She may see that as teasing, and not in a good way, given we've declined to getting 'intimate' with her several times now. I'll admit that's kind of a stretch, though. Take it as you will.
Eh, this would just be Archer throwing her a bone since she does in fact crave intimacy (and there's nothing wrong with that, especially since they're supposed to be in a relationship with one another).
She may see that as teasing, and not in a good way, given we've declined to getting 'intimate' with her several times now. I'll admit that's kind of a stretch, though. Take it as you will.
We're specifically trying to avoid JAMMING IT IN! until we're sure we won't die from the super witch that's about to hit the city. It's not like we haven't kissed or touched her before, and sometimes we haven't been entirely chaste in doing so either.
Eh, this would just be Archer throwing her a bone since she does in fact crave intimacy (and there's nothing wrong with that, especially since they're supposed to be in a relationship with one another).
There's a difference between Archer being intimate with Minako, and Archer being "intimate" with Minako. We just have to remember to say no if she says that certain parts of her also need a massage, if you know what she means. Heck, if you don't believe us, just look @NMS- He's the reason we didn't do to Minako on Saturday all manner of things she'd have been disappointed to find her daughter doing with Oriko, and even he's okay with us giving Minako a massage.
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I've gone ahead and edited the relevant Grief Seed information to yesterday's update, and now what I need from you is more conversation topics and/or activities for each of our two hero perspectives, because I'm not sure how much of an update I can get out of what you've given me so far.
Edited the original plan with some conversation topics and some additional activities. Sorry it took so long to reply, only recently got access to a computer again earlier (since I was traveling a bit) and it's a huge pain to plan things out to my usual lengths on a phone (it took way too long to make the Kyouko Loves Food Analogies from my phone, for instance). :V
Day 42 Chapter 8
[X] Enetious (part 1)

*Ding dong*

"Tomo, could you get the door?"

"Ah, Homura, good afternoon," Kaname Tomohisa says as he opens the door. Standing behind him is his daughter, the girl you've come to see, and you can see her fidgeting, anxiously waiting for her father to get out of the way so she can greet you. "I hear you and Madoka are going to be spending some time together tonight."

"Yes," you respond, taking off your shoes as you enter the Kaname residence. "I had some free time after finishing up some things I had to take care of, so I asked Madoka if she would be free for the evening. She said yes, and-" you shrug. "Well, here I am."

Kaname Tomohisa laughs, moving aside to let his daughter take over. "You're a big meanie, Homura-chan," she says, wrapping her arms around you. "You've been so busy spending time with your new big sis that you hardly have any time for me anymore!"

"I'm sorry," you say, stroking a hand through Madoka's soft, fluffy pink locks. "I know I haven't had as much time to spend with you as I'd have liked."

Madoka pouts; you don't think you've ever seen a jealous Madoka before. But she's surprisingly cute when she's jealous, you think. "Hey Homura-" You turn your head as Kaname Junko calls your name. She's nursing a glass of some dark-coloured liquid as she speaks; but what else is new? "So how're things going between Archer and Minako?"

"They're going well, I assume," you respond. "I hear they had fun on their date Saturday, and Archer sounds like he's enjoying the time he spends with her whenever he talks about it. can I assume the same holds true on your end?"

Kaname Junko nods, taking a sip of her beverage as she says "Oh, Minako's just been over the freaking moon lately. Your dad makes her happier than I've seen her in all seven years we've worked together." Kaname Junko takes an aggressive sip from her glass, capping it off with an "Ah!" as she says "Just make sure he gets her in the sack sooner rather than later, 'kay?" You and Madoka both become the red cabbage in that instant, and you both sputter for words. "Speaking of, if you two are gonna do anything, make sure to do it at Homura's place. I don't think I've got it in me to-" Thankfully, Kaname Tomohisa is more than willing to muffle his wife before she embarrasses you or Madoka any further.

"What Junko meant to say," Kaname Tomohisa tries to laugh off his wife's words as he says "is remember to stay safe when you two are off having fun. Mitakihara's not the city it used to be, and neither of us could live with ourselves if something happened to either of you."

"That's okay," you struggle to say against the scarlet backdrop of your embarrassed face. Curse your big sis for telling you all those things over lunch the other day. Why did she have to do that? "We weren't planning on doing anything... Indecent..."

"Don't worry," Madoka says to her father. Fortunately, she's able to overcome her embarrassment easier than you are; though not by much more, and her face is equally as scarlet as yours. "I'm sure Homura-chan will keep me safe-" She wouldn't have so much faith in you if she knew the true count of all the times you've failed her. "-and besides, we were just planning on staying home tonight."

"Alright," Kaname Tomohisa says to you as he tries to get his drunk wife up, likely to guide her into bed. "Then have fun, and try not to be so loud that you wake Tatsuya if you can help it."

Now, it's just the two of you, alone. "How are you doing with your homework?" you ask Madoka, desperate for any conversation topic that will wipe the crimson stain away from your faces. "Is there anything you need help with?"

Madoka laughs. She sounds like an angel when she laughs. "Maybe if you had come to see me a few hours ago," she says. "But papa's really good at helping me with the stuff I have trouble with in school, so there's nothing I need help getting done tonight." Madoka smiles, sliding up close to you as she adds "But maybe you'd like to come by early after school tomorrow, if you're interested in helping me?"

