Can we? I thought we only put the ice rune on the gun.
Transfer 3/3 (next level 4/1)
-Allows for a moderate amount of energy transfer between two bodies.
-Allows for a medium-power Gandr shot to be used as a means of depleting moderate amounts of Grief from the user's Soul Gem
Yeah, Homura's been able to do it for a while now, though before Transfer 3 it was only low-powered. I imagine that it fires like a typical Gandr shot, as long as one has enough of an understanding of Inguz (like how Homura can freeze water molecules in the air without having the draw out Isa every single time on some surface).

EDIT: I should probably clarify that when I say "magical bullet", I mean a self-contained sphere of magical energy that is shot like a bullet from someone's hand. I doubt Homura knows the terminology to call it a "Gandr shot" after all.
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[X] Plan Here Fishy Fishy
Nothing to say to Oriko?
Also, you might want to edit the descriptions of some of the characters
I might, but at this point we're so close to the end that I'm not sure how much any sort of overhaul would be worth it; and Oriko and Kirika in particular would need an overhaul to accommodate for their drastic change since we first met them. If I remember to I can try to give Sayaka and Hitomi a line or two.
Can we? I thought we only put the ice rune on the gun.
Yeah, Homura's been able to do it for a while now, though before Transfer 3 it was only low-powered. I imagine that it fires like a typical Gandr shot, as long as one has enough of an understanding of Inguz (like how Homura can freeze water molecules in the air without having the draw out Isa every single time on some surface).
Just wait until we get to Transfer 4/4. It's too bad we won't get to Transfer 5/5 in this quest.
Day 43 Chapter 10
[X] Plan Here Fishy Fishy

The aquarium at night is a much different place than when you were here just hours earlier in the day. Devoid of visitors and with the lights turned off, the display halls have taken on a much more unsettling feel, as though you're wandering around at the bottom of the ocean. You and the others use Soul Gems to guide you to the witch, and the faint specks of light emanating from your jewelled souls reflect back at you from the water and glass that surround you.

"Geez, talk about spooky," Kyouko says, trying to sound calm despite sticking close to Tomoe-san. "Imagine if the witch opened up on us and sucked us inta one'a the displays."

"I imagine the fish wouldn't find you very tasty," you say. "Your meat has too much muscle to make much in the way of a good meal. Now, Mikuni Oriko on the other hand..."

"Are you trying to say that I'm fat, Akemi-san?"

Even the laughter of your teammates at Mikuni Oriko's comment, as the sound echoes in the darkness and surrounds you, only serves to enhance the unsettling feel of the aquarium at night. "Well, you are the least mobile of all of us when we're in combat," you say. "Given the facts, your meat would probably make for the best snack out of us all."

Kyouko grins, and the shadows of her fingers undulate on the walls as she makes an inappropriate gesture in Mikuni Oriko's direction. "And I'll bet Crazy knows all the spots where yer meat's got the best marbling," she says, only for Tomoe-san to interject with a swift flick to the ear. "Ow! What was that for?"

"We've been over this how many times now, Sakura-san? You know Mikuni-san doesn't appreciate those kinds of remarks about her relationship with Kure-san."

Kyouko fusses, but says nothing in the way of a rebuttal to her roommate, and the party of five continues on its way through the display hall. "How are you coming along with your current rune?" you ask Tomoe-san. "You're studying Berkano right now, if I'm remembering correctly? How is that going for you?"

"That's right," Tomoe-san says with a nod of her head. "I'm currently working on enhancing my binding abilities, and from what I've been able to see using it so far, I'm doing quite well with my progress. What about yourself? How are you coming along?"

"I think I just made a minor breakthrough with my Inguz." You haven't had the chance yet to test in combat what you've accomplished, but "I think I've discovered an attack that actually drains me of Grief."

"My, that is quite the breakthrough. Can you tell me more about it?"

