Day 43 Chapter 5
[X] Plan An Evening With Archer

"... Do you think you're getting the hang of it yet?"

For the moment, you've taken a break from tutoring your charges to make dinner for the Kures, and your hope is that your instruction will be enough to keep her going while you and Minako make something to eat. "I don't know," Kirika says, scratching her head as she stares at her homework. "I mean, it'd be nice if I could bring my grades up, but I just don't have the brain for school stuff."

Minako stands over her daughter, clicking her tongue. "Maybe if you'd spent more time concentrating on your lessons and less time daydreaming about Oriko, you'd have an easier time with your homework." Seeing her daughter's face at those words, Minako softens her approach, saying instead "Look, I know exactly what you're going through right now. That's why I'm pressing you on this as hard as I am." She leans over, catching her daughter by surprise with a hug. "I love you, Kirika, and I want to see you succeed more than anything else in the world. But you've got to work hard to succeed, and no one else is going to do the work for you."

You nod, saying "God helps those who help themselves. I'm sure Mikuni would tell you the same thing."

"And speaking of work," Minako says, as she slides up beside you. "What are we making for dinner tonight?"

"Tonkatsu with shredded cabbage," you reply, presenting Minako with the ingredients you've gathered for tonight's dinner. "A beloved classic."

You've already shown Minako how to bread and deep-fry, so for tonight's dinner you mostly take an observatory role, making sure she doesn't cut or burn herself while giving her pointers about the particulars of the meal. Rice is rice, and there's nothing more to say about rice than you've already said, so while Minako does most of the work, you'll make timing everything easier on her and take care of the rice yourself. In no time at all the two of you have a completed meal, and "Alright Kirika, it's time to eat. You can put your homework aside for now."


Minako hugs her daughter, while you lay out three plates of Tonkatsu pork, shredded cabbage, and rice, along with some Tonkatsu sauce you picked up the other day. All told, there's enough for two more meals out of tonight's dinner, which you're intending to go in tomorrow's lunches for the Kure family. You can't help but smile as the two take their seats at the table. "So, how are you feeling after last night?" you ask Minako. Before the creeping smirk on Kirika's face can fully mature, you make sure to add "Do you think you could use another massage, or are you feeling good the way you are?"

"With those hands of yours? I'd be in heaven if I could have them every night." Well, if things keep going the way they have been... "But no, I'm good. Unless you're willing to massage a few other places of mine, I think you got everything you needed to. Though, that's not to say I wouldn't like another one, if you're offering."

"We'll see." Dinner is good, you think, as you take your first taste of Minako's pork. She's definitely making progress, that's for sure. "So, last night you said you'd like to travel and see the world. Have you given any thought to where you'd like to travel?"

"Why don't you tell me about some of the places you've been, and I'll see if anything sounds interesting."

"Well, London is definitely the most interesting place I've been to, in the strictest sense. I don't mean to say anything negative about the places I went to do humanitarian work in; I'm sure there are plenty of wonderful places to visit in those countries. But, well, I wasn't going there for the sightseeing, and most of the places I personally saw were lacking in even basic infrastructure, forget about tourist attractions."

"I see."

"That's not to say I haven't seen a lot of interesting things in my travels, though. I've seen the pyramids, and the ruins of ancient cities. I-" That's when it hits you. "I know- If you'd like, I can pick you up some travel brochures some time. That way, you can start to get a better idea of what the places you might want to go have to offer; and being able to see what you're thinking will help Kirika be part of the discussion as well."

Minako smiles, as a gentle "Thanks," graces her lips. "I don't know when I'd have the time to travel, but I'd love it if you and Homura could join us."

"Of course." Given a life spent inside the walls of a hospital, you're sure Homura would like to travel just as much as Minako. "On that note, though, I do have some bad news. There's going to be a massive tropical storm hitting Mitakihara on Sunday." Your eyes flit over to Kirika, and you add "One of Mikuni's abilities is the power to see the future, and she's confirmed that there's a storm coming. I'd advise you to take whatever you don't want to get waterlogged and get out of the city for a day or two until the coast is clear. Maybe you could stay with your parents, if they live close by; and if not-"

"You can stay at Oriko's place that night!" Kirika cuts you off, saying exactly the thing you were going to say to Minako. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you needed to stay for awhile. I think Shirome's too far inland for the storm to hit, so you should be safe."