"I'll see if I can make the time," you say, wondering how you'll manage to find the time to see Madoka between now and Friday. You're out Kirika for the rest of the week until Saturday night, and you have to make sure you're around on the night Mikuni Oriko has dinner with Nurse Ortensia. But that still leaves two nights where the team is only operating at two-thirds capacity, and if someone else decides to take the third night off as well, then... "Things are going to be a little hectic for me the rest of this week, but I'll do my best to make time to see you at least one other night this week."

Madoka pouts; she must be thinking that you're putting the team before her. "So, what's got the others so busy you can only afford to take one night away from them?"

"Scheduling conflicts, mostly," you reply. "Kirika is doing poorly in school, so her mother only lets her out of their apartment for half of the week. The other half, which is the rest of this week until Saturday night, she's supposed to stay in and take care of her studies. Then Mikuni Oriko will be out one night this week as well- It turns out that Nurse Ortensia is her cousin, believe it or not, and they're having dinner sometime during the week to get to know one another."

Madoka smiles, saying "Good for them. I hope they have fun together."

You're doubtful that dinner will be to Mikuni Oriko's benefit, but you keep your thoughts to yourself. "Yes, but it means I have to pick the night I spend with you carefully, otherwise there could be a night where the team only has three members." Wait, have you told Madoka about Nagatsuki Miyuki yet? You don't think you have. "We've taken on a new girl recently, and we've been training her over the past two weeks. She's not bad, but she's got a ways to go yet. So, if there's a day you'd prefer for us to go out and spend time together, you'll have to let me know soon so I can arrange things with the others."

Madoka nods, saying "It's too bad you weren't free today. Since we both have clubs on Tuesday it would have been easy for us to go out together after school. What about Saturday? That way, we could stay out as late as we wanted since we wouldn't have school on Sunday."

"I'm sorry, but Saturday is going to be difficult." If not downright impossible. You'll need Saturday night to make any last-minute plans with the others. "But maybe tomorrow would work? Neither of us have clubs on Wednesday, so we could still leave school together and go off to do our own thing."

"That would be great, Homura-chan!" Madoka says, wrapping her arms around you. "Then it's a date! I'll see you after school tomorrow."

Hopefully now that you've set a date in stone with Madoka, Mikuni Oriko will be able to see when you won't be available and adjust her dinner night with Nurse Ortensia accordingly. But leaving school with Madoka tomorrow still puts you in the path of two other people... "Um... So, how are Sayaka and Hitomi taking, well... The things I told them?"

"Hitomi-chan's taking it better than Sayaka-chan, I think. She's still a little shaken up by it, but I think she's coming around faster 'cause she's smarter and knows it's not really a big deal. But it's Sayaka-chan I'm worried about... I know she doesn't mean to hurt you by keeping her distance, but she's never been the best at dealing with her emotions either, and I think the stuff you told her is hurting her just as much as she's hurting you."

"Should I apologise?"

"It might help."

You smile, but quickly turn around and say "I'm sorry. It must feel like I'm monopolising our conversation. What's something interesting with your life you'd like to talk about?"

Madoka knows just the thing, and she instantly dives for her artbook to show you "This is something I've been working on for awhile now," she says, showing you her latest piece. It's of you, Tomoe-san, Kyouko, Mikuni Oriko, and Kirika, but all five of you are wearing outfits that look like your own puella magi costume. "I've only ever seen what you look like when you're transformed, so I ended up giving all of you similar outfits like in Sailor Moon." Your own outfit is rendered in true-to-life colour, but the others would probably laugh if they saw this. What's purple on your outfit is yellow on Tomoe-san's, red on Kyouko's, green on Mikuni Oriko's, and orange on Kirika's. "I know you don't want Sayaka-chan to make a contract, but if she did you'd have a girl for every colour of the rainbow," Madoka says, contemplating the blank space to the side of Kyouko where she's likely thinking of drawing a blue-costumed 'Sailor Sayaka.'

You can't help but laugh, and when Madoka pouts you say "You're too cute, Madoka." You take a moment to compose yourself, and when you do you give your girlfriend a hug, saying "This is really good. I'm sure the others would love this if you showed it to them."

"Maybe," Madoka says as she closes the artbook and sets it aside on the living room table. "It's not finished yet."

"Well then, I'll be looking forward to when you finish it."

"Hey, Homura-chan, while you're here..." You don't know why Madoka is acting nervous, she's just asking "Do you want to see if there's any good movies we could watch on TV together? I can get us snacks, if you want."

You smile, saying "Yes, that sounds perfect."

"Great!" Madoka departs to the kitchen to grab something, while you take a seat on the couch as you wait for her to return. "I remembered the batteries this time," she says as she returns from the kitchen, carrying a bowl with an assortment of mixed crunchy snacks. You both laugh as Madoka takes her seat beside you, flipping through the channels for something that looks like a good movie. "Do you have anything in particular you wanted to watch?"

"No," you say with a shake of your head. "As long as I'm watching with you, I'm fine with anything."

Eventually, Madoka settles on an old, black-and-white samurai movie, saying "This is one of papa's favourites," as she sets the remote down.

Speaking of samurai... "You know," you say, your hand meeting Madoka's as you both reach for a snack at the same time. "Miyamoto Musashi was actually a girl."

