Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

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Liberty Epic Age IV
[X] [Gov] Some Default Power. The Caermyr Union will have some power over its member states on its own.
[X] [Law] Shared Legal Code. The Caermyr Union member states will use the same legal code, based off of the Arthwyd legal code.
[X] [Religion] Shared Religious Stance. The Caermyr Union member states will have a shared religious stance that all of its religions will adhere to.
[X] [Diplo] Single Foreign Policy. The member states of the Caermyr Union will stand united behind a single foreign policy determined by the Caermyr Union.
[X] [North] Let them join as a confederation. Unite the northern lowlander tribes via diplomatic or military means into a confederation that will join the Caermyr Union as a member state.

The talks came to an end when the Arthwyd Empire pushed for as much integration and unity as possible. The northerners wanted to tie the Caermyr Union together as much as possible and thanks to their talent diplomats, cultural and diplomatic influence and being both a economic and military powerhouse, they got what they wanted.

While it was closer to what the Foresters wanted, both the Forluc Kingdom and the Urthdysh Federation were happy with the outcome. It took the better part of a seasonal cycle, but the representatives from each of the powers were able to hammer out the details of how the Caermyr Union would work.

The religious stance was the first thing to get worked out. While the Boarfolk with the All-Boar would get an exception, all other religions with the Caermyr Union would have to have maintain a stance of tolerance and free choice. While it was based off of the Arthrynite values of equality and understanding, it was not as extensive. It ensured that all religions were against slavery, considered other people as being actual people and advocated for free choice and to not be forced into doing something against your will.

The next part to be decided was the legal code as while it was based off of the Arthwyd legal code, it needed to be adapted for the Caermyr Union and all of its members in the end. In the end, the core of it was kept the same with the references being changed as necessary so it was for all of the Caermyr Union rather than just the Arthwyd Empire and the biggest additions being when it laid out how each the different governments of each member state worked in addition to the Arthwyd's.

Megaproject Upgraded!
Federated Code of Laws (Bronze Age)

A standardised set of laws that all of the Caermyr Union has to follow, these laws are focused on being fair and providing justice to the people of the Caermyr Union.
Effects: Increased Loyalty from Subordinates, Chance for Unrest to not occur,
-Shared: Caermyr Union, Forluc Kingdom, Urthdysh Federation, Colryd Confederation, Arthdysh, Grythwyd, Myrthwyd, Corthwyd.

The final matter was the foreign policy. While the Urthdysh Federation would have liked some independence for each member state to negotiate major deals on their ow, the Arthwyd Empire and the Forluc Kingdom were insistent that there should be a single foreign policy that should be determined by the Caermyr Union and followed by all of its member states.

While member states could still make trade agreements and other minor diplomatic deals as needed, major diplomatic agreements such as going to war, making an alliance or allowing foreign military forces to enter their lands had to be done via the Caermyr Union.

The last matter was the government structure. Not only was the Caermyr Union given some inherent power by its member states, but the it had been given even more power in the form of deciding both foreign policy and the laws of its member states. The end result was a semi-powerful government that the governments of its member states had to answer to.

There was some debate on how to structure this new government, but a conclusion was eventually come to as the Urthdysh queens convinced the Arthwyd Empire and Forluc Kingdom to go along with their idea.

Concerned about resentment from the Urthdysh immortals gaining too much influence and power behind the scenes and the potential problems of succession as the leader of the Caermyr Union would need to get repeatedly replaced over the generations, the Urthdysh advocated for a single leader to represent all the people of the Caermyr Union and to do this.

The government would be set out after the Arthwyd Empire's with an immortal empress to rule the Caermyr Union as a competent and capable leader who wouldn't need to be replaced every couple of generations. The empress would be supported by an Assembly that worked like the Arthwyd one except it was located and would from in Caermyr instead of Greenbay and would allow anyone of sufficient rank and authority from any of the member states to sit in it.

The position of empress was given to Loryn, an Arthrynite priestess who had come from a minor settlement in the Upriver Plains province and had come to a position of prominent during the negotiations. Impressed by her ability to convince others to agree with her and sort out the compromises needed for the Caermyr Union work, the Urthdysh queens felt that Loryn would make a good permanent leader for the Caermyr Union. They felt she has the charm and diplomatic skill to hold the Caermyr Union together long term and keep all members of it happy and willingly part of it.

So in exchange for not resisting the Arthwyd Empire's push for unity and close ties, the Urthdysh Federation was able to convince the Arthwyd Empire and Forluc Kingdom to make Loryn the empress of the Caermyr Union. So she could properly represent all of the people that made up Caermyr Union, they advocated that Loryn should be given the divine blessings that the royal families in the Arthwyd Empire, Forluc Kingdom and the Urthdysh Federation had. This meant giving her the Blood of Evalyn, the Blessing of Nalniryn and the Gift of Urthryn and since she already had the Blessings of Arthryn and Ymarn, Loryn would have all of the divine blessings. It also had the not-so-coincidental benefit of making Loryn immortal and ruling over the Caemyr Union indefinitely.

Despite not wanting the leadership or the immortality, Loryn accepted them anyway out of a sense of duty and took up leadership of the new Caermyr Union, leading it from Caermyr. The City of Rivers and Trade was chosen as the capital of the new Caermyr Union as its location made it an ideal location for representatives of the member states to go to and for the federal government of the Caermyr Union to operate out of.

The Caermyr Union's first major order of business was to deal with the situation of the confederation that some of the northern lowlander tribes were forming. Named after the old kingdom that Sacred Guardian-General Eira once had, the Colryd Confederation had been lobbying to join the forming Caermyr Union. While some advocating for ignoring them and letting the old status quo continue or letting them join, but as part of the Corthwyd, the majority of the representatives decided to let the Colryd Confederation join as an equal. While it was still significantly weaker than any of the other members right now, it had the potential to grow as strong as the Urthdysh Federation or Forluc Kingdom even if it had become clear that it would never be as strong as the Arthwyd Empire.

To help secure the position Colryd Confederation and deal with the question of what would happen with the rest of the lowlander tribes in the north, the Arthwyd Empire moved to get the rest of the northern lowlander tribes to join the new confederation.

The Urthdysh Federation and Forluc Kingdom would have helped their allies, but the former was too far away and the latter was too busy rebuilding the damage it had suffered in the war. Matters were left up to the Arthwyd and they proved to be extremely successful at them.

Many tribes were willingly to listen to the Arthwyd and voluntarily join the Colryd Confederation. While plenty of them weren't eager to join the Colryd Confederation and the Caermyr Union, their leaders realised which way the rocks were falling and combined with the sweet words and bountiful gifts of the Arthwyd, they realised which choice they had to make.

Several tribes still resisted and Seryn Stonearm came down upon them like Evalyn's Wrath itself. The barbarian warriors were unable to resist the Catclaws and Cateyes of the Arthwyd Empire and their tribes were forced into the Colryd Confederation.

It took a few winters for the Colryd Confederation to get its act together, but by the time it had a proper government in place, the Caermyr Union welcomed their fourth member into their ranks.

Pick which civilisation you will play as in future updates.
[] Continue as the Arthwyd Empire.
[] Switch to the Caermyr Union.
[] Switch to the Urthdysh Federation.
[] Switch to the Forluc Kingdom.
[] Switch to the Colryd Confederation.
[] Switch to the Arthdysh Colony.
[] Switch to the Grythwyd Colony.
[] Switch to the Myrthwyd Colony.
[] Switch to the Corthwyd Colony.

Priestesses (5) = Mood: Overjoyed, Ability: Add half of faction power to Mystic, Objective: Get 3 Arthrynite Temples in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Culture/-
Elders (2 (3)) = Mood: Overjoyed, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Build the Great Market Place in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: +2 Temp Wealth/-
Warriors (6) = Mood: Overjoyed, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Build the Grand Theatre in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Culture/-
Farmers (1) = Mood: Overjoyed, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Main Expand Economy in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (2) = Mood: Overjoyed, Ability: Add half of faction power to Wealth, Objective: Build the Great Market Place within 2 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Wealth/-


Okay, the basics. You federated with the Forluc and Urthdysh to form the Caermyr Union. The new federal government is powerful and influential enough to count as its own civ and it now owns Caermyr and the rest of its province as its land.

You can either play as the Arthwyd Empire as a subordinate to the Caermyr Union or you can switch to the federal government of Caermyr Union or one of the other civs within the Caermyr Union.

Since someone requested this info on the discord, the Caermyr Union will be a mixture of the Arthwyd Empire, the Urthdysh Federation and the Forluc Kingdom and in that order of how much it takes from each civ.

The Caermyr Union will have some legacies from each of those civs and all three regional religions. Its values will be Fair Treatment, Sacred Defence (influenced by the Forluc), Community Unity (influenced by the Urthdysh), Queens of Peace, Kings of War (influenced by the Urthdysh & Forluc), Maternal Guardians.

It will be relatively weak to the member states right now, but it will have a lot of soft power and loyal, powerful subordinates.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.

The Arthwyd
Ancient Parliamentary Tanistry
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -1 (1)
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 7
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 3 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 1 Province
Subordinates: 2
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Increased Range of Potential Heirs

Ancient Devolved Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: +1 Secondary Province Action per 2 Provinces
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 7 (12) (+1)
Econ: 31 (24) (+1)
Martial: 13 (9)
Mystic: 9 (3) (+1)
Culture: 3 (2)
Tech: 2 (4) (-1)
Wealth: 22 (2) (-10)

Legitimacy: 4/3
Stability: 3/3
Centralisation: 6
Hierarchy: 6
Prestige: 57

Baby Boom: +1 Temp Econ every Main Turn or Mid Turn,
Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are quadrupled, +2 to Innovation Rolls,
King of the Hill: +1 Temp Diplo at the start of each turn,
Forluc Subsidies: -10 Temp Wealth & -2 Temp Tech at the start of each turn,
Trade Dominance (Bronze Goods): +3 Wealth
Trade Dominance (Copper Goods): +1 Wealth
Trade Dominance (Gold Goods): +3 Wealth
Trade Dominance (Silver Goods): +1 Wealth

Miscellaneous Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Boarfolk Nomads = Very Friendly/Very Friendly/High
Southern Lowlander Tribes = Unfriendly/Terrified/Minimal

Caermyr Union
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Caermyr Union = Extremely Friends/Extremely Friendly/Extremely High
Forluc Kingdom = Extremely Friends/Extremely Friendly/Extremely High
Colryd Confederation = Extremely Friendly/Extremely Friendly/Extremely High
Urthdysh Federation = Extremely Friendly/Extremely Friendly/Extremely High

Arthdysh = Colony/Extremely High/Very Low
Grythwyd = Colony/Extremely High/Very Low
Myrthwyd = Colony/Extremely High/Very Low
Corthwyd = Colony/Extremely High/Very Low

Arthrynite "Followers of Arthryn"
: Arthryn and her Daughters
Beliefs: Equality, Community, Understanding
Abilities: Fairness (Reduced Discrimination), Independent (Independent Infrastructure), Compassion (Boost to improving relationships)

Values & Legacies
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,
Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn,
Ancient Inspirations: Increased cultural spread to neighbours and trade partners.
Ancient Reformers: All Reforms are cheaper.
Ancient Religion (Arthrynite): Strength and prestige of the Arthrynite religion is improved.
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Chosen of Ymarn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Colonial Empire: One Colony doesn't use up a subordinate slot.
Improved Administration: +1 Admin Strain Free Provinces.
Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive,
Bronze Blooded: +2 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions,

Communal Unity
One must stand by their community with loyalty and kindness for looking after your neighbours and community of the highest importance. As per the teachings of the goddesses, standing united with the rest of your community is a righteous thing.
Pros: Greatly Reduced Internal Discontent, Greatly Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People, Discourages disunity,

Fair Treatment
While not everyone is equal in the end, they deserve a chance to prove themselves and regardless of who they are or the nature of their birth, they deserve to be given fair treatment.
Pros: Decreased social stratification, Decreased Discrimination,
Cons: Decreased social stratification, Many think you weak,

Sacred Defence
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,

Queens of Peace, Kings of War
The descendants of the goddess Evalyn have her blood in them and divinity runs through their body. This fact means that they are better suited to ruling than the rest of the People and can lead their subjects to greatness.
Pros: Better stats for the royal family, Bonus to peaceful actions when you have a female ruler, Bonus to militant actions when you have a male ruler,
Cons: Increased social stratification, Increased gender discrimination,

Safe Haven
The lands of the Arthwyd are prosperous and peaceful. Free from war, slavery and other forms of suffering, many seek sanctuary in Arthwyd lands in times of turmoil and the Arthwyd are more than happy to grant it.
Pros: Increased Idea Spread, Increased Refugee Arrivals,
Cons: Reduced Social Cohesion, Many think you weak,

Pioneering Spirit
The world is wonderous and ripe for the taking. The Arthwyd enjoy seeking out new lands and making them their own as they claim new territory in the name of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Pros: Occasional Independent Exploration, Occasional Independent Expansion,
Cons: Occasional Uncontrolled Expansion,

Maternal Guardians
The Arthwyd are the most civilised and powerful nation in the known world. As a result, it is their duty to guide and help less civilised people, like a priestess caring for the children.
Pros: Increased Cultural Spread to Neighbours and Trade Partners, Increased Assimilation,
Cons: Must help foreigners in time of need,

Arthrynite Grand Temple
A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Arthrynite Grand Temple is the first temple that the People have built and it is larger than most others. With Bronwyn the Beautiful residing within it as a centrepiece, it is a monument to the oldest teachings of the Goddesses.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, +1 Temp Mysticism at the start of each turn,

Evatine Walls
A massive set of walls around Greenbay, ancient capital of the Arthwyd and the centre of the Arthrynite religion, the walls are dozen times the height of a man and are seemingly impervious to assault.
Effects: Bonus to defending walled settlements, Bonus to defending Greenbay,

Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage
A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: +1 Temp Mysticism whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,

Federated Code of Laws (Bronze Age)
A standardised set of laws that all of the Caermyr Union has to follow, these laws are focused on being fair and providing justice to the people of the Caermyr Union.
Effects: Increased Loyalty from Subordinates, Chance for Unrest to not occur,
-Shared: Caermyr Union, Forluc Kingdom, Urthdysh Federation, Colryd Confederation, Arthdysh, Grythwyd, Myrthwyd, Corthwyd.

Grand Library
The Grand Library of Greenbay is the greatest collection of information in the world. Containing almost countless records, the Arthwyd proudly collect knowledge and information for future generations to make use of.
Effects: +1 to Innovation Rolls, +1 Temp Tech at the start of each turn,

Grand Sacred Forest
A grand forest planted throughout Greenbay itself, this forest is the supposed to be the opposite of the Cursed Forest and is sacred to Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: +1 Temp Mystic from Venerate the Goddesses, Plant Sacred Forests Unlocked,

Grand Statue
A massive stone statue of Arthryn overlooking North River, this is a monument to the glory and greatest of the Goddess Arthryn
Effects: +1 Temp Culture from Venerating the Goddesses,

Straw/Reed Rope

Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Dire Boars

Fired Bricks
Stone Blocks

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Walnut Oil



Basic Human Anatomy

Metal Smelting
Dedicated Messengers
Legal Code
Memory Stone Record Keeping
Standardised Construction
Standardised Record Keeping
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Metal Jewellery
Religious Performances
Stoneware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Elective Succession
Heredity Succession
Local Leadership Delegation
Province Governors
Royal Bloodline

Primitive Noblesse Oblige
Primitive Theology
Right of Freedom

Sacred Animals
Stone Wall

Personal Protection
Bronze Partial Plate
Bronze Scale Armour
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Dire Boar Cavalry
Divine Champions
Heavy Infantry
Hunting Groups
Professional Sacred Warriors
Tactical Formations
War Dogs

Ambush Tactics
Battle Lines
Combined Arms
Shield Walls
Supply Lines
Tactical Formations

Bows & Arrows
Divine Magic
Lead Balls
Divine Blessing
Divine Magic
Arcane Magic (Theoretical)

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Detect Demons (Limited)
Detect Undead (Limited)
Detect Unliving (Limited)
Future Seeing (Basic)
Guided Attacks (Expert)
Increased Accuracy (Expert)
Scrying (Basic)
Truth Detecting (Basic)

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Aspect Blood Copy (Basic)
Blood Binding (Limited)
Blood Binding: Demons (Limited)
Blood Oath (Limited)
Blood Sacrifice (Advanced)
Spiritual Blood Bond (Limited)
Stone Manipulation (Expert)
Stone-Skin (Expert)
Trait Self-Boosting (Basic)

Blood Arcane Magic
Aspect Copy (Expert)
Aspect Steal (Expert)
Blood Binding (Basic)
Blood Binding: Demons (Limited)
Blood Oath (Basic)
Blood Sacrifice (Advanced)
Spiritual Bond (Expert)

Bronwynite Divine Magic
Empathy (Limited)
Lust Induction (Limited)

Death Arcane Magic
Control Undead (Advanced)
Mass Raise Mindless Undead (Advanced)
Raise Sapient Undead (Basic)

Fertility Arcane Magic
Birth Control (Expert)
Fertility Boost (Expert)
Lust Induction (Basic)

Light Arcane Magic
Hardlight Shield (Basic)
Healing Light (Expert)
Light Beams (Basic)

Probability Arcane Magic
Bad Luck Induction (Limited)
Good Luck Induction (Limited)

Wyrnite Divine Magic
Bad Luck Induction (Limited)
Good Luck Induction (Limited)
Memory Stones (Basic)
Songs of Courage (Limited)
Songs of Defiance (Limited)
Songs of Freedom (Limited)

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Birth Control (Basic)
Disease Cure (Expert)
Fertility Boost (Limited)
Increased Weapon Skill (Basic)
Plant Growth Boost (Limited)
Wound Healing (Expert)
Last edited:
Liberty Epic Age V
[X] Switch to the Caermyr Union.

The Caermyr Union was simultaneous both strong and weak. It has only Caermyr itself to its direct holdings right now and on its own, it would barely rate as a lowland tribe. But it is also the federal government of the Caermyr Union and the member states of the Union are anything but weak while also being the Caermyr Union's to call upon.

Empress Loryn of the Caermyr Union quickly settles into her new position as the first and hopefully only Empress of the Caermyr Union. With the support of Sacred Guardian-General Eira and Seryn, Champion of Arthryn, the young empress quickly establishes herself as the leader of the new union

Beyond organising the fledging federal government in Caermyr, Empress Loryn spends the first generation of her reign sorting out the influx of resources and manpower into Caermyr. By tapping into the rest of the Caermyr Union, the federal government is able to draw upon far more than it should be able to access at the size of their territory. For now, Loryn uses those resources to organise the construction of some Urthrynite and Forlucan temples to go along with the old Arthrynite temples within Caermyr as while Caermyr has been an Arthrynite settlement for many generations, it now belongs to all three religions or at least it does in theory.

Most of the Caermyr Union's news comes from its member states or beyond its borders. The Arthwyd are busy to the north as Cadlon Wonlyn's final major action before her death is the construction of a grand theatre in Greenbay.

Plays and shows had long been a major Arthwyd pastime and a significant part of Arthrynite religious sermons, but it had always been confined to the Arthrynite priesthood and done within their temples or at their shrines. Now the Grand Theatre provided a place that was dedicated to showing performance and while it was still almost entirely the Arthrynite priesthood at this point, the ranks of actors and actresses are being opened up to those that aren't of the priesthood.

The Grand Theatre isn't the only noteworthy news from the north as the Arthwyd look to expand their mining industry. The Arthwyd Empire not only establishes a new silver mine in the Sunrise Mountains, but they also began to explore both sets of mountains for even more mine locations. As expected of such experienced miners and metal workers, the Arthwyd found another copper deposit in the Sunrise Mountains and a second tin mine location in the Sunset Mountains alongside a lead deposit. To top off matters, their Myrthwyd colony in the north found several clusters of gemstones in the hills of the northern coast, allowing for the construction of a gemstone mine.

It would take some time for the mines themselves to be completed, but the Arthwyd mining and metalworking industry were in for some major boosts. Given how many people there were these days desiring the metal of the Arthwyd Empire, it was a good thing too as the metal income of the Arthwyd Empire was beginning to get a bit strained. Now with the new copper mine and the new tin mine, the Arthwyd Empire could ensure that they had enough bronze to supply future generations even as the population of the world grew larger.

It wasn't only the Arthwyd Empire who found some interesting things in the mountains this generation. The Urthdysh Federation had been exploring the edges of the Sunset Mountains where they bordered the Ancient Forest and the Foresters had made an interesting discovery.

The Urthdysh had found several pools of water within the Sunset Mountains, sustain by underground spring. While this wasn't uncommon, what made these pools special was the nature of the water. The water was naturally hot, varying from being a nice warm to an almost boiling hot that could burn someone soon after touching it.

The Urthdysh explorers found bathing in these pools of warm water to be relaxing and enjoyable. Declaring these hot springs to sacred to Urthryn and Arthryn, the Urthrynite priesthood was some discussing building a temple at the hot springs so that devout followers of Urthryn may enjoy them.

Others suggested that they ought to try replicating them else where as it would be possible to create artificially heated pools of water for people to bath and relax in. It would be simple enough to set up locations for water to flow into and then heat it up for people to enjoy the warmth of the water. It would take time and effort to figure out just how to do that, but if anyone could do it, it would be the studious and innovative Urthrynites.

Empress Loryn and the Union government also had to deal with some slight problems to the south. While the Forluc Kingdom was recovering fine, Empress Loryn wasn't happy with some of the reports she was receiving on the southern lowlander tribes as what the Forluc reported wasn't adding up with what the Boarfolk traders claimed or what the southern lowlander immigrants in the Urthdysh Federation had to say about their old homes. The Forluc Kingdom dismissed the lowlander tribes as being too weak and insignificant to be of note compared to their own glory and might or that of the other members of the Caermyr Union.

Now as she got conflicting reports, Empress Loryn felt that the Forluc were being too dismissive of those to their south. The reports she was receiving indicated that there may be some major nations to herself. The Boarfolk claimed to trade with a mighty Catfolk kingdom east of the lowlands, but west of the Sunrise Mountains while the lowlander immigrants not only confirmed those reports, but also talked of a kingdom surrounding a great lake that had a king who was not a king. The Forluc Kingdom insisted that these two nations were nothing compared to those in the Caermyr Union, but Loryn had her doubts about just how weak they were.

Nonetheless, it was a matter for a different day as Empress Loryn had more pressing matters at hope. There were several major projects that those in Caermyr wished to see done and Loryn was unsure of whether the Caermyr Union would be able to get them all done in their lifetimes. Beyond local concerns in Caermyr, Empress Loryn and the other important leaders within the Caermyr Union shared concerns about the Colryd Confederation. The Confederation had been put together and seemed okay for now, but it shared the problems of the old Coltyre Confederation of lacking an overall leadership and no unifying culture. Empress Loryn hoped those problems would be solved with time, but if not, then it would be up to her and the federal government to do something to keep the Colryd Confederation being a weight around the neck of the Caermyr Union.

Priestesses (6 (8)) = Mood: Pleased, Ability: Add half of faction power to Mystic, Objective: Complete Public Education in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Innovation/-
Representatives (5) = Mood: Pleased, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Complete the Palace in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Wealth/-
Warriors (4) = Mood: Proud, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Complete the Federal Games in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Tech/-
Crafters (2) = Mood: Eager, Ability: Add half of faction power to Culture, Objective: Complete the Great Marketplace in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Wealth/-
Traders (2) = Mood: Eager, Ability: Add half of faction power to Wealth, Objective: Complete the Great Marketplace in 3 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Wealth/-

You have three Secondary Actions. Two Secondary Actions make a single Main Action. No plan voting or write-ins.
Please tag actions as [SEC] & [MAIN].

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Boats
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Tech, +1 Temp Diplo, +1 Temp Wealth, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Tech, +1 Temp Diplo, +1 Temp Wealth, +1 Temp Martial, Additional Effects, Chance of Innovation,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Arthrynite Temples = (Target)
S: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Arthrynite Temple (+1 Mystic per a Temple)
M: -12 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Arthrynite Temples (+1 Mystic per a Temple),
-Possible Targets: Lowland Conflux (1/1),
-1 Temple slot unlocked for every 2 Settlements in a province

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Forlucan Temples = (Target)
S: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Forlucan Temple (+1 Mystic per a Temple)
M: -12 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Forlucan Temples (+1 Mystic per a Temple),
-Possible Targets: Lowland Conflux (1/1),
-1 Temple slot unlocked for every 2 Settlements in a province

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Libraries = (Target)
S: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Library (+1 Tech per a Library)
M: -12 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Libraries (+1 Tech per a Library),
-Possible Targets: Lowland Conflux (1/1),
-1 Library slot unlocked for every 2 Settlements in a province

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Roads = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Road,
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Roads,
-Possible Targets: Lowland Conflux (1/1),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Theatres = (Target)
S: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Theatre (+1 Culture per a Theatre)
M: -12 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Theatres (+1 Culture per a Theatre)
-Possible Targets: Lowland Conflux (0/1),
-1 Theatre slot unlocked for every 2 Settlements in a province

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Urthrynite Temples = (Target)
S: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Urthrynite Temple (+1 Mystic per a Temple)
M: -12 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Urthrynite Temples (+1 Mystic per a Temple),
-Possible Targets: Lowland Conflux (1/1),
-1 Temple slot unlocked for every 2 Settlements in a province

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Walls = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Small Wall,
M: -3 Temp Econ, +1 Large Wall,
-Possible Targets: Lowland Conflux (Small: 1/1, Large: 0/1),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Build Watchtowers = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, +1 Watchtower,
M: -4 Temp Econ, +2 Watchtowers,
-Possible Targets: Lowland Conflux (1/1),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Develop Mine = (Target)
S: -3 Temp Econ, +1 Mine, Chance of Additional Effects,
M: -6 Temp Econ, +2 Mines, Chance of Additional Effects,
-Possible Targets: None

[] [SEC/MAIN] Diplomatic Expedition = (Target)
S: -4 Temp Wealth, +1 Temp Diplo, Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
M: -8 Temp Wealth, +3 Temp Diplo, Improved Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Southern Lowlander Tribes, Arthwyd Empire, Forluc Kingdom, Urthdysh Federation, Colryd Confederation, Arthdysh, Grythwyd, Myrthwyd, Corthwyd,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Empower the Empress
S: -1 Temp Diplo, +1 Centralisation, Chance of -1 Stability,
M: -3 Temp Diplo, +2 Centralisation, -1 Stability,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Encourage Innovation
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Tech, -1 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Tech, -2 Temp Mystic, Greatly Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Expand Economy
S: +5 Temp Econ, Chance of Innovation,
M: +5 Temp Econ, +1 Econ (1/1) (Limited to 1 per 3 Settlements (1 per 1 Settlement for flood plain provinces)), Improved Chance of Innovation,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Explore Lands = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, Chance of new discovery,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Martial, Improved Chance of new discovery,
-Possible Targets: Coastline, Coastal Plains, Ancient Forest, Northern Lowlands, Sea, Sunset Mountains, Sunrise Mountains, Western Coast, Northern Coast, Great Mountain, Southern Lowlands, Boar Steppes,

[] [MAIN] Found Colony = (Target)
M: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Colony
-Possible Targets:

[] [SEC/MAIN] Influence Member State = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Diplo, Chance of influencing member state's actions,
M: -3 Temp Diplo, Improved influencing member state's actions,
-Possible Targets: Arthwyd Empire, Forluc Kingdom, Urthdysh Federation, Colryd Confederation, Arthdysh, Grythwyd, Myrthwyd, Corthwyd

[] [SEC/MAIN] Integrate Subordinate = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Culture, +1 Progress,
M: -2 Temp Diplo, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Culture, -1 Centralisation, +2 Progress
-Possible Targets: None

[] [SEC/MAIN] Plant Cash Crops
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Wealth,
M: -1 Econ, -1 Temp Econ, +1 Wealth,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Plant Sacred Forests
S: -4 Temp Econ, +0.5 Sacred Forest,
M: -8 Temp Econ, +1 Sacred Forest,
-Sacred Forests = 0/???

[] [SEC/MAIN] Send Missionaries = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Diplo, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of changed relationship,
M: -2 Temp Diplo, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of changed relationship,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Colryd Confederation, Forluc Kingdom, Urthdysh Federation, Southern Lowlander Tribes

[] [SEC/MAIN] Settle Land = (Target)
S: -6 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +1 Settlement Progress, +1 Econ,
M: -12 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Martial, +2 Settlement Progress, +2 Econ,
-Possible Targets: Lowland Conflux (1/12),

[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Magic
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Metal
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Tech, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Tech, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Study Nature
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Mystic, -1 Temp Tech, Chance of Innovation,
M: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Tech, Improved Chance of Innovation

[] [SEC/MAIN] Support Subordinate = (Target)
S: -2 Temp Econ, Chance of relationship change,
M: -4 Temp Econ, Improved Chance of relationship change,
-Possible Targets: Arthwyd Empire, Forluc Kingdom, Urthdysh Federation, Colryd Confederation, Arthdysh, Grythwyd, Myrthwyd, Corthwyd

[] [SEC] Switch Province Policy = (Select Policy)
S: Change your Province
-Balanced = Does whatever seems reasonable.
-Defensive = Takes defensive martial actions.
-Diplomacy = Focuses on engaging in diplomacy.
-Economy = Takes actions to increase stats. (Currently Active)
-Expansion = Focuses on settling new lands.
-Exploration = Focuses on exploring areas.
-Federation = Focuses on strengthening the federation.
-Infrastructure = Focuses on building infrastructure.
-Megaproject = Focuses on building megaprojects.
-Offensive = Takes offensive martial actions.
-Religion = Focuses on religious actions.
-Study = Takes study actions.
-Trade = Focusing on trade and wealth-increasing actions.

[] [SEC/MAIN] Trade Expedition = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Diplo, +1 Temp Wealth, Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
M: -2 Temp Diplo, +3 Temp Wealth, Chance of +1 Wealth, Improved Chance of increased relationship, more knowledge about the outside world,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Southern Lowlander Tribes, Arthwyd Empire, Forluc Kingdom, Urthdysh Federation, Colryd Confederation, Arthdysh, Grythwyd, Myrthwyd, Corthwyd

[] [SEC/MAIN] Train Sacred Warriors
S: -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Tech, +1 Temp Martial, -1 Temp Mystic, Chance of Innovation,
M: -1 Econ, +1 Martial, -1 Temp Econ, -1 Temp Tech, -1 Temp Mystic, Improved Chance of Innovation,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses
S: -1 Temp Econ, +1 Temp Mystic, +1 Temp Culture, Chance of +1 Stability, Chance of +1 Legitimacy,
M: -3 Temp Econ, +2 Temp Mystic, +2 Temp Culture, Improved Chance of +1 Stability, Improved Chance of +1 Legitimacy,

[] [SEC/MAIN] War Mission = (Target)
S: -1 Temp Econ, requires 1 Temp Martial, Chance of damaging target, Chance of losing Temp Martial,
M: -2 Temp Econ, Requires 3 Temp Martial, Greater chance of damaging target, Greater chance of losing Temp Martial,
-Possible Targets: Boarfolk Nomads, Southern Lowlander Tribes,

[] [SEC/MAIN] Great Marketplace
S: -4 Temp Diplo, -8 Temp Wealth, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Progress
M: -8 Temp Diplo, -16 Temp Wealth, -4 Temp Culture, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/4

[] [SEC/MAIN] The Palace
S: -4 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Tech, -8 Temp Wealth, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Progress
M: -8 Temp Econ, -4 Temp Mystic, -4 Temp Tech, -16 Temp Wealth, -4 Temp Culture, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/6

[] [SEC/MAIN] Federal Games
S: -2 Temp Econ, -2 Temp Diplo, -2 Temp Mystic, -8 Temp Wealth, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Progress
M: -4 Temp Econ, -4 Temp Diplo, -4 Temp Mystic, -16 Temp Wealth, -4 Temp Culture, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/4

[] [SEC/MAIN] Public Education
S: -2 Temp Diplo, -4 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Tech, -4 Temp Culture, +2 Progress
M: -4 Temp Diplo, -8 Temp Mystic, -4 Temp Tech, -8 Temp Culture, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/8

[] [SEC/MAIN] Academy
S: -2 Temp Econ, -4 Temp Mystic, -2 Temp Tech, -2 Temp Culture, +2 Progress
M: -4 Temp Econ, -8 Temp Mystic, -4 Temp Tech, -4 Temp Culture, +4 Progress
-Progress: 0/5


Okay, you have (to my surprise) switched to the federal government of the Caermyr Union from the Arthwyd Empire. Due to how you work, you operate slightly differently to the Arthwyd as you got a couple of actions to influence the rest of the Union and you directly get stronger as the Union grows stronger. You are mostly Arthwydish culturally and socially, but you do have some Urthdysh and Forluc influence (more of the former than the latter).

You are also somewhat diminished as you have access to a single province which has only a single settlement in right now. Your infrastructure is very small right now and about halfway done while you got a few new megaprojects available to you. That said, you didn't inherit a few of your old legacies, a couple of your values with a couple being modified due to Forluc and Urthdysh influence and you no longer have access to the Arthwyd megaprojects.

Right now, you got something of a fresh start and the chance to pick which path that the Caermyr Union goes down.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.

The Caermyr Union
Ancient Federal Parliamentary Monarchy
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -4
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 6
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 3 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 1 Province
Subordinates: 2
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Member States don't count towards the subordinate limit.
Special: Additional Stats from Member States

Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per Dominant,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: +1 Secondary Province Action per 2 Provinces
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 12 (12) (+1)
Econ: 12 (12)
Martial: 8 (8)
Mystic: 16 (16)
Culture: 10 (10)
Tech: 8 (8)
Wealth: 18 (18)

Legitimacy: 3/3
Stability: 3/3
Centralisation: 6
Hierarchy: 7
Prestige: 12

Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are quadrupled, +2 to Innovation Rolls,
King of the Hill: +1 Temp Diplo at the start of each turn,
Trade Dominance (Bronze Goods) (Arthwyd): +3 Wealth
Trade Dominance (Copper Goods) (Arthwyd): +1 Wealth
Trade Dominance (Gold Goods) (Arthwyd): +3 Wealth
Trade Dominance (Silver Goods) (Arthwyd): +1 Wealth

Diplomatic Relations
Miscellaneous Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Boarfolk Nomads = Very Friendly/Very Friendly/High
Southern Lowlander Tribes = Unfriendly/Afraid/Low

Arthwyd Empire = Member State/Extremely High/Very Low
-Arthdysh = Member State Colony/Extremely High/Very Low
-Grythwyd = Member State Colony/Extremely High/Very Low
-Myrthwyd = Member State Colony/Extremely High/Very Low
-Corthwyd = Member State Colony/Extremely High/Very Low
Forluc Kingdom = Member State/Extremely High/Very Low
Colryd Confederation = Member State/High/Very Low
Urthdysh Federation = Member State/Extremely High/Very Low

Arthrynite "Followers of Arthryn"
: Arthryn and her Daughters
Beliefs: Equality, Community, Understanding
Abilities: Fairness (Reduced Discrimination), Independent (Independent Infrastructure), Compassion (Boost to improving relationships)

Forlucan "Worshipper of the Forluc Pantheon"
: Nalniryn, Zaranna, Evatine & Eredan
Beliefs: Prestige, Community,
Abilities: Ambition (Bonus to prestigious endeavours)

Urthrynite "Followers of Urthryn"
: Urthryn
Beliefs: Magic, Knowledge, Love
Abilities: Mystical (Increased Chance of Magical Innovation), Dogma (Increased Cohesion), Love (Increased Happiness),

Values & Legacies
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,
Ancient Inspirations: Increased cultural spread to neighbours and trade partners.
Ancient Reformers: All Reforms are cheaper.
Ancient Federation: Increased respect for the federal government by member states.
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Chosen of Nalniryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Chosen of Urthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Chosen of Ymarn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Improved Administration: +1 Admin Strain Free Provinces.
Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive,
Bronze Blooded: +2 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions,

Communal Unity
One must stand by their community with loyalty and kindness for looking after your neighbours and community of the highest importance. As per the teachings of the goddesses, standing united with the rest of your community is a righteous thing.
Pros: Greatly Reduced Internal Discontent, Greatly Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People, Discourages disunity,

Fair Treatment
While not everyone is equal in the end, they deserve a chance to prove themselves and regardless of who they are or the nature of their birth, they deserve to be given fair treatment.
Pros: Decreased social stratification, Decreased Discrimination,
Cons: Decreased social stratification, Many think you weak,

Sacred Warfare
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other and fight evil. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the divines for they shall not give in to the forces of evil.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates, Bonus to fighting those with differing ideology,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs, Stability loss when defeated by those of a differing ideology,

Women are Queens, Men are Warriors
Men and women are equal, but better at different things and it is wise to take advantage of this. Just as women are naturally suited for ruling and peaceful pursuits, men are naturally better at war and fighting.
Pros: Better stats for the royal family, Bonus to peaceful actions when you have a female ruler, Increased chance of getting a Male Martial Hero,
Cons: Increased social stratification, Increased gender discrimination,

Maternal Guardians
The Arthwyd are the most civilised and powerful nation in the known world. As a result, it is their duty to guide and help less civilised people, like a priestess caring for the children.
Pros: Increased Cultural Spread to Neighbours and Trade Partners, Increased Assimilation,
Cons: Must help foreigners in time of need,

Federated Code of Laws (Bronze Age)
A standardised set of laws that all of the Caermyr Union has to follow, these laws are focused on being fair and providing justice to the people of the Caermyr Union.
Effects: Increased Loyalty from Subordinates, Chance for Unrest to not occur,
-Shared: Arthwyd Empire, Forluc Kingdom, Urthdysh Federation, Colryd Confederation, Arthdysh, Grythwyd, Myrthwyd, Corthwyd.

Straw/Reed Rope

Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Dire Boars

Fired Bricks
Shaped Wood
Stone Blocks

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Walnut Oil



Animal Anatomy
Human Anatomy

Metal Smelting
Dedicated Messengers
Legal Code
Memory Stone Record Keeping
Standardised Construction
Standardised Record Keeping
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Dyed Clothing
Metal Jewellery
Religious Performances
Stoneware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Elective Succession
Heredity Succession
Local Leadership Delegation
Province Governors
Royal Bloodline

Primitive Noblesse Oblige
Primitive Theology
Right of Freedom

Sacred Animals
Stone Wall

Personal Protection
Bronze Partial Plate
Bronze Scale Armour
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Dire Boar Cavalry
Divine Champions
Heavy Infantry
Hunting Groups
Light Infantry
Professional Sacred Warriors
Professional Soldiers
Tactical Formations
War Dogs

Ambush Tactics
Battle Lines
Campaign Seasons
Combined Arms
Shield Walls
Supply Lines
Tactical Formations

Bows & Arrows
Divine Magic
Lead Balls
Divine Blessing
Divine Magic
Arcane Magic (Theoretical)

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Detect Demons (Limited)
Detect Undead (Limited)
Detect Unliving (Limited)
Future Seeing (Basic)
Guided Attacks (Expert)
Increased Accuracy (Expert)
Scrying (Basic)
Truth Detecting (Basic)

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Aspect Blood Copy (Basic)
Blood Binding (Limited)
Blood Binding: Demons (Limited)
Blood Oath (Limited)
Blood Sacrifice (Advanced)
Spiritual Blood Bond (Limited)
Stone Manipulation (Expert)
Stone-Skin (Expert)
Trait Self-Boosting (Basic)

Bronwynite Divine Magic
Empathy (Limited)
Lust Induction (Limited)

Evalynite Divine Magic

Evatinist Divine Magic

Eredanist Divine Magic
Birth Control (Basic)
Fertility Boost (Basic)
Lust Induction (Basic)

Nalnirynite Divine Magic
Birth Control (Advanced)
Fertility Boost (Advanced)
Hardlight Shield (Expert)
Healing Light (Advanced)
Light Beams (Expert)
Lust Induction (Advanced)
Plant Growth Boost (Expert)

Urthrynite Divine Magic
Aspect Copy (Advanced)
Aspect Steal (Advanced)
Bad Luck Induction (Basic)
Birth Control (Elite)
Blood Binding (Advanced)
Blood Binding: Demons (Basic)
Blood Oath (Advanced)
Blood Sacrifice (Advanced)
Control Undead (Elite)
Detect Demons (Basic)
Detect Living (Expert)
Detect Undead (Advanced)
Detect Unliving (Expert)
Disease Cure (Basic)
Empathy (Basic)
Fertility Boost (Elite)
Future Seeing (Basic)
Good Luck Induction (Basic)
Guided Attacks (Basic)
Hardlight Shield (Expert)
Healing Light (Expert)
Increased Accuracy (Basic)
Mass Raise Mindless Undead (Elite)
Memory Stones (Expert)
Light Beams (Expert)
Lust Induction (Mastery)
Raise Sapient Undead (Advanced)
Scrying (Expert)
Spiritual Bond (Advanced)
Stone Manipulation (Basic)
Stone-Skin (Basic)
Trait Self-Boosting (Expert)
Truth Detecting (Basic)
Wood Manipulation (Advanced)
Wound Healing (Basic)

Wyrnite Divine Magic
Bad Luck Induction (Limited)
Good Luck Induction (Limited)
Memory Stones (Basic)
Songs of Courage (Limited)
Songs of Defiance (Limited)
Songs of Freedom (Limited)

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Birth Control (Basic)
Disease Cure (Expert)
Fertility Boost (Limited)
Increased Weapon Skill (Basic)
Plant Growth Boost (Limited)
Wound Healing (Expert)

Zarannist Divine Magic
Bad Luck Induction (Advanced)
Good Luck Induction (Advanced)
Hardlight Shield (Basic)
Healing Light (Basic)
Light Beams (Basic)

Blood Arcane Magic
Aspect Copy (Expert)
Aspect Steal (Expert)
Blood Binding (Basic)
Blood Binding: Demons (Limited)
Blood Oath (Basic)
Blood Sacrifice (Advanced)
Spiritual Bond (Expert)

Death Arcane Magic
Control Undead (Advanced)
Mass Raise Mindless Undead (Advanced)
Raise Sapient Undead (Basic)

Fertility Arcane Magic
Birth Control (Expert)
Fertility Boost (Expert)
Lust Induction (Basic)

Light Arcane Magic
Hardlight Shield (Basic)
Healing Light (Expert)
Light Beams (Basic)

Probability Arcane Magic
Bad Luck Induction (Limited)
Good Luck Induction (Limited)
Last edited:
Enter Empress Loryn of the Caermyr Union
Empress Loryn of the Caermyr watches the sunrise from the roof of her home. While there are many who have already been up in the dark hours of the morning, one thing that Loryn has grown used to since moving to Caermyr is how quiet it is at night and how many people wait until the sun begins to rise before going about their day. In the Arthwyd Empire, always had some people up and working at any point in the day even if most choose to sleep at night. With the Blessing of Arthryn, the darkness was not a problem for the Arthwyd people and didn't hinder them as much as it did others. Greenbay is the most prominent example as the largest city in the world was always active at any point in the day.

Well, Greenbay might be the second largest city in the world now as since the Caermyr Union was formed, Caermyr itself has grown larger and Loryn is pretty certain that is now larger than even Greenbay. The City of Trade and Rivers was already a prosperous and important settlement before, but becoming the capital of the Caermyr Union has done wonders for the city as the member states have been pouring resources into Caermyr to varying degrees. Right now it is mainly the Arthwyd Empire and Urthdysh Federation, but once they have gotten their acts together, the Forluc Kingdom and Colryd Confederation will do the same.

It having been many winters since she became empress, Loryn has been proud to watch Caermyr grow like it has under reign. Her only regret is that she cannot take credit for that growth as while she is the Empress of the Caermyr Union, it is her close friend and mentor Sacred Guardian-General Eira who rules the capital itself. While she manages the Caermyr Union, it is Eira who handles all the day to day business of running Caermyr, something that Loryn is grateful for as she would struggle in Eira's place. Numbers, record keeping and other sorts of management aren't something Loryn is bad at, but she is nothing special either. Loryn is aware enough of her own flaws to know that Caermyr would not fare as well as it has under her direct rule.

Fortunately for Loryn and the rest of the Caermyr Union, her job as empress is more people-focused than number-focused. The various nations that make up the Union have their own governments and operate autonomously for the most part. Just like Caermyr, they are run without any need for Loryn. Instead Loryn finds herself managing the people that make up the Caermyr Union. The empress ensures that the various rulers and leaders across the Caermyr get along with each other and resolve arguments and disagreements with peaceful and fair outcomes.

Loryn decides to sit there for a few moments, enjoying the view until she hears Seryn stirring in the building below her. Upon hearing her lover begin to wake up, Loryn drops down from the roof, landing with a thud as she hits the ground without worry of harm. The empress is too durable for a drop that small to hurt her and one thing Loryn has learnt to appreciate over the seasons is how supernaturally strong and tough she is. The another thing she has learnt to appreciate is her wife Seryn. While she does not hold a monopoly on her wife, Loryn makes sure to take any opportunity she can to spend time with Seryn these days as sooner or latter, she will not have any opportunities, something that Loryn is becoming more acutely aware of as her lover grows older and older while the empress does not.

Not rushing, but not taking it slowly either, Loryn makes her way back inside to have breakfast with Arthryn's Champion even as she begins to mentally layout plans of what she will be doing in the near future.

You have three Ruler Actions, one Religious Action and three Free Actions. Free actions may be spent on any type of action.

Ruler Actions = Actions which are used to run or manage the Caermyr Union.
[] [Ruler] Spend time with representatives from a member state.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Attempt to influence the government or culture of a member state.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
[] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Build public infrastructure.
[] [Ruler] Encourage trade.
[] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Organise the conquest of lowlander tribes to the south.
[] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[] [Ruler] The Palace.
-[] [Ruler] The Academy.
-[] [Ruler] The Federal Games.
[] [Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
-[] Write-in to where.
Personal Actions = Actions in which Loryn does stuff in her free time.
[] [Personal] Go shopping.
-[] [Personal] Write-in.
[] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
[] [Personal] Spend time with someone else.
-[] [Personal] Write-in who you want to spend time with.
[] [Personal] Go partying.
[] [Personal] Look for a hobby.
[] [Personal] Visit somewhere else.
-[] [Personal] Greenbay, the capital of the Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Personal] Final Hope, the capital of the Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Personal] Seer's Village, regional capital of the Merntir.
-[] [Personal] Loving Defiance, capital of the Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Personal] Forestbay, capital of the Grythwyd.
-[] [Personal] Urthrynite Hotsprings.
-[] [Personal] Rockbay, city in the Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Personal] Sunrise Bay, city in the Arthwyd Empire.
[] [Personal] Go hunting.
[] [Personal] Spar and train.
[] [Personal] Look for a pet.
[] [Personal] Look after children.
Religious Actions = Actions in which Loryn does religious activities.
[] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
-[] [Religious] Wyrn, Arthrynite Goddess of Stories, Trickery and Arts.
-[] [Religious] Ymarn, Arthrynite Goddess of Life, Wisdom and War.
-[] [Religious] All-Seeress, Arthrynite Goddess of Truth, Knowledge and Pathfinding.
-[] [Religious] Evalyn, Arthrynite Goddess of Death, Leadership and Battle.
-[] [Religious] Bronwyn, Arthrynite Goddess of Beauty, Love and Repentance.
[] [Religious] Pray to Urthryn, Urthrynite Goddess of Undeath, Magic and Lust.
[] [Religious] Pray to a member of the Forlucan Pantheon.
-[] [Religious] Nalniryn, Forlucan Goddess of Harvest, Order and the Sun.
-[] [Religious] Zaranna, Forlucan Goddess of Light, Chaos and the Moon.
-[] [Religious] Eredan, Forlucan God of War, Family and Love.
-[] [Religious] Evatine, Forlucan Goddess of Victory, Justice and Law.
[] [Religious] Attend Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Arthrynite Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Urthrynite Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Forlucan Religious Ceremonies.
[] [Religious] Study Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Arthrynite Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Urthrynite Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Forlucan Divine Magic.
[] [Religious] Partake in some Arthrynite plays.
[] [Religious] Visit an Arthrynite library.
[] [Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.
[] [Religious] Visit an Urthrynite library.
[] [Religious] Engage in a prestigious personal project.
[] [Religious] Study the Arthrynite faith.
[] [Religious] Study the Urthrynite faith.
[] [Religious] Study the Forlucan faith.
[] [Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.


And we are back in a manner of speaking. We are switching from a civ-focus to a character-focus, but we will continue in this setting. This update is establishing your new viewpoint character (Empress Loryn) and showing her starting a new day. Each update will cover about a year, but things might be longer or shorter depending on how things turn out.

The actions should be self-explanatory, but you get to pick three actions from the Ruler Actions, one action from the Religious Actions and then three actions from any of the tree categories.

I am also officially declaring this setting to be high fantasy now.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Of Mentors and Wives
[X][Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X][Ruler] The Palace.
[X][Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X][Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X][Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X][Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X][Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X][Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.

"So what is the purpose of the palace?" inquires Eira as the former queen leans back in her chair, arching her back and stretching her arms in a way that show off both her generous chest and very muscular arms.

"A place for me to run the Caermyr Union from," answers Loryn as she ignores her mentor's actions for she has grown accustomed to Eira subconsciously acting in a seductive and alluring manner.

"So what will it need?" asks Eira, "How do you plan to use it? How do you intend to rule from the palace?"

"I haven't thought about those things in detail," admits Loryn, "I just figured that I would do as do now. It works so why change things?"

"While you could do that, it would be a wasted opportunity in my opinion," says Eira, "This palace allows for several possibilities and I think it would be wise to take them."

"I am always happy to hear your advice," Loryn tells Eira honestly.

"Make the palace into something magnificent and grand," says Eira as Loryn pays full attention to her words, "Caermyr has been expanding and has recently reached a large hill. That would be a perfect place for the new palace and you could make the greatest building in Caermyr."

"I don't want to spend too much resources on it," says Loryn with a frown, "I do not want to waste the resources of the Caermyr Union on needless projects."

"It wouldn't be without need," argues Eira, "It will be the centre of civilisation and therefore needs to be suitably grand. Do you want to hear my suggestions?"

"Of course I do," answers Loryn, "I always do. You don't need to ask to say them, just say them."

"I think that the palace needs to act as the place where you rule from and where the Assembly gathers," says Eira, "It needs to be built around a great hall where the Assembly will gather and the rest of the palace will be built around that hall. You will also want to have the palace as your residence so your home will properly reflect your status. While I understand that the Arthwyd do not put any special emphasis on the homes of their leadership, others within the Caermyr Union do. The leaders of the Colryd and Urthdysh have rather prestigious homes and personal belongings and I don't need to get started on what sort of homes the Forluc have for their princes, princesses, ladies, priestesses and Chosen Warriors."

"It seems unfair for me to spend government resources on a luxurious residence for myself," mutters Loryn as she openly displays how unsure she is about that idea.

"From an Arthwyd perspective, maybe, but not from the others within the Union," says Eira, "It would be easy to spin as obliging the Foresters and Lowlander sensibilities of having grand homes for their leaders because it would be. While no one would complain if you continued to an ordinary home, many would be pleased at you living in the palace. It would also be a clear cut example of you putting the beliefs of the other member states before those of the Arthwyd."

"Okay," says Loryn with a sigh, "I'll take up new residence in the palace."

"Look on the bright side, you will get more space," says Eira, "And the palace will serve a purpose beyond being your home. You might as well take advantage of it to appeal to Forester and Lowlander sensibilities. I also think that the palace could serve as being more than your residence and a meeting place for the Assembly. One of the reasons that I suggested the hill that I did is because it is large enough to support expansions to the palace."

"And what expansions do you suggest?" inquires Loryn.

"Things to help you rule from the palace," answers Eira, "Inbuilt temples to each religion, an imperial library, an armoury for your guards. You could also turn the palace into a fortress. A stone wall, a storehouse and a barracks would leave the palace as a strongpoint within Caermyr, capable of resisting siege. Just a storehouse would be useful as it would let you keep an emergency supply of food at hand for emergencies."

"I get most of what you say," replies Loryn with a frown, "But why would we need to worry about a siege? This is Caermyr with stone walls and the centre of civilisation."

"Caermyr was once the wealthiest place in the world, had mighty wooden walls and was defended by the greatest mage alive and some of the best soldiers in the world in addition to being supported by both the Caradysh and the Arthwyd," says Eira, her voice going uncharacteristically cold, "Yet I can personally attest that it not only came under siege, but fell despite all of that. Dismissing the possibility of a siege because it is very unlikely is foolish."

"Right," agrees Loryn with a wince as she remembers that what is ancient history for her is something that her mentor was alive for, "I forgot you were around for that."

"It wasn't a pleasant experience," mutters Eira as she leans forward and reaches for a canteen of wine.

"Of course," says Loryn, realising that the subject is dragging up bad memories for her mentor, "My efforts with the Colryd Confederation have been mixed so far."

"How so?" asks Eira as she raises her canteen to her mouth.

"Orwyn and Iolyn have both been resisting my efforts to help them centralise their government," explains Loryn, letting her frustration seep into her voice, "Iolyn is against both the Colryd Confederation and the Caermyr Union in principle and while she is pragmatic enough to not make a pointless effort to actively resist either one, she is doing what she can do hinder things. The woman doesn't have much influence or many supporters, but she is disruptive enough to keep agreements from being formed.

As for Orwyn, he is sort of for what I want, but I wouldn't say that he is my supporter or aligned with my goals. The man is in charge of a large tribe with a few villages and several thousand people and has rallied up a few other tribes to support him. That isn't troublesome on its own, but he is aiming for being in charge of the Colryd Confederation. To that end he wants to have a more united government, but he wants it to be united under him. Given that he isn't very popular outside of his supporters, all he is going to achieve is slowing down things. Between Orwyn and Iolyn, they are causing enough delays, arguments and disruption that agreements aren't being reached. We are making progress, but slowly.

That said, it isn't all bad. Arthwyd culture is spreading throughout the Confederation. The Colryd are putting more priority on their community and we are getting rid of lingering pro-slavery or anti-women sentiments. Some will remain of course, but they will be incredibly minor."

"Want some help on dealing with Orwyn and Iolyn?" inquires Eira as she finishes emptying her canteen.

"No, Iolyn is rapidly losing what little support she has as she smashes paths and the other leaders of the Colryd grow fed up with her," answers Loryn, "Within a few seasons, she is going to turn herself into a non-entity thanks to how she is currently acting. As for Orwyn, I'm thinking it would best to ignore him for now. Focus on making the Colryd more civilised while slowly building up for increased centralisation and unity amongst the Confederation. There is plenty of support right now, but many are wary of it and there is no overall agreement on who should be in charge."

"It does like you should just wait things out right now," agrees Eira as she leans back again, "Speaking of which, have you heard what Princess Jaeryn is trying to do?"

"Yes," mutters Loryn with some annoyance, "It isn't going to work, but I'm going to need to deal with it otherwise the fallout of her actions is going to be messy. Given I will probably be dealing with the fallout, I want to take care of it before it becomes a mess."

"Well, here is my advice..." says Eira as she straightens up and Loryn eagerly listens to what she has to say.


"We need to spend more days like this," says Seryn as the two of them walk back to the city along the busy road.

"Yes, but we don't have the time," replies Loryn as she glances over at her lover, "Speaking of not having time, I am going to be busy tonight."

"Would you mind if I tag along?" inquires Seryn.

"Unfortunately, yes," Loryn tells her in an apologetic tone, "I wish to improve relationships with Priestess Kalvyn and her husband and so I am going to be spending the evening with them. Your presence would not be conductive to that."

"Oh yeah, I get that," agrees Seryn with only a slight wince, "All this subtlety and double-meanings elude me and by the All-Seeress, I don't get the point behind them."

"Yet you do the see the point on the battlefield," muses Loryn as she leans against her lover.

"That is completely different," protests Seryn as she leans back against her side, "Deceiving your enemies and using trickery to gain the advantage is just common sense. They are the enemy to be beaten. With your friends and allies, you should be open and honest and not treat them like foes."

"Oh I agree, but things aren't that simple in practice," says Loryn, "And the line between enemy and friend is often blurred."

"It really isn't, but that is why I stay out of politics," mutters Seryn, "When do you want to go back to looking beautiful?"

"Are you saying that I am not beautiful right now?" teases Loryn.

"Of course not!" backtracks Seryn hastily, "You just look more like my apprentice than my wife right now and I prefer it when you look like the latter."

Loryn silently concedes that point to her. Both of them are still in their hunting forms. Sleek, agile ones that are made for quick movement and stealth with refined muscles, slender figures and flat chests. Combined with Seryn looking like the middle aged woman that she is while Loryn retains the appearance of a youthful maiden without the distinctive red eyes of a Daughter of Urthryn, anyone looking at them would assume that Loryn is actually the age that her body looks like.

"All-Seeress' Truth, telling age by appearance is a foolish thing," says Loryn, "Daughters of Urthryn always look like they have only recently come of age while those that lack the Arthrynite blessings look older than they are."

"I thought they just aged faster?" interrupts Seryn.

"I suppose they do, but they still look older than a regular person," says Loryn, "Plus you got all of those Forester and Lowlander women who have plains like a bunch of children."

"Wait, do Foresters have plains?" inquires Seryn as the two of them enter Caermyr proper, "I thought they all had mountains."

"Their living do unless they have a non-Forester divine blessing," explains Loryn, "It is the only the Daughters of Urthryn who have guaranteed mountains. Those without are the same as regular lowlanders."

"Huh, I didn't know that," says Seryn, "I never actually met any Foresters like that."

"Seriously?" inquires Loryn, "There are plenty of them in Caermyr."

"Maybe, but I never met them or recognised them as Foresters," replies Seryn, "The only Foresters that I have met are Daughters of Urthryn or walking corpses. From what you have told me, I could have met some others, but if I did, I must have figured that they were lowlanders."

"Most likely," agrees Loryn, "Still, I have some time before I go to see Kalvyn and Horryn. We could spent that time at home together."

"Sounds like fun," says Seryn with a happy hum, "Enough time to climb my mountains?"

"No," answers Loryn with a shake of her head, "We could play some Pynwyr?"

"I am always up for a game of Pynwyr," replies Seryn, "How many games do you think we can get in?"

"We can definitely get a handful in," says Loryn as she thinks about it for a moment, "If you are still awake when I get back from my visit, you can climb my mountains then. You are the one of us who needs to sleep."

"Okay, that sounds like a good plan for the night," says Seryn.

"Good," says Loryn as while she doesn't mind whether or not she plays Pynwyr or has her mountains climbed, she likes to spend time with Seryn.

Especially when she knows that they have limited time with each other before her lover joins the goddesses.

You have three Ruler Actions, one Religious Action and three Free Actions. Use plan voting.

Ruler Actions = Actions which are used to run or manage the Caermyr Union.
[] [Ruler] Spend time with representatives from a member state.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Attempt to influence the government or culture of a member state.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
[] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Build public infrastructure.
[] [Ruler] Encourage trade.
[] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Organise the conquest of lowlander tribes to the south.

[] [Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
-[] Write-in to where.
Personal Actions = Actions in which Loryn does stuff in her free time.
[] [Personal] Go shopping.
-[] [Personal] Write-in.
[] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
[] [Personal] Spend time with someone else.
-[] [Personal] Write-in who you want to spend time with.
[] [Personal] Go partying.
[] [Personal] Look for a hobby.
[] [Personal] Visit somewhere else.
-[] [Personal] Greenbay, the capital of the Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Personal] Final Hope, the capital of the Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Personal] Seer's Village, regional capital of the Merntir.
-[] [Personal] Loving Defiance, capital of the Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Personal] Forestbay, capital of the Grythwyd.
-[] [Personal] Urthrynite Hotsprings.
-[] [Personal] Rockbay, city in the Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Personal] Sunrise Bay, city in the Arthwyd Empire.
[] [Personal] Go hunting.
[] [Personal] Spar and train.
[] [Personal] Look for a pet.
[] [Personal] Look after children.
Religious Actions = Actions in which Loryn does religious activities.
[] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
-[] [Religious] Wyrn, Arthrynite Goddess of Stories, Trickery and Arts.
-[] [Religious] Ymarn, Arthrynite Goddess of Life, Wisdom and War.
-[] [Religious] All-Seeress, Arthrynite Goddess of Truth, Knowledge and Pathfinding.
-[] [Religious] Evalyn, Arthrynite Goddess of Death, Leadership and Battle.
-[] [Religious] Bronwyn, Arthrynite Goddess of Beauty, Love and Repentance.
[] [Religious] Pray to Urthryn, Urthrynite Goddess of Undeath, Magic and Lust.
[] [Religious] Pray to a member of the Forlucan Pantheon.
-[] [Religious] Nalniryn, Forlucan Goddess of Harvest, Order and the Sun.
-[] [Religious] Zaranna, Forlucan Goddess of Light, Chaos and the Moon.
-[] [Religious] Eredan, Forlucan God of War, Family and Love.
-[] [Religious] Evatine, Forlucan Goddess of Victory, Justice and Law.
[] [Religious] Attend Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Arthrynite Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Urthrynite Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Forlucan Religious Ceremonies.
[] [Religious] Study Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Arthrynite Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Urthrynite Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Forlucan Divine Magic.
[] [Religious] Partake in some Arthrynite plays.
[] [Religious] Visit an Arthrynite library.
[] [Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.
[] [Religious] Visit an Urthrynite library.
[] [Religious] Engage in a prestigious personal project.
[] [Religious] Study the Arthrynite faith.
[] [Religious] Study the Urthrynite faith.
[] [Religious] Study the Forlucan faith.
[] [Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.


Okay, this took far longer to write than what I wanted to and even then, I had to cut the third scene that I wanted. I planned to have a scene where Loryn spend some time with Vryn, but the update was already too long and I had spent more time writing then I wanted. I might write it and posted as a side-story if I got the spare time at some point.

So this update is simple. Eira and Loryn discuss some of the political stuff going on with the former giving advice to the latter. The bit with Loryn and Seryn is the two of them coming back from a hunt and discussing their plans for the evening and generally chatting with each other.

I have also tried to show some bits of Arthwyd and other regional culture in the update and I have tried to show some of Loryn's mindset.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
Last edited:
Roads across the Union
[X] Plan: Thar be Catgirls
-[X][Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
-[X][Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
-[X][Religious] Study the Urthrynite faith.
-[X][Ruler] Build public infrastructure.
-[X][Ruler] Encourage trade.
-[X][Ruler] Spend time with representatives from a member state.
--[X][Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
-[X][Ruler] Organize an exploration expedition.
--[X] [Ruler] Find the Catfolk Kingdom

"This wasn't a total waste then," says Loryn, but she knows that the expedition is a failure for the most part.

"We know where they are at least," muses Eira as Seryn puts a hand on her lover's shoulder, "This expedition might have run out of supplies before reaching them, but they found where the next expedition needs to go."

"I hoped to have made some contact by now," mutters Loryn as she puts her own hand on top of Seryn's, "I suppose that confirming where they are and that they exist is better than just knowing roughly where they are and that they probably exist."

"You can always just send another one," says Seryn, "Most things usually take more than one expedition."

"I know, I know," replies Loryn, "I had just hoped to get things done in one go."

"You can afford to take delays," says Eira, "The passage of time isn't much of a problem for the likes of you and I."

"Please don't remind me of that," mutters Loryn as she glances at Seryn.

"Sorry my love, but not even for you," says Seryn regretfully as she meets her wife's gaze.

Silence reigns for several moments before Seryn speaks up again.

"How are the meeting with the Colrydish going?" asks Seryn as she changes the subject.

"Poorly to be the All-Seeress," admit Loryn, "None of them are opposing me, but they are all opposing each other and it is like herding a bunch of cats. I try to get them to do what I want, but they keep undermine their rivals rather than succeed. The lot of them would rather see everyone fail than everyone win."

"We are making progress," says Eira.

"Slow progress," says Loryn, "But yes, it is progress. The main problem is that the Colryd Confederation doesn't have any underlying unity. The Forluc Kingdom has always been the Forluc at its core while the Urthdysh Federation have always been Foresters in one form or another and the Arthwyd Empire has always been the Arthwyd at a fundamental level even as they expanded and welcomed outsiders into their communities."

"And the Colryd don't have that," muses Seryn as she figures out what Loryn is saying, "They are lowlanders, but what is a lowlander?"

"What the Arthwyd call those from the Riverlands when they don't come a noteworthy enough culture," says Eira, "Your average Arthwydish and now Forlucan and Forester would just consider any human not from one of the big three nations to be a lowlander or whatever the term in their language is. In reality, the lowlanders are actually made up of many different cultures, each with a different background and origin."

"The problem with the Colryd Confederation is that its lowlander culture is actually a bunch of different cultures put into a single state," continues Loryn, taking over from her mentor, "The end result is you got a bunch of different people united by cultural and religious influential by their overwhelming powerful and influential neighbours. While many of the Confederation's members are there by choice for various reasons, others are only part of it due to being forced into it."

"I know," says Seryn, "I was the one who in charge of forcing them."

"Put simple the Colryd Confederation is a mess internally," says Eira, "It isn't like with the other members where they had times where they got divided on a major issue into two or three sides. You got a good few dozen different cultures competing with each other. Right now, the only thing holding them together is Arthwydish influence in one form or another.

Things will certainly solidify in time if we keep putting pressure for unification on the Confederation, but for the next couple of generations, this level of disunity is to be expected. I am personally expecting it to last until we only have mortal generations that remember the Colryd Confederation as something that has always existing in their memories. If they have only ever known the Confederation, they will be more accepting of it."

"So a waiting game," says Seryn with a frown, "One which I may live to see."

"I am sure that you will," mutters Loryn as she remembers Arthryn's words, "You are the Champion of Arthryn. You will not die that easily."

"Yeah, I am," agrees Seryn with a smile, "So how about more positive news. I noticed that the two of you have been busy in Caermyr."

"Not so much in Caermyr, but in the places connected to it," corrects Eira with a happy purr as a small smile appears on her face, "And yes, it has been more successful."

"The Caermyr Union is more than just Caermyr itself and since the city has been flourishing, we have been directing the Union's resources to other parts of it," says Loryn as she brightens up, "The main problem is a lack of good quality roads across the land. Most of the major trade and transports is done via river and boat, but many settlements must be reached by land routes. Every village, town and city has paths leading to and from it, but the quality of them varies greatly.

The Arthwyd Empire is the best with roughly half of their roads being proper stone. The problem is the rest are still dirt trails. The Urthdysh Federation is in a similar position except their stone roads are shoddy compared to the Arthwyd ones as the Foresters cut corners and settled for lower quality whilst trying to keep up with the Arthwyd Empire. The quality of the Forluc roads are like those of the Urthdysh and for similar reasons except the Forluc Kingdom has maybe one in three paths being stone rather than dirt and there is only in the old kingdom. Their most recent additions have no stone roads. Which brings me to the Colryd Confederation as they have no proper roads at all. In many cases, I've been arranging for them to get dirt trails for all of the settlements."

"Incidentally, there is the only productive thing we gotten out of the Colryd representatives," adds Eira.

"Aye," agrees Loryn before the empress gets back into the swing of things, "Right, I am focused on improving the quality of the stone roads in the Urthdysh Federation and the Forluc Kingdom. There is no point getting more stone roads in their lands if they are all going to be of low quality and need more improving latter. The same applies to the Colryd Confederation as a right now, only the Arthwyd Empire knows how to build stone roads properly.

I am currently getting that professional expertise exported from the Arthwyd Empire to the rest of the Caermyr Union. It is easiest in the Urthdysh Federation as their priestesses can already use stone magic. With the Forluc Kingdom and the Colryd Confederation, we need to get some Arthrynite priestesses out there and helping out since lowlander magic doesn't allow for stone magic. In that regard, it is easier with the Colryd Confederation as they already have a significant number of Arthrynites within their lands so it is a simple matter of establishing the presence of the Arthrynite priesthood for the Arthrynite populace. It will take a generation or two, but it can be done."

"You sound happy," says Seryn.

"I am happy," says Loryn, "I like the idea of raising up civilisation. Stone roads replacing dirt paths, putting stone walls instead of wooden palisades and making sure every settlement has its own temple, library and theatre. I just love the feeling of actually making a difference."

"I like when you get happy and exciting," mutters Seryn as she wraps an arm around Loryn, resting her hand on the empress' bosom, "You should be like that more often."

"I'll try it for you my love," replies Loryn as she forces herself to enjoy the closeness of her lover.

Seryn is a touchy-feely type of girl and Loryn has made her peace with that a long time ago. While she has no problem with it, it just isn't her sort of thing. She loves Seryn dearly, but the two of them are different in many ways and one of those is Seryn is a more much lustful and hands on sort of woman.

It leads to something of a complicated love life as Loryn likes to have her mountains climbed far less often than Seryn wants to climb someone else's mountains or have her own climbed. The end result of that is while the Champion of Arthryn is Loryn's sole lover, Seryn will regularly take others to bed, often taking back her temporary companion to the house that the two of them share.

For her part, Loryn likes to get to know the man or woman who climbs her lover's mountains as Seryn always finds someone interesting to reach her summit. Plus the empress is always curious to watch how others climb Seryn's mountains.

Thinking about it, Loryn decides that she feels like having Seryn in the same bed tonight, but she needs to check that she won't be interrupting any other plans.

"Dear," says Loryn, drawing out the word.

"My Empress," replies Seryn as she gives Loryn a playful butt bump that the empress tolerates without complaint.

"Got any plans for tonight?" inquires Loryn.

"Well, I was going to take the time to get some sleep," answers Seryn, "But if you want to propose something else…"

"I do," confirms Loryn, "But you do need your sleep. You might be the Champion of Arthryn, but you are no Daughter of Urthryn. We both know that you need to sleep."

"I can afford to miss some of it," protests Seryn, "You can't just offer the possibly of climbing your mountains and take it away. That's cruel Loryn."

"How about a compromise?" suggests Loryn, "We got a bit of time before night comes. We do it now and you get a proper night's sleep."

"Sounds perfect," purrs Seryn, letting her happiness seep into her voice, "You need a moment to get into the mood?"

"Like usual," confirms Loryn as she taps into the divine magic of Urthryn.

Calling upon lust induction, she casts it upon herself to get herself into a proper mountain-climbing mood. It is something that she usually does as while Seryn is always almost in the mood, Loryn is rarely in it when the two of them arrange a session. As a result, she relies upon that spell to put herself in the mood for some mountain climbing.

She lets the magic flow into her body and embraces the sensations that it installs in her.

"Ready now," declares Loryn the looks up at her lover and finds herself appreciating just how beautiful her wife is.

You have three Ruler Actions, one Religious Action and three Free Actions. Plan voting is required.

Ruler Actions = Actions which are used to run or manage the Caermyr Union.
[] [Ruler] Spend time with representatives from a member state.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Attempt to influence the government or culture of a member state.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
--[] [Ruler] Write-in what you want to influence them towards.
[] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[] [Ruler] Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Ruler] Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Ruler] Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Build public infrastructure.
[] [Ruler] Encourage trade.
[] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[] [Ruler] Organise the conquest of lowlander tribes to the south.
[] [Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
-[] [Ruler] Write-in to where.
Personal Actions = Actions in which Loryn does stuff in her free time.
[] [Personal] Go shopping.
-[] [Personal] Write-in.
[] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
[] [Personal] Spend time with someone else.
-[] [Personal] Write-in who you want to spend time with.
[] [Personal] Go partying.
[] [Personal] Look for a hobby.
[] [Personal] Visit somewhere else.
-[] [Personal] Greenbay, the capital of the Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Personal] Final Hope, the capital of the Forluc Kingdom.
-[] [Personal] Seer's Village, regional capital of the Merntir.
-[] [Personal] Loving Defiance, capital of the Urthdysh Federation.
-[] [Personal] Forestbay, capital of the Grythwyd.
-[] [Personal] Urthrynite Hotsprings.
-[] [Personal] Rockbay, city in the Arthwyd Empire.
-[] [Personal] Sunrise Bay, city in the Arthwyd Empire.
[] [Personal] Go hunting.
[] [Personal] Spar and train.
[] [Personal] Look for a pet.
[] [Personal] Look after children.
[] [Personal] Ask Arthryn for a boon.
-[] [Personal] Animal Features
-[] [Personal] Older Appearance
-[] [Personal] Appearance Change
-[] [Personal] Personality Change
-[] [Personal] Write-in.
Religious Actions = Actions in which Loryn does religious activities.
[] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
-[] [Religious] Wyrn, Arthrynite Goddess of Stories, Trickery and Arts.
-[] [Religious] Ymarn, Arthrynite Goddess of Life, Wisdom and War.
-[] [Religious] All-Seeress, Arthrynite Goddess of Truth, Knowledge and Pathfinding.
-[] [Religious] Evalyn, Arthrynite Goddess of Death, Leadership and Battle.
-[] [Religious] Bronwyn, Arthrynite Goddess of Beauty, Love and Repentance.
[] [Religious] Pray to Urthryn, Urthrynite Goddess of Undeath, Magic and Lust.
[] [Religious] Pray to a member of the Forlucan Pantheon.
-[] [Religious] Nalniryn, Forlucan Goddess of Harvest, Order and the Sun.
-[] [Religious] Zaranna, Forlucan Goddess of Light, Chaos and the Moon.
-[] [Religious] Eredan, Forlucan God of War, Family and Love.
-[] [Religious] Evatine, Forlucan Goddess of Victory, Justice and Law.
[] [Religious] Attend Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Arthrynite Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Urthrynite Religious Ceremonies.
-[] [Religious] Forlucan Religious Ceremonies.
[] [Religious] Study Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Arthrynite Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Urthrynite Divine Magic.
-[] [Religious] Forlucan Divine Magic.
[] [Religious] Partake in some Arthrynite plays.
[] [Religious] Visit an Arthrynite library.
[] [Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.
[] [Religious] Visit an Urthrynite library.
[] [Religious] Engage in a prestigious personal project.
[] [Religious] Study the Arthrynite faith.
[] [Religious] Study the Urthrynite faith.
[] [Religious] Study the Forlucan faith.
[] [Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.


I intended to have the update be longer and cover more stuff, I've been having some on and off writer's block recently on top of dealing with more stress than usual. As for what happened, infrastructure and trade went well while the expedition and meetings did not. Loryn is currently working on standardising the quality of stone roads across the Caermyr Union. You also got to see how more of Loryn and Seryn's relationship works.

I am planning to include a rumour mill, but I'll do that tomorrow.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Turn 85 Rumour Mill
Caermyr Union
Standardising the Roads of the Union: Empress Loryn has taken an interest in status of the roads across the Caermyr Union. The state of the pathways across the civilised world vary greatly with the Arthwyd Empire having the best while some places in the Colryd Confederation don't have any at all. The Empress seeks to change this beginning with standardising the various stone roads across the Caermyr Union.

Expedition to beyond the Lowlands: Traders from the south have spoken of a kingdom of the Catfolk outside the lowlands. Even though there are many Catfolk, the odd immigrant, but mostly former slaves and their descendants, within the Caermyr Union, the civilised world does not know where their ancestral homeland is. Empress Loryn sought to correct this by sending out an expedition. While it ultimately failed to make contact with the Catfolk Kingdom, the expedition was successful in determining the location of the Catfolk motherlands even though it had to turn back before it could reach that location.

Arthwyd Empire
First Griffins in Greenbay: It has been some generations since the colonists of Forestbay first tamed the fearsome griffins and until now, those beasts have remained in the Western Coast. Now that changes as a breeding pair has been shipped to Greenbay via longboat. The personal property of Cadlon Derfyl, this pair shall be the first of several as the Arthwyd seek to spread the griffins across their empire.

Urthdysh Federation
First Hot Spring Bath is completed: The first bath has been set up at one of the hot springs that the Urthdysh Federation have found in the Sunset Mountains. Just one of many that are planned, it is a new holy site of the Urthrynite temple where people may relax and de-stress under the guidance of Urthryn and her Daughters.

Forluc Kingdom
Rebuilding Continues: The Forluc Kingdom remains in ruins from the fighting in the war for freedom and liberty. While progress continues to be made, it will still be generations until the Forluc fully recover especially with how many died or fled. It will take time for settlements to be repopulated and for the Forluc Kingdom to not be reliant on the goodwill of the Arthwyd Empire, but that time will come.

Colryd Confederation
Death of Iolyn of the Maolayn Tribe: The former matriarch of the Moalyn tribe has been killed. Ruling over a village with over two thousand living in it, Iolyn had made her opposition to the Caermyr Union clear. Chipping away at her own allies and supporters with her actions, Iolyn finally met her end at the ends of her own son. Her eldest son Karan decided that her mother was not acting in the best interests of the Maolyn tribe and sought to remove her from power. Iolyn did not take kindly to this and entrenched herself with what few supporters she still had. Karan rallied up his own supporters within the Maolyn tribe and ultimately forced Iolyn both out of power and out of the mortal realm.

Foreign Affairs
New Nomad Tribe joins the Arthwyd Empire: The nomadic Boarfolk tribe Blackburn-Firehoof has decided to settle down within the Arthwyd Empire. Over a hundred strong and with over twice as many dire boars, their chief has grown tired of wandering the Boar Steppes and has decided to try the fortunes of his people beneath the Cadlon of the Arthwyd Empire. Willingly submitting to the laws of the Caermyr Union, the tribe has settled down in the Myrthwyd colony.


Okay, the first rumour mill.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Chronicles of Nations II: Bronze and Gold
Civilisation has lasted for over two thousand years from the ancient days where tribes wandered without a place to call home to the modern era of trade, diplomacy and metal. It was two thousand years ago that Arthryn taught farming to her chosen people and the ancient city of Greenbay was founded at the head of the Green River. It has been over a thousand years since the lowlands were left broken by war, disease, starvation and the undead. It has been over a thousand years since the first Cadlon of the Arthwydish threw back the invading demons and undead, ascending to goddesshood as one of Arthryn's Divine Daughters.

It has been over a thousand years since the Arthwydish was discovered the secrets of metalworking. It has been several centuries since the Arthwydish discovered the recipe for bronze and began to supply the lowlands with bronze tools and weapons. It has been centuries since the Forluc Kingdom and the Arthwyd Empire first clashed, the lowlands once again breaking as the people of the forest were left divided by Urthryn's ascension and the lowlanders were broken by the Forluc and then the Forlucans were then broken by the Arthwydish.

It has been less than two hundred years since the Forluc Kingdom fought their second civil war and slavery in lowlands was broken. It has been less than two hundred years since the Arthwyd Empire, Forluc Kingdom and Urthdysh Federation formed the Caermyr Union in the wake of the Second Forluc Civil War.

As 2000 PA begins, the Caermyr Union is strong and is rightfully acknowledged as the greatest power in the world. For the last century and a half, the Caermyr Union has turned its gaze inwards, putting aside the expansionist tendencies of its members in favour of internal consolidation.

The federal government in Caermyr is still weak compared to individual member states and reliant on soft power over hard power, but it is no longer a mere city state. Caermyr directly rules over the surrounding lands, a state equal to most of the Caermyr Union's neighbours.

Even as the Caermyr Union and its member states focus on internal expansion and infrastructure, they have sent exploration expeditions to discover the world around them. The Arthwyd Empire is always looking for more mines to supply its vast metalworking industry while the Urthdysh Federation seeks new magical discovers and all desire new trade partners.

Along the western coast and beyond the Sunset Mountain lie the Syruth Clans and the Cornoc Clans. Once a united people, the clans of the west have divided themselves over matters of who should be in charge. The Syruth Clans in the north favour a leadership caste of magic-wielding shamans while the Cornoc Clans to their south prefer to have their warriors make up their leadership caste.

Valuing one's clan and their ancestral lands, the western clans have managed to independently discover how to turn ores into metal. While they had yet to learn the secrets of bronze, they remain a potential competitor to the Arthwyd Empire and its metalworking industry. Bronze, sheer size and superior skill allow the Arthwyd Empire to remain dominant in the metal trade, but they can no longer afford to get complacent.

From the Syruth Clans and Cornoc Clans, the Caermyr Union discovered the Thurezea Kingdom, the second strongest power in the world after the Caermyr Union. Even further south, beyond both the western clans, the lowlands and the Sunset Mountains, the Thurezea Kingdom is also known as the Catfolk Kingdom due to being ruled by that species and being founded out of their homeland.

While nominal ruled by a heredity monarch, the Thurezea Kingdom is strongly influenced by its priesthood in matters of state whilst a militant nobility holds sway of matters of war. Valuing glory and beauty, the Thurezeans are both rich and strong with their armies plundering their neighbours for wealth to turn into beautiful arts or to purchase them from afar. Like the western clans and the Arthwyd Empire, the Thurezea Kingdom has discovered the secrets of metalworking, but like the western clans, it has yet to discover bronze or match the level of skill or production that the Arthwyd Empire has.

Within the Garthryd Peninsula, the remaining independent lowlander tribes of the south have consolidated due to the threat that the Caermyr Union poses to them. While far from truly united and a match for any member state of the Caermyr Union let alone the world, these consolidated states can put up some resistance and are powers worthy of recognition by the Caermyr Union.

In the east, the Bruraysh and Lochanysh Kingdoms rule, controlling the passage between the lowlands and the Thurezea Kingdom between the two of them. Those living within the Bruraysh Kingdom are a spiritual people with a shaman-king who is chosen from the priesthood whilst their society is dominated by bands of mighty sacred warriors who regularly clash with wandering Boarfolk nomad tribes. The Lochanysh Kingdom is a more traditional heredity monarchy. Within this state, it is the traders and guild which hold sway while magic is detested by the people of the Lochanysh Kingdom.

The Hamefordysh Republic and the Sinsearysh Tribes are located to the south of the Forluc Kingdom with the former also sharing a border with the Urthdysh Kingdom. The Hamefordysh Republic is ruled by its priesthood through they compete with the merchants for influence as those with spiritual power clash with those that have material power.

The Sinsearysh Tribes are the least united of the southern lowlander states. Consisting of several peaceful tribes that are loosely aligned with each other over trade and shared cultural beliefs. Valuing beauty, but distaining outsiders, they are happy to accept the trade goods of the Caermyr Union but reject the traders themselves.

The last of the southern lowlander states is the Diondairysh Hierarchy and it is the only one that lacks a border with the Caermyr Union. Ruled by a high priest and a strict priesthood, the Diondairysh Hierarchy is often described a poor woman's Thurezea Kingdom. The priesthood completes with a militant nobility for influence and sway while beauty and glory is prized in equal measure.

Now as the two thousandth year since Greenbay was founded begins, the Caermyr Union begins to look outward once more as its century and a half of internal consolidation comes to an end. The Arthwyd Empire has lands west of the Grythwyd and east of the Myrthwyd to expand into while the Forluc Kingdom and Colryd Confederation eye up the lowlander states to their south.

An era of relative peace is coming to an end as the greatest power in the world begins to wake.

Which civilisation do you play as?
Go to the new thread to vote: Chronicles of Nations II: Bronze and Gold Original


Okay, I am doing a sequel to Chronicles of Nation. You will need to head over to the new thread to vote. It will use the same rules and mechanics as the old quest except I will be using my most modern version. I will not be reusing the original map and I am instead using the map I made for Chronicles of History.

This quest picks up from about a hundred and fifty years after the old ended as the Caermyr Union finishes a period of internal consolidation and exploring the world around them. They have discovered new civs aboard and the southern lowlanders have consolidate into more united nations due to superpower next door.

Right now, you are choosing who your player civ will be. Once that is decided, I'll write up the civ sheet and the main turns will begin.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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Chronicles of Nations Redux
It has been a thousand years since Arthryn walk amongst the her chosen people, the Arthwyd. Born in Greenbay Cove, it was Arthryn who taught the Arthwyd how to farm and founded the village of Greenbay at her birthplace. It was Arthryn who taught the Arthwyd the sacred ways of valuing your community and giving everyone a fair chance, ensuring that her people would care for each other and understand that no person is inherently superior to another.

But one day Arthryn would leave the Arthwyd behind, leaving for the Afterlife to safeguard it and souls of the fallen Arthwyd who went to reside there upon death. It was here that she truly became the Goddess of the Arthwyd as when she took up her place in the Afterlife, Arthryn gave her blessing to her chosen people.

Under Arthryn's watchful eye and following her teachings, the Arthwyd prospered and expanded as they settled more settlements along the coastline. While Greenbay would always remain the centre of civilisation, the villages of Rockbay and Sunrise Bay also rose to prominence alongside Greenbay as the second and third villages that the chosen people Arthryn founded.

For a time, there was peace and harmony before evil from beyond the sea struck. Lead by a savage warlord, the then-barbaric Merntir attacked the Arthwyd. Many were slain and many more taken back as slaves by the Merntir raiders. Refusing to let this stand, the Arthwyd rallied around Ymarn, a priestess of foreign heritage who was personally blessed by Arthwyd.

Having lost one of her own children to the Merntir, Ymarn ensured that the Arthwyd would bring the Merntir to justice. Under her leadership, the Arthwyd would becoming increasingly less vulnerable to the raids from across the sea and thanks to the wisdom of Ymarn, the Arthwyd discovered the passage through the Sunrise Mountains.

Using this passage, the Arthwyd seized the mountain outpost that the Merntir were using a midway point for their raids and in time, they would have marched on the Merntir themselves. But Wuran, the granddaughter of Ymarn, took the opportunity of her false father's death, the barbarian warlord who started the conflict, to make an offer of peace.

The new leader of the now war weary Merntir, Wuran asked the Arthwyd for peace on the behalf of the Merntir. The wise Ymarn remembered that she was fighting for justice not vengeance and accepted peace so long as the Merntir made proper amends for their sins by returning the Arthwydish that they had taken.

With peace and the return of those wrongfully taken, connections formed between the Arthwyd and Merntir due families split between them. As worship of Arthryn and her ways spread amongst the Merntir, this ignited another war between the Merntir who had chosen to follow Arthryn and become Arthwyd and the Merntir who struck to their old ways and followed the All-Seer.

But the weakened Merntir could not stand before the Arthwyd and the followers of their old barbarian ways were crushed by the Cateyes of the Arthwyd, the greatest hunters of the Arthwyd turned warrior. Yet in an act of mercy, Arthryn adopted the All-Seer as her daughter even as the Merntir struck down the last of the All-Seer's followers

Under the guidance of Arthryn and her Daughters, the Arthwyd once again prospered in both the south and the north. There was both peace and advancement as under the genius Seryn, the Arthwyd would vastly improve their farming abilities and over time, the natural passage in the Sunrise Mountains would be turned into a proper route between the Arthwyd in the south and the Arthwyd in the north.

Yet peace would not last forever as war once again came for Arthwyd in a dark time where everyone suffered. Disease would spread across the distant lowlanders to the far south while the dead rose in the Cursed Forest. Roaming tribes of Boarfolk on their dire boars would ride south through the Sunrise Mountains into the lowlands whilst other tribes of the savage nomads rode west to attack the Arthwyd.

Even as the lowlands collapsed into anarchy and undeath, the Arthwyd would themselves in similar peril as the Boarfolk proved nigh unstoppable. Even the dual martial champions in Evalyn from the south and Cadyn of the north failed to do more than slow the advanced of the Boarfolk.

One by one, the Arthwyd villages of the north fell to before the unmatched might of Vervov, the charismatic warlord that was able to replace every tribe he lost with more from the east. The scourge of Vervov came to a head at Seer's Village, the former capital of the Merntir and last unconquered Arthwyd village in the north. It was here that Evalyn struck down Vervov and almost died in the process.

Yet while Vervov was ended, he was nonetheless successful as Cadyl barely got Evalyn out of the north as the last of it fell into the hands of the Boarfolk invaders. Returning back to the south in defeat, Evalyn denounced the priests that ruled over the Arthwyd as incapable of dealing with the threats that the chosen people of Arthryn faced. Acknowledging that she was right, the priesthood stepped aside and Evalyn became the Cadlon of the Arthwyd.

Evalyn quickly set to work preparing to retake the north from the Boarfolk, but fate had other plans as from the south, more threats to the Arthwyd threatened to overrun the southern half of the Arthwyd. Barbarian warriors from the south marched towards Greenbay along the Green River whilst the terrible Urth and his horde of the walking dead spilled out of the Cursed Forest as they followed the Rock River to Rockbay.

While Cadyn attempted to stop Urth from marching on Rockbay, Evalyn Boarslayer took her Cateyes and slaughtered the barbarians along the Green River to a man, leaving no survivors until she found their villages further south, on either side of the Green River. Barely scraping after several calamities and with no fighters left Evalyn had killed them all, these barbarian Midlanders unhappily submitted to Evalyn's rule, becoming a subject of the Arthwyd.

Yet even as Evalyn won against the barbaric Midlanders, disaster struck the Arthwyd once again as Cadyn was slain by Urth and the undead warlord continue his advance. With what little hunters and Cateyes that the Arthwyd had left, Evalyn Boarslayer fought a desperate defence against the walking dead as Urth got closer and closer to Rockbay.

But that was not all as following Vervov's death, the Boarfolk's control over their conquests in the north slipped and the talented Cateye Cerwyn led an uprising against the Boarfolk. Receiving plenty of food and some warriors from the Arthwyd in the south, Cerwyn fought a successful rebellion against the disunited Boarfolk tribes in the north, ultimately winning when the surviving Boarfolk decided to move back east after Cerwyn slew Vervov's son Vasov.

While Cerwyn won victory for the Arthwyd in the north, Evalyn Boarslayer won victory for the chosen people of Arthryn in the south. In a series of gruelling and bloody battles where hundreds on both sides fell as the unholy undead and their evil magic fought the blessed Arthwyd and their holy magic. It came to a head half a day's walk away from Rockbay as the Cadlon of the Arthwyd defeated Urth in battle. Whilst the warlord's corpse was never found, his army collapsed after his defeat and in many cases, the undead quite literally collapsed.

With the Boarfolk, barbarians and the walking dead driven back with both the south and the north secured, the Arthwyd had a period of peace. Villages were resettled, more Cateyes and hunters got trained up whilst the Arthwyd experimented with the new metal that they have learnt to acquire from stone and rock.

Under the reign of Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer, life began to return to normal for the Arthwyd. Yet no one lives forever and eventually it was time for Evalyn Boarslayer to join Arthryn and her Daughters in the Afterlife. With the death of their first Cadlon, the leadership of the Arthwyd had to decided who to replace her with two candidates for the position. Evalyn's daughter Gwynlyn who had ruled over the Arthwyd in her mother's place whilst the Boarslayer fought on the battlefield or the Cateye Cerwyn who had successful freed the north from the Boarfolk conquerors.


I have started a new civ quest which can be found here: Chronicles of Nations Redux - Civ Quest Original! This is one is using an updated version of my civ quest rules and the knowledge and experienced that I've gained in my previous civ quests. I will try my best to avoid the mistakes I made in my previous civ quests, something which I feel I can do with the experience and hindsight that I have this time around rather than going in blind like in the original CoN.

I have decided to do a reboot of the CoN setting for two reasons. The first is that I want to skip the stone age as I find that boring and go straight to discover of metal. The second is that I don't want to toss out all of the worldbuilding that I did in the original CoN so in this quest, you will play as an alternate timeline version of the Arthwyd.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.