-[X] Rider's showing off has reminded you that you've seen him naked before
---[X] ... and now you've been tainted by "The Talk"
----[X] Stop imagining it!
Homura "Yuri Goddess" Akemi. Fairly sure she's less straight than a rainbow, but...
Addendum proposal!

-[X] Rider's showing off has reminded you that you've seen him naked before
--[X] Which makes you wonder how Saber looks like naked? Seeing as she sort-of hit on--
---[X] And now the pink hair is making you imagine Ma-- STOP I--
----[X] Just think about Saber naked instea-- NO!
-----[X] Interrupt by contemplating coobie hunting/coobie punting.

(Addendum clarification: Homura wondering if she thinks of Madoka in that way and only starting to consider 'that'. And pulling her thoughts away before she starts on the handholding. "Do I like her 'that way'? Luminous...?")
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Speaking of having talks with our teammates, considering that our team now consists of six magical girls and seven servants, I'm going to have to ask that my players be extra-considerate of my ability to write convincing interactions between characters from now on. There's a lot of people all in one place and that's going to be really hard for me to keep track of, so from now on I would ask that we limit ourselves to interacting with just three other people at a time. Feel free to rotate them as you see fit, but any more than four people talking at once is varying degrees of difficult for me to write.
That's definitely understandable. Aside from Homura talking to Musashi, Oriko, and Miyuki, there's the group suggestions part which I'm not sure how it factors into your criteria. Is Homura not aloud to talk to the Holy Sextet as a group anymore? I'd imagine she'd need to do so in some capacity, especially when making group decisions like this. o_O

On Archer's side, he's also just interacting with Musashi, with Lancer maybe-doing-something mostly in the background.

The whole Homura-Assassin scene, her going to sleep, and Archer going out searching for stuff, could be shelved for the update after the next one, probably, considering how long the pre-go-home conversations have gotten.
That's definitely understandable. Aside from Homura talking to Musashi, Oriko, and Miyuki, there's the group suggestions part which I'm not sure how it factors into your criteria. Is Homura not aloud to talk to the Holy Sextet as a group anymore? I'd imagine she'd need to do so in some capacity, especially when making group decisions like this.
Homura can talk to the PMHS as a group, but not with them as a group, if that makes any sense. Otherwise I'll just end up bouncing between whoever and the end result is one or two people that barely say anything- Notice how little Mami and Kyouko have had to say tonight, outside of me trying to squeeze a few bits of Mami dialogue in. That's because I just can't easily balance writing for that many characters simultaneously. In other words, if we want to talk to them as a group, that's fine; but if we want to talk with them as a group, I'll need a specific outline of who we're talking to about what.

-[X] Rider's showing off has reminded you that you've seen him naked before
---[X] ... and now you've been tainted by "The Talk"
----[X] Stop imagining it!
-[x] Rider's showing off has reminded you that you've seen him naked before.
--[x] ... and now you've been tainted by "The Talk"
---[x] Stop imagining it!
Homura "Yuri Goddess" Akemi. Fairly sure she's less straight than a rainbow, but...
Addendum proposal!