Madoka pouts. "That's not very funny, Homura-chan," she says. "How gullible do you think I am?"

"No, it's true. The new girl summoned her as her servant recently; she's nothing like what the history books say she's like. For starters..."​
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Day 42 Chapter 9
[X] Enetious (part 2)

"What do you want, Hiroshi?"

"It's not Hiroshi." You hear the sound of shuffling coming from within the apartment, and after a few moments of waiting the door opens, greeting you to the sight of the most beautiful woman on earth. "Hi."

"Hey," Minako says, inviting you inside. "I, uh, actually forgot you were coming over." Once your shoes are off, Minako steps aside to give you a glimpse into the kitchen. She's been practicing. "I know you said over the phone that you were going to make dinner; but I wanted to impress you, and then I got so into it I forgot you were coming."

You smile, saying "That's not a problem," as you let Minako lead you into the kitchen. It smells good. "What are you making?"

"I grabbed one of my frozen meals and tried to make it into something resembling a real pork stir fry," Minako says. "I've also got some fried rice and a vegetable soup going; it should be ready soon, actually."

"Do you want some help, or do you think you an finish up on your own?"

Minako guides you to a seat at the table, kissing you on the cheek as you sit down. "I've made it this far on my own," she says. "I think I can handle the rest, so just sit tight and give it a few."

This is a pleasant first, you think, as several minutes later dinner is served; not by your hand, but by the hand of the woman you've been tutoring for the past two weeks. She shoots - you take your first bite of dinner, as Minako waits on baited breath for your verdict. The pork, despite coming from a frozen package, is juicy with a bit of kick from the sauce, and the vegetables are fresh, crisp, and crunchy - and she scores. "It's good," you say, your words of praise bringing a smile to Minako's face. "Not bad for your first solo outing."

"Thanks." She tries to hide it by going behind your back, but you still catch Minako as she breathes a sigh of relief that you approve of her efforts. She returns once she's served herself, taking a seat across the table from you. "So, do you know if the girls enjoyed themselves last night?" she asks. "Kirika hasn't called me yet, so I can't ask her how it was."

"From the sound of things, the girls had a good time last night," you say. "I'm not entirely sure what they did, but Homura sounded satisfied when we spoke earlier."

"I'm glad." Minako stares off into the distance, sighing as she swings her chopsticks back and forth absentmindedly. "I'm glad she's finally starting to make some real friends again. When she was little, she had this friend of hers she used to be really close to. But her parents got a divorce a little before my ex and I did, and she moved away without even saying goodbye. Then... Well, then this happened, and between that and this Kirika just shut herself off to the rest of the world." Minako sighs again, forcing herself to smile as she says "But then she started going out with Oriko last summer, and now she's got all these friends because she was willing to open herself up again."

"I can't imagine how hard that must have been, to have to watch your daughter suffer and not be able to help her because you couldn't take time off work to be with her." Minako nods; it would be easier to comfort her if you and she were sitting at the same side of the table. "But you've got the time now, and you even get to spend it with her, for half the week at least. Are you liking that?"

"I feel like I'm ten years younger now that I don't have to work nights," Minako says. "And even though it's such a hassle getting her to do her homework, I'm so glad I finally have the time to spend with my daughter." Slender fingers walk over to your own, and Minako adds "And the way she wakes up to the smell of your cooking means I even get to spend mornings with her, too. So it's been great all-around. I'm really glad you got me to drop my night shift."

You feel something brush up against your leg; the telltale foot, no doubt. "Of course, having some time to spend with my handsome boyfriend is also a nice bonus." You grab the offending appendage, subjecting it to a barrage of the fingers until your attack has left Minako in stitches. "Oh my god!" she exclaims, withdrawing her foot at the first opportunity. "I can't believe you did that!"

"Consider it payback for all the times you've teased me with it in the past." Minako tries to pout, but you can still see her beautiful smile peeking through. "You, uh, you got some sauce on your cheek when you were laughing," you say, reaching over to wipe the offending smear away with your finger. You aren't quick enough pulling away form her face, though, and Minako catch you, licking the sauce off your finger with a seductive look on her face.

Thankfully, dinner concludes with little else in the way of Minako's attempts on you, and after the two of you are done with the dishes you offer "If you'd like, I'd be happy to give you a massage; get some of the stress you must have built up off your mind."

"I'd love that," Minako replies. "Is the bedroom okay, or are you insistent on the couch?"

"If you can keep it in your pants, then the bedroom is fine."

Minako leads you into her bedroom, where she lays down with her back to the ceiling. There's just enough room on the bed for you to sit down, and you immediately get to work. You can feel the years of stress and tension in her back and shoulders as you work your hands, and "Oh God that feels good," Minako certainly sounds like she's enjoying it. "My ex never gave me a massage like this before."

"It sounds like he wasn't good for much of anything," you say. "Was there anything he was good for?"

"The sex, mostly, but even that dried up after Kirika was born." Minako continues to moan with pleasure as you work your hands, and after moving your hands "Lower," she adds "He... He wasn't just using me for my body, even though I know it sounds like it. We really did love each other back then. I wouldn't have wanted to keep his child if that weren't the case; and he wasn't all that bad, back then. He was cute, smart, funny... He had a good job lined up right out of high school. We just... Grew apart after I gave birth, and then he started looking to other women to do what he didn't want to do with me."

