Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 63 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Problems starting popping up about the start of April and too much magic was when the powers levels were getting too high and too inconsistent for the setting. I went in without any hard limits or pre-defined restrictions on the supernatural parts of the quest and it caused problems latter.

As for the main problem, it was power level of magic escalating too high and being too inconsistent. It was too out of balance with everything else and combined with map issues, I decided it was easier and less draining to reboot the civ quest while continuing this one as a character-focused quest rather try to fix the issues needed to keep this quest as a civ quest.
So basically the fact that our Empress is an immortal superheroine broke the setting?
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[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Federal Games.
[X] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Organise expeditions to the east and south of the lowlanders.
[X] [Ruler] Organise an expedition across the Boar Steppes.
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.

So I want to help stabilise the Colryd so they don't collapse and cause us a headache, civilising them can wait for now.
I want to start searching for new trade partners as well since the Forluc are too dismissive to acknowledge any and I want the games up and running for the prestige and unifying potential.
Other than that praying to head goddess to see if she is up for a chat and spending time with our mentor and our lover.

Edit: Gonna redo vote when at pc
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[] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[] [Ruler] The Palace.
Something we need done ASAP, it is important to remember that in this time period and with this government specifically a palace isn't just a nice house for the leader. It is the central government building, headquarters of the bureaucracy, where we will host both internal and external diplomats, and a symbol for our people. The sooner we get this the better.

[] [Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.
If nothing else this should help us get a better idea of what is going on while also shifting them towards us. I don't think we are quite stable enough at home to justify more significant foreign excursions.

[] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
The fact that we don't have the option of visiting the Colryd capital says a lot, and not in a good way. We should help fix that.

[] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
Same as above, the Forluc are being helped by the Arthwyd (can't remember if also the Urthdysh as well) so we should turn federal resources towards the Colryd.

[] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
Personal time is important and this might shore up our weaknesses a little bit.

Also @Oshha I can't find the organise expedition actions (other than the missionary one) that some people are voting for. Am I just blind or are write-ins now allowed?

EDIT: I don't want the joke vote to win so I will consolidate with the serious vote that people seem to prefer.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
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[X] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[X] [Ruler] Throw a public partyx2
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Personal] Go partying.
[X] [Personal] Go partyingx2
[X] [Personal] Go partyingx3
[X] [Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.

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[X] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[X] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Personal] Go partying.
[X] [Personal] Go partying.
[X] [Personal] Go partying.
[X] [Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.

I know where this vote leads :rolleyes:.
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So basically the fact that our Empress is an immortal superheroine broke the setting?


The Immortal Empress is much later than April.
April is around the accession of Urth.

It was the end of the Bronze Epic Age after Urth ascended to become Urthryn. It was mainly when you broke out of your initial bubble and I had to start hammering out the details the world beyond your starting sphere.

Also @Oshha I can't find the organise expedition actions (other than the missionary one) that some people are voting for. Am I just blind or are write-ins now allowed?
Um, I'm looking at the Ruler actions but I don't see exploratory expeditions.

That is just Random being Random. That said, I will add in an option for organising exploration expeditions.
[X] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[X] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Personal] Go partying.
[X] [Personal] Go partying.
[X] [Personal] Go partying.
[X] [Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.

You might want to add a x2 to actions you're voting multiple times for, or else the tally will only register one of them.
That is just Random being Random.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Build public infrastructure.
[X] [Religious] Engage in a prestigious personal project..
[X] [Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spar and train.
[X] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage trade.
[X] [Ruler] Organise an exploration expedition.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.

[X] [Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.

[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.
[X] [Personal] Look for a hobby.
[X] [Personal] Look for a pet.

Will edit when exploration options are added.

Edit: Replaced unity with exploration.
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[X] [Ruler] Spend time with representatives from a member state.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Attempt to influence the government or culture of a member state.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
--[X] [Ruler] Strong emphasis in Arthrynite ideals, teachings and culture. Have them see themselves as a "little brother" like figure to the larger empire. As for government type - maybe something that more adequately represents the matter of equality among all. Work out the details with them.
[X] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.

