so wait is Taylor's power kinda like myoe's from kyousougiga?

You do realise Myoue's power basically looks at the line between existence and non-existence, picks it up, and then plays jump rope with it?

Taylor doesn't have any powers here, just an extremely powerful patron/friend and that Hebert Stubbornness.

Certainly Amaterasu's presence helped, but she just made Kenta apologise to her for his actions by taking a piece of his territory away from him by just talking to him, and this was after she utterly tore away any illusions he had about his cape name or self-imposed title. Kenta knows that Taylor is the one person in Brockton Bay who will never see him as the Dragon he says he is, and all because she stood up to him and talked.
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A chaji? The formal ceremony? He was going to have to sit in seiza for four hours? Whose bright idea was-- Lee, you inhumanly-patient fucker. Lung bit down on the sigh and started detaching the lower half of his mask. At least he'd get lunch out of this. And at least the wolf couldn't stare at him the whole time. No animal, no matter how well-trained, could stay still as a statue for long.

(It did. Fucking wolf must have been carved from stone.)

This is my favorite bit, because there's all kinds of implied personality (Lee) and implied history (Lee and Lung) and Lung is so close to the truth (Ammy is no simple animal, definitely) while being completely oblivious to it, and it makes perfect sense.

I also love the subtle detail that, quite clearly, Lung is seeing something different from everyone else when he looks. Lung sees an impossibly large, fierce wolf that's one impossibility after another. ("How did I not see or hear it move??")

Most everyone else sees a happy, friendly dog that is perhaps uncommonly clever but is still a dumb animal. A very dumb animal, in fact, comedically so.

Even other people (eg Armsmaster) who have recognized her as a wolf have made no mention of hugeness or fierceness. They pierce the illusion of "doG" but they see a wolf of, at most, unusual color and tameness. She is a terror to Lung alone.

Oh, and Lee is so far the only one to recognize her as a sacred spirit. (... well, Lung has too, except he won't admit it)

I just love that bit, and how it's obvious if you're looking for it but easy to miss if you're not.
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You do realise Myoue's power basically looks at the line between existence and non-existence picks it up and then plays jump rope with it?
Is Myoue the girl with the hammer or the girl with blond drill hair and a Youkai brigade?
Oh, and Lee is so far the only one to recognize her as a sacred spirit. (... well, Lung has too, except he won't admit it)

I just love that bit, and how it's obvious if you're looking for it but easy to miss if you're not.
I noticed it without looking for it. Although I took note of the "carved from stone" portion of that line. It is common for Shinto shrines to have twin statues of "wolf-lions". (I cannot remember what the Japanese name for them is.)
Is Myoue the girl with the hammer or the girl with blond drill hair and a Youkai brigade?

I noticed it without looking for it. Although I took note of the "carved from stone" portion of that line. It is common for Shinto shrines to have twin statues of "wolf-lions". (I cannot remember what the Japanese name for them is.)

Kumainu. They are sat slightly outside the Torii, they've been mentioned earlier.
I noticed it without looking for it. Although I took note of the "carved from stone" portion of that line. It is common for Shinto shrines to have twin statues of "wolf-lions". (I cannot remember what the Japanese name for them is.)

By "that bit" I mean the disparity in people's perception of Ammy, and regardless "easy to miss" doesn't mean "guaranteed to miss", so I'm puzzled as to why you're making the comment at all.

I'm surprised you seem unaware that Amaterasu starts Okami as a stone statue. I'm pretty sure that's already been commented on by other people in this very thread. It's probably a major impetus to that particular line being in the story. At least, that's what the way you're speaking here makes me think.

Also, Taylor's shrine actually has two such statues. She cleaned them up a while back, and the fact that painting them also fixed cracks and so on spooked one of the teenage toughs.
But myoues also inari, who somehow became shorter, and the god in charge of creating new things
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I want people's reaction to this meeting.

The ABB-Crew, The E88, Coil, Merchants, PRT...

Rumours travel faster than all but light, and this has got to be setting off alarms in the city.

I want the Social Media/PHO reactions to "Miko", "taming the dragon".

I especially want to see the Baachan social circles reaction to the Painting that by now hangs in the Honden, of this shrine to Amaterasu. A Bona Fide National Treasure of Japan, thought lost with Kyushu.