"Well I promise you, I'm going to do all the things with you that your ex never did." Even though her head is turned the other direction from you, you can still feel Minako's smile. "So, if there's anything you want us to do as a couple, or as a family, just say the word."

"I want to travel," is Minako's immediate answer. "I don't particularly care where we go, but what I've always wanted to do was show Kirika as much of the world as possible. I want to show her that there's more to the world than just this tiny apartment or her girlfriend's mansion. I don't have the faintest idea of when I'd be able to take time off to go traveling with her, but I want her to be able to experience the world like you got to."

Her daughter... "Speaking of Kirika, how do you feel about her, uh, situation?" you ask Minako. "I know I've probably asked you about your feelings towards all that before, but I want you to know that you can vent your concerns to me any time you'd like, no matter what they are."

"... I'm scared," Minako says. "I know she's got her friends looking out for her, but I can't help but worry. I'm scared something'll happen to her while she's out there, and there'd be nothing I could do to keep her safe. She's my only daughter, and if something happened to her, I... I don't know what I'd do if I lost her."

You bite your tongue as you refrain from speaking out loud the worst possible fate. Her daughter, dead. You, Homura, Mikuni, herself, all dead if Walpurgisnacht isn't stopped. "Homura's a good kid; so's Mikuni, for that matter; and they're both pretty powerful as far as magical girls go, all things considered. I know they're doing everything in their power to keep your little pumpkin safe; and I'll do whatever I can to keep her safe, too."

Your hands continue their work on Minako's back, but your mind is elsewhere. Will it be enough to keep her safe come Walpurgisnacht?

"You know..." Minako rolls over onto her back, and now that she's facing you you can see the sultry smirk gracing her lips. "Your massage has got me in the mood for something else that's hands-on..." She sits upright, teasing you with her lips as she whispers "Care to join me?"

You return her kisses, saying as you break away "It's still not the right time for that."

"Phoey." Minako cross her arms, and asks "When will it be time, then? The guys I work with would be thrilled if I were throwing myself at them like this-" Were it any other woman saying that, you'd be hard pressed to call them out; not so here. You've heard for yourself what Minako's male coworkers have to say when they think your servant ears can't hear them - most of them calling you varying degrees of 'lucky' or 'asshole' with the occasional 'lucky asshole' thrown in for good measure - and her claim is spot-on. "-but you're still playing hard to get. What gives?"

"I'm trying to make sure we don't rush into anything too fast," you say. "I know how eager you are, but I want to make sure our relationship has a good, solid foundation under it so that we're not just basing it off physical intimacy. Let's go on a few more dates and do a few more things together as a family; and then, come the Saturday after next-" assuming you're still alive. "-I'll be willing to do with you anything you'd like to do with me."

"Saturday after next?"

"I promise." You kiss Minako, and echo back to her the words she said that night after your first date. "I'll make you scream my name so loud that creepy Hiroshi downstairs will hear it in his sleep."

"I'll hold you to that, then." Minako kisses you, and returns to her reclined position as she says "It's getting late. If I promise to keep my hands to myself, would you want to stay here tonight?" She tries her best to make space on the bed for you, adding "With me?"

You lean down, kissing Minako as you say "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt..."​
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And we finally get to tackle Eentious's long-awaited request to tickle Minako the next time she tries rubbing her foot against us. Next post is the end of the day, and I already know what I'm giving you, so no call to vote just yet. Instead, since today is as good as done I'm calling for us to take care of our end-of-day stuff a little early.
[Infinity -> Infinity+1] Kaname Madoka... /s

There weren't really any relationship changes this time around, at least any that weren't already covered from the day before (Archery club relationship changes have never been counted, so I'm not accounting for Homura's interactions with them today). To be fair, the day was rather brief and we followed Archer along on his Witchless escapades for a good chunk of it.

As for objectives - starting with Homura:
We could probably get rid of "Try to figure out just how you want to view Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika in the future; you've gotten closer to them and you don't know what to do", "Figure out a way to more reliably locate the Incubator in order to nip any problems from it in the bud" (since it was just hiding out in another city), and "Find out some way to ward off the Incubator from Kaname Madoka; maybe your teammates could help you with that?".

We could add "Make up with Miki Sayaka and Shizuki Hitomi before Wapurgisnacht" and "Help establish a secret base for the Holy Sextet to convene at".

For Archer, we could add "Progress your relationship with Kure Minako once Walpurgisnacht is defeated".
[Infinity -> Infinity+1] Kaname Madoka... /s

For Archer, we could add "Progress your relationship with Kure Minako once Walpurgisnacht is defeated".
I'm not planning on listing them because that would make the characters page a giant clusterfuck for me, but what would you consider Archer's relationship ratings to be?
I'm not planning on listing them because that would make the characters page a giant clusterfuck for me, but what would you consider Archer's relationship ratings to be?
[1 | 8] Magical Girl Alaya-chan: Absolutely despises one portion of Alaya, likes the part that tries to help him. Alaya can be kind of bipolar given the setup that it usual communicates to Archer through whenever it doesn't pseudo-puppets him into doing Counter Guardian business against his will.

[10] Akemi Homura: Daughteru, 'nuff said.

[7] Kure Kirika: Used to despise her existence, grew to pity her when he learned of the truth about her Wish eventually, then spent time fathering her inevitably growing attached to her. They're not too close right now, she's definitely above a 6 but still under an 8 in closeness on the familial scale of things.

