Respite between Fires
- Location
- Southampton, Great Britain
- Pronouns
- He/Him
[X] [Cadlon] Cadlon Glyn of the Maradysh (Poor Admin/Excellent Martial, Above Average Diplo/Terrible Mystic/Terrible Tech/Excellent Culture)
[X] [React] Train more Catclaws and Cateyes to replace the losses. (Secondary Train Sacred Warriors)
Having heard the tales from the surviving invasion force, some of the People were clamouring for another attack on the Cursed Forest, hoping to strike Urth while he was still weak and vulnerable.
Others pointed out how doing so would leave the People without any warriors and defenceless to attacks from other sources such as the nomads to the east. And if the second invasion fared as badly as the first, the People wouldn't be able to train up enough warriors to defend themselves should Urth take the opportunity to invade the People.
Furthermore, the People's best warleaders were dead along with their greatest warriors. Amongst the number was Cadlon Brys and while no longer having his martial expertise would be felt in any follow-up invasion, it had the more pressing issue of the People having no Cadlon.
They could manage not having a Cadlon as Cadlon Brys had left for the Cursed Forest close to a generation ago. But during that time, they had known who the Cadlon was and even if he wasn't with them for an extended period of time, the People did have a ruler.
While the old Catclaw Garyk and the rising star Cayrn were choices put forth, almost everyone eventually agreed that Cadlon Glyn of the Maradysh was the best choice. Not only was the southern Cadlon good at war and had proved herself when she wiped out the undead plague amongst the Maradysh, but Morbyn's daughter had experience at being a Cadlon.
Additionally picking Glyn to be the Cadlon of the Arthwyd would make the Cadlon of the Arthwyd and the Cadlon of the Maradysh the same person again, uniting the two people together or at least uniting them as much as could be done under the circumstances.
The Arthwyd and the Maradysh may be united under a single Cadlon once again, the former would not forget how the latter had rejected the leadership of Cadlon Brys under false pretences nor that the true reasons were barbaric foolishness.
The Maradysh may follow Arthryn and the Daughters, but they do not so truly and at their core, they are still barbarians. Unlike the People, they do not follow all of Arthryn's ways and the People would be wise not to forget this.
But the barbaric nature of the Maradysh is a problem for another day as the People still need to worry about Urth and what he is up to.
While they still have many warriors remaining and the Maradysh have many barbarian warriors, the Arthwyd lost a good half of their Catclaws and Cateyes to the Cursed Forest. If they are to launch another invasion, they will need to train up more Catclaws and Cateyes to make up for their losses.
Gathering up more young men and a few women than is normally the case, the remaining Catclaws and Cateyes get to work training up a replacement generation in preparation for a continued war effort against Urth and his undead abominations.
Even as they trained more warriors, the People watched the Cursed Forest warily from the north, waiting for Urth to make a move or try to take advantage of the People's temporary weakness.
But whether he was also weak or simply didn't want to launch an attack, Urth made no moves towards the People over the generation since Glyn became Cadlon of the People. As it had been between Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer's killing Urth and the undead abomination's attack on Greenbay, the Cursed Forest was silent and motionless and if you didn't know where, you would think that there was nothing within it.
As the People recovered from the losses of the past generation, the only question was where to go from there. They could launch a second invasion of the Cursed Forest as an obvious option. Other possibilities including going to the lowlands for allies against Urth or seeking new metals to wield against the undead. The People could even focus on troubles at home as the elders were still pushing for expansion while the Maradysh's barbaric nature still need to be civilised.
You have two Secondary Actions. Two Secondary Actions make a single Main Action. No plan voting or write-ins.
Please tag actions as [SEC] & [MAIN].
So a short update this time, mainly because there is nothing of note going on right and you haven't got anything actively on fire right now. You got a bunch of stuff that you could try to do so it is pretty much a bog standard main turn where you get to decide which smouldering fire to deal with before some of them begin to blaze again.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
[X] [React] Train more Catclaws and Cateyes to replace the losses. (Secondary Train Sacred Warriors)
Having heard the tales from the surviving invasion force, some of the People were clamouring for another attack on the Cursed Forest, hoping to strike Urth while he was still weak and vulnerable.
