that seems to grow from the sands itself. Filling but bland. No Mutants nearby.

-[ ] Slatnans Womb
The center of food production, guarded by Knights, shoddier, and overall worse, versions of pre Collapse Walkers.

-[ ] Bone Valley
Bunch of dead animals, minerals, and plenty of desperate people here.

-[ ] Forest of Rust
The Tessen Trade Route connects dozens of cities and hundreds of villages, all situated near a crater that borders the wastes. Inside that crater sits the "Forest of Rust." A gargantuan metropolis that takes weeks to traverse the edge off, even by sand-lizard, filled with towers and buildings, virtually untouched by scavengers. Unfortunately, it is also home to mutants. Expect to fight for precious sites. But it will be worth it, should you survive the struggle.

[ ] Feel out the Locals
While the locals seem somewhat amenable to your presence, the biggest smiles can hide the sharpest daggers. Find out if any local factions have any plans for dealing with your people.
(Chance: 70%
Reward: 2d6 Goodwill, Details about local organizations/cults, and potential future moves+goals.
Unlocks Diplomacy Action (1/2))

[ ] Feel out the Elites
The Lords and Churches are unlikely to have any opinion on you beyond you as a pawn, but what moves do they plan for you to take?
(Chance: 70%
Reward: Details about local Noble Houses and Churches and potential future moves+goals.
Unlocks Diplomacy Action (2/2))

[ ] Write that Good Book
Not everybody will be able to learn your teachings in one sitting, and you will soon grow beyond your ability to do so anyway. Write down the Core and basic principles of your belief. Shouldn't be too hard, right?
(Chance: 40%
Reward: Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1 (Passive recruitment depending on quality),
Unlocks Personal Action (2/2), Unlocks Learning Action (2/2))

Voting will be closed on the 25.03.20 at 17:00 CET.
Updates will be online on the 26.03.20 at 17:00 CET.
Turn 3: Year 0; Month 6; Writing Is Hard
The Pilgrims
1.) The Mission of the Pilgrims is defined as such;
-a.) the easing, reduction, and eradication of
--1.) poverty
--2.) diseases
--3.) hunger
--4.) addiction
-b.) building infrastructure to ensure stability and growth in a region
-c.) the creation of useful technologies and machines to advance Humanity
-d.) reverse-engineering lost technologies

2.) The Leader of the Pilgrims is chosen by democratic vote, to ensure that the majority is heard.

3.) A new Leader is chosen should the current Leader;
-a.) die
-b.) voluntarily step down
-c.) be removed by a two-thirds majority vote

4.) The responsibilities of the Leader are thus;
-a.) assign 2(two) assistants to help organize matters they cannot attend to in a 7(seven) day time-span
-b.) bring issues brought forward by Department Heads or individual Pilgrims to vote
-c.) ensure that all votes are cast in no longer than 5(five) days
-d.) call for referenda on current issues/opportunities every 3(three) months
-e.) ensure that all discussion of issues remain civil and cool-headed
-f.) act as a tie-breaker, should a vote be even
-g.) bring forth issues in structure or behavior of the Pilgrims
-h.) ensure that the Pilgrims do not stray from their mission to help and uplift Humanity

5.) The duties of the members of the Pilgrims are;
-a.) giving what can, in good conscience, be spared to the cause of the Pilgrims, be that in Work, Materials, Food, Money and/or Information
--1.) no person may give more than 10% of their respective monthly earnings, or spend more than 4(four) hours working in a Pilgrim run structure
--2.) this can be exempted on an individual basis, either by;
---a.) a Pilgrim requesting such
---b.) the nature of an assignment requires it
-b.) bring forth issues of the conduct of individuals or the Pilgrims as a whole to the chosen Leader
-c.) bring forth problematic aspects of the structure and tenets of the Pilgrims to the Leader
-d.) vote, or send an envoy with the ballots to the Pilgrims HQ, every 3(three) months, on current issues/opportunities
-e.) being aware that they act as a representative of the Pilgrims, no matter the environment they find themselves in
-f.) ensuring that the Pilgrims do not waver from their mission to help and uplift Humanity
-g.) turn in any artifacts found to the leading archeologist

6.) In exchange they are allowed to partake in;
-a.) free food and water
--1.) At least 1(one) warm meal a day
-b.) free lodging
--1.) in a room with no more than 3(three) other people
-c.) free healthcare
-d.) free counseling
-e.) free access to all Pilgrim-run structures that are not used for security
-f.) rewards of turning in artifacts
--1.) The amount is determined by the rarity and importance of the artifact
--2.) This does not apply to intentional archeologic digs run by the Pilgrims as a whole
-g.) request leave from current duties, should they be employed by the Pilgrims, without having to state a reason, for 8(eight) weeks a year.
-1.) this leave does not carry over to the next year
-2.) longer leave can be granted should the reasons suffice, such as;
--a.) family matters (death/marriage)
--b.) recuperation
--c.) doctorial orders

7.) Department Heads are chosen by the ability to perform their tasks and their ability alone. Their responsibilities are;
-a.) ensuring that they complete their assigned duty to the best of their, and their worker's ability
-b.) minimize inter-departmental conflict
-c.) bring any issues, optimizations or opportunities to the Leader

8.) A Pilgrim may leave, without fear of reprisal, violence or shunning;
-a.) should a Pilgrim accost, hurt or otherwise intimidate another Pilgrim that plans to, is leaving or has left, they will be punished by exile and banned from partaking or entering any event or Pilgrim run structure
--1.) The exiled Pilgrim can challenge the exile after 1(one) year, should 4(four) other Pilgrims vouch for them
--2.) This can only be done once
-b.) any Pilgrim who left can re-enter at any time should they so wish
--1.) any Pilgrim cannot re-enter more than 2(two) times without good reason

9.) The Pilgrims will not discriminate by;
-a.) Gender
-b.) Sexuality
-c.) Skin-color
-d.) Religious ties
-e.) Origin

10.) This charter is subject to changes should;
-a.) new tenets be adopted
-b.) new situations force the adaptation of current rules
-c.) issues be found in it

Origin: Humanism
They say that a human is mired in sin, that you are wrong, and need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree. In every human is good, in every person exists the capacity to create greatness. You just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? - 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)

First Tenet: What was will be
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, size depending on the site.)
Member/Ressource Statistics
Members: 85
-Faithful: 1/1
-Followers: 84 (59 unoccupied)

Materials: 12.68(+1.68 per turn)

Goodwill: ?

Piety: 48% (No effects)
The Common People: Friendly
Unique/Notable Assets

Three months. Three months spend arguing over legal matters, the responsibilities of the Pilgrims, what you are trying to do, what you wish to create, and a dozen other issues. How there are people who can stand to study and practice law for their entire lives is something that will remain utterly incomprehensible to you. At least that is now over. For now, anyway. You originally planned to spend some time writing down the philosophy of the Pilgrims to ensure that it can be studied by more than those who hear you, but your brain feels like a liquid now. Maybe next month. At least you have everyone organized and a way to track any donations.

Pilgrim Structure:

1.) The Mission of the Pilgrims is defined as such;
-a.) the easing, reduction, and eradication of
--1.) poverty
--2.) diseases
--3.) hunger
--4.) addiction
-b.) building infrastructure to ensure stability and growth in a region
-c.) the creation of useful technologies and machines to advance Humanity
-d.) reverse-engineering lost technologies

2.) The Leader of the Pilgrims is chosen by democratic vote, to ensure that the majority is heard.

3.) A new Leader is chosen should the current Leader;
-a.) die
-b.) voluntarily step down
-c.) be removed by a two-thirds majority vote

4.) The responsibilities of the Leader are thus;
-a.) assign 2(two) assistants to help organize matters they cannot attend to in a 7(seven) day time-span
-b.) bring issues brought forward by Department Heads or individual Pilgrims to vote
-c.) ensure that all votes are cast in no longer than 5(five) days
-d.) call for referenda on current issues/opportunities every 3(three) months
-e.) ensure that all discussion of issues remain civil and cool-headed
-f.) act as a tie-breaker, should a vote be even
-g.) bring forth issues in structure or behavior of the Pilgrims
-h.) ensure that the Pilgrims do not stray from their mission to help and uplift Humanity

5.) The duties of the members of the Pilgrims are;
-a.) giving what can, in good conscience, be spared to the cause of the Pilgrims, be that in Work, Materials, Food, Money and/or Information
--1.) no person may give more than 10% of their respective monthly earnings, or spend more than 4(four) hours working in a Pilgrim run structure
--2.) this can be exempted on an individual basis, either by;
---a.) a Pilgrim requesting as such
---b.) the nature of an assignment requires it
-b.) bring forth issues of the conduct of individuals or the Pilgrims as a whole to the chosen Leader
-c.) bring forth problematic aspects of the structure and tenets of the Pilgrims to the Leader
-d.) vote, or send an envoy with the ballots to the Pilgrims HQ, every 3(three) months, on current issues/opportunities
-e.) being aware that they act as a representative of the Pilgrims, no matter the environment they find themselves in
-f.) ensuring that the Pilgrims do not waver from their mission to help and uplift Humanity
-g.) turn in any artifacts found to the leading archeologist

