We're on the British-Iberian peninsula. To get Big Cats, we'd need to jump to North Africa or Greece. Or the Americas, I guess, but that seems more difficult.
I think I asked this quite a while ago and you answered in the affirmative that it was at least changing, but is Arthryn considered the Goddess of the Earth and or stone yet? Do we have an overarching creation myth?
Arthryn's domain is the People aka the Arthwyd, but she is very strongly associated with stone and to a lesser extent the Earth and since Veekie convinced me of it, the Sea. As of right now, you can get earth and water magic from Arthryn with the former being stone-focused.
You current region is based off of a fusion of the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula. You are not on a Not!Earth, but I have based some of the regions on regions from Earth to give me a baseline for what will be in those regions.
Well some quick googling shows there are Iberian Lynxes which are medium sized cats in Spain, and at least some people think lions lived in the Iberian peninsula at some point. I wouldn't discount larger cats being somewhere by us unless Oshha specifically says there aren't. Just another reason to explore.
They aren't in the northern Cursed Forest or the Great Bay or the North Coast or the Endless Grasslands and probably not the northern Lowlands. You don't know about any other areas.
The Arthrynite Maradysh have a fusion of your values and the traditional Maradysh values. They have a mixed communal/familial set up where both are equally important and you should work to help them.
Their survivor value which requires you to be strong and not require aid has been tempered by doing what is best for the family/community so it is now that you try to do it your own, but ask for help if you can't do it on your own so the community doesn't suffer because you tried to do something you couldn't because of pride or stubbornness.
They have also dropped their xenophobia, but have picked up Queens of Peace, Kings of War and are edging towards Fair Treatment. They are not picking up Sacred Defence due to their differing martial traditions.
Edit: They also have a Debilitating Belief that the lowlands is plague-infested and everything there either dies or spreads the plague to the non-infected. As far as they are concerned, everyone from too far south needs to be killed so they don't infect everyone else and get everyone killed.
The Arthrynite Maradysh have a fusion of your values and the traditional Maradysh values. They have a mixed communal/familial set up where both are equally important and you should work to help them.
Their survivor value which requires you to be strong and not require aid has been tempered by doing what is best for the family/community so it is now that you try to do it your own, but ask for help if you can't do it on your own so the community doesn't suffer because you tried to do something you couldn't because of pride or stubbornness.
They have also dropped their xenophobia, but have picked up Queens of Peace, Kings of War and are edging towards Fair Treatment. They are not picking up Sacred Defence due to their differing martial traditions.
I believe they still have it since it was mentioned that a reason why that hate Urth/the rebels was that they believed they used dark magics to survive the plague in the Lowlands.
But it was also said that this belief is a fragile one not backed by any sort of logical facts, and thus should be (relatively) easily broken by us venturing out into the lowlands and not dying horribly.
You current region is based off of a fusion of the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula. You are not on a Not!Earth, but I have based some of the regions on regions from Earth to give me a baseline for what will be in those regions.
[X][SEC] Settle Land = Greenbay
[X][SEC] War Party = Barbarian Maradysh
With war raging in the south, the People decided had to intervene to help our their Maradysh brethren. The Maradysh were holding their own against the rebels and currently held the advantage as they had seized firm control over the walled core territories.
If it was just a case of the Maradysh fighting amongst themselves, then the Arthwyd would not need to get involved as their Arthrynite brethren had it in the bag and could easily crush the barbarian rebels.
But the rebels were not the only barbarians that they needed to be worried about. Thanks to the machinations of the Caradysh, the rebels and the tribes of the lowland had formed an alliance of barbarians against the People.
While the Maradysh were still confident that they could triumph over the barbarians, they weren't so confident as before as while they had better warriors, they could still get overwhelmed by sheer numbers if the lowlanders were able to send enough numbers.
That wasn't even considering the possibility of the Caradysh getting involved. They had already ignited the conflict and the Daughters of Urth are still slinking about. None of the People would be surprised that if the Daughters of Urth caused more trouble for the People or if their Mother sent an army to military help the barbarians in the war.
The Maradysh may be able to handle the rebels and lowlanders, but Caradysh intervention may be too much for them to handle on their own.
In the end, Cadlon Arnyl decided that the Arthwyd needed to send their Catclaws and Cateyes to help their southern brethren in the war. The Arthwyd had their own internal problems, but they could wait until the threat of barbarians had been beaten back in the south.
So even as the Arthwyd expanded further around the Greenbay region, an army was sent south to wage war.
Despite the initial fears of the Arthwyd on how badly things could go and how the war would turn out, their worries turned out to be unfounded.
While there had been worries about it, the Caradysh stayed out of the Maradysh Civil War despite being the ones who caused it with their trickery. Instead the Caradysh seemed content to let the People and the barbarians fight each other while they did whatever they did and the Daughters of Urth slinked about in the background and away from the fighting.
In fact, the Arthwyd didn't even need to get involved in the end as the rebels and lowlanders were crushed by the Maradysh. That wasn't to say that the Arthwyd did poorly or they didn't help or that their assistance was unwelcome, but as they predicted, the Maradysh were able to handle their enemies.
