[X] Enetious (part 1)
*Ding dong*
"Tomo, could you get the door?"
"Ah, Homura, good afternoon," Kaname Tomohisa says as he opens the door. Standing behind him is his daughter, the girl you've come to see, and you can see her fidgeting, anxiously waiting for her father to get out of the way so she can greet you. "I hear you and Madoka are going to be spending some time together tonight."
"Yes," you respond, taking off your shoes as you enter the Kaname residence. "I had some free time after finishing up some things I had to take care of, so I asked Madoka if she would be free for the evening. She said yes, and-" you shrug. "Well, here I am."
Kaname Tomohisa laughs, moving aside to let his daughter take over. "You're a big meanie, Homura-chan," she says, wrapping her arms around you. "You've been so busy spending time with your new big sis that you hardly have any time for me anymore!"
"I'm sorry," you say, stroking a hand through Madoka's soft, fluffy pink locks. "I know I haven't had as much time to spend with you as I'd have liked."
Madoka pouts; you don't think you've ever seen a jealous Madoka before. But she's surprisingly cute when she's jealous, you think. "Hey Homura-" You turn your head as Kaname Junko calls your name. She's nursing a glass of some dark-coloured liquid as she speaks; but what else is new? "So how're things going between Archer and Minako?"
"They're going well, I assume," you respond. "I hear they had fun on their date Saturday, and Archer sounds like he's enjoying the time he spends with her whenever he talks about it. can I assume the same holds true on your end?"
Kaname Junko nods, taking a sip of her beverage as she says "Oh, Minako's just been over the freaking moon lately. Your dad makes her happier than I've seen her in all seven years we've worked together." Kaname Junko takes an aggressive sip from her glass, capping it off with an "Ah!" as she says "Just make sure he gets her in the sack sooner rather than later, 'kay?" You and Madoka both become the red cabbage in that instant, and you both sputter for words. "Speaking of, if you two are gonna do anything, make sure to do it at Homura's place. I don't think I've got it in me to-" Thankfully, Kaname Tomohisa is more than willing to muffle his wife before she embarrasses you or Madoka any further.
"What Junko meant to say," Kaname Tomohisa tries to laugh off his wife's words as he says "is remember to stay safe when you two are off having fun. Mitakihara's not the city it used to be, and neither of us could live with ourselves if something happened to either of you."
"That's okay," you struggle to say against the scarlet backdrop of your embarrassed face. Curse your big sis for telling you all those things over lunch the other day. Why did she have to do that? "We weren't planning on doing anything... Indecent..."
"Don't worry," Madoka says to her father. Fortunately, she's able to overcome her embarrassment easier than you are; though not by much more, and her face is equally as scarlet as yours. "I'm sure Homura-chan will keep me safe-" She wouldn't have so much faith in you if she knew the true count of all the times you've failed her. "-and besides, we were just planning on staying home tonight."
"Alright," Kaname Tomohisa says to you as he tries to get his drunk wife up, likely to guide her into bed. "Then have fun, and try not to be so loud that you wake Tatsuya if you can help it."
Now, it's just the two of you, alone. "How are you doing with your homework?" you ask Madoka, desperate for any conversation topic that will wipe the crimson stain away from your faces. "Is there anything you need help with?"
Madoka laughs. She sounds like an angel when she laughs. "Maybe if you had come to see me a few hours ago," she says. "But papa's really good at helping me with the stuff I have trouble with in school, so there's nothing I need help getting done tonight." Madoka smiles, sliding up close to you as she adds "But maybe you'd like to come by early after school tomorrow, if you're interested in helping me?"
"I'll see if I can make the time," you say, wondering how you'll manage to find the time to see Madoka between now and Friday. You're out Kirika for the rest of the week until Saturday night, and you have to make sure you're around on the night Mikuni Oriko has dinner with Nurse Ortensia. But that still leaves two nights where the team is only operating at two-thirds capacity, and if someone else decides to take the third night off as well, then... "Things are going to be a little hectic for me the rest of this week, but I'll do my best to make time to see you at least one other night this week."
Madoka pouts; she must be thinking that you're putting the team before her. "So, what's got the others so busy you can only afford to take one night away from them?"
"Scheduling conflicts, mostly," you reply. "Kirika is doing poorly in school, so her mother only lets her out of their apartment for half of the week. The other half, which is the rest of this week until Saturday night, she's supposed to stay in and take care of her studies. Then Mikuni Oriko will be out one night this week as well- It turns out that Nurse Ortensia is her cousin, believe it or not, and they're having dinner sometime during the week to get to know one another."
