You know, I just noticed that we're short on votes. I wish I had said something earlier, but I only just noticed it now.
Day 35 Chapter 11
[X] Enetious

You try to think of ways to distract yourself from certain traumatic imagingings by compiling your thoughts regarding Nagatsuki Miyuki. On her usefulness in combat, she appears on the surface to be a decent mid-range fighter, thanks to her combination of weapons and the versatility of her pistol. She's neither the team's best ranged fighter, a role which Tomoe-san takes with distinction, nor the team's best melee fighter, which goes handily to Kyouko; she's somewhere in the middle of the road, just versatile enough to shore up the weaknesses of whomever she's partnered with without getting in the way of their strengths.

However, you can't help but shake the feeling that she isn't investing herself into exploring the full potential of what she can do, and like so many versions of Sayaka you've encountered you're worried she may just be content with what she has, rather than pushing herself to the limit of what she can do. But perhaps there's a way you can force that potential out of her, while also getting the most out of integrating her into a combat role within the team. Mock battles. Stick her with a partner, and have her hone her skills against dummies made to mimic some of the stronger witches you've all had to face. Or simulate a 'War' situation, and have her and Saber fight against another master-servant pair to see how they fair on combat.

All of that sounds great on paper, but you think you see one major flaw in your thinking. In getting to know your teammates as fellow combatants, you've also gotten to know them as people. You've been to their residences, shared tea and snacks and been able to speak openly about each other, good and bad, even gone on vacation together. It's helped you all become better allies, but it's also brought you all closer as friends. But what if Nagastuki Miyuki doesn't want to be friends? Not that you would blame her, when your team consists of the person who killed the girl she loved, another person who has openly expressed a desire to take revenge for the treatment of her girlfriend, and you, who kept her your prisoner for a week. No matter what team-building exercises you, Tomoe-san, or Mikuni Oriko come up with, you can't force Nagatsuki Miyuki to become closer to you unless she wants to; and she may not want to.

It's a matter you can discuss with your team another time. It's getting late, and the Mitakihara compliment of the team has more than an hour's commute to look forward to once things are done for the night.

"So hey, did you get any tongue from Miki last night?"

"Nah. I tried, but she thought letting me stick my tongue in her mouth was weird."

"Too bad."

Unfortunately, you've just gone from one traumatic imagining into another. You pity Nagatsuki Miyuki, sitting there pretending like she can't hear Kyouko and Kure Kirika whispering right beside her. Off in another corner of the living room, you see Archer demonstrating his Projection skills for Saber, handing her an uncomfortably long blade and letting her take a few unwieldy swings with it. "I don't know how he could use something like this," you hear her say, as she swishes the blade this way and that in the air. You're thankful the Mikuni living room is so spacious, or else you're afraid Saber might end up causing serious damage with the laundry pole-sized blade. "The balance is all weird; I think I'd just end up overestimating all my strikes if I had to use something like this... So hey, can you make other swords too?"

"As many as you'd like."

You fear for the future of Kure Minako's place at Archer's side when you see the grin on Saber's face. "Amazing." You aren't sure how you feel about having Saber as a mother. Would that make Nagatsuki Miyuki your step-sister, in that case? You aren't sure if that would be better, but you and Kure Kirika seem to have adopted each other as sisters regardless; even if in her case it's just out of spite, as far as you can tell.

A yawn breaks the otherwise quiet complacency of the living room, but it comes from Mikuni Oriko this time, and not Kure Kirika. "I'm sorry everyone," she says, stifling the next yawn as it comes. "But I'm afraid I'll have to ask you all to leave at this time. It's getting rather late, and it doesn't appear that we have anything more to discuss at the moment."

One by one, Mikuni Oriko's guests say their goodbyes, yourself included, and you all file out. You notice Kure Kirika giving you a sour look as you put your shoes on, and with her thumb and forefinger she mimes shooting you, a not-so-subtle reminder of her displeasure that you were unable to get around to giving her the instruction you promised you would.

"Do you need any help getting back home?"

"No thanks," Nagatsuki Miyuki says to Tomoe-san. "I can climb a tree and sneak back into my room on my own, thanks." She holds for a moment, unsure of how to depart from this group of strangers that have accepted her as one of their own, and she says "Well, I guess I'll see you around."

You check the time on your phone as you return to your apartment; it's too late to call Madoka and tell her how things went. Already knowing what's expected of you as soon as you cross the threshold, you make a straight line for your room to "Are you upset with me, master?" go get changed for Assassin.