"Not much, I'm afraid, since I haven't really had the chance to test it out. But I think what's happening is I'm using Grief to power the attack, rather than using my own mana." Unfortunately, you don't know what happens to the Grief expelled by your attack; that's probably something you should look into further before you try to use the attack on a large scale.

"Well, I look forward to hearing more about your progress as you make it," Tomoe-san says. "I hope you'll make something truly grand from your study of Inguz."

So do you. There's no telling whether you'll one day need the ability to drain Grief from your allies without Archer and Lancer there to make the process go smoothly. "While I have you, I was thinking that it might be a nice idea for all of us to get together on Saturday night. Not for training, but for stress relief. We've been so busy lately, and Sunday..." Sunday might be your last day alive. "Well, it wouldn't do us any good to go into battle feeling any more stressed then we already are. We'd just be compromising our chances of success if we went into battle with frayed nerves."

Tomoe-san smiles, and says "That's an excellent idea, Akemi-san. I think a little get-together like that would be just the thing to calm our nerves and get our minds into a good place before battle."

Serpentine shadows cover the walls, and your heart stops. It's not possible, you think, ready to stop time at a moment's notice should the familiars of Elsa Maria notice you. "You should have told us that the witch you saw here was Elsa Maria," you think to Mikuni Oriko as your party grinds to a halt. Silently, Kyouko holds her hand out in front of Nagatsuki Miyuki, motioning for her to stop as well. Even a single sound might draw their attention now. "What were you thinking, having us all come out here knowing that?"

"I... I didn't know,"
Mikuni Oriko responds. "I didn't see those familiars at all when I looked for the witch. I... I really didn't know."

Great, so now the strongest witch you've faced so far in this timeline has not only come back, but it's also found a way to hide from Mikuni Oriko's precognition. That ability is a trend which you've come to hate immeasurably.

It takes several minutes of silence and stillness before you hear Tomoe-san's voice asking "Why aren't they attacking?" inside your mind. "I'm sure they would have noticed us by now, so..."

Of course.
You berate yourself for not noticing it sooner. "It's okay, everyone," you say as you're finally able to breathe freely again. "It was just some eels in one of the displays." The sounds of relieved sighs encircle you as everyone but Nagatsuki Miyuki comes down from the alert. "You four are a real gang of troublemakers, you know that?" you say to the eels in the display. "You gave us all a good scare."

"What the heck was that for?" Nagatsuki Miyuki asks. "Why'd you stop us over some silly old eels anyway?"

"It wasn't the eels themselves, Nagatsuki-san," Tomoe-san says. "But rather, it was their shadows. In the darkness, their shadows looked identical to the familiars of the witch that appeared two weeks ago."

"Is that the one that killed six-hundred people at once?"

Tomoe-san nods in response to Nagatsuki Miyuki's question. "The very same. I thought for sure we had taken care of all the familiars back then, but seeing those eels' shadows just now was..." The four of you who were there to witness Elsa Maria's arrival all shake your heads in unison. "I can't impress upon you how terrifying it was without you having been there to see the witch for yourself."

Everyone looks to Mikuni Oriko, who says "Fortunately, I have yet to see anything which would indicate us having to fight that witch again."

"Ain't that a fucking relief," Kyouko says. "But where's the witch we're s'pposed ta be looking for?"

"Just a bit further ahead that way," Mikuni Oriko responds, pointing towards the back-end of the display hall. "Out that door and down the hallway, and it should be hiding out somewhere in the cafeteria if it hasn't left the building yet."


Suddenly, as your team of five sets out once more, you find that the aquarium at night isn't quite as scary as it had been at first. After a scare like that, what's there to really be afraid of in an aquarium at night? "Hey," Kyouko says, stepping up beside you as Mikuni Oriko, with her emerald Soul Gem shining brightest, takes the lead. "So, like, what the fuck did ya say ta Blueberry the other day that's get her so pissed at ya?"