6.) In exchange they are allowed to partake in;
-a.) free food and water
--1.) At least 1(one) warm and 1(one) cold meal a day
-b.) free lodging
--1.) in a room with no more than 3(three) other people
-c.) free healthcare
-d.) free counseling
-e.) free access to all Pilgrim-run structures that are not used for security
-f.) rewards of turning in artifacts
--1.) The amount is determined by the rarity and importance of the artifact
--2.) This does not apply to intentional archeologic digs run by the Pilgrims as a whole
-g.) request leave from current duties, should they be employed by the Pilgrims, without having to state a reason, for 8(eight) weeks a year.
-1.) this leave does not carry over to the next year
-2.) longer leave can be granted should the reasons suffice, such as;
--a.) family matters (death/marriage)
--b.) recuperation
--c.) doctorial orders

7.) Department Heads are chosen by the ability to perform their tasks and their ability alone. Their responsibilities are;
-a.) ensuring that they complete their assigned duty to the best of their, and their worker's ability
-b.) minimize inter-departmental conflict
-c.) bring any issues, optimizations or opportunities to the Leader

8.) A Pilgrim may leave, without fear of reprisal, violence or shunning;
-a.) should a Pilgrim accost, hurt or otherwise intimidate another Pilgrim that plans to, is leaving or has left, they will be punished by exile and banned from partaking or entering any event or Pilgrim run structure
--1.) The exiled Pilgrim can challenge the exile after 1(one) year, should 4(four) other Pilgrims vouch for them
--2.) This can only be done once
-b.) any Pilgrim who left can re-enter at any time should they so wish
--1.) any Pilgrim cannot re-enter more than 2(two) times without good reason

9.) The Pilgrims will not discriminate by;
-a.) Gender
-b.) Sexuality
-c.) Skin-color
-d.) Religious ties
-e.) Origin

10.) This charter is subject to changes should;
-a.) new tenets be adopted
-b.) new situations force the adaptation of current rules
-c.) issues be found in it

Faith Action Unlocked
Personal Action (1/2) Unlocked
Base Action (1/2) Unlocked

Pick 2:

[ ] Choose a home
You will need to set up shop in one region to concentrate your efforts. This has the bonus of profiting off the local resources and landmarks. Don't worry; you will be able to expand with outposts in the future.
(What was will be + Scavenger = Forest of Rust
Unlocks Base Action (2/2), Unlocks Learning Action (1/2)
Note: Your Base will not be built immediately, you will need to vote on the specific place, all with advantages and disadvantages.)

-[ ] The Capital
The Home of the Imperial family and most populated city in the empire, located inside an extensive cave system. Close to many influential people, but space is at a premium.

-[ ] The Green Dunes
It is named due to the weird grass that seems to grow from the sands itself. Filling but bland. No Mutants nearby. Not many people either.

-[ ] Slatnans Womb
The center of food production, guarded by Knights, shoddier, and overall worse, versions of pre Collapse Walkers. Many soldiers ensure that the law is followed to the letter or extra coin.

-[ ] Bone Valley
Bunch of dead animals, minerals, and plenty of desperate people here. Unfortunately, not many good digs left.

-[ ] Forest of Rust
The Tessen Trade Route connects dozens of cities and hundreds of villages, all situated near a crater that borders the wastes. Inside that crater sits the "Forest of Rust." A gargantuan metropolis that takes weeks to traverse the edge off, even by sand-lizard, filled with towers and buildings, virtually untouched by scavengers. Unfortunately, it is also home to mutants. Expect to fight for precious sites. But it will be worth it, should you survive the struggle.

[ ] Feel out the Locals
While the locals seem somewhat amenable to your presence, the biggest smiles can hide the sharpest daggers. Find out if any local factions have any plans for dealing with your people.
(Chance: 70%
Reward: 2d6 Goodwill, Details about local organizations/cults, and potential future moves+goals.
Unlocks Diplomacy Action (1/2))

[ ] Feel out the Elites
The Lords and Churches are unlikely to have any opinion on you beyond you as a pawn, but what moves do they plan for you to take?
(Chance: 70%
Reward: Details about local Noble Houses and Churches and potential future moves+goals.
Unlocks Diplomacy Action (2/2))

[ ] Write that Good Book
Not everybody will be able to learn your teachings in one sitting, and you will soon grow beyond your ability to do so anyway. Write down the Core and basic principles of your belief. Shouldn't be too hard, right?
(Chance: 40% +10 to roll
Reward: Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1 (Passive recruitment depending on quality),
Unlocks Personal Action (2/2), Unlocks Learning Action (2/2))

Faith: Destructive, Powerful, Magnificent. Faith has moved mountains, healed wounds deeper than flesh, and reduced nations to ash. Harness it to create something that will outlast you and inspire a thousand generations to come. (Choose 1 Action)(Due to the Pilgrims (momentary) nomadic lifestyle, more comprehensive actions are locked)

[ ] Basic Etiquette
Look, talking to people and getting them to join you for supper is one thing, asking them to join a cult is something completely different. You need to ensure that everyone has at least some idea on how to recruit people without stepping on the toes of the local Church and anger the people.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 70%
Reward: reduce penalty and increase the likelihood of successful recruitment actions, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Wanna Join my Club?
You need people to hear the message of the Pilgrims, and you need more people if you want to make sure this does not die before you can get started.
(Chance: 20%
Reward: 1d12-8 Recruits)

[ ] Design Uniforms Pilgrim Patches
No dark robes, no scary masks, and ABSOLUTELY NO MANDATORY TATTOOS. Just commission some stickers, banners, a flag, buy some rolls of fabric and some sewing kits to get everybody outfitted with the Pilgrim's shoulder patches and have some ready for new people. (Maybe buy one or two Tattoo kits for those who want them just in case.)
(Cost: 2 Materials
Reward: Common identifiers and people now know about you. Somewhat. Also; +3% Piety)

[ ] Write-In

Don't forget, a Faithful that is not bound up in buildings can be assigned to actions, and omakes give boni, even if they are not canonized.

Voting will be closed on the 28.03.20 at 17:00 CET.
Updates will be online on the 30.03.20 at 17:00 CET.
Last edited:
Turn 4: Year 0; Month 9; Hey Guys, We Are A Thing Now!
The Pilgrims
1.) The Mission of the Pilgrims is defined as such;
-a.) the easing, reduction, and eradication of
--1.) poverty
--2.) diseases
--3.) hunger
--4.) addiction
-b.) building infrastructure to ensure stability and growth in a region
-c.) the creation of useful technologies and machines to advance Humanity
-d.) reverse-engineering lost technologies

2.) The Leader of the Pilgrims is chosen by democratic vote, to ensure that the majority is heard.

3.) A new Leader is chosen should the current Leader;
-a.) die
-b.) voluntarily step down
-c.) be removed by a two-thirds majority vote

4.) The responsibilities of the Leader are thus;
-a.) assign 2(two) assistants to help organize matters they cannot attend to in a 7(seven) day time-span
-b.) bring issues brought forward by Department Heads or individual Pilgrims to vote
-c.) ensure that all votes are cast in no longer than 5(five) days
-d.) call for referenda on current issues/opportunities every 3(three) months
-e.) ensure that all discussion of issues remain civil and cool-headed
-f.) act as a tie-breaker, should a vote be even
-g.) bring forth issues in structure or behavior of the Pilgrims
-h.) ensure that the Pilgrims do not stray from their mission to help and uplift Humanity

5.) The duties of the members of the Pilgrims are;
-a.) giving what can, in good conscience, be spared to the cause of the Pilgrims, be that in Work, Materials, Food, Money and/or Information
--1.) no person may give more than 10% of their respective monthly earnings, or spend more than 4(four) hours working in a Pilgrim run structure
--2.) this can be exempted on an individual basis, either by;
---a.) a Pilgrim requesting such
---b.) the nature of an assignment requires it
-b.) bring forth issues of the conduct of individuals or the Pilgrims as a whole to the chosen Leader
-c.) bring forth problematic aspects of the structure and tenets of the Pilgrims to the Leader
-d.) vote, or send an envoy with the ballots to the Pilgrims HQ, every 3(three) months, on current issues/opportunities
-e.) being aware that they act as a representative of the Pilgrims, no matter the environment they find themselves in
-f.) ensuring that the Pilgrims do not waver from their mission to help and uplift Humanity
-g.) turn in any artifacts found to the leading archeologist

