Yamakasa races for the Prosperity of Brockton Bay hosted by the asian community as a whole.

Mobile Shrine races with Lung and Oni Lee dressed only in tattoo's and fundoshi.

Even found a pic with Yakuza wearing the right colours.

Two things that'll cause Kaiser's head to explode.
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Yamakasa races for the Prosperity of Brockton Bay hosted by the asian community as a whole.

Mobile Shrine races with Lung and Oni Lee dressed only in tattoo's and fundoshi.

Even found a pic with Yakuza wearing the right colours.

Two things that'll cause Kaiser's head to explode.
I think you meant "every other group in Brockton's."

Though the Merchants might put it down to too much high-quality product at once.
Datcord Says: 19 and 20
I got lapped! I would be upset, but... more Constellations is always good!

There was no escaping them.
I'll avoid the obvious Terminator reference here.

then the Vrrrrrr would approach from down the street.
Is a Vrrrrrr the correct term for a group of baachan? You know what? It is now.

Baachan. They were all baachan,

Taylor's own Gran had never been particularly close, considering the blood feud she seemed to have with Danny Hebert,
Seriously, they got into a broken bottle fight one Thanksgiving. It looked like Danny was going to win, but then the old lady cheated and flashed him. He didn't have time to stop dry heaving before she'd gotten him pretty good in the side. And after that, it was time for the annual Hebert ER Visit.

Through some ritual of seniority that Taylor feared she would one day understand,
*snicker* (Also a broken bottle fight.)

Sunny wuffed, and gave a proud toss of her head. Taylor jerked a thumb at the wolf, ignoring the stares of the less-hardened baachans of the group. "Sunny's got that covered, I think."
What? Sunny can get artwork? I can't imagine how! How, oh how, will she EVER get artwork?! </massively overblown shock>

After Tuesday, she started calling herself in sick to school. Not pissing off Lung was slightly more important than algebra.
Oh, yeah? What happens if Lung decides to quiz you on algebra, huh? Checkmate!

Stay in school, kids.

"It's actually for my cousin. Finals are coming up, and she's always stressing about every test she takes."

"Sure, I've met a few like that. She go to Winslow?"

Haru shook his head. "Nah, she's in college. Graduated high school early and went up to Cornell."
Sunny Says: No Bakuda for you!

The assassin didn't know the proper procedure for being a guest, so Taylor did her best to direct him,
"And THAT'S when I stab him in the throat and pull the pins on my suicide vest?"


"Tea ceremony is meant to take years to learn, Miko. You have had one week."
Obviously, she's just not learning it RIGHT. Okay, someone get Mannequin in here to threaten her life. She'll have it down pat in fifteen minutes, tops. Tops.

I still don't understand what Lung even wants.
Belly rubs?

"He thinks I'm a parahuman?" Taylor asked, mouth agape. "That-- I guess that would explain it, but I'm not! Why would he even think that?"

Oni Lee didn't answer directly. Instead he turned his head once to look at the shrine, its fixtures and form like new, then turned his head the other way to stare at the bamboo that was growing around them, forming shapes and structure like a bonsai with years of careful tending.
*laughs* Okay, that was a perfect response. Well done, Oni Lee.

"The Ōkami has displayed much power, yes. Whatever god she serves must be great indeed."
Meanwhile, Sunny visibly preens and decides that Oni Lee is a good boy. A very good boy!

"Yeah, it's a round mirror set into a big bronze disc. The honden is about the only place here Sunny tends to shoo me away from, but she likes to lie near the mirror sometimes when I'm busy cleaning or doing homework."

"I see."
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go change my pants, since I just realized what kami my friend struck a miko of."

Someone did love this place, and her name was Taylor.

"...Sunny, you don't think anyone else mistakes me for a cape, do you?" Taylor asked, as she pedaled and the wolf trotted alongside. Sunny snorted, once.

