Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!

So... Cosmos began existing for Void because Cosmos loves Void and wanted to exist for ehr so Void could exist. I could be wrong, but that's what i can recall. But concepts themselves can be killed, so [LOVE] caused all things to begin existing, so what would happen if you killed [LOVE]? Cosmos and Void would no longer love each other and care to exist or support the other...

Is this a bad end?

I'm sleep deprived, so if anyone thinks this is a weird question, that's the mostl likely reason. It seems a valid question to me right now.
There is good reason why Eros is s primordial god in Greek mythology.
So... Cosmos began existing for Void because Cosmos loves Void and wanted to exist for ehr so Void could exist. I could be wrong, but that's what i can recall. But concepts themselves can be killed, so [LOVE] caused all things to begin existing, so what would happen if you killed [LOVE]? Cosmos and Void would no longer love each other and care to exist or support the other...

Is this a bad end?

I'm sleep deprived, so if anyone thinks this is a weird question, that's the mostl likely reason. It seems a valid question to me right now.
More likely IMO is that Cosmos and Void fall into depression and continue acting out the relationship the once had, despite the lack of love between them, in a sad way of holding onto the happiness they once had together.
More likely IMO is that Cosmos and Void fall into depression and continue acting out the relationship the once had, despite the lack of love between them, in a sad way of holding onto the happiness they once had together.
But wouldn't they be incapable of comprehending that former happiness, since the death of [LOVE] would mean that they wouldn't even be able to remember being in love in the past?
I'm about 40% sure I suffer from depression also. It'd explain why all my shit tends to get so dark.
Same here. Its an unfortunate aspect of today society, more people are isolated than ever before, there is little separation between work and rest, more stress and so much more. Most of what i write is dark as well, to the point people on SB have told me off or to tone it down, but mainly i do that as its fun.

I dont actually think most of your stuff is that dark.
Well, yeah, I suffer from depression. :V
I'm about 40% sure I suffer from depression also. It'd explain why all my shit tends to get so dark.
Huzzah. Time to start up the old club again. We meet on a high-rise tower with no fence or railguard.

Had to close down cause we lost all our old members.


Yes, I'm a horrible person.

Also, been suicidal before, so I can make jokes about it. I think. I'm bad at social as well, so I don't know actually.
That's because I put in active effort to make sure it doesn't get too dark.

The original path of the story called for most of Team GEAR to be dead right now.
>.> *Coughs* Speaking of, I actually only remember losing the sister. And even after seeing the pic of the other dead teammate I don't remember who they were or what they did.

Also, Conquest Ending! ...I am so sad Compile promised not to put another ending like that into the HDN series. Although V2 had a good one with the CPUs choking their sister's too death.
>.> *Coughs* Speaking of, I actually only remember losing the sister. And even after seeing the pic of the other dead teammate I don't remember who they were or what they did.
Richard Nixon was a walking joke and Jessica was falling into the role of "replacement big sis". Jessica was also the shell-shocked unkillable veteran who had seen more battle than anyone else before she ended up dying in front of Solid Core.

Pretty sucky for both parties really. Have some minders Nepgear! Oh, wait, lemme just kill off the only girl in your group by having her slowly bleed to death in a manner that makes you consider just killing her to make it stop.
So... people write darker stuff when depressed?

That... would explain why I can not bring myself to go as dark as crystal in my spin-off. At least in some aspects.
Sorry to say, but this is a club I am hesitant to join :V
It's not a fun club. I want to write lighthearted stuff, but none of it ever works out.

See my Nightmare snippet series over on my QQ idea thread.
Magical Girl Inspiring Ember screamed as she writhed in placed, impaled on a twisted throne-like edifice of fused steel and bone. Her power not allowing her to die; forced to watch as all she knew turned to ash below her,

Blood pooled on the ground, glinting darkly in the moonlight and under the flickering light of the flames that now engulfed her town. The air was filled with acrid smoke that billowed from the flames, sending embers streaking across the night sky to be caught in the wind and formed a blazing orange maelstrom. Thick, choking smoke darkened the streets as the town burned. In the midst of the smoke and flames, another Magical Girl danced, twin blades flickering in the dark and spilling blood endlessly. The sound of the battle slowed down as the resistance crumbled, each death – every drop of blood; every burning ember - fuelling the 'Queen's' power to greater heights.

The hooded Girl laughed as the scolding wind swirled around her, playing as ashes fell like snow upon the carnage. Row upon row of impaled and defiled bodies stretched down, arrayed below the throne Inspiring Ember 'sat' upon.
A pool shimmered in the fire light, filled with crimson liquid. Bleached bone chairs were arrayed around tables filled with roast meat.
Cages of metal, formed from twisted wreckage, glowed orange from the heat. Charred bones filled the prisons that rested in the inferno.
Elaborate pieces of art crafted out of blood, fire, metal and bone rose up into the sky, casting hauntingly beautiful shadows across the scorched ground. Raging fires illuminated the ever-shifting faces entrapped in steel forevermore.