Others pointed out how doing so would leave the People without any warriors and defenceless to attacks from other sources such as the nomads to the east. And if the second invasion fared as badly as the first, the People wouldn't be able to train up enough warriors to defend themselves should Urth take the opportunity to invade the People.
Furthermore, the People's best warleaders were dead along with their greatest warriors. Amongst the number was Cadlon Brys and while no longer having his martial expertise would be felt in any follow-up invasion, it had the more pressing issue of the People having no Cadlon.
They could manage not having a Cadlon as Cadlon Brys had left for the Cursed Forest close to a generation ago. But during that time, they had known who the Cadlon was and even if he wasn't with them for an extended period of time, the People did have a ruler.
While the old Catclaw Garyk and the rising star Cayrn were choices put forth, almost everyone eventually agreed that Cadlon Glyn of the Maradysh was the best choice. Not only was the southern Cadlon good at war and had proved herself when she wiped out the undead plague amongst the Maradysh, but Morbyn's daughter had experience at being a Cadlon.
Additionally picking Glyn to be the Cadlon of the Arthwyd would make the Cadlon of the Arthwyd and the Cadlon of the Maradysh the same person again, uniting the two people together or at least uniting them as much as could be done under the circumstances.
The Arthwyd and the Maradysh may be united under a single Cadlon once again, the former would not forget how the latter had rejected the leadership of Cadlon Brys under false pretences nor that the true reasons were barbaric foolishness.
The Maradysh may follow Arthryn and the Daughters, but they do not so truly and at their core, they are still barbarians. Unlike the People, they do not follow all of Arthryn's ways and the People would be wise not to forget this.
But the barbaric nature of the Maradysh is a problem for another day as the People still need to worry about Urth and what he is up to.
While they still have many warriors remaining and the Maradysh have many barbarian warriors, the Arthwyd lost a good half of their Catclaws and Cateyes to the Cursed Forest. If they are to launch another invasion, they will need to train up more Catclaws and Cateyes to make up for their losses.
Gathering up more young men and a few women than is normally the case, the remaining Catclaws and Cateyes get to work training up a replacement generation in preparation for a continued war effort against Urth and his undead abominations.
Even as they trained more warriors, the People watched the Cursed Forest warily from the north, waiting for Urth to make a move or try to take advantage of the People's temporary weakness.
But whether he was also weak or simply didn't want to launch an attack, Urth made no moves towards the People over the generation since Glyn became Cadlon of the People. As it had been between Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer's killing Urth and the undead abomination's attack on Greenbay, the Cursed Forest was silent and motionless and if you didn't know where, you would think that there was nothing within it.
As the People recovered from the losses of the past generation, the only question was where to go from there. They could launch a second invasion of the Cursed Forest as an obvious option. Other possibilities including going to the lowlands for allies against Urth or seeking new metals to wield against the undead. The People could even focus on troubles at home as the elders were still pushing for expansion while the Maradysh's barbaric nature still need to be civilised.
Priests (5) = Mood: Utterly Terrified, Ability: Add half of faction power to Mystic, Objective: Start the Sacred Forest in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Mystic Innovation/-
Elders (3) = Mood: Terrified, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Settle Land 2 Times within 2 Turns, Success/Failure: -/Minor Crisis
Warriors (4 (5)) = Mood: Utterly Terrified, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Explore the Lowlands in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: ???/-
Farmers (1) = Mood: Scared, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Build a Palisade in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Scared, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Study Metal in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Exploration/-
Elders (3) = Mood: Terrified, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Settle Land 2 Times within 2 Turns, Success/Failure: -/Minor Crisis
Warriors (4 (5)) = Mood: Utterly Terrified, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Explore the Lowlands in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: ???/-
Farmers (1) = Mood: Scared, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Build a Palisade in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Scared, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Study Metal in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Exploration/-
You have two Secondary Actions. Two Secondary Actions make a single Main Action. No plan voting or write-ins.