"Yeah, I didn't think so. That'd be silly."
*wild, hysterical laughter*

Uh... well. I guess, really, there's only one possible response for that.

"No. Lee, you-- you remembered my name?"

That could not be swept aside.
Ah... ha! Holy shit, Lung actually gives a shit about someone.

He dreamt of drowning.
You'd better learn to swim, little carp.

"Lee. Arrange a meeting with the shrine cape."
"Would you like the miko to be there, too?"

"Huh? Who? And why, I mean I didn't order anything, and if I did then I'd--" Taylor paused. She hadn't ordered anything, but… she turned to look at Sunny, who was wagging her tail so fiercely the motion was propelling her butt across the ground.

"Sunny, I swear to god if you used my dad's credit card again…!"
I love that her very FIRST response to something weird happening is to blame Sunny.

Taylor instead waited for Sunny to finish up what she was doing and back away from the crate-- or try to, as the wolf promptly got her head stuck.
*hopeless laughter* Between this and the butt wiggling from wagging earlier, I'm dying. I'm dying.

She rubbed the wolf's ears, and the canine practically radiated smug.
*reads on*
*reads the thread*
*comes back*
Oh, I'll just BET you're smug! No wonder you were all muddy. How much digging did you have to do to drag THAT up out of the ocean?

"Lung will ask about it-- he is expected to. Here, let me tell you about what your friend has brought you, so you can answer him."
"You see, once upon time, Farrah Fawcett was asked to pose for a pin-up, and...."

Trust capes to clutter business with unnecessary ritual.
Hey, man. Capes didn't invent the tea ceremony. If they HAD, it would have involved a mid-ceremony fight to the death or something.

Lung passed under the torii wearing black pants, a bare chest, and his mask. Fuck propriety, he was the dragon.
...yes, that's going to go well for you. I applaud your initiative. (You dumb bastard.)

His power was quiescent still, not stirring in the least despite his memory of their last encounter, as though she were completely and utterly not a threat to him. It was annoying, that his fire would not obey him when he knew better.
Meanwhile, in some other dimension, Sunny is staring at the bulk of Lung's Shard with a DEFINITE "Do you feel lucky, punk?" look on her face.

(It doesn't feel lucky.)

It met his eyes, even, as wild animals were not wont to do.

Lung's eyes flicked upwards, checking the sky despite himself.
*laughs* He CAN be taught!

A chaji? The formal ceremony? He was going to have to sit in seiza for four hours? Whose bright idea was-- Lee, you inhumanly-patient fucker.
Meanwhile, in front of the temple, Oni Lee will deny the smile he's currently wearing to his dying day.

The cape visibly steeled herself for mangling his language, and gave a go at it. "It is called, Zhou Maoshu Appreciating Lotuses."
*checks the thread* Huh. I learned something new today! Awesome!

Huh. That sounded familiar wait a minute. He reached out a hand-- it certainly felt real, beneath his fingers. It could not be. It was a forgery. It had to be. Lung kept his eyes away from it for the rest of the ceremony.
One, Lung's disbelief here is delicious.
Two, WHEN THE HELL DID YOU FEEL A NATIONAL TREASURE OF JAPAN TO COMPARE THIS ONE TO?! ...stop posing like that, Sunny. You know what I meant.

"Is that so. And what did you do to Oni Lee?"
"I gave him tea."

"Is that so. Excuse me, I need to go make myself throw up until I see shoe leather."

That twitch had become permanent. Lung felt his lips pull around his teeth. "You are angry at me."

"Of course I am!" She snapped, surprising him. "You hit me! And you're a gang leader! And you didn't even dress up for tea!"
One, I'm amused at Lung's surprise here. I bet it's been a long time since someone actually bothered to SHOW their anger with him.
Two, I'm helplessly laughing at Taylor's reasons there. Like if he'd been dressed properly, the other problems would have been okay, you know?

The wolf was still staring at him. Lung reigned in his temper, for now.
He can STILL be taught!