6.) In exchange they are allowed to partake in;
-a.) free food and water
--1.) At least 1(one) warm meal a day
-b.) free lodging
--1.) in a room with no more than 3(three) other people
-c.) free healthcare
-d.) free counseling
-e.) free access to all Pilgrim-run structures that are not used for security
-f.) rewards of turning in artifacts
--1.) The amount is determined by the rarity and importance of the artifact
--2.) This does not apply to intentional archeologic digs run by the Pilgrims as a whole
-g.) request leave from current duties, should they be employed by the Pilgrims, without having to state a reason, for 8(eight) weeks a year.
-1.) this leave does not carry over to the next year
-2.) longer leave can be granted should the reasons suffice, such as;
--a.) family matters (death/marriage)
--b.) recuperation
--c.) doctorial orders

7.) Department Heads are chosen by the ability to perform their tasks and their ability alone. Their responsibilities are;
-a.) ensuring that they complete their assigned duty to the best of their, and their worker's ability
-b.) minimize inter-departmental conflict
-c.) bring any issues, optimizations or opportunities to the Leader

8.) A Pilgrim may leave, without fear of reprisal, violence or shunning;
-a.) should a Pilgrim accost, hurt or otherwise intimidate another Pilgrim that plans to, is leaving or has left, they will be punished by exile and banned from partaking or entering any event or Pilgrim run structure
--1.) The exiled Pilgrim can challenge the exile after 1(one) year, should 4(four) other Pilgrims vouch for them
--2.) This can only be done once
-b.) any Pilgrim who left can re-enter at any time should they so wish
--1.) any Pilgrim cannot re-enter more than 2(two) times without good reason

9.) The Pilgrims will not discriminate by;
-a.) Gender
-b.) Sexuality
-c.) Skin-color
-d.) Religious ties
-e.) Origin

10.) This charter is subject to changes should;
-a.) new tenets be adopted
-b.) new situations force the adaptation of current rules
-c.) issues be found in it

Origin: Humanism
They say that a human is mired in sin, that you are wrong, and need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree. In every human is good, in every person exists the capacity to create greatness. You just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? - 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)

First Tenet: What was will be
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, size depending on the site.)
Member/Ressource Statistics
Members: 85
-Faithful: 2/2
-Followers: 83 (34 unoccupied)

Materials: 12.34(+1.66 per turn)

Goodwill: 9

Piety: 51% (No effects)
The Common People:
Opinion: Friendly
Plans: Passivly Benefit

The Merchant Guild:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Source of Artifacts and Customers

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Con you

Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Dismissive of you

The Adventurer Guild:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Stabhappy/Waiting for bounties

Criminal Organisations:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Wait and See

Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Enigmatic, but nothing good if antagonized
Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1 (7 Passive Recruitment per turn)
Unique/Notable Assets

When you were young, you always wondered why people don't write more books. Were they not a physical manifestation of the collective knowledge of Humanity, another nail in the coffin of ignorance? Back then, you swore that when you would write a book, you would write a thousand copies for everyone to enjoy. Now? Now you are just happy that you finished this book. It feels weird, holding the "Codex" in your hands, reading through it. Seeing the philosophy of the Pilgrims bound and collected for, hopefully, generations to study is exhilarating and kind of unsettling in equal measures. After all, should you die tomorrow, you'd be unable to add, to refine to shape what the Codex would represent in the future, a beacon for the desperate, an anchor for the lost and the collection of the hopes and dreams of those that would add to it. The only thing you regret is that you will not be able to see what it will look like a generation or twelve from now. How would it change, what would be added to battle problems you cannot envision now, and how would they regard you? The future is full of uncertainty, but the Pilgrims have one less to fear, a thought that helps you sleep.

Sleep that you needed, because the tailors are damned thieves! The amount of money they charged for some blue and white fabric, sewing or weaving it together, and making some banners was straight up extortion. Well, at least you now have something that signifies that you are part of the Pilgrims if nothing else. Choosing to do so right now turned out to be the right choice as asking people how they view the Pilgrims is much easier if you are part of them. It turned out that the general populace sees you as naive idiots and will simply passively benefit from you.

The Merchant Guild has made covert inquiries to get first dibs on any artifacts you find and see you as potential customers for bulk goods.

The various Criminal Organizations see you as a potential source of income; either as a customer, by smuggling artifacts, or a victim.

The Union of Herbalists is preparing to up their prices when you come knocking.

The Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science just scoff and tell you to bother them when you have something that interests them.

The Adventurer Guild, a collection of mercenaries doing whatever they are paid to, had to tell their members that there is no bounty on your heads; as of now, to everyone's, but yours, disappointment.

There are also rumors and whispers of the various Cults having taken notice of you, particularly how you stroll around in the open, without fear of reprisal, and reduce their recruitment pool. They are not happy. You don't know if, or what, they have planned for you, but you have the feeling that if you don't want to rely on the local guards to keep you safe, you should make an effort to get more immediate information or, in the worst case, a warning of attacks. At least your nomadic nature has one upside: you are rarely in a place for long enough to get a knife in your back.

On a much happier note, Alex Kriegshammer, an ex-soldier who was discharged by the army due to an eye injury, has requested that paragraph 5.2a is used on him. It seems that when he joined you with his wife, they had done so to escape bitter poverty due to a noble army officer embezzling his severance package and had decided with his wife that they would completely support you as far as they can. This is, however, not merely because they are selfless, but because they want to seriously try to have a child and wish to have it grow up better than they have. Something that they think that the Pilgrims can provide. It is also one more reason for you to give everything you can to ensure that the Pilgrims will prosper.

Base Action (1/2) Unlocked
Diplomacy Action (1/2) Unlocked
Learning Action (1/2) Unlocked
Personal Action Unlocked

Pick 2:

[ ] Choose a home
You will need to set up shop in one region to concentrate your efforts. This has the bonus of profiting off the local resources and landmarks. Don't worry; you will be able to expand with outposts in the future.
(What was will be + Scavenger = Forest of Rust
Unlocks Base Action (2/2), Unlocks Learning Action (1/2)
Note: Your Base will not be built immediately, you will need to vote on the specific place, all with advantages and disadvantages.)

-[ ] The Capital
The Home of the Imperial family and most populated city in the empire, located inside an extensive cave system. Close to many influential people, but space is at a premium.

-[ ] The Green Dunes
It is named due to the weird grass that seems to grow from the sands itself. Filling but bland. No Mutants nearby. Not many people either.

-[ ] Slatnans Womb
The center of food production, guarded by Knights, shoddier, and overall worse, versions of pre Collapse Walkers. Many soldiers ensure that the law is followed to the letter or extra coin.

-[ ] Bone Valley
Bunch of dead animals, minerals, and plenty of desperate people here. Unfortunately, not many good digs left.

-[ ] Forest of Rust
The Tessen Trade Route connects dozens of cities and hundreds of villages, all situated near a crater that borders the wastes. Inside that crater sits the "Forest of Rust." A gargantuan metropolis that takes weeks to traverse the edge off, even by sand-lizard, filled with towers and buildings, virtually untouched by scavengers. Unfortunately, it is also home to mutants. Expect to fight for precious sites. But it will be worth it, should you survive the struggle.

[ ] Feel out the Elites
The Lords and Churches are unlikely to have any opinion on you beyond you as a pawn, but what moves do they plan for you to take?
(Chance: 70%
Reward: Details about local Noble Houses and Churches and potential future moves+goals.
Unlocks Diplomacy Action (2/2))

Faith: Destructive, Powerful, Magnificent. Faith has moved mountains, healed wounds deeper than flesh, and reduced nations to ash. Harness it to create something that will outlast you and inspire a thousand generations to come. (Choose 1 Action)(Due to the Pilgrims (momentary) nomadic lifestyle, more comprehensive actions are locked)

[ ] Basic Etiquette
Look, talking to people and getting them to join you for supper is one thing, asking them to join a cult is something completely different. You need to ensure that everyone has at least some idea on how to recruit people without stepping on the toes of the local Church and anger the people.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 70%
Reward: reduce penalty and increase the likelihood of successful recruitment actions, unlocks further actions)

[ ] Wanna Join my Club?
You need people to hear the message of the Pilgrims, and you need more people if you want to make sure this does not die before you can get started.
(Chance: 20%
Reward: 1d12-8 Recruits)

[ ] A Pamphlet For You
Write some simple pamphlets to introduce the Pilgrims to the wider consciousness and (hopefully) get people interested in you. This would also help in introducing yourself to a group.
(Chance: 80%
Cost: 1.5 Materials
Reward: 1d6 Recruits, +15 to Personal Introduction, permanent boon)

[ ] Write In

Sometimes, you have to get your own hands dirty. Sometimes you want to relax, since leading the Pilgrims rarely leads to a dull moment. Now? Now you have to decide what to focus on. (1 Action)

[ ] Lead By Example (Write in Action)
Help your People, motivate them by taking a personal interest in their work. You won't just sit around either. Two more hands are always needed.
(Reward: +20 to 1 Action)

[ ] Introduction (Write in Organization)
Some factions and organizations could have things that would benefit the Pilgrims; Money, Machines, Connections, Public support, and many more. Unfortunately, that means introducing yourself, which may or may not paint a giant target on your back.
(Chance: 50% for Locals, 30% for Elites (cannot choose The Common People or Cults)
Reward: Chosen organizations support-network unlocked.)