-[X] Rider's showing off has reminded you that you've seen him naked before
--[X] Which makes you wonder how Saber looks like naked? Seeing as she sort-of hit on--
---[X] And now the pink hair is making you imagine Ma-- STOP I--
----[X] Just think about Saber naked instea-- NO!
-----[X] Interrupt by contemplating coobie hunting/coobie punting.
Guys, if you really want to make me have Homura using her imagination, then leave the specifics to me. You can trust me to deliver something without telling me what Homura should be imagining.
Homura can talk to the PMHS as a group, but not with them as a group, if that makes any sense. Otherwise I'll just end up bouncing between whoever and the end result is one or two people that barely say anything- Notice how little Mami and Kyouko have had to say tonight, outside of me trying to squeeze a few bits of Mami dialogue in. That's because I just can't easily balance writing for that many characters simultaneously. In other words, if we want to talk to them as a group, that's fine; but if we want to talk with them as a group, I'll need a specific outline of who we're talking to about what.
Hmmm, okay then. So Homura's still good to ask everyone for suggestions then? Maybe the "responses" could just be non-direct in that they're listed in a paragraph (aka not directly quoted as they speak) with Homura noting that that's what the group could come up with?
Guys, if you really want to make me have Homura using her imagination, then leave the specifics to me. You can trust me to deliver something without telling me what Homura should be imagining.
Don't worry, I definitely trust you. I'm assuming NMS' version was vague enough to not need editing, or should I make it more vague somewhere? :evil:
While it's clear that your words have not done all they could to placate the newest arrivals, fortunately Archer chooses this moment to emerge from the kitchen with his latest masterpiece. "I call it the chocolate burger," he says, laying a tray full of his over-sweet delicacy before the gathered crowd. All eyes are drawn to the confection, and Kure Kirika in particular is practically salivating at the sight of it. "Chocolate macaroon halves topped with chopped walnuts make the bun, with a thick slice of chocolate cake for the burger. For our "vegetables"-" Archer puts the word into big air-quotes. "-we have slices of blood orange, diced apple, and a mix of chocolate shavings and chopped nuts. Finally, the whole thing is glued together with frosting that's been dyed to look like ketchup and mustard.
@SVS I just ate and that made me hungry...
"Rider-class here; name's Achilles." Rider appears beside his master, but quickly allows the spotlight to swallow him as he flexes his muscles for Saber. "Strongest hero in all of Greece, baby. Feel those muscles." He offers an arm to Saber who, blushing furiously, accepts his offer to feel his bicep. "Pretty nice, ain't it? And what name might I call such a ravishing beauty as yourself, if you don't mind me asking?"

Mind blown.

[x] enetious
Day 35 Chapter 10
[X] Plan What Happens To Kyuubey Hunting, Now?

"Now, maybe you'll finally tell us your name?"

"Oh; that's easy!" Saber takes a bite of her monstrous chocolate dessert burger, leaving all in attendance waiting on her to finish chewing, swallowing, before she finishes her thought with "Shinmen Musashi, at your service!"

It's a name that just about every Japanese has heard before, the name of the country's most famous swordsman. Key word being swordsman, not woman. Seven pairs of eyes stare at Saber, incredulous to her claim every one of them. "... I thought Miyamoto Musashi was a guy?"

"Nope! I'm one-hundred per cent me! Look-" Saber peels back the long back on the right side of her head, revealing a dark scar hidden underneath. "That's where some peasant beaned me with a rock when I tried to fight in the Shimabara Rebellion. Just because I'm one-hundred per cent woman doesn't mean I'm not also Shinmen Musashi."

"Then how do you explain... Well, just about everything that's ever been written about you? Your own book included? What about the self-portrait that depicts you as a man?"

"I've got explanations for all of that," Saber says, shrugging off your questions as easily as a duck might shrug off water. "First, that so-called 'self' portrait? That was never of me. That was actually my uncle, who trained me from when I was seven. I was getting on in years when I painted that, and it was getting harder and harder for me to remember what he looked like, so I tried to paint him as best as I could so I'd always remember him." Saber shrugs, taking another bite of her chocolate 'burger'. "I guess everyone else just kind of went with it at that point, since it was easier for them to accept that a man had done what I did back in those days."

"Was that also why you wrote your book as though you were a man?"

"Funny; I don't remember writing myself as a man. Then again, I don't actually recall ever getting a chance to read the published work, so maybe that was something that got changed without me knowing about it? It'd certainly fit the pattern."

"What about Sasaki Kojirou?" Archer asks. "I've had the chance to speak with him, on occasion, and he never mentioned anything about you being a woman. Was he also lying?"

"Nah, I just beaned him so fast I don't think he ever had time to figure out I was a girl." Saber requires a moment to compose herself as the memory of her historic duel causes her to chuckle. "And once it was over, I left in such a hurry that none of his followers had time to figure it out either."

Archer crosses his arms over his chest, lips pursed as he contemplates the Saber who calls herself Shinmen Musashi. To him, this whole situation must seem strangely familiar to that of the female King Arthur he knew from his own War. "Alright, so you've at least got explanations for all this, but there's still one thing I'm a little iffy on- Your birth name was Bennosuke; that's not really the name you give to a little girl, so what's the story there?"