Safe because there won't be a storm. Those girls are doing everything in their power to stop Walpurigsnacht when it reaches the Mitakihara.

"I know I'm springing this on you suddenly, and for that I apologise. But I'd be much more comfortable knowing you were somewhere safe."

"Uh, right..." Minako looks shaken up by your news, but no more than you expected. Because you haven't told her the truth. "Thanks. I'll be sure to get my stuff packed and find a place to stay for the weekend."

You nod. "And speaking of the Mikuni mansion," you say, turning your attention on Kirika. "You've been keeping up with your schoolwork while you're staying with her, right?"

Kirika rolls her eyes. "Yes, dad. Oriko's been on me about it every night." Under her breath you can even hear her add "And not in the good way, either."

She can't hide from it this time, you think, and you and Minako both exchange grins. "I'm very glad to hear that, pumpkin," Minako says, while you hang back and let her dole out praise and affection to her daughter. "Mommy's so proud to hear you're doing your work; and I know Oriko's proud of you as well."

You don't mean to distract from the praise being deservedly given to Kirika, but you need to know. "Now, I've heard Homura's got something going on at school between her and her friends. How bad is it?"

"Pretty bad," Kirika says. "I don't know what Homura said to set them off, but Shizuki and especially Miki are just like, super not dealing with her right now."

"I see." You haven't heard much from Homura herself about the matter; just that she said something she shouldn't have. "Thank you. I know Homura likes t joke about how she's the older sister, but what you're doing for her now is very much the older sibling's responsibility. Can I ask you to keep looking out for her while you're both at school?"

"Yeah. I'll keep an eye out for her."

*Knock knock*

Minako sighs as the rapping of knuckles at the door reaches her ear. "I really don't want to deal with Hiroshi right now," she says, draping a hand over her face as if to hide from the person waiting outside. "Kirika, could you get the door and tell him I'm not interested?"

Kirika nods, excusing herself from the table to answer the knocking at the door. You can almost hear the scathing remark on her tongue as she opens the door, but reality fails to match your expectations when instead you hear the excited cry of "Grandma! Grandpa!" You're caught off guard, and you imagine you must look like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle as Minako makes for the door amid her daughter's cries of "Mom! Grandma and grandpa are here!"

"How are you doing, kiddo?" an older male voice asks.

"Goodness, Sho, look how big she's grown," says a second voice, older and female. "Why, the last time we saw you, you were only this tall."

The grandparents Kure are an older couple, both appearing to be in their late sixties or early seventies, and despite grey outstripping dark chocolate in their hair you can still see a strong family resemblance between the couple and their daughter and granddaughter, who leads them into the living room, where their eyes immediately lock onto you as Minako says "Mother, father, I wasn't expecting you. What brings you all the way out here?"

"I had some things I wanted to take care of in Kazamino," the man says. "But there was construction on the bridge so we had to turn back, and we figured we'd stop in while we were in the neighborhood."

"You drove here?" Minako asks. "And parked your car in the lot?" The man nods his head. "This isn't the nicest neighborhood in Mitakihara. Aren't you worried someone might try to steal it?"

"Ha!" Minako's father laughs, and his wife soon joins in. "It's a '95 Camry. I'd like to see the damn fool who would want to steal it!" That must have concluded the pleasantries, as both of the elder Kures turn their attention towards you, and the man asks "So, who might this be?"

Minako shakes her head, muttering "I'm sorry, where are my manners? Mother, father, this is my boyfriend, Archer." Their eyes narrow, and you expect they must be thinking of you the same way they thought of her last boyfriend. "Archer, these are my parents, Kure Sakura and Kure Shigeru."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," you say, trying your best to put a good foot forward with potential in-laws who have already been burned once before. "Your daughter is a wonderful person and I'm truly blessed to know her."

"That's what the last one said," Kure Shigeru says. "What makes you think you're any better than him?"


"I think I have a right to ask the man!" Kure Shigeru barks at his daughter. "The last one ruined your life and left you to raise Kirika on your own. I want a guarantee that this one won't try to fuck you over the same way."