"It's... Personal," you say. "I'd rather not go into the specifics with you, but it's very much my fault for her current mood. I shouldn't have told her what I did, and now..." You sigh; you've seen Sayaka get moody towards you so many times, across so man timelines, for it to be something that bothers you, so why...? "I know it seems like I ask too much of you already, but would it be too much to ask you to be there for her?"

Kyouko counts off on her fingers, saying "Alright. I won't charge ya this time, 'cause I was gunna keep my eyes out fer Blueberry no matter what ya wanted from me."

"Thank you," you say. "I'll do my best to make amends to her, but until then I'm glad there's someone like you to be there for her." Kyouko nods, advancing towards the front of the pack now that her nose - and her Soul Gem - have caught the scent of prey, and you fall back to the trailing member of the party. "How are your friends holding up?" you ask Nagatsuki Miyuki. "Did you give them any of the Grief Seeds from the other day?"

"We've each got three," Nagatsuki Miyuki says. "I'm the only one using magic heavily, so I figure one cleaning a day no matter what our Soul Gems are like, then on Sunday we're all ready for Archer and Lancer to come by and clean our Seeds for us." She shakes her head, adding "That's not to say we're all in the best place, even if we've got our Grief Seed rationing squared away. Akira, she... She's taking this all in stride, but even back then it was like nothing could get to her. Nothing except Komaki's death, but..." Nagatsuki Miyuki sighs. "Well, you know what that got us. Koito-chan's not doing so great, though. She's trying her best not to show it, but it's really hitting her pretty hard that she wasn't able to avenge her sister."

"Even after Mikuni Oriko's demonstration?"

"I think... I think that made it worse, actually. Because she knows she can't even go through with the thing she gave up her normal life for. It's eating her up inside; and then there's me..." Nagatsuki Miyuki sighs again, and says "Even though she would have hated me if she ever found out how I felt about her, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't miss Komaki... I don't know how stupid that makes me, pining for a dead girl who wouldn't have returned my feelings anyway, but I... I could use a drink."

"Alright, the witch should be in here somewhere," Mikuni Oriko says as she leads the five of you into the aquarium cafeteria, a multi-story circular complex with food stalls ringing the outer edges and a glass tower filled with water and sea life at the cafeteria's center. "Now, to find it..."

"Yeah, I don't think we gotta look too hard fer anything," Kyouko says. "'Cause I'm pretty sure it just found us."

It's faint at first, but the sound of flesh slapping against glass increase in volume with each passing second. That's when you see the bloodied hand prints on the inside of the glass.

[ ] Wat do?
[X] Plan Emergency Exit
-[X] Telepathically send Kirika an "Emergency" and then use liberal use of time-stop to bring everyone into it; have Mami do the ribbon thing
--[X] Is there a person stuck in the exhibit? Look closely through the glass at different angles. How do they get them out without wrecking the place and killing all of the innocent fish inside it?
---[X] Perhaps Oriko could lead everyone to an access hatch for someone to go in to retrieve the person for healing, or Mami could retrieve them using her ribbons
-[X] Once the immediate situation is resolved, go into the Labyrinth to take names and chew bubblegum
--[X] Kyoko's the front-liner, Miyuki can alternate as a front-liner and a mid-liner, you and Oriko are back-liners, Mami can alternate as whatever she wants considering her significant skill in using her muskets in close-range
---[X] Test out your fancy new Gandr shot against a familiar or two to see what happens

Yeeaah, this time it's actually time-sensitive if the gang wants to save whoever's drowning in that exhibit. Time-stop is actually warranted this time, I think. Better than panicking and causing massive property damage and hundreds of dead sea creatures when there's an alternative, I think.