Saber's near-constant mirth breaks at Archer's mention of her birth name, and she says "If you know Shinmen Musashi's birth name, then you must also know that 'he' had three elder siblings, two sisters and a brother." Archer nods. "Truth is, I was the older sister. Bennosuke died of an illness just before our uncle was set to teach him how to use a sword, so I chose to study in his stead. I used his name to conceal the fact that I was a girl from people until I had garnered enough notoriety to change it."

"If I hadn't done that, if I had kept my old name, nobody would have taken me seriously. Arima Kihei would have rejected my challenge to him if he had seen the name of a girl written on his invitation. My breasts hadn't come in yet, or else he would have figured out I was a girl when I went out to fight him and refused to fight me. I love the sword, and I love the legacy I've carved for myself using the sword, but don't think for one second that I would have been able to do any of that if I had gone around living as a woman in those days."

"I understand," Archer says, nodding for Saber. "I once knew another servant, another Saber actually, who was forced to hide the fact that they were a woman from the world, because they knew the world wouldn't accept a woman doing what she had to."

Archer's confirmation of your earlier thought cinches it; you'll accept that this Saber is the woman she claims herself to be, even if that woman is one known as a man to the rest of the world. "Well, now that we've gotten our explanations out of the way, there's something we need to address going forward as a team." You look to Nagatsuki Miyuki, then back to the rest of your team, and say "We've recently brought a new team member into our ranks, and we have two weeks to get her and Saber up to snuff. But, considering Mitakihara's lack of pressing threats for us to fight, how are we supposed to get our newest members integrated?"

"Well, it's not as though we did nothing but fight witches when we were trying to integrate Mikuni-san and Kure-san," Tomoe-san says. "There's no reason we can't come up with some combat training exercises to put them through."

Mikuni Oriko nods, adding to what Tomoe-san said with "You could use your ribbons to make duplicates of some of the more threatening witches we've fought; and I'm sure our servants wouldn't mind sparring with Saber."

"And I've always wanted to beat Miyuki up for the way she treated Oriko back theni!" Kure Kirika exclaims, before the sour looks being directed at her by both Mikuni Oriko and Nagatsuki Miyuki cause her to back down. "I mean... I'd be willing to spar with her, to get her used to the way puella magi fight..."

"... What?" Kyouko asks. "I ain't got nothing ta add to what yer all saying. If Crazy wants ta kick her ass, then I guess I'd be down fer flexing my skills on the newbie as well."

All the ideas presented are adequate, though you're wary of letting Kure Kirika spar with Nagatsuki Miyuki just yet. "Perhaps it would be easier to figure out how to integrate her if we know what she's able to do in combat." You turn to Nagatsuki Miyuki, and ask her "If our newest member would be willing to tell us what she's capable of."

"It might be easier if I show you," Nagatsuki Miyuki says. "Except... I think I'll need a bit of space to do a proper demonstration."

"That's fine, Nagatsuki-san, we can use my garden if you need space to demonstrate your abilities." Mikuni Oriko leads the team out to her garden; the last time you were out here, it was back when Kure Kirika had just regained the use of her legs, and you wanted to make sure she was good to fight. "I don't mind if the flowers get a bit ruined. I've been meaning to redecorate for awhile now."

Nagatsuki Miyuki nods, and in a flash her clothes are replaced with her battle costume. In her left hand she holds a dueling saber, and in her right hand an ornate, gold-filigreed target pistol. "The sword's just a regular sword," she says, swishing the blade about int he air a few times. "I'm in the fencing club at school, so I guess it was something I wanted because I knew how to use it. The pistol's really where the magic is; stand back."