Please tag actions as [SEC] & [MAIN].
[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Temple = (Target)
S: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Temple (+1 Mystic per a Temple)
M: -12 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Temples (+1 Mystic per a Temple),
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (0/2), Rockbay (0/1), Sunrise Bay (0/1), North Coast Plains (0/3),
-1 Temple slot unlocked for every 2 Settlements in a province
[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Palisade = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Palisade,
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Palisades,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (1/4), Rockbay (0/1), Sunrise Bay (0/1), North Coast Plains (6/6),
[] [SEC/MAIN] Explore Lands = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, Chance of new discovery,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of new discovery,
-Possible Targets: Coastline, Coastal Plains, Cursed Forest, Lowlands, Sea, Sunset Mountains, Sunrise Mountains, Western Coast, Northern Coast,
[] [SEC/MAIN] More Farming.
S: +4 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: +1 Econ (0/4) (Limited to 1 per 3 Settlements), Improved Chance of Innovation,
[] [SEC/MAIN] More Fishing.
S: +3 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: +5 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] More Hunting.
S: +3 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of Innovation,
M: +5 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] Settle Land = (Target)
S: -5 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +1 Temp Mystic, +1 Settlement Progress, +1 Econ,
M: -10 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +2 Temp Mystic, +2 Settlement Progress, +2 Econ,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (4/12), Rockbay (1/12), Upriver Plains (0/6), Sunrise Bay (1/12), Sunset Plains (0/12), Sunrise Plains (0/12), North Coast Plains, (6/12), North Coast Hills (0/12), North Coast Western Forest (0/12), North River Plains (0/12),
[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Magic.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Metal.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] Support Subordinate = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, Chance of relationship change,
M: -2 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of relationship change,
-Possible Targets: Maradysh,
[] [SEC/MAIN] Trade Expedition = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Diplo, Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Diplo, Improved Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Lowlands,
[] [SEC/MAIN] Train Sacred Warriors
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -1 Econ, +1 Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation,
[] [SEC/MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Mystic, +2 Temp Culture, +1 Stability, Chance of +1 Stability, Chance of +1 Legitimacy,
M: -3 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Mystic, +3 Temp Culture, +1 Stability, Improved Chance of +1 Stability, Improved Chance of +1 Legitimacy,
[] [SEC/MAIN] War Party = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of damaging target, Chance of losing Temp Martial,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Martial, Greater chance of damaging target, Greater chance of losing Temp Martial,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Cursed Forest,
[] [SEC/MAIN] Sacred Forest
S: -4 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, -2 Temp Mystic, +2 Progress
M: -8 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, -4 Temp Mystic, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/???
[] [SEC/MAIN] Stone Wall
S: -6 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, +2 Progress
M: -12 Temp Econ, -4 Temp Mystic, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/???
S: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Temple (+1 Mystic per a Temple)
M: -12 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Temples (+1 Mystic per a Temple),
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (0/2), Rockbay (0/1), Sunrise Bay (0/1), North Coast Plains (0/3),
-1 Temple slot unlocked for every 2 Settlements in a province
[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Palisade = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Palisade,
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Palisades,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (1/4), Rockbay (0/1), Sunrise Bay (0/1), North Coast Plains (6/6),
[] [SEC/MAIN] Explore Lands = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, Chance of new discovery,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of new discovery,
-Possible Targets: Coastline, Coastal Plains, Cursed Forest, Lowlands, Sea, Sunset Mountains, Sunrise Mountains, Western Coast, Northern Coast,
[] [SEC/MAIN] More Farming.
S: +4 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: +1 Econ (0/4) (Limited to 1 per 3 Settlements), Improved Chance of Innovation,
[] [SEC/MAIN] More Fishing.
S: +3 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: +5 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] More Hunting.
