Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

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    Votes: 63 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 30.0%

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The Maradysh Civil War
[X] Refuse this the undead abomination and reject all of the offers it is making. (???)

Cadlon Gwyn had considered accepting Urth's offers. While some of it was too dependant on Urth's goodwill to be acceptable, other parts could provide intangible benefits for the People that Urth would need to provide if she was to get the peace deal she desired.

But in the end, Urth was an undead abomination, one who wields evil magic, stole the body of a Cadlon, twisted the Blessing of Arthryn into twisted mockery and has yet to answer for the many wrongs she had done to the People. Peace may be possible in the future, but only went Urth has been brought to justice.

And as of such, Glyn sent the Maradysh back to Morgyn with a message for her to carry back to her 'mother'. The People would not accept a tainted peace with a monster like Urth and instead they would bring her to justice.

The only problem was the whole bringing him to justice. The last invasion had shown out hard that was and that invading the Cursed Forest would not be a trivial task. For now, there was simply to much distance between the People and the Cursed Forest. While that was a good thing as it made it harder for Urth to attack them with her armies of the walking dead, it made it harder for the People to attack the monsters of the Cursed Forest for the exact same reasons.

Until that distance could be bridged, Cadlon Glyn decided that it would be best to focus on defence should Urth decide to attack them again, something she might very well do now that they have rejected her overtures at peace. Only Greenbay and the Merntir coasts had palisades to protect them and Cadlon Glyn endeavoured to add Rockbay to that list as of the People's settlements, Rockbay is the closest to the Cursed Forest and the most assessible to Urth's forces.


It was a few winters into the reign of Cadlon Verfyl, the successor of the late Cadlon Glyn, that Urth made her play. She had almost certainly begun it earlier, but it was then that the People began to notice the signs even if they didn't realise what they meant until it was too late.

The Maradysh had always been barbarians and while some had changed their ways and truly worshipped it Arthryn and her Daughters, that was mostly around their northern and eastern territories. The western and southern Maradysh remained barbarians and only paid lip service to the goddesses of the north while their core territories were split between civilised people and uncouth barbarians. It was a divide that was slowly being closed as exposure to the Arthwyd slowly, but surely civilised the barbarians of the south.

But enough barbarians remained during the reign of Cadlon Verfyl for Urth to pull off his plan. While the Arthrynite Maradysh would have reported the Daughters of Urth visiting them to the Arthwyd as they should have done, their barbaric counterparts were less vigilant and instead inviting the Daughters of Urth into their homes, listening to their words and tales.

Spending several seasons wrapping the barbaric half of the Maradysh around her fingers, Urth managed to persuade them to side with her and her daughters over their northern masters and the rest of their Maradysh brethren.

The Maradysh barbarians did not directly declare war and side with Urth, but instead waited for Cadlon Verfyl to head south and visit his Maradysh subjects. While visiting one of the more barbarian Maradysh villages, Cadlon Verfyl and his Catclaw guards found themselves mobbed and ambushed by a small warband of Maradysh warriors. While the Cadlon and his guards fought hard and slew many of their attackers, they were ultimately overwhelmed and slain themselves.

With the death of the Cadlon at the hands of the barbarian Maradysh, the civilised half rose up in outrage at their traitorous brethren, kicking off a civil war between the Urth-aligned barbarian half of the Maradysh to the west and south and the Arthrynite civilised half to the north and east.

Neither Urth and her Daughters nor the Arthwyd got involved as the latter seemed to stay uninvolved while the latter rallied their warriors and got ready for an invasion of the walking dead. Meanwhile the Arthrynite Maradysh seemed to have things handled as they struck at the barbarian Maradysh.

While the war was not decided yet, it was going firmly in the favour of the Arthrynite Maradysh as they used the divine magics of Arthryn and her Daughters alongside civilised methods to gain an advantage over the barbarians.

Warbands fought and clashed as raiding parties got sent back and forth and a consistent theme throughout it all was the Arthrynites slaying the barbarians.

Seeing how her proxies were losing, Urth decided to interevene. Yet she did not do so directly with her own undead armies. Instead Urth exploited her connections to the lowlands and the Maradysh's closely held taboo of anything to the south.

