[X] Plan Date Prelude
"Thank you," you say to Hitomi as you accept her offered hand. "I accept your apology. If there's anything I can do or say that will make things right between us-" You glance over to Sayaka; she's still doing the bare minimum required of her to acknowledge your existence. "-please, let me know and I'll do it." You shake your head. "Somehow. I know... I know there's not much time left, but if it's possible for me I'll do everything in my power to make things right between us."
"Then make sure this is the last time," Hitomi says, as her emerald eyes dart over to Madoka, and your own eyes follow on her path. "No matter what happens. If you wish to prove your sincerity, then make sure you keep her safe so that this time will be the last time."
"You have my word. I'll do everything in my power to make sure this is the last time."
The promise you made to Hitomi earlier this morning repeats itself over and over again in your head. You're trying, you're trying so hard to make sure this is the last time, but... You shake your head, and "Something on your mind, Akemi?"
"Just some personal things," you say to Nurse Ortensia. "Nothing to be concerned by."
"I'm sure." Neither you or Nurse Ortensia need to think about your daily routine, and you swallow the pill she gives you that both you and she know is pointless for you to take, but the masquerade insists that you both continue with this routine regardless. "I spoke with Mikuni last night," Nurse Ortensia says; you're unsure how to gauge the level of enthusiasm in her voice as she speaks. Is there a part of her that sounds, despite her nonchalance, welcoming to the idea of dinner with her cousin? "We're on for Friday night, so you and Kure can stop bothering me about meeting with her."
"Thank you," you say. "I'm sure Mikuni Oriko will appreciate your company." You'll leave things between you and Nurse Ortensia at that, and continue on with the rest of your school day.
"If you wish to prove your sincerity, then make sure you keep her safe so that this time will be the last time."
At least, you would have liked to continue on with the rest of your school day, but your mind won't leave alone what Hitomi said to you this morning. You're trying, damnit! But if you haven't succeeded a hundred times before, what makes Hitomi think you'll do any better this time?
"Things still going not so hot with you and your friends?" Mochizumi-san's question brings you back to reality, and you wonder for how long your mind has been out of it when reality snaps back to you and you're seated at the usual table by the window of the library.
"Yeah," you say. "Was it that obvious?"
"Miki-san has been pretending like you don't exist all morning, and you're completely lost in thought."
Mochizumi-san nods, adding on to what Satomi Kaede said with "Then again, seems like you've got a lot on your mind just about every day now." She leans over, saying "You know, if you don't feel like you can talk to your regular friends, you can always talk to me or someone else in the club. We'd be happy to help, if you'd tell us how."
"No offense, but I don't know how easily I could talk to you or the others." Because it doesn't involve them. Because you don't want them to think you're crazy. Because you don't want to drive them away like you did to Sayaka and Hitomi. "It's just... Something personal, that I don't think I should have burdened them with in the first place, and I'd hate to do the same to you or the others. Hitomi's at least speaking to me again, but Sayaka..." You look over to Satomi Kaede, and to borrow a phrase from her you say "She's acting like I don't exist, basically. I hadn't anticipated how badly she'd take what I said."
Mochizumi-san must sense that this is a sore spot for you, because she takes that moment to change topics, saying "Man, I can't believe it's been almost a month already. Just next Monday and we'll have to turn this in to the teacher. Crazy, huh, how fast time flies?"
"Indeed," Satomi Kaede adds. "But I've enjoyed the short time we've spent studying and working together, all the same."
Crazy how fast time flies? It's even crazier how fast time flies in reverse.
"I think I'm gonna have my lunch on the roof today."
You tried to sit as far away from Sayaka as you could while still being able to talk with Madoka - and Hitomi, assuming she's willing to hear you out - but in spite of your efforts Sayaka still wants nothing to do with you. Maybe it was a mistake trying to push your luck so soon. Madoka and Hitomi exchange glances with each other, but say nothing as Sayaka picks up her lunch and makes for the roof.
"I'm sorry," you say to the remaining members of your lunch table. "I shouldn't have said anything." Your eyes wander off in a direction behind Hitomi's head; a few table down, you can see Tomoe-san talking with some girls whom you presume are classmates of hers. You're glad she's been doing her own thing these past few days. She can't see how badly you've screwed things up if she's off getting to know her classmates better.
"No, you shouldn't have," Hitomi says. "It's been bad enough getting through the past month and a half with everything else that's been going on, but to have... That thing, looming over our heads as well?" She shakes her head. "Well, what do you plan to do about it?"
"We're going to fight it." You don't tell Hitomi the odds. You don't tell her what the chances are that some of you - all of you - may not make it. "The rest of the city will be ordered into the shelters either late Saturday night or very early on Sunday morning. Though personally, I would advise you and your families to evacuate rather than going into the shelters."
"I don't know how easy that would be, I'm afraid. Both of my parents work, and I imagine I'd have a hard time convincing them to evacuate when I can't even tell them why they should."
"What if we just got Lancer or Caster to brainwash the governor into ordering an evacuation?" Three heads turn as Kirika takes a seat beside you, holding tight to her chest the last lunch Mikuni Oriko may ever pack for her. "I'm pretty sure Oriko's uncle knows the guy. It'd be real easy to do it."
"We are not going to brainwash the governor," you say, hoping to strike down Kirika's suggestion before Hitomi has the chance to take further umbrage. "No matter how good our reason for doing so may be."
"Whatever." Kirika gives you a playful shove, nudging you into direct contact with Madoka. "So, I hear you and Pinkie are going out tonight; what're ya thinking of doing with her?" Kirika wiggles her eyebrows in a manner you have to assume is less than innocuous. "Hope it's not something her parents wouldn't approve of."
"Funny, isn't that what your mother always says about you and Mikuni Oriko?" Does it feel good to be able to turn the tables on your big sis? Should it feel good?
"Well?" Madoka looks on you with expectant eyes as she asks "What are we doing, Homura-chan?"
"I... Haven't had much time to give it any thought," you're forced to say. "We set our date so soon after deciding to go out, and I never really had the time afterwards to put much thought into it. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I'm sure we can have fun even if it's spontaneous."
You try to think of something in the moment, but all you manage to come up with is "Maybe we could hang out at the mall? We could sample sweets at the food court, shop for clothes, maybe get dinner if Archer isn't available to cook for us-" Your eyes dart over to Kirika for a moment; you know Archer won't be available until late tonight, possibly not at all if he spends the night with the Kures. "-and of course, we could visit that pet store you mentioned and look at all the cute animals."
You should have know the promise of cute animals would win Madoka over; it was her who suggested that pet store in particular, after all. "Ah, but you remembered to tell your parents you'd be out late with me tonight, yes?" With everything that's been going on lately, you're sure the Kanames would worry if their daughter went out without telling them where she had gone.
"Don't worry, Homura-chan. I told mama and papa I'd be going out with you before I left today."
"I'm glad to hear that. Then, I'll be looking forward to spending the afternoon with you."
"I wish I could go out with Oriko tonight," you hear Kirika mutter to herself as she eats her lunch, occasionally spearing her meal with her chopsticks. "It's stupid how I gotta stay home and study. I hate school."
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