"Archer's not like Kazuma at all! He's been teaching me to cook and helping me study for my Cert!" Minako's breathing is heavy as she yells at her father, and her hand finds its way into your own as she says "He's doing everything he can to help me put my life back together. That's what made me fall in love with him."

[ ] Wat do?​
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Not a neighbor this time, but, uh...
Don't say I didn't warn you ahead of time.
We all knew Archer would have had to duel Minako's ex at some point. The question is, how prepared is he?
... Okay, you got me. :V

"That's what the last one said," Kure Tomoyuki says. "What makes you think you're any better than him?"


"I think I have a right to ask the man!" Kure Shigeru barks at his daughter.
Are you trying to mess with us or something? 'Cause Minako's father's name changed twice. Should we be worried? 😅

[X] Plan Meet The Parents - Grand Battle
-[X] Put your hand on Minako's shoulder to calm her down, and tell her that you would be worried if they weren't on your case like this considering they're her parents and what happened with the last guy
--[X] Politely introduce yourself to her parents - even if Minako already introduced you, it's only polite - and try to get everyone settled in before any arguments take place; ask them if they'd like you (and possibly Minako if she wants to converse with you briefly in private) to make everybody some tea before they get right into things
-[X] Once everyone's settled in, explain to them that you've been taking things slowly to make sure that you and Minako are a good match together interpersonally and to make sure that you're good enough for Minako past the initial gratefulness she likely feels after you've helped her out of a tough spot; Minako can interject at any time to add or correct anything
--[X] Answer the usual parental interrogation questions truthfully (albeit without any mention of the Moonlit World or the Puella Magi system), such as what you do/did for a living (humanitarian work, scholar in London, now settling back down in Japan after you adopted a daughter and teaching remotely), about how long you've been with and what you've done with their daughter (mostly just dates so far, and the usual tutoring that you'd have done even if they weren't dating), what your hobbies are to make sure you aren't a weirdo (nothing too bad, mostly just housework, cooking, helping others in need - which is why you travelled around the world to do humanitarian work, mythology, teaching as of late), your aspirations (aside from getting together with their lovely daughter, you'd like to someday make your own line of kitchen equipment), your intentions with their daughter, etc.
---[X] If they ask or if Minako brings it up, elaborate on how you first got to know Minako
---[X] Get to know Minako's parents a bit more as well, considering they'd be your in-laws if things work out

There's just no way I couldn't put a Grand Battle in the plan name.

EDIT: Added in WanderingTwix's suggestion
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... Okay, you got me.
Refer to
Kure's mother crosses her arms, angrily huffing at the mere thought of the man who betrayed her. "Kohinata Kazuma," she replies. "I never took his last name when we married."
Minako's ex is, quite literally, not a Kure.
Are you trying to mess with us or something? 'Cause Minako's father's name changed twice. Should we be worried?
He's a shapeshifter. You got me.

Actually no, I was struggling to come up with names for he and his wife, ended up changing them a few times, and when I settled on one I thought I had gotten rid of the other instances. Shigeru is the correct name.
Well this took a turn.

"I think I have a right to ask the man!" Kure Shigeru barks at his daughter. "The last one ruined your life and left you to raise Kirika on your own. I want a guarantee that this one won't try to fuck you over the same way."

[x] "Sir, I have been doing my best to not fuck your daughter."
On the one hand, I do really love to see more votes. On the other hand, I wish I could also see some contributions from the crowd at large, rather than only one person putting in the work and everyone else rubber stamping them.
If I could think of anything better, I'd vote for that. But Enetious is pretty good at this and tends to make pretty detailed and seemingly well thought out votes, usually along the lines of what I was already thinking but with more detail, so...

[X] Enetious
If I could think of anything better, I'd vote for that. But Enetious is pretty good at this and tends to make pretty detailed and seemingly well thought out votes, usually along the lines of what I was already thinking but with more detail, so...
What she means is that Enetious is clearly reading our minds and stealing all our ideas, thus we have nothing left to input :V

[x] enetious

Jokes aside, though, don't we also have to explain how we met Minako in the first place and got to know her? The vote doesn't seem to include that.
Day 43 Chapter 6
[X] Plan Meet The Parents

Minako's breathing is heavy as she yells at her father in defense of you, and her hand finds its way into your own as she says "He's doing everything he can to help me put my life back together. That's what made me fall in love with him."