"Is this because I yelled at you for-" You don't want to say it. "-what I caught you using my laptop for?"

Assassin nods. "If I have offended you, then I am sorry. I was merely curious to know how two girls could love one another."

"It's not your fault," you say. You can't fault Assassin for being curious about something that wasn't spoken of in her time. You just wish she hadn't shown her findings to you. You don't think the horrors you've borne witness to will never leave your waking eyes. "It's my fault for assuming you wouldn't go looking for... That sort of thing, even though I knew you were likely to be curious."

"Does this mean I will not be allowed to use your internet in the future?"

"No, you can still use it. I'll just have to make sure you know the kinds of things to not do while you're using my laptop. If you'll give me a moment, I can get it for you and show you what to do and what not to do."

Assassin smiles, and you wait just long enough for her to say "I would appreciate that," before heading to your room to get changed and grab your laptop. This is going to be a long night, you think to yourself as you change into your usual nightly wear, collecting your laptop and bringing it out into the living room. You never thought this would be how you'd end up spending your nights.
I'll deal with the Archer stuff start of tomorrow, since that makes more sense from a pacing perspective. With another day gone, the ball's in your court to do your usual end-of-day stuff.
Does this mean Miyuki's a main girl now? :V

[6.5 -> 7] Kure Kirika: She's your fake sister now, apparently, in the most realistic way possible.
[5.5] Nagatsuki Miyuki: You don't really know her all that well yet, and bundled with all of the other problems with introducing her to the Holy QuinSextet it'll be a real trek getting her integrated. Positive opinion of her otherwise, just not very close and very slightly wary of her.
[6 -> 6.5] True Assassin: She's kinda like a cat, and her innocence is enviable now that you've been corrupted by your "big sis". You're warming up to her, literally (as usual) and figuratively.
[6] Kure Minako: You (SVS) forgot about this rating the last time we did this. We also need to find a suitable image for Minako to have; maybe put it up to a vote or something? :p

Tomorrow we need to go clothes shopping for Archer and Assassin, the former because he'll need more than his only silk shirt to go to the Kaname residence, and the latter to try and find suitable clothing to prevent her from accidentally assassinating people or corrupting a water supply while allowing her to go out and about.

==Remove Goals==
Try to convince Shizuki Hitomi to summon Saber before anyone else is able to
==Add Goals==
Try and integrate Nagatsuki Miyuki and Saber into the Holy Sextet as best as you can before Walpurgisnacht arrives
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Does this mean Miyuki's a main girl now?
She is on the Puella Magi Holy Sextet, but we do not grant her the rank of Main Girl.
[6.5 -> 7] Kure Kirika: She's your fake sister now, apparently, in the most realistic way possible.
How can she be fake in the most realistic way?
[6] Kure Minako: You (SVS) forgot about this rating the last time we did this. We also need to find a suitable image for Minako to have; maybe put it up to a vote or something?
No, I didn't forget. I'm just leaving it alone until I find a good picture for her so I can do the necessary upgrading. However, that's a pretty hard task for me, as there's all of one single panel depicting of Kirika's mother that I can't even seem to find anymore, and most pictures I've found of Azur Lane's Taihou are either too slutty, have the wrong hair style, or she's wearing something far too fancy for dirt-poor Minako.
How can she be fake in the most realistic way?
Realistic in the way they act towards each other. :p

Usually people would say that they think of [so and so] as their [brother/sister], however in those cases it's very positive. What Homura and Kirika have now is reminiscent of how normal sibling relationships can be at times around that age.

EDIT: @SVS about Minako's picture, what about this? Also as a bonus, here's what looks like Minako wearing one of Archer's red shirts/sweaters/whatever.

Definitely not easy to find many pictures what with Minako's eye color (which I'm assuming is yellow, or maybe red what with Taihou being referenced so much, forgot) that isn't completely out there in typical anime fashion, or isn't a teenage schoolgirl as anime does.
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EDIT: @SVS about Minako's picture, what about this? Also as a bonus, here's what looks like Minako wearing one of Archer's red shirts/sweaters/whatever.