[ ] Cool Tempers
Not everything can always be sunshine and rainbows, sometimes shit goes sideways, and people need to be reminded that failure is not the end of the world.
(Chance: 40%
Reward: +1% Piety, and 1 additional for every +10 above success)

[ ] Guiding Hand
There are some Pilgrims who stand at the edge of committing themselves to the Pilgrims cause. You should speak to them, see what stops them and try to either bring them in or make them realize that they would make a mistake if they did so.
(Reward: +1 Faithful, as long as there are followers left)

[ ] Name Yourself
Over the years you had many names, given by your parents, your friends, and companions, by the people and the Pilgrims. But they were not you. Perhaps you should spend some time to find a name that describes yourself, mind, body, and soul.
Notable Achievements:
-Accidentally create a Cult
(Reward: You are Named)

[ ] Write In

Don't forget, a Faithful that is not bound up in buildings can be assigned to actions, and omakes give boni, even if they are not canonized.

Voting will be closed on the 01.04.20 at 17:00 CET.
The decision for Goodwill use is on the 01.04.20 at 20:00 CET
Updates will be online on the 03.04.20 at 17:00 CET.
[Canon] - The Forest Of Rust
The Forest of Rust is a region north of the Province of Tessen, situated on the northern-most part of the Empire of Slatnan, bordering the Wastes. Common names include; The Forest, The Necropolis, and Rust-city.

This region has attracted numerous scavengers and scholars due to the number of intact artifacts that can be unearthed here, along with a large number of high-quality materials, such as steel and titanium. Unfortunately, the Forest has attracted numerous Mutants and malfunctioning machines, making any attempts at scavenging difficult at best and deathly at worst. Despite this, the allure of the Forest has driven many to try their luck, only to find that this is not a good substitute for numbers, training, weapons, and armor.

Still, over the years, and the sacrifice of many human lives, the Forest was rudimentary mapped and divided into zones to make both navigation and prospecting easier.

The first section anyone will come upon is the Outskirts. These are divided into the eastern, southern, and western parts. In those, you will most likely only find trade goods, such as toys or poorly preserved art. Because many mutants have been killed here, most of the prospective sites have been searched. Still, many places remain hidden and can be plundered by those determined to find something.

The First Ring consists of six different areas, these are;

The Wall, a defensive emplacement, holding strange devices rusted beyond identification, barracks, military depots, and a bunker that has proven remarkably resistant to those attempting to open it.

The Gallery is a name chosen not by the fact that art can be found here, but the fact that whatever lives here has chosen to display the corpses of its enemies in many grotesque and disturbing ways. Unfortunately, this area is theorized to hold many ancient repositories of knowledge and at least one building proudly displaying a pictograph of a book.

The Sewers, the preferred way to travel the city by those who wish to remain undetected. This area does not hold any riches, only the occasional danger. Still, maps of this place are both rare and extremely wanted, because knowing a safe route through the necropolis is extremely important for long-range operations.

The Tower of Pain, a name not chosen by anything obscene or horrifying happening here, but rather by the fact that the wind "screams" through the hollow facade of this 400-meter high building. While there are other towers at a comparable or higher height, this is the only one with still functioning electronics, and the top-floor seems to be completely intact.

The Smokestack is a 50-meter tall tower belching out a perpetual plume of black smoke. This area seems to be mostly underground, with many entrances being hidden by camouflage and optical illusions. Moreover, many old machines have congregated here. They seem to rust, entirely still, until someone enters a general area around them, at which point they activate and hunt the intruder until either they or their prey is dead. Only three intrusions have returned alive and told tales of massive machinery and ancient wonders of manufacture.

The Pit, a massive hole in the city, so bottomless, that the sunlight cannot reach the bottom. Whatever is down there was either never meant to see the light of the sun, or intended to be hidden from prying eyes.

The Second Ring is something only a few were able to penetrate, and as such, information is scarce of what is in it.

The Field of 64 is a flat area of 8x8km. Nothing is seen here other than dust, sand, and the feeling of wrongness. Yet, one has to wonder what would necessitate such a large flat area, or what could be beneath it?

The Crystalgarden contains large crystals, arranged in geometric formations and seem to have weathered the elements perfectly. Yet, removing these crystals is seen as a waste of time, since removed crystals seem to deteriorate in days and are incredibly brittle.

The Berth, an area containing dozens of large warehouses holding what seem to be ships suspended in the air. Unfortunately, those ships are useless, seeing as there is no water and no way to transport these ships, alongside the fact that they were made out of metal. Whoever build these things had the means to transport them, or they were meant as pure prestige objects.

The Third Ring contains only one building.

The Spine, an impossibly tall tower. It is theorized that this tower stretches 3-5-km into the sky. How such a structure could be created is something that has scholars divided, with everyone claiming only they have the right answer. Additionally, the churches have proclaimed this to be either a cause for the Fall or a holy place, depending on who you ask.
Turn 5: Year 1; Month 0; Home Sweet Home
The Pilgrims
1.) The Mission of the Pilgrims is defined as such;
-a.) the easing, reduction, and eradication of
--1.) poverty
--2.) diseases
--3.) hunger
--4.) addiction
-b.) building infrastructure to ensure stability and growth in a region
-c.) the creation of useful technologies and machines to advance Humanity
-d.) reverse-engineering lost technologies

2.) The Leader of the Pilgrims is chosen by democratic vote, to ensure that the majority is heard.

3.) A new Leader is chosen should the current Leader;
-a.) die
-b.) voluntarily step down
-c.) be removed by a two-thirds majority vote

4.) The responsibilities of the Leader are thus;
-a.) assign 2(two) assistants to help organize matters they cannot attend to in a 7(seven) day time-span
-b.) bring issues brought forward by Department Heads or individual Pilgrims to vote
-c.) ensure that all votes are cast in no longer than 5(five) days
-d.) call for referenda on current issues/opportunities every 3(three) months
-e.) ensure that all discussion of issues remain civil and cool-headed
-f.) act as a tie-breaker, should a vote be even
-g.) bring forth issues in structure or behavior of the Pilgrims
-h.) ensure that the Pilgrims do not stray from their mission to help and uplift Humanity

5.) The duties of the members of the Pilgrims are;
-a.) giving what can, in good conscience, be spared to the cause of the Pilgrims, be that in Work, Materials, Food, Money and/or Information
--1.) no person may give more than 10% of their respective monthly earnings, or spend more than 4(four) hours working in a Pilgrim run structure
--2.) this can be exempted on an individual basis, either by;
---a.) a Pilgrim requesting such
---b.) the nature of an assignment requires it
-b.) bring forth issues of the conduct of individuals or the Pilgrims as a whole to the chosen Leader
-c.) bring forth problematic aspects of the structure and tenets of the Pilgrims to the Leader
-d.) vote, or send an envoy with the ballots to the Pilgrims HQ, every 3(three) months, on current issues/opportunities
-e.) being aware that they act as a representative of the Pilgrims, no matter the environment they find themselves in
-f.) ensuring that the Pilgrims do not waver from their mission to help and uplift Humanity
-g.) turn in any artifacts found to the leading archeologist

6.) In exchange they are allowed to partake in;
-a.) free food and water
--1.) At least 1(one) warm meal a day
-b.) free lodging
--1.) in a room with no more than 3(three) other people
-c.) free healthcare
-d.) free counseling
-e.) free access to all Pilgrim-run structures that are not used for security
-f.) rewards of turning in artifacts
--1.) The amount is determined by the rarity and importance of the artifact
--2.) This does not apply to intentional archeologic digs run by the Pilgrims as a whole
-g.) request leave from current duties, should they be employed by the Pilgrims, without having to state a reason, for 8(eight) weeks a year.
-1.) this leave does not carry over to the next year
-2.) longer leave can be granted should the reasons suffice, such as;
--a.) family matters (death/marriage)
--b.) recuperation
--c.) doctorial orders

7.) Department Heads are chosen by the ability to perform their tasks and their ability alone. Their responsibilities are;
-a.) ensuring that they complete their assigned duty to the best of their, and their worker's ability
-b.) minimize inter-departmental conflict
-c.) bring any issues, optimizations or opportunities to the Leader