"And yet, you welcome Lee? My right hand?"
*opens mouth*
*closes mouth*
No. No jokes about Taylor welcoming Lung's right hand. (Has anyone ever actually seen a Taylor/Lung fic? I mean, there has to be one out there, right?)

"You tread dangerous ground. Think carefully, cape. What would you suggest, if you think my means so wrong?"

No hesitation, not even a little. "Unionize."
And now I have a mental image of the ABB on strike. Holding signs ("Hell no, we won't sell blow!"), doing interviews about fair wages ("Obviously, the Merchants are deliberately undercutting our blowjob rates."), picketing businesses who won't vote for them.... It makes me laugh.

"In other words… if you didn't have to fight the Empire, you could afford to do things better?"
And that's how the Nazis started to have a Very Bad Week.

(Was that ozone he smelled? No-- there was nothing.)
Slowly, carefully, Lung started edging towards the nearest lightning rod....

"Was there anything else you needed, Honored Guest?"
Ah, yes. That's the Southern Hospitality kind of "Honored Guest." You know, the one that can best be translated into "motherfucker."

The action was unbidden, and thoughtful-- so unlike the Oni Lee he'd come to accept in recent years.

He took it, then lit the end with a quick flick of his power. As long as she caused him no trouble, then… perhaps sidewalks were an easy enough trade.
Yesssss. You're letting her have her sidewalks because she's no trouble. NOT because she's bringing your friend back to you. Oh, no. No, you don't care about him at all! You don't care about ANYONE. (You're not fooling anyone here, except yourself.)

Friendshipping Only in my threads. So it has ever been, so it shall ever be.
*awkward shuffle*
Yesssss. Right. Friendshipping.

I got lapped! I would be upset, but... more Constellations is always good!

I'll avoid the obvious Terminator reference here.

Is a Vrrrrrr the correct term for a group of baachan? You know what? It is now.


Seriously, they got into a broken bottle fight one Thanksgiving. It looked like Danny was going to win, but then the old lady cheated and flashed him. He didn't have time to stop dry heaving before she'd gotten him pretty good in the side. And after that, it was time for the annual Hebert ER Visit.

*snicker* (Also a broken bottle fight.)

What? Sunny can get artwork? I can't imagine how! How, oh how, will she EVER get artwork?! </massively overblown shock>

Oh, yeah? What happens if Lung decides to quiz you on algebra, huh? Checkmate!

Stay in school, kids.

Sunny Says: No Bakuda for you!

"And THAT'S when I stab him in the throat and pull the pins on my suicide vest?"


Obviously, she's just not learning it RIGHT. Okay, someone get Mannequin in here to threaten her life. She'll have it down pat in fifteen minutes, tops. Tops.

Belly rubs?

*laughs* Okay, that was a perfect response. Well done, Oni Lee.

Meanwhile, Sunny visibly preens and decides that Oni Lee is a good boy. A very good boy!

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go change my pants, since I just realized what kami my friend struck a miko of."


*wild, hysterical laughter*

Uh... well. I guess, really, there's only one possible response for that.

Ah... ha! Holy shit, Lung actually gives a shit about someone.

You'd better learn to swim, little carp.

"Would you like the miko to be there, too?"

I love that her very FIRST response to something weird happening is to blame Sunny.

*hopeless laughter* Between this and the butt wiggling from wagging earlier, I'm dying. I'm dying.

*reads on*
*reads the thread*
*comes back*
Oh, I'll just BET you're smug! No wonder you were all muddy. How much digging did you have to do to drag THAT up out of the ocean?

"You see, once upon time, Farrah Fawcett was asked to pose for a pin-up, and...."

Hey, man. Capes didn't invent the tea ceremony. If they HAD, it would have involved a mid-ceremony fight to the death or something.

...yes, that's going to go well for you. I applaud your initiative. (You dumb bastard.)

Meanwhile, in some other dimension, Sunny is staring at the bulk of Lung's Shard with a DEFINITE "Do you feel lucky, punk?" look on her face.