Nagatsuki Miyuki takes aim at a patch of flowers as the pistol flashes red. She pulls the trigger, and an ornate magic circle appears in the air at the end of the barrel, from which erupts a column of fire. She repeats the process, with the pistol flashing blue this time, before a torrent of ice is expelled. A third time, and the pistol flashes green as arcs of lightning are thrown to all corners of the garden. Finally, Nagatsuki Miyuki pulls the trigger a fourth time. The pistol flashes gold, but this time nothing happens. "Wait for it..." she says; and seconds later, spires of dirt burst from the ground like earthbound rockets. Nagatsuki Miyuki smiles, twirling the pistol on her trigger finger like a stereotypical American cowboy, before allowing her weapons to vanish. "That's about it, really. It'd be useful in combat, except I guess there's not much for us to be fighting for the next couple of weeks."

"Do your elemental attacks always come in the same pattern, or can you change them at will?"

"I can control which one I use."

[ ] What are your thoughts regarding Nagatsuki Miyuki's usefulness in combat?
[ ] What are your thoughts regarding how to integrate Nagatsuki Miyuki into the team?

Kure Kirika pouts as she watches Nagatsuki Miyuki's display, and as soon as her eyes meet yours she says "Hey! Speaking of guns, what about the one Archer got for me? You get that fixed yet? You're still gonna show me how to shoot it and stuff, right?"

You nod your head, but brush aside Kure Kirika's question as you approach Mikuni Oriko. You'll deal with your impatient big sis later; right now, there are more important matters to attend to. "How are you and Lancer coming along on that anti-Incubator ward?"

"It's coming along. Give us until Friday, I'd say, and we should be finished by then. If I'm right, I can give it to Kirika on Saturday morning and have her deliver it to you at school. Or, if you're not going to be busy that night, I can bring it with me if we'll be having a team meeting that night."

"I'll likely be having dinner with Madoka's family on Friday night," you say. "However, Archer and I are positive that 'dinner' is really an attempt by Kaname Junko to set Archer and Kure Minako up. Kure Kirika will likely be there as well, so if you're finished before dinner on Friday, give it to her and have her bring it to me at dinner."

Mikuni Oriko nods, saying "Yes, I think we can make that work."

The team files back into Mikuni Oriko's mansion as Nagatsuki Miyuki's demonstration concludes, but you linger behind, catching "Saber," as she attempts to re-enter the residence. "There's something I need to talk to you about."

"Sure, what's up?"

"It's about your master, actually- It's probably not my place to be telling you this, but Nagatsuki Miyuki is a recovering alcoholic." And you hope she'll talk to Saber about her problems at some point. "Given what I said to you earlier about how our emotional states are tied directly to the accumulation of Grief in our Soul Gems, I shouldn't have to explain why drinking one's self to sleep would be fatal to a puella magi. For your master's sake, I'd ask you to be mindful of your own drinking in her presence."

"I mean sure, I'll try to be mindful of my drinking around her, but you know how it was back in my time- On the road, good water might be hard to come by; not so hard with good alcohol. Then again..." Saber pauses, before resuming with "I don't even know where I'd go to get a drink around here; and even if I did, it's not like I've got any money to buy any with. I guess I could always offer my body for a few drinks, but then..."

At those words, Saber had lost you. You turn your head away from the pink-haired swordswoman, only to be greeted by the sight of MIkuni Oriko and Kure Kirika kissing in the moonlight. You see Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika kissing, just as they are now, but their heads have been superimposed atop the bodies of the two women Assassin showed you in the middle of their... Activity. The ease with which Kure Kirika could say the things she said to you; her complete willingness to disregard societal norms to make out with her girlfriend even when the pair are in public; and now the way in which the image you see in your mind feels so right to you, even as it feels so incredibly dirty. You're convinced; Kyouko is right about those two; and you can't get the image out of your head. You curse Kure Kirika's existence for the things she told you over lunch; you curse Assassin's existence for showing you the things she did; and you curse your own existence for being unable to purge these wretched thoughts from your mind. You want to freeze time, manifest your shield, and stick your head inside as far as it will go and scream as loudly as you can; but you don't.

You can imagine Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika that way; but can you do the same for you and Madoka? Do you love Madoka in that way? Do you desire her in that way?

You don't know; and like all things, the fact that you don't know is what terrifies you.