[6.5] True Assassin: Hasn't really interacted with her that much personally, however she's been respectful with Homura and has been pretty polite. Recently got a bump in ratings due to her role in making Homura happy during their sleepover.

[8.5] Kure Minako: Has been ticking up in rank by 0.5 to 1 every date or lengthy/deeply personal time with her. If they end up going on another date like the last couple before Walpurgisnacht happens, will probably hit 9.
Day 42 Chapter 10
The acrid stench of smoke is thick in the air as a sunless dawn breaks over the ruined city. Your eyes travel back and forth across the ruined plain that had once been a jungle of steel and glass. It's quiet, so quiet you can hear the pounding of your blood pumping through your body, and yet even the screams of the damned are silent.

How many times will you have to see this same sight, this same ruined city, before you're finally able to free yourself from this endless nightmare you've trapped yourself in. You can't even bring yourself to cry as you stand over the ruined form of the girl with bright pink pigtails; you've seen her die so many times that your tears have run dry.

"I'm sorry," you say, crouching over to place your hand on Madoka's face, closing her glassy and lifeless eyes with a swipe of your hand before standing. "Once again, I couldn't save you."

Not far from the place where Madoka lies you can see the broken forms of the other girls foolish enough to sign their lives away. A bloodstained white cape sticking out from under a pile of rubble is all that remains of Miki Sayaka; not far from her is the body of Sakura Kyouko. From this distance, her standing form almost looks alive, and the crimson of her battle costume helps to hide the blood staining much of her body. You hear a snapping sound as the ruined pillar she leans on shifts, and her spear clatters to the ground, taking the rest of her arm with it. The redhead's body remains standing, though, pinned in place by the broken steel bar impaling her through her Soul Gem.

At least she got to die standing up, you think. She might find that to be a small comfort, were she still alive to see herself.

Further along the broken path of destruction you find Tomoe-san. Unlike the others, who are all broken in body, Tomoe-san looks whole and unbroken. Her glassy eyes and shattered Soul Gem are the only signs that life has left her.

You reach your hand up to your shield. There's no more reason to stay here to witness the dead; this timeline is failed. But just before your hand turns and the sands of time reverse to send you back to the start, you stop yourself. There's a body among the rubble that doesn't belong there. Was it someone foolish enough to leave the shelters? Someone who never made it to the shelters in the first place? Looking around, you briefly wonder whether the shelters would have done any good in the first place.

It's Shizuki Hitomi.

Your mind races in confusion. What was she doing out of the shelters? Why? She never made a contract in this timeline, so what did she think she could have accomplished leaving the shelters to try fighting Walpurigsnacht?

That isn't all. You're certain you made sure to kill Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika before they could cause trouble for you, and yet here they are, their bodies broken and their eyes lifeless. Amidst a pool of rubble, mud, and blood, the pair manage to remain intimate even in death. Kure Kirika, lacking anything resembling a body below the waist, clings tightly to Mikuni Oriko, who without arms is unable to return the affections of her lover.

That's when you see it. Something which you've never seen present in any other timeline before. Standing on edge atop a pile of rubble are two short swords, one white, one black.

Your eyes shoot open as you gasp for air, your body unable to move until you manage to convince yourself that you're truly awake. That was no memory from the past, you force yourself to understand. That was now. That's what you fear this timeline will end up like.

You check the time on your phone; it's barely four in the morning yet. Not even Kure Minako would be awake at this hour. Sighing, you set your phone back down on your bedside table. A pair of green eyes stare back at you as the light from your phone dims and darkness reclaims your room, and you beckon for them to approach. You feel the light, springy pouncing of four small paws as Amy approaches, and you greet her as best as you can in the darkness.

"At least I'm not the only one awake at this hour," you say, picking Amy up and holding her close. She's a far cry from Madoka's warmth, but at this point you'd take anyone to ease the shaking of your body. A laugh forces itself out of your throat as Amy's tongue tickles your cheek, and you set her back down onto your bed after giving her one last nuzzle. "I'm glad you're here with me right now."


"I'm scared." You know Amy can't talk to you, but there's no one else awake at this hour you can talk to, so your cat will have to do. "I've come so far this time, but I'm scared that it's still not enough. I'm scared I'll lose everything I've worked so hard for-" Friends you though you'd lost a hundred lifetimes ago; the love of your girlfriend; a father, mother, and an older sister; a team that listens to you and doesn't treat you like a dangerous outsider; a reason to keep alive the hope that this time might be the last time. "-and that I won't be able to get it back the next time."


"I don't know if I can keep from being scared, though. There's so much at stake this time, and the witches are stronger than they've ever been. Whatever is coming on Walpurgisnacht is bound to be stronger than anything I've ever faced before. I'm scared that nothing I do will be enough; and if it's not..."


"I'm trying. I know worrying won't change the outcome, but... I want this to be the last time. More than anything, I don't want to erase the things I've accomplished this time, but if it's not enough to beat Walpurgisnacht then..."