Otherwise known as "Plan: The Empress has no personal time".

So, a few things here:

First, this is a crucial time in Colryd development. It's still in it's early stages.

As for the Religious action, I want to Study Magic and hopefully come up with the concept of Golems but for now she could use some guidance from Arthryn.

Besides, we can better see first hand how the system change has affected her in regards to interventionism!
[X] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[X] [Ruler] Throw a public partyx2
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Personal] Go partying.
[X] [Personal] Go partyingx2
[X] [Personal] Go partyingx3
[X] [Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.

This is funny because Loryn doesn't even like sexy times. Let's do it.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.

Ok, building the palace, fully supporting Colryd, praying to head goddess and spending time with the besties.
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[] [Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.
@Oshha, I don't think the location for this is correct. While offering her body as a form of religious action is a thing I can see happening, I think it'd be at a temple rather than a brothel, since the latter would be more about making money while the former is more focused in its religious and political aspects.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Support a member state using the resources of the Caermyr Union.
-[X] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Arthryn, Arthrynite Goddess of the Arthwyd.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.

Ok, building the palace, fully supporting Colryd, preying to head goddess and spending time with the besties.

I like the general idea of this plan though I think:

[] [Ruler] Attempt to influence the government or culture of a member state.
-[] [Ruler] Colryd Confederation.
--[] [Ruler] Strong emphasis in Arthrynite ideals, teachings and culture. Have them see themselves as a "little brother" like figure to the larger empire. As for government type - maybe something that more adequately represents the matter of equality among all. Work out the details with them.

Would be a good pick as the Confederation is newly forming. You may want to hold off on constructing the Palace or doing one of the Personal actions.
@Oshha, I don't think the location for this is correct. While offering her body as a form of religious action is a thing I can see happening, I think it'd be at a temple rather than a brothel, since the latter would be more about making money while the former is more focused in its religious and political aspects.
Not necessarily, remember that Urthryn is a goddess of lust and the Urthdysh are very open about sex. I suspect the fact that it is specified as an Urthrynite brothel as opposed to a regular brothel means that the experience is much more than simply show up, pay money, have sex.

Would be a good pick as the Confederation is newly forming. You may want to hold off on constructing the Palace or doing one of the Personal actions.
I would be wary of pushing a little brother type narrative on them during the formative years of their national culture, especially since the idea (I hope) is to bring them up to the level of a full partner in the Union. I also think that there is a risk to pushing Arthrynite thought to the exclusion of Furloc and Urthrydish when the Union is so young. It may be the "best" option (though I doubt that it is) but it could easily be misinterpreted by the other two members of the Union. A palace is probably the most important thing to do after making sure the Colryd don't implode. If we want to be as effective as possible we need the infrastructure/symbolism a palace provides.
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[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation.
[X] [Ruler] Support the civilising of the Colryd Confederation. x2
[X] [Religious] Pray to Arthryn or one of her Daughters.
-[X] [Religious] Wyrn, Arthrynite Goddess of Stories, Trickery and Arts.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your mentor, Eira.

The Colyrd Confederation are pretty ok economically last we checked. It's more important to introduce good values and reduce bad ones before they crystallise and unify, so we should double down on the civilising. To that end, praying to Wyrn would be better than praying to Arthryn since Wyrn is much better at altering culture. EDIT: Introducing pro-civilisation cultural values will probably make it easier to unify them, since they'll be closer to wanting unification.

Build the palace because we're in charge of four different civilisations and the palace would greatly improve our ability to govern them.

And of course, spend time with the wife while she lives and get mentored by the best politician in the world.
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@Oshha, I don't think the location for this is correct. While offering her body as a form of religious action is a thing I can see happening, I think it'd be at a temple rather than a brothel, since the latter would be more about making money while the former is more focused in its religious and political aspects.

While the Arthrynites and Urthrynites do have temples, they also run religious theatres and brothels respectively and both run libraries as well (which I have added options to visit them to the action list). Furthermore, all of them are non-profits organisations as not only is money not a thing right now, but the Arthrynites and Urthrynites maintain their non-temple buildings as part of their religious beliefs. Their purpose is not to make money, but to provide services to people in the names of their goddess(es). For theatres, it would be entertainment and moral education, for libraries, it would be knowledge and education and for brothels, it would be entertainment and sex.