The Catclaws and Cateyes accounted themselves well as they struck at the flanks, rearguards and vanguards of the enemy forces, ambushing patrols and baiting small warbands into traps to be wiped out. They slew many barbarians with only a few losses of their own.
Yet despite how well they did, the Arthwydish found themselves overshadowed by the Maradysh as they crushed all those that stood against them.
When the Maradysh Civil War began, the Boarfolk amongst them sided with the Arthrynites. They did this despite neither following Arthryn and her Daughters or embracing the northern culture, the Boarfolk had their own culture and religion that they followed. Part of that culture was being loyal and not betraying your leaders.
So when the rebels revealed their treachery and murdered Cadlon Verfyl, the Boarfolk rejected them out of disgust for their betrayal of their Cadlon. They refused to associate with the traitors and despite not having much in common, they firmly threw their lot in with the loyalists with no hesitation or regret.
Back when Vervov invaded the Merntir, the Arthwyd had learnt the power of cavalry and why one could not stand before a charging pack of Boarfolk on their dire boar mounts. In the Maradysh civil war, the loyalists taught that same lesson to the rebels and lowlanders.
Fighting on grassy plains, the Boarfolk crushed the lowlanders and rebels wherever they fought, their boar-riding cavalry smashing apart the barbarian infantry and riding down the survivors. It didn't matter whether they had bows, slings, spears or clubs, they all fell to the Boarfolk cavalry.
Every warband sent by the lowlanders and rebels was crushed when they engage the loyalists in open battle. Before long, the barbarians were on the defensive as the Maradysh advanced on the settlements of the rebels.
Slaughtering whatever defenders that the rebels and lowlanders were able to muster up, the Maradysh took village after village. Deeming them to either be contaminated by the plagues of the lowlands or by the evil magics of the Caradysh, the Maradysh put the populations of the captured settlements to the arrow or spear. They killed every last one so they couldn't spread their taint to the rest of the Maradysh and the Arthwyd, leaving entire villages empty of anyone living there.
Quickly realising what was happening, the rebels begin to put up desperate last-ditch defences as their peoples did their best to flee to the lowlands. While some escaped many did not, as the rebels are overrun by cavalry and large portions of their populace were unable to escape their homes before they got wiped out by the Maradysh.
The Arthwyd were in no position to stop the Maradysh killing every last rebel they got their hands on as when they got to the rebel settlements, they were always too late. Even if they could have had the chance to stop the Maradysh, many doubted whether they could have without resorting to violence as the Maradysh were zealous in their work to keep the 'taint' from spreading.
In the end, the Maradysh Civil War came to a bloody end as the Arthrynites emerged victorious with the rebels either dead or having fled to the lowlands. But it was not without cost.
While the Arthrynites remained relatively unscathed considering the amount of violence and death that had been brought out during the fighting, they only made up half of the Maradysh before the civil war began. The other half of the Maradysh was gone, with the people either dead or having fled while their settlements remained abandoned and devoid of life. It would take many generations for the Maradysh to recover their pre-war strength.
Furthermore, the end of the Maradysh Civil War didn't mean the end of the fighting. The lowlander tribes are still abut with the rebel refugees to the south while the Caradysh remain within the Cursed Forest. Both the Caradysh and the Lowlander Tribes remained enemies of the People and one way or another, they will need to be dealt with.
The Maradysh Civil War is over. What do the Arthwyd do next?
[] [React] Push the Lowlander Tribes while they are still weak. ([MAIN] War Party = Lowlander Tribes)
[] [React] Invade the Cursed Forest. ([MAIN] War Party = Caradysh)
[] [React] Go after all of their enemies. ([SEC] War Party = Lowlander Tribes, [SEC] War Party = Caradysh)
[] [React] Scout your enemies. ([SEC] Explore Lands = Lowlands, [SEC] Explore Lands = Cursed Forest,)
[] [React] Seek peace with the Lowlander Tribes. ([MAIN] Trade Expedition = Lowlander Tribes)
[] [React] Prepare defences. ([MAIN] Build Palisades = Greenbay)
[] [React] Develop Infrastructure ([SEC] Develop Mine = Sunrise Mountains – Copper, [SEC] Build Palisade = Sunrise Bay)
[] [React] Thank Arthryn and her Daughters for the victory. ([MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses)
[] [React] Farm. ([MAIN] More Farming)
Pick your initial Province Policy
[] [Policy] Balanced = Does whatever seems reasonable.
[] [Policy] Defensive = Takes defensive martial actions.
[] [Policy] Diplomacy = Focuses on engaging in diplomacy.
[] [Policy] Economy = Takes actions to increase stats.
[] [Policy] Expansion = Focuses on settling new lands.
[] [Policy] Exploration = Focuses on exploring areas.
[] [Policy] Infrastructure = Focuses on building infrastructure.
[] [Policy] Megaproject = Focuses on building megaprojects.
[] [Policy] Offensive = Takes offensive martial actions.
[] [Policy] Religion = Focuses on religious actions.
[] [Policy] Study = Takes study actions.