"You're lucky," you say, as Amy squirms out of your grasp to curl up at the foot of your bed, where her green eyes pierce the darkness, never leaving you. "You don't have to worry about any of this. You just have to worry about your next meal." You sigh, and your dancing fingers leave behind the faint trace of your Inguz rune. If you can't sleep, you might as well make use of the time you have before the sun rises.
Oh, yes, before I forget-What are we looking at for tomorrow morning?
(jk) Go to Asunaro and convince Kyuubey to make Amy a magical girl

I mean, hey, Amy is a girl and she's probably not even ten years old yet so she must have tons of potential! /s

In all seriousness though, mostly just the usual stuff I think. Archer makes breakfast with Minako and escorts her to her workplace; Homura makes a simple breakfast for herself, Assassin, and Amy; Homura walks to school with Madoka but will split off at a certain point if Madoka thinks Sayaka and/or Hitomi aren't ready for her presence. Nothing too special or out of the ordinary, aside from maybe the last choice.
Day 43 Chapter 1

You yawn as your eyes open to greet the new day; or the same day, you should be saying. You blink a few times as your eyes become acclimated to the morning light coming in from behind your drawn curtains. You must have fallen back asleep some time during your practice. In that case, you hope you at least managed to accomplish something.

Amy is still there at the foot of your bed, curled up into a tiny ball of black fuzz, motionless but for the slight rise and fall of her chest. You want to reach out to her and thank her for being there for you last night, but you don't want to disturb her while she sleeps. She can be such a troublemaker sometimes, but deep down you're glad to have that troublesome kitty in your life.

With the scent of breakfast guiding you, you make your way into the kitchen where Archer is hard at work. "Good morning," you say, your voice cut with a yawn which you cover with a hand as you take your seat at the table. You came home fairly late after spending a lengthy evening in Madoka's company, but "You never came home last night. I take it you enjoyed yourself?"

"Yes," Archer replies as he serves up breakfast. "Though I think Minako enjoyed it more than I did." That came out wrong; and you're sure Archer knows it came out wrong. Quickly, he corrects himself, saying "She really enjoyed the massage I gave her after dinner, is what I mean. I knew she had a lot of tension built up from all those years of working three shifts, but until I was working it out of her system I never realised just how much stress she had. That can't have been healthy for her to carry around for so long."

"But fortunately she's got someone like you to get it out of her system." Though you're sure she'd rather get it out of her system in another way. Archer nods, acting as though he didn't notice your subtle insinuation; and why did you even insinuate anything in the first place? Geez, what's Kirika done to you? You force yourself to course-correct, and ask "Do you know if Kirika ever did her homework last night?"

"She did," Archer says in the way you imagine only a proud father could. "Minako was too distracted by my massage to get to the phone, but she checked her messages this morning and sure enough, there was one from Kirika saying she'd gotten her homework done."

"Good." You'll refrain from mentioning how Kirika tried to tempt you into cutting class the other day. You don't want to make things harder on her than they already are. Then again, all her troubles could have been avoided had she focused on her schoolwork the first time around. Then she wouldn't be forced into playing catchup while she spends half the week missing her girlfriend and any team functions that might occur on those days.

Amy shuffles into the kitchen, making a stop over at your hand for some quick scratches while Archer pours out breakfast for her. "What about you?" he asks. "What do you have planned for today?"

"Madoka and I made plans to see each other after school today." You don't know when, or even if, your schedule today will give you time to join the team on the hunt tonight; but that was why you spent the time agonising over picking the right night to take off, so the team would still have enough members to function without you there. "And you? You'll have two students waiting for you tonight, so I assume you'll be going over to see the Kures later today?"

"It all depends on what Minako wants to do. If she wants to see me, that's fine; but if she'd rather spend time with her daughter without feeling like I'm monopolising things, that's also fine."

You nod your head, watching Amy's hair stand on end from across the kitchen as Assassin makes her presence known. "Good morning," she says, taking a corner seat beside you at the table. "Was your sleep a pleasant one, master?"

"I wish I could say it was, but all things considered I've had worse before."

At breakfast, do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Archer
-[ ] to Assassin
-[ ] to Amy
--[ ] About what? (write-in)
[ ] Don't talk

[ ] Wat do?