Formed from the refugees fleeing the Nightmare's Gift of old, the original Maradysh considered the lowlands to be a place of death where all died to the Nightmare's Gift and this belief had passed on throughout the generations and is held by the Maradysh even in the reign of Cadlon Verfyl.

No one was allowed down to the lowlands and anyone who went to far south or voiced their desire to go too far south was killed by the Maradysh so they didn't come back infected with the Nightmare's Gift and kill everyone. This extended to killing anyone who came north from too far south since it was known that they had the Nightmare's Gift and it was this that Urth took advantage off.

Having forged ties with the lowlander tribes via her Daughters, Urth convinced them not to attack the Maradysh, but to send trading expeditions to open up peaceful relations with the Maradysh.

Seeing these traders as plague-bearing folk from the south that would kill them all if allowed to reach their villages, the Arthrynite Maradysh killed every one of the lowlander traders that they could.

Meanwhile the barbarian Maradysh welcomed the traders as Urth had seeded his Daughters both within the lowlander trade expeditions and the barbarian Maradysh villages. The Daughters of Urth were able to foster peaceful relations between the two groups of the barbarians.

The Urth's Daughters were even able to break the barbarian Maradysh's taboo regarding the lowlands, getting them to believe that the taboo was a trick by the Arthwyd to control them and to keep them seeking allies and trader partners in the lowlands.

Firmly in Urth's corner now, the barbarian Maradysh allied with the lowlander tribes as the latter was enraged by the deaths of their traders at the hands of the Arthrynite Maradysh and decided to fight alongside their fellow Urth-aligned barbarians to get vengeance.

For their part, the Arthrynite Maradysh sought this as a sign that the Arthwyd were right all along about Urth. They saw the barbarian Maradysh breaking the taboo as a sign that their counterparts had fallen to the unholy magics of Urth and were using her dark magics to protect themselves from the plague.

With both the Maradysh barbarians and the lowlander tribes arrayed against them support from the Caradysh, the Arthrynite Maradysh sent messengers north to the Arthwyd to seek aid from their northern overlords and their Cadlon.

For their part, the Arthwyd saw this as a sign that they should have taken the peace offer as many now believed it to be genuine. Seeing no sign of stopping Urth anytime soon despite how many had died while the rejection of peace was deemed to be responsible for the ongoing violence to the south, many of the Arthwyd began to blame their Cadlon and the priesthood.

The Cadlon and the priesthood claimed to serve them in the name of Arthryn and her Daughters and yet all they had brought recently was death and waste and right now, it seemed to be death and waste that could have been avoided if the Arthwydish leadership hadn't been so stubborn and paranoid regarding Urth.

While the Arthwyd was currently against Urth for what she had done down in the south and none denied that the barbarians had to be brought in line, something would need to be done to restore faith in the leadership of the People.

Priests (5) = Mood: Utterly Terrified, Ability: Add half of faction power to Mystic, Objective: Start the Sacred Forest in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Mystic Innovation/-
Elders (3) = Mood: Terrified, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Settle Land 1 Times within 1 Turns, Success/Failure: -/Minor Crisis
Warriors (4 (5)) = Mood: Utterly Terrified, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Win the Maradysh Civil War, Success/Failure: ???/-
Farmers (1) = Mood: Scared, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Venerate the Goddesses, Success/Failure: +1 Legitimacy/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Scared, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Develop the Copper Mine, Success/Failure: Free Metallurgy Innovation/-

You have two Secondary Actions. Two Secondary Actions make a single Main Action. No plan voting or write-ins.
Please tag actions as [SEC] & [MAIN].

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Temple = (Target)
S: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Temple (+1 Mystic per a Temple)
M: -12 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Temples (+1 Mystic per a Temple),
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (0/3), Rockbay (0/1), Sunrise Bay (0/1), North Coast Plains (0/3),
-1 Temple slot unlocked for every 2 Settlements in a province

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Palisade = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Palisade,
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Palisades,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (1/5), Rockbay (1/1), Sunrise Bay (0/1), North Coast Plains (6/6),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Develop Mine
S: -3 Temp Econ, +1 Mine,
M: -6 Temp Econ, +2 Mines,
-Possible Targets: Sunrise Mountains (Copper: 0/1)

[] [SEC/MAIN] Explore Lands = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, Chance of new discovery,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of new discovery,
-Possible Targets: Coastline, Coastal Plains, Cursed Forest, Lowlands, Sea, Sunset Mountains, Sunrise Mountains, Western Coast, Northern Coast,