Priests (5) = Mood: Concerned, Ability: Add half of faction power to Mystic, Objective: Start the Sacred Forest in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Mystic Innovation/-
Elders (3) = Mood: Worried, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Restore Legitimacy and Stability within 3 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Warriors (4 (5)) = Mood: Horrified, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Bring about peace, Success/Failure: ???/??/
Farmers (1) = Mood: Discontent, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Venerate the Goddesses, Success/Failure: +1 Legitimacy/-
Crafters (1) = Mood: Discontent, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Develop the Copper Mine, Success/Failure: Free Metallurgy Innovation/-
So the civil war is over. The Maradysh lost half of their civ to it even if it was the half loyal to you that survived. The lowlanders are weak and without martial for now, but they are still your enemies and will rebuilt their strength in time. The Caradysh have also remained untouched by the fighting.
As for the war, it got dominated by the loyalists and their cavalry. Your warriors did decently, but they got severely overshadowed by the Maradysh as they crushed everything against them. The Maradysh also genocided the rebels because they believed that they were tainted thanks to their taboo regarding the lowlands.
Also, you can thank @KlinkerKing for the update title.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
The Arthwyd Early Ancient Tanistry Upper Centralization Limit: 8 Lower Centralization Limit: 0 Admin Strain Free Provinces: 4 Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces Subordinates: 1 Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province Special: Increased Range of Potential Heirs
Early Ancient Palace Economy Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation, Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant, Passive Policies: N/A Additional Actions: None Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse. Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.
Statuses King of the Hill: +1 Temp Diplo at the start of each turn,
Diplomatic Relations Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Boarfolk Nomads = Neutral/Unknown/Minimal
Caradysh = Ultimate Evil/Annoyed/None
Lowlander Tribes = Servants of Evil/Scared/War
Subordinates Type/Loyalty/Dependence
Maradysh = Personal Union/Very High/Medium
Values & Legacies Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls, Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions, Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn, Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive, Copper Blooded: +1 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions,
Communal Unity One must stand by their community with loyalty and kindness for looking after your neighbours and community of the highest importance. As per the teachings of the goddesses, standing united with the rest of your community is a righteous thing.
Pros: Greatly Reduced Internal Discontent, Greatly Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People, Discourages disunity,
Fair Treatment While not everyone is equal in the end, they deserve a chance to prove themselves and regardless of who they are or the nature of their birth, they deserve to be given fair treatment.
Pros: Decreased social stratification, Decreased Discrimination,
Cons: Decreased social stratification, Many think you weak,
Sacred Defence The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,
Queens of Peace, Kings of War The descendants of the goddess Evalyn have her blood in them and divinity runs through their body. This fact means that they are better suited to ruling than the rest of the People and can lead their subjects to greatness.
Pros: Better stats for the royal family, Bonus to peaceful actions when you have a female ruler, Bonus to militant actions when you have a male ruler,
Cons: Increased social stratification, Increased gender discrimination,
Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: +1 Temp Mysticism whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,
Grand Temple A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Grand Temple is the first temple that the People have built and it is larger than most others. With Bronwyn the Beautiful residing within it as a centrepiece, it is a monument to the oldest teachings of the Goddesses.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, +1 Temp Mysticism at the start of each turn,
Grand Statue A massive stone statue of Arthryn overlooking North River, this is a monument to the glory and greatest of the Goddess Arthryn
Effects: +1 Temp Culture from Venerating the Goddesses,
Straw/Reed Rope
Basic Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Basic Irrigation
Primitive Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation
Infrastructure wins everything. Also, peace with the lowlanders will almost certainly cause the Maradysh to go to war with us, and they have cavalry. Until we can get rid of that debilitating belief somehow, we're gonna have to continue to be hostile to the lowlanders or risk losing our vassal.
The boarfolk may or may not be loyal to us, or their own area's cadlon. Kinda wish we could do something about them actually. Like, talk to their priests about bringing the All-Boar into the pantheon or at least allied with it. We seem to be able to get along pretty well.
[X] [React] Thank Arthryn and her Daughters for the victory. ([MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses)
[X] [Policy] Infrastructure = Focuses on building infrastructure.
[X] [React] Scout your enemies. ([SEC] Explore Lands = Lowlands, [SEC] Explore Lands = Cursed Forest,)
[X] [React] Thank Arthryn and her Daughters for the victory. ([MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses)
[x] [Policy] Diplomacy = Focuses on engaging in diplomacy.
Infrastructure wins everything. Also, peace with the lowlanders will almost certainly cause the Maradysh to go to war with us, and they have cavalry. Until we can get rid of that debilitating belief somehow, we're gonna have to continue to be hostile to the lowlanders or risk losing our vassal.
The boarfolk may or may not be loyal to us, or their own area's cadlon. Kinda wish we could do something about them actually. Like, talk to their priests about bringing the All-Boar into the pantheon or at least allied with it. We seem to be able to get along pretty well.
There's always be folk like me who screams infrastructure everytime we do not take one. However, there's no faction strong enough to advocate for diplomacy.
Don't forget that province action combine with main diplomacy action will be serious synergy.