S: +3 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of Innovation,
M: +5 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] Settle Land = (Target)
S: -5 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +1 Temp Mystic, +1 Settlement Progress, +1 Econ,
M: -10 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +2 Temp Mystic, +2 Settlement Progress, +2 Econ,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (4/12), Rockbay (1/12), Upriver Plains (0/6), Sunrise Bay (1/12), Sunset Plains (0/12), Sunrise Plains (0/12), North Coast Plains, (6/12), North Coast Hills (0/12), North Coast Western Forest (0/12), North River Plains (0/12),
[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Magic.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Metal.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation
[] [SEC/MAIN] Support Subordinate = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, Chance of relationship change,
M: -2 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of relationship change,
-Possible Targets: Maradysh,
[] [SEC/MAIN] Trade Expedition = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Diplo, Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Diplo, Improved Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Lowlands,
[] [SEC/MAIN] Train Sacred Warriors
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -1 Econ, +1 Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation,
[] [SEC/MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Mystic, +2 Temp Culture, +1 Stability, Chance of +1 Stability, Chance of +1 Legitimacy,
M: -3 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Mystic, +3 Temp Culture, +1 Stability, Improved Chance of +1 Stability, Improved Chance of +1 Legitimacy,
[] [SEC/MAIN] War Party = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of damaging target, Chance of losing Temp Martial,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Martial, Greater chance of damaging target, Greater chance of losing Temp Martial,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Cursed Forest,
[] [SEC/MAIN] Sacred Forest
S: -4 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, -2 Temp Mystic, +2 Progress
M: -8 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, -4 Temp Mystic, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/???
[] [SEC/MAIN] Stone Wall
S: -6 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, +2 Progress
M: -12 Temp Econ, -4 Temp Mystic, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/???
So a short update this time, mainly because there is nothing of note going on right and you haven't got anything actively on fire right now. You got a bunch of stuff that you could try to do so it is pretty much a bog standard main turn where you get to decide which smouldering fire to deal with before some of them begin to blaze again.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Tanistry
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: 0
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Increased Range of Potential Heirs
Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.
Diplo: 2 (3)
Econ: 17 (11)
Martial: 5 (5)
Mystic: 3 (4)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)
Legitimacy: 2/3
Stability: 1/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 4
Prestige: 27
King of the Hill: +1 Temp Diplo at the start of each turn,
Diplomatic Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Walking Dead = Ultimate Evil/Unknown/None
Boarfolk Nomads = Disliked/Unknown/Minimal
Maradysh = Tense Allies/Tense Allies/High
Maradysh = Personal Union/Medium/Very Low
Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,
Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn,
Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive,
Copper Blooded: +1 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions,
Early Ancient Tanistry
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: 0
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Increased Range of Potential Heirs
Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.
Diplo: 2 (3)
Econ: 17 (11)
Martial: 5 (5)
Mystic: 3 (4)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)
Legitimacy: 2/3
Stability: 1/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 4
Prestige: 27
King of the Hill: +1 Temp Diplo at the start of each turn,
Diplomatic Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Walking Dead = Ultimate Evil/Unknown/None
Boarfolk Nomads = Disliked/Unknown/Minimal
Maradysh = Tense Allies/Tense Allies/High
Maradysh = Personal Union/Medium/Very Low
Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,
Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn,
Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive,
Copper Blooded: +1 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions,
Communal Unity
One must stand by their community with loyalty and kindness for looking after your neighbours and community of the highest importance. As per the teachings of the goddesses, standing united with the rest of your community is a righteous thing.
Pros: Greatly Reduced Internal Discontent, Greatly Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People, Discourages disunity,
Fair Treatment
While not everyone is equal in the end, they deserve a chance to prove themselves and regardless of who they are or the nature of their birth, they deserve to be given fair treatment.
Pros: Decreased social stratification, Decreased Discrimination,
Cons: Decreased social stratification, Many think you weak,
Sacred Defence
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,
Queens of Peace, Kings of War
The descendants of the goddess Evalyn have her blood in them and divinity runs through their body. This fact means that they are better suited to ruling than the rest of the People and can lead their subjects to greatness.