I want the Japanese Ambassador's reaction when he finds that out, because eventually it'll get to the PRT and the PRT will tell "appropriate" authorities.
I don't think there is going to be a media reaction just yet. She is a well-known local but for many reasons all of the parties involved want to keep her presence quiet and inside the BB asian community, be respect for her, fear of Lung or desire to gain an asset (PRT), not to mention the Master/Stranger effect of a certain white dog, so I don't expect people posting in PHO for long.

As for the painting i think the PRT got the legal responsability to report the existance of such National Treasure to Japan, but only when they get absolute confirmation of its existance, which even with a curator with the appropiate skills and a lab would be hard to get thanks to the Reality Warp effect they have observed already. And that's if they actually want to prove it to be authentic, they can simply assume its a well-made copy and do nothing to disprove it therefore not bringing an international scandal to an already delicate situation.
Omake: Dogs and Tea
I'm also disappointed we have yet to have any omakes with either Ammy meeting Bitch, or being more motherly to Taylor.

It would not be one of the weirdest days in Taylor Herbert's time as miko. But it would be one she'd remember. A quick glance at the table ensured that, yes, everyone had tea and food; her duties handled, she rested the teapot back in its place and promptly settled back into seiza position at her previous spot. Sunny didn't look over; said dog was showing her Buddha-nature*, as was the main guest across the table, both sitting in atypical, quiet repose.

Taylor had never expected to host tea ceremony for Rachel Lindt - she recognized her from the news, fairly quickly, and the pitbull mask she had laid aside had confirmed it - nor for her to be so civil; had she guessed at such, she would not have added the proper kimono as her dress, nor for her to do this so properly. And while Hellhound's pack would have been expected, she would not have expected them to be sitting at her side, sitting with equal equanimity to their exemplar.

"Thank you. The tea is lovely."

Taylor, for her part, kept her face from showing the feeling of "being a bit part in others' lives" off her face. At least she was doing her duties right, and that no one was watching this moment of absurdity, even if she'd never forget it.


"Hey Colin, could I get a screencap of that? I need a new wallpaper to replace my 'dogs playing poker' background."

Author's note: I know nothing about Tea Ceremony. And, while characters are OOC, please understand I'm doing so for amusement value. Also, Rachel has a Classical Greek memory for things, as far as I care; she memorized the pertinent details after pulling them from Tattletale. She doesn't diss the alpha.

*- Yes, this references the classic Buddhist koan. Imp'd for those who want to know: Does a dog have the Buddha-nature? Wu!
Well I think I've figured out what Taylor's got planned for the Empire 88....America Shaming them out of being Nazis. :D
I don't think there is going to be a media reaction just yet. She is a well-known local but for many reasons all of the parties involved want to keep her presence quiet and inside the BB asian community, be respect for her, fear of Lung or desire to gain an asset (PRT), not to mention the Master/Stranger effect of a certain white dog, so I don't expect people posting in PHO for long.

The fact that Miko is not very well known is actually going to increase the media attention, not decrease. "Lung met with a priestess and she convinced him to declare the shrine and the sidewalk leading up to it safe zone" is interesting, "Lung met with a complete unknown and handed them some of his territory" is BIG news.
This is great stuff. Some of the best I've ever read.

I keep waiting for someone (Clockblocker?) to come into where they are monitoring the surveillance remotely and ask if there were any interesting acts of doG recently.
The fact that Miko is not very well known is actually going to increase the media attention, not decrease. "Lung met with a priestess and she convinced him to declare the shrine and the sidewalk leading up to it safe zone" is interesting, "Lung met with a complete unknown and handed them some of his territory" is BIG news.
Except that all parts involved, especially the members of the ABB will do their best to keep this particular fact private. Lung will not allow any of his foot soldiers to release that fact to the press under pain of death, not to mention the fact that Oni-Lee likes Miko and wouldn't like to cause her trouble; the asian community is going to keep it quiet since they know that if it becomes common knowledge Lung will loss face and might end the agreement, plus they are starting to respect Taylor as a symbol of the resurgence of their culture in BB; the Protectorate won't release this little piece of information both because its de-radicalizating the ABB and because they would unmask a Rogue cape by accident (Taylor takes no precaution with her secret ID), not to mention losing Chessman as a hero.

The rest of the BB parties are almost certainly in the dark regarding Miko for the same reasons, with the only other faction that might have some knowledge of her being Coil, but as always he's a special case.