Most of their fighting styles are very variable, so I'm not going to micro-manage it in the vote (e.g. Kyoko can stab real good and blast with Sowilo, Miyuki can stab real good and shoot, Homura can daka real good and AoE disable, Oriko can shoot real good and heal and create defensive barriers strategically depending on the situation, Mami can do whatever she wants since she's a veteran and is OP when not showing off and can also buff everyone, etc.). All of them are relatively agile, even Homura through Eye of the Mind (True)-esque shenanigans as shown in the Mami vs. Homura fight in Rebellion. Don't know what the Witch is like, so that'll have to wait for a more concrete plan of attack.
[X] Plan Emergency Exit
-[X] Telepathically send Kirika an "Emergency" and then use liberal use of time-stop to bring everyone into it; have Mami do the ribbon thing
--[X] Is there a person stuck in the exhibit? Look closely through the glass at different angles. How do they get them out without wrecking the place and killing all of the innocent fish inside it?
---[X] Perhaps Oriko could lead everyone to an access hatch for someone to go in to retrieve the person for healing, or Mami could retrieve them using her ribbons
-[X] Once the immediate situation is resolved, go into the Labyrinth to take names and chew bubblegum
--[X] Kyoko's the front-liner, Miyuki can alternate as a front-liner and a mid-liner, you and Oriko are back-liners, Mami can alternate as whatever she wants considering her significant skill in using her muskets in close-range
---[X] Test out your fancy new Gandr shot against a familiar or two to see what happens

Yeeaah, this time it's actually time-sensitive if the gang wants to save whoever's drowning in that exhibit. Time-stop is actually warranted this time, I think. Better than panicking and causing massive property damage and hundreds of dead sea creatures when there's an alternative, I think.

Most of their fighting styles are very variable, so I'm not going to micro-manage it in the vote (e.g. Kyoko can stab real good and blast with Sowilo, Miyuki can stab real good and shoot, Homura can daka real good and AoE disable, Oriko can shoot real good and heal and create defensive barriers strategically depending on the situation, Mami can do whatever she wants since she's a veteran and is OP when not showing off and can also buff everyone, etc.). All of them are relatively agile, even Homura through Eye of the Mind (True)-esque shenanigans as shown in the Mami vs. Homura fight in Rebellion. Don't know what the Witch is like, so that'll have to wait for a more concrete plan of attack.

Are you sure the hand prints aren't made by a familiar? I think it was mentioned that the witch only moved after everyone had left for the day.
Are you sure the hand prints aren't made by a familiar? I think it was mentioned that the witch only moved after everyone had left for the day.
Jeez, janitorial staff don't get much recognition at all, do they? :V

In a facility as large and complex as an aquarium? There's most certainly some staff still on-site, if only security and janitorial staff. Better safe than sorry.
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Day 43 Chapter 11
[X] Plan Emergency Exit

"Alright, the witch should be in here somewhere," Mikuni Oriko says as she leads the five of you into the aquarium cafeteria, a multi-story circular complex with food stalls ringing the outer edges and a glass tower filled with water and sea life at the cafeteria's center. "Now, to find it..."

"Yeah, I don't think we gotta look too hard fer anything," Kyouko says. "'Cause I'm pretty sure it just found us."

It's faint at first, but the sound of flesh slapping against glass increase in volume with each passing second. That's when you see the bloodied hand prints on the inside of the glass.

That's not good.

"Ribbons, now!" you call out to Tomoe-san, stopping time the moment you feel the tug of ribbon at your ankle. "I'm sorry, but this really is an emergency," you message to Kirika. "I really wouldn't have stopped time if it weren't."

"Ugh, fine, I guess I can live with it this time. Gets me out of doing homework for a few minutes, at least."

"Alright, what are we stopping for thi-" Nagatsuki Miyuki freezes in the middle of her question as she spots the greyed, formerly-crimson hand prints inside the glass display. She screams, loudly; any louder and her shriek might have cracked the glass, you think. "Wha-wha-what the heck is that?"

"I think there's someone trapped inside," you say, as you examine the glass display from as many angles as you can. If you're just able to spot where they are... But it's too hard to get a good look inside with the lights off and the world greyed out... "If I'm right and there's someone inside, we couldn't afford to waste time trying to get them out. Stopping time was my only option if we want to save them."

"And how we know it ain't a trap?" Kyouko asks, rapping her knuckles against the glass. "'Cause I thought this place was s'pposed ta be deserted by now; ain't that what Big White said?"