[ ] Wat do?
I believe I already had Homura add Miyuki to the group chat when we were texting everyone over lunch, so that was cut out. The Archer stuff was cut because I couldn't think of a good place to fit it in. And I changed the impetus for our imagining because us thinking about Rider didn't make that much sense to me, on account of this good chap's observation
Homura "Yuri Goddess" Akemi. Fairly sure she's less straight than a rainbow, but...
So it was changed to what you see here.
Dang, no dreaming of Madoka with Rider's muscles.:(

[x] Miyuki's abilities are potentially useful to the group. When it comes to ranged combat, the rest the Holy Sextet doesn't quite have the same flexiblity she does. And the fact that she has a melee weapon and training with it means she'd be in a better spot if an enemy got the drop on her compared to you or Oriko.
[x] Mock Battles. The Holy Sextet vs one or more of the groups Servants.

[x] Offer to help Miyuki sneak back into her house.
I believe I already had Homura add Miyuki to the group chat when we were texting everyone over lunch, so that was cut out. The Archer stuff was cut because I couldn't think of a good place to fit it in. And I changed the impetus for our imagining because us thinking about Rider didn't make that much sense to me, on account of this good chap's observation

So it was changed to what you see here.
I'm pretty sure it was originally meant to be a "I'm scarred for life" kind of imagining that would make Homura want to throw up, not the fantasizing that's happening here. :p

[X] Plan Perfectly Balanced, As All Things Should Be
-[X] What are your thoughts regarding Nagatsuki Miyuki's usefulness in combat?
--[X] As she is now, she's a pretty decent mid-ranged fighter who actually knows how to fight in close range with that sword of hers, and the range of esoteric effects she has is adequate. You can't help but feel that she likely hasn't fully explored her abilities yet though, kind of like how Sayaka most timelines ignores core features of her weapons and abilities and just focuses on the fact that she has a sword to hack up enemies with.
-[X] What are your thoughts regarding how to integrate Nagatsuki Miyuki into the team?
--[X] Right now, she's not the best ranged or the best melee fighter in the Holy Sextet, however she could play both roles well enough and is flexible enough to play support to any group she's with, shoring up any outright weaknesses. She's perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
--[X] In regards to it socially, only experience working together and watching each other's backs will really help cultivate such teamwork, and perhaps hanging out as a team outside of combat could help as well
--[X] In regards to it otherwise, they could hold mock battles between half and half the team and their Servants (bar Assassin due to her very deadly nature), or could simulate fights against opponents like past Witches or Caster could use an artifact or two to simulate battles against Elsa Maria's familiars again
-[X] Reassure yourself that you're first and foremost romantically in love with Madoka, and the fact that you care more about Madoka as a person than simply her body is what truly counts; exploring anything sexual with her can wait until you're both older and you're out of this time-loop once and for all
-[X] (Archer) "Hey Shinmen-san, you want to see a neat trick?"
--[X] Project Kojiro Sasaki's Monohoshi Zao and let Saber play with it
---[X] While handing it off, be sure to not let Musashi touch you lest she figure out you're mostly a Sword, but fail
----[X] Try not to think about why Lancer seems to be keeping herself between you and Saber at all times after that
-[X] Meeting adjourned, head on back home to get ready for bed
--[X] Do your thing with Assassin before then, while teaching her more proper internet etiquette
---[X] No, it isn't her fault that you raised your voice telling her to turn off her porn, it was your fault for forgetting to turn on SafeSearch and not anticipating that Assassin would find that explicit stuff on your computer so quickly, so apologize for earlier
----[X] Sleep overtakes you and you dream of Madoka and cats
-[X] (Archer) While Homura's sleeping and before you have to start cooking for Minako, search the surrounding cities poste-haste for any signs of Witch or Puella Magi activity, if only to find spots Oriko might have missed or to find out where the Incubator is attempting to rebuild the Puella Magi and Witch populations; before heading out of the city, check up on the Kaname household first to make sure Kyuubey isn't making any overt moves towards attempting to get Madoka to contract
--[X] While you're at it, see if you can't find one of Kyuubey's bodies while you're out and about

Mostly just copy and pasting the other half of the last vote. I doubt Miyuki will need help jumping back up to her window and getting back in, so asking if she needs help probably isn't needed.
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Dang, no dreaming of Madoka with Rider's muscles.
Having seen a picture of swole Madoka once, long ago, trust me when I say you dodged a bullet.
I'm pretty sure it was originally meant to be a "I'm scarred for life" kind of imagining that would make Homura want to throw up, not the fantasizing that's happening here.
Oh, trust me; Homura's scarred for life.