8.) A Pilgrim may leave, without fear of reprisal, violence or shunning;
-a.) should a Pilgrim accost, hurt or otherwise intimidate another Pilgrim that plans to, is leaving or has left, they will be punished by exile and banned from partaking or entering any event or Pilgrim run structure
--1.) The exiled Pilgrim can challenge the exile after 1(one) year, should 4(four) other Pilgrims vouch for them
--2.) This can only be done once
-b.) any Pilgrim who left can re-enter at any time should they so wish
--1.) any Pilgrim cannot re-enter more than 2(two) times without good reason

9.) The Pilgrims will not discriminate by;
-a.) Gender
-b.) Sexuality
-c.) Skin-color
-d.) Religious ties
-e.) Origin

10.) This charter is subject to changes should;
-a.) new tenets be adopted
-b.) new situations force the adaptation of current rules
-c.) issues be found in it

Origin: Humanism
They say that a human is mired in sin, that you are wrong, and need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree. In every human is good, in every person exists the capacity to create greatness. You just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? - 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)

First Tenet: What was will be
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, size depending on the site.)
Member/Ressource Statistics
Members: 92
-Faithful: 2/2
-Followers: 90(41 unoccupied)

Materials: 15(+1.66 per turn)

Goodwill: 9

Piety: 50% (No effects)
The Empress
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Unaware of your existence

Marquis of Tessen
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Unaware of your existence

House Ulatarn
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Unaware of your existence

House Mirn
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Sponsor digs to increase their status

Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Ensure you are compliant with the law

Church of Eden
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Ignore you

The Followers of Light
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Ensure that you do not poach followers from them
The Common People:
Opinion: Friendly
Plans: Passively Benefit

The Merchant Guild:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Source of Artifacts and Customers

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Con you

Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Dismissive of you

The Adventurer Guild:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Stabhappy/Waiting for bounties

Criminal Organisations:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Wait and See

Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Enigmatic, but nothing good if antagonized
Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1 (7 Passive Recruitment per turn)
Unique/Notable Assets

The Forest of Rust.

The name alone is a legend. What it represents more so, for it is a necropolis containing untold riches, dangers, and the promise of something more. Something powerful. Yet, it has driven more scavengers to their early death than to riches. Something you will change, for the Pilgrims are not an alliance of the greedy, ready to backstab each other once they find something valuable, nor a small group of people seeking to plunder its riches. The Pilgrims have made it their mission to learn from the past so that they can create a better tomorrow, and the Forest of Rust holds more artifacts than any other location you know of combined. It will take lifetimes even to search the Forest, much less clear it out. But that is a challenge you are willing to take.

Another challenge to take is the training of those Pilgrims who feel the need to spread the word to everyone. This proved much more complicated than you anticipated. Convincing people to join the Pilgrims is easy, putting into words, much less doctrine, how you are doing this, is not. While the training is progressing pretty quickly, with only one argument with one Pilgrim who joined recently, you are not confident that they won't cause an issue for another three months. At least they will have a much better time convincing anyone, now that you have finally chosen a home for the Pilgrims.

The Province of Tessen sits along the, aptly named, Tessen-Trade-Route. A dozen cities are connected by this flow of goods, governed by the Marquis of Tessen, and further under control of the Houses Ulatarn and Mirn. Of those, it seems, only House Mirn has taken notice of you. The locals say that they are weak for a noble house, but very interested in the past and pay a premium for lost technology. Additionally, they have heard about what you want to do and wish to discuss sponsoring you. What they want from you precisely, was not said, but the runner told you that they wish to discuss this earlier, rather than later. Additionally, it seems that the Military has taken notice of you and said to you that you better not break any laws, or else.

The Churches, on the other hand, seem divided. The Followers of Light see you as a direct competitor and threatened you to stay away from their believers, while the Church of Eden has no interest in you, and seems to shut you out of their minds actively.

Threats and mysterious nobles aside, this promises to be a great year. You can feel it; even the sun shines brightly upon you! Let's get to it.

Faith: Destructive, Powerful, Magnificent. Faith has moved mountains, healed wounds deeper than flesh, and reduced nations to ash. Harness it to create something that will outlast you and inspire a thousand generations to come. (Choose 1 Action)

[X] Basic Etiquette - Locked 1/2 Turns
Look, talking to people and getting them to join you for supper is one thing, asking them to join a cult is something completely different. You need to ensure that everyone has at least some idea on how to recruit people without stepping on the toes of the local Church and anger the people.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 70%
Reward: reduce penalty and increase the likelihood of successful recruitment actions, unlocks further actions)

Diplomacy: The art of speaking many words that mean nothing should not be underestimated. A word in the right ear at the wrong time has toppled many a nation.

[ ] Have You Heard?
For some rumors are a nuisance; for others, they are mildly amusing and for some? They are the air they breathe, the food they eat, and the earth they walk on. It should not be too hard to gain access to the local rumor mill, especially if you offer insights into the Pilgrim lifestyle and politics.
(Chance: 90%
Reward: Unlocks Local Rumor Mill)

[ ] High-End Introduction - (Choose Elite Faction)
You should probably introduce yourself to the local Nobility, Church, and Military to assure them that you are no threat and will comply with any official and legal requests to ensure that there is no miscommunication with the Pilgrims. It would also ensure that you could ask for help from them in the future.
(Chance: 30% for Nobility and Churches, 50% for Military
Reward: Official point of contact with a faction and unlocks future actions)

[ ] Create A Diplomat-Corp - (Basic)
Speaking is hard. Doing so with people that seem to see you as nothing more than a temporary nuisance barely? That requires either immense strength of will, massive charisma, or proper training. Unfortunately, you will have to do with haphazard training.
(Takes 2 Turns
Cost: 1 Faithful
Chance: 75%
Reward: Basic Diplomat-Corps established, raised chances of success across the board, unlocks further training actions)

[ ] Seed Informants - (Basic) - (Choose Faction)
Some organizations do not have the best in mind for both the Pilgrims and the Common People. You should ensure that when the inevitable crash occurs with some, you will have at least a warning or even some more accurate information.
(Cost: 4 Materials
Chance: 35%
Reward: Better information and possible counters against the plans of one faction.)

[ ] Create Infiltrator-Corp - (Basic)
It is not something you hoped to do, but sometimes the circumstances require a more subtle elimination of uncertainties. Whether that is merely in the acquisition of information to disrupt operations or the disposal of certain individuals will be something you will have to decide in the future.
(Takes 2 Turns
Cost: 1 Faithful
Chance: 50%
Reward: Can infiltrate factions for both fewer Materials and unlocks actions to subvert, undermine, or dismantle organizations. Raised Chances to secret actions)

[ ] Write In

Knowledge is Power.

[ ] Study The Locals
Understanding how the local culture works is a powerful tool. You will be able to tailor your messages better and understand the local needs to a higher degree.
(Chance: 75% Successes needed: 2
Reward: Reduced penalty for recruitment actions, unlocks additional faith actions.)

[ ] Study The Land
A civilization is only three missed meals away from anarchy. Also, knowing how good the soil here is will enable you to purchase and operate farms in optimal places that have not yet been claimed, or lack the funding to do so to their fullest.
(Chance: 65% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Information on local soil quality, unlocks Diplomatic and Base actions, and opens further research)

[ ] Study The Minerals
Iron, Copper, Steel, Gold, Silver, Jewel. On those, the economy runs. On those, you will have to rely on the building, and funding, of the Pilgrims. Let's see if there are not some veins that have been missed by prospectors.
(Chance: 45% Successes needed: 1
Reward: Locations and Information of mineral veins for future exploitation, unlocks Base actions and opens further research)

[ ] Create A Scholar-Corps
(What was will be Synergy - Starts at 2nd Tier)
Studying ancient artifacts and reverse-engineering them is not something that should be left to amateurs. Luckily, your own experiences and the enthusiasm of the Pilgrims will ensure that those tasked with it are both competent and diligent in this duty.
(Cost: 1 Faithful
Takes 2 Turns
Reward: Increased chance to research, lower successes needed for completion)

[ ] Write In

The secrets of the past will illuminate the future, may we learn from their mistakes.

[ ] Create A Archeology-Corps
(Scavenger + What was will be Synergized - Only takes one turn at no cost)
A pickaxe, a shovel, a spear, and a crate. What more do you need for this?
(Reward: Archeology-Corps established, increased chance for finding artifacts, can create multi-turn expeditions)

[ ] Scout The Southern Outskirts
The Forest of Rust is not something you want to barge in unprepared. Scouting small areas will result in both routes to promising sites as well as return information on possible hostile forces present in or around them.
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in the Southern Outskirts are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Eastern Outskirts
The Forest of Rust is not something you want to barge in unprepared. Scouting small areas will result in both routes to promising sites as well as return information on possible hostile forces present in or around them.
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in the Eastern Outskirts are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Western Outskirts
The Forest of Rust is not something you want to barge in unprepared. Scouting small areas will result in both routes to promising sites as well as return information on possible hostile forces present in or around them.
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in the Western Outskirts are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Write In

The home of the Pilgrims, a bastion of all that they stand for and a symbol of hope for the desperate.