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Farming.
S: +4 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: +1 Econ (0/4) (Limited to 1 per 3 Settlements), Improved Chance of Innovation,

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Fishing.
S: +3 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: +5 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] More Hunting.
S: +3 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of Innovation,
M: +5 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Settle Land = (Target)
S: -5 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +1 Temp Mystic, +1 Settlement Progress, +1 Econ,
M: -10 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +2 Temp Mystic, +2 Settlement Progress, +2 Econ,
-Possible Targets: Greenbay (5/12), Rockbay (1/12), Upriver Plains (0/6), Sunrise Bay (1/12), Sunset Plains (0/12), Sunrise Plains (0/11), North Coast Plains, (6/12), North Coast Hills (0/12), North Coast Western Forest (0/12), North River Plains (0/12),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Magic.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Metal.
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Support Subordinate = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, Chance of relationship change,
M: -2 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of relationship change,
-Possible Targets: Arthrynite Maradysh,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Trade Expedition = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Diplo, Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Diplo, Improved Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Train Sacred Warriors
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -1 Econ, +1 Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Mystic, +2 Temp Culture, +1 Stability, Chance of +1 Stability, Chance of +1 Legitimacy,
M: -3 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Mystic, +3 Temp Culture, +1 Stability, Improved Chance of +1 Stability, Improved Chance of +1 Legitimacy,

[] [SEC/MAIN] War Party = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Martial, Chance of damaging target, Chance of losing Temp Martial,
M: -2 Temp Econ, +3 Temp Martial, Greater chance of damaging target, Greater chance of losing Temp Martial,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Cursed Forest, Barbarian Maradysh, Lowlander Tribes,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Sacred Forest
S: -4 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, -2 Temp Mystic, +2 Progress
M: -8 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, -4 Temp Mystic, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/???

[] [SEC/MAIN] Stone Wall
S: -6 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, +2 Progress
M: -12 Temp Econ, -4 Temp Mystic, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/???


As some of you guessed, Urth decided to turn the Maradysh against you when you rejected her peace. Before anyone complains, I had already planned for this to happen before the last vote and Urth was already setting things up for this when she send the peace offer to you. Urth wanted to keep you offer her back so she could focus on other things so when the olive branch of the peace deal failed, she used the sword of inciting a Maradysh civil war to distract you.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.

The Arthwyd
Early Ancient Tanistry
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: 0
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Subordinates: 1
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Increased Range of Potential Heirs

Early Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: None
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 2 (3)
Econ: 18 (11)
Martial: 5 (4)
Mystic: 3 (4)
Culture: 1 (1)
Tech: 0 (0)
Wealth: 0 (0)

Legitimacy: 1/3
Stability: 0/3
Centralisation: 3
Hierarchy: 4
Prestige: 27

King of the Hill: +1 Temp Diplo at the start of each turn,

Diplomatic Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Boarfolk Nomads = Disliked/Unknown/Minimal
Caradysh = Ultimate Evil/Annoyed/None
Lowlander Tribes = Servants of Evil/Indifferent/War
Barbarian Maradysh = Evil-Serving Traitors/Hatred/War

Arthrynite Maradysh = Personal Union/High/Medium

Values & Legacies
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,
Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn,
Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive,
Copper Blooded: +1 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions,

Communal Unity
One must stand by their community with loyalty and kindness for looking after your neighbours and community of the highest importance. As per the teachings of the goddesses, standing united with the rest of your community is a righteous thing.
Pros: Greatly Reduced Internal Discontent, Greatly Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People, Discourages disunity,

Fair Treatment
While not everyone is equal in the end, they deserve a chance to prove themselves and regardless of who they are or the nature of their birth, they deserve to be given fair treatment.
Pros: Decreased social stratification, Decreased Discrimination,
Cons: Decreased social stratification, Many think you weak,

Sacred Defence
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,

Queens of Peace, Kings of War
The descendants of the goddess Evalyn have her blood in them and divinity runs through their body. This fact means that they are better suited to ruling than the rest of the People and can lead their subjects to greatness.
Pros: Better stats for the royal family, Bonus to peaceful actions when you have a female ruler, Bonus to militant actions when you have a male ruler,
Cons: Increased social stratification, Increased gender discrimination,

Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage
A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: +1 Temp Mysticism whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,

Grand Temple
A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Grand Temple is the first temple that the People have built and it is larger than most others. With Bronwyn the Beautiful residing within it as a centrepiece, it is a monument to the oldest teachings of the Goddesses.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, +1 Temp Mysticism at the start of each turn,

Grand Statue
A massive stone statue of Arthryn overlooking North River, this is a monument to the glory and greatest of the Goddess Arthryn
Effects: +1 Temp Culture from Venerating the Goddesses,

Straw/Reed Rope

Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Dire Boars

Fired Bricks

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Sails (Rafts)
Walnut Oil




Metal Smelting
Basic Ideograms
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Stoneware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Heredity Succession
Local Leadership Delegation

Sacred Animals

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Hunting Groups
Sacred Warriors
Dire Boar Cavalry
War Dogs

Ambush Tactics

Bows & Arrows
Lead Balls
Divine Magic
Divine Blessing
Divine Magic

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Detect Undead
Future Seeing
Guided Attacks
Increased Accuracy
Truth Detecting

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Stone Manipulation (Basic)
Trait Self-Boosting (Basic)

Wyrnite Divine Magic
Memory Stones (Basic)
Songs of Courage

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Disease Cure (Limited)
Increased Weapon Skill (Basic)
Wound Healing (Basic)
If we accepted peace, we could have a free hand in doing reconnaissance of the lowland.

No! We got to be stubborn! Instead of bidding time and preparing for the next war, we now have to deal with a fire.

Alyxunmyn would have facepalmed.
Or you could have listened to the voters who accurately predicted this as the outcome for Urth's next move if you rejected her peace offer.

I expected such a move. What I didn't expect was that Urth would get 4 moves at once.

I mean, in quick succession, we have.

1) Urth rapidly converting half the Maradysih
2) Urth succesfully reshaping the societal values of the Maradysh to the point of them assasinating their own King
3) A Maradysh value that we've never heard about before magically popping up
4) Urth succesfully reshapin the societal values of the Maradysh to magically eliminate this deepseated hatred of everything that comes from the South (no idea why they didn't shoot the Daughters on sight in the past, if they'll happily do the same to traders)
5) Urth arranging a military alliance between the Maradysh and the lower settlements.

Some of these are logical, but others are a stretch too far. For example, the Maradysh's extreme paranoia about the South (which I'm pretty certain we've never seen before) popping into existence, and then it completely vanishing when Urth desires it to be the case.

Heck, it's not even consistent. If the Maradysh are so extremely afraid of the South, why are they so accepting of Urth and Urth's children. I mean, last turn you said that Urth send his diplomats there because he feared the Arthwyd would shoot them on sight and the Maradysh would be more accepting.

If he had sent the diplomat directly to the Arthwyd, they might have just killed her.

And now this turn it turns out the Maradysh are actually the extremely trigger happy fellows.

It doesn't make sense.
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This is meh, I expected it when I voted. Urth was going to distract us one way or the other, she has all the cards right now. Even if we'd accepted, this perfectly good civil war was already prepared before she decided to talk terms, so I doubt she'd have just called it off. Set it back a few turns maybe, and been more discreet, but Urth has literally no reason not to cause this even if we'd agreed to the treaty.
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I expected such a move. What I didn't expect was that Urth would get 4 moves at once.

I mean, in quick succession, we have.

1) Urth rapidly converting half the Maradysih
2) Urth succesfully reshaping the societal values of the Maradysh to the point of them assasinating their own King
3) A Maradysh value that we've never heard about before magically popping up
4) Urth succesfully reshapin the societal values of the Maradysh to magically eliminate this deepseated hatred of everything that comes from the South (no idea why they didn't shoot the Daughters on sight in the past, if they'll happily do the same to traders)
5) Urth arranging a military alliance between the Maradysh and the lower settlements.

Some of these are logical, but others are a stretch too far. For example, the Maradysh's extreme paranoia about the South (which I'm pretty certain we've never seen before) popping into existence, and then it completely vanishing when Urth desires it to be the case.

Heck, it's not even consistent. If the Maradysh are so extremely afraid of the South, why are they so accepting of Urth. Pick one.