"Deserted of patrons, yes," Mikuni Oriko says. "But there's still janitorial and security staff who might still be around. I know a trap seems likely considering the witch should be right on top of us, but if Akemi-san is right it's worth it for us to do what we can to help whoever is trapped inside." Mikuni Oriko strains her neck as she looks up to the ceiling, and adds "But, getting inside is going to be difficult; in fact, I'm not even sure how someone would have gotten inside normally. I read there's just the one access hatch for this display on the top floor and that it's cleaned mechanically to prevent exactly this sort of thing from happening."

Kyouko shakes her head, and says "Fuck, why's every time we fight a witch and there's water nearby we gotta deal with stupid shit. First there's the one with the mop-head familiars and their stupid Grief-water, then Elsa Maria tried ta bring an entire river of familiars with her, there's the giant spider that dried ta drown us at Big White's beach house, and now we gotta deal with a guy trapped in an aquarium display before we can fight this one."

"Well, whether it's the witch or someone in need, I believe it's in our best interest to make for the access hatch and try to find a way inside," Tomoe-san says. "That way, whether it's one or the other, we'll be right where we need to be in order to do our best." All eyes fall on Mikuni Oriko, and Tomoe-san asks her "Can you how us where the access hatch it?" since she was the one who brought it up.

"We'll need to get to the top floor from here," Mikuni Oriko says. "The stairs are back this way, though, so-"

"Ah, if we just have to get to the top, then it's no worry," Tomoe-san says. "I didn't mean to cut you off, Mikuni-san, but have you forgotten there's an easier way?" With a wave of her hand Tomoe-san conjures wave after wave of ribbons, tying them together in the shape of a staircase which spirals up the length of the glass display tower. It's not perfect, and at each floor up the staircase has to stop to accommodate the break caused by the ring of bridges and walkways surrounding the display at each of the four levels it climbs, but it's a good enough solution that gets the job done with expedience.

There's just one problem.

The top of the display keeps going up beyond the ceiling of the top floor. "I thought ya said we could get in here from the top floor?" Kyouko asks.

"We can," Mikuni Oriko replies. "There should be an access hatch somewhere on this floor that leads to an interstitial in the ceiling. It's mostly used for electrical work and to house the facility's air circulation units but it also leads to the access hatch for this display. If we can get inside, it shouldn't be too hard to find the hatch we're looking for. I believe it's over this way."

Hidden inside the ceiling of an adjacent hallway is the hatch Mikuni Oriko is looking for, and Tomoe-san provides ribbons to ladder everyone inside once it's opened up. The interstitial, once Mikuni Oriko has led your team inside, reminds you of the crawlspace "attic" between the upper and lower floors of your building where you keep the things you no longer want to remember; only, rather than being stuffed full of old photographs, clothing, and assorted items from when your father was alive, this interstitial is full of electrical wiring, pipes leading to God-knows-where, and the tops of air units. Scattered throughout the interstitial are also access hatches, to various displays or leading to other places inside the walls of the aquarium.

True to Mikuni Oriko's word, the access hatch for the display you're after isn't too difficult to find once you're all inside. It's the largest of several access hatches; and it's completely sealed up tight. "It doesn't look like anyone has been here to open this in awhile," you say, deciding that with time no longer of the essence you can afford to allow time to resume. With the turn of your shield, colour returns to the world as time once more marches on. "At least, not since the last time it was cleaned."

"I suppose that rules out a person being trapped inside the display," Tomoe-san says. "Then whatever it was that made those hand prints must have been the witch's doing."

"But, uh..." Kyouko taps on the sealed hatch with her foot, and asks "How the hell are we s'pposed ta get inside? Ain't like one of us has the key or anything."

"Each of us has some power to open the hatch," Mikuni Oriko says. "Between what I can do with my drones, Tomoe-san's ribbons, and the elemental attack from Akemi-san, Sakura-san, and Nagatsuki-san. The real question is... Which one of us is okay with causing damage to the aquarium's property?"