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Major objectives:
- Maintain your relationships with Kaname Madoka, Miki Sayaka, Shizuki Hitomi, and Tomoe Mami
- Go on another date with your girlfriend some time in the near future
- Try to cultivate a better relationship with Sakura Kyoko
- Try and integrate Nagatsuki Miyuki and Saber into the Holy Sextet as best as you can before Walpurgisnacht arrives
- Further your knowledge of Rune thaumaturgy and practice your chosen Rune
- Further your knowledge of Reinforcement thaumaturgy under the tutelage of Archer
- Help your non-Puella Magi friends gain enough personal power to fend off minor threats, at least
- Prevent Kaname Madoka and Miki Sayaka from contracting and becoming Puella Magi
- Make sure that none of the Shirome girls meet an untimely demise
- Try to help out Miyuki with her drinking problem if you can
- Make up with Miki Sayaka and Shizuki Hitomi before Wapurgisnacht
- Help establish a secret base for the Holy Sextet to convene at
- Defeat the Witch known as Walpurgisnacht
- Investigate, identify, and prevent the occurrence of the event that caused a fundamental force of this universe to be twice overwritten
- Protect Homura from harm in this unusually dangerous loop and from being taken advantage of by the denizens of the Moonlit World
- Further Homura's skills in Magecraft, now that she has mastered the fundamentals of Projection
- Aid Homura in coordinating her allies so that they stand a better chance of defeating the various threats plaguing the city
- Progress your relationship with Kure Minako
- Be a good dad to Homura
[x] Go to school with Madoka
-[x] Awkwardly greet Hitmoi and Sayaka when you see them.
--[x] Ask how their doing.
---[x] Skip to lunch.
----[x] Depending on how they acted earlier in the day, sit with your friends or the Archery Club.
[X] Plan Dawn of Walpurgisnacht - 96 hours remain -
-[X] Talk
--[X] to Assassin
---[X] remarking that she could always just call you "Homura" instead of "Master", especially when they're not even on the job; heck, they even had a sleepover together already
--[X] to Archer
---[X] confiding to your father figure about your dream and the subsequent worries that come with it; what should you do about it?
--[X] to Amy
---[X] thanking her for comforting you last night; you'll definitely have to buy her some toys to play with, and maybe some kind of expensive treat that cats would like sometime in the near future
-[X] Text
--[X] the Holy Sextet
---[X] informing them of your absence in the time immediately following the end of the school day due to your upcoming date with your girlfriend
----[X] Perhaps with both you and Kirika being absent, they could start on some of the defenses that could be used against Walpurgisnacht (such as dormant Bounded Fields that could be activated when needed and the like, or anything Caster need to set up ahead of time which could also be masked under a "notice me not muggles" Bounded Field if necessary)

-[X] Go to school with Madoka
--[X] Talk to her about their date later today, and about any places that she might want to go to during it
--[X] Following her advice, either split off before Sayaka and Hitomi meet up with Madoka or stay by Madoka's side

-[X] Pay attention to class
--[X] Do the group project as per usual
---[X] Go to Lunch and sit either with your friends, with Kirika, or with the Archery Club depending on how things go down during the day

Alright Archer, time to be a Dad. Don't worry, Alaya believes in you! :V
How many days we got left until the upside-down bitch show up ?
Oops, forgot to keep up with the Majora's Mask plan names since the end of day 40/start of day 41 (12:00 AM). Remedied that by subtracting 48 hours, and then another 7 to account for the plan happening around the time Homura's going to school (so roughly around 7 AM, I think).

EDIT: Added Homura texting everyone in the chatroom to inform them of her absence in any Puella Magi business tonight.
Last edited:
Day 43 Chapter 2
[X] Plan Dawn of Walpurgisnacht - 96 hours remain -

"Good morning," Assassin says as she enters the kitchen and takes a corner seat beside you at the table. "Was your sleep a pleasant one, master?"

"I wish I could say it was, but all things considered I've had worse before." Assassin nods, and a thought occurs to you as Archer serves breakfast for the table. "You know," you say to Assassin. "You don't have to call me 'master' if you don't want to, especially when we're not on the job. Archer doesn't."

"But you are my master, are you not?" Assassin asks. "Your relationship with Archer is a unique one; but I am not so presumptuous as to think I can replicate it. 'Master' is fine with me, if master wishes." Assassin stands, having barely eaten anything, and she says "Please excuse me. I would like to get dressed to go outside today."

You hear something in Assassin's voice as she speaks, but you're glad she's at least taking it on herself to uphold your desire for her to see more of the world. "Alright," you say to her, adding a "Just be careful," as she takes her leave of you and Archer. You give a moment's pause to make sure she's out of earshot before saying to Archer "Do you think it was something I said?"

"Not intentionally," Archer responds. "But given that Assassin wants something from you different to what you're able to give her, she might think your attempt to create a less formal dialogue between the two of you may be, well, not 'leading her on,' but..." Archer shakes his head, saying "Well, that's what I'm thinking it is, even if I'm not verbalising it entirely correctly."

"I see." You'll have to apologise to Assassin later, if Archer is correct in his assumption. But now that it's just the two of you, maybe you can... "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course. You can talk to me about anything. Just, uh..." Archer purses his lips and swallows, saying "Well, there are some things I might not be the best for talking to about."

"It's nothing like that," you say. You heard enough of that from Kirika to last you several more lifetimes to come. "I... I had a dream last night. At first, I thought it was just a memory of a previous timeline, but then..." You shake your head. "But then I saw the others. Hitomi, Mikuni Oriko, Kirika, you... People that shouldn't have been there in any previous timeline... Walpurgisnacht had passed and you were all dead. I was the only one left." You force yourself to swallow. "I'm scared. I'm scared that we're not good enough to stop what's coming, that everyone I know will end up dead, that all the progress I've made this time around will be reset and I won't be able to get it back."

Amy strides up to your leg, and you reach down to pick her up, holding her close as you had last night. "Amy tried her best to comfort me, but... I can't stop worrying, and I don't know what to do about it."

Archer gets up from his seat, and Amy wiggles her way out of your arms as Archer wraps his around you. "I don't know if there's anything you can do," he says. "I can't try to say that it's just in your head because... Well, if it were just in your head we'd be in a lot less shit than we currently are. You've got every right to be scared; and to be honest, I'm a little scared myself. But I promise you, every one of us is doing the best we can to make sure that doesn't happen." Archer's arms tighten around you for a moment, before he releases, patting the top of your head as he says "You know, you should really thank Amy for being there for you. I'm sure she'd like a nice toy or two."