(It doesn't feel lucky.)

*laughs* He CAN be taught!

Meanwhile, in front of the temple, Oni Lee will deny the smile he's currently wearing to his dying day.

*checks the thread* Huh. I learned something new today! Awesome!

One, Lung's disbelief here is delicious.
Two, WHEN THE HELL DID YOU FEEL A NATIONAL TREASURE OF JAPAN TO COMPARE THIS ONE TO?! ...stop posing like that, Sunny. You know what I meant.

"I gave him tea."

"Is that so. Excuse me, I need to go make myself throw up until I see shoe leather."

One, I'm amused at Lung's surprise here. I bet it's been a long time since someone actually bothered to SHOW their anger with him.
Two, I'm helplessly laughing at Taylor's reasons there. Like if he'd been dressed properly, the other problems would have been okay, you know?

He can STILL be taught!

*opens mouth*
*closes mouth*
No. No jokes about Taylor welcoming Lung's right hand. (Has anyone ever actually seen a Taylor/Lung fic? I mean, there has to be one out there, right?)

And now I have a mental image of the ABB on strike. Holding signs ("Hell no, we won't sell blow!"), doing interviews about fair wages ("Obviously, the Merchants are deliberately undercutting our blowjob rates."), picketing businesses who won't vote for them.... It makes me laugh.

And that's how the Nazis started to have a Very Bad Week.

Slowly, carefully, Lung started edging towards the nearest lightning rod....

Ah, yes. That's the Southern Hospitality kind of "Honored Guest." You know, the one that can best be translated into "motherfucker."

Yesssss. You're letting her have her sidewalks because she's no trouble. NOT because she's bringing your friend back to you. Oh, no. No, you don't care about him at all! You don't care about ANYONE. (You're not fooling anyone here, except yourself.)

*awkward shuffle*
Yesssss. Right. Friendshipping.

Well, went and reread the thread again. Yep, still awesome. And then reread the Hellhound/Bitch/Dogs Having Tea Ceremony omake.

And i realized Rachel is the Best Person to accomplish a sidequest for Ammy.

Who better to assemble the Satomi Canine Warriors, after all? They are at least ten times stronger than that nasty old Orochi, after all!

It'd even explain why she showed up Properly Dressed For Tea (Unlike a Certain Boorish Dragon).
They are named after the Eight Confucian Virtues, after all...
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(Has anyone ever actually seen a Taylor/Lung fic? I mean, there has to be one out there, right?)

I read a short oneshot somewhere about Lung's perspective of the events of canon, where he decided that Skitter was truly a worthy opponent. It ends right before the final Scion fight, when he turns to her and is all, "So after we survive this, I will do you the honor of bearing my children." Cue Taylor.exe crashing.
(Has anyone ever actually seen a Taylor/Lung fic? I mean, there has to be one out there, right?)

Yes, there's at least one on a rec thread, either here or on SB. Flight of The Dragonfly is a full length fic, and that same author wrote the snippits.

Shana the Short wrote one...over on QQ. It's also Alec/Taylor too. It's called Warm Sparks. It's really really really good. I wish she'd write more in that setting, period
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Yes, there's at least one on a rec thread, either here or on SB. Flight of The Dragonfly is a full length fic, and that same author wrote the snippits.
I think Lung/Taylor is that author's favorite. At least, I feel like there's one author who was on SB who has that as their OTP. They wrote a story set in an alternate Post-GM where Lung and Taylor were going to hook up, and then that same author wrote a few more similar stories.
While I was half-delirious fighting sleepiness in class, my mind actually went speculating about this fic.

So, Dinah. When is she going to get kidnapped by Coil's men? My speculation, is that if she isn't kidnapped yet, the building of these sidewalks might actually reduces her numbers of being snatched by those guys if the sidewalk actually reach that far into the city though I doubt that. Because according to Taylor, no gang business, criminals and rage monsters shall harm those on the sidewalk no?