You place your hand on Minako's shoulder and, hoping to diffuse the situation before things have a chance to escalate say to her "Just calm down. Your father is just trying to protect you. Frankly, after what happened with the last guy I'd be more concerned if he weren't on my case." Minako's father nods; some understanding reached at last. "I know Minako has already introduced me, but I feel it's only polite." You give the Kure elders a slight bow, saying "Name's Archer. I suppose this meeting could have gone a bit better, but while you're here why don't you join us for dinner? There should be enough of everything for the both of you. Can we get you something to drink, maybe? Water, tea, or maybe a beer?"

"Just tea, thank you."

"Of course," Minako says to her mother, heading to the counter to make some tea while the grandparents Kure take a seat at the table. Kure Sakura sits beside her granddaughter, and you don't think you've seen Kirika this happy to see someone who isn't her girlfriend before. Kure Shigeru sits himself down at what might generously be described as the 'head' of the table, or what might pass for the head of the table were the table not square. "I'm sorry I yelled at you," Minako says to her father as she returns with tea and dinner for her parents. "But Archer really isn't like Kazuma at all."

"You didn't think Kazuma was like Kazuma either until it was too late," Kure Shigeru says. "I'd like to hear from the man himself why he thinks he's better than your last boyfriend."

"Well for starters, while your daughter is beautiful I'm not in this relationship just for her body," you say. You hope that after Minako's last relationship her parents will take that as a good sign. "In fact, I've been trying to take things slow with Minako, to make sure we're a good match, and to make sure our relationship is built on more than her gratitude for my helping her."

"He's also been helping Kirika with her homework, too."

Minako's father cuts her off with a stern look, but you take back control of the conversation, saying "She's right. I'm not just trying to insert myself into her life. I'm also trying to step up and be a positive role model for Kirika as well." You smile, and were you close enough to Kirika to chance some fatherly interaction you might have even playfully pinched her cheek as you add "I know how much the little pumpkin means to Minako, so I'd rather make myself a part of both their lives, than force her to choose between me or her daughter."

"And how did you two meet?" Kure Shigeru asks. "I was under the impression that my daughter was too busy working to find time to date, so where do you come in to this story?"

"My daughter is friends with both Kirika and her girlfriend, so when they decide to host a weekend party at her dad's beach house for them and some of their friends, Minako and I were invited along to chaperone. We met, one thing led to another, and even though I had only intended to help her study and teach her to cook we found ourselves falling in love."

"You have a daughter?"

"Kirika has a girlfriend?"

Uh-oh; looks like Minako never told her parents about Kirika's coming out. "Just last summer," Minako says, as she brushes a few strands of hair away from her face. "It was a shock to me too when Kirika came out, but Oriko's a really great girl, and she makes Kirika happier than I've seen her since before the divorce. I know you were probably thinking you might live to see some great-grandchildren, but please, let Kirika have this."

"We'll have to meet her some time," Kure Sakura says. "Now then, Archer, you said you have a daughter?"

"She's adopted, actually. I'm big on humanitarian work, and when I came back home to Japan after about a decade in the Middle East I found an orphaned girl who had recently gotten out of the hospital. She needed someone, and I was in a position to be there for her."

"Skin's a little dark for a mainlander, though, isn't it?" Kure Shigeru asks. "You from Okinawa by any chance?"

"Dear, don't be like that. Let the man finish talking before you change the topic."

"Kyushu, actually. Little place called Fuyuki in the Ōita prefecture," you say, having expected a question about your skin tone from the moment the couple saw you. "But I've got a fairly rare skin condition, and all those years spent under the Middle Eastern sun didn't do much for my complexion either."

The grandparents Kure nod their heads, and Kure Shigeru says "You keep bringing up your time in the Middle East. What were you doing there, exactly?"

