[X] Plan Breakfast With The Mother Kure
Kure Minako pouts, and says "Aw, but I like eating breakfast with you." Her eyes dart downwards; not towards the food, but somewhere off to the side of the floor. She probably thinks she said it in a low enough voice, but your superiour servant senses let you pick up her words when she says "It makes me feel like I have a husband who loves me."
You can pretend that you didn't hear her say that, but that doesn't mean you can't offer her the illusion of a loving family she so desperately wants. "You know, Homura's recently taken to calling Kirika her 'big sis'," you say, hoping to brighten the mother Kure's spirits. "It's actually kind of cute. I've heard of people who say that so-and-so is like their sibling, but those two actually act like it." You think. The only sibling relationship you've ever had experience with are not experiences you would wish on your adopted daughter. Or the daughter Kure, for that matter; despite how repugnant of a person she may have been, you wouldn't dare to wish her to befall the same fate as Matou Sakura.
Kure Minako laughs at your words. "Oh my god, that's too precious!" she says. "You have to get me a picture of Kirika's reaction the next time Homura calls her that."
"Actually, I don't have a cell phone," you say, only now realising how strange it is for you to be masquerading as a normal person without a cell phone. "But you know who I bet would love to snap a picture for you? Kaname Junko, at dinner on Friday."
Kure Minako plays coy, like she doesn't know what that other woman is planing. "I didn't know I was invited."
"I'd say it's obvious that you are. After all, the Kanames went out of their way to coincidentally have dinner on one of the nights when you aren't working your third shift." Not to mention that you heard the mothers Kaname and Kure talking as you left the office yesterday, and they all but admitted what the point of this dinner was to you.
"Well... I don't know..." Kure Minako plays with a lock of her hair as she waits on you to say more. "Wasn't Friday night going to be one of the nights you said you'd help tutor me?"
"There's nothing saying I can't help you after dinner, is there? However, if you're really worried about me not finding the time to tutor you-" This is the big one, the one that will determine how easily Kure Minako can find the time to accept your tutoring. "-you could always leave your night shift and take the money I'm prepared to offer you. Now, I know you're working your night shift to save up the money so you can send your daughter to college, but I want you to really consider just how much I'm willing to offer you; ten-million Yen. That's more than enough for both you and your daughter to get a four-year education at any decent public university in the country, with a little under one-and-a-half-million Yen left over to do whatever you want with. All you have to do is say yes; I'll get in touch with a friend of mine, and she can get you squared away with a bank account by tonight."
"Ten-million Yen..." Kure Minako recites the amount back to you, staring in complete and utter shock. She blinks, still silent, and you wait until she finds the words to express herself. "Why are you being so nice to me? What did I ever do to deserve this?"
You have to stop yourself from reaching over your hand to comfort Kure Minako. "I know you must have been beating yourself up for a long time," you say; Kure Minako nods. "I know you think you've failed as a parent, but I also know the fact that it hurts as much as it does is a sign that you aren't as bad of a person as you think you are." You can't help it; at the expression that passes over the mother Kure's face, you find yourself compelled to reach out your hand to her, wiping away the tears forming at her eyes. "There is a wonderful person hiding underneath all that guilt and self-doubt you've got, someone who I think deserves as much help as she needs to reach her full potential."
"Besides," you say, pulling your hand back as a devious smirk passes over your lips. "How am I going to get the chance to ask you out on a date if you're working all the time?"
You don't know what compelled you to say that. Maybe you just said it to lift her spirits; maybe her less-than-subtle flirting has actually paid off; maybe you've already gotten used to everyone around you already thinking that you two are together? You aren't sure, but unlike your daughter, that's no reason to lose your cool and panic. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? You actually fall in love with her; help lift her as high as she can go; and start a family with her once she's a successful adult? "Sorry, I don't know what came over me just now."
"Don't be," Kure Minako says, reaching for your hand as she laces your fingers together. "I'd actually really like that. I know we've only known each other for a few days, but it... It feels like it's been a lot longer, doesn't it?"
"Are you sure?" She is right, it does feel like it's been a lot longer than just the few days since you two met, but "A few days is still just a few days; don't you think you're moving too fast?"
"You've treated me better in these past few days than my ex did in two years of dating and seven years of marriage." Well sure, but her ex isn't exactly the highest bar to get over... "Even if we're going too fast, I know what I want. The only other time I've ever been so sure of anything as I am about being with you is when I decided to keep Kirika."
Alright, this is getting way too serious for you to handle right now; it's time to back it up a few notches. "I'm flattered, really; but I wasn't trying to ask you out. "At least, not directly. "I was saying that I can't ask you out if you're too busy overworking yourself to make any time for romance. I'm not blind; I've known that you liked me from the moment we met, but you barely have enough time for yourself, let alone for the kind of relationship that you want to have with me." Good job, it looks like you've cooled the mother's Kure's head.
Kure Minako purses her lips, staring at you as she aimlessly pokes at her breakfast. "I feel like you're jumping all over the place today," she says. "Do you want me to quit my night shift so you have more time to tutor me, or do you want me to quit so you have time to be my boyfriend?" That wasn't quite the response you were expecting to receive from the mother Kure. Then again, you don't know what sort of response you were expecting. "All this time I thought you were just dense like an eroge protagonist; but you really knew all along that I liked you. Have you always liked me back but just didn't say anything until now, or are you only saying that you'd ask me out as another way to get me to leave my night shift?"
Kure Minako leans over the table, until her face is pressed right up against yours, and you can smell breakfast on her breath. It smells so much better than the sloppy beer-and-vomit kisses she gave you Sunday night. "Just give me a straight, yes or no answer- Do you, or do you not, like me the way I like you? Is... This, possible for us, or am I just getting my hopes up over nothing? Are you just getting my hopes up over nothing?"
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[Archer] Wat do?
[Homura] Wat do?