Anyone expecting Divine Retribution for those who break the Sidewalk Rule? Will Miss Alcott joins Oni Lee and Taylor at the shrine?
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Except that all parts involved, especially the members of the ABB will do their best to keep this particular fact private.
Not sure why the grandmothers or the other non-ABB members would be intrested in keeping it quiet, but it doesn't matter since there are too many people involved to keep it a secret and Lung could not keep his promise to make the sidewalks safe zones and keep it secret as the former requires telling everyone about it.
While I was half-delirious fighting sleepiness in class, my mind actually went speculating about this fic.

So, Dinah. When is she going to get kidnapped by Coil's men? My speculation, is that if she isn't kidnapped yet, the building of these sidewalks might actually reduces her numbers of being snatched by those guys if the sidewalk actually reach that far into the city though I doubt that. Because according to Taylor, no gang business, criminals and rage monsters shall harm those on the sidewalk no?

Anyone expecting Divine Retribution for those who break the Sidewalk Rule? Will Miss Alcott joins Oni Lee and Taylor at the shrine?

Dinah is now an adorable miko too? She can be the mascot!
"Of course I am!" She snapped, surprising him. "You hit me! And you're a gang leader! And you didn't even dress up for tea!"
One, I'm amused at Lung's surprise here. I bet it's been a long time since someone actually bothered to SHOW their anger with him.
Two, I'm helplessly laughing at Taylor's reasons there. Like if he'd been dressed properly, the other problems would have been okay, you know?
I think she's listing his crimes in ascending order of severity. If you hit Taylor, then you're a jerk. If you run a gang, then you're a very dangerous man. If you disrespect the tea ceremony, then you owe her some sidewalks, motherfucker.

I think her priorities shifted a bit, probably due to Baachan over-exposure. At first she just wanted to get the tea ceremony right so she wouldn't piss off Lung, but by the end of it she's so pissed that he didn't do it right that she was demanding territory in apology.


"Lee. A gaijin does not learn formal tea ceremony without help. Who taught her?"

"Old women."

Lung frowned. He had heard whispers of one whose thumb was mighty indeed. "Which one?"

"All of them."

"I see."

Later, a rampaging dragon crashed across the city, only to stop at an unremarkable sidewalk. He stepped delicately over it, taking care not to disturb anyone or damage anything, and then resumed his path of destruction on the other side. A few Protectorate Thinker analysts got headaches.
Not sure why the grandmothers or the other non-ABB members would be intrested in keeping it quiet, but it doesn't matter since there are too many people involved to keep it a secret and Lung could not keep his promise to make the sidewalks safe zones and keep it secret as the former requires telling everyone about it.
You would be surprised at how many things the Japanese generally do not speak about around those outside their Circles, especially when it comes to people of other Cultures.

I remember sometime back someone asked about why the Baachan made it such a big deal that Taylor refer to them as Baachan until she was comfortable using their names. This is why. Taylor calling any of them Baachan outside the Shrine amongst other Japanese gives them an idea of just where Taylor stands in their social circles. Roughly equal to their grand-children, nephews, and nieces...they all but told her that they were all adopting her because of what she was doing and what she was going to face.
Baachan. They were all baachan, they explained, at least until Taylor either memorized or felt comfortable using their actual names.
The personal name bit is just as important, because it implies that when she's comfortable enough to use their names, she's one of them. Which makes this part all the more hilarious:
Through some ritual of seniority that Taylor feared she would one day understand, Yuuta's grandmother was elected the spokeswoman of the group.
Because when she gets to that point, she'll have an idea of how it works. She might not ever really get it, that's what happens when you don't grow up in a Culture you're trying to adopt after all, especially one as subtle and insular as Japanese, but she will get a vague understand of who's who with a glance or two.

After all, notice how Haru became more open with Taylor after the Baachan thing?

Anyway, back to the question at hand. Why would they be interested in keeping things quiet?