Definitely not easy to find many pictures what with Minako's eye color (which I'm assuming is yellow, or maybe red what with Taihou being referenced so much, forgot) that isn't completely out there in typical anime fashion, or isn't a teenage schoolgirl as anime does.
I've said that Minako's eyes have more red to them than Kirika's, but it's not as if they're solid red like Kyouko's eyes are. Your first one is a bit too yellow for my liking, even though I like everything else about it. I do wish she had a beer instead of a Pocky, though; that would be more up Minako's alley.
I've said that Minako's eyes have more red to them than Kirika's, but it's not as if they're solid red like Kyouko's eyes are. Your first one is a bit too yellow for my liking, even though I like everything else about it. I do wish she had a beer instead of a Pocky, though; that would be more up Minako's alley.
Okay, I broke out some photoshop-fu and recolored the eyes a few times. Would any of these do? (In order of redness)
One, Two, Three, Four
Sorry for the Google Drive, but I didn't want to deal with Imgur compression shenanigans.
EDIT: Some non-Google Drive links that aren't compressed: One, Two, Three, Four
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Day 36 Chapter 1

You don't know what you were expecting to find, heading out in the wee hours of the morning to go prowling the nearby cities for signs of magical life. What Mikuni and Kure hadn't taken care of in their own time, Homura and the others most certainly have. You thought you might have been able to find a trace of the Incubator, and been able to do something about it before it had the chance to re-establish dominance in the area, but even that little rat was nowhere to be found.

Oh well; you live and learn; and no news is good news for Homura and her friends, so you'll leave it be and stop worrying about that.

Here you stand, breakfast in hand, as you ring the doorbell to the Kure apartment. You can faintly hear the sound of water running, but just above the water you hear a voice call out "Just a minute!" You wait, and just a minute later the door opens. Your host today is wearing a fuzzy bathrobe, carefully positioned to reveal just the slightest hint of cleavage, and with her just-barely-dried hair and bare legs, you'd bet anything that she's not actually wearing anything underneath that bathrobe. "Hurry up" Kure Minako says, hurrying you inside. "Don't make me stand outside like this."

"I'd have been perfectly happy to wait another few minutes while you dried off and got dressed, you know."

"Nonsense. You came all this way just for me; I'm not going to have you standing around waiting." Kure Minako leads you into the kitchen; and to your surprise and delight it looks like she's managing to keep it clean. Not that she'd have much time to get it messy again, mind you. She motions for you to take a seat at the kitchen table, where she says "Instead, I'm going to make you sit around while I get changed. It wouldn't do to have breakfast with you while I'm wearing nothing but a bathrobe." She says that, but from the way she crosses her arms under her chest, hiking her breasts up ever so slightly, it's clear that her words don't match her desires.

So you wait, and a few minutes later Kure Minako emerges from her room. She's dressed in a blue-and-white striped Lawson's uniform shirt and black pants. If those are the same pants she wears every day to her first shift, you can see why her co-worker would want to stare at her butt. "Sorry to keep you waiting," she says, taking a seat across the table from you. "You, uh, caught me at the tail end of my shower, and I didn't want to have you standing around outside like an idiot."

"It's fine, really," you say, passing breakfast over to the mother Kure, who wastes no time in cracking open her morning delight, which today consists of grilled fish, rice, and nattō with long onions, along with a fruit smoothie, a treat of yours which your gracious host has taken quite the liking to. "Just make sure you give yourself enough time to take care of everything you need to. if need be, you can even eat your breakfast on the way to work. I won't mind if you have to send me home early."

Kure Minako pouts, and says "Aw, but I like eating breakfast with you." Her eyes dart downwards; not towards the food, but somewhere off to the side of the floor. She probably thinks she said it in a low enough voice, but your superiour servant senses let you pick up her words when she says "It makes me feel like I have a husband who loves me."

Do you
[ ] Talk to Kure Minako
-[ ] about what you just heard her say
-[ ] about dinner with the Kanames
-[ ] about the money
-[ ] about her night shift
-[ ] other (write-in)
[ ] Don't talk; just watch her eat
-[ ] Creepy watch
-[ ] Normal-person watch
-[ ] Watch like she's your love interest
[ ] Other (write-in)