"Yeah." You smile as Amy brushes against your leg, and you give her a few scratches behind the ears, saying "Thank you," before letting her run off.

You finish breakfast in silence, and send a message to the rest of your team before heading into the shower.
<Homura: I'm going out with Madoka tonight. If I'm not back in time to go out hunting tonight, perhaps it might be a good idea to get started on setting up static defenses for Sunday? That way, there will still be things that can be accomplished in spite of being out two people tonight.>

Retrieving your phone after you've finished showering and have changed into your school clothes, you find your phone has blown up with responses.
<Tomoe-san: Of course, Akemi-san. I hope you and Kaname-san enjoy yourselves tonight.>
<Mikuni Oriko: Enjoy yourself tonight, Akemi-san. Ah! And don't feel like you have to rush back to join us later. I'm sure Tomoe-san and I can make sure something productive gets done tonight.>
<Kirika: Hey, no fair! How come you get to see your gf tonite and I gotta stay home and study?>
<Kyouko: Cuz ur stupid thats wy>
<Tomoe-san: Don't be rude, Sakura-san.>
<Nagatsuki Miyuki: So... Not to be rude or anything, but... Are all of you gay? Cuz I thought only Mikuni and Kure were gay.>
<Tomoe-san: Akemi-san's girlfriend is just a normal girl, Nagatsuki-san. That's why you've never seen her before. I suppose you and I are the only ones without a female significant other.>

<Homura: Thank you, Tomoe-san, Mikuni Oriko. If I'm not back too late I'll be over to see if there's anything I can do to help.>

You type out a quick reply to the rest of the team, and set aside your phone in your pocket as you put your shoes on at the door. "I'll see you later," you say to Amy as she waits at the door for you. And you're off. And your morning doesn't truly begin until...


You and Madoka meet, and you drink in her warmth as you always do as you and she embrace. "Good mornig, Madoka," you say. "How are you today?"

"I was so excited about going out with you again today, I couldn't sleep at all last night," Madoka says with a smile. "But I don't feel tired at all. So..." She leans in close, hugging your arm tight against her chest as she asks "Where are we going, hm?"

"I was just about to ask if you had anywhere special in mind," you say. "I had wanted to go somewhere to pick up a few toys for Amy and I thought you might like to help me out, but aside from that I hadn't really thought about anywhere in particular."

"Ah!" Madoka squeaks as she hugs you even tighter. "There's a pet shop at the mall we can go to! They've got just the cutest little puppies and kitties you've ever seen; you'll love it there, Homura-chan!"

"I'm sure I will." You're sure you'll enjoy seeing a happy Madoka even more. "Now..." This is the part you've been dreading. "About Sayaka and Hitomi, are... Are they still... I mean, is it okay for me to be here when they show up?"

"They'll understand, Homura-chan," Madoka says, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "Sayaka especially might not be as talkative as normal, but they'll understand if you're here with me." You hope Madoka is right, because there's nothing you can do at this point.


"Good morning, Akemi-san."

Sayaka and Hitomi are frostier to you this morning than they've ever been this timeline, but at least they're willing to acknowledge you. "Good morning," you say back to them, with no plans to make any further conversation unless they say something to you first. Of the pair, Hitomi looks the likelier to say anything more to you than Sayaka does.

"Akemi-san, I..." Hitomi coughs into her hand, saying "I would like to apologise for the behaviour of Sayaka-san and myself the other day. You trusted us and confided to us something deeply personal, and we acted from a place of irrational misunderstanding as to your intentions. While knowledge of your, er, previous history, has made us see certain things about you in a new light, and I am uncertain how long it will be before I am completely okay with the things you told me, all the same I would like to extend my hand to you in apology for the way we acted earlier."

Sayaka is unable to face you, but she makes a noise that sounds about as committal as you're going to get from her at the moment. "See, Homura-chan?" Madoka says. "I told you everything would work out okay."

But it hasn't, not really. "Thank you," you say to Hitomi as you accept her offered hand. "I accept your apology."

[ ] What's your plan for the rest of the school day?
-[x] As a pseudo piece offering, let Sayaka take more of your lunch than normal.
Yeeaah, considering Sayaka's mood in relation to Homura I'd figure that she would refuse even the usual portions of Homura's lunch, much less more of it. She can be bitter like that, especially when she thinks she's been wronged.

[X] Plan Date Prelude
-[X] Tell both Hitomi and Sayaka (even if she doesn't acknowledge your existence) that if there's anything you can do or say to make things right... somehow... you'll do it, whatever it may be; it's not like you have that much time left until you have to go up against Walpurgisnacht again, after all
-[X] Pay attention to class
--[X] Do your class project
---[X] Go to Lunch
----[X] Depending on Sayaka and Hitomi's reactions while you were walking to school, either sit with them and Madoka or sit with Kirika
-[X] Get ready for your date with Madoka (and don't forget the necklace that you commissioned a little while back, as a surprise for Madoka)
-[X] (Archer) Study up on the material you're going to be tutoring Minako and Kirika in tonight

Homura doesn't exactly have much time until Walpurgisnacht happens, and since Sayaka and Hitomi are aware of this then they'll probably be able to come up with something for Homura to say/do. Given Homura's track record, it isn't unlikely that she'll end up having to move onto the next time loop after all.

What Homura talks about and to whom at Lunch largely depends on who she sits with.