Madoka smiles, saying "Good for them. I hope they have fun together."
You're doubtful that dinner will be to Mikuni Oriko's benefit, but you keep your thoughts to yourself. "Yes, but it means I have to pick the night I spend with you carefully, otherwise there could be a night where the team only has three members." Wait, have you told Madoka about Nagatsuki Miyuki yet? You don't think you have. "We've taken on a new girl recently, and we've been training her over the past two weeks. She's not bad, but she's got a ways to go yet. So, if there's a day you'd prefer for us to go out and spend time together, you'll have to let me know soon so I can arrange things with the others."
Madoka nods, saying "It's too bad you weren't free today. Since we both have clubs on Tuesday it would have been easy for us to go out together after school. What about Saturday? That way, we could stay out as late as we wanted since we wouldn't have school on Sunday."
"I'm sorry, but Saturday is going to be difficult." If not downright impossible. You'll need Saturday night to make any last-minute plans with the others. "But maybe tomorrow would work? Neither of us have clubs on Wednesday, so we could still leave school together and go off to do our own thing."
"That would be great, Homura-chan!" Madoka says, wrapping her arms around you. "Then it's a date! I'll see you after school tomorrow."
Hopefully now that you've set a date in stone with Madoka, Mikuni Oriko will be able to see when you won't be available and adjust her dinner night with Nurse Ortensia accordingly. But leaving school with Madoka tomorrow still puts you in the path of two other people... "Um... So, how are Sayaka and Hitomi taking, well... The things I told them?"
"Hitomi-chan's taking it better than Sayaka-chan, I think. She's still a little shaken up by it, but I think she's coming around faster 'cause she's smarter and knows it's not really a big deal. But it's Sayaka-chan I'm worried about... I know she doesn't mean to hurt you by keeping her distance, but she's never been the best at dealing with her emotions either, and I think the stuff you told her is hurting her just as much as she's hurting you."
"Should I apologise?"
"It might help."
You smile, but quickly turn around and say "I'm sorry. It must feel like I'm monopolising our conversation. What's something interesting with your life you'd like to talk about?"
Madoka knows just the thing, and she instantly dives for her artbook to show you "This is something I've been working on for awhile now," she says, showing you her latest piece. It's of you, Tomoe-san, Kyouko, Mikuni Oriko, and Kirika, but all five of you are wearing outfits that look like your own puella magi costume. "I've only ever seen what you look like when you're transformed, so I ended up giving all of you similar outfits like in Sailor Moon." Your own outfit is rendered in true-to-life colour, but the others would probably laugh if they saw this. What's purple on your outfit is yellow on Tomoe-san's, red on Kyouko's, green on Mikuni Oriko's, and orange on Kirika's. "I know you don't want Sayaka-chan to make a contract, but if she did you'd have a girl for every colour of the rainbow," Madoka says, contemplating the blank space to the side of Kyouko where she's likely thinking of drawing a blue-costumed 'Sailor Sayaka.'
You can't help but laugh, and when Madoka pouts you say "You're too cute, Madoka." You take a moment to compose yourself, and when you do you give your girlfriend a hug, saying "This is really good. I'm sure the others would love this if you showed it to them."
"Maybe," Madoka says as she closes the artbook and sets it aside on the living room table. "It's not finished yet."
"Well then, I'll be looking forward to when you finish it."
"Hey, Homura-chan, while you're here..." You don't know why Madoka is acting nervous, she's just asking "Do you want to see if there's any good movies we could watch on TV together? I can get us snacks, if you want."
You smile, saying "Yes, that sounds perfect."
"Great!" Madoka departs to the kitchen to grab something, while you take a seat on the couch as you wait for her to return. "I remembered the batteries this time," she says as she returns from the kitchen, carrying a bowl with an assortment of mixed crunchy snacks. You both laugh as Madoka takes her seat beside you, flipping through the channels for something that looks like a good movie. "Do you have anything in particular you wanted to watch?"
"No," you say with a shake of your head. "As long as I'm watching with you, I'm fine with anything."
Eventually, Madoka settles on an old, black-and-white samurai movie, saying "This is one of papa's favourites," as she sets the remote down.
Speaking of samurai... "You know," you say, your hand meeting Madoka's as you both reach for a snack at the same time. "Miyamoto Musashi was actually a girl."
Madoka pouts. "That's not very funny, Homura-chan," she says. "How gullible do you think I am?"
"No, it's true. The new girl summoned her as her servant recently; she's nothing like what the history books say she's like. For starters..."