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Major objectives:
- Maintain your relationships with Kaname Madoka, Miki Sayaka, Shizuki Hitomi, and Tomoe Mami
- Go on another date with your girlfriend some time in the near future
- Try to cultivate a better relationship with Sakura Kyoko
- Try to figure out just how you want to view Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika in the future; you've gotten closer to them and you don't know what to do
- Try and integrate Nagatsuki Miyuki and Saber into the Holy Sextet as best as you can before Walpurgisnacht arrives
- Further your knowledge of Rune thaumaturgy and practice your chosen Rune
- Further your knowledge of Reinforcement thaumaturgy under the tutelage of Archer
- Help your non-Puella Magi friends gain enough personal power to fend off minor threats, at least
- Prevent Kaname Madoka and Miki Sayaka from contracting and becoming Puella Magi
- Figure out a way to more reliably locate the Incubator in order to nip any problems from it in the bud
- Find out some way to ward off the Incubator from Kaname Madoka; maybe your teammates could help you with that?
- Make sure that none of the Shirome girls meet an untimely demise
- Try to help out Miyuki with her drinking problem if you can
- Defeat the Witch known as Walpurgisnacht
- Investigate, identify, and prevent the occurrence of the event that caused a fundamental force of this universe to be twice overwritten
- Protect Homura from harm in this unusually dangerous loop and from being taken advantage of by the denizens of the Moonlit World
- Further Homura's skills in Magecraft, now that she has mastered the fundamentals of Projection
- Aid Homura in coordinating her allies so that they stand a better chance of defeating the various threats plaguing the city
- Be a good dad to Homura
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-[x] about how Homura has taken to referring to Kirika as 'big sis'
This is an amazing idea. Here, have some internet cookies for coming up with it. 🍪 🍪 🍪

[X] Plan Breakfast With The Mother Kure
-[X] Talk to Kure Minako
--[X] about how Homura has taken to referring to Kirika as 'big sis'
--[X] about dinner with the Kanames
--[X] about when you're going to tutor her
--[X] about her night shift and subsequently the money
---[X] "Really, how am I going to get the chance to ask you out on a date if you're working all the time?"
----[X] Mentally reason that you might as well give romance a shot after serving as a Counter Guardian for so long; after all, what's the worst that could happen? You falling in love with her?

Can't let Minako do all the work, so Archer might as well toss her a bone before Minako lets guilt and self-doubt consume her.
---[X] "Really, how am I going to get the chance to ask you out on a date if you're working all the time?"
----[X] Mentally reason that you might as well give romance a shot after serving as a Counter Guardian for so long; after all, what's the worst that could happen? You falling in love with her?

Can't let Minako do all the work, so Archer might as well toss her a bone before Minako lets guilt and self-doubt consume her.
You mean we're not even going to wait until dinner so we can let Junko think she gets all the credit for setting Archer and Minako up?
You mean we're not even going to wait until dinner so we can let Junko think she gets all the credit for setting Archer and Minako up?
Hey, he's technically not asking her out, just pointing out that he would if she had time and wasn't tired all the time from overworking herself. :V

On the bright side, Archer and Minako could conspire to surprise Junko by kinda already being together at the most opportune moment when they're over at the Kaname residence.
Day 36 Chapter 2
[X] Plan Breakfast With The Mother Kure

Kure Minako pouts, and says "Aw, but I like eating breakfast with you." Her eyes dart downwards; not towards the food, but somewhere off to the side of the floor. She probably thinks she said it in a low enough voice, but your superiour servant senses let you pick up her words when she says "It makes me feel like I have a husband who loves me."

You can pretend that you didn't hear her say that, but that doesn't mean you can't offer her the illusion of a loving family she so desperately wants. "You know, Homura's recently taken to calling Kirika her 'big sis'," you say, hoping to brighten the mother Kure's spirits. "It's actually kind of cute. I've heard of people who say that so-and-so is like their sibling, but those two actually act like it." You think. The only sibling relationship you've ever had experience with are not experiences you would wish on your adopted daughter. Or the daughter Kure, for that matter; despite how repugnant of a person she may have been, you wouldn't dare to wish her to befall the same fate as Matou Sakura.

Kure Minako laughs at your words. "Oh my god, that's too precious!" she says. "You have to get me a picture of Kirika's reaction the next time Homura calls her that."

"Actually, I don't have a cell phone," you say, only now realising how strange it is for you to be masquerading as a normal person without a cell phone. "But you know who I bet would love to snap a picture for you? Kaname Junko, at dinner on Friday."

Kure Minako plays coy, like she doesn't know what that other woman is planing. "I didn't know I was invited."

"I'd say it's obvious that you are. After all, the Kanames went out of their way to coincidentally have dinner on one of the nights when you aren't working your third shift." Not to mention that you heard the mothers Kaname and Kure talking as you left the office yesterday, and they all but admitted what the point of this dinner was to you.