[ ] Choosing Your Home (Free Action - Does not consume a turn)(Choose a Name)

-[ ] Rent A Base

The easiest option to establish a base is to rent buildings and reappropriate them to the tasks needed. Unfortunately, they will also be poorly defensible, and create increased scrutiny from the locals should you set up buildings that serve some less than transparent operations.
(Pros: Buildings take -1 Turn to create (min. one turn)
Cons: Rent increases upkeep by x1.5, attacks against you have both first-strike and increase the difficulty for secret actions)

-[ ] Buy Some Land
The middle option. Instead of being in the middle of the city, you would buy land from the local Lord to build the home of the Pilgrims.
(Pros: Free Space to expand into
Cons: The local Lord may force an inspection on you)

-[ ] Make A Statement
A day north of the city of Mirn, there is an ancient 60-meter high tree with completely white leaves, and behind it is a sandstone cliff; 120 meters in height and 1-kilometer length. The cliff is composed of red, orange, and yellow sandstone, creating a beautiful sight to behold. While digging into sandstone is relatively easy, it would nonetheless send a statement that the Pilgrims are here to stay, while providing a secure and safe base.
(Pros: Material cost is halved, and Goodwill cost is reduced by -0.5, attackers must overcome your security to attack you, unique building options unlocked
Cons: Buildings take +1 Turn to mine and set up)

[ ] Living Quarters - Basic
While sleeping in tents is something that many do for their whole life, you think that the Pilgrim should have decent and clean quarters to sleep in.
(Cost: 7 Materials Upkeep: 0.5 Materials
Reward: Up to 150 Pilgrims can live in your base before mali start to apply)

[ ] Storerooms - Basic
Preparing for bad times is not only smart but necessary. Ensure that there are enough supplies and secure storerooms to last the Pilgrims for at least three months.
(Cost: 5 Materials Upkeep: 0.2 Materials Restock cost: 3 Materials
Reward: Can support up to 150 Pilgrims for three months under siege conditions, before you need to gather new supplies)

[ ] Hygenic Living - Basic
A single plague can wipe out cities. Ensure that the Pilgrims follow at least the basic of personal Hygiene and have the facility to do so.
(Cost: 7 Materials Upkeep: 0.2 Materials
Reward: Plagues roll a with mali to infect the Pilgrims, supports up to 150 Pilgrims before it becomes useless)

[ ] Administration Center - Basic
Running the Pilgrims will, over time, become only more complicated and require more and more things to be handled at the same time. Which means that you will have to create a bureaucracy to deal with this.
(Cost: 5 Materials Upkeep: 1 Material
Reward: +1 Personal Action, Unlocks To Much To Do)

[ ] Desalination Plans (Locked to "Make A Statement")
Near the cliff, about 50 meters to the left of the tree, there is a saltwater stream that flows inland. You would need to dig some trenches to be able to set up an essential desalination operation. Still, the salt that you would gain from it would pay for any maintenance, as well as ensure that there is a constant source of fresh water available.
(Cost: 5 Materials (boni already applied)
Reward: 100 Pilgrims can be supplied with water, unlocks further buildings)

[ ] Write In

Sometimes, you have to get your own hands dirty. Sometimes you want to relax, since leading the Pilgrims rarely leads to a dull moment. Now? Now you have to decide what to focus on. (1 Action)

[ ] Lead By Example (Write in Action)
Help your People, motivate them by taking a personal interest in their work. You won't just sit around either. Two more hands are always needed.
(Reward: +20 to 1 Action)

[ ] Introduction (Write in Organization)
Some factions and organizations could have things that would benefit the Pilgrims; Money, Machines, Connections, Public support, and many more. Unfortunately, that means introducing yourself, which may or may not paint a giant target on your back.
(House Mirn wants to meet with you. 100% Success chance
Chance: 50% for Locals, 30% for Elites (cannot choose The Common People or Cults)
Reward: Chosen organizations support-network unlocked.)

[ ] Cool Tempers
Not everything can always be sunshine and rainbows, sometimes shit goes sideways, and people need to be reminded that failure is not the end of the world.
(Chance: 40%
Reward: +1% Piety, and 1 additional for every +10 above success)

[ ] Guiding Hand
There are some Pilgrims who stand at the edge of committing themselves to the Pilgrims cause. You should speak to them, see what stops them and try to either bring them in or make them realize that they would make a mistake if they did so.
(Reward: +1 Faithful, as long as there are followers left)

[ ] Name Yourself
Over the years you had many names, given by your parents, your friends, and companions, by the people and the Pilgrims. But they were not you. Perhaps you should spend some time to find a name that describes yourself, mind, body, and soul.
Notable Achievements:
-Accidentally create a Cult
(Reward: You are Named)

[ ] Write In

So, before anyone asks, yes, you are now organized. The Formation of the Corps would have happened even if you had chosen to start organized. It is something entirely different for someone to be one day told; "do that" and to specialize in this specific action.

Don't forget, a Faithful that is not bound up in buildings can be assigned to actions, and omakes give boni, even if they are not canonized.

Voting will be closed on the 06.04.20 at 17:00 CET.
The decision for Goodwill use is on the 07.04.20 at 17:00 CET
Updates will be online on the 09.04.20 at 17:00 CET.
Last edited:
Turn 6: Year 1; Month 3; Nobles, Failures, And Ambitions
The Pilgrims
1.) The Mission of the Pilgrims is defined as such;
-a.) the easing, reduction, and eradication of
--1.) poverty
--2.) diseases
--3.) hunger
--4.) addiction
-b.) building infrastructure to ensure stability and growth in a region
-c.) the creation of useful technologies and machines to advance Humanity
-d.) reverse-engineering lost technologies

2.) The Leader of the Pilgrims is chosen by democratic vote, to ensure that the majority is heard.

3.) A new Leader is chosen should the current Leader;
-a.) die
-b.) voluntarily step down
-c.) be removed by a two-thirds majority vote

4.) The responsibilities of the Leader are thus;
-a.) assign 2(two) assistants to help organize matters they cannot attend to in a 7(seven) day time-span
-b.) bring issues brought forward by Department Heads or individual Pilgrims to vote
-c.) ensure that all votes are cast in no longer than 5(five) days
-d.) call for referenda on current issues/opportunities every 3(three) months
-e.) ensure that all discussion of issues remain civil and cool-headed
-f.) act as a tie-breaker, should a vote be even
-g.) bring forth issues in structure or behavior of the Pilgrims
-h.) ensure that the Pilgrims do not stray from their mission to help and uplift Humanity

5.) The duties of the members of the Pilgrims are;
-a.) giving what can, in good conscience, be spared to the cause of the Pilgrims, be that in Work, Materials, Food, Money and/or Information
--1.) no person may give more than 10% of their respective monthly earnings, or spend more than 4(four) hours working in a Pilgrim run structure
--2.) this can be exempted on an individual basis, either by;
---a.) a Pilgrim requesting such
---b.) the nature of an assignment requires it
-b.) bring forth issues of the conduct of individuals or the Pilgrims as a whole to the chosen Leader
-c.) bring forth problematic aspects of the structure and tenets of the Pilgrims to the Leader
-d.) vote, or send an envoy with the ballots to the Pilgrims HQ, every 3(three) months, on current issues/opportunities
-e.) being aware that they act as a representative of the Pilgrims, no matter the environment they find themselves in
-f.) ensuring that the Pilgrims do not waver from their mission to help and uplift Humanity
-g.) turn in any artifacts found to the leading archeologist

6.) In exchange they are allowed to partake in;
-a.) free food and water
--1.) At least 1(one) warm meal a day
-b.) free lodging
--1.) in a room with no more than 3(three) other people
-c.) free healthcare
-d.) free counseling
-e.) free access to all Pilgrim-run structures that are not used for security
-f.) rewards of turning in artifacts
--1.) The amount is determined by the rarity and importance of the artifact
--2.) This does not apply to intentional archeologic digs run by the Pilgrims as a whole
-g.) request leave from current duties, should they be employed by the Pilgrims, without having to state a reason, for 8(eight) weeks a year.
-1.) this leave does not carry over to the next year
-2.) longer leave can be granted should the reasons suffice, such as;
--a.) family matters (death/marriage)
--b.) recuperation
--c.) doctorial orders

7.) Department Heads are chosen by the ability to perform their tasks and their ability alone. Their responsibilities are;
-a.) ensuring that they complete their assigned duty to the best of their, and their worker's ability
-b.) minimize inter-departmental conflict
-c.) bring any issues, optimizations or opportunities to the Leader