"Well actually, that's kind of a long story. The short of it is, I studied history and mythology at a prestigious London university, but I wanted to do more than spend my life in academia. I really like helping people, so after I got certified as a teacher, I took the opportunity to travel abroad and do some humanitarian work. I helped build houses, distribute food and water, set up internet connections and education opportunities for the less fortunate, things like that." You've heard that Minako's ex had a 'good job' lined up out of high school, but you don't know what sort of job that was, and you're hoping that a background in education and humanitarian work will endear you to Minako's parents better than whatever job her ex had. "Of course, I'm really grateful that I do my courses online, or I'd never have found the time to do all this."

"You do know you sound a little too good to be true, right?" Kure Shigeru asks you. "You spend a decade doing humanitarian work, come back home and adopt a sickly orphan, and then decide to help out a woman you barely know before falling in love with her? Sounds like something out of a fairy tale, doesn't it?"

"What can I say?" You shrug. "I just really like helping people; and Minako's been a joy to work with, even before we started dating."

"And how long have you two been dating?"

"Just a few weeks, actually. But assuming I don't screw things up I'm very interested in getting serious with your daughter."

"The last one only wanted to get serious when he put a baby in her."

"But we don't hate you for that, pumpkin," Kure Sakura says to her granddaughter. "Oh, but your father though, he..."

You can't blame Minako's father for harping on about her ex. You don't think you'd be any different in his shoes. At least this is still going better than what happened when you met the rest of the Matou family. All seven-thousand of them. "If Minako wants another child, then I'd be happy to give her one when the time is right. But for right now, I'd prefer to see her get her Cert, a college degree, and a good job before she thinks about having another child."

"Well, now that the two of you have met me, perhaps you both would be willing to tell me a bit about yourselves? I'm interested in getting to know you..."​
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We can either vote to continue dinner with the Kures, or we can vote to get back on track with Homura and Madoka. The choice is yours.
Day 43 Chapter 7
[X] Plan Date Night: The Reckoning (part 2)

"I wish the others had come with us," Madoka says as the two of you exit the bowling alley. "I had a lot of fun with you, but I'm sure it would have been even more fun with more people."

"Maybe we can come back at a later date with everyone else," you say; hoping for that later date to be one which actually can come for you. "But even if it's just the two of us, I don't mind." Your fingers are just a little bit sore after your first time bowling, but you don't mind the soreness as it reminds you of a fun memory with Madoka in a timeline you increasingly don't want to give up on. "Now, do you want to go shopping before or after eating dinner?"

"Let's go after," Madoka says. "Did you have somewhere special in mind you wanted to take me?"

You do, as a matter of fact. You were already planning on taking Madoka to the mall to visit that pet shop she mentioned, and there just so happens to be a really nice restaurant on the top floor. "I was thinking the fancy place on the top floor of the mall," you say. You feign a bow, and extend your hand to Madoka as you ask her "So, would the beautiful Lady Kaname be so kind as to accompany me for dinner tonight?"

Madoka's face lights up, and she accepts your offered hand, saying to you "Of course. I'd be delighted to accept dinner with the equally beautiful Homura-chan."

It doesn't matter what the two of you have for dinner; what matters is the company across the table from you. "You're beautiful," you say to Madoka, caught by surprise in the middle of her meal. "Even when you're caught in an unflattering light, you're still so beautiful."

"Stop it, Homura-chan," Madoka says, her face as red as the sun setting in the distance. "You're going to embarrass me."

"Even still, I'm so glad I got to spend the evening with you. You are, and always will be, the love of my life; and if there's anything bothering you, no matter what it is, I'm willing to lend an ear, the same way you've done for me in the past. I know..." You swallow, forcing your voice to remain low as you say "I know it's probably very hard for you right now, having to deal with all the things I've told you, but I want you to know that you're not alone. I'm here for you whenever you need someone to talk to."

Madoka nods, and after a moment spend gathering her thoughts she asks "Um, about... Us, actually, I have a few questions." That doesn't sound ominous at all. "I know I said this before, on our first date-" Yes, you remember it well. The starry sky in the park, and Madoka's anxious face. "-but I've been having a lot of dreams about you. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but now that you've told me... What you have, I... Those weren't just dreams, were they?"

You shake your head. "I've been grappling with that question myself, actually, ever since you told me. Sometimes, I'll see events from Archer's past in my dreams, and I think it's the same here with you. Because of... Of what I've done, our fates have become increasingly intertwined the more times we do this, and at this point I think they've become so intertwined that your memories of the other times have started to bleed into your dreams."