-[X] Invite Miyuki to their super-secret off-the-Kyuubey-radar group text chat; be sure to rename it to "Holy Sextet" now that you have another member
We really did do this earlier in the day, see?
You made sure to log Nagatsuki Miyuki's phone number into your group chat, so a simple text is all it takes to establish tonight's base of operations.
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Having seen a picture of swole Madoka once, long ago, trust me when I say you dodged a bullet.
Oh, something like this then? :V

I'm sure Homura would be completely supportive of Madoka getting swole a la Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru, though. In fact, Homura might join her even though she's a Puella Magi for no particular reason.

We really did do this earlier in the day, see?
Removed. :)
[x] Mock Battles. The Holy Sextet vs one or more of the groups Servants.
Can I ask why you want the magical girls to fight the servants, and not, say, having teams of magical girls+ servants fighting against other teams? If we discount Assassin, for obvious reasons, we've got an even split of six girls and six servants, which could break into either teams of 2 master/servant pairs or teams of 3.
[X] Plan Perfectly Balanced, As All Things Should Be
-[X] What are your thoughts regarding how to integrate Nagatsuki Miyuki into the team?
--[X] Right now, she's not the best ranged or the best melee fighter in the Holy Sextet, however she could play both roles well enough and is flexible enough to play support to any group she's with, shoring up any outright weaknesses. She's perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
--[X] In regards to it socially, only experience working together and watching each other's backs will really help cultivate such teamwork, and perhaps hanging out as a team outside of combat could help as well
Do you have any contribution to how we're going to integrate her? NMS suggested mock battles, but what I'm seeing from you is more social integration than combat integration, and I don't think we're planning on befriending Walpol.

And since you mention it, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on where Miyuki falls in comparison to the rest of the girls. In fact, that goes for everyone else reading this as well. I'd like to see your rankings of each of our six girls, from most melee to most ranged.
Can I ask why you want the magical girls to fight the servants, and not, say, having teams of magical girls+ servants fighting against other teams? If we discount Assassin, for obvious reasons, we've got an even split of six girls and six servants, which could break into either teams of 2 master/servant pairs or teams of 3.

Do you have any contribution to how we're going to integrate her? NMS suggested mock battles, but what I'm seeing from you is more social integration than combat integration, and I don't think we're planning on befriending Walpol.

And since you mention it, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on where Miyuki falls in comparison to the rest of the girls. In fact, that goes for everyone else reading this as well. I'd like to see your rankings of each of our six girls, from most melee to most ranged.
Added an extra point suggesting NMS' mock battles but with your layout along with the added Witch simulators.

(Listed most capable to least capable)
Kyoko (mostly due to her agility/speed and skill, as Lancers do)
Kirika (due to power and Berserker-ness; lacks skill though)
Miyuki (due to knowing how to sword)
Homura (due to probably having some practice with a combat knife or two, or possibly via Projection)
Mami (in a pinch she could swing a musket at something, or enchant something else, but isn't very skilled at melee)
Oriko (no melee options)

Mami (the mistress of the many and powerful pew pews)
Oriko (consistent and decently powerful pew pews, lacks a good finisher)
Homura (generally has pretty great Isa arrows, and can use an extremely powerful finisher under specific circumstances, restricted arrows per second though)
Miyuki (gun goes pew pew, ability not explored past basic elements yet)
Kyoko (we don't know how good her Sowilo is yet, but she does have that giant spear finisher that's extremely costly)
Kirika (no ranged options)
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Can I ask why you want the magical girls to fight the servants, and not, say, having teams of magical girls+ servants fighting against other teams? If we discount Assassin, for obvious reasons, we've got an even split of six girls and six servants, which could break into either teams of 2 master/servant pairs or teams of 3.

