Omake: A charm for Bakuda
I am Large. I contain Multitudes
Haru shook his head. "Nah, she's in college. Graduated high school early and went up to Cornell." He grinned suddenly, then laughed. "She's not really the mystic type, being an engineer and all, but even if the charm does nothing to help it'll at least give her something new to call my mom and complain about."
"Grabbed your mail for you".
Grace blinked as a heavy envelope landed in front of her, obscuring her view of the physics textbook that she'd been staring at for... she rubbed her eyes wearily before fumbling at a pile of notes to unearth a cheap LED clock... holy shit - five hours?
"Um. yeah, thanks Angie" She called after her roommate as the other girl flopped onto the bottom mattress of the bunk bed they shared.
Her response was a floppy arm wave, signalling a magnanimous acceptance of her thanks, followed by a mumbled, "Yeah yeah, just don't spaz out too much this time studying. I don't wanna wake up to you muttering dark incantations while walking in circles again.".
"Those were just Physics equations I was trying to memorize!"
Another arm flop, "Physics equations, dark verses trying to summon the shade of beelzebub, 'bout the same as far as I'm concerned. Just relax. Or at least go explode in the library so I don't have to clean bits of Grace out of my hair."".
Grace snorted, "Easy for you to say, you're done with exams already. And you don't have any grants on the line.".
Not even an arm twitch this time, Angela was either asleep, or feigning it and she was good enough at the pretense that Grace couldn't tell at first glance. A moment later an overly dramatic snore confirmed that it was definitely the latter. Grace rolled her eyes.
Sighing faintly, she looked at the fat envelope from... Haru? That was a bit of a surprise, she actually did keep in contact with her cousin every once in a while but snail mail wasn't something that actually happened. Curious, she rather indelicately tore the envelope before shaking its contents out onto her desk and...
A charm? Really? She rummaged around in the envelope before pulling free a short note that read:
One of the girls in my class is doing a whole bunch of Miko stuff and she's pretty good at doing these. Anyways, I remember how you completely freaked your last year and figured you could use this.
Grace narrowed her eyes at the note, a faint smirk playing on her lips, she'd have to.... chastise Haru the next time she was in town for using her as an excuse.... Either that or figuring out the exact right time when he was talking to this Miko of hers then.... boom, embarrassing older cousin.
She glanced at the charm itself and well, she had to admit, it was pretty well done. A nice mix of almost professional brushwork on not-quite-commercial paper that gave it a nice authentic feel. After a moment, she took a bit of tape and hung it up just above her desk.
After looking at it for a few moments, she sighed and flipped her physics text closed. Maybe she'd call her Aunt and vent for a bit. Angie and Haru might be onto something really.
It wouldn't do to just... Explode before Finals after all.
Man, I really need to scrape some rust off my writing.
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