Well, there's the loss of Face for both the Shrine (for not protecting the Miko and allowing violence to occur) and Kenta (for striking the first Miko the Kami of the Shrine chose since the death of Kiyoko), this will in turn reflect badly on the rest of the community as a whole. This is an important thing to avoid. This also segues into the idea of Social Circles, this matter between Kenta, Oni Lee, Miko, and the Shrine's Kami is between just those four, and no one else was invited. Speaking of matters within a Circle when you're outside the Circle is heavily frowned on and, until recently, literally got people officially killed.

Add to all this, the underlying fear I feel that a lot of people, especially the older generation, have that the Kami and its Miko could just up and vanish if pushed too far after the first signs of hope and renewal that the community has ever experienced in a long time...I honestly think that they will close ranks around the Shrine and the ABB's business there just so that no one would ever take their Miko away. She is, after all, slowly restoring their Cultural Identity, piece by piece.

What I would love to know is, in the week that Taylor wasn't at the Shrine, how was the ABB being received by that community? I'd imagine that a lot of old folk were frosty around them.
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Because when she gets to that point, she'll have an idea of how it works. She might not ever really get it, that's what happens when you don't grow up in a Culture you're trying to adopt after all, especially one as subtle and insular as Japanese, but she will get a vague understand of who's who with a glance or two.

After all, notice how Haru became more open with Taylor after the Baachan thing?

Anyway, back to the question at hand. Why would they be interested in keeping things quiet?

Well, there's the loss of Face for both the Shrine (for not protecting the Miko and allowing violence to occur) and Kenta (for striking the first Miko the Kami of the Shrine chose since the death of Kiyoko), this will in turn reflect badly on the rest of the community as a whole. This is an important thing to avoid. This also segues into the idea of Social Circles, this matter between Kenta, Oni Lee, Miko, and the Shrine's Kami is between just those four, and no one else was invited. Speaking of matters within a Circle when you're outside the Circle is heavily frowned on and, until recently, literally got people officially killed.

Add to all this, the underlying fear I feel that a lot of people, especially the older generation, have that the Kami and its Miko could just up and vanish if pushed too far after the first signs of hope and renewal that the community has ever experienced in a long time...I honestly think that they will close ranks around the Shrine and the ABB's business there just so that no one would ever take their Miko away. She is, after all, slowly restoring their Cultural Identity, piece by piece.

What I would love to know is, in the week that Taylor wasn't at the Shrine, how was the ABB being received by that community? I'd imagine that a lot of old folk were frosty around them.
I thought she was skipping school to stay at the shrine and make sure she got the ceremony right?

While I was half-delirious fighting sleepiness in class, my mind actually went speculating about this fic.

So, Dinah. When is she going to get kidnapped by Coil's men? My speculation, is that if she isn't kidnapped yet, the building of these sidewalks might actually reduces her numbers of being snatched by those guys if the sidewalk actually reach that far into the city though I doubt that. Because according to Taylor, no gang business, criminals and rage monsters shall harm those on the sidewalk no?

Anyone expecting Divine Retribution for those who break the Sidewalk Rule? Will Miss Alcott joins Oni Lee and Taylor at the shrine?
Dinah's kidnapping in canon happened during the story proper when the Undersiders robbed a bank while the Protectorate members were at a formal ceremony. Said bank robbery distracted the Wards and took the headline to the point that the fact the Mayor's niece was missing too months to notice.

If we're going by canon, then that happens in Early April, though I admit... I'm not fully sure when we are with the story anymore. Not that I really care either. It's got its own thing going on.
I got lapped! I would be upset, but... more Constellations is always good!

I'll avoid the obvious Terminator reference here.

Is a Vrrrrrr the correct term for a group of baachan? You know what? It is now.


Seriously, they got into a broken bottle fight one Thanksgiving. It looked like Danny was going to win, but then the old lady cheated and flashed him. He didn't have time to stop dry heaving before she'd gotten him pretty good in the side. And after that, it was time for the annual Hebert ER Visit.