I figured a Servant by themself getting relatively serious could handle most of the Sextet by themselves.

Kyoko (mostly due to her agility/speed and skill, as Lancers do)
Kirika (due to power and Berserker-ness; lacks skill though)
Miyuki (due to knowing how to sword)
Homura (due to probably having some practice with a combat knife or two, or possibly via Projection)
Mami (in a pinch she could swing a musket at something, or enchant something else, but isn't very skilled at melee)
Oriko (no melee options)

I'd put Mami higher then Homura. Maybe even higher than Miyuki. There's nothing really stopping Mami from using her ribbons at close range.

Mami (the mistress of the many and powerful pew pews)
Oriko (consistent and decently powerful pew pews, lacks a good finisher)
Homura (generally has pretty great Isa arrows, and can use an extremely powerful finisher under specific circumstances, restricted arrows per second though)
Miyuki (gun goes pew pew, ability not explored yet)
Kyoko (we don't know how good her Sowilo is yet, but she does have that giant spear finisher that's extremely costly)
Kirika (no ranged options)

I think this is spot on, though.
I'd put Mami higher then Homura. Maybe even higher than Miyuki. There's nothing really stopping Mami from using her ribbons at close range.
Ehhh, debatable. That's kinda conditional, like Homura's time-stop when it comes to her survivability, and it's generally more of a utility/misc. ability and depends on it working at all on the enemy in question or it being effective (which is usually a no-go for most Witches). That's like ranking Homura at the top of Melee because she can time-stop. I ranked them purely based on their base melee and ranged capabilities without the esoteric stuff mucking rankings up with a bunch of specific circumstances. :p
Ehhh, debatable. That's kinda conditional, like Homura's time-stop when it comes to her survivability, and it's generally more of a utility/misc. ability and depends on it working at all on the enemy in question or it being effective (which is usually a no-go for most Witches). That's like ranking Homura at the top of Melee because she can time-stop. I ranked them purely based on their base melee and ranged capabilities without the esoteric stuff mucking rankings up with a bunch of specific circumstances. :p
What does conditional mean to Mami's ribbons when she can make guns out of them? :V

[x] enetious
I'd put Mami higher then Homura. Maybe even higher than Miyuki. There's nothing really stopping Mami from using her ribbons at close range.
Ehhh, debatable. That's kinda conditional, like Homura's time-stop when it comes to her survivability, and it's generally more of a utility/misc. ability and depends on it working at all on the enemy in question or it being effective
What does conditional mean to Mami's ribbons when she can make guns out of them?
I'd like to point out that, according to this logic Kirika has an amazing ranged ability, because all she has to do is go "REEEEEEEEE! Oriko! [Thing] hurt me!"
And since you mention it, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on where Miyuki falls in comparison to the rest of the girls. In fact, that goes for everyone else reading this as well. I'd like to see your rankings of each of our six girls, from most melee to most ranged.

For me this is how it goes.

Kyoko (due to her combat style that allow her control over close to mid-ranger and how skills with her spear with decent speed)
Mami (versatility of her magic that grants a lot of option for battlefield control.)
Kirika (due to power and her magic. lack anything of combat skills, however.)
Miyuki (because she knows fencer and have a pistol that allow her to range control.)
Homura (her close-range option is using whatever on hands and swinging it around)
Oriko (no melee options except using her drones in close-ranged. risky for her, however.)

Mami (uncontested in range as she posses option for both firepower and rate of fire.)
Oriko (decent firepower and rate of fire. capable of sustaining her offensive with her barrier even under attack. lack a finisher or high power attacks.)
Homura (have a lot of guns she could use when she want to save magic with different rate of fire and firepower. her magic ice arrow and ice finisher are powerful while trading off the rate of fire if she wants pure firepower even it costly.)
Miyuki (gun could allow close to mid-range control in combat. channing her elements could allow combat option but not enough data. )
Kyoko (if she masters Sowilo enough then she would have some decent ranged options, even if she does't have she still have a powerful giant spear finisher for a close to mid-range combat.)
Kirika (no ranged options)
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