"Fuck it, guess it's me then," Kyouko says. For once, Tomoe-san says nothing as her student and roommate changes into her battle costume. You imagine, given the situation, there's nothing she could say. With a flick of her wrist, Kyouko melts through the latch securing the access hatch, before using her spear as a fulcrum to pry the hatch open. "Alright, now that that's taken care of-" With the hatch pried open, the entrance to the labyrinth is revealed; a shimmering expanse that almost looks like the water just underneath it. "-what're we thinking's the best way ta approach this one?"

"Since you're our best close-range fighter, you'll be the tip of the spear," you say to Kyouko. "Tomoe-san and Nagatsuki Miyuki will follow you and be our pivots; while Mikuni Oriko and I will cover the rear."


Kyouko leads the charge through the entrance of the labyrinth, with everyone else falling into formation as you each take the plunge into the unknown. But rather than fall into the depths of the underwater display, the tear in reality at the water's edge deposits you into a forest with a skeletal and dying treeline. Bathed in crimson and violet, the dying forest gives way to a clearing where a thick tree sits, reaching for the ever-distant sky. Then, the branches of the tree shake as no wind dares to blow through the forest, and the trunk reaches out to grab for the tip of your party's spear.

And the tree is the witch.

[ ] Wat do?

Minor character unlocked!
The witch of hands, with a restless nature. Never content to remain in one place for very long, this witch can frequently be found roaming the countryside. Food isn't even that much of a concern for the witch; rather, it merely seeks to find a place where the view is an ideal one. Unfortunately, because the view never changes, the witch can never be satisfied. No matter how fruitless the witch's journey may be, any who would try to impede the witch are met with an unlucky end.​
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So, uh, when we deal with the witch and the labyrinth disappears, are we going to come out in the tank or no?
Oh, let's not worry about a silly little thing like that. Four out of five of us can swim, and it's not like we can drown, technically speaking. We'll be fine.
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[x] Focus on keeping the Familiars off of your front line.
-[x] Refrain from using time stop unless it looks like one of the others is about to take a serious hit.
[X] Plan Tiro Fulmine
-[X] Mami will focus on taking out as many familiars and secondary hands as possible using her muskets and ribbons to keep them off of everyone else; out of the five of them she's the most suited to focus on multiple weak to middling level targets
--[X] Make sure she buffs everyone with Wunjo before anything else
-[X] Miyuki will focus primarily on clearing out the secondary hands that are surrounding the Witch while staving off any familiars that somehow bypass Mami's perimeter
-[X] Oriko will focus on blocking any of the Witch's attacks with Othala while distracting and weakening it with her beams of magical energy
-[X] Kyoko will harass the Witch with hit-and-run attacks using her Sowilo rune and her superior agility and speed, and when the battlefield is a bit more cleared out and they have a good shot at this Witch she'll use her Lattice Barrier (one of her Puella Magi barrier spells) to help you combo entrap the Witch
-[X] You will focus on supporting whoever needs it with your AoE Isa arrows, and when the battlefield is a bit more cleared up (with less familiars and secondary hands getting in way of the Witch) you'll fire off some Reinforced arrows through Kyoko's Lattice Barrier to allow Kyoko to bind and entrap the Witch for a final attack
--[X] Reinforce some projected arrows ahead of time in between supporting everyone else early on in the fight
--[X] When you first spot a familiar, try out your Inguz shots real quick before the plan of attack starts up
-[X] Finish off the Witch with a combo-attack: Kyoko will summon up a giant spear to impale the Witch into the ground while Mami fires a Tiro Finale through an Oriko barrier railgun to finish off the Witch

With Kyoko having much more capacity for Grief in this timeline, combined with Mami's Grief dampening, Kyoko should be able to summon up a giant spear for use quite easily. It turns out that last figure I threw out for her summoning one up a long while back (most of her capacity per spear) was incorrect, and that that applied to her summoning up multiple giant spears to act as barriers and a platform in order to perform her suicidal attack in canon.