You're also worried that your repeated actions may have caused Madoka's attraction to you to be unduly altered, and now that's the only reason she's willing to be with you, but it's best not to voice those concerns now, of all places.

"Then, those dreams I have of you... Those are actually memories from another me you've done this with?"

"If I'm correct, then they're definitely memories of another you, but..." You swallow, afraid of the memory of that timeline. "... But this is the first one in a long time where we've been together." But thinking that does nothing to change your fears.

"So, back then, when you said you had dated other girls before me, were they... Were those other girls also me?"


"I'm glad." Madoa smiles, reaching her hand across the table to meet its match in your own. "I'm glad I got to be Homura-chan's first girlfriend."

When the bill arrives, "Don't worry, I'll take care of this," you say. You've got money to spare thanks to Archer's earlier efforts against the Yakuza, and you don't mind being the one on whom the financial burden falls.

"No, let me," Madoka says. "You've paid for more than enough already; let me take some of the load for you."

"It's fine, really. I don't mind paying for tonight." It's not like you'll need the money in the next timeline. "Just having your company is payment enough for me." Madoka pouts, but ultimately it's your money the server collects as payment for the meal. "Besides, it's improper to make a lady pay for her meal."

"You're a lady too, Homura-chan."

Madoka says that, but still a smile graces her face when the two of you make your next stop at the pet shop. You've never been inside a pet shop before, and instantly you're struck by the sight, sound - and the smell - of so many animals at once. Cats, dogs, birds, all manner of fish, lizards, frogs, turtles, and other small, scaly animals. In the back, there are even a pair of glass cases containing a large spider and a crab.

"I never knew there was so much diversity in the kind of animals people kept as pets," you say, your attention drawn to the more exotic of the animals on display. "Do people really keep things like crabs and spiders as pets?"

"There are lots of different kinds of animals," Madoka says, standing beside you on her tiptoes as she joins you in watching the crab go about its routine. "And for every kind of animal, there's someone out there who wants to give it a home, no matter how cute, cuddly, scary, slimy, or creepy someone else might think that animals is. But I love all kinds of animals, and I just want to see them all go to places where they'll be happiest."

"Some of the lizards look like little dragons." Berserker once mentioned that he had slain dragons before. You wonder what he would think if he learned people now kept smaller versions of those same creatures as house pets.

Madoka nods her head, taking you by the hand as she says "Come on, Homura-chan. I'll show you where the cat toys are."

Just as you've never seen so many animals in one place before, so too have you never seen such a variety of pet toys before. "I don't know where to begin," you say, suddenly very glad you brought Madoka along to help make your selecting easier. "Do you have any suggestions?"

Madoka stares at the toys on display as she mulls your question over. "Well, Amy used to be a stray until you found her, so maybe she'd like a climbing post? That way, she can still get the kind of exercise she used to get before you found her, without putting herself in danger."

It's a good suggestion, you think to yourself. But the price tag is more than you were expecting to pay... "Well, she's been a very good girl lately, and maybe having something to climb on will help keep her out of trouble," you say. High price tag or not, you came here to bring home something to reward Amy with. You think you can spare the money. "Do you think the post will be enough, though?"

"Well, I know it's a little pricey, but if you want you can always get Amy some smaller toys as well." Madoka reaches into a bin of squeaky toys, picking out a mouse and a small squeaky ball. "I bet Amy would like something like this, too; and they're something you can use to play with her, if you want."

"Alright, I'll go with your suggestions then."

Along with Madoka's selection, you also grab a squeaky fish, bringing your total to three squeaky toys and one climbing post which costs more than you had intended to spend. But Amy is worth it, you think, paying for her new toys with a smile on your face.

Before heading out, you and Madoka make a quick stop at the photo booth in the arcade, and leave with a picture to commemorate the night with. Two, in fact, at Madoka's insistence. "We should both take one," she says as the two of you step out of the photo booth. "There's no reason only one of us should get to keep a reminder of tonight."

You had been planning on letting Madoka keep the photo, but "How can I say no to you?" there's no way you could say no to her adorable face. Unless she's insisting on paying. That's not her responsibility.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," Madoka says, as the two of you board the train heading back to the station nearest your residences. "But I hope you're not planning on ending the night here."