Pros: Better stats for the royal family, Bonus to peaceful actions when you have a female ruler, Bonus to militant actions when you have a male ruler,
Cons: Increased social stratification, Increased gender discrimination,
One must stand by their community with loyalty and kindness for looking after your neighbours and community of the highest importance. As per the teachings of the goddesses, standing united with the rest of your community is a righteous thing.
Pros: Greatly Reduced Internal Discontent, Greatly Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People, Discourages disunity,
Fair Treatment
While not everyone is equal in the end, they deserve a chance to prove themselves and regardless of who they are or the nature of their birth, they deserve to be given fair treatment.
Pros: Decreased social stratification, Decreased Discrimination,
Cons: Decreased social stratification, Many think you weak,
Sacred Defence
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,
Queens of Peace, Kings of War
The descendants of the goddess Evalyn have her blood in them and divinity runs through their body. This fact means that they are better suited to ruling than the rest of the People and can lead their subjects to greatness.
Pros: Better stats for the royal family, Bonus to peaceful actions when you have a female ruler, Bonus to militant actions when you have a male ruler,
Cons: Increased social stratification, Increased gender discrimination,
Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage
A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: +1 Temp Mysticism whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,
Grand Temple
A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Grand Temple is the first temple that the People have built and it is larger than most others. With Bronwyn the Beautiful residing within it as a centrepiece, it is a monument to the oldest teachings of the Goddesses.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, +1 Temp Mysticism at the start of each turn,
Grand Statue
A massive stone statue of Arthryn overlooking North River, this is a monument to the glory and greatest of the Goddess Arthryn
Effects: +1 Temp Culture from Venerating the Goddesses,
A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: +1 Temp Mysticism whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,
Grand Temple
A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Grand Temple is the first temple that the People have built and it is larger than most others. With Bronwyn the Beautiful residing within it as a centrepiece, it is a monument to the oldest teachings of the Goddesses.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, +1 Temp Mysticism at the start of each turn,
Grand Statue
A massive stone statue of Arthryn overlooking North River, this is a monument to the glory and greatest of the Goddess Arthryn
Effects: +1 Temp Culture from Venerating the Goddesses,
Straw/Reed Rope
Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation
Dire Boars
Fired Bricks
Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil
Copper Smelting
Lead Smelting
Silver Smelting
Tin Smelting
Straw/Reed Rope
Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation
Dire Boars
Fired Bricks
Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil
Copper Smelting
Lead Smelting
Silver Smelting
Tin Smelting
Basic Ideograms
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks
Earthenware Pottery
Stoneware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling
Heredity Succession
Local Leadership Delegation
Sacred Animals
Basic Ideograms
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks
Earthenware Pottery
Stoneware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling
Heredity Succession
Local Leadership Delegation
Sacred Animals
Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields
Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors
Dire Boar Cavalry
War Dogs
Ambush Tactics
Bows & Arrows
Lead Balls
Divine Magic
Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields
Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors
Dire Boar Cavalry
War Dogs
Ambush Tactics
Bows & Arrows
Lead Balls
Divine Magic
Divine Blessing
Divine Magic
All-Seerist Divine Magic
Detect Undead
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting
Arthrynite Divine Magic
Stone Manipulation (Basic)
Trait Self-Boosting (Basic)
Wyrnite Divine Magic
Memory Stones (Basic)
Songs of Courage
Ymarnite Divine Magic
Disease Cure (Limited)
Increased Weapon Skill (Basic)
Wound Healing (Basic)
Divine Blessing
Divine Magic
All-Seerist Divine Magic
Detect Undead
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting
Arthrynite Divine Magic
Stone Manipulation (Basic)
Trait Self-Boosting (Basic)
Wyrnite Divine Magic
Memory Stones (Basic)
Songs of Courage
Ymarnite Divine Magic
Disease Cure (Limited)
Increased Weapon Skill (Basic)
Wound Healing (Basic)
Last edited: