Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 63 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
@Oshha are plan votes allowed? We didn't have plan votes for the civ quest to represent the organicness of civilisations, but this is the actions of a single person here.

I'm still thinking on it. For this vote, I am going to stick with non-plan votes, but I might introduce plan voting in the next update. I'm still weighting up the pros and cons, but I am leading towards yes.
Vote is still open.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations - Civ Quest - Original | Page 531 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 13267-13293]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: Ruler
[X][Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X][Ruler] The Palace.
No. of Votes: 11
[X][Ruler] Throw a public party.
No. of Votes: 6
[X][Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
No. of Votes: 6
[X][Ruler] Throw a public party. x2
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X][Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
No. of Votes: 3
[X][Ruler] Encourage trade.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Ruler] Build public infrastructure.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Ruler] Organise the conquest of lowlander tribes to the south.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Organise expeditions to the east and south of the lowlanders.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Organise an expedition across the Boar Steppes.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Organise a naval expedition along the coast.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Organise a naval expedition across the sea.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Spend time with representatives from a member state.
-[X][Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Attempt to influence the government or culture of a member state.
-[X][Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
--[X][Ruler] Strong emphasis in Arthrynite ideals, teachings and culture. Have them see themselves as a "little brother" like figure to the larger empire. As for government type - maybe something that more adequately represents the matter of equality among all. Work out the details with them.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation. x2
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X][Ruler] The Academy.
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Religious
[X][Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.
No. of Votes: 5
[X][Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.
No. of Votes: 5
[X][Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X][Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Religious] Engage in a prestigious personal project..
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X][Religious] Wyrn, Arthrynite Goddess of Stories, Trickery and Arts.
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Personal
[X][Personal] Go partying.
No. of Votes: 5
[X][Personal] Go partying. x2
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Personal] Go partying. x3
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Personal] Spar and train.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Personal] Look for a hobby.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Personal] Look for a pet.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 12
Please stop voting for decadent empress and vote for something else. The decadent plan is a bad plan that will result in bad things happening if it succeeds.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Build public infrastructure.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Religious] Study the Arthrynite faith.
[X] [Religious] Study the Urthrynite faith.
[X] [Religious] Study the Forlucan faith.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
I think that promoting Arthwyd culture, specifically the whole "everyone is born equal" would actually be unifying in the abolitionist Union.

But yes, the whole "little brother" thing may be condescending. I like the idea of them being a reflection of Arthwydian Values, just one that even better represents equality - one between the sexes and classes in particular. I support the idea of them having a government type that includes, representation, and classical (Athenian) democracy.

I called them "little brother" in my write-in but that's more because they are younger/newer than the other member states.

They're going to want a way to prove themselves, show they've really learned and differentiate themselves from the others.

This could be the way.
No, no it couldn't. In fact your two stated goals are diametrically opposed to each other. You cannot both have them stand as an independent entity and try to force them to conform to Arthwyd culture. Further the idea that influencing their culture would lead them to be Arthwyd 2.0 (now with more equality) is banking on a 1 in a million shot. Far more likely is that they would take some portion of Arthwyd culture, how much determined by dicerolls or whatever, and synthesize it with the preexisting culture/s. You would end up with a culture that is, in order of likelihood, "as good as", "worse" than, or "better" than the base Arthwyd culture. Finally I think you are completely missing my point on its effects on the wider Union. If the Furloc and the Urthydish see the Empress, as one of her first major projects mind you, attempt to mold the culture of the Colryd exclusively using Arthwyd influences it could be interpreted in a very negative sense. Hell even with the best of intentions it could have very negative consequences, even when we directly controlled the Arthwyd our culture went in directions that we didn't anticipate. Far better (and in my opinion more interesting) to let the Colryd, within the bounds of Union Law, develop a culture by themselves.
No, no it couldn't. In fact your two stated goals are diametrically opposed to each other. You cannot both have them stand as an independent entity and try to force them to conform to Arthwyd culture. Further the idea that influencing their culture would lead them to be Arthwyd 2.0 (now with more equality) is banking on a 1 in a million shot. Far more likely is that they would take some portion of Arthwyd culture, how much determined by dicerolls or whatever, and synthesize it with the preexisting culture/s. You would end up with a culture that is, in order of likelihood, "as good as", "worse" than, or "better" than the base Arthwyd culture. Finally I think you are completely missing my point on its effects on the wider Union. If the Furloc and the Urthydish see the Empress, as one of her first major projects mind you, attempt to mold the culture of the Colryd exclusively using Arthwyd influences it could be interpreted in a very negative sense. Hell even with the best of intentions it could have very negative consequences, even when we directly controlled the Arthwyd our culture went in directions that we didn't anticipate. Far better (and in my opinion more interesting) to let the Colryd, within the bounds of Union Law, develop a culture by themselves.

We're thinking two very different things when it comes to Arthwydian culture it seems. I'm not talking about a culture that's unique to Arthwyd but one that's essential to very idea of being "civilized" versus "barbaric". They all, no matter what member state, they all agree on the matter of Equality and Fairness.

But yeah, I've spoken to @Oshha on the matter of the government structure and right now they're leaning towards a parliamentary monarchy so the point is moot. As such...

[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
It's such a shame that people are trying to kill this quest with worthless joke votes.
A bit of an overreaction don't you think? There were certainly some votes that I vehemently disagreed with that got some steam but this is the first joke vote I can remember that actually went somewhere. That said I really hope it doesn't win as it is clearly an idiotic course of action.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
Vote is closed.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations - Civ Quest - Original | Page 531 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 13267-13309]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: Ruler
[X][Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X][Ruler] The Palace.
No. of Votes: 16
[X][Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
No. of Votes: 10
[X][Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
No. of Votes: 9
[X][Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X][Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
No. of Votes: 7
[X][Ruler] Throw a public party.
No. of Votes: 6
[X][Ruler] Throw a public party. x2
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Ruler] Build public infrastructure.
No. of Votes: 3
[X][Ruler] Encourage trade.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Ruler] Organise the conquest of lowlander tribes to the south.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Organise expeditions to the east and south of the lowlanders.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Organise an expedition across the Boar Steppes.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Organise a naval expedition along the coast.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Organise a naval expedition across the sea.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation. x2
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X][Ruler] The Academy.
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Religious
[X][Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X][Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
No. of Votes: 7
[X][Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.
No. of Votes: 5
[X][Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Religious] Engage in a prestigious personal project..
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X][Religious] Wyrn, Arthrynite Goddess of Stories, Trickery and Arts.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Religious] Study the Arthrynite faith.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Religious] Study the Urthrynite faith.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Religious] Study the Forlucan faith.
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Personal
[X][Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
No. of Votes: 11
[X][Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
No. of Votes: 9
[X][Personal] Go partying.
No. of Votes: 5
[X][Personal] Go partying. x2
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Personal] Go partying. x3
No. of Votes: 4
[X][Personal] Spar and train.
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Personal] Look for a hobby.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Personal] Look for a pet.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 17
Huh, I didn't realise that another civ quest had lasted so long. Good job @Oshha!

I won't vote just yet, but I'll keep an eye on this.
Huh, I didn't realise that another civ quest had lasted so long. Good job @Oshha!

Technically this one isn't a civ quest anymore as things became to unsustainable for me to reasonable continue it and to keep the setting that the players have developed, it has switched from a civ-focus to a character-focus.

That said, I have started another civ quest (Chronicles of History - Civ Quest - Original) that is based on a rebooted version of this setting and there is another going civ quest by someone else here: Tales of the People - Civ Quest - Original
Of Mentors and Wives
[X][Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X][Ruler] The Palace.
[X][Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X][Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X][Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X][Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X][Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X][Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.

"So what is the purpose of the palace?" inquires Eira as the former queen leans back in her chair, arching her back and stretching her arms in a way that show off both her generous chest and very muscular arms.

"A place for me to run the Caermyr Union from," answers Loryn as she ignores her mentor's actions for she has grown accustomed to Eira subconsciously acting in a seductive and alluring manner.

"So what will it need?" asks Eira, "How do you plan to use it? How do you intend to rule from the palace?"

"I haven't thought about those things in detail," admits Loryn, "I just figured that I would do as do now. It works so why change things?"

"While you could do that, it would be a wasted opportunity in my opinion," says Eira, "This palace allows for several possibilities and I think it would be wise to take them."

"I am always happy to hear your advice," Loryn tells Eira honestly.

"Make the palace into something magnificent and grand," says Eira as Loryn pays full attention to her words, "Caermyr has been expanding and has recently reached a large hill. That would be a perfect place for the new palace and you could make the greatest building in Caermyr."

"I don't want to spend too much resources on it," says Loryn with a frown, "I do not want to waste the resources of the Caermyr Union on needless projects."

"It wouldn't be without need," argues Eira, "It will be the centre of civilisation and therefore needs to be suitably grand. Do you want to hear my suggestions?"

"Of course I do," answers Loryn, "I always do. You don't need to ask to say them, just say them."

"I think that the palace needs to act as the place where you rule from and where the Assembly gathers," says Eira, "It needs to be built around a great hall where the Assembly will gather and the rest of the palace will be built around that hall. You will also want to have the palace as your residence so your home will properly reflect your status. While I understand that the Arthwyd do not put any special emphasis on the homes of their leadership, others within the Caermyr Union do. The leaders of the Colryd and Urthdysh have rather prestigious homes and personal belongings and I don't need to get started on what sort of homes the Forluc have for their princes, princesses, ladies, priestesses and Chosen Warriors."

"It seems unfair for me to spend government resources on a luxurious residence for myself," mutters Loryn as she openly displays how unsure she is about that idea.

"From an Arthwyd perspective, maybe, but not from the others within the Union," says Eira, "It would be easy to spin as obliging the Foresters and Lowlander sensibilities of having grand homes for their leaders because it would be. While no one would complain if you continued to an ordinary home, many would be pleased at you living in the palace. It would also be a clear cut example of you putting the beliefs of the other member states before those of the Arthwyd."

"Okay," says Loryn with a sigh, "I'll take up new residence in the palace."

"Look on the bright side, you will get more space," says Eira, "And the palace will serve a purpose beyond being your home. You might as well take advantage of it to appeal to Forester and Lowlander sensibilities. I also think that the palace could serve as being more than your residence and a meeting place for the Assembly. One of the reasons that I suggested the hill that I did is because it is large enough to support expansions to the palace."

"And what expansions do you suggest?" inquires Loryn.

"Things to help you rule from the palace," answers Eira, "Inbuilt temples to each religion, an imperial library, an armoury for your guards. You could also turn the palace into a fortress. A stone wall, a storehouse and a barracks would leave the palace as a strongpoint within Caermyr, capable of resisting siege. Just a storehouse would be useful as it would let you keep an emergency supply of food at hand for emergencies."

"I get most of what you say," replies Loryn with a frown, "But why would we need to worry about a siege? This is Caermyr with stone walls and the centre of civilisation."

"Caermyr was once the wealthiest place in the world, had mighty wooden walls and was defended by the greatest mage alive and some of the best soldiers in the world in addition to being supported by both the Caradysh and the Arthwyd," says Eira, her voice going uncharacteristically cold, "Yet I can personally attest that it not only came under siege, but fell despite all of that. Dismissing the possibility of a siege because it is very unlikely is foolish."

"Right," agrees Loryn with a wince as she remembers that what is ancient history for her is something that her mentor was alive for, "I forgot you were around for that."

"It wasn't a pleasant experience," mutters Eira as she leans forward and reaches for a canteen of wine.

"Of course," says Loryn, realising that the subject is dragging up bad memories for her mentor, "My efforts with the Colryd Confederation have been mixed so far."

"How so?" asks Eira as she raises her canteen to her mouth.

"Orwyn and Iolyn have both been resisting my efforts to help them centralise their government," explains Loryn, letting her frustration seep into her voice, "Iolyn is against both the Colryd Confederation and the Caermyr Union in principle and while she is pragmatic enough to not make a pointless effort to actively resist either one, she is doing what she can do hinder things. The woman doesn't have much influence or many supporters, but she is disruptive enough to keep agreements from being formed.

As for Orwyn, he is sort of for what I want, but I wouldn't say that he is my supporter or aligned with my goals. The man is in charge of a large tribe with a few villages and several thousand people and has rallied up a few other tribes to support him. That isn't troublesome on its own, but he is aiming for being in charge of the Colryd Confederation. To that end he wants to have a more united government, but he wants it to be united under him. Given that he isn't very popular outside of his supporters, all he is going to achieve is slowing down things. Between Orwyn and Iolyn, they are causing enough delays, arguments and disruption that agreements aren't being reached. We are making progress, but slowly.

That said, it isn't all bad. Arthwyd culture is spreading throughout the Confederation. The Colryd are putting more priority on their community and we are getting rid of lingering pro-slavery or anti-women sentiments. Some will remain of course, but they will be incredibly minor."

"Want some help on dealing with Orwyn and Iolyn?" inquires Eira as she finishes emptying her canteen.

"No, Iolyn is rapidly losing what little support she has as she smashes paths and the other leaders of the Colryd grow fed up with her," answers Loryn, "Within a few seasons, she is going to turn herself into a non-entity thanks to how she is currently acting. As for Orwyn, I'm thinking it would best to ignore him for now. Focus on making the Colryd more civilised while slowly building up for increased centralisation and unity amongst the Confederation. There is plenty of support right now, but many are wary of it and there is no overall agreement on who should be in charge."

"It does like you should just wait things out right now," agrees Eira as she leans back again, "Speaking of which, have you heard what Princess Jaeryn is trying to do?"

"Yes," mutters Loryn with some annoyance, "It isn't going to work, but I'm going to need to deal with it otherwise the fallout of her actions is going to be messy. Given I will probably be dealing with the fallout, I want to take care of it before it becomes a mess."

"Well, here is my advice..." says Eira as she straightens up and Loryn eagerly listens to what she has to say.


"We need to spend more days like this," says Seryn as the two of them walk back to the city along the busy road.

"Yes, but we don't have the time," replies Loryn as she glances over at her lover, "Speaking of not having time, I am going to be busy tonight."

"Would you mind if I tag along?" inquires Seryn.

"Unfortunately, yes," Loryn tells her in an apologetic tone, "I wish to improve relationships with Priestess Kalvyn and her husband and so I am going to be spending the evening with them. Your presence would not be conductive to that."

"Oh yeah, I get that," agrees Seryn with only a slight wince, "All this subtlety and double-meanings elude me and by the All-Seeress, I don't get the point behind them."

"Yet you do the see the point on the battlefield," muses Loryn as she leans against her lover.

"That is completely different," protests Seryn as she leans back against her side, "Deceiving your enemies and using trickery to gain the advantage is just common sense. They are the enemy to be beaten. With your friends and allies, you should be open and honest and not treat them like foes."

"Oh I agree, but things aren't that simple in practice," says Loryn, "And the line between enemy and friend is often blurred."

"It really isn't, but that is why I stay out of politics," mutters Seryn, "When do you want to go back to looking beautiful?"

"Are you saying that I am not beautiful right now?" teases Loryn.

"Of course not!" backtracks Seryn hastily, "You just look more like my apprentice than my wife right now and I prefer it when you look like the latter."

Loryn silently concedes that point to her. Both of them are still in their hunting forms. Sleek, agile ones that are made for quick movement and stealth with refined muscles, slender figures and flat chests. Combined with Seryn looking like the middle aged woman that she is while Loryn retains the appearance of a youthful maiden without the distinctive red eyes of a Daughter of Urthryn, anyone looking at them would assume that Loryn is actually the age that her body looks like.

"All-Seeress' Truth, telling age by appearance is a foolish thing," says Loryn, "Daughters of Urthryn always look like they have only recently come of age while those that lack the Arthrynite blessings look older than they are."

"I thought they just aged faster?" interrupts Seryn.

"I suppose they do, but they still look older than a regular person," says Loryn, "Plus you got all of those Forester and Lowlander women who have plains like a bunch of children."

"Wait, do Foresters have plains?" inquires Seryn as the two of them enter Caermyr proper, "I thought they all had mountains."

"Their living do unless they have a non-Forester divine blessing," explains Loryn, "It is the only the Daughters of Urthryn who have guaranteed mountains. Those without are the same as regular lowlanders."

"Huh, I didn't know that," says Seryn, "I never actually met any Foresters like that."

"Seriously?" inquires Loryn, "There are plenty of them in Caermyr."

"Maybe, but I never met them or recognised them as Foresters," replies Seryn, "The only Foresters that I have met are Daughters of Urthryn or walking corpses. From what you have told me, I could have met some others, but if I did, I must have figured that they were lowlanders."

"Most likely," agrees Loryn, "Still, I have some time before I go to see Kalvyn and Horryn. We could spent that time at home together."

"Sounds like fun," says Seryn with a happy hum, "Enough time to climb my mountains?"

"No," answers Loryn with a shake of her head, "We could play some Pynwyr?"

"I am always up for a game of Pynwyr," replies Seryn, "How many games do you think we can get in?"

"We can definitely get a handful in," says Loryn as she thinks about it for a moment, "If you are still awake when I get back from my visit, you can climb my mountains then. You are the one of us who needs to sleep."

"Okay, that sounds like a good plan for the night," says Seryn.

"Good," says Loryn as while she doesn't mind whether or not she plays Pynwyr or has her mountains climbed, she likes to spend time with Seryn.

Especially when she knows that they have limited time with each other before her lover joins the goddesses.

You have three Ruler Actions, one Religious Action and three Free Actions. Use plan voting.

Ruler Actions = Actions which are used to run or manage the Caermyr Union.
[] [Ruler] Spend time with representatives from a member state.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Attempt to influence the government or culture of a member state.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
[] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Build public infrastructure.
[] [Ruler] Encourage trade.
[] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Organise the conquest of lowlander tribes to the south.

[] [Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
-[] Write-in to where.
Personal Actions = Actions in which Loryn does stuff in her free time.
[] [Personal] Go shopping.
-[] [Personal] Write-in.
[] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
[] [Personal] Spend time with someone else.
-[] [Personal] Write-in who you want to spend time with.
[] [Personal] Go partying.
[] [Personal] Look for a hobby.
[] [Personal] Visit somewhere else.
-[] [Personal] Greenbay, the capital of the Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Personal] Final Hope, the capital of the Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Personal] Seer's Village, regional capital of the Merntir.
-[] [Personal] Loving Defiance, capital of the Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Personal] Forestbay, capital of the Grythwyd.
-[] [Personal] Urthrynite Hotsprings.
-[] [Personal] Rockbay, city in the Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Personal] Sunrise Bay, city in the Arthwyd Empire.
[] [Personal] Go hunting.
[] [Personal] Spar and train.
[] [Personal] Look for a pet.
[] [Personal] Look after children.
Religious Actions = Actions in which Loryn does religious activities.
[] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
-[] [Religious] Wyrn, Arthrynite Goddess of Stories, Trickery and Arts.
-[] [Religious] Ymarn, Arthrynite Goddess of Life, Wisdom and War.
-[] [Religious] All-Seeress, Arthrynite Goddess of Truth, Knowledge and Pathfinding.
-[] [Religious] Evalyn, Arthrynite Goddess of Death, Leadership and Battle.
-[] [Religious] Bronwyn, Arthrynite Goddess of Beauty, Love and Repentance.
[] [Religious] Pray to Urthryn, Urthrynite Goddess of Undeath, Magic and Lust.
[] [Religious] Pray to a member of the Forlucan Pantheon.
-[] [Religious] Nalniryn, Forlucan Goddess of Harvest, Order and the Sun.
-[] [Religious] Zaranna, Forlucan Goddess of Light, Chaos and the Moon.
-[] [Religious] Eredan, Forlucan God of War, Family and Love.
-[] [Religious] Evatine, Forlucan Goddess of Victory, Justice and Law.
[] [Religious] Attend Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Arthrynite Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Urthrynite Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Forlucan Religious Ceremonies.
[] [Religious] Study Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Arthrynite Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Urthrynite Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Forlucan Divine Magic.
[] [Religious] Partake in some Arthrynite plays.
[] [Religious] Visit an Arthrynite library.
[] [Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.
[] [Religious] Visit an Urthrynite library.
[] [Religious] Engage in a prestigious personal project.
[] [Religious] Study the Arthrynite faith.
[] [Religious] Study the Urthrynite faith.
[] [Religious] Study the Forlucan faith.
[] [Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.


Okay, this took far longer to write than what I wanted to and even then, I had to cut the third scene that I wanted. I planned to have a scene where Loryn spend some time with Vryn, but the update was already too long and I had spent more time writing then I wanted. I might write it and posted as a side-story if I got the spare time at some point.

So this update is simple. Eira and Loryn discuss some of the political stuff going on with the former giving advice to the latter. The bit with Loryn and Seryn is the two of them coming back from a hunt and discussing their plans for the evening and generally chatting with each other.

I have also tried to show some bits of Arthwyd and other regional culture in the update and I have tried to show some of Loryn's mindset.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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[X] [Ruler] Encourage trade.
[X] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[X] [Ruler] Organise the conquest of lowlander tribes to the south.
[X] [Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
-[X] Along the coast, to the west of Grythwyd
[X] [Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
-[X] Along the coast, to the north of the old Merntir lands
[X] [Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
-[X] To the south of the Lowlanders.
[X] [Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
-[X] To the east of the Lowlanders.
[X] [Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
-[X] Across the Boarfolk steppe.
[X] [Personal] Go partying.
[X] [Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.
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