Magical Girl Burning Blood inhaled deeply as the last demon fell. Fire danced in her veins, the rush of spilt blood making the world take on a crystalline edge, the destruction and desecration a high like no other. A siren call she didn't wish to resist. The taste of ash in the air, the scent of fire and the burning wind that caressed her body, it was sublime.

I love destruction, the breaking of taboo. The look of terror and utter helplessness as I rip those weaklings apart. It is such a pity I rarely have an excuse to let loose.

Jade Evens turned away from the corpses, burning the scum with a wave of a hand. The 18-year-old Epic took her time to appreciate her artwork as she walked through the inferno consuming the town of traitors. Smouldering ruby eyes burned with hate and fury as she stared at the endless parade of death. Thousands of Daemons, Nightmares, and more demon-worshiping human filth formed a twisted congregation looking towards the alter that now stood where 'Inspiring Ember' had held her gathering.

Ascending the stairs, Jade relished the Dark Magical Girl's screams and whimpering. The burning wind whipped her dark cape around, as the black-haired girl reached out to cup the other girl's face.

I want to kill her, to smash her foul head like a rotten egg. To rip her mind apart and trap her into endless nightmares. I want her to suffer!

Visions danced through Jades' mind as she let her mind ruin wild. Of breaking the traitor, of burning the traitor alive. Using her magic to seize control of the other girl's blood and making her dance until her feet ground down to stump. Setting her nerves alight with agony.

Weak! Pathetic! Traitor!

Jade felt her lips part, a feral snarl gracing her face as she stared into Inspiring Ember's terrified, confused and agonized golden eyes. She could torture this thing for the rest of time and never feel it was enough, never get her fill. But that would be worthless and counterproductive – she could let herself have this much and no more. To go any further and to drag out her fun longer would be counterproductive and risk something going wrong. Jade liked to think she was more disciplined than that.

The old Story Maker had stopped screaming, just glaring at her in hatred and incomprehension.

"Twenty-four million," Jade said, running a finger down the other girl's face, "two hundred and eighty-four thousand. That is how many people you have killed, or helped kill, since magic came to Earth. Humans that is – I'm not even getting into our 'allies' – even if you didn't pull the trigger. You helped sabotage the defenses of Hope, charmed and hypnotized defenders to give classified information. Turned thousands to demon cults and worship, systematically broke and manipulated over one hundred Magical Girls. Helped arrange the sacrifice of tens of thousands of souls, human souls, to try to create corruptive 'Black Mud'. You did a good job hiding the blight and filth you had been building in this town, of putting on the facade of a hero of the UL and Pillar. A survivor since the start, all the while spreading poison."

Jade stopped and stepped back, letting a drop of blood land on the traitor's mouth, cutting off the pain for a moment and healing her throat letting her speak one last time.

The ashen skinned girl coughed wetly, "Why?"

"I just said."

"And why do you care!" Her voice was cut off as she was wracked by spasms, blood dribbling down her chin. "You are as much for the Dark as I am!" She jerked her head to the slaughter below, her voice taking on a seductive undertone – all liquid flames and ambrosia. "If the Unified Light saw this you would be hunted down, and you know this. You limit yourself unnecessarily, only letting your true self out in the shadows and never taking credit. Unknown and unremembered, no one of your stature and might should live like that. Joining the Unified Dark would let you play and dance until Gaia ran red, until the sky burned...."

Jade rolled her eyes, cutting off the grey-clad girl. "Yes, I'm a monster without remorse but I'm also not stupid. I don't want to fight for the rest of my life." She reached into a pocket and withdrew a blade, a bone saw, a container and a pair of pliers continuing to speak as she did so. "I love fighting. I delight in murder. In crushing my foes and causing them agony without limits or end. Burning the world, letting it all be consumed by fire as I drink deep in rivers of blood. But I want to see the stars, I want to walk on the Moon and see Mars. I wish to see how far technology can go, to live in a flourishing society."

The Queen of Flames and Blood pricked her finger, letting a drip of blood enter the traitors mouth. Her blood answered Jade's call and Hanna Carter froze, her regalia vanishing into motes of light as her transformation, her mantle of power, was ripped from her grasp. Jade cut into the girl's chest, not letting her do anything but listen. "The Endless War won't let that happen. For Humanity to live free, to show our might to the cosmos, we must crush those who would drag us down. The Unified Dark would let us live, but what life would it be?"