8.) A Pilgrim may leave, without fear of reprisal, violence or shunning;
-a.) should a Pilgrim accost, hurt or otherwise intimidate another Pilgrim that plans to, is leaving or has left, they will be punished by exile and banned from partaking or entering any event or Pilgrim run structure
--1.) The exiled Pilgrim can challenge the exile after 1(one) year, should 4(four) other Pilgrims vouch for them
--2.) This can only be done once
-b.) any Pilgrim who left can re-enter at any time should they so wish
--1.) any Pilgrim cannot re-enter more than 2(two) times without good reason

9.) The Pilgrims will not discriminate by;
-a.) Gender
-b.) Sexuality
-c.) Skin-color
-d.) Religious ties
-e.) Origin

10.) This charter is subject to changes should;
-a.) new tenets be adopted
-b.) new situations force the adaptation of current rules
-c.) issues be found in it

Origin: Humanism
They say that a human is mired in sin, that you are wrong, and need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree. In every human is good, in every person exists the capacity to create greatness. You just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? - 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)

First Tenet: What was will be
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, size depending on the site.)
Member/Ressource Statistics
Members: 99
-Faithful: 1/2
-Followers: 97(48 unoccupied)

Materials: 16.94(+1.94 per turn)

Goodwill: 9

Piety: 50% (No effects)
The Empress
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Unaware of your existence

Marquis of Tessen
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Unaware of your existence

House Ulatarn
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Unaware of your existence

House Mirn
Contact: Lord Malarn
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Sponsor digs to increase their status

Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Ensure you are compliant with the law

Church of Eden
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Ignore you

The Followers of Light
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Ensure that you do not poach followers from them
The Common People:
Opinion: Friendly
Plans: Passively Benefit

The Merchant Guild:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Source of Artifacts and Customers

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Con you

Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Dismissive of you

The Adventurer Guild:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Stabhappy/Waiting for bounties

Criminal Organisations:
Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Wait and See

Opinion: Neutral
Plans: Enigmatic, but nothing good if antagonized
Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1 (7 Passive Recruitment per turn)
Unique/Notable Assets
Tree Of Knowledge
Pros: Material cost is halved, and Goodwill cost is reduced by -0.5, attackers must overcome your security to attack you, unique building options unlocked
Cons: Buildings take +1 Turn to mine and set up

Desalination facility (Basic)

The week had started so well. You finally found a spot to set up camp, permanently, and began to organize those of the Pilgrims who wanted to both dig up and study artifacts. The excitement was infectious as people shared experiences and set up procedures and methods of both acquisition and research. Even the digging of the channels made people feel giddy, seeing progress being made before their eyes. During this, you thought that you finally had prepared your missionaries enough to send them out for a simple task, finding out who could supply the Pilgrims with rumors.

That was the moment when things stopped working. It was not a fault of them, just a combination of multiple factors. The distrusting nature of your countrymen, the fact that you did not understand the local culture as well as you should, and the fact that a drought was starting and people had more pressing concerns than talking with the weird newcomers. It was disappointing, but even mistakes can be turned into opportunities by learning from and adapting to them. Perhaps you should put your everything into training them for the next three months to ensure that nothing goes wrong? Or maybe build/dig a learning hall to ensure that people could learn in a proper environment?

But that was something to worry about tomorrow, for now, you disembarked towards Mirn, hoping that the audience with House Mirn goes at least somewhat better than everything else.

-House Mirn-
-The city of Mirn-
Audience (91/100)
As you walk through the city, you feel both awed and nervous.

Awed at the mass of people that walk the streets, the towers and walls jutting into the sky in defiance of gravity and the sheer might of Humanity that is displayed in both architecture and military as you see two knights lumber past you on their way to ensure the safety of the people of Slatnan.

Nervous, because you are a peasant walking into the wealthiest place in a two weeks journey in any direction, not because you work there or anything sensible, but because you have an audience.
With the head of one of the three ruling houses of the region.
Who wants to talk with you so badly that they send both a messenger as well as a scroll with their official wax stamp on it.
So, yeah. You are nervous, fretting over the tiniest details, to the point that Nexa threw you out of the camp and told you to come back only when you had finally talked to them.

This means that you now stand here, in front of the manor, wearing not something fancy, but your everyday clothes. At least you managed to polish your spear, somewhat. Years of use don't just vanish in a few minutes. Taking a steadying breath, you approach the guards who had already begun to eye you from across the street.

"Halt stranger, name your purpose.", the left one calls out, looking more relieved to have something to do, than worried or suspicious. Immediately you take out the scroll and hand it to the guard, saying: "I was told that the Lord already expects me." Both now look at you with raised eyebrows. "Right. Now let's see what you have here.", the one you handed the scroll responds while unfolding it. A few minutes pass as he reads through it carefully and finally nods in satisfaction.

"Checks out, I'll guide you there. Hold the post for me, Gerd." The other guard only nods and proceeds to ignore you.

As you walk to the main building, you can't help but feel unsettled by the sheer extravagance of the place. The way is paved with colored mosaics, lush bushes and trees dot the area, none with white leaves you note with quiet satisfaction, and there are electrical lights all around the place. That last bit is the one thing that piques your interest instead of putting you off. Electricity is something only the obscenely rich can afford to have due to the difficulty in generating it. And weren't they supposed to be poor; you think as you arrive at the entrance.

"Right, Frieda will take it from here," your guard says as he points to a maid that has taken notice of you. "Good luck, you will need it," he says as he walks off. Before you can ask what he means with that, the maid, Frieda, speaks up.

"Welcome to House Mirn; my name is Frieda. Unfortunately, I will need to review the document sent to you. We had a bit of a problem with forgers, I am sure you understand?" she says with a smile that seems to be intended as friendly, but come off as more predatory and suspicious. You would be impressed if you weren't having a slight panic attack at the thought that someone had tricked you. You nonetheless give her the scroll and say, "Here, I hope there are no issues with it."

"I do.", Frieda responds worryingly eager and takes your scroll, reading it immediately, before giving it back to you with a slight scowl. "Everything checks out; please follow me. Also, leave your spear with Lur here.", she speaks, pointing at a guard that you did not hear approaching. Nonetheless, you follow the command and walk after Frieda.

The interior of the manor can only be described as luxurious. Paintings and thick rugs line the hallways as furniture made out of wood are interspersed throughout it all. Unfortunately, you arrive at a room before you can take in the layout of the electrical grid and take notes.

"The young lord is already waiting inside. Don't try anything."

Somewhat intimidated, you step into the meeting only to bump into someone. "Ouch." Looking down, you see to your growing horror a young boy, maybe 16/17 years old, stepping back rubbing his nose.

Before you can ask for forgiveness for hitting him, the boy looks up at you and says with a manic grin, "I must say, I did not imagine meeting you this way. Don't worry about me. Sit, sit! We have much to talk about, and I hope that you will be intrigued by my proposal."

Despite the slight scare at the beginning, the meeting proceeds on a much better note. It seems that Lord Malarn of Mirn is somewhat of a technophile and very enthusiastic about the past and the technologies it contains. He strained for years to get an expedition set up, but there are specific laws that prevent the nobles from sending troops into the Forest to ensure that they wouldn't be able to scavenge ancient weaponry from the ruins and use them in an uprising. Fortunately for him, those laws do not apply to the Pilgrims, which means that he wants to use you to exploit that loophole. While this is by no means strictly illegal, it would nonetheless raise suspicion. So, he has already laid the groundwork by stealthily creating a mercenary company and wants to sell their use to you, and the Pilgrims by extension.

His exact terms are:
"For the use of my company in clearing and guarding your sites, I will receive at least one artifact, 25% of all recovered, rounded down, with the first pick of them, of course."

As you leave, having made no promises nor told him that you won't take him up on his offer, you feel like this is an excellent opportunity for the Pilgrims. This would enable you to set up expeditions to hazardous places and reap benefits without having to pay an arm and a leg to mercenaries yourselves or risk life and limb taking to the field. The only downside would be that you would lose out of a quarter of all recovered artifacts—something that you need to think about.