"Well actually..." This time, you'll keep your secrets, right up until you've led Madoka to the park, and to the exact same place where your first date ended prematurely. You hope Sayaka, Hitomi, or a witch aren't waiting for you this time. "I was thinking we could watch the stars together for awhile, before calling it a night."

If you were Kyouko - if you were any other puella magi but yourself, actually - you could have used magic to transform your Soul Gem into a pair of binoculars. Instead, the battered coin-operated pair at the top of the hill will have to do. Together, you and Madoka look out at the stars in the night sky, pointing out constellations to one another until you've both run out of coins.

"That's fine," you say, as your time on the binoculars expires for the last time. "I hope you enjoyed tonight."

"Mhm, I had a lot of fun!" Madoka says, wrapping her arms around you for a surprise hug. "I've been really jealous lately because you've been spending so much time with Kirika-chan and the others, so I'm really glad we were able to spend time together today. Thank you so much for taking me out, Homura-chan."

"I'm glad we got to spend time together too, Madoka." For what may be the last time you have together in this timeline.

"I've wanted to give this to you for awhile now," you say, finally presenting Madoka with the necklace you had purchased for her. How long ago was that? Almost a month now, you think. "Even when we're apart - even if I have to go away on Sunday - we'll never be apart from one another. I love you, Madoka. I know I keep saying it, but I love you more than I can put into words." Silently, you affix the necklace around Madoka's neck, letting the half-pendant rest atop her heart in the same place as her Soul Gem would always be.

As you affix your own necklace, you feel Madoka's lips press against your cheek. "Come back alive," Madoka says, as she pulls away from you. Her face is scarlet, and you imagine your own face is scarlet too. "If you come back alive on Sunday, then I'll give you a kiss for real."

[ ] Wat do?​
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[x] Madoka talked you into getting:
-[x] Squeaky toys
-[x] Object-on-a-stick toys
-[x] Climbing post
I know Enetious likes to go for the all-in-one package, but here I really had no intention of letting us pick all of them. We can pick two (kinds of) toys, with any write-ins counting as one of our two choices.
[x] Squeaky toys
[x] Object-on-a-stick toys
[X] Object-on-a-stick toys
[X] Climbing post
And the rest? We've got an entire regular vote that also needs to be addressed.

I should also mention that
We should probably instead get at least one thing that Amy can enjoy without needing someone to play with her.
Amy doesn't need us to play with a squeaky toy, though our presence isn't an unwelcome one come playtime, but she does need us to play with an object-on-a-stick toy.
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[x] Madoka talked you into getting:
-[X] Object-on-a-stick toys
-[X] Climbing post

I'll add my vote for this part. I don't currently have any ideas for the rest of the vote.
What's this, a vote from me that isn't just me putting in the name of someone else's vote? Le gasp!
[X] Madoka talked you into getting:
-[X] Write-in option: a ball.
-[X] A climbing post.
Speaking as someone who has had multiple cats in the past: in my experience, cats love to play with round things more than anything, and in particular ping-pong balls. We give our cat a fancy squeaky mouse toy? No thanks, she'd rather play with the perfectly ordinary ping-pong ball we have sitting in a bucket nearby. They actually do sell balls like that at pet stores, I think? They do at the one around here, anyway. Doesn't necessarily need to be a ping-pong ball, but a ball nonetheless. The climbing post is a good idea as well, though.

And in response to the 'Wat do' at the end...I wasn't really sure what to do, but no one else seems to be addressing it...I'm no Enetious and don't really have any detailed plans or anything to throw in, but I ended up coming up with this bit for Homura's reaction?
[X] With motivation like that, you certainly can't allow yourself to lose, now can you?
-[X] Not that you intended to lose to begin with, but the extra motivation is nice.
—[X] And will just make it that much more disappointing when you fail.
—[X] No. You won't fail. Not this time. You can't allow it.
...Not sure how in-character that closing bit would be at this point. I was tempted go full Symphogear and put in a line about 'coming back alive even if it kills me' but wasn't sure Homura would go for a line like that...if anyone can come up with anything better, please do.