Flesh parted bloodlessly, revealing white ribs etched with the runes and seals of brand craft and necromancy powered by those she killed. Picking up her saw, Jade began cutting. "We would spend every moment struggling, fighting among ourselves as much as anything else. Power over all other matters, petty warlords and tyrants forcing others to obey them. No normal, no healthy human civilization can rise up and sustain itself by the mentality espoused by the Unified Dark. They're right, those with power do make the rules, but it takes only a short time for human societies to go beyond that. Laws, customs and compromise are key parts of what we need. I will not join something so self-destructive for a transient pleasure. There will always be demons to fight, to play with and the UL doesn't care overly much what I do to things like you."

A crack filled the air as Jade broke the bones off, revealing the monstrous girl's heart. It was hideous. Blackened lines covered the surface of flesh that glowed with a profane light. Embedded into it was a nail etched with brand craft. A phylactery of sorts, containing the tormented and still-alive soul of the Story class Girl, Recursive Dawn. The key to Inspiring Ember's apparent immortality and power, enhanced healing and rebirth with the dawn as long as she was not killed by something too powerful.

"I can live in a society that is not drained by war, have friends and family without the constant risk of them dying and still fight. Or I can live in a hellscape of ever shifting alliances and betrayal, never growing or living as a human is supposed to. I prefer to take the rational choice."

Burning Blood ripped out the nail, holding the thing with her pliers before placing it into a sealed container and slipping it into her pocket. Blood spattered on the ground and throne, reflecting the fire and ash laden sky as the tainted girls heart was ripped out.

The blood-soaked ground ignited around Burning Blood as she glided though the ruins, untouched by the inferno. When dawn broke all that was left of the small Australian town was ash and a single message at the local Counter Force base.

'Even the greatest inspirations fall, just like Hope. And sometimes you just nail it.


"Ms. Evens!"

Jade jerked awake, her transformation phrase at her lips and a fireball in her hand, before the person she was about to incinerate registered.

Mr. Stark glared at her, shaking slightly at the sight of the fireball, "Put that out, you know magic is barred in school unless prior permission is obtained or it's an emergency."

Slumping, Jade let the fireball go as she bit back a flush as the rest of the class began muttering. "Sorry, sir. I had a late night." She could hear people whispering, debating if she could be a Magical Girl. Only for those arguments too be dismissed because she had awakened her magic too late. It was kind of funny, no one seemed to register that the first time she had displayed magic was not necessarily the first time she used it.

I hate High School, I can't wait until I can go to Uni.

"You need to pay attention and sleep if you want to do well on your HSC. Understand?"

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir," Jade said resignedly, turning her attention back to the board.

Hell, I might even make some friends there, maybe even find a lover. Well, a girl can hope.
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A survivor since the start, all then wild spreading poison."
I don't wan to fight
She reached into a pocket and withdrew a blade, a bone saw, a contained and pair of pliers
container, and a pair
she had awakened her magic to late.
consumed by fire as i drink
Hell, i might even make some friends there,
You forgot to capitalize the word "I".
Do we have an omnidirectional area attack? Because if the problem is clones cloning clones, we need to fill all available space and hit all of them, so it won't matter which one's real.
I have just had a terrible, terrible thought.
Did the Angels ever retrieve Gabriel's corpse?

Because if the Demons have it, then Goddess Red has it...
I have just had a terrible, terrible thought.
Did the Angels ever retrieve Gabriel's corpse?

Because if the Demons have it, then Goddess Red has it...

Gabriel is under Red control if i recall correctly.
IIRC it was even noted that Unified Darkness gave the okay to resurrect such powerful entity(Not something assured considering as they don't want a lose cannon like Red having massive army of powerhouses if they can't control her) because Gabriel as a Angel is a military asset that can be countered(I don't remember well, but something regarding the interaction betwen Angel and places like Hell).
Or i dreamed all of it and my memory is really bad, could be that too.
[X] Plan Rain of Light
-[X] Try and keep the distance between you and both of White Soul's bodies as small as possible.
-[X] Once you are as close as you think you'll get cast Starshine at both of White Soul's bodies. You've already used it against dozens and hundreds of targetsso hitting just two, and the area around them to avoid clone teleportshenanigans, can't be too hard.
[X][EXP] Plan Emergency
-[X] Level Starshine to 17 (150+160=310)
The last time anyone saw Gabriel, it was Michael being kicked through the Reluxus Hypergate while she and her personal guard stayed behind to hold the line long enough for the Elves to shut it down.

No new Angel named Gabriel was born in the intervening years until your Gabriel was prayed into being by those kids you didn't know you saved.