Faith: Destructive, Powerful, Magnificent. Faith has moved mountains, healed wounds deeper than flesh, and reduced nations to ash. Harness it to create something that will outlast you and inspire a thousand generations to come. (Choose 1 Action)

[X] Basic Etiquette - Locked 2/3 Turns
Look, talking to people and getting them to join you for supper is one thing, asking them to join a cult is something completely different. You need to ensure that everyone has at least some idea on how to recruit people without stepping on the toes of the local Church and anger the people.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 70% +10
Reward: reduce penalty and increase the likelihood of successful recruitment actions, unlocks further actions)

Diplomacy: The art of speaking many words that mean nothing should not be underestimated. A word in the right ear at the wrong time has toppled many a nation. (Choose 1 Action)

[X] Have You Heard? - Locked 1/2 Turns
For some rumors are a nuisance; for others, they are mildly amusing and for some? They are the air they breathe, the food they eat, and the earth they walk on. It should not be too hard to gain access to the local rumor mill, especially if you offer insights into the Pilgrim lifestyle and politics.
(Chance: 90% +10
Reward: Unlocks Local Rumor Mill)

Learning: Knowledge is Power. (Choose 1 Action)

[X] Create A Scholar-Corps - Locked 1/2 Turns
(What was will be Synergy - Starts at 2nd Tier)
Studying ancient artifacts and reverse-engineering them is not something that should be left to amateurs. Luckily, your own experiences and the enthusiasm of the Pilgrims will ensure that those tasked with it are both competent and diligent in this duty.
(Cost: 1 Faithful
Takes 2 Turns
Reward: Increased chance to research, lower successes needed for completion)

Archeology: The secrets of the past will illuminate the future, may we learn from their mistakes. (Choose 1 Action)

[ ] Prepare an Expedition (Choose A Location)(Specify Turns)
Sometimes you need to dig into one location for months on end to exploit it fully.
(Can only be used on locations already scouted out. For every turn you spend on this action, an expedition spends 2(two) at the chosen target. Once the expedition has left, it no longer requires one action.)
-House Mirn support: Y/N
(25% of the recovered artifacts are given over, no need for security or clearing places on your own)

[ ] Scout The Southern Outskirts
The Forest of Rust is not something you want to barge in unprepared. Scouting small areas will result in both routes to promising sites as well as return information on possible hostile forces present in or around them.
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in the Southern Outskirts are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Eastern Outskirts
The Forest of Rust is not something you want to barge in unprepared. Scouting small areas will result in both routes to promising sites as well as return information on possible hostile forces present in or around them.
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in the Eastern Outskirts are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Western Outskirts
The Forest of Rust is not something you want to barge in unprepared. Scouting small areas will result in both routes to promising sites as well as return information on possible hostile forces present in or around them.
(Chance: 75%
Reward: Sites in the Western Outskirts are located and mapped.
Warning! If the action fails, 5% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Write In

Tree of Knowledge:
The home of the Pilgrims, a bastion of all that they stand for, and a symbol of hope for the desperate. (Choose 1 Action)

[X] Desalination Plans (Locked) - Locked 1/2 Turns
Near the cliff, about 50 meters to the left of the tree, there is a saltwater stream that flows inland. You would need to dig some trenches to be able to set up an essential desalination operation. Still, the salt that you would gain from it would pay for any maintenance, as well as ensure that there is a constant source of fresh water available.
(Cost: 5 Materials (boni already applied)
Reward: 100 Pilgrims can be supplied with water, unlocks further buildings)

[ ] Write In

Sometimes, you have to get your own hands dirty. Sometimes you want to relax, since leading the Pilgrims rarely leads to a dull moment. Now? Now you have to decide what to focus on. (Choose 1 Action)

[ ] Lead By Example (Write in Action)
Help your People, motivate them by taking a personal interest in their work. You won't just sit around either. Two more hands are always needed.
(Reward: +20 to 1 Action)

[ ] Introduction (Write in Organization)
Some factions and organizations could have things that would benefit the Pilgrims; Money, Machines, Connections, Public support, and many more. Unfortunately, that means introducing yourself, which may or may not paint a giant target on your back.
(Chance: 50% for Locals, 30% for Elites (cannot choose The Common People or Cults)
Reward: Chosen organizations support-network unlocked.)

[ ] Cool Tempers
Not everything can always be sunshine and rainbows, sometimes shit goes sideways, and people need to be reminded that failure is not the end of the world.
(Chance: 40%
Reward: +1% Piety, and 1 additional for every +10 above success)

[ ] Guiding Hand
There are some Pilgrims who stand at the edge of committing themselves to the Pilgrims cause. You should speak to them, see what stops them and try to either bring them in or make them realize that they would make a mistake if they did so.
(Reward: +1 Faithful, as long as there are followers left)

[ ] Name Yourself
Over the years you had many names, given by your parents, your friends, and companions, by the people and the Pilgrims. But they were not you. Perhaps you should spend some time to find a name that describes yourself, mind, body, and soul.
Notable Achievements:
-Accidentally create a Cult
-Failed 40% of all attempted actions setting up the pilgrims
(Reward: You are Named)

[ ] Write In

Invisible text is fun!

Don't forget, a Faithful that is not bound up in buildings can be assigned to actions, and omakes give boni, even if they are not canonized.

Voting will be closed on the 10.04.20 at 17:00 CET.
The decision for Goodwill use is on the 11.04.20 at 17:00 CET
Updates will be online on the 13.04.20 at 17:00 CET.
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[Canon] - Technology On Calynth, And In Slatnan Specifically
The state of technology on Calynth is one that seems confusing at first glance and is a point of strife amongst scholars, for many ideas and concepts have survived the collapse of civilization. Still, the foundation those ideas have been created upon has been forgotten. Such as gravity or the fact that air is a mixture of many different gases, but not how such a thing is possible. Many know the answer, but not the question to that answer. This guide is intended to illuminate the reader on what to expect in terms of technology and shine a light on what has been forgotten or rediscovered in the nation Slatnan.

Stages of technology
In general, there are four recognized stages of technology in Slatnan. These are;
Mundane; techniques that are in use by everyone and can be applied without problems on every social level.
Rare; technologies that can only be implemented by the rich or influential. They are rarely understood and can often not be replaced by components of similar quality. Electricity and Bikes are examples of this category.
Lost Tech; are technologies that only function by constant maintenance and can not be replicated. Knights and the assemblies they are created in are examples of this.
Unique; these technologies are so beyond understanding that many churches have proclaimed them to be divine artifacts. Further complicating the study of them is the fact that many can only be used once to devastating or miraculous effects, such as the vaporization of entire regiments or the healing of even the most heinous wounds.

This area of life has undoubtedly been hit the hardest if the size of the ancient city is any indication. While plows and crude automatic seeders are standard throughout the world, more advanced technologies and structures such as greenhouses are rare and often only employed by nobles and the rich. Most foods are harvested by scythe and hand, rather than machines. While a bad year is not the end for the people nearby, multiple years can spell the doom for a region if others do not support it.

The most common transportation is the old fashioned method of walking yourself. Carts and wagons are in use, but the relatively high cost of keeping animals makes them rather minor in comparison. The most advanced way of transport are bikes, two-wheeled carriages running on a black substance known as oil. They are only used by higher-ranking nobility or the military in situations where speed is of the essence.

Most people use or are familiar with one of four weapons; spear, ax, sling, bow. Swords and mechanical crossbows are only used by the rich, special troops, or nobility. Primitive guns are known, but an automatic crossbow is much cheaper to make, maintain, and have superior range, hit-chance, and kill-potential than firearms. On the heavier side of weapons are the knights. 4-meter high mechas that are piloted by a member of the nobility that has sworn off their name in exchange for the honor to pilot one of these. They are equipped with up-scaled electrified swords or spears, sometimes with giant crossbows that shoot bolts as long as people. While they can be created, maintenance is often such an issue that they are only used to repel dangerous or massive amounts of foes, should they not be called to battle.

Most manufacture is done by hand on primitive machines that have interchangeable parts in shifts to maximize productivity and exceed the production-rates. Primitive steam-engines are currently in testing.

Most communication over long distances is done by letters and couriers. More advanced methods are known, but the cost to maintain them is so high that they are not feasible.

This section is probably the one that has seen the least degradation over the years. Many people know the conventional theories such as germs and basic hygiene, and primitive microscopes have ensured that the battle against diseases is still ongoing. Even if antibiotics have been reduced to third-grade-options, due to the infrastructure to create them in any sufficient quantities not being there, and the fact that many diseases are resistant against this medicine.
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Rumour Mill Turn 7
House Ulatarn refusing to open cisterns?
The drought this year has many people worried, all too well remembering the drought 18 Years back. Still, thanks to the generosity of the nobles, we once more can breathe relieved. If House Ulatarn would not have made the shocking decision to keep the cisterns closed, citing "that there is no need for giving out water rations." Some servants say that the reasoning behind that is, that they are more concerned with keeping rare flowers alive than their subjects.

Walker Rotgut finally killed!
The terrifying Walker Rotgut, named after its horrifying habit of draping its midsection with the intestines of the people it has killed, has been finally taken down by Knight-Captain Alasta and the order of The Blue Lance. The people cheered as they returned triumphant from their hunt and can once more sleep safe, knowing that the empire cares about their wellbeing.

A Pilgrim meeting with House Mirn?
The Pilgrims who have settled a day north of Mirn have, once more, caused a stir in the upper echelons of society. The Followers of Light have, as they usually do, not reacted well to any perceived rival, threatening them with violence as some villagers who live close to them have reported. But the real news is the fact that the leader of them has had an audience with Lord Malarn. No one knows what has been discussed, but the speculations are that House Mirn wants to use the idealistic views of them to on-up his rivals and increase his standing with the common man. Time should tell what his intentions are.