In this specifically example, the Urthrynites are trying to try some distinctions between their temples and their brothels as the former being a place to go for spiritual aid and the latter as a place to go for sex. While they will still occasionally provide sex at the temple, that would be as part of providing spiritual comfort or aid to someone and would direct anyone who shows up just wanting sex to one of their brothels. This is both beneficial for the receiver as they have more specialised places for either service and the priestesses as they know where to go for provide specific services. A Daughter of Urthryn who wants to provide spiritual aid would work at a temple while one who wishes to have sex with others would work at the brothel.

Additionally, for the better or worse, sex/lust/love is intertwined with the Urthrynite faith and, by both Arthwyd and modern viewpoints, is rather warped to consider physical attraction to be the same thing as love. So not only is sex a major part of the Urthrynite religion, but the Urthrynites view providing someone with sex as providing them with love. While that isn't in the case, the Urthrynites certainly believe to be true and therefore view providing sex to be a religious duty that they do not for profit, but to help others and out of a desire to be moral. As a result, the Urthrynite brothels do what they do not for profit, but to provide what they believe to be a valuable service for free. Because of this, I count it as a religious action because that is how it is viewed under the Urthrynite faith in-universe and how the people of the Caermyr Union would view Loryn doing that.

Finally, visiting a brothel every now and again doesn't necessarily equal working there, especially for someone like Loryn who doesn't enjoy sex and treat the activity as something to be done when useful.
I would be wary of pushing a little brother type narrative on them during the formative years of their national culture, especially since the idea (I hope) is to bring them up to the level of a full partner in the Union. I also think that there is a risk to pushing Arthrynite thought to the exclusion of Furloc and Urthrydish when the Union is so young. It may be the "best" option (though I doubt that it is) but it could easily be misinterpreted by the other two members of the Union. A palace is probably the most important thing to do after making sure the Colryd don't implode. If we want to be as effective as possible we need the infrastructure/symbolism a palace provides.

I think that promoting Arthwyd culture, specifically the whole "everyone is born equal" would actually be unifying in the abolitionist Union.

But yes, the whole "little brother" thing may be condescending. I like the idea of them being a reflection of Arthwydian Values, just one that even better represents equality - one between the sexes and classes in particular. I support the idea of them having a government type that includes, representation, and classical (Athenian) democracy.

I called them "little brother" in my write-in but that's more because they are younger/newer than the other member states.

They're going to want a way to prove themselves, show they've really learned and differentiate themselves from the others.

This could be the way.
So what does she do there?

Get to witness how the Urthrynite brothels work firsthand, learn more about the Urthrynite faith, forge closer ties with the Urthrynite faith and gives the players a firsthand view on how they work and more firsthand information on the Urthrynite religion and its priestesses.

And while it isn't likely, Loryn might feel sympathy on a poor sap or get interested enough to help out a bit. Maybe Seryn would surprise her there with a visit or she might see an opportunity to further her political goals or position by sleeping with a visitor. The idea of Loryn doing some work at the brothel is neither a certain yes or a certain no, just rather unlikely due to Loryn's personality and stance towards sex.
[X] [Ruler] Throw a public party.
[X] [Ruler] Throw a public partyx2
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Personal] Go partying.
[X] [Personal] Go partyingx2
[X] [Personal] Go partyingx3
[X] [Religious] Spend time at an Urthrynite brothel.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Palace.
[X] [Ruler] Begin the construction of a megaproject.
-[X] [Ruler] The Academy.
[X] [Ruler] Encourage increased unity of the Colryd government.
[X] [Ruler] Build public infrastructure.
[X] [Religious] Organise missionary expeditions to convert the lowlander tribes in the south.
[X] [Personal] Spend time with your wife, Seryn.
[X] [Personal] Spar and train.
@Oshha are plan votes allowed? We didn't have plan votes for the civ quest to represent the organicness of civilisations, but this is the actions of a single person here.