Yeeaah, might be a bit overkill having so many Puella Magi beating up on this poor Witch. But at least they can try and show off the rule of cool by coming up with experimental combo attacks on the spot a la canon, amirite? :V

EDIT: The Mami-Oriko combo attack should be possible, considering that Mami's attack is rather flexible in usage. Kinda like how she combined her and Madoka's attacks in Rebellion to create her Tiro Duet.

EDIT2: Changed plan name to "Tiro Fulmine" which means "Lightning Shot". For reference, "Parafulmine" means "Lightning Rod", and "Tiro Finale" means "Final Shot".
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Yes, but Miyuki is the Quintet's +1. Kirika is the real 5th member of the Quintet.
Fair, fair. Any suggestions on what OST should be playing in the background instead then?

Hm. Y'know I'm sure Miyuki probably has access to a super move that she's unaware of, like literally every other Puella Magi aside from pure close-combat types like Kirika and weak Puella Magi like Homura. 🤔

Holy Quintet: You are on this team, but we do not grant you the rank of Main Girl.
Miyuki: This is outrageous, it's unfair.
Hm. Y'know I'm sure Miyuki probably has access to a super move that she's unaware of, like literally every other Puella Magi aside from pure close-combat types like Kirika and weak Puella Magi like Homura.
Sayaka never had a super move, Oriko never had a super move. I don't think it's so much of a hard and fast rule that magical girls get super moves, and more that the smarter and more versatile girls are able to ladder their way into stronger attacks through creative use of their toolkit- Like how Oriko turned her drones into the anchor points for barriers, then used that to make massive barrier lattices, then used that to make a railgun; or how Mami taught herself about how firearms worked and turned her ribbons into muskets and damn near every other form of single-shot firearm she could think of.

A more straightforward girl (Kirika) or a more straightforward toolkit (timestop) don't lend themselves to that same level of toolkit versatility and thus don't lend themselves to laddering into "super moves."

Miyuki's main power is the ability to see through illusions, with a pair of weapons that back up her own natural abilities. I can't really say what sort of laddering she'd be able to achieve with a toolkit like that. She could probably get as far as making more swords at once a la Sayaka, or more pistols at once for elemental combination attacks.
Holy Quintet: You are on this team, but we do not grant you the rank of Main Girl.
Miyuki: This is outrageous, it's unfair.
It was one thing when you stole material from everyone else, but what do you think you're doing stealing from me? I made this exact same joke back when Miyuki first joined the team.
She is on the Puella Magi Holy Sextet, but we do not grant her the rank of Main Girl.
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It was one thing when you stole material from everyone else, but what do you think you're doing stealing from me? I made this exact same joke back when Miyuki first joined the team.
Welp, I completely forgot about that. It doesn't help that I make prequel meme jokes in general anyways, so that's what naturally sprung to mind. :V
Welp, I completely forgot about that. It doesn't help that I make prequel meme jokes in general anyways, so that's what naturally sprung to mind.
And I still don't get any of your jokes with the big purple dude or the one time you made a SW joke that wasn't about the prequels. But to keep from getting distracted,
Any suggestions on what OST should be playing in the background instead then?
Unfortunately I can't recommend any of the songs I'm thinking of, since this quest and the sequel are meant to have radically different flavours and I don't want to get any of the sequel's planned ost in this quest. But I'm sure I can find something suitable if I peruse the UBW and PMMM soundtracks. Alternatively, no ost since about half of the witch fights haven't had one.
Unfortunately I can't recommend any of the songs I'm thinking of, since this quest and the sequel are meant to have radically different flavours and I don't want to get any of the sequel's planned ost in this quest. But I'm sure I can find something suitable if I peruse the UBW and PMMM soundtracks. Alternatively, no ost since about half of the witch fights haven't had one.
Actually, I just edited my vote with a new plan name, with an "EDIT" note about it.