*snicker* (Also a broken bottle fight.)

What? Sunny can get artwork? I can't imagine how! How, oh how, will she EVER get artwork?! </massively overblown shock>

Oh, yeah? What happens if Lung decides to quiz you on algebra, huh? Checkmate!

Stay in school, kids.

Sunny Says: No Bakuda for you!

"And THAT'S when I stab him in the throat and pull the pins on my suicide vest?"


Obviously, she's just not learning it RIGHT. Okay, someone get Mannequin in here to threaten her life. She'll have it down pat in fifteen minutes, tops. Tops.

Belly rubs?

*laughs* Okay, that was a perfect response. Well done, Oni Lee.

Meanwhile, Sunny visibly preens and decides that Oni Lee is a good boy. A very good boy!

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go change my pants, since I just realized what kami my friend struck a miko of."


*wild, hysterical laughter*

Uh... well. I guess, really, there's only one possible response for that.

Ah... ha! Holy shit, Lung actually gives a shit about someone.

You'd better learn to swim, little carp.

"Would you like the miko to be there, too?"

I love that her very FIRST response to something weird happening is to blame Sunny.

*hopeless laughter* Between this and the butt wiggling from wagging earlier, I'm dying. I'm dying.

*reads on*
*reads the thread*
*comes back*
Oh, I'll just BET you're smug! No wonder you were all muddy. How much digging did you have to do to drag THAT up out of the ocean?

"You see, once upon time, Farrah Fawcett was asked to pose for a pin-up, and...."

Hey, man. Capes didn't invent the tea ceremony. If they HAD, it would have involved a mid-ceremony fight to the death or something.

...yes, that's going to go well for you. I applaud your initiative. (You dumb bastard.)

Meanwhile, in some other dimension, Sunny is staring at the bulk of Lung's Shard with a DEFINITE "Do you feel lucky, punk?" look on her face.

(It doesn't feel lucky.)

*laughs* He CAN be taught!

Meanwhile, in front of the temple, Oni Lee will deny the smile he's currently wearing to his dying day.

*checks the thread* Huh. I learned something new today! Awesome!

One, Lung's disbelief here is delicious.
Two, WHEN THE HELL DID YOU FEEL A NATIONAL TREASURE OF JAPAN TO COMPARE THIS ONE TO?! ...stop posing like that, Sunny. You know what I meant.

"I gave him tea."

"Is that so. Excuse me, I need to go make myself throw up until I see shoe leather."

One, I'm amused at Lung's surprise here. I bet it's been a long time since someone actually bothered to SHOW their anger with him.
Two, I'm helplessly laughing at Taylor's reasons there. Like if he'd been dressed properly, the other problems would have been okay, you know?

He can STILL be taught!

*opens mouth*
*closes mouth*
No. No jokes about Taylor welcoming Lung's right hand. (Has anyone ever actually seen a Taylor/Lung fic? I mean, there has to be one out there, right?)

And now I have a mental image of the ABB on strike. Holding signs ("Hell no, we won't sell blow!"), doing interviews about fair wages ("Obviously, the Merchants are deliberately undercutting our blowjob rates."), picketing businesses who won't vote for them.... It makes me laugh.

And that's how the Nazis started to have a Very Bad Week.

Slowly, carefully, Lung started edging towards the nearest lightning rod....

Ah, yes. That's the Southern Hospitality kind of "Honored Guest." You know, the one that can best be translated into "motherfucker."

Yesssss. You're letting her have her sidewalks because she's no trouble. NOT because she's bringing your friend back to you. Oh, no. No, you don't care about him at all! You don't care about ANYONE. (You're not fooling anyone here, except yourself.)

*awkward shuffle*
Yesssss. Right. Friendshipping.

There's another Taylor/Lung Fic where Lung treats Taylor as his puppy. That fic also involves trees, a microphone and angels that love TV.