"Well... I don't know..." Kure Minako plays with a lock of her hair as she waits on you to say more. "Wasn't Friday night going to be one of the nights you said you'd help tutor me?"

"There's nothing saying I can't help you after dinner, is there? However, if you're really worried about me not finding the time to tutor you-" This is the big one, the one that will determine how easily Kure Minako can find the time to accept your tutoring. "-you could always leave your night shift and take the money I'm prepared to offer you. Now, I know you're working your night shift to save up the money so you can send your daughter to college, but I want you to really consider just how much I'm willing to offer you; ten-million Yen. That's more than enough for both you and your daughter to get a four-year education at any decent public university in the country, with a little under one-and-a-half-million Yen left over to do whatever you want with. All you have to do is say yes; I'll get in touch with a friend of mine, and she can get you squared away with a bank account by tonight."

"Ten-million Yen..." Kure Minako recites the amount back to you, staring in complete and utter shock. She blinks, still silent, and you wait until she finds the words to express herself. "Why are you being so nice to me? What did I ever do to deserve this?"

You have to stop yourself from reaching over your hand to comfort Kure Minako. "I know you must have been beating yourself up for a long time," you say; Kure Minako nods. "I know you think you've failed as a parent, but I also know the fact that it hurts as much as it does is a sign that you aren't as bad of a person as you think you are." You can't help it; at the expression that passes over the mother Kure's face, you find yourself compelled to reach out your hand to her, wiping away the tears forming at her eyes. "There is a wonderful person hiding underneath all that guilt and self-doubt you've got, someone who I think deserves as much help as she needs to reach her full potential."

"Besides," you say, pulling your hand back as a devious smirk passes over your lips. "How am I going to get the chance to ask you out on a date if you're working all the time?"

You don't know what compelled you to say that. Maybe you just said it to lift her spirits; maybe her less-than-subtle flirting has actually paid off; maybe you've already gotten used to everyone around you already thinking that you two are together? You aren't sure, but unlike your daughter, that's no reason to lose your cool and panic. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? You actually fall in love with her; help lift her as high as she can go; and start a family with her once she's a successful adult? "Sorry, I don't know what came over me just now."

"Don't be," Kure Minako says, reaching for your hand as she laces your fingers together. "I'd actually really like that. I know we've only known each other for a few days, but it... It feels like it's been a lot longer, doesn't it?"

"Are you sure?" She is right, it does feel like it's been a lot longer than just the few days since you two met, but "A few days is still just a few days; don't you think you're moving too fast?"

"You've treated me better in these past few days than my ex did in two years of dating and seven years of marriage." Well sure, but her ex isn't exactly the highest bar to get over... "Even if we're going too fast, I know what I want. The only other time I've ever been so sure of anything as I am about being with you is when I decided to keep Kirika."

Alright, this is getting way too serious for you to handle right now; it's time to back it up a few notches. "I'm flattered, really; but I wasn't trying to ask you out. "At least, not directly. "I was saying that I can't ask you out if you're too busy overworking yourself to make any time for romance. I'm not blind; I've known that you liked me from the moment we met, but you barely have enough time for yourself, let alone for the kind of relationship that you want to have with me." Good job, it looks like you've cooled the mother's Kure's head.

Kure Minako purses her lips, staring at you as she aimlessly pokes at her breakfast. "I feel like you're jumping all over the place today," she says. "Do you want me to quit my night shift so you have more time to tutor me, or do you want me to quit so you have time to be my boyfriend?" That wasn't quite the response you were expecting to receive from the mother Kure. Then again, you don't know what sort of response you were expecting. "All this time I thought you were just dense like an eroge protagonist; but you really knew all along that I liked you. Have you always liked me back but just didn't say anything until now, or are you only saying that you'd ask me out as another way to get me to leave my night shift?"

Kure Minako leans over the table, until her face is pressed right up against yours, and you can smell breakfast on her breath. It smells so much better than the sloppy beer-and-vomit kisses she gave you Sunday night. "Just give me a straight, yes or no answer- Do you, or do you not, like me the way I like you? Is... This, possible for us, or am I just getting my hopes up over nothing? Are you just getting my hopes up over nothing?"

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

[Archer] Wat do?
[Homura] Wat do?​
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[x] More or less

[x][Archer] After you leave Minako's place go out and by a cell phone.
[x][Homura] Accidentally order assassin to follow you to school today.