And here's the long rationalization instead of learning from our mistake.
It'd be super nice if we could actually see the values of our Vassals. It would allow us to stop insane crap like that.

[X] [SEC] Settle Land = Greenbay
[X] [SEC] War Party = Barbarian Maradysh

We need to finish settling greenbay, and we need to win that civil war sooner rather than later.
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after a quick talk we have a situation
There are only thee possible choices

War Party
and Settle.

If we don't settle we get a minor crisis
If we don't venerate that 0 stability and 1/3 legitimacy will cause us to crumble
and if we don't attack, the Maradysh are liable to fall against our enemy.

Thus I reach one conclusion, that regardless of what happens, the Arthryians themselves cannot collapse and turn into a successor civ.
Thus I vote for venerating the goddess so as to ensure our nation does not fall apart.
I vote for settling so that a minor crisis is avoided, and our actions doubled.
I can only hope that the Maradysh last long enough themselves, or that venerating the goddesses will help us in our time of need.
For after this turn, we will be able to return with a vengeance.

[X] [SEC] Settle Land = (Greenbay (5/12))
[X] [SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
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after a quick talk we have a situation
There are only thee possible choices

War Party
and Settle.

If we don't settle we get a minor crisis
If we don't venerate that 0 stability and 1/3 legitimacy will cause us to crumble
and if we don't attack, the Maradysh are liable to fall against our enemy.

Thus I reach one conclusion, that regardless of what happens, the Arthryians themselves cannot collapse and turn into a successor civ.
Thus I vote for venerating the goddess so as to ensure our nation does not fall apart.
I vote for settling so that a minor crisis is avoided, and our actions doubled.
I can only hope that the Maradysh last long enough themselves, or that venerating the goddesses will help us in our time of need.
For after this turn, we will be able to return with a vengeance.

[X] [SEC] Settle Land = Greenbay
[X] [SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
0 stability doesn't cause us issues. Hell if anything going down to zero stability and 1/3 legitimacy might finally get rid of our Monarch problems. That just sounds like a benefit to me.
Urth's seemingly ridiculous competence in literally everything he does is kind of annoying. Do we know anything about the lowlanders? What is their general military level? Also if we actually win this war seems like its only an advantage. We get rid of the dissidents in our vassal, and bind them closer to us. Also gotta agree that with Urth around the civil war was basically inevitable at some point. Kinda surprised Urth even offered peace if he could so easily trigger a war that he doesn't need to directly involve himself him. I would have expected him to offer peace after the civil war if anything.

Also why are the priests getting blame? Aren't the cadlons the only ones making decisions?

We really need an actual military victory or something now, otherwise our civ could have a civil war or collapse. On the plus side for anti-monarchists if we lose this the monarchy might actually be gone!

[X] [SEC] Settle Land = (Greenbay (5/12))
[X] [SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
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Urth's seemingly ridiculous competence in literally everything he does is kind of annoying. Do we know anything about the lowlanders? What is their general military level? Also if we actually win this war seems like its only an advantage. We get rid of the dissidents in our vassal, and bind them closer to us. Also gotta agree that with Urth around the civil war was basically inevitable at some point. Kinda surprised Urth even offered peace if he could so easily trigger a war that he doesn't need to directly involve himself him. I would have expected him to offer peace after the civil war if anything.

Also why are the priests getting blame? Aren't the cadlons the only ones making decisions?

We really need an actual military victory or something now, otherwise our civ could have a civil war or collapse. On the plus side for anti-monarchists if we lose this the monarchy might actually be gone!

[X] [SEC] Settle Land = (Greenbay (5/12))
[X] [SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
[X] [SEC] War Party = Barbarian Maradysh
We know nothing of the lowlanders. We haven't had any contact with them for centuries.
0 stability doesn't cause us issues. Hell if anything going down to zero stability and 1/3 legitimacy might finally get rid of our Monarch problems. That just sounds like a benefit to me.
Its literally thin ice, The second we go negative we are liable to shatter and crumble, the point isn't to wait until we are being screwed by stability but to prevent it from happening in the first place. The last thing we should be concerned about is the MONARCHY and the INVADERS coming at us. Monarchy is better then any alternative, and the last thing we need is to collapse due to infighting, furthermore if we do collapse chances are they will still follow the cadlon system, there is no guarantee that it will go